EVENING HERALD KSTAIII.Iftlllil) 1810. l'ubtllil avery Eveiiiim, Kcept SumUy, ni 8 SOUTH .lAIlDlN STHEKT, NBA!! CKMtUI!. Tit , Iterulri Is delivered lli.Sheniuidcxui ntul the surrounding towns fur nix cento a week, ijr able to tho uRrriers. lly umll Ss.oOn year, or 55 cent, a month. myuble hi advance. Advertise ments chnrir?" according tjiiceiuitl Misitlon. Tlio imblhdicrs reserve the right to chnr.C the Fio-dtlon of iulverti.eiticiit whenever tho puli loittlou of news demands tt. Tho rtxht Is reserved to rejeit any advertisement, whether fmlfl for or not, thnt the publisher) may deem mproper. Advertising rates tuatle known upon application. E itcred at tho postofllco nt Shenandoah, Pa., as second clas mall matter. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Evening Herald WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, ISM, REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. l-'OU tO.VOnrMAN-AT-LAUUK, C1ALUSILY A. UUOW, Of Susquehanna. SAMUEL A. DAVENPORT, Of Erie I'ottdvili.e's base ball team 'will win the pennant some other year. Tin: providential light is approaching tho point whero the statistical mortality is al ways something dreadful to contemplate. What a great and glorious country this will be when every voter has settled tho financial question to his complete satisfaction JrilKoIUui) Jhat is keeking tho man theso days is so snia.l that tho man doesn't know it when ho meets it in the middle of the road. TltK hay crop th' year is likely to be a short one owing to too dryness of tho past month which it is to b. hoped will soon bo broken by u good spoil of ,.-'n which is badly needed. "Tin: world runs awheels" is a phra'o found in one of lien Jensen's plays. Tlicie were no bicycles in the old dramatist's day, but of coiuo there wore I'opulisti,, though they went by some other name. Tm: Chicago ice companies hao combined nuil raked pricos on that uuiversil victim of man's cupidity, "the .small cunsuincr." Tho Mnall consumer teems to be decidedly tho under dog in modern commercial warfaie. ItJs probably true that the life of liesi deut li.irfield would have been saved If tho Roentgen rays had been known in lfcbl. No dilliculty now is found in locating a bullet distinctly in the deepest icce.cs of tho body. Tin: man with an elepl.tut on his hands is in 1'oltBVillo to-day. The u..ly. dillcienco between the dials elephant and tui news paper elephant is tho fact that' tho former will leave that town after to-night's perform ance', while tho latter will it ma in. Tin: sending of a message mound tho world in flity minutes by Dr. Pcpoiv, at tho national electrical exhibition at Nuiv Ymk .Saturday, was a great achievement. Klci triclty baa made great strides in tho past Jilty years, and no one can foresee its future in 11)11. Canada is an exception to other llrithh colonics in not being exempt Hum tho law forbidding tho marriage, of u man with his decoa'-ed wife's sister. Tho Canadians aio asking to bo relieved from this remarkable restriction, but tho House of Louis will stand by its pet absurdity. THE bicycle face and tho bicycle curvatuio of the spine having ceased to alarm, the new indictment against the wheel is that it makes Icminine riders pigeon-toed. Tho truth probably is that tho bicycle, indulged in moderation is more likely to cine pedal peculiarities than to cause them. Tiiiuu; is not one man in a hundred that would think of carrying as much as ten dollars in silver in his pocket. There is not one man in a thousand who, on pioscnting a check for fifty or bundled dollars at a bank, would thank the banker fur handing him out silver dollars fur the whole amount of it. On tho contrary ho would take such action as almost an anient anil would insist on paper or gold as mine convenient. And yet theio are some peoplo who seem to imagine that silver is being actually discriminated against by tho gold-bug couspiratoiB. Theio is no Jack of silver dollars to-day fur auy man who prefers that form of currency. U.UN is sadly needed. The earth is badly p itched, and grass, grain and fruit are sull'er ing fur the want of tho life-giving showers. Strawberries will bo ruined if tho dry spell