The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 18, 1896, Image 3

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1 "Isc in 'i'own Honey." 1
i Pancake j
1 Flour. j
s A combination of the great staifs
of life WHEAT, CORN and RICE.;;
Bo Sure You Got the Red Package. I
? liny paoleago of Oeimlno AuntS
ijamfnia'a Self-Hlalng rancako riini,i
"ami If you do not Und It makes tlin best -
cukes yon ever nte, return tho empty..
5 lor to your grocer, leave your name,
aml the grocer will refund tho money;
ami charge It to ns.
5 Sclrntlflcallr Prepared and "
s Manufactured only by
R.T.DAVIS MILL CO., St. Joseph, Mo.f
5 Send 4 cents In stamps for a set of Aunt "
- Jemima and her Pickaninny Dolls. T.
To all snturers of T?!MtOKSOI YOUTH.
LOST VlROIl ujd I)l.-9i!AES OF JU1SN
AM) V O.HL.V. 208 pages; cloth tioundt se
curely sealed and inal?drre. Treitmcntby roall
strictly ontluential, sad a ixislMve. qaick cure
guar&n'cd. matter how icui: standing, 1
wlU pof Ivcly cure yrm. Write or call.
J1R flRR 349 H- l5fh St. Phlla.Pa.
Headache Cured. I
A quick cure, a certain cure, r
tho best euro Is C
Wo never hcnnl of j
a case whero thev g
failed. Wo never ox.
pect to hear of one. J
Don't bo afraid to j?
"Si AN toKoincm. 'iney aie to,
I 'J'n uarmIcs3' Thoy do&
5 ( J not contain ono tingle
2 " V atom of any dancer- C,
oua drug. Tor th's
reason It Is well to j
shun all other head-
aalio medicines.
Ayold risk by Insist-
lng on getting IAY-
LOR'S. Our powders
can easily be dlsttn-
gulshcd by tho do-
llghtful odor and pleasant tastes and
they look liko ground coffee. Best of P
g nil. they euro almost Instantly. c
GRUHLER BROS.'a Enclhh Diamond lining.
P r-V Original and Only Genuine A
jt iVA 8fCs aJwijri reliable, ladic k T
fiil VWl D"l' tor Ctitehuter XWi i(a-VA
fpTjC"n(l UranJ In Kid and Woii nietllioyyw
Jnoollior. Itefutt danatrou tub tilw
r f font and imitation: Ai DruggUti, or fend 4c
' In itsmi for particulars, uitlmooUlt an4
IIrlIcrfor Illicit. fit tetter, bj return
MulL 1f).l)M(t TtPtlmonUli. A'ama Jfcnw.
VolA brail l-toi ruuliu. I'bllfu- jtw
OLD DR. THEELhered 604
North Sixth St..
i'Omr.aipn, 'v.." ab. Green, Philadelphia.
Ialit vp to the lcelarlug Prole.aora, la curio.
I'OlbOX No uuu t howllogerlDK, ..Ter. .ol
l dftn.erousth. trotihlA m.v K. K n
Itt.J curid. htrl.turp. nrliurl .! lit.
4orfdvlthoutcuttlD.. IIU.THCI-L 11 na.ttir.l lh. otdi.t.
tb lc.t nd mo.t .Lllirul nndexnerlrtirt'doDC.Bo
?"w'.!.'"'.'!.l"'r.",'cl"a- B"""litsiinini tor
bookTriith,.Ddl' eallfEbtDeS reg.rdlo. tnnr dl-..ia
l APRS and b-oki unci llrriilnrii. l.n.ntn.
S;,','"U, In 4 to JO Dot.,. II our, 1
to S: H,.., 0 lo . Wi-,1. .d Hit, K.. ,6.0r Son., aw
Mi E'M ,61o- Tn-,.liori,tl.y MulL Whaj.ulltt
ore." -otlon tha p.prr. Hoard and bidlaf irde.lrJ.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
genuine wolcomo awaits you nt
Cor, rial n and Coat Sts.
Ft net. I wl'Ufccya. porter and ale con
tan. ly oti tap. Choitw tfMUieraiic-edrlnlHbiiil
1 r
Barber Shop !
