REVOLVING Dating Stamp SO CENTS. Strongly made niul will Inst a long time. It stamps all the months and years from 1895 to 1900; all the figures from o to 90 and the words rcc'd, ans'd, paid, ac'p'd and ent'ed. Size of letters and figures, MAY 14,, 1896. HOOKS & BROWN Q. Northi rvlaln St. FOLLOW THE CROWD And you will reach the Mammoth Clothing House. We have wou the reputation of being ... THE FOREMOST ESTABLISHMENT For stylish and correct-fitting clothing. Spring styles selected with the usual care. Prices to conform to the times. Good light suits for men, $5 and $8, formerly sold at from $2 to $3 more. Chlldrens' Light Suits at Halt Price. , . . Full Line of Hats in all Styles, E, L. Goldin, Prop. 9 and 11 S. Main St. THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1800, lteferred to MlUor Finney. From Pnttsvillo Itepublican. Tlio Schuylkill delegates would gladly vote for McKinlcy pi .St. Louis could they but phtain pcrsiwajthig 7n' atffJKi Tlicy ccivlng permission to represent tlio universal sentiment of tho peoplo of this coal region, irrespective of party afllliations. Wo hope they will receivo it because we pity thcta in their lorlorn positions. YOUR TlflE. We have just received an im mense stock of Men s, Boys and Children's Spring and Summer Cloth ind In all the latest novelties of the season. Call early and receive your choice. We are selling clothing at such amazingly low pi ices as to reap harvest in bargains for buyers. We never fail toplease you if you call and examine our big stock. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE EES S. Main St. Formerly Wilkinson's Old Stand, and Next uoor 10 ine rirsi national jioqje, -1 AM ALWAYS IS- MY DENTAL PARLORS. Filling with all known material. Crown nnd Itridge work. Kxamimuians free. Ex tractions freo, when now teeth are ordered. Cleaning teeth free when I do your work. All extractions painless. I'll re gas adminis tered. Guarantee with all my work. Artificial teeth inserted and warranted. DR. J. W. VAN VALZAH, Ferguson's Theatre Block, Corner Main and Oak Streets. Tak the iron stairway on Oak street. Ofllee Hour : a. m, to 8 p. m. STEAM RENOVATOR Now in operation for the spring houne cleaning. Carpets Cleaned, a Specialty, Feathers and Mattresses Renovated. Price List: lEenovatln? aumeta. Ilru.,l and Ingrain, 3o per yard. Heavier grades, Joiwr yam, reamers viwinni, &o Iter in. lutlresHea cleaned and upholstered, liulr, 91; cotton, S3; cheaper grades, $2. Called for nnd Delivered Without Charge, by Your Command. Add, STEAM RENOVATING CO., Bower Btrcet and Apple alley. Hheiiondoali. E. B. FOLEY, GROCER, Has Moved to 37 West Centre St. EVENING HER ALD AFTER BOODLERS. Tnxpujcrs Say School lllrectors Share In Teachers' Salaries. Special to KvENIsa Heralii. Ckntoalia, Jlay 21. An interesting law suit win tried hero last evening before Justice of tlio l'eaco Loughlln, in which Miss llrld- get McLaiu, a school teacher, was tlio plain tifT nnd tho Sohool Hoard of Conyingham township defendant. Miss Mcl-ain sued for four month' salary, aggregating $200. Tho Hoard had paid her tho salary for tho first four mouths at tho samo rate, but in answer to tho suit alleged that at the tlmo Miss Mc- Lflin nnd others wero elected teachers noth ing was said about salary. Two members of tho Hoard, who mado tho motion electing tho teachers nnd tlio olio who seconded it, sworo that tho salaries wero Used, nnd it was a raistako of tho secretary tho salary was not noted in tho minutes. M. M. Hurkc, Esq., of Shenandoah, appeared for tlio teacher, and W. A. Marr, Kso,., appeared for the landowners, niluo operators and other largo taxpayers for whom tho opposing School Directors in tho matter acted, In tlio summing up Mr. Marr gavo an inkling to tho truo