The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 22, 1896, Image 3

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My hand wero completely covered with Ec
zema, And between toy fingers the- skin was
perfectly raw. I had to ett with both hands held
up, and away from tho (Ire. My husband had to
dress and undress tno like a bihy. I tried the
beet physicians, but their medicines gave m no
relief, and drove mo almost craiy. 1 was ad.
vised to try CUTtcunA Hemediek, and did so,
althom-h my husband had to go twenty miles to
get them. As soon as ho got back, I used tho
CCTicrjnA, and In Jlre mtnulrt (iUr the Jlrtt
application I vat perftclltl iay, and tlept
toundlu all that night, lletora I commenced
using the Cuticuha KEHKntM I could get no
ase nlsht or day. I could nnt bear to get warm,
U wonld put mo In a rage of Itching. I always
keep tho CUTicurtA ll'Mames In my house now.
and recommend thera to everybody, because of
their wonderful eflect. Yours gratefully,
AGNES M. II AltltIS, Push, Mecklenburg Co. Va
HtKinr Crar TnitiTMs-'T roa ToRTt-msn, T)iv
,Ioe.7"m-5. r Warn? baths with Coticm. Soap,
irenU. applications of COTici-lu (olntrntnt), th srrvavi
skin enrs, sad mild doses of Ccncriu lUsoiYaST,
greatest of humor cures.
Bold throuithotit the woild. Tries, Cc-ricrxt, Mle.i
Boip IUsolvmt. 50c. ana It. I'onaa Dto
ASD Cnr. Coai-.. Bole Props., Bnaton.
ay" Ilow to Cure Torturing Skin Diseases," free.
To all antlerers of EltltORS OP YOUTH,
AM) WOMEN. 208 pagest cloth bound; se
curely sealed und mailed free. Treatment by mall
strictly oaUdentlal, and a positive, quick cure
guaranteed. No matter how lone standing; 1
will pos tvely euro you. Write or call.
flR HRR 329H.l5tIiSt.Phlla.Pa.
Headache Cured.
A quick cure, a certain cure, j
tho best euro Is
Wo never beard of
a case wboro thoy g
failed. Wo never ex-
pect to hear of ono.
Don't bo .afraid to
toko them. They are y
harmless. TheydoV
not contain one single
atom of any dancer
oua drug. For th(3 t
reason It Is well to
Bliun nil other bead- w
aoho modlotnos. -Avold
risk by Insist- f
Ing on getting TAY- C
LOU'S. Our powders
can easily bo dlslln-
gutsbed by the de C
m Ilgbtful odor and pleasant taste, and
5 they look liko ground coffee. Best of
JJj nil. tbey euro almost Instantly.
Chltheitter'a rnslUh Diamond It rand.
Original and Only Genuine. J
Arc, alwajs reliable, ladies aik a
nond Brand in lletX and o'oiJ mfUltlo V
boxet, scum inia bins ribbon. Tako
no other. Rctutt danaerou iixbailfu- '
tlon and imitationi. At Drogffliti, or tend 4t
la lUrapi for particular!, tatlmoaUl and
"Itellcf for I.aill(mnfit letter, by return
' m nil. K'svuu (pnnraonian. name iuptr,
OLD DR. THEEL "Tr" 604
i , i..nim iii.iu l.urill oixin or,.
i w nu. urcen, rniiaueip.iia.
I ,c,!'"e08su.v Vld.trorath.KlTerUilnispeo.
f llULt cp to the leoturlDg Protetiorajn ourlna
li.'.Tj;!!?"! "f 8IoIt Dluts .odn I.0011
k 1 Ulbu. t,o matu.rbcwllDgcriDK.seier.anl
"SZV . fT... ' ' mar oe. Acrvoti. Jle-
ijfct Illltr.rroMi ufVouth ul t.nuari'i.1,..
7fc cnri-d. Mrloturc, V urh-ucelo soi IMlcs,
Cml WlthOUl CDlttal. I)lt. THEEL l.BOliUf.W Ih.oM.V?
i.',,.r !D,,.?,0t Llliria nDli.Perleiice.loDt,oi
Sii!.. ''''"!' nJ claim. Kent o.J.cul stamp. lor
fccck'TrutSDiSb. ettllcbtceeil regarding rnur dt-eaao
J.,..1iSr.o" fs'trt. Tb. onlr look l:ivOI.NO
l-ACICS ..J their book, an.l Clrrulan. lasusitw!
