The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 28, 1896, Image 2

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l'u dished overy Evening, Kit-opt Sunday, at
8 BotJTn Jardin SriiKKT, Nr-AK Centre.
Tin Herald Is dellvcied InSlicnandoan nnd the
BurtiiumlluK towns (or fli cent a week, ay
able to tho carriers, lly mall W.OO n year, or 5
cents a iuontht luiyahle In advance Advertise
menta charged according to nistce nnd pottltton.
Tbc publishers reserve tho right to change the
fiosltlon of advertisements vlicnccr tho pub
Icntloti of news demands It. The right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not. that tho publishers may deem
Improper. Advertising rates made known
upon application,
K tiered at the KitoMcc at Shenandoah, l'a., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
(JALUSHA A. a row,
Of SuKiucliaiiun.
Of i:rio
There is no other branch of tho local
government In which the people, of Shenau
doali, of all classes and denominations, take
as much prido as tho public schools ; there
are none in tho county that nro better
governed, and few that oll'cr better advant
ages to the youthful student. This state of
ntiairs is due, Ilia great measure, to a corps of
competent instructors, who take great prido
m their work, and to the faithful and ever
watchful members of the School Hoard. To
these two agencies, whose efforts arc ably
MTondeil by our patriotic citizens, is the high
btandaril of the local schools due, and it is
the hopo of all that they may retain that
excellence fur all time to come.
This evening a banquet will be tendered
the retiring superintendent, M. 1'. Whitaker,
by tho school teachers of town. On that
occasion politics and all diU'erencosof opinion
will bo cast aside, and around tho festive
board will sit Republican and Democrat, each
Miiug with tho other In paying whatovor
tribulo is due tho letiring superintendent,
liy a change in the political complexion of
the School Hoard three years ago, Mr. Whit-
iker was selected to tho position ho now
diminishes to his successor. His retirement
i' the result of tho uncertainties of political
il!ice-holdcrs, and so long as the standard of
tllii ieucy is not lowered thereby there can
bi no reasonable objections otlcicd. ThicO"
yearn ago the Democrats secured contiol of Hoard, and they very wisely filled tho
positions at their dlspo-al with thoso. of the political faith.
A change has taken place In the political
i nuiplexion of tho Hoard since that time, and
t ii but natural to expect that tho Kepubli-
i.ius will tako advantage of their majority of
three, fullowiiiK the example set by their
! tnoeratie colleagues, and 1111 tho offices
i ith members from the ranks of their own
party. Tho present corps of olllcors are both
'impotent and diligent Especially is this
line of Secretary Treziso. We know of no member of the majority that is an
ijiplicant for the place, and ho should there-lore-jx-eeivo
the uudlvlded support of the
I'.irty, In just recognition of tho services
undcred. Tho same can be said of tho
preicut Treasurer, P. V. Hiersteln. A f.iith
lul servant deserves well a', the hands of his
iurty associates.
The Republican voters of tho town, with
;ill duo lesi.oet to whatovor personal dift'er
tnees that may exist between their icpiesen
tatives, not only expect but demand faith
ful conservation of tho iiarty's Interests. The
members of the Hoard aro servants of tho
peoplo ; the majority of tho citizens have de
rlaicd by their ballots that the body shall to
controlled by Republicans, and if they
thought otherwise they would have voted
the Democratic ticket.
Tho state of alliiirs existing in the Horough
l uuncil fur the past two years i well known,
;nid tho juity is in no mood for a repetition
of a similar course, by any member of the
Hoard on tho Republican side. They aro
looked to to heal whatever dissatisfaction
iiiiiy exist, and wo bolievo tho Republican
lnrtctors will fully sustain that confidence.
Thk uiso of Mrs. Fleming, now on tiial in
New York charged with murdering lie.
mother to get an inheritance, is a striking
one in legal history. An estate of o,0uu
was to bu Mrs, Fleming's on tho death of her
mother. Tho mother died suddenly last
j ear. Poison was found in hor stomach. As
the one who would benefit by hor death, her
daughter, Mrs. Fleming, was arrested and
imprisoned on the charge of murder. While
:i uniting trial, she applied for the estate
v liicli would have fallen to her in the natural
' muse. Her application was refused on the
jinund uf the presumption that she killed
her mother. Hut this decision was reversed,
The reversal of the decision und tho sule-
quent allotting of her estate to Mrs,
1 .emlug, eveu though she be in prison,
probably fix a precedent in a case the
LXaet parallel of which has uuver arisen
before. Mrs. Fleming will now have the
money uf her mother with which to defend
herself from the uliarge of poisoning that
mother In order that she might Inherit the
money. If, however, it had boon proved
that the woman had killed her mother, thou
the cast) would have been different ami she
could not liave inherited under the law.