(JJ$2 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave .
a becoming popular. You will like H. We
xnake a specialty of hatrcuttinz.
m l
enators Want to Euali Through
the Appropriation Bills,
It I llxpci l, ,! That theCotil'i'rcnco !t-porl '
Will he Mmh, liirly In tlin Wwk, lint tin
I'ato of t lie l'rnH.ed IroiiclniH la n Jlnl
tcr of ('onjectllrc.
WAHtIM.Toy.Mnv 18. Tho invnl
In tho HFiinto bids fair to bo given tip
lnrRclj- (o nmtlers perttilnliiR to tho Dis
trict of Columbia. Tho coniltlomtlon ol
tho "(lollnr kiis" bill will consumo con
sidetiibly ltioro tlmo, niul whon It U dli
IwiMjil of tho tllRtrictiipproiirintion bill will
lio tnken up If It Is nut cut out l)r tho con
fcrunco report on tho leglslntlvo bill. The
district appropriation bill will prnlmblv
lcjul to considerable discussion. It Is ox
ported that thero will bo nn ottort to have
tho lcglslntlVo, oxocutlvo nhd judleltil np
proprlntlon bill recommitted for further
consideration of tho provlnlon In regard
to United Stntoi commissioners, ns the
house provision, which tho sennfo confer
rocs have nccopted, Is distasteful to many
of tho senators.
It Is also oxpocted thnt tho conference re
port on tho river nml harbor bill will be
made curly In tho week, but whether this
will consume much tlmo will depend upon
how much of tho sennto additions, the
sonato conferroes may concede to thoso ol
tho honso.
Tho sennto managers nro still disposed
to press tho appropriation bills to tho ex
clusion of other business, and will have the
fortification, bill ready to titkn tip as soon
ns tho district bill and tho conference re
ports on other appropriation bills nro dis
posed of. They do not conteinplato giving
way to other bills, except those to which
no opposition Is made, until tho last of the
appropriation bills shall bo passed. Thero
nro still throo appropriation bills which
havo not received tho attention of tho sen
ate. Thoso aro tho District of Columbia,
fortifications and general dollcloney.
Tho house probably will devote much of
its tlmo during tho week to tho consldera,
tlon of eonferonpo reports on appropriation
bills. It Is oxpoctetl thnt tho conference
reports on both tho naval and river and
harbor bills will lo presented, andon both
lively lights are anticipated. Tho senate
amendments, to tho latter bill, placing half
a dozen additional projects under tho con
tract system at a cost of about ?12,(XX),aH),
will attract tho bulk of tho opposition, and
in case tho senate doos.not yield to tho
houso on tho naval bill In respect to tho
number of new battleships to bo authorized
another attempt will bo made by tho econo
mists of tho houso to agree to tho sonato's
reduction. If tho senate conferroes yield,
however, the matter will be practically be
yond tho jurisdiction of tho house.
Tii lw llanlslii il and llrnilly I-'Im-d.
Loxdon, liny 18. Tho correspondent of
Tho Dally News at Johannesburg, Trans
vaal, says that a private dispatch received
thero states that the four loaders of tho re
form committee, Colonel Fran -is Rhodes,
John Hays Hnmmond,Lioncl Phillips nnd
George Karrar, who were sentenced to
death and their sentence afterward com
muted, will lie fined 812.),00O each, and will
be sentenced to ten years banishment. The
Daily Telegraph has it dispatch from Pre
toria which says that tho Johannesburg
Times has caused a great sensation by pub
lishing a fao simile of Dr. Jameson's plans
for tho seizure and bombardment of Pre
toria, which it is alleged, wore found by
tho 1J ers upon tho field nt Donmkop after
Dr. Jameson had surrendered his' forces to
tho Doers there.
Perjured Herself for Itcveugo.
Wn.KKSJlAIMK, Pa., May 18. Miss El
len liethel, of Georgetown, Is In jail hero
accused of perjury, fhe young woman
has admitted her guilt, but says she com
mitted the crime for revengo against a
former lover, Andrew Fraley. Tho latter
caused Miss Uethel's arrest after ho had
spent tho night of his marrlago in prison.