S!. '"'' .OB",'Jfurr1 'n 4toltl Hour, I
0to3; .,.., ( us. We.l. sod KM, h.sw.,a t"lft Brala
111 E;g. ,oto. Trcutmentliy Jlull. WbeojoiwrltJ
r call -eotlon thl. p.per. lloaM ind lodglog ir deal tad,
Lager and
Pilsner Beers.
Purest anil
Chris. Schmidt, a.,
West Coal Street.
genmuo wolcoino awaits you at
Cor. lain andCoaI Sts.
Flnfst wlilakeva. Iimri ttortr At.rl i1B nnn
stantly on tap. Choice temperance driuks and
w Rnrher Shr
Barber Shop !
12 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
e bri iminK linpulnr. You will like It. M"o
inakoaspe mltyof hair cutting.
SkI fJi!
'V Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Clears, Tobacco, &c Agent for Reading
Hrcwuis C'o.'g Beer anil IMrter.
116 and 11S S. Me. In St.
A Most Imposing Peaturo of tho
Czar's Coronation,
Hit' t'ntr nntl Cinrlna Visit tlio Holy Sltrlno
nnil OflVr I'm j its; for Itus.lit's l'rosiiorlly.
Oti r Tortv bullion Dolliirs Alrtsmly
lipntletl In tho Cclclirntltiu,
Moscow, Stny 28. Tho Boenes along
Tverskitju street yestenlny, tho route
which tho oznr followed from tho pnlnce to
Kroinlln, were vnrlod nntl iilotttroequo. On
this highway stnuds tho Potrovnkl pnlnco,
whoro tlio czurs nlwuys reside previous to
mnklng their fonnnl ontrlos Into Moscow.
Consequently this thorouRhfnro Is ono of
tho most attractive In Moscow, nnd com
petition for windows' nlong Its length had
lieon unprecedented, prices ranging from
?100 to 300. Hut fabulous prices weropnld
for the best locations. All nlong tho route
siwclal stands woro erected for tho accom
modation of privileged pooplo, somo of tho
structures being gorgeous pavilions, more
llko ponnnnent houses than anything ol so.
It would bo lmposslblo to overdraw tho
splendid picture presented by tho preci
sion of tho afternoon and by tho Illumina
tions of tho night. No,, mmier hns.beon
spared to mako the,, coronation festivities
memornblclir Htlsslan history, and up to
thejirrKont all efforts have been crowned
TSitli success. Tho Husslan governmont Is
said to havo siwnt over $30,0TO,OiX on the
fetes up to tlio present, and tho city of
Moscow is understood to have expended
nearly as much monoy, and more expenses
havo to bo met.
Somo Idea of tho work dono may bo
gained when It Is stated that there are
nearly 0,000 oloctrlo lamps In tho cele
brated tower of Ivan, that over 10,000 Unh
from tho towers or walls of tho Kremlin,
and an equal numbor around tho ar.sonnl
the barracks nnd the guard house. Hero
and there, especially beneath the tower
of tho Kremlin, nro Kusslan onglos formed
out of small elcctrlo lumps, und, lielng
suspended lit tho air, thoso brilliant eagles
add greatly to tho uttractlveuess of the
Tho lllumlnntlons last for three even
lngs In succession, and will cost sovoral
millions of dollars to tho government
alone, without counting what the city will
contrlbuto towards this portion of tho ex
Besides tho exponso of tho Hussinn gov
ernment nnd tho city of SIoscow, tho ex
penses which grand dukos and grand
duchesses, foreign princes and ambassa
dors, eto.,'hawj been put to is really enor
mous, ono authority going so tar as to cs-
tlmnto that there wasnbottt 8100,000,000
worth ot jewelry nlono in yesterday s pro
cession. Tho French government, especially, has
been put to a vory great expense for tho
coronation fetes. Two of tho largest pal
aces of noblemen have lxwu rented and
fitted out In tho costliest manner for the
French representatives, ono of tlio Items
being a mile und a quarter of tho most
costly carpeting produced In Franco. The
cost of tho supper which their Imperial
majesties will attend under tho auspices of
tho i ronch delogatlon will cost over f 100,
OCX), and tho carriages used by tho French
envoys woro tho property of tho Kmperor
Napoleon, built especially f or tho christen
lng of tho late prinoo Imperial. Ex-Em
press Eugenie allowed them to bo sent to
Moscow for tho uso of Comto do Monte
lcllo and General Do Bolsdollre, tho rop
rosontatlvtv of Franco.