e iiitinuos much longer. Tho peach, apple and cherry trues are shelling their embryonic fruit in cuuntW thousands, and a week or so mora of thU hot, dry weather will seal the doom of what promised, to bo a great fruit year. Mountain flies are again doing de struction to our woodland. Bover.il towns iu the lumber country havu been Imperiled by the raging Area that aro sweeping the moun tain sides an witli tho boson of destruction. A continuance of tho present dry spell for a few days more will menu untold Iom to the farmers of the Cutawiawi valley. VACATION SCHOOLS. More and muro It is found to be uuwUound unsafe, says tho Carboudalo Loader, in our towns and cities to let tho children urn looso and untamed lu the streets during tho long summer vacation. To remedy the evil hchuohj of vurious kinds, witli instruction dill'erent from tho children's regular studies, have bcon established in some of the cities und with great suceess. Tho lolicf to the ehildreu's jarents, to the fanneis, gardeners and country dwellers adjoining the towns iu which these children live and have their le ing, is untold. Theio is no greater nuisance in life than tin idle - i hoolboy during summer a iti"ii I'm iiistti bi ui m i, m fouie e-f tho vacation .awwk, i tntcr wrk. cloy modeling mid various mochnlonl branches, I'uv tho smallest children kinder garten, with its useful and gentle teaching, Is maintained. I'or girls jmrt of tho instruc tlon Includes dewing ami housekeeping. Tho chief dlJHculty lo bo met In establishing uch classes would lo the want of funds. In all caws boards of ed'ioallon could throw ojien tho schoolhoUKcs fiecjly fur centers of the instruction, lint money would bo needed to lwy leiichcr-t and got needed lnnteiial. To defray part of these expenses the usual methods of ghing entertainments, lull", dramatic and musical uvonings might bo re sorted to. For the rest, wealthy individuals willing to do something for humanity should help by generous suliscrlptloiis tho vacation school, which would give useful knowledge to ehlldicii and peace to ovcrybody. Kotnn leal classes in the open air would be a noble adjunct to the instruction. lEcnicuihcr If Voil IIu a Collgll or Cold I'au-Tlua always cures, Sjc. At Uruhlor Jlros., drug sturo. POTTSVILLE LETTER. The Ljnii-Duiili Contest Held Another Session lEiiilnay Case. I'oTThVii.M:, May 20. The case of tho Schuylkill Klcctric Kail way Company and C. 1'. King, trustee, vs. Thomas II. Council, Frick Co., Car Equip ment Co, Warren Wclistcr Co., Evan I'. (Irubb, Tho nartwrlght Metal liooilng Co., was called beforo Judge C. !. Savidgo yes terday in No. 2 court room. This is a case whero tho defendants levied on tho material and unfinished branches as tho property of tho Philadelphia Construction Co. Tho plaintlll's claim that it is not tho pioperty of the Philadelphia Construction Co., but is their own. Tho suit is a feigned issue to determine who the property belongs to. The plaintiffs' aro repi csented by Guy II. Par qtiharand I!. H. Koch, and tho defendants by S. H. Kacrcher, John F. Whalcn, Francis I!, liawlc, of Philadelphia, and Georgo W. Dyson. A number of witnesses were ex amined, including W. F. and Charles llarritt, F. II. Treat, James Goodwin and J. W. liecclicr. Anothersessiim lu f'o Lyon-Dunn contest was held yesterday in No. 3 court room by Judges Ikeler, Craig and Lhrgoud. The greater part of the session was taken up by argument to have the ballot boxes brought into court. After court had been in session for a short while Miss Jessie Little was sent for and when sho appeared, the court read an order appointing Jo-eoh F. Patterson and Jessie 1!. Little stenographers to leportjall proceedings. Judges of Election from 53 districts, including those from Shenandoah, wore examined as to their disposition check-lists and allidavits of uniegistercd voters to show tho Court that there was a necessity of having tho ballot boxes of cer tain districts opened. Just befole adjourn ment Judge Ikeler road an order to tho cll'ect that all proceedings should be printed 111 full in pamphlet form, and copies should be given to both sides, the court and stem) graplier. Tho cost is to bo