issue, lie contended that a deal had been mado between Miss McLain and curtain School Directors by which tho latter wero to receivo $25 per month from her salary of $05, and It was by reason of this deal that tho heavy taxpayers of tho township had mado tho fight. Justlco Louglilln gavo judgment for the full amount claimed and the tax payers gavo notico of appeal, their counsel claiming tho caso would bo fought until the boodlers would bo cornered. All of Sousa's music at Brumm's jowelry nnd music goods store. Tlio Conl Trmlc. In nnthracito coal there is nothing of moment to report. Tho conditions remain much as they have during tho six or eight weeks, the miners aro working on short time, and tho output is nt the rate of about three quarters of a million tons per week, but oven with this there is sufficient coal to meet any and all requirements. In fact so much so is this tho caso that a considerable proportion of tho out-put is now going into stock at at distant points to bo ready for demand after tho first of July. It is considered probablo thataftcr tho date mentioned there will bo sufficient demand for tho coal to take a product of perhaps ono million tons per weeks in addition to taking up somo of tlio stock. Premiums free. "I'criodicalTicket" does it. Suprlse l'urty. Miss Birdlo Lcitzcl was tendered a surprise party last oveniug at her homo corner of Main and Coal streets. It was attended by many friends who spent a very pleasaut evening and partook of an excellent supper at midnight. Among thoso present were Misses Maggie, Cora, Edith and Lizzie Miller; Maria Evans, Sidney Nciswinter, Maggie Hums, Emma Buck, Katio llageu bueh. Maine Grosser, Lizzie and Ella Lcitzcl ; and Messrs. Guy Sterner, Walter Ilumbcl, Harry Faust, Thomas Welsh, Henry Walters, Fred. Frey, Thomas Rogers, John Baker, John Hopkins, William Evans, Harry Hilncr, Albert Iianier, Charles Lcitzcl, Frank Websterand Lawrcneo Houser. I -St,,.,. , - . Make your sele'ction'nR 1" 1 , . nurseries. All enrtarif IWf.i.nnttrOJ"1"1'10 and daisies, and all kinds of bulbs. draft1 the door and car faro allowed. 5-lS-0t Tlioj'll Soon Slurry. Tho following marriago licenses wero Is sued sineo our last report: Joseph Hughes and Maggio Yeagcr, both of Pottsville; Edward Dunn and Mary Foley, both of Maeanoy City; Max Gitelson and liosio Greciibaum, both of Shenandoah; William Kohr and Katio 11. Leininger, both of Porter township; Andrew Znglda, of Coal Dale, and Mary Bludzlnnas, of Mahanoy City; Alex. Kuczlnski, of Win. Peun, and Antiou etta C'uzefski, of Shenandoah; Milton S. Kistler and Emma Helper, both nf Shenan doah. You can save enough on two pair of shoes to buy tho third hy buying at factory prices at tlio Factory Shoo Store. J. A. Moyer, Manager. 5-20-tf They Aro "Well Known Here. From Mahanoy City Itecord. They aro keeping it very quiet, telling only their Intlniato friends, and then in a whisper, of their approaching wedding and tlio public should do tho same. The groom is Mr. John h. Hughes, a well-known and deservedly popular young man about town, and tho brido is Miss Lillian May Phillips, qui to as popular as tho groom. Tho wedding will take place ia June, as tho song goes, in tho mouth when all flowers aro in bloom. To (iruiluiitet. Wo have placed on our counters a beautiful line of cream gloria and china silks, henrictta, cashmeres and albatross. Also a fine assort ment of India linens, nainsook and plain and dotted swiss. 