Both carrlagos are In Louis XV stylo,
with seven glass panels. That of tho
Comto do Montebollo was painted, picked
out nnd lined with green and amaranth,
nntl tho vehicle used by Uonornl Do Hois-
deffro was dark blue, striped with white
and red and having rich mountings of
gilded bronze. Tho hnmmer cloths were
gorgeous and tho borderlngs were In fine
gold twists, with gold ropes and tassels be
hind for tho footmen to hold on by. Tho
mnnos of tho horses were plaited with gold
Tho head of tho procoton which es
corted the ozar started from tho Petro
sky palace at 2 :S0, but it was somo tlmo
later boforo tho royal family appeared,
headed by tho czar on horseback, nnd sur
rounded by courtlors who wero superbly
After leaving thewlaco tho czar wus re
ceived by tho cominandor-ln-chlef of all
tho troops at Moscow and In Its nelahbor
hood, tho Grand Duko Serglus, and then
tho latter, with a most brilliant staff.
joined In tho procession. Upon entering
Moscow his majesty was reoolvod by the
governor goneral, on horseback, escorted
by his stall and uldo-do-camps and they
too joined In tho procession. (
At tho old triumphal arch his Imperial
majosty was received by tho mayor and
tho inombors of the municipal counoil of
Moscow, delegations from tho, different
nmncnos oi commerce, tno corporations oz
Moscow, all boarlng tholr distinctive In
signia, tho artisans of the city by delega
tions from the stock exchange, chamber
of commerce, otc At tho Convont of
Strasnol, nt the entrance of the Whlto
Town-BIely Gorod, tho czar was received
by the president nnd members of the Zom-
stov administration of Moscow.
On the Tvor square, fronting tho head
quarters of tho governor general, his lm
jrlal majesty was received by representa
tives of the Muscovite nobility, with tholr
marshals of nobility of tho district and of
tho government of Moscow at their head,
and at the Itesurrection gate of the Krem
lin tho governor of Moscow, with other
representative of tho local administration
its well as tho representative of tho law,
received the oanr.
At the Resurrection gato the oznr dis
mounted from his horse and the empresses
descended from their carrlageM In order to
worship at the shrine of the Iberian Ma
donna, the most saorod of the many holy
symbols In Moscow. At the ihrlue their
majesties were received by the grand
vicar of Moscow.who presented ,hem with
the cross and sprinkled them with holy
Their majesties entered the olutpel and
knelt In prayer before the image. At tho
oonclti.lon of tholr devotions the caar re
mounted his horse and tho czarina rc-en-i
tend her carriage and they pu--i'il thivugh
the gate of the Savior-Stiasklii Vomm
illto the Kremlin, -where they were re
ceived with all tlioeocleslastleiil pomppos
slble by the clergy a well as by tho mill-
uiry ooniinautler ot Moscow ami nts sub
ordinates on horeoback, all of whom after
words joined iu the procelmi
Their lmx.'rlal majesties tli n -ncres- 1
sively visited and worshipped ttithm the 1
churches of the Assumption of i hi ri-h-1
angi-1 Michael and of the ) imiiv t.itmn.
In i. tch instance thev fouinl ilu tliiyof
these snored edlllcea ua-mM.-u at the ,
thresholds, currying the cross and the
Images of dlffc-ent nlnts.
After mssslnof the entrnlioo of the Krem
lin the cortege jihssoiI along the front of
the Xleholus palace: lltlt, only the must
Important members ofithe Imperial party
traversed the grand paSpe swiuarB In state.
The less Important jf!iot) mid visitors
passed out of tho Kremlin by the Ilorovtt
skla gate, and the troops which hd token
part lu the jirtKwslon were drawn npln'
front of the grand gates of the Kremlin.