Miss Bethel claims that Fraley promised
to marry her, but jilted her for Miss Eliz
abeth Williams, to whom ho was quietly
married recently, A s soon ns tho couplo
returned from tho parson's Miss Bethel
swore out a warrant for Frnloy's nrrest.on
tho chargo of larceny, nnd ho was locked
up all night. Miss Bethel now admits that
sho swore falsely.
Two T.Uos Saved.
Mrs. rhocbo Thomas, of Junction City
111., was told by her doctors sho had Con
sumption nnd that thero was no bono for her.
but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery
completely cured her and sho says it saved
her Jife. Mr. Thos. Kggcra, 130 Florida St.,
San Francisco, suffered from n dreadful cold,
approaching Consumption, tried without
result everything elso then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's Now Discovery and In two
nucivoniismnHi, uo is iiHiunuiy luuuKiui.
It is such results, of which theso nro samples,
that prove tho wonderful efficacy of this
medicluo in Coughs and Colds. Freo trial
bottles at A. Wnsley's drug store. Kegalar
size 50c and $1.00.
Heavy Sentence for an iuihezzfer.
Omaha, May 18. Henry Bollen, tho cm
bezzllng treasurer of Omaha, has been sen
tenced to nineteen years In tho peniten
tiary and to pay 6210,000 fine, that lielnir
Ldoublo tho amount ho Is convicted of em-
A Transitial l'rlaoncr's Suicide,
CAPETOWN', May 18. A dispatch from
Pretoria says that Mr. Grey, one of the ro
rontly lentoneod members of tho reform
committee, 1ms liecome luwiuo In jail aud
committed suicide.
Thero is somo ono in almost ovory neigh
borhood who Is subject to attacks ofpnin In
tho stomach or bilious colic. Mr. J. 1). Kin
ney, Warren Center, Pa., used to bo troubled
in that way. Ho says: "Tho attacks wero
marked by tcrriblo palus, diarrhoea and
fainting spells. At Buch times I sutlercd
exceedingly until 1 begun using Chamber
lain's folic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Itemody,
two or three doses of which ellVcted an im
mediate and lasting cure." For salo by
Gruhler ltros., druggist.
Sirs, l.vcr Declared Iiimiihs
Lokdojc, May 18. An ixiert employed
by tho huino olllee has examined Mrs.
Annie Dyer, tho alleged wholesale inur
deroiw of babies entrusted to her care, and
has declared hor to lo insane.
Assaulted In Ills More,
TAWA, Kin., May 18. H. Solomon, a
prominent merchant of tliU place, was as
sail! ted in Ills store Saturday night, being
fired on through an open door wlillo wait
ing on a customer. No clow.
lion's Your Cough ?
ran-Tiua cures It, 25c. At Gruhler Bros,,
drug store.
Htctt illun Who Would Know inn
(Ir-nd Trntlin, ilio I'lnln I'nrts, it:
Xotr THflCovcrlci of lUrrilcnl Hetrnro
ns Applied to IHnrrlcd J.llr, Wlm
Would Atono for Pnnt Error-., nnd
Avoid Tuturo I'lltaUs, Mltould Sccura
the Wonderful Little Hook Called
" C'oinplcto ntnnhood. mul How to At
tola, It.'
"Hero at last Is Information from a high
medical source that must work wonders with
llils generation of men."
The book fully describes a method by which
to attain full vigor and manly power.
A method by which to end nil unnatural
Uralnsou tho system.
To euro nervousness, lack of self-control, do
prraaency, Aic.
Tocichanco a Jaded and worn naturo for
oao of brightness, buoyancy nnd power.
To cure forever effects of cxccsscs,ovcrwork.
To Rlvofnllstrcncth.dovclopmcnt and tono
lo every portion and orpnn of tho body.
Ago no barrier. Failure impossible. Two
thousand references.
The bookl9 purely mcdlenl nnd scicntWc,
nscles9 to curiosity cockers, invaluable to men
only who need It.
A despairing man, who had applied to us,
soon after wroto:
"Well, I toll yon that first day Is ono I'll
never forget. I Just bubbled with Joy. I
wanted to hup; overybodynnd tell theramy
old self had died yesterday, nnd my now self
was born to-day. Why didn't you tell r-o
when I first wroto that 1 would find it this
And another thus:
"If yon dumped a cart load of gold ntny
feet it would not bring such gladness Into my
1Kb as your mothod has done."