3-7-tf 15. P.Gill. Tlio IliiipltuI lEcxertolr. Tho Board of Trustees of tho State hospital yesterday awarded tho contract for the con struction of the new reservoir from which tho hospital wator supply will bo secured to Thomas J. Humphries, of Ashland, who will begin tho work at once. Tho roservoir will lie supplied fiom tho Rattling Run stream. and will bo located at tho base of tho Broad mountain, about two miles north-uat of the hospital. Tlio breast will bo It feet high and 185 feet long, and it will havo a capacity ot duu.uuu gallons. The ladle' OSc Oxfords that wo advertised are going fast. Have a big loj loft ; they are uurgMiug. Faotohy Shoe Stohb, 5-SO-tf J. A. Movmt, Man. Jumped the Truck. A ear an the Miiiersvlllo division of tho Schuylkill Rloctric Railway, jumped the truck lit what Is known m "spring switch," near West Woods yesterday. Two trolly ears and a trailer left MineravUlo with standing room at a premium. Tlio car was late and was ruuiiing at a fast rate of speed when the switch was reached. As soon as the car Jumped tho track every perwu on tho trailer was confused and very badly shaken up. Four persons wero injured. Editor C. E. Steel had a rib broken and was otherwise badly bruised. Your favorite magazluo freo by using "Periodical Tickets." 5 15-Ot Deeds Iteeiirtled. Tho following deeds wero filed in tho Recorder's office; From H. L. Williams to W. L. Yoderetal., oxecutoraof D. H. Scidel, lot in Pottsvillo; Daniel!). Zicgler to George M. Rates lot In Rush township. HOOD'S I'lLLS cure Liver Ills, IIlllousiicss, Indigestion, Headache. A pleas-11 1 laxative All Druggists. You Can't AlHiiys get something for nothing. Try "Periodical 1 Tickets" and seo if you can't. 5-15-0t GOVERNOR HASTINGS DENIES IT. He Is Js'ot n Cnnillilatu for Vlco l'rcsldcnt with McKliiley. HAltmsnrtso, May 21. Governor Hast ings Inst night emphatically denied tho report emanating from Washington to the effect that Senator Quay wants him nomi nated for vlco president with McKlnloy. The governor not only declared thnt he Is not u candidate for tho vlco presidency, but added that ho Is satlsflod with the ollleo lie now holds. The only element of truth In tho story, ho mid, Is that concerning the governor's visit to Senator Quay nt Washington. It Is no secret that ho went thero ton days ago and talked with tho feuutor In refer ence to the speech placing his nnino licfore tho convention for president. As to the report that Sonntor Quay Is going to Can ton to consult McKinlcy on tho money question, the governor said ho knows I nothing apart from what ho sees In the newspapers. "I have boon elected a dclcgnto-nt-largc by tho Hepubllenns of this stnto," ho con tinued, "nnd I nm instructed to support Senator Quny for tho presidential nomina tion. I have agreed to tnnko tho nominat ing speech, and am assured by Sonntor Quay thnt ho will bo n candidate until n nomination Is mndo. Every quality of good faith to tho Ilepubllcans of tho state and to myself precludes tho Idea of my bo tng a candidate." "Periodical Ticket Books" free to all. Gt PERSONAL. Justico T. T. Williams, who was conflucd to his bed by Illness tho past two days, has recovered sufficiently to visit his office. William Garner and family, of West Ccntro street, to-day moved to Jeanesvillo. Miss Carrie Folmer is homo from tho Iiuckncll University, Lewlsburg, and to-day attended tlio funeral of her slstcr-ln-law, Mrs. Frank F. Folmer, at Orwigsburg. Mrs. William Stein Is spending two weeks as a guest of friends in Pottsville. G. M. Peters, of Brecu's Rialto Cafe, is spending tlio day in Pottsville. Mrs. ltemaly, of Dunmore, a former resi dent of town, is visiting hero among rela tives. Dr. and Mrs. Broiler, and son, Ira, Miss Burleigh Kitto, and James Davis, and sister, Sallie, of Girardvillo, were attendants at tho concert last evening. Miss Mary Willard, of Girardvillo, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Jacobs, of West Oak street, to-day. Miss Emma Gowell, of North White 6trcet, attended tho Dickinson-Edwards wedding at Haven Itun yesterday. Mrs. Xon