CllSAl'Jtil tttleplione rates seems tube the
order of the day, Tho agitation over the
questiuu luts developed tho fact that the Hell
Telephone Cturyiapy, operating ill Krle, has
nu franchise or right to use the streets and
(hut the Loug Distance Conijiaiiy stole in
without permission. Mayor HalUman gave
(he telephone people ten days in which to
i educe their rates from $60 a year to a satls-
titctory rata, or he will cut down their poles
The company has 800 phones iu use in Frio.
Don't try to board a rapidly or evou an
i.nliiitirlly moving trolley or other train. The
1 1 letice is danttrous, levied from whatever
-i Midpoint, and not infrnpiently results in
mill it is li ml y ii is safe to
Ji r mini uti, , 1 any kul vw.ile in 1U0'
Hon . Oenernlly sjionkliig, those who do that
are considered experts, but tliey frequently
fall, and bio iiijtirod. A few seconds unit
ing will glvo thorn tho opportunity to loavo
tho car In safety, a time bo very short thnt it
Is surpiisiug so many nro ready to Incur tho
risk. Only yesterday wo noticed a young
man take a "header" by alighting from a car
on tho Traction line before the niotorman
stopped the car.
Shenandoah Directory.
llusliiess men andbthers, who have not yet
secured one of thodlroctorlesof Shenandoah,
Just Issued, can obtain one by making appli
cation at this ofllco. Tho prico Is only $2.00,
ami there are only a few left. No business
man can afford to bo without ouo of those
books. 2-21-t
Splendid l'ortrult uf flarlleld, the .Martyr
I'reslilent, Tree to All.
Memorial Day has become a groat national
holiday. It Is commemorated all over our
hind. "The Philadelphia 1'ress" iioxt Sunday
.May 31, will (otumcinorato it in a special and
fitting manner. It will give frco to each of
it) readers a magnificent portrait of Jamos A.
Garfield, the martyred President. Tills
portrait has been pronounced tho finest ever
made of General Garfield. It is a superb
likeness in colors and is suitablo for framing.
It is a companion picture to tho portraits of
Lincoln and Gmut given out somo time ago.
The other features of "Tho Philadelphia
Sunday Press" will bo of equal valuo. Tliero
will be n thrilling story of tho most remark
ablo duel on record; two trains, running at n
speed of sixty miles an hour, dash together
in the presence of 30,000 spectators. Tho
completo statement of tho plans for a World's
Union of Christian L'udeavor Societies will lie
of absorbing interest.
Last but not least at this season, "Tho
Press" husnioro sporting news than any two
other papers published. Do not miss "Tho
Sunday Press."
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsmithing done call
on E. F. Gallagher IS West Ceutro street
Dealer ir stoves. l-tf
Attorney S. H., of Pottsvillo, and
Hihvard Kester, transacted legal business in
Mauch Chunk yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Metz, of Lost Crcok, is con
fined to her homo by serious illness.
Assessor 11. F. Parrott spent to-day at
Miss l.lizabcth Pritchard, of Pottsvillo,
and Mrs. Richard Kcrslake, of town, are
vi-iting iricndsat Atlantic City.
Misies leresa Falely and Mary Xaylon, of
Cuiisliohocken, enjoyed a trip through the
Cambridge colliery workings yesterday under
the giiidiinie of licnjainiii James.
George W. Hedd.ill paid a business, visit to
Mt. Carmel to-day.
F.van .1. D.ivies made a trip to tho county
scat to-day.
Dr. J. S. Kistler speut a part of this morn
ing at Pottsvillo.
Wilbur Sadler returned to his prosent
location at Greonsburg, Pa., this morning.
Rev. Carton, of Mahauoy City, was tho
guest of Kev. 11. F. O'Reilly yesterday.
Mrs. Kane, of Centnili.i, is tho guest of her
daughter, Mr. George Ploppcrt, on North
street. -Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Seltzer, of West Cherry
street, spent hut evening in Girardville
visiting friends.
James J. Coakley, tho papular dry goods
merchant, returned from a business and
pleasure trip to New York last evening.
vi . vt. iiriimuionu, ot William-port, was a
town visitor to-day.
jus, Annie Jiornson, oi Philadelphia, Is a
visitor to town and guest of her brother, Rev.