Write tn tho ERIE MEDICAT, COMPA?"',
Buffalo, N. Y.,' and ask for tho little book
called ''COMPLETE MANHOOD." lteferto
this paper, and tho company promises to bet d
the cook, tn scaled envelop, without n; y
marks, nnd entirely free, until It Is veil Intrn.
For Weak nnd Run-Down People from
Childhood to Old Ane.
WHAT iT IS! Th rlchoatnf all rotnrntlT6
foods, liroaiiuu it r-plai,.-. tho smile Kilhntancrs
? l" ""t n-TTrs flint am cilinusM In
tit",1,,0 1 1(l,-B"if Unlda l.v d laa, Indlieation,
hlKn u, luc uwtvrurk, worry, exceaut, abus,ctc.
WHT ,!T QOGS ! Ilr making the bipod
fi .U llh, iun.'lnaiM Mr.ut'tl.. Tho uerrt-s bs
tna ma.lo htrmii.tS,, briin b. coin a ai-tire aDt
'"".eatonng I'tvi-aUtrnn.Uloi.I.inir all
wufetinff rlr.iina an.l npaknt.-. p tlthr srx, It bai
aopmu.l ; aoita af.-malprrfiilitnrlt Is worth Its
Jf i'lah 1 1 rjffnlil. Oiu, Imx larta a wwk. Price Sec., or
ft buxca Sini. Drimciataorbynnll. Hunk I'rec.
libl CUttnut Et. ftUadeiplila.
JflAVt T UU Colored spot's, Acho, i)!l bWsif
suiccn. in rioutn, juur-ramng! .vriis tuuar
i,aa-..iiijij x iti.i uiii aiuaonic xcmpiei
iChlcniro. III., for broofa of cures. Cunl-E
Itnl, Worst caaea cured la 1CP
to u& duya. lOO-pniro hooU free.
lor 2orses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs. Hogs.
fjOOFage Hook on Trentment of Anlmalo
un il Chun bent l'rce.
A.A.lHplnnl .lleutiieltis, Milk Fover.
11.11. (.trains, I.amcni-ss, KlienniuUauj.
(;.(:.J)lstiiniii'r, Imsnl Dlscliuracs.
Ii.ll. Ilots or Crubs, Worms.
1.. F...-C'oiicli, Heaves, I'neunionSu.
'.'. Colfc or (irlpcs, llcll iiclie.
..(i, liscnrrliiKe, Heiuorrliaecs.
II. II. --Urinary nnd Kidney Discuses.
1.1. Krupt.vp Diseases, Ilinngo.
J.K. lliacuscjcit ;)iktstlon, Paralysis.
Bi'ngle Dottle (OTcr 50 Joscs), - . ,qq
titable Onso, with Speclflcs, Manual,
Veterinary Cure 011 and Medlcatori ST.OO
Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, 1.00
Sold t7 PrnssMat or vat prcpala aaraa.rv and la aay
aantllx oa melpt of prlca.,111 Aiismm.mBt.,swVori.
In nan 'Ul . TTia an iaa afrit ramAila' fat
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
sod Prostration, from over-work or other causes.
91 per vial, or 6 rials and large vial powder, for 155.
BolJ hy Uruf cliU, or tcni jjutjiald oq receipt ol price,
MCnrilllina'flJKt). C0.a 111 AllS IllUlaiaBL.KewTortu
Does This Mean Anything to You 7
If your truss don't hold you or Is causing
pain, seo us at once. It may savo you yeats ol
suiterliig, o have cured hundreds of people
la Pennsylvania, andean refer onto patients
cured la your own town. Our treatment Is
harmless und will not keep you from sour
daily labor. Call and havo a talk with our
doctor. It will cost you nothing. Wo guaran
tee relief alter tlio first treatment, and our
prices arc reasonable.
The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia.
Seo Our Doctor livery Tuesday ut
UNION HOUSE, Ashland,-Pa,
Teams to Hire.
If yuu want to hire a safe and reliable
team for driving? or for working purposes
pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Teams
constantly on band ut reasonable rutes.
No. -110 East Centre street.
Opposite Heading railroad station.