met first by the county and when tho contest is over tho costs will be placed whero they lightfully belong. Town Council met last evening and among other matters passed upon was tho purchase of 1500 feet of new hoso for the Firo Depart incut, and the appointment of a special com mittee to iiiquro into tho advisability of pur chasing a steam road roller and to cxamino the same. liiruum & Il.iilcv's great circus, which biings joy to the heart of Young America well as his older bruthers and sitters, arrived lu town at an early hour this morning. The town is crowded with visitors and all the usual scenes and familiar features, which go to make it one of the gayest holidays of tho year, are to be met with on all sides. Tho paiadc, which really deserves special mention, took place at 11:30 a witli its wealth of chariots, carriages and hordes and display of wild animals. There were two games of ball between Lancaster and 1'ottsville, nno at 10:30 a. hi. and tho other at 1 p. m. Fakirs and gambling men, while they were refused liciin-cs in many cases, yet did a good business with the ever- l'rotJi countrymen. Four pickpockets, strangers following tho circus, w ere arrested tills morning and searched at police head quarters, but without damaging ellect to the prisoners. Many people had their pockets picked. A woman lost till and a man repoited tho loss of S2b in cash and a check Tho funeral of tho lato James F. Iiatigan took place at Mill Creek from tho homo of ins patents ycsicruay in icauociocK. cervices were held in St. Stephen's church. Port Car bon, whero requiem mass was read by tlioltcv James A.' Holohan ns celebrant, with l!ev P. A. Fogarty, of Miuersville, and Itcv. F J. McGovcrn. of Pottdvllle, asslstiug. . Kev llolohiii preached an impresslvo sermon, after which interment win mado in St. Stephen's church cemetery. Tho pall bearers wero Thomas L. 1 ogarty, Nicholas T. Klein smith. Maurice Joyce. John F. Ilounoy, M A. Goulden and T. A. McGuliinlss. Many beautiful iloral designs wore offered as a last tribute to his memory. Among those attendance were forniur Clerk of Courts John J. Toole, and wife, Frank Toole and Matthew Lamboit. of Shenandoah. Jess Webb. Jainog Parker, Kennetl Itamsoy and Will Sbeafer, of Mahanoy City r do to tiwn to-day on their whcols. Wallace llaldenian, James Fitter, W. I' lianifey. Hon. T. II. It. Lyon, Win. Lewis, Jr, and Evan Griffiths were among the number of Mahanoy tity citizens whocaiuo down to tho circus, Rich Red Is tho Foundation of the Wonderful Curca !y Hood's Sarsaparllla, Thnt is Why the cures by Hood's Bar Bapnrllla are CURES. That is AVliy Hood's Sarsaparllla cures tho eoverest cases ot Scrofula, Salt Itbeum and other blood diseases. That Is Why it overcomes That Tired Feeling, strengthens tho nerves, gives energy in placo of oxhaustion. That is Why tho sales o( Hood's Bar saparllla have increased year after year, until now it requires tho largest Labora tory in the world. That is Why Sarsaparilla Is the Only Truo lilood Purifier promi nently in the public eye today. Prepared l.y f I ItooJ i Co., Ifll, Man. II. HOOCl'S PHIS ffoWXrsairiira. act harmoniously with 9 - R' nooa s PBKS0NAL. MIm Maine Klein, of town, la visiting tho home of her uncle, Joseph llilder, at Fotui titln Springs. llenjainiu Itlcliards, the West Centre street liotel-keeiwr, who was confined to his bed by illness tho jiast week, Is convalescent. Peter Halev, of Girardville, was In town yesterday, negotiating for the purchase of James Ikiwes'salouii, on N'orth'Maln street. II. F. Fiddler, of Womolsdorf, transacted business in town yesterday. "Wily" Daeey, ex-champion light weight pugilist of New York, was the guest of Mart. 1'ahey yesterday. .Miss Annie llrenuaii is visiting relatives in Tainaqiia. Miss Lissiic Mm phy, of South Main street, Is visiting her sister in Minersvlllo, Miss Clam D.ibb has gone to Philadelphia where she will take up her futuro residence, Mrs. Hall and son, liirl, of Ceiitralla, were tho guests of town friends yesterday. Mlns Laura Hutchison, of Lowisburg, who was thpguostofMr.and Mrs.T. II.Hutchison, returned to her homo this afternoon. Mrs. Thomas McDonald, of Counors, presented