T. M. Morrison.
Mis Alma flicker, of Ihibcn-ouia, Perks
county, is visiting friends m town.
Miss Jennie Kiucaid.of South Jaidin street.
is seriously ill.
Misses M'Liss Hlggins and Jessio Grautaro
vi-iting friends at Shamokiii.
Charles Illnian moved his family from
Win. Penn to town to-day.
Miss ellie Hradigau is visiting frieuds in
Custom Made Shirts.
Send us a postal card and our cutter. Mr.
Randall, formerly of Ashland, will call unou
you witli a flno lino of samples for custom
made shirts. Address, Shenandoah Shirt
and Overall Mfg Co. o-lS-cod-aw
There! Tills Is Just the Tiling.
Red Flag Oil for sprains and bruises. At
Gruhlcr Hros,, drug store,
Address Cards.
One of the finost lines of uddrosscards ever
displayed iu this section of the stato can bo
seen at tho Hkralii ofllce. They aro em
bellished with society emblems, and inako
most excellent visiting cards for members of
tho various fritcriiitios. Call mid examine
Happenings Throughout the ICeglon Chroli
Icled fur Hasty l'erusal.
The P. O. S, of A., of Taylorsvillo, will
hold a picnic on Siturday.
Tho American Hose Company, of Ashland,
will hold a prculc on Saturday.
Tho employes at Hear ltldgo colliery,
Mahauoy Plane, wero paid to-day.
St. Clair Is experiencing a building boom,
and many new houses aro being erected.
The Malianoy City wheelmen will partlci
pate iu the parade on Saturday at that town
Thuro aro ninety patients in the stato
hospital at Fountain Springs at the present
Hase 111 news Is no longer an Important
feature of the county seat dailies. Pottsvillo
is still on the toboggan.
Stephen Sues, who was Injured at the
Henry Clay mine, near Slmiuul.lii, died at
the Miners hospital yesterday.
Jonathan Howcn, of St. Clair, a well
known mining expert, now engaged in
business iu the soft coal legion iu West
Virginia, came homo on a brief visit.
The first game of ball of the County
League wul be played at Ashland on Satur
day morning, at 10 o'clock, between the
team of that place and tho Girardville nine
Pigeons of Kdgar W. Hechtel, District At
toruey, and S. K. Lour, that woro released at
I) a. iu., at Adbutun, Md., HQ miles by an air
line from that town reached Pottsvillc at
1 p. iu.
The total sum secured from tho I'nlted
Mates Marshal's sale at Pottsvillo yesterday
was $B3fi. Some of tho pruierties are situated
in Port Carlion, Last Jlruuswick, Hurry and
Ktdred townships.
Coining lent.
May 80 Secfmd annual plciiie of the Koy.
stone Gymnasium at Columbia Park.
May 30. Ice cream festival under t
auspices of the 22 Club, In iCobblmv opera
Juue 13,-Irc criam festival undor Hie
auspices of God's American Volunteers Iu
nubbins' opera house.
ll tho Prohibition Notional Coin enlloll lit
TTTTfl. -r.... Qa 1T..tV.Ml,.a ti.,,1
cnustlo In tho uxtremewns the first day's
Mission of thesevonth national Prohibition
convention. At least one-half the time
tbo ilelegntos were In n lxullitm of con
fusion, nnil on several occasions tho presid
ing iifflcur hud to mil upon the band to
play in ortlw to quiet the disorder.
It was n fight lietwiwn thn liruail ammo.
or frwi sliver fnctlon, ntul the single issue.
or finui standard iloluatos from ths east.
The flstht vni nronliiltntcrt n, few iiumth-
af tor the n invention cnllod to order.
nndnt lioth tho morning and afternoon
se--slons things in goneril ran riot. The
fre silver faction rarrlod the day, how
ever, iinil at (1 o'clock Inst evening elected
O. Y. Stewart, of Illinois, permanent
chairman ovur A, A. Stevens, of lonnyl-
vnnla, vho was backed bv tho irold otiiml-
nnl deloptate-i, and the free silver faction
la In nn ecstney of delluht over the victory.
llio convention v.n h 'Ullll Music Ha'l,
nt tho Kxposltlyn Imlldlii'T, and t hero were
d.uiiu spectntoris in nttondalico. It was not
nslnrge n crowd as tin loaders had expect
ed, but there wero ctiotiirli pooplo to flu tho
Dig nnll, mill what thoy lacked in numbers
they made up in enthusiasm. The light
today will bo, to begin with, over tho plat
form. Kin tod with victory, tho free silver
crowd Is determined to carry through n
"lirond gaugo" plntform, while the oppo
sition is quite ns determined it shall be n
Flnglo Isstio platform, doohirlng for prohi
bition alone. K.ich faction clnlms a ma
jority, but from yesterday's fight It would
seem that tho factions nro pretty evouly
National League.
