The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 16, 1896, Image 4

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Dating Stamp
Strongly made and will Inst a
long time. It stamps all the
months and years from 1895 to
1900 ; nil the figures from o to 99
and the words rec'd, ans'd, paid,
ac'p'd and ent'ed.
Size of letters and figures,
MAY 14, 1896.
a North Main St.
And you will reach the
Mammoth Clothing
House. We have won
the reputation of being
For stylish and correct-fitting
Spring styles selected with the
usual care. Prices to conform
to the times.
Good light suits for men, $5 and
$8, formerly sold at from $2 to $3
Children!' Light Suits at Halt Price.
. . . Full Line of Hats in all Styles.
L. Goldin, Prop.
9 and 11 S. Main St.
Tor Sale Chen it.
1 gray horso, 1 bay mare, 2 single spring
wagons, 2 sleighs, 2 single sets liariief-s, 1
platform scnlo and 1 counter scale. Iteasons
for selling, leaving town.
Jamks Goodman & Co.,
fi-8-tf 27 West Centre street.
30 l'rr Cent.
Reduction aro tbo prices on our big lino of
men's and boys' russets and gondolas at
Wonier's shoo storo. 1-20-tf
your Tina
We have just received an im
mense stock of Men's, Boys' and
Spring and
In all the latest novelties of the
season Call early and receive your
choice. We are selling clothing at
such amazingly low prices as to
reap harvest in bargains for buyers.
We never fail to please you if you
call and examine our big stock.
29 S. Main St.
Formerly Wilkinson's Old Stand, and Next
Door to the First National Bank.
Filling witli all known material. Crown
nud Ilridge work. Examinations fieo. Ex
tractions free, when new teeth aro ordered.
Cleaning teetli free when I do your work.
Alt extractions iainh'ss. Pure gas adminis
tered. Guarantee with all my work.
Artificial teeth inserted and warranted.
Ferguson's Theatre Block,
Corner Main and Oak Streets.
Take tlio iron Mnlrway on O.ik street.
Onice Hours : 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Now in operation for tlieaprlntr
house cleaning.
Carpets Cleaned, a Specialty.
Feathers and Mattresses Renovated.
Price Llt : Itcnovatlnir carpets, Ilrtissels and
Ingrain, Ho per yard. Jloaviei grades, -leper
yard. Panthers cleaned, ho per lb, Mattresses
cleaned and upholstered, hulr, tl; cotton, 3;
cheaper trades, 32.
Called for and Delivered Without
Charge, by Your Command.
Bowers street and Apple alley, Shenandoah,
From 25c to 60c per yard.
Corner Centre Mid Weat (street.
l'mintl lit ii Stnblo.
.Too Smith, alias Picknlmkl, win nrrccted nt
about 3 o'clock thh mornliiK liy l'oliccmen
Tosh, Leo unit Goodman wlillo hiclliiK in n
stnblo near tlio Indian ltidgc colliery, llo is
Miipmeit to imvo forced an cntniiue to the
lilaco to steal pigeons. A crowd of nbont BOO
excited l'olcs and Lithuanian surrounded
the. stable and stood guard until tlio pjillcc
arrived. Smith was committed to jail this
morning on a chargo of vagrancy and bur
glariously entering tlio stable, lie Is a
worthless and thieving character of Win.
l'cnn and has a partner named Joo l'ickn
loskl, They make use of each other's names
when ariested. Smith was held two or three
years ago for robbing clothing dummies and
shoe stores on Main street.
Itelnotnl Sill'.
Thcro's not many weoks left for ns to close
out our big stock of Dry (ioods. Our now
storo the largost In tlio county will soon
bo ready for tlio big new stocks of Dry Goods,
carpets and cloaks. This is vour greutest
bargain opportunity. Come and sec tlio lino
hcnriettfi now 50c; rich laco curtains at half
prices; Lancaster ginghams and tho newest
dress ginghams down to Be; blue drilling at
7c. per yard; 40c, table linens down to 25c.
There's hundreds of other bargains that must
go as fast as quick-selling prices can movo
5-I5-3t L. J. Wilkinson.
Tlio "Times" IMnnu Contest.
Tho contest for tlio prize pianos offered by
tho Philadelphia Times closed yesterday, and
it was n spirited ono among tho schools of
Philadelphia and the stato. The total vote
polled yesterday was 252,530, all seemed
determined to make a big showing on the
last day. St. Michael's school, of Chester, is
tho winner, and polled 75,714 votes yesterday
with a total vote of 403,771. Tlio Tower City
public school, this county, Is tho second
highest, with a voto yesterday of 49,173.
Their total voto is 310,9S0. Thus it will be
seen tho St. Michael's school wins tho stato
contest and tho piano. The M. Hall Stanton
school won tho city contest.