The ' Twin Comet" and "Little Glaut"
Unique, KOIeitnit, I.bor BuvIhk, iU sprinkle
four timtw urtwtt'r nm limn oilier sprinkler
umilo. JUkI'I-M awitnl ut tlio CIiichku
Kx position.
Send for Circulars (living Testi
monials and Pflces.
Sole Manufacturers,
Springfield, Mass.
For side by all hardware and rubber stores In
the United States,
&ro inUSi'lrri oil. II
Magnifioont Arrangements for the
Oaming Coronation.
From M. IN-ti-islmri; tiiMnsenw Isa Dunlili
l.lli' nf Soldb., an.l N'linebut the luipe
rlnlTraln'ls Allout'doii the llnud Darlug
Its ,lounie,v.
St. pKTKiisnruQ, May 18. The oitar ami
rxarlun, with their Infant tlauglilcr, tht
Gm ml Duchess Olcii Nleolalovna. aecom
Itnled by n numerous suite and by tin
whole of the Imperial household, took
tneir departure last evening for Moscow
The august ceremony of the coronation ol
tho czar and czarina, and tho fetes which
precede and follow that event, will 1111 ur
the time constantly fromnowuntll.Iuno"
which Is tho dato fixed upon for tho re
turn of tho Imperial party lo St. Peters
The train which carries tlio imperial pall
to tho ancient palaco of holy Kussln waf
oswcially built throughout for this jour
ney, and Is said to be tho finest that ovci
rode on rails. Tho appointment", nnd fin
ish of it are on a scale of inngnlflcenco in
harmony with everything elso connected
with tho coronation, for which the most
lavish expenditures havo not Inxm spared,
oven for the minutest details.
No speed record Is attempted with the
Imperial train, tho safety and comfort of
tliuuugustinmntoslx'lngtho sole consid
erations. All tralllo ceased over tho line
before tho departure of tho train from
hero, and no other wheels than those ol
this train will run ut the same time on the
tracks between hero and Moscow.
Tho lino between Ht. Petersburg nnd
Moscow runs almost In a straight lino for
tho 100 miles. It Is related that when the
engineers designated to build tho lino an-
pooled to tho czar for his orders regarding
the route ho placed a ruler upon the map
and drew a straight line between tho two
cities, thus solving the engineering dllll-cultle-i
with an autocratic hand.
Tho -too miles of tho lino uru guarded by
a double guard of soldiers Every detail
of the journey nnd of the ceremonies in
Moscow havo boon arranged formonths, mi
army of olllcials having boon engaged
upon the work in this city, amid much
stir and excitement, and also intense
anxiety. To facilitate their work wooden
models were constructed of nil the various
buildings at Moscow at which tho more
Important ceremonies will be enacted,
oxuet inevery proportion aud relation, so
that tho program of tho coronation lias
been precisely arranged and gone through
with in minlaturo.
Tho arrival of tho czar and ezariivi nt
tho Petrovsky palace outside of Mose w Is
timed for tills afternoon, which is the an
niversary of his majesty's birthday. This
will bo celebrated at tho Petrovsky palace,
where their majesties will remain until
Thursday, May 21, the dato fixed for the
triumphal entry of tho czar into Moscow,
which Is to lie ono of tho most Imposing
spectacles in all tho ceremonies attendant
upon tho coronation.
Charges I'rtllltllllent ltepresentatlous.
Cincinnati, May la In the United
States circuit court Judgo Sago overruled
demurrers file! by defendants in the ca-o
of Mary IjouIso Denver hiiulloy against
Louise C. Denver and others. This Is the
suit wherein tlio plaintiff, a daughter of
tho late Governor Denver, seeks to set aside
conveyances of real estate made by her
whereby sho disposed of her interest, or
nearly all of It, In tho estate of her father.
Tho charges aro that sho was induced to
sign papers by false and fraudulent repre
sentations, and that sho signed somo pa
pers not knowing what they wero. The
case Is ono of widespread Interest, as Gov
ernor Denver, tlio father of tho plaintiff,
was of national reputation, and the suit
involves property to tho amount of at least
Old People.