At Philadelphia I'lilladnlnhla. 8: Chb
cniro, 1. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, 8: Loul
vlllo, 7. At linltiniore Haltlmoro, U;
St. LouH, 0. AtHoston BDston, 15; 1'itts
lmrg, 14. At New York Clevoland, 11
Xow York; 5. At Washington Cincinnati,
Hi; Wirslilngton, (1.
nnstern Lcuue.
At Toronto Providoncfl. 3: Toronto. 1.
Other F,4tern louguo gumes imstponod on
HOBouut ot ruin.
Atlantic Linguc.
At Hartford Hartford, 14; Xewnrk. 3.
At w llmlnglon llmlngton, 7; Metro
politan, i. .
lVniisylinlihl fjtnto I.nngue.
At L' or Lnuenster. 17; Carbon
dale. 10. At Pott'sville Pottsvllla. 7
Iliuleon 4. At Iiiston Bdstou, II; York,
o. AtannnioKln Athletic, 7;Shnmol:lu, 3
A nrnulac's Awitil Crime.
PlltLADKmtlA, Mr.ySb. At 1S08 South
Fiftieth street, on Tuusduy nlht, Ira San,
borne, aged (13 yonrs, n widower, frneturcr;
tne situll ot hisilauglitor-ln-lnw, Kllubetl
SnnlMirne, with u eoupllna nin. liefort
lenvlng tho houo ho saturnteil the woniiin'i
ld with oil and set It on fire, intend
ing that tho Injured mother Mill her (V
months-old baby should perish In thi
ihunos. The child died at the Unlversltj
lio-pltiilyo'teriluyfrom the rosuHof biirni
rocclved at tho time. Saiiborne escapml
but was mib-wiuontly onntui-ed. Dttrliis
hU flight he affonipUMinulchlo by plunging
n sailmnker's noedlo into hl.subdumen, 1ml
the wound is not dangerous. Sauborno li
iUsanu, but was not consldei wl violent.
lteducell lEntes to Washington, 11. C.
The Fifteenth International Convention of
tiio Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor will bo held at Washington, D. C,
July 7 to 13, 18!W, and for that occasion tho
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell,
from July (1 to8 inclusive, excursiun tickets
to Washington and return at a single faro for
tbo round trip. Those tickets will bo good
for return passage until July 15 inclusive,
but If deposited with the joint agent at
Washington prior to :0'J p. in., July 14, will
be extended to July 31 Inclusive.
r uil information iu regard to rales and
time of trains can be obtained upon applica
tion to ticket agents.
Excursion tickets for tho following sido
trips will be sold as under:
From July 7 to 13 inclusive excursion
tickets between Washington and Haltimoro
and Baltimore and Washington will be sold
at $1.25 for tho round trip, good for return
passage until July 1 1 inclusive.
Itoiu July 0 to 31 excursion tickets from
Washington to Gettysburg and return will be
sold at ?3.35 for tho round trip, good to return
until July 31 Inclusive. On the samo days
tho Western Maryland Railroad Conipauy
will sell excursion tickets from Haltimoro to
Gettysburg and return, with same return
limit, at f-.15 for the round trip.
I rom July 0 to 31 excursion tickets will bo
sold from Washington to Richmond and
return at f 4.00, to Petersburg aud return at
ffl.00, to Old Point Comfort and return (all
rail) $0.00 (and going all rail and returning
by boat) 5.53, to Fredoricksbiirg and return
$8.25. Thoso tickets will all bear return
limit of July 31 Inclusive.
All tickets for side trips will lie sold only
on presentation of tutu portions of oxcurslon
tickets to Washington issued for this occasion.
Ask your grocer for tho "Royal Patent'
flour, aud tako no other brand. It is the best
Hour made.