Itcinembcr tho timo is getting short in
which you can buy a $1 bottle for 35 cents.
three for $1. llavo you tried the headache
euro "t It's only 25 cents a bottle. Tait Medi
cine Co., 121 North Main street.
Deeds Iti'cordeil.
From Mary liarr et al to John 1'. Bowman,
premises in Schuylkill Haven ; from Anna
1). Hauenbach to Samuel C. McClurc, lot in
Mahuuoy City; from Itudolph Schlauch to
John J. Iirobst, land in North Union town
ship; from executors of Cbarlemagno Tower
et al to Pennsylvania Trust Company,
premises In Hublcy township ; from Frank
Sturman et. ux., to Edward Di-t, premises m
l'nrt (nrbou ; from I rank Sturman et. ux.,
to Frank M. Werner, premises in Port Carbon;
from A. W. Schalck to Mary A. 1". Morgan,
premises in Pottsvlllo ; from Henry C.
itussol to James A. Wentzcl, lot in Port
Carbon; from Irvin I!. Zlegenfuss, adminis
trator of Lydla Ziegenfuss, to Irvin If.
Ziegenfuss, tract of land in Parry township.
Don't sleep until you have bought a bottle
of "Tait's Cures." If you have rheumatism,
kidney trouble, trouble with your back,
lungs, catirrh, asthma, neuralgia, arc
nervous, worms, or in fact nny sickness at
all, you can buy a euro for any disease.
Tait Medicine Co., 121 North Main street.
Time Tulilo Changes.
Tho P. & It. R. It. Co. will put a new timo
tahlo In effect on Sunday, 17th iust,, in which
there will be several changes in timo of
trains. Tlio train now leaving at 12:58 p. m.
will leavo at 12: 18 hereafter, while tho ono
now leaving at 7:20 p. m. will leavo nt 7:25
and arrive at Williamsport at 10:51 p. m.;
while tho ono for Shainoklu which now leaves
at (1:35 p. m. will leavo at 11:53 p. m. From
Philadelphia there will bo but two trains
changed which connect for this region, tho
ono now leaving nt 4:00 p. in. will leavo at
1:03 p. in. and tbo ono now leaving there at
0:00 p. m. will leavo at 0:30 p. m.
A Tact "Worth Knotting.
A "Periodical Ticket Hook" will bo given
to you soon if used according to instructions
will cntltlo you to your favorlto paper or
magazino for ono year free. 5-15-Ct
Where i:ise Would llo Tut Them '?
I'roni Kilns Davis' Coll.
C. E. Herger, Esq., placed bis legs under
his brother's dinner tablo on Sunday.
Causes lully halt tho sickness In tho world. It
retains the digested food too long In the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, Indl-
gestion, had taste, coated MSfo m n
tongue, sick headache, In- VOf H 1 IS ?
somnla, etc. Hood's Pills I 1 I
euro constipation and all Its w
results, easllyand thoroughly. 25c. All druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Tho only Pills to take w Ith Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Grand Army Men !
If you want the regu
lation Grand Army and
Sons of Veterans suits,
the only place to secure
them is at the One
Price Clothing Houte,
No. 10 S. Main street.
These suits are guaran
teed in every respect
We have been head
quarters for these suits
for many years, and we
stand ready to return
your money if they do
not Wild their color.
The price is right, the
goods are guaranteed,
and the command is,
Forward 1 March I
One-Price Clothing House
10 Siuth Main Street,
l. REFOWICH; Rrop.
Also a full line of Clothing, and
Children's Novelties a specialty.
We have no competitors.
J. T. or II. & T. Convention.
Thomas Mllllchap, John Charles, Thomas
Dove, Jr., Edward Danks, George L, Hafner
and David Williams aro in Philadelphia,
attending tlio annual session of tho Grand
Section of tlio Junior Templars of Honor it
Tetnporanro of this stato. At tho meeting of
tho Grand Section last night tho follow
ing olllcers were elected ! Grand Gov
ernor, Thomas Dove, Jr., Shenandoah ;
Grand Vico Governor, William H, Moyer,
Malmnoy City; Grand Itecordcr, Samuel
Itolllson, Philadelphia; Assistant Grand Ite
cordcr, Thomas Scott, Win. Penn; Grand
Treasurer, S. Frank Mooro, Philadelphia;
Grand Chaplain, James Hughes, Summit
Hill; Grand Sentinel, Edward Danks, Shen
andoah. Tho reports showed n substantial
gain for tlio society nud it starts tlio now
year with bright prospects.
Kept n "Speak Kusy."
Martin Seybert, of Turkey lttin, was ar
rested by Constable Dando this morning on
oath of Domlnlck lierent, who alleges that
Seybert keeps a "speak easy" and maintains
a placo that lias become n public nuisance,
lierent also charges that on Sunday, last,
Seybert sold a pint of whiskoy to ouo Mary
liubel. Seybert pleaded that ho only sold
Honor to pcoplo who complained of being ill.