her husband with a baby girl to-day. Mr. McDonald, who is Bollctlng for Singer sewing machines, is all smiles to-day over the new arrival. Tliey Saw It. Tho Hazlcton Standard gives tho following account of tho blowing up of Millor & liachcrt's powder mill in tho Catawissa Valley, between Itingtown and Zlon's Grove, on Monday : The explosion was witnessed by Nicholas Stocgucr, Abo Thrash and Elder Spanglcr, of West Hazlcton, who wero in tho vicinity at tho time on a fishing expedition. When within 200 yards of tho mill Stoegner asked Thrash whether ho over saw a powder mill explode, ho leplled in tho negative, and no sooner had ho uttered the words, when the engineer of tho mill, who was on tho second lloor, appeared at the window and shouted : Lookout, boys, there sho goes, Hid a second later thcro was an explosion, scattering tho debris right and left and filling tho air with smoke. I lie engineer scaped by dropping out of tho window to the ground. Ho sustained several body bruises Tills is the second oxplosion of this nill within a year. Tho damage is esti mated at $1500. Tho escape of the three West ll.i.letonians was a miracle. ' A (iencral Hubbub. The Lehigh Valley Jtailroad changed time ables on Sunday last uuil there is a gcucral lowl alt along the line, as no timo tables aro procurable ami much inconvenience has re suited to the travelling public. Drummers especially are the most vigorous objectors. mil not without cause, as their trips aro knocked out of all shape by this lack of knowledge. Landlords at Mahanoy City nice the sentiment of many ot them, while tho life of landlords of town have been made niserable by questions concerning trains which they are all at sea about. The pas senger department seems to bo somewhat slow in getting the proper information before the public as well us too parsimonious to advertise their time table where the public :an promptly ascertain what changes have been made. An Old Professor Head. Prof. J. W. 1'crree, a well known ami popular professor in tho Illoonisburg Normal school for several years, died at ids homo iu Paynesville, Minnesota, on May 8th, of apoplexy, aged eighty-two ears, three months and six days. From lSOS to 1S83 Professor Fcneo occupied the chair of higher mathematics and natural sciences iu the state Normal school of Itloomsburg. Many, of tho school teachers of this town will remember him ami regret to hear of his death. I.ilerary Notes. Ex-President Harrison's articles have proved such an enormous success with Tho Ladies' Homo Journal, adding over 100,000 to the circulation of tho magazine, that tho series will bo extended beyond tho original limit. Tho ex-Prosident has now reached tho treatment of "Tho President's Official Family" in ids sorles, describing tho relation which each Cabinet member holds to the President. Then ho will show "How tho Senate Works" and How Congress Legis lates," each lu a separate article Klucted School Superintendent. Professor Kimbcr Cleaver, principal of the Shamokin High school, received a message yesterday that he had been elected Superin tendent of tho public schools of Huntingdon at u meeting of tho School Hoard held at that place. Ho immediately wired his acceptance of the position. rll Mules to AViiiic. Tho P. & It. C. & I. Co. have purchased mules for tho uso of the surveyors and mine inspectors and other officials of tho company to drivo to and from their homes to tho collieries. Hoisos have been dispensed with. Premature Iteport. Tho report that Harry Hart, of Iilngtown, has purchased the Commercial hotel on Nortli Main street is premature. Negotiations have been pending and last, night it looked as If they wore to be dropped, tno nguros uein; higher tliau Mr, Hart cared in go. rmteetlng City from l"orest r'lres. Portsmouth, May 20. Forest flrus in this vicinity continue ti spread, in spito of tho offorts of score of residents tn chook tho tirograss uf the llrnuos. An OX' tunslvo traot or wooji mil nasniroauy iwu: Ihwii linrnod nvor. Uurlnst the night the hotiso of K hv.Si Htneey In Eliot, Mo., was destroyed, outn l nit a loss ot sy.uoo. . oonw from ilw l iOtil flro department with tiloce of mipamtu wtm onirtige.l all night in protein -i! property thronttined by tho fl round In them ivnlntr were relieved by an other foruo, Thalr efforts are direetod mainly towaixU prov8nlim th Are from lulvancuir nourc to tno city s outsxtrca. Another Victim of the Washington Fir Wa.