Why sudor with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxative Hromo Quiulno will
euro you in ono day. Put up iu tablets con
vonlent for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Price i.5 cents. For sale
by Kirliu's Pharmacy
mutism frith its dreadful pains and aches,
is a disease ot the blood. Lactic acid
accumulates in tho vital Quid and settles
in tho Joints, to tho lntcnso agony of tho
sufferer, flood's Barsaparilla neutralizes
this acid, restores tho rich healthy quality
ol tho blood, and thus drives out and
prevents rheumatism. Hundreds oi test!
monlals tell ot crutches thrown away,
lame backs, arms and legs cured, by
The Ono True Blood Purifier, f 1 j 6 for ?5,
Prepared only by C I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Man,
Hnnl'c DM 1 1- reeai7lotVe,rall4,effeo.
liOOCl S PIUS tlve. All drugguu. Us,
From Tatk Ave. Hotel, New Yorlci
to our
Tho Modern Cleaner
The Wonien'trcillbs In Convention.
LOL-ISVII.LF., Mny 2S The third biennial
congross of the General Federation of
Women's clubs wni formally Innuiiiinite.l
yesterday. It Is estimated that, about one
hundred visitors are In attendance. The
meeting was callod to order by Mm. C. P.
Barnes, president of tho Louisville
Women's club, and nfter n short Invoca
tion by Itav. N. Garland Spencer, of Prov
idence, nn eloquent address of welcome
was delivered by Mm. Patty Scmplo, llrst
vice president of tho Loulsvillo club. Mrs.
Honrotln, president of tho General Federa
tion of Women's clubs, nfter n fow vord
of thanks In lion of n sot speech, referred
tho delegates to her printed uddross.
Murdered Six l'coplc.
SAX Jose, Cub, May 23. The most hor
rible crime In tho history of tho county
was perpetrutod nt Campbell, n small
place nbout sis miles southwest of this
city, Tuesday night. Colonel 11. P. 51c
Gllncy nnd wife, tholr daughter, Mrs.
Jamos Dunham, a hired woman, Minnie
Sheslor, and a hlrod ninn, Jamas Briscoo,
woro killod by Jamos Dunham, a son-in-law
of Colonel McGllncv, who mndu hi
escape. The only lxing In tho houe who
ooajHid alive was a baby ono month old,
tho child of Mra. Dunham and the mur
derer. No motive Is known for the crime.
Illondthlmty Turks Coned.
Atiiksh, May SS. The arrival of the
foroiirn nion-of-war nt Canon, Crete, has
cowed the Turks, and the town is agiiln
becoming calm. Tho disturbances, how
ever, continue at Betlmo, nnd Mussulman
bands threaten Horakllon. Tho of
Christians massacred nt Ciuiea In tho
Island of Croto was condtictoi undor the
jirots-etlon of the British wur.-Jilp Hood.
The relatives of tho victims did not dare
to follow the'ir dciul to tho graves. Thrive
fhous.ind iirmod Cretans have arrived In
tha town to protect tbo Christians there.
VtrloVon llHiid Wlilla lit Worlt.
TliEXKiX.MayiJa William Ash.n young
man employe let thellome Bublier works,
was siubloiily stricken blind Tuesday after
noon while at work. Ho has had weak
eyes, end nt the tlmo was bonding over
some work, when another employe turned
oil the electric light. Ash at once fell to
the door, exclaiming that hjeould not see.
Tho stiddun glaro of light Is believed to
have Ikhiu tho cause. Physicians are of
the opinion he will bo permanently blind.
The pupils of both eyes have turned white
Tho Three Friends lteaily for Itunliicss.
Ki:y Wkst, Flu., May 28. The Culian
population of this city Is greatly excited
overan expedition preparing to leavo on
the stoamer Three Friends. Tho steamer
has been lying slnco dark noariin island
four miles from the city and alxiut 150
Cubans have gone aboard. Tho Spanish
consul K in Ignorance of the matter, as
well as the United Suites nuthorltlos. Tho
reported wreck of the Throo Friends on
Mntccumljfl lvef was merely . ruo to
throw thjHpanlshiiuthoiltljsolT tho track.
Murphy and Dana Coiillruieil.
WASfllNOTOX, May The senuto yes
terday oouirnijail the following nomina
tions: Domlnick I. Murphy of Pennsyl
vania, to lie commissioner of pensions;
Nnpolooi J. T. Dana of Xow Hnmpshlre,
to lie llrst deputy commissioner of pen
sions; William F. Sands of tho District of
Columbia, to lie soeretary of legation nt
Toklo, Japan; Lieutenant S. U. Lemly, to
bo judge ndvocate general of tho navy,
with the rank of captain,. Also several
other naval promotions.
With the Presbyterians.