The czariindozarina.thc Imperial princes
and the Imperial foreign princes upon ar
riving at the gate loft their carriages and
entered tho Cathedral of the Assumption
by the south gate, pre-mled by the grand
masters of the ceremonies of the corona
tion, tho arch grand muster of the cere
monlesnnd the marshal and grand marshal
of the court.
Tho cznr was followed by the minister
of his household, tho minister of war, the
aldo-do-cnmp gonoral commanding the
military household of his majesty nnd
other Important nldo-do-camps. Behind
them came tho Inip.'.-l-il highnesses nnd
tho foreign princes, and all witnessed the
solemn celobratlou of a To Djttm, which
was accompanied by praver for the lives
of tholr majesties and for tho happiness of
Insldo tho cathedral thelrmajostlosfound
nsscmblod nil the personages who had not
boon ablo to take part In tho procosslon
from tho Potrovskl palace to tho Krem
lin, such ns mnnv ladles of tho court, a
numlHsr of members of the council of tho
empire, the mhihters, the chiefs of differ
ent administrations, tho senators, tho sec-
kretarles of stati. etc.
vT,lio czar and czarina bowd reverently
linfoiHl the miles of tho snlnts and prayed
before tlTrtlhiiiges. From tho Cathedral of
the Assumjiyon tha czar nnd czarina, ac
companied liyN,"0 Imperial family and by
tho rnoit dlRtingu';n;1 !,f , 'u'T'H."
princes, went to thoCaTC"'
nniTf.l Mlnhiml. ,, tTTtTSSis. had pre
viously I eon celebrate! Their 'ra!5ttl,OT
wero followed ana preceded as beroroW
tho greatest of state and wero received at
tho stops of the Cathedral of tho Archangel
Michael by his hlghuoss, tho Archbishop
of Novgorod, with tho cross and holy
After having venerated tho holy relics
and tho holy lmnges.nnd prayed before the
tombs of tholr ancestors, their Imperial
majesties wont towards the Cathedral of
tho Annunciation, preceded and followed
In the s'ime manner.
Upon leaving the Cathedral of tho Arch
angel Michael their majestic! found as
sembled nt the door all tho ladles of tho
court who had accompanied the czar nnd
czarina from tho Cathedral of tho Assump
tion. Thoy followed their majostlos to the
doorof tho Cathedral of the Annunciation,
but without entering it, although thoy
subsequently followed tho Imjiorlal party
to the Palico of tho Kremlin.
At tho gate of tho Cathedral of tho An
nunciation, whro a To Deum and prayers
had boon previously colobrated and en
throned, tholr majesties, procetlod nnd fol
lowed In high stato in tho manner already
described, upproachod tho holy imagesand
rollo In tho same manner as before, and
eventually loft tho sacred odlllco for the
palace, traversing the principal halls In
state, and being received everywhere with
tho highest occloslastical military and civil
At tho moment their majostlos entered
tho Paltieo of tho Kremlin an artillery sa
lute of 101 guns was Ured, and throughout
the journey of their majesties the Iwlls
from all tho belfries in Moscow were
Tho czar and czarina will remain nt tho
palneo In partial seclusion until Mny 25,
when there will be a grand review of tho
troops and tho ceremony of tho consecra
tion of tho imperial standard, which al
ways occurs three days before the corona
tion. .CHASES
For Weak and Run-Down People from
Childhood to Old Age.
WHAT iT IS J The richest of nil restorstlM
Tooda, hjMu.e It replscca the eauis sutistliices
to the Wood sad curves that are exhansted In
men mine, overwork , worry, excesses, abuse, etc.
WHAT IT pOtTS ! Br making the blood
Pa,r"!'J rich, ami the digestion creiies
solid tlesn, muscle and strength. The nerves be
ing made atronir.tbe brain becomes active and
clear, r or restoring lost vitality and stopping all
wasting drains aud weakness in either sex, it has
no equal i andasafpmalerfgnlatorlt Is worth Ita
weight In gold. Ono box lasts a week. Price fine., or
6boielu). Druggists or by mail. Ilnolc free,
laa Chestnut St.. Philadelphia.
ooosooaeeooovoooooscc 50000
Dots This Mean Anything to You?