Old people who requlromedicino to regulate
tlio bowels and kidneys will find the true
remedy in Electric, Hitters. This medicine
does not stimulate and contains no whiskey
nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and
alterative It nets mildly on tho stomach
and bowels, addinc strenctli and civimr tono
to tho organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of tho functions. Electric
Hitters is an excellent nppetizer and aids
illgcstlon. Old peoplo find it just exactly
what they need. Prieo fifty cents per bottle
at A. Wasley's drug store.
I'ere Hjnt-liitho's Hon Slurried,
Paws, Mny 18. Paul hoyson, son of
Charles hoy son, known as Pore 1 lyaclntho,
and Laura Hlrckwell, of Philadelphia,
were married at tho English church at
Neullly on Saturday.
Fire in Atlanta, Ga., last night causeu
losses aggregating if l()0,(KX
Wiliielinlna, tho Kl-year-old queen of
Holland, will soon bo betrothed to Prlnco
Bernhard Henry, grandson of Grand Duke
Charles Alexander of Welmnr-Kisonarh.
Tho person appointed by William Q.
Judge, late leader of the theosophlsts of
die world, as his u-orotle successor is Mrs.
Mice Tlngloy, of West End avenue, Now
Ifoi'k city.
Itelief In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "Now Groat
Soutli American Kldnov Cure." This new
remedy is a groat' surprise on account of Its
oxccodlng promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back aud every part
oi me unuury pussngos in inaio or Icmaio,
It relieves retention of water and nnlu In
patting it almost immediately. If you want
ouick reuei ami cure tins is your remedy.
Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South .Main
lUluenn V. llebs lor I'resldeut,
Clin AUO, May 1H. Kugeno V. Debs was
name 1 for the presidency of the United
rttntos by the Chicago lulxir congress yes
terday. The resolution provoked adlscus
slon which consumed throe hour, but it
was finally adopted by a alight umjoi-ltv.
It was recited In tho resolution that as the
corporations, syndicates and trusts are
seeking to have presidential candiilales
nouiltod who aro In syniiatliy with the
existing ordur ot industrial things, labor,
orguuUed and uuorganUcd, should lie
equally solicitous tint a man lie nomi
nated who Is known to 1m friendly to
workers and wealth producers. The eon-
fro4 expressed the lx-llcf that Kugeno Y.
lobs Is best lit toil to become tho leader of
the Industrial classes,
lTp to Dato for Pains aud Aches.
Everybody says Itcd Flac Oil. S5e. At
Gruhler llrus., drug store-
"Sf "if "? W W "a
There is no
mm rhmmUm Bkw I
brands for 10 cents. J
DON'T FORGET that "Battle Ax" is made of
the best leaf grown, and the quality cannot be
imoroved. 5
DON'T FORGET, no matter how much you
are charged for a small piece of other brands, J
p the chew is no better than " Battle Ax."
DON'T FORGET, "Economy is wealth," and
fyou want all you can get for your money.
Why pay 10 cents for other brands when you
can get " Battle Ax" for 5 cents ? i
2 2 s! 3 " a' M ?? W "J1 W W 5' V
fM&im UI60R
Wicn In doubt wlnt to
stx , I r-xncni , A -o j!
S .ire Drum .
XT .1. i r 'SUltfjIlllv. M
s. f 1
Itcsult la A weeks.
t- rv io urcler ue ple a ! 1 ( Lr i -c tu ture or rclunJ tl o inune". Atldresa
VLAL MLDIC1NE CO, Oerelaud. olnu.
For Nile bv l l T). KIKMX. Sliciiundmh. Pa.
IN Kl'FECT MAY 17. 1S06.
Trains leave Shenandoah o-i follows:
I'or New York la l'lillndeiiliia, week daya
210, S2.1, 7 20 a. m., 12 IS, 3 no audaSS p. m
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days
5 23, 7 20 u. 111., 12 48 nn I 3 Ol p. ill.
For Heading nnd I'lillailelpliln, week days
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m., 12 IS, 3 01) and 3 ! p. m. Sun
days, 2 10 n, m.
For l'ottsville, week days, 2 10; 7 20 n. ni., and
12 IS, 3 110 and 5 53 p. in, holidays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tuiunuun and Mabniioy City, i-ek days,
210,5 23, 7 20 a. 111., 12 IS, SOU nnd 5 55 p. in
Sundays, 210 a. m.