S.Ut.VTOOA, Mny ?h. The Presbyterian
general ns-Hiinbly was occupied nearly nil
of yestorday In the consideration of Its le
gitimate businoss, tho reports on tho work
of the lienovolont and missionary enter
prises aud iigouclos. Only ono hour vcs
devoted to n controversial question, and
on that a debate was not reachod. Semi
nary control mid tho salo of tho Piesby
terhm bouse iu New York went over until
tomorrow afternoon.
Tliere is some one in almost ovcrv neigh
borhood who is subject to attacks of pain iu
me smniacii or inuous colic. Mr. J. 1). Kin.
ney, Warren Center, l'a., used to be troubled
in that way. Ho says: "Tho attacks wero
marked by terrible paius, diarrhoea and
fainting FpcMs. At such times I suffered
exceedingly until I began using Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itcmedy,
two or three doses of which effected nu im
mediate and lasting cure." For salo by
Gruhlcr Hros,, druggists.
Demanding llnrnllerf's Prosecution.
Home. May 2S, Tho demand for tho aip
thorlty of the ehnmlicr of deputies to pros
ecute Gonoral Baratlorl, tho Itnllam com
mander alleged to be responsible for tht
defoat sustulned by the Italian army ul
Adowa, has leen publlshod. It asks thai
the general Ijo arralgnod on tho grounc
that ho attacked the Abysslnlans on Jim
8 from inexcusable motives and under cir
cumstances rendering defeat inevitable
It is also ohurgod that be nlinndoned hli
command for two days, thareby fulling U
give the orders ru mired for lessening thi
oousuquenoes of tho defeat.
Distilleries to Siupoud Operations.
New York, May s. All tlierjewhlskj
distilleries In tho eastern states will sus
Ind operations on Sjpt 1 naxt. This will
throw out of employment 8,000 workmen,
coopers and laborers. The skilled work
men alKiut the dUIUuries will be kept, nt
thoy are under tumtnutt. uml nm nf
liar and special value to their employers.
ntuii rosoivo'.i upon ut a mees
ing ruiirouontlug, it Is ostiuiatoil, (S&.OOOv
Out) capital, at the Wnldurf hotel.
Colonsl Slosbv
San Kiiascuco, May Sa.-Dr. TorrlU,
who lsattundlnir fVilnnui t,s .u.
ox-Confoderute uuerllla iamb...
his liatlent is not dyin:r, ulthou'gh Colonel
iuusuj u ui uiwunie very dangerously
Tlie Weuther.
For eastern New York, eastern Pennsyl
vania anil New Jersey Fulr, followed b
i i ,1.,.. .... i .... . . v
1'irill Miuui'ra luin piuillllg or tOlllgnt
winds shifting to southerly.
- J
An Alnrinliiir liennrt In- Wnv nf rnJJUlo
ltnclt, Ark. Ml!
Little Hock, Arlc, Mny 2s. ThoJfcul
graph oirator nt Cnromlolet, four fijl'llos
south of bt. Louis, says that all strauSS oar
communication lmtuwn St I .,!.
thnt suburb la entirely cut off, nndfi thnt
the streets nre almost lmpassnblof 'H
llttlo Is known there oonccrnlug T"o cy
clono. The railroad tracks lietwionnrf,2
dclnt, Oak Hill and St. Louis aroj,lo"k-'d
with debris and many trestles li'1" tai
torn away, nnd in many places tracks
hnve been twisted cut cf line. n road
lied was washed out In liac"1 ""d the
track Is under water. Fri ni ior.inswhn
hnvo miido tholr way to Cail'J"dclet the
operator learns thnt the str,n did the
greatest dainago In tho wester1 l"ll"t of tho
city. Llttlo divmngo Is said (' "nvo been
done north of Chnutenu, In tno western
part of the city. Tho Missouri1 Pacific has
suspended nil trains between j1'0 oto and
St. Louis. Several landslldos'Te reported,
South bound passenger trat18 are lielng
held nt St. Louis and north lisuinu pnseen
gor trains nt De Soto for fvA't'icr develop
incuts. 1
Word reached horo from Ci'K"delct early
itul. l.-4. .l-ll l,.,.ll.,
uiis inoiiiiUK nidi, sii iieuo- "vviii-, nnu
been taken from the St. ll'Oius city lios.
pitnl which was- complotelyf wrecked and
every patient nns -cu kuicu.