If your truss don't hold you or Is causing
pain, beo us at once. It may savo yuu years of
Buffering. Wo have cured hunilreils o! people
In Pennsylvania, andean refer you to patients
cured In your own town. Our treatment is
harmless and will not keep you from your
daily labor. Call and have a talk with our
doctor. It will cost you nothing. We guaran
tee relief after the first treatment, aud our
prices are reasonable.
The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia.
Sco Our Doctor Krery Tuesday at
Teams to Hire.
If you want to hire n wife, and reliable
team for driving or for working purposed
pay ShltUla' livery stable n visit. Teams
constantly on hand at reasonable rotes.
No. 410 East Centre, street.
OppoBlto Iteadlnufullroad station.
The "Twin Comet" and "Utile Giant"
Unique. Kaiclent. tabor Savins. ''lll sprinkle
four times gt eater area than other niuink!r
innile. HiKhest award at the Chliwgo
Kit position.
Send for Circulars Giving Testi
monials nnd Prices.
Hole Manufacturers,
Springfield, Mass.
For sale hv all har-lw arc and t-nbbe r stores in
the United Mat, s,
illlVC Vflll or luroat, J'linplel.s Conper
rlAVt TUU Colored Spots, AcIkS, 6ld bres
Ulcers In Mouth. UlraJllngl write l'uu
It I'sr I'll V ftv .7 . ,,-nnln TVmnleJI
Chicago. III., tor proots ot cures. Cuyl-B
to tits duys. lOO-page book free.
It Brings Death to Unsuspeoting
Workers in Buffalo,
Three DohiI 1Iml!i Already !tt'rtmretlnml
Four More Itellevctl to lie llurlvil lit the
JInss or Timber und Urlch A Large
Number Injured.
BUFFALO, May 33. Yesterday theSeneon
street side of the Drown building, formerly
occupied by tho Western Union Telegraph
oomjwny, collapsed and a score or mort
people were buried In the ruins. Tho build
ing was filled with olllcos, almost all ol
which were occupied. Tho Western Unior
left the building a few weeks ngo. and the
owners of tho block bogan the work of re
modelling nnd strengthening It. On the
Senoon street side workmen were engaged
In putting In placo new Iron columns nntl
lxxuns, when tho walls of a section of
tho building fell In.
Iron columns wero twisted like wires
heavy woodon lionms wero torn to pieces
llko paper, walls crumbled to pieces and
n hugo cloud of dust arose, shutting out
tho wrecked building for somo moments.
Tho immediate cause of tho collapse of th
building Is supposed to havo lieon'tho re
movnl of too many supporting columns
before tho now ones were plnced In posi
tion. Immediately oast of tho wrecked build
ing wus tho tartar shop of Goorgo Sehuert
At tho time of tho collapse there wero sev
eral customers nntl ten workmen in Seh
nert's shop. The heavy walls of tho Brown
building crashed into tho shop, burying
every one therein.
Tho dead nro Goorgo Metz, tartar, and
Jennie Grlllln, cashier In the barber shop,
unkown worklngman. William P. S trail b,
ntractor, and Thomas James, carpen-
..II ....1 1... I... -(...I i.. .U.. ..l..
trr tu utj miiii.-i.i m tiiv i urn-,.
The taoKil?" ""J110"1!"1"1, wrkhW
.. ...rHaficni tho ruins shortly be-
book of Contractor Strau
and a careful tierusal of It lea
lief that there are at least four more-boil!!?
In the wre -It yet.
Injured George Sehnert, proprietor of
the-wrecked barber shop, hands cut and
body brulsc.1 ; John C Langdou, tartar,
scalp wounds; Jacob Itichmond, barber,
Internally Injured, mny die; S. L. Hawk,
fractured skull; will protably die; James
Adams, tack and legs bruised; Michael
O'Brien, sprained back; Kobort Cas4cr,
plumtar, tadly bruised and internally In
jured; Jacob Hlckinnu, bruised and in
ternally Injured, may die; Frank Hick
man, tadly bruised, serious; William
Kuppinger, Internally Injured, case seri
ous; Michael Schultz, workman, inter
nally llnjured; Joseph Bouley, plasterer,
Injured Internally, serious.