For Wllllunisport, Sunbury and Ix-wlslnu-f;
weekdays, 3 23, 11 U0 a. in., 150 und 7 25p.m
Sundays, 3 23 a. m.
For In1iauoy l'lnne, weekdays, 2 10. 3 23, 5 25
7 20, 1130 a. in., 12 -IS, 1 50, 3 00,553, 7 25 nnd 9(5
p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 3 23 n. in.
For Ashloud and blianiokln, week days, 3 23,
7 20,1130 tl. 111., 150,725 and 9 55 p.m. Sun
days, 3 25 a, m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West vis
H. Sc O. It. It., through trains have Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. It. H. It.) at 3 20
7 55, 1120 n. in., 3 10 nnd 7.27 p. in. Sundays
3 20, 7 00, II 20 n. lu., 3 46 ami 7 27 p. in. AUdl
tlonal trnlns from Twenty-fourth and Cheat
nut streets station, week days, 10 HO a. in, 12 20,
12 18 8 10 p m. Sundays, I 33, 8 23 p. in.
Leave Now York via 1'lillndclphla, week
days, ISO, 8 00 n. 111., 130, 4 30, 0 00 p. m. Olid
night. Sundays, 000 p. m.
Iave New York la Mauch Chunk, wees
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. in.. 1 30 mid 4 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 33, 1003 n. m. aud 4 03, 0 30, 11 8C
p. in. Sundays, 1130 p.m.
Leave Heading, week days, 133, 7 10, 10 08
1153 a. m., 0 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 33 a, m.
Leave l'ottsville, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a.m.,
12 30 ami 0 12 p. in. Sundnys, 2 3.1 n. in.
l,eave Tuumnua, weekdays, 3 18, 8 50, 11 23 B
m., 1 27, 7 20 ami 9 13 p. lu. Sundays, 3 18 a. in.
Leave Mahnnoy City, week days, 3 45, 9 21
11 47 a. m 2 at, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m. Suuduys, 8 43
a. tn.
I-ave Mahnnoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00,
630. 9 37, II 59 a. in., 1 12, 2 l'J, 5 20, 0 26, 7 57 and
10 23 p. in. Sundays, 2 40, 4 00 a. in,
Leavo Willianisport, week days, 7 42, 10 10 a.
in,, 3 33 mid 11 11 p. lu. Sundays, li 15 p. m,
Leave l'hlladelphla Chestnut street warf and
South street wluuf for Atlantic City,
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. in., 2 00, Saturday
only, 3 00, 4 00, 5 0 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00
a. in,, 4 30, 0 30 p. in
Sunday Kxpress, 900, 1000 a. m. Accommo
dation 800 o. in., 4 13 p. in,
Heturning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas nienue.
Weekdays, express, 7 35, 9 00 a, lu 3 30, 3 SO p.
m. Accommodation, 050,813a.m., 432 p. m.
Sundays Hx press. 100, 3 30 8 00 p. 111. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. in., 4 13 p. 111.
l'nrlor Cars on all express trains,
Oen'l Superintendent. Oen'l 1W Agt
Every man's wife
who has used this
coffee, knows a
grand, good drink
that will please her
husband and save
fPan tell
you about
"a &k ia na as '' ni
.dividing line.
5 cents you get. almost
use fr Nrvou Dc illty. Loss cf Sevutl Tower (In eithrr
, Van in-ulo an i n.K r ik u--r . ,- p- cause, usq
, I .ill iIm.t. mkl r jtc 1 If m. 'let ud, such
.tl' I ' I -i-. t., il. l. u f. ,, f.r 6a. on. With
M 17.
Trains will lcac slicnauiloah after the above
date (or Wlggnns, (iillierton, Frackvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsville. Hamburg, Heading,
l'ottstowu, l'lim-nixvllle, Norrlstowu anil Phil
adelphia (llrnud street station) nt 0 08 and 1143
a. in. nnd 1 15 iw m. on week days. For I'otte
villo and intermediate stations 9 10 n. m.
For Wiggans, Ollberton, Frackvllle, Dark
Water, H. rhilr, l'uttsvllle, at 0OS, 9 40 a. m, and
310i. m. For llnmhurg, Heading, l'ottstowu,
Phoeidxvllle, Norrlstown, l'hlladelphla ut 6 00.