-iiioto', M.ty 20. Tho list of fatal itlosby M'inday nlaht's fatal lire wvw lit' cruise I to four yoiterdny, when Flromnn Joseph Mulh'ill died from burns roaajvod liefore the lire luul uainuil Hill headway The threa other nionibora of his company who wero with him wh in a Jlaiulns iloor fell nrtu'estlng more comfortably, and It is bolieve.l they will all recover, except possibly QeirgB v. Kottlor, vvnose in juiio are must, levere. A Ilenhil from Secretary Carlisle. IhrviLLK, Te , May 30. Ill a letter from s ,rrnrv Cm 11-1.9 to Mr. S. (i. Porter. this county, the woretaT says: "Tl statement th.it 1 now bohm circulated uxtcnshely la Tesaanild elsowhoK) that mado a free coinage speech lu 1H78, or i ny other time, Is absolutely false, nnd many of the pa-jplo who nro circulating the statement Know it to ue iuie. Orlp-Cild''IIeai,aclie Why sutler with Coughs, Colds and La atippowhen Laxative Ilromo Quinine will euro you In one day. Put up in tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to euro, or monoy refunded. Price. 25 cents, For sale by Kirlin's Pharmacy Purifies ar;J J.;autmes Tlie JiXL by restoring to healthy activity the Clogged, Ir ritated, Inflamed, Slug" gish, Overworked Pores. Bold thronirtotlt the world. I'm" Dboo iltD CniM. Corp.. Solo Propi, Boston, U. s. A. ..g iS-"ilow lo Sirlfy snd htiutlfj tha Skin," milled free. The Cmiferrccs 1I' ;reeil. "WASiirarro ;. M:iv20. The conference report on tho naval appropriation bill pre- Rontcd yostpnlny snows tnut tno suniuo re ceded from Itsnmendinentiuitliori.in tho pocrotnry of the treasury to detail revenue cutters to protect passengers on excursion steamers attending; regattas. Tho house conferreos accepted tho following amend ments: Appropriating SoO.UOU for testing methods ot throwing hlghcxploslvos from onus on board shins, increasing from $250,- 000 to MOO.UUO tho appropriation for reserve guns for auxiliary cruisers; authorizing the secretary of tho navy to contract for tho liulldlng of two submarine torpedo boats of the Holland typo. Tho confonves report a disagreement on nil tho amend inents concerning battleships nnd torpedo boats, except tho sulimnrlno torpoini ooais. The Itepovteit licservatloii Disaster. Wamji City. Xeb.. Mnv 20. All efforts to ascertain thooxtentof tho dnniage done the recent cvcloiie in the utoe res ervation lmvo been unavailing. The report of forty killed and many injur -d cannot be vciiflod. The report Is said to lmvo been rought from the Interior ot tlm reserva tion by a courier. News travels slowly on tho rc'-ervntinn under favorable circum stances, and with all forms ot communi cation rendorod dillieult by reason of high water, bad roads and wrecked wiros, it is exceptionally difficult to verify tha present minors. Citizens of this county hold a mass meeting hore and appoints l a com- :.!ttee to procure funds for the cyclone victims of this Immedlato locality. Murphy's Confirmation ltecmisldered, WASHINGTON'. May 3). Tho senate in executive session yesterday confirmed the nomination of Mr. Djininio 1. Murphy to lie commissioner of pensions, nnd then re eon -idered its veto nud poetpunud oon flmi itl in to a futuro day. This hitter ac tion was duo to an objection made by rion otor l'aco to Immedlato action upon the nomination of General 2tnpo!can T- r. 1) ma, to succeed Mr. Murphy as deputy commissioner. The objection was sur -cient to throw tha matter over. Thofriends of tho two men concluded tint cmrio ,j demanded th.it notification in tho two cases should go to tho president at the same tinii', and Murphy's cuso was recon sidered with that end In view. DcntH of mi Austrian Archduke. Vikvxa, May 20. Archduke Charles Louis of Austria, eldest brothsr of Em peror Francis Joseph, is dontl at tho ago of 51 vcu's. The empuror spent the night nt tho archdtic.il palace, departed at 4:30 in tho mornln?. knowing that he would not see his brother