Tho building is tho property of tho es
tate of ono of tho Brown brothers, of Lou
don, England, and was by him willed to
two of his daughters.
A Victory lur Liberal Preshj tcrlans.
SAlfATOOA, May 2-2. Tho Urst day's ses
sion of the Presbyterian general nss'cmbly
brought with It two surprises. The pro
posal in tho moderator's sermon for a con
ference to arrange and pacify the differ
ences which havo troubled tho denomina
tion during recent years was the first Tho
soooml was tho election as moderator on
tho first ballot, by a handsome majority,
of a man who has been rogurdod as the
candidate of tho liberal party In the church.
He is Dr. John L. Withrow, of Chicago.
Tills view of tho now moderator's tenden
cies was stoutly denied, but at all events
his first act was accepted as showing a
determination to bo Independent of con
trol and dictation. This was a call for a
meeting of two representatives from each
presbytery to aid him In tho selection of
committees, Instead of calling upon a fow
prominent commissioners for advice.
A Valuable Prescription,
IMltir Morrison of Worthlnston, Intl.,
"Sun," writes: "You have a valuable pre
scription in Electric Bitters, and I can cheer
fully recommend It for Constipation and
sick Headache, and as a general system touic
it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stelile, 2025
Cottage Grovo Ave., Chicago, was all run
down, could not eat or digest food, had a
backache which never left her anil felt
tired aud weary, hut six bottles of Electric
Bitters restored het health aud renewed her
strength. Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a
bottle at A. Waslcy's Drug Store.
Three jren Probably Drowned.
Chaklotte, Vt., Mny 22. Thrco men
named Fenton, Myers and Steady, who
were at worlc tit Lotlar Jieach, left that
place last Sunday for Essex, X. Y., In a
small r iwboat with an lmprovlshod sail.
Thc (wpectod to return that evening and
left l'.nex during a high wind when tho
Inki was very rough. Thoy have not lieen
wen since Tho boat was found yesterday,
with rudder gone, tack end broken off,
one seat tdm nut, and purtlr filled with
sand It Is believed that nil three men
Were lo-.t.
A prominent western newspaper recom
mends llax seed tea as an excellent remedy
for whooping cough. It may be good but it
is not to bo compared with Cliitmlierlaln's
Cough Itemedy, This preparation will' allay
the violent fits of coughing and mako them
loss frequent aud less severe. It also liquifies
the tough mucus, making it easier to expec
iurate. Complete recovery is much quicker,
too, when this remedy la given. There is no
danger In giving it to small children, ns it is
a pleaatit syrup and contains nothing in
jurious. For sale at SS aud 50 cents per
bottle by Gruhlor Bros., druggists.
1'revt nt.Hl u Shipment of French Cattle.
H avhs, May 28. The United Statasam
sul, when Interviewed regarding his action
In preventing the shipment of a cargo of
oat tie destined for the United States, said
he was acting In oooordiinoe with the latest
instructions, date.l Mny 10, which ho had
received from Washington.
Ciller Justice Nnodgrass Aeqnltted.
Chattanooo A, May 83. Tho jury in the
oase of the state vs. Chief Justice of tho
Supreiiw Court David Ij. Snodgrass,
charged rlth shooting John B. Boasley,
returned ( verdict of not guilty. Disin
terested people condemn the verdict In the
6trongo.sC term.
VtrtilnlH DriiiocrtiU for Silver.
lt!t;ilMosi). A a., May 28. The Demo
cratic prluutrlus yesterday resujted In a
vic tory for tiie sllverites. The result gives
them control if the Third congressional
district, practically assuring u solid silver
dele.ition from tills Mate to the national
convent ion.
Shake oil" ltlieijiintlsm and Nt uralcla.
Rub wrll witlt Red Flag Oil, 20c. At
j C. rubier Dros , drugstore
I l
I I At
A Bicycle Built for Two."
Five cents' worth of
"BATTLE AX" will serve two
chewers just about as long as 5 cents'
worth, of other brands will serve one
large as the 10
high grade brands.
When In doubt wT-it
, l:ii".'ten; , Am
Ijra i
tr , , rsu'-tfati'ly.
i . rlcr we cl
Fnr salo hv V, P. D.