ton, of Williamstown, who was tho guest of Mrs. Lichleitncr, on South Gilbert street, returned to her home this morning. Mrs. Benjamin Matz, of West Oak street, is visiting among acquaiutances in Williams town. Miss Edith Miners has returned to town after spending two weeks with friends in Mt. Carmcl and Shaniokiu. Thomas Connors will fulfill tho duties of general manager of tho dancing pavilion at the opening of Lakeside park, on May 2fith. Mrs. Dal ib and daughter, yesterday visited friends in Pottsville and St. Clair. l!ev. Alfred Ilecbuer, pastor of tho First dvS.ViilSiSrJjl.taWlSaan'loah, accompanied bydiis wlfoaroIspenu.. ,, ,!,, Mr w Z: ' V.' S. Guiterraan.of rurowell Tarty. -- Miss Lou Garner, who to-day moved with her parents from town to Jeanesvillo, was last evening tendered a surpriso party at tho residence of tho Misses Russell, at Lost Crcok. Owing to tho unfavorable weather tho attendance was ust as largo as expected. A very enjoyable evening was spent and among thoso who partook of tho festivities wero Misses Mary Kincaid, Mary Johnson, Annie Bartsch. Felicia and Susan Russell, May and Carrio Garner j and Messrs. Napoleon Powell, Harry Mayberry, John Kincaid and Hippolyto Lawsou. False Alarm. Tho fire department was called to tho cor ner or Main utld Cherry streets at 8:30 o'clock tills morning, but thero was no necessity for its services. A dofectivo flue in tho saloon kept by John Shupec, in the building on South Main street owned by F. J. Brenuan, filled tho place with smoke when flro was started in tho saloon heater and tho outpouring of smoke frlghteued a neighbor, who sounded tho alarm. I.csson la lteclproclty. T. II, Hutchison, proprietor of the Ferguson Houso, gavo tho manager of tho Sousa Band a lesson on reciprocity when application was mado for rates. "$1 a day is all I can pay," said the manager, "wo always get tho benefit of half rates, wherovor wo stop. " "Indeed Woll, I havo 20 peoplo employed in this hotel," said Mr. Hutchison, "and if I send them down to the theatro in a body will you givo them reserved soats at half price?" " O, no; wo couldn't do that, you know, " and tho advanco agent and hotolkccper didn't gcttogcthor. If you want a fluo wedding cake, let Otto make it for you. A Milo a Minute. Tho eight wheel cars on tho Lakosido rail way will in a few days ho equipped with 50 liorse power motors that will give the cars an average speed of GO miles nn hour, The object of tho company In dolus this is to keep up their sehedulo tune during tho summer, as they olalm too much time is lost ill climb ing tho grades, Appointed I-aml Agent, David Faust, of Tremont, has been ap pointed district land agent for the P. & R. O. A I. Co., to succeed J. George Medlar, of BlMinokln, who resinned on last Wednesday. Mr. Faust will tako charge of his office on Juno 1st. Mr. Faust was formerly a resident of Shenandoah, and his many friends will bo pleated to loarn of his advancement. r A l'llet Worth Kiiiming, A "Periodical Ticket Book" will bo given to you soon if used according to instructions will entitle you to your favorlto paper or magasdno for one year free, S-is-Ot Death of a Taiiiaquii Lady. Mrs. Caroline Lebo, wife of William Lebo, dieil at her homo on Catawlssa btrcet, Tamaqua, yesterday morning from catarrh of tho stomach and dropsy, She was born in FrederlcKsburg, Lebanon county, and came to Tamaqua with hei husband SI years ago, Tlio funeral will take place Saturday afternoon. Ofltco linprotemenU, Tho adjoining offices of M. M. Burko, Esq., and Dr. W. N. Stein, In tho Egan build ing, are being mado uinro comfortable and at tractive by a corps of paper hangers. There Never "Was H Itelter Cure Than Pan-Tina for coughs, 25e. At Gruhlor Bros., drug store. of tho Globe for IP HE LIU afflU 3 I NEURALGIA and similar Complaints, ftDuprcpui-uu uuuur mo stringent GcIiMAN MEBiCAL LAWS, .prescriDcauy eminent ptiycicians!. UK. MJUiJltirS IN EXPELLE World rpnownedl Rematrtxhly successful! Onlr Komilnc with Trndo Mark "A nclior," 31 H QHfcST AWARDS. 