nlivo again, but fearing that ho would Incommode- the wife and family, who did not dare to siviw tho grief which overwhelmed them while tho em P'ror was pru-ont. The archduchess swooned when sho attempted to nccom p iny the empuror to the door on his de parture. Murdered In Ills Sick Ked. Jacksos', Ky., May CO. Xows of n tcr- rlblo murder comes from Knott county. Dull WntKlns was lying very low with typhoid fever ;it his home in thnt county, just across tho Ureathitt line, and he being a widower his daughter had sent for Mrs. Bradley, a neighbor hvins in Hrcithitt, to aid her In tho euro of her father. Press Bradley, the. husUmd, cnnio homo drunk nnd finding his wife nbsenj wont to W.ii- Ian 3 home and shot thu sick man (load iu the presence ')f Ills ihmghtor nnd'Uri.dley's wile. Hr.utley made his escape. Slllwaiikee's Street Car Iltiycott. Mil-WAUKiiE, Mi.y a). inaro Is no ihaiiRO to mite in the street oaf strlko slt- ua ion, esTey pjrh ips an lu lloauon tnst tho boycott i- bi-e.iUing. IJoiuwhllo busi ness i:i all br.'iiehm Is pai.iv v 1, und the cars of th.' irejt : ilhvav are only mearvoly patronUe.l. Tho onimitiee of citizens to endeavor to bring about an adjustment of thg ilillloulty ttlssoivud yojtorduy aftur- nooii, it l-eportoil to thepulmo that it had rciched the conciushm that under the present situation of ulTulrj no settlemont could bo ucconipllshod. Chancellor firay Mwirn In, Thbntox, May S. At the oixmimr of the May term of theeourtof chuneery yos terday Martin 1. Grey, of Caimlen,"the new, vice chancellor, was sworn In, and at once took his seat upon the iHinyh. The appointment is for mjvoh years, and the Mlary Is 8M,uU0 pur year. Mr. Charles H. Wetzel, of Suuluirv. V was so milch nlcased with ft ssMneilv wlitli cured him of rheumatUni that ho mado alii, davit to the fact for nuhllmtlnn na fnllnw. i ins is ui ceiuiy mat on May 11th 1 walked Into Melick's drugstore on apalr of crutche, bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain l!alm for inllanunatory rhcuinatlsin which had crippled me up. After using three bottles I am completely cured. I can cheorfiilly 1CVU1HII1C1UI ll CllAlil.ra II. Wr.-rzKr. Sworn and subscribed to beforo me on Aug. 10, lull. Walter Shipman, J. 1. l'ain ISalui is lor sale at 25 anil 50 cents per bottle by eiruuicr oios., uruggibis. Tourlut llrniis. Tho United States Uxprow has placed its now former tourlit drafts on ulo lu the ollice In town. Thew drafts aro tlio inott convenient for travelers at homo or abroad as thoy roqulro no identification and aro nav. able only to tho holder, so that If lost no ono ctvi use them. For uso in foreign countries they aro sold nt rates ot j of ono nor cent For use in the United Suites J 0f one per cent. Anyone compelled to carry monoy along when tmvellug can do It with absolute Mifety and littlo expense by using these drafts. 5-11-flt ,V Hit for Coughs and CuliU, What Pan-Tina, 23c. At Gruhlcr Bros drug store 1', n ry l,ni;iii l nln. St Jul? ' N V. :i. y T.ii Aretli explorer I i'i.,'iiinl L e . 'wiry, Is go ing inirih i nil this -.,111,1110", and t steamer is now being arranged here foi that purpo-o The object of tho e-tpodl tlon is bellovo.l t.i l to secure for tin Philadelphia AcnUomy of Hcieuices the fortj ton meteorite near Capo York, whlci Lieutenant Peary discovered last year. Iloth Igs Cut oir. Pniuji'SBURO, X. J., May 80. Chnrlo Tnulowind, a well known merchant of this place, jumped offn fnst expiessnn iht Lehigh Valley railroad yeiterday and hac bolh legs cut off. He cannot survive. The AVeiiilicr. For onstern Ponnsylviinla, Now Jersej and Holmvaro: Gonerally fair; not se warm during tho day: northerly winds. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Cloitiig Qnotutlmn of the - Yurk imu riillmlelplila Ilxchuiigen. NewYokk, May 10. Ko hnproveinpnt wn diHoernlblo iu the character of tho stock Rpecu lntion toclny. The voluino of buiiHMH wru on tho recent mo'lornto Hcalo nud. tho dlstributior of tho traellu was very poor. Closing biiU : IJaltinioro & Ohio. 13 Lehigh Valley 34 Chosn. & Ohio K4 Del. & Hudson 123 D., L. & W 100 Erie Us Laka Erio & W 10 Lehiuh Nav 404 New Jersey Cen...l01 N. Y. Central... I'eninylvaula.... Heading St. Paul V. N. Y. & Pa... we, 77M General Jllnrltcts, rilll.Aimt.rillA, Jlay 111. Flour weak; win ter super-line, W.50iii."5; Uo extrai, f2."afH3, Peunsylvaiiia roller, clear, 3.2S'93.."iO do, do. ptrnlgiit, 3..WA8.70i western winter, clear. a.aaa.40. Wheat dull; May, C8!4(08iaO. Corn inactive; Maj-, 34'4(aaP,c. Oats dullj May 254(t5Hc. Hay dull for now grados; choice timothy, $17(17.50 for largo balm. Bi'ef quiet city family, i!).AO'$10 ; beef hams, 15'ai5.30. Pork steady; family, 10.u0?ll. Uird steady, westurn i steam, ?t.8o. H.ttter steu-ly; western dairy, 8'llc.j di. creamerj-, 11 (file.; factory, 8'ffllc. ; Klglui, l':o. ; Imitation creamery, 103 12c. ; New York dairy, KMIoJio. ; ilo. creamery, lllilo. ; Pennsylvania nud western creamery prints, fnMn, lJo. ; do. choice, 17o. : do. fair tc good, 14'el"u.; garlicky prints, If olio. ; print" johhing ai l'tTiiJie. Clin-so steady; large, yt It-c. ; sma.l, 4liil-. ; part skims, :i ttti c. ;full skuas, :i'(i jj. Kji!i quiet; Nw York and Pennaylvaa.u, U7,lle. : wiwceru frush, UJ 104o, j southern, 7;4lKtLj'5. Live Stock 3Inrlcets. New Yoiik, May 10. Enropoon cables quote American svoers at 8 c.3o., dressed weights; refrlgninijr Ije ai t' ,c. Calves stoady ; poor to prime v an, Slieap weak; yi-ap lhiKs and la: js 3rni ; poor to pnmo slieep, $2.o0 8.80 ; oonnnon to choico yearlings, tt.Oo'5.40 , touthern lambs, GJn).3J. Hog-a dull at U.W. EvstLiiichtv, Pa., May 18. Cnttlo steady; prime, L:.H,'h,i.iO: gooil lmtcliers, $U.tHV34.15; rough fat, W53.75; hulls, stags and cows, $1.83rtJ 8.00. Hogj slow; prime Hunts, $.'i.50fij!).55; best inedluin weights, i.4ofili.50; common to fair Yorker j, S3.ayd.40; heavy, :i.a(X33.40 ; roughs, WtJ.UO. Sheep steady; prime, Ja.S0ft8.00; fair, t.Vir.'Uu; common, 42.60X3.2.75; culls, 132; choice lambs, J1.3JW.W; couimnu to good lambs, W.W (Hi; spring lambs, J333.50; veal calves, $3. lSucklen's Vrnlca Salve. Tho best salvo in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, bait rheum, fover sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay -required. It is guaranteed to glvo erlect satisfaction or mony reiuuueu. rnco 23 cents per bos. For sale bv A. Wasley. No Cnso A Kill list Scliofield. New Yok, May 20. William Schofleld, the hotol keejier of Armouk, N, Y., who was arrested last Saturday on suspicion of bolus Implicated In the death of his wife, whoso body was found in a brook near Mosholu Parkway, was yesterday honor ably discharged In tho Yorkvlllo police court, rschollelu succee-ilou m ostalillshlnii ac i-'lete alibi. Since tho arrost tho po lice h .vo invoitlitatud tho story told by Scholieid, andlound It to be truo In every particular. A nroininent western newspaper recom mends ilax seed tea as an excellent remedy for whooping cough. It may bo good but it is not to bo compared with Chamberlain's Cough lienieily. This preparation will allay the violent fits of coughing and make them less frequent and less sovcro. it also iiqtuiies tho tough mucus, making it easier to expec torate. Comnlcto recovery is much quicker. tun. when this reined v is elveu. "Thcro is no ilanger in giving it to smoii cuuuren, as it is Pleasant syrup and coutalns notiiing in- urious. For salo at 23 and 50 cents per bottle by Gruhlor llros., druggist?. Car Shed lf inolfiilied by 'Wind. Cape 5lAi:,.day so. 'lhacar sheds of the South Jersey -i.nlroad company wero de molished by the wind and tluulder storm from tho southwest which blew ovor hero yesterelny alccrnoou. NUGGETS OF NEVS. In a lire at Wateytown, N. Y., ila'rshall Choesemau, D5 years old, was burned to death. In tho presence of his oar-old child, V.'aller Wi.Kiier cut his wife's throat and then killeu hinibelt at IJai kerhVille, Ind. Frederick A. Cole, ea-hank teller of Hochestor, X. Y., has ilecuuped. Ills bondsmou will makb good 15,U0u to 20,O0O shortuge. Tho national sennto conflrmed ox-Con- Bnwsmau John u. larsnoy as associate justice of the supremo court of Oklahoma Territory. A severe storm of wind nnd rain, accom panied by thunder and lip-htnlnp;, causod a panic unions statesmen and visitors at the national Capitol yosteruay." A concession to build, operate and