May 17. ISMS
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
date for WlKttans, Gilberton. Fraekvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsville. Hamburg, Heading,
Pottstown, l'hoenlxTille. Norrlstowti and Phil
adelphia (llroad street station) at 6 0S and li 45.
a. in. and -1 15 p. in. on week days. For l'otts
vllle and Intermediate stations 9 10 a. m.
For WiBuans, Qllberton, Fraekvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsville, at 6 OS, 9 40 a. m. and
3 10 p. in. For HamburK, Iteadlni;, l'ottitown,
Vlioenlxvllle, Xorrlstown, Philadelphia at 6 00,
9 10 n. in., 3 10 p. m.
Trains leave Fraekvllle for Shenandoah at
10 40 a. m. and 12 11, 5 01, 713 and 10 27 p. m.
Sunday, 11 13 a. in, and S 40 p. in.
Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah at 10 13, 11 4s
a. m. nnd 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. m. Sunday nt
10 40 a. in., 5 13 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (liroad street station), fot
Shenandoah nt 5 57 and 8 33 a. in-, 4 10 nnd 711
p. m. week days. Sundays leato nt 6 50 n. m.
Leave llrond street station, Philadelphia, tut
Sen Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, tans.
Branch, nnd Intermediate stations, 0.50, R.25,
11.39 n. m., 3.30, 4.00 p. m. week-dam, Sundays
(stop nt Interlnken for Asbury Park). 8.25 a. in.
Iavo llrond Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 6 50.
7 33, 8 20,9 20, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00, 11 U a!
m., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 ami 4 22
p. in. Dining Cars) J 40, 2 80 (Dining
Car), 3 20, 3 50 4 00, 3 00, 550 (Dining Car),
6 00,6 50,812, 10 03 p. 111., 12 01 night. Sundays
8 20, 4 05, 4 50, 515, 8 20,8 30,950,10 21 (Dlnine
Car), II CO a. in., 1235. 230 (Dining Car)'
4 00 (Limited 4 22, Dining Car) 5 20, 5 55
(Dining Cnr),C 35, 650, 812, 1000 p. Ml., 120
Kxpress for lloston, without change, 11 03 a.
m. week days, and 6 50 p. m. dally.
For llnltlmoro and Washington. 3 50. 7 20. 8 81
912,1020,1123 a. m., 12 09 (1281 Limited Din-
ing unrj, u:, a is, ta to iu congressional
Limited. Dining Car). 0 17. 655 (Dining Car).
7 5S (Dining Car) p. m., and 12 05 night
weeK uays. nunuays, 3ao, 7 20, v 12, ujs a.
m., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 15 Congretslonnl Limited,
Dining Cur), 6.VS (Dining Car), 7&S p. m.
(DMuk Car) nnd 12 0.1 night.
Lcne llrond street station, Phllndelphla (via
Delaware river bridge), express, 9 05 a. in. nnd
7 00 p ui. dally.
Leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a. m.,
210,(310SaturiUysonly), 410, and r-00 )), m.
week days, Sundays, 8 43 ami 9 45 a. m. (4 00,
4 43 p. in. accommodation).
For Cnpe May, Angltuwen, Wlldwootl and
Holly Iteach. HxpreM,, 9 00 a. m., und 4 00 p. m.
wevk days. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Boa Isle City, Ocean City and Avalqn.
Kxpreas, 9 00 a. ui., and 4 00 p. m. week days.
Sundays, 9 00 a. ni.
For Homers Point. Kxiiress. 8 50 a. in., and
4 10 p. m. week days. Suudavs, 8 45 n. in.
8. M. 1'bkvoht, J- )! Wood,
ueni jiauagcr. uen 1 rasavg'r Agti
That's why they enjoy their COFPJiB.
Adjt grocer can tell you why customers
keep coming back for SIUJLIG'S.
0nl tc. a r.k.i,
licsnlt in i vetio.
gjjpecause a 5 cent piece
X" is almost as
:e of other.
trusc f r Nt rvous D v lUfy, Lr" rf Sexual Tower (in either
1 Un u,- 1 i- r i f -.(.-, in.n an. t.iuse, tiio
H.ikIm i , st .ie 1, f r fi,
- .e a lw - I , t-j curt cr r
lOeitt-d. such
: 6 I ftcs fi rfs-Qv. With
KIRLIN. Shenandoah. Va.