Tho buildings of tho BjOfrlgerator nnd
Wood Cutter company wfero demolished
and caught fire. Tho los5l of life In these
buildings is believed to lie! very heavy. Tho
United elevator was msfvn down. Llg,
gett& Meyers' now big jiianufactory, tho
largest In tho west. wafJtotnHy wrecked
nnd tho loss of life there -W'as great. Twenty
dead bodies nnd many) wounded have
already boon recovered from this build-
lug, j
The scono in the rlvicr was nppnllliur.
Steamboats moored at tbc'r landings wero
torn nway, turned ovorla'nil sunk, drown
Ing all on board. Maim penple wero soon
Clinging to flouting wrcciKugo and piteous
ly nppoalln for help, tl
The lteiltnl of lVnlanlslii
London, May 2S. The) Morning says
that it has Inquired Into line alleged revl
val of Fenlanlsm in EncJliind, organized
bynn Ainerlonn named Luiiin,and It has
learnod thnt the Scotl.uulUnrd force con
siders tho movement seiioils and is watch
ing tho chief organizers, vho agitate for
an Irish republic, and who imteml to adopt
the extromost moans of dyijhmlte nnd the
da.wr. All of the momlHns of tho gov
ernment, The Morning sayJ aro now fob
10 r, iJ by ilewctivcs.
Ilucklen's Arnica Satve,
Tho best salvo In tbo wJ
for cuts,
bru.'ses. sores, ulcers, salt rhcuili. fovcr sores.
tctten chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guarautced to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Fries
25 cents per box. For salo bv A. Wasley.
Closing (Imitations of tile New York and
Philadelphia Exchanges.!1
New Youk, Moy 27. The Stock Exchani-i
markets today reached a condition of virtual
stagnation, the dealings falliugbelow the usual
aggregate of oven a midsummer days' opera
tions. Closing bills :
Baltimore & Ohio. 17 Lehigh Valley 81
Chosa. & Ohio ll!j New Jerser Con...l05
Del. & Hudson 120M N. Y. Central..
D L. & VT KXH Pennsylvania
Erio UH Heading ,
Lake Erio & W 18 St. Paul
Lehigh Nov f W. N. Y. & Pa
General Markets.
PuibADELlMIiA.May 27. Flour barelysteady,
winter super., U502.75; do. extras, .753
Pennsylvauia roller, eleor, 8.153.,13; do. do.
straight, $8.85'S8.55; western winter, clear, $3.12
Oaa:. Wheat dull; May, 07i&l!7Kc. Corn dull,
May, mramiic. Oats weak; May, 2523?4C
Hay steady for choico ;choioo timothy ,1717.50
for large bales. Beof easy; city family, J9.50
10. Pork dull; old to new mess, J8.23SO.25;
extra prime, f910.50. Lard steady; western
steam, U3. Butter steady; wostorn dairy,
SSllo.; do. creamery, llCSlSo. ; Elgins, lSVJc.;
Imitation creamery, 12o. ; New York dairy, 1C
S15c. ;do. creamery .llHaiSo. jPonnsylvanta and
western creamery prints, fancy, 17c. ; do. choice,
10c. ; do. fair to good, 135c. ; garlicky prints,
1012o.; prints Jobbing at 18-S21o. Cheese quiet;
large, SfiOKa ; small, JH9-o. ; part skims,
634)0.; full sldms, 22Hc. Eggs steady ; Now
York and Pennsylvania, 12(g12Xo.; western
iresn, IUVi'Sc.
Live Htock Slarkcts.
Nuw YonK, May 27. Boavcs slow; native
steers, poor to prime, I3.WSI.5J; stillers, J34.20
(SU.W; stags and oen, J.W3.S3; bulls, 12.75
8.30 ; dry cows, 41.7133. Calves slow and lower
poor to pilnio vcalj, f34. Sheep and Iambs
active; poor to prime shoep, f2.21t.M; year
lings, f 1.J0 5. 75; Kouthern lambs, ordinary to
choice, 0.2AJ7. Hogs rlrmer at M.OOS,4..10
East Lihcrtv, Pa., May. 27. Cattle steady
and unchanged; prime, 11.30(34.40; good butch
ers, $B.W3M.1J ; rough fati 3.1lgsl.7S ; bulls, stags
and oows, 1.85'&3.fto. Hogs slow; medium and
light weights, J3.J5&I3.03; common to fajr York
ers, d.4.V3.50: heavy hogs, 13.303.85; rough,
HHiM. bheep firm; prime, J3.flyt3.70; fair,
3.2098.40; coni"ion, J3.50S8; choloe yearlings,
ll.WaA; sprmg lambs, J4(ftJ.60i veal calves,
A liromiiicnt westcru nowsnaner recom.
meuds flax seed tea as an excellent remeilv
for whooping cough. It may bu good but it
lsnotto bo compared with Chamberlain's
Cough Hemedy. This preparation will allay
tho violent fits of coughing and make them
less frequent and less sovcro. It also liquifies
the tough mucus, making it easior to expec
torate Complete recovery is much Quicker.
too, when this remedy is Elveu. There Is no
danger in giving it to small children, as it is
a Pleasant svrun and contains nnthintr In.