12 Branch How!, Owa GlaiaworkB, 6 ic 50 Ms. In Hhciia"" lor sale ny '. P. D. Klrlin. G S. M.r.n .-t . .1, .M Hlllnll.TH. M.dil H t. "a- ircnbucli. K I'.. r. - nui k. 2 Shoes ati i Factory Prices. 1 You Might 1 I As Well.. I 1 Wear Russets 1 2 About every other jE: :j3 person you meet has r Ej; on a pair, and if they come from us they got sE 2 them at the right j3 price, the Factory je: 2 price; that's the only 3 one we know, and it is SE: Es below any other price 2 this town ever knew, sc: :3 Almost any shoe we E 3 have in black can be 2 3C duplicated in Russets, s Babies' Shoes, i 1 Children's Shoes, ; j Boys shoes, j Es Girls' Shoes; Men's Shoes, i EJ Women's Shoes, are all here in Tan St 3 color and the Factory sE Es Price on every pair. E Es That beautiful 1 Alluminum liable Ware I rs Is given free to our St Es customers. Checks r sr 3 given with every pur- Es chase. St Beddall Building. gr e! a. moyer, tS nnnager. St CHARTER NOTICE. VOTICK 1H IIEItEHV GIVEN THAT AN iA apolkiitlon will be nmdo to the Court ol Common Pleas of Schuylkill wunty on Slon day, June 8th, is, at lOo'clock In the forenoo uiuler the "corporation act of tho Coimn : ?' t e"",yl,va,,u' "PProvcd April aS , 1671, ni d its supplement, for the charter of a lnteiHlo.1 e..n.oratlon to be called, "lletliuny KvwiKt-l leal Congreifatlon, of huonniidoan Hchtiylkll county l'eniwylvanta." 1 poratlmi Is fonueil for the purpose of nuUlo worship of (loci the promotion of the Inieres s of rellKloii and the spread of Christ's KUwSHm accimllnu to the d.X'tr ne of the "UnIM V, ' Helical church," of tho United Stated an for said purpose to have, enjoy and posses, all the rlgh h ami beneflta of ,aU Act' of Asscmbl ly, niul its supplements, "miuiy, Apiillcollon for abovo charter is on file In the l'rothonotary s olllee. S O si. Hou.orKTEli, Attorney for Auiilleants Shenandoah, fa., Hay II, ls'ji). 1 1 5 j":3t FOR STYLE, QUALITY AND TASTE In artistic Millinery, consisting of high grade goods at low cost prices to cash buyers. Sailor hats 15c, Ladies' dress shapes 25c up All shades of Satin Ribbon, 5 inches wide, for 25c per yard for short while only. ' .&7. KELLY'S MILLINERY 26 South. Main Street. j ATTENTION, 'Grand Army Men! -(o) If you want the regu lation Grand Army and Sons of Veterans suits, the only place to secure them is at the One Price Clothing House, No. 10 S. Main street. These suits are guaran teed in every respect. We have been head quarters for these suits for many years, and we standi ready to return your money if they do not hold their color. The price Is right, the goods are guaranteed, and the command is. Forward I March ! TO THE One-Price Clothing House 10 S)uth Main Street, l. REFOWICH, Prop. Also a full line of Clothing, and Children's Novelties a specialty. We have 110 competitors. M. C. WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Cignrs, Tobacco, Ac. Agent for Heading Brewing Co.'a Beer and Porter. 11 and 113 S. Main St. IF YOU WANT THE BEST nnd can't get It, then como to us for it. Vto carry the beat of ....... Groceries, Butter and Eggs, FLOUR and FEED. Our delivery vragon awaits your order. Goods delivered promptly. HUSSER & BEDDALL, 26 Bast Centre Street. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 K.Jardin Street. MISCELLANEOUS. THWH SAI.n. Tho shelvluK ami counter In X toe f"i'0 recently occupleil by is, ji. Koley, will he 'oM cheat). Anply to II. J. Mtildoou, "West Centre street. o-aj-ti IjlOK SAM!. A second-hand "White" sewliift machine, good as new. Apply at this office. 