9 40 a. m 3 10 p. in.
-iniius leave rracuville lor Shenandoah at
10 10 a. m. and 12 14, 5 01, 7 12 and 1027 p. m.
Sunday, II 13 a. in. and 5 40 p. in.
1.1-avo l'uttsvllle for Shenandoah at 10 15, 11 48
a. m. and I 10, 7 15 nnd 10 Ou p. m. Sunday at
10 10 n. in., 5 15)i. m.
Leave 1'liil.iiU'lphiu, (Iirouil Btrcet station), for
Shenandoah at 5 57 ami 8 35 a. in., 110 and 711
p. in. week dns. Suudas lenvo at 050 a. in.
Leave Uroail street station, Philadelphia, lor
Sea (lirt, Anbury Park, Ocenn Drove, Lona;
Branih, aud Intermediate stations, 0.50, 8.25,
11.39 a. in., 3.30, 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sundays
(sto)i at Interlaken lor Asbtiry Park), 8.25 a.m.
Leave Hruud Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week days, 3 20, 103, 1 50, 515, 6 50,
733, 8 20,9 20,9 50, 10 21 (I lining Car), 11 00, 11 11a.
in., 12 noon, V23$ (Limited 100 and 4 22
p. m. Dining Curs) 1 10. 230 (Dining
Car), 3 20, 3 50 4 00, 5 00, 6 511 ( Dining Cor),
0 00,0 60, 8 12, 10 00 p. 111., 1201 night. Sundnys,
3 20, 103, 150, 5 15, 8 20,8 30,9 50,10 21 (Dining
Cnr), II Ol a. in.. 1233. 230 (Dining Car)
4 00 (Limited 4 22. Dining Car) 5 20, 555
(Dining Car), 033, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 12 01
Hxpress for noston, without change, 1100 a.
m, week dnyB, mid 6 50 p. in. daily,
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 50, 7 20, 8 31
912,10 20,113:1 a. in., 1209 (1231 Limited Din
Ing Car). 112. 3 IS. 4 41 ?3 19 (,,, -r..ln.i
Limited, Dining Car), 9 17, 0 53 (Dining Car),
7-5S (Dining air) p. m mid 12 05 nlghj
wcck nays. Mtnuays, 3 00, 7 20, 9 12, 1123 a.
m., 12 09 1 12, 4 II, ( 5 111 Congressional Limited.
Dining Car), 6 55 (Dining Car), 7 5s n. m,
(Dining Cur) and 12 05 ulglit.
I.tmi-llninil street statlun, l'hllailelphin (via
Delaware river bridge), express, 9 0S u. ui and
7 00 p in. dally.
Iave Market street Ferry, exprese, 8 50 a. m.,
2 10,(3 10 Saturdays only), 4 10, und I 00 p. in.
eek days. Siimlnvs, 8 13 and 9 15 a. ui. (4 00,
I 15 p. ui accommodation).
ror l-npo Slay, Aligleasea, Wlldwood und
Holly Bench. Express, 9 00 a. in,, und 4 00 p. m.
week days. Slluilas, 9 00a. lu.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City and Avalon.-Expi-ess,
9 00 a. m., and 100 p. 111. wck days.
Sundays, 9 01 . m.
For Homers PointExpress, 8 30 a. m., aud
4 10 p. 111. week days. Semlavs, 8 45 a. m.
Clen'l Manager. (,en'l l'uu'g'r Agt
RM T I I Hi? : A cure lor luiHluehe slid
fttuinacli IruuhlviM.
17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah,
Celebrated Foraaio
JNiwtlora never full.
iy.'iTff",it m1 mn ,m
l'W-JJ.iiUiti Ictliire luciii
' afctiHl urel tfler fallinn
with Taniy and l'cnnrrvrl fttid o'hrr Ukr
i-unrdn . i AlwivttSuv ttia btit and AVc, 1 dimn.
rwliitment. diun ntccd tupifiur tu tU i'oirtivelr
the btt in thi ma ii"t AN- t, i'articuluj, 4 s. Dr. 5.TX
LLXt UMk Uy. Button, Mu.