Justico Shoemaker put him under $100 bail
for trial, which was furnished by Anthony J.
Krankowskl, Seybort's son-in-law.
Do you want to cngago hi a paying busi
ness? Call on Tait Medlcino Co., 121 North
Main street. Somo ono is desired to take tlio
agency for tho new method of preserving. It
will pay you to investigate tins.
Huso Hull.
The Grammar school team and High school
team engaged In a game at tho Trotting park
yesterday afternoon in which tlio former won
by a scoro of 0 to B. The gamo was an
interesting ono throughout, taking eleven
innings to decide. W. Conry and Butler
occupied the box for tho Grammar school
nine and did very effectivo work, holding
their opponents down to flvo hits, while
Heddall and Arcgood formed tlio battery for
tho High school team. Another feature was
the errorless gamo by tbo former. Tho
Grammar school team is now open to all
challenges, which arc to bo addressed to
William A. Watson, manager.
Wo havo a special inducement in brown
stiff hats. We want you to call as our prico3
aro surprising upon examination. At MAX
I.KVIT'S. 15 Kast Centra street.
l cll Oil' In a Tunnel.
John Tredaldi, of Philadelphia, aged 40
years, tell Iroui a 1'. It. freight train pass
ing through the tunnel near Kast Mahanoy
Junction. Tredaldi was getting a free rido
from Tntimqua to Mahauoy City. Ho was
found in a ditch in tlio tunnel by a watch
man and after being taken to Mahanoy City
was sent to tho Miners' hospital. One of his
arms was badly crushed.
Watch for "Periodical Tickets." 5-15-0t
The following program will bo rendered at
a meeting of tlio "Y" to bo held this evening:
Scripture reading. Miss Schooner; reading,
Miss Mercy llecse; vocal solo, Mks Drown;
instrumental solo, MissTownlyj News of the
week, J. Danks; Templo Talk, Miss Cline;
question bos, C. Ilashorc; critic, Edward
"Periodical Ticket Hooks" free to all. Gt
Committed to .Tuil.
Thomas Crushanc, a Polish fellow who
terrorizes peopio and gives tlio police con
siderable trouble, was committed to jail this
morning in default of bail on a chargo pre
ferred by Chief of Polico Tosh, who says tho
fellow is a common nuisance, Crushauo
served six months last year on a similar
chargo mado by Chief Tosh.
Murrlage Licenses.
Anthony Czyzewski and Eva Kissaluta,
both of Shenandoah; Win, John Southam
and Dura Haxtou, both of; Joseph
Traccy, of Ashland, and Ida Ncischwenter,
of Locust Dalo; Peter Pyatak and Ellen
llezdalla, both of New Philadelphia.
"Wanted lit (luce.
Two good, live, energetic men to assist mo
in advertising my "cures." Hustlers only
need apply. Steady employment for right
parties. Tait Medlcino Co., No. 121 North
Main street.
You Cnn't Alwuys
get something for nothing. Try "Periodical
Tickets" and sco if you can't. 5-15-0t
A Tnmt I'eaat.
Isadoro Friedman returned yesterday from
Mainvillo, Columbia county, with a catch of
87 as fine trout as has uecu seen in town this
season. This evening a select party of
friends will assemble at the residence of
Charles Strouse, tho jeweler, and partake of
tho trout temptingly prepared by Albert
Niuimock. Lobster salad and all the liquid
refreshments required to make a brook trout
repast complete will bo followed by cigars of
a very superior brand.
Tlio Kx-l'rlest Released.
Thaddeus Jaklmowlcz, alleged embezzler,
is put of jail again, this timo for good unless
brought to trial for and convicted of stealing
his parishinors' money wlillo iu chargo of
St. Joseph's church, ns its pastor, 111 Mt
Carmcl, Ho served three months, and was
released on bail for other charges, but it is
thought the case will bo settled.
Wo havo the newest novelties' in fino silk
neckwear at regular selling prices. At tho
Up-to-dato hat store, 15 East Centre street.
Soap Venders Arrested.
Threo soap venders wero arrested at Itappa-
liannock yesterday for peddling without
licenso. They wero taken to PotUvillo. lie
side selling soap they glvo a free entertain
ment in a tent, and .tlio pcoplo enjoyed it so
much thoy protosted taint the vendors"
To t.raduatos.
Wo havo placed on our counters a butlful
line of cream gloria and chiu.1 silks, lien rietts,
cashmeres and albatrow. Also a fine assort
ment of India Uncus, nainsook and plain
nnd dotted swiss.
5-7-tf It. K.Gill.
Special Sale '
In soap and washing powder for a
limited time only.
10 oz. cake of pure soap for B cents.
12 oz. package of best washing powder, 5c.
4 lb, package of best washing powder, 20c
This is very low for first