main tain a railroad between Seoul, the capital of Korea, and Chemulpo, Its port, has been granted to au American syndicate. A slltrht lire on tho blc battleship Indi ana, at the Urooklyn navy yard, caused Ri-oat excitement yesterday. It was close to the powder magazine, but tho powder was sulely reuwveel. TLiirn la cmnn n t nlmnsl fVC.rY Uelgh- horhood who is subject to attacks of pain in the stomach or bilious cone. r. J, .,v Wnrrpn f.nti.r. I'll.. Ilfieil 10 OO IfOUUlCt, intiiat way. Ho says i "Thoattacks wero marked by terrible pains, diarrhoea and fiiliitliiL' snells. At such tinios I suuered ,........n,,.,i,. ,, ,,tii T bnimn nsliiL' Chamber' lalu'8 Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed?, fin-oft ,i,ii nt which euccicu uii mi- mcullato and lasting cure." For wlo by Gruhler llros., drugslsts. Colillne ljvent. May SO Second anuual piculo of tho Key stone Gymnasium at coiumuia 1'aiK. May' 30. Ico cream festival under th auspices of the 23 Club, lu ICobblus' opera hotiso. Juno ',15. Ico cream festival under the auspices, of God's American Volunteers in Itobbius opera house Shake On" Itlieuuuitlam and Neuralgia, Hub w.U with Itcd Flag Oil, 23c. At Gruhler I! res., drug store. Full Details Gladly Given. A Railroad Official's Experience. B. EDWARD EDMONDS, long con- nectcd with railroad construction In Nobraska, writes! "My heart troubled and pained mo for 19 years. Shortness of breath was tho constant and most common symptom. Intense, excruciating pain, goner- ally followed any so vpro exertion. Falntncss, hunger wlthoutanyappotlto; fluttering that mado mo clutch my breast, and palpitation that of ten staggered mo as it I would fall. wero Ircqucnt attacks. Again, everything would turn black if Iarosofrom a stooping posturo quickly. Sleepless nights with their ViV lYTi1Pl' prostrating unrest were ui . iiiiiwa numerous and I could Heart CUre get no rest day or night. Restores Health i consulted leading phy sicians and tried adver tised remedies. They gavo mo no relict. Ono of Dr. Miles' circulars described my caso so exactly that I took Dr. Miles' Now Heart Curo and I am now a well man. I hopo ovcry one troubled with heart disoaso will try Dr. Miles' romedics. If they will wrlto mo personally, I will gladly gtvo them full details of my experience." Edw. Edmonds. P. O. Box 05, David City, Nebraska. Dr. Miles' Heart Curo Is sold on guaranteo that first bottlo benefits or monoy refunded. POLITICAL CARDS. TTlOIt LEGISLATUKU, Second District, H. W. BECKER, Of Girardville, Pa. Subject to Democratic rules. TTlOIt COUNTY THKASUltEn, ELIAS DAVIS,. Of llroad Mountain. Subject to'ltcpublican rules. T710Ii CLERK OF THE COURTS, PHIL. J. C0NNELL, Of Glrnrdville. Subject to Democratic rules. OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, FRANK RENTZ, Of Ashland. Subject to Republican rules. OR RECORDER, EMANUEL JENKYN, Of Jollctt, Porter Township. Subject to Republican rules. F OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, CHAS. F. ALLEN, Of Tnmnqua. Subject to ItejmljUcnn Hules. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U. PHILLIPS, M. D. Ollice: 30 West Centre street. Can bo consulted at nil hours. p F. BURKE, M. D. 80 E. Lloyd street, Shenandonli. OBlce hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 to 9 J. II. POMEROY, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Sliennndcmh, Pa. M. HURKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offlee Eiran ImlhllliL'. corner of Main land Centre streets, Shenandoah. pROF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Ixick Tiox to, Mahanoy City, l'u. Ttnvlnir Ktinlteil itmlpr some of the best masters b London and Paris, will giro lessons on the violin, Khnr ""d vocal culture. Terras reasonable. Address in care of Strouse, the eweler, blienoniloaii. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoan ana vicinity --For-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. millions of Dollars Go up in smoke every year. Take n? risks but get your houses, slock, fur niture, etc., Insured in flrst-clasa To llable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, Stf' Also Life and Accidental Compsulu. )