.furious. For salo at 25 and 50 cents por
bottlo by Qruhlor Hros.. druggists.
The Hottentots Defeated.
Hkkux, May 38. Word lias been re
tolveil here from Gorman Southwest Af
on of further fighting with the Hotten
tots, which occurred toward tho end of
April, and in which the natives were de
feated. Major Lontweln, govornor of
German Southwest Africa, commanded
the troops and wus supported by loyal
Hiidden Deeth of nn uv-Coiigrrssmnii.
Jamkstowx, N. Y. Mny 98. Kx-Con-pressman
Walter L. Sessions, of Piinmnu,
:lropped dead at 4 :80 p. in. yesterday at
IdUowoihI. Uaath is tupiioaed to have
usulted from heart disease.
A. u. Mellette, es-governor ot riontn
Dakota, died at his homo in Pittsburg,
Kan., yesterday.
Kvldenco Is accumulating against Hov,
Fron'jls Hernmhn, the nlleged Salt Ijako
murderer, but he has not yet been luonted.
Mrs. Ullen Spuncer Muzzay, widow of
the Into Gonernl Muzzey, of Washluetou.
hns beau admitted to prnctico at tho bar
of the supremo court.
Tho exports of silver from this country
to Europo up to last Saturday nmouutod
to about tc.'0,0oo,00d, as against about $18,-
uuu.uuu in mo sumo tune inst your.
Misses Georglo RIckett and Ulrdle Cas
sidy wore drowned whllo boating In tho
imbllc streets of Lacnygno, Kan., which
had been flooded byrocciit rains,
Will Not PerforinMiracles
But It Will Cure.
..S rtNkWiWS
cures nervous prostration. Not ml-
racuiousiy, Dut sclcntlDcally, by Drat
removing tho cernrn nf itlun.n -.. ii
SUDDlvlllS healths nnri-n
cninir ino nntirn ev.inM n
ie4uiio iiroiongea ircatmnnt n
that of Mrs. M. U, Reed, of Ticltn r i.
.i r , . ,"'V.v,-u"Buiningstrolre,
tbo physicians sala.I had alight atroko of
paralysis, my limbs would an draw up, i
Dr. Miles' ruWiavo uKbbings
-T . Inny chest that seemed
nerVine unendurable. For three
months I could not sleep
and for thrco weeks did
not closo my eyes. I
prayed for sleen. ns
felt that if relief did not como I would bo
dead or insane. I took Dr. Miles' Restora
tlvo Nervine and tho second night slept two
hours and from that tlmo on my health lm-
ouiviii i luuk. in 4ii nnri ira nnn i nnnnAi
uAivaa uuw Kratmui i am, ior i am now
perfectly well, and Lavo taken no medicine
is 6oi a oy druggists on guarantee that fir
bottle benefits or money refunded.
Tlnnl-1 An r1 . I i-t. mni-
muuiwivu., riKiiart, iiiq,
Second District,
Of airnnlvlllo. l'a.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of Ilroad Mountain.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of airnrdvlllc.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of Ashland.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of Jollctt, Porter Townshli.
Siiliject to Republican rules.
Of Tain a qua.
Subject to lteiulIIcan Ilulcs.
Ofllce: 30 West Centre street,
Can be consulted at nil hours.
p F. BURKE, M. D.
80 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah,
Office hours 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 8 and 7 to 9
p. in.
Shenandoah, l'a.
Ofllce Efiran bulldlnc. corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box C5, Mahanoy City, l'a.
Harinir studied under some ot the best
masters lr London and Paris, will irlve Seasons
on the violin, gulrar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address in care of Strouse, the
eweier, Biicuauaoaii.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
millions of Dollars
fin nn In smoke overy year. Takei.
risks out got your nouses, svock, lurj
nlturo, etc., insured in first-class row
liable companies as represented by "
Also Life and Accidental Companies.