5-20-tf 1T0l RI.K. A Bintrer sewlnir machine. Keoonil hand, good as now. Will he sold cheat foi uish. Apply to Henry I.. Jones, 233 West Coi.l street. 5-lMw TjtOIt SAL13. A 3-story frame business prop X' crty 011 Xorth Alain street. One of the most tleslrablo proirtles in town. Apply to 12. W. Bhoemaker, Attorney-at-law, corner of Centre and Market streets. -i-23-lm IjWIt JtKNT. A larKe double, well-lighted ? room, on the Bccoud floor, centrnllv Incntprt with all modern conveniences, suitable for oulco purposes. Apply at U Itcfowlch's clothing house, 10 and 12 South Alain street. -1-22-tf "WANTM). Active, reliable men to travel II and solicit orders for fruit and ornamental nursery stock. Permanent employment and Rood pay. ltefercneo required. Address the It, CI. CHASK CO., South l'enii Sc , 1'lilladelphia. 5-9-20t-cod AIlAItfiAIX. Ono cood doublo houso and two lots with stable on the rear of lot, can be bought cheap. Tho eiflpty lot Is on the corner of Vine and Second streets, Mt. Carmcl, with a frontaeo of 25 feet on Vino and 150 deep 011 Second, This property is only two squares from the main street. Tor all other Information apply to J. 1J. Gould, Jit. Carmcl, l'a. 5-12-2w Spe cial Sale In soap and washing powder for a limited time only. 10 oz. enko of pure soap for 5 cents. 12 oz. package of host washing powder, So. 4 lb. package of best trashing powder, 20c. This is very low for first-class goods and just what you want for House cleaning. Meluskey & Son, 10S S. Main St. T. J. BROUGHALL Dealer III nil kinds of Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Etc. Goods Always Fresh. NO OLtl STOCK KEPT ON HAND. 28 BOOTH MAIH STREET, SHENANDOAH, PA. 'S Shenandoah College I 360 STUDENTS Eight Principal Teachers . . . . . . Ten Assistant Teachers, Business, Shorthand, . . . Penmanship, English, Typewriting Combined. ScholarshiD . . . . stum. One Department 50 S. I. WOOD, President. OPEN EVERYDAY Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Rooms for painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver fillings. If your artiflcal teeth do not, suit you call to see us. All examinations free, wo make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridge work and all operations that per tain to Dental Surgery. No charges for extracting when plates aro ordered. Wo aro the only users of vitalized air for tho painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Tltman'a Block) East Centre Street. OOlco Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. DO YOU OWN A BICYCLE ?' Wo can sell you rv new wheel, of the finest mnke niul guarantee, at reduced prlees.CiWe mako n specialty of " "4 . . . REPAIRING BICYCLES I Do not send nwny from town to have your wlice' 'Ltatred when it can bedonoat honie just" as good nmi much cheaper, Faust Bicycle Works, Ofllee; 120 S. .Timlin frtreet, Shennndoah,Ero A FPU, LINE OP NEGLIGEE . . .SHIRTS With attached or de tached collars. Also n full lino of SOFT SHIRTS. Hig assortment; of SPRING and . . . suhher neckwear PORTZ & BRO., rsj. Main St. Beauty Unrolled To the adinlring gaze of thoso who have a taster for really flue wall paper U the dUpluy of new wall paper wrinkles we havo lust received. You ean lluil any eolor or pattern you want for your hull, bed room, parlor, dining room, kitchen or cafe, from 5e up to 1 per roll, l'iue artlstlo papers a specialty. House, Sign and Decorative Tainting. Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates cheer fully furnished. Send pohtal. J. P. CARDEN, 221 W. Centre St., Shenandoah, l'a, CURE NOS. 3&5- AtHlH(M. Uv innn mill. W.,.. I., o .1 insMays. oldM " 1 " " POVINSKY'S DRUQ STORE, Wm 28 EAST CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH. PA.