Trains leave Shenandoah na follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 23, 7 20 n. 111., 12 IS, 3 00 and 5 55 p. in
Sundays, 2 10 a. in.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
5 25, 7 20 a. in., 12 IS and 3 00 p, in,
For Heading nnd Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m., 12 IS, 3 00 and 3 55 p. m. Sun
days, 2 10 a. in.
For l'ottsville, week davs, 2 10; 7 20 a. in., and
12 48, 3 00 and 5 55 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tamaqua and Mnhanoy City, week days,
210,5 23, 7 20 n. 111., 12 43, 3 00 nnd 5 55 .p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Wllllainsport, Sunbury nnd Lewlsburg,
week days, 3 25, 11 30 a. in., 1 60 and 7 25 p. ru.
Sundays, 3 25 n. ni.
For Mnhnnoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 25,
7 20, 11 30 a. III., 12 4S, 1 50, 3 00,5 55, 7 23 and 9 t5
p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 n. lu.
For Ashland and Sbaiuokl u, week days, 3 25.
7 20,1130 a. in., 150,725 and 9 55 p.m. Sun
days, 3 25 n. ni.
For Ilaltlmnre, Washington and the West via
n. & O. It. !(.. through trains leave Heading
Terminal. Philadelphia, II'. ic li. It. It.) nt 820,
7 55, 11 SO n. in., 3 10 nntl 7.27 li. in. Sundays,
3 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. in., 3 16 and 7 27 p. in. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 30 n. m. 12 20,
12 IS 8 40 p in. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. in. .
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 4 30, 8 00 a. in., 1 30, 1 30, 9 00 p. m. and
night. Sundays, 6 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mnnph Chiml- vtpaIt
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m.. 1 30 nnd 4 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 33, 10 03 n. m. and 4 05, 6 30, 1180
p. m. Sundays, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Heading, week days, 115, 710, 10 OS,
11 53 n. in., 0 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 1 as a. m.
Leave l'ottsville, weekdays, 235, 7 40 a.m..
12 30 und 6 12 p. in. .Suiidnys,233a. lll. '
Leave Tamaqua. week days, 3 18, 8 50, 1123 a
m., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 18 p. m. Sundays, 3 18 a. m.
Lcnvc Mnhnnoy City, week days, 3 45, 9 21,
11 17 a. in., 2 03, 7 41 and 10 08 p. in. Sundays, 3 43
a. in.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00.
680,9 37, 1159 n. in , 1 12,2 19,3 20,6 36, 757 and
10 23 p. in. Sundays, 2 40, 4 00 a. m.
Leave Wllliainsport, week days, 7 42, 10 10 a.
m., 3 35 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. in. '
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wnrf and
South strett whnif for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, Saturday
only, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00 p. nt. Accommodation, 8 03
n. in.. 130, 630 p. 111.
Sunday Express, 900. 1000 a. in. Accommo
dation s 00 n. in. , 4 45 p. in.
Hemming leave Atlantic City de'wt, corner
Atlantic anil Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays, ex pre., 7 36, 9 00 n. in., 8 30, 5 30 p.
in. Accommodation, 1 80, 8 15 a. m., 4 82 p. m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 30 8 00 p. in. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. in., 4 15 p. to.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
t.en'l Superintendent. Oeu'l Pass. Agt
RflTTT T3T ; A cure for headache and
JJU1 llwL.1V . stomach trouble.
OF . . .
17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Celebrated Female
j'owdora never fall.
T37TTuiMllflAt1i..a daurctaJlrr tailing
with Tanty nd Fauiyn'Tai I'lllt and utter hkf
rrmrvl.. at. Iks Vt I all v that llrtl IBl) tT(llsl li UlTV
rolfitment. (iuaranteetl upenur to tU others. roiSivr
tiieUitiotiitmark.-t. A 1. I'aiUcuItr, 4 ct. Ul,Q'
i4Ui, Hack ttay, Hoiwu, Mu.
For half At IVvin-
Centre btrctt
m ilniff (.tore, 2fi lft
x f if r:s' v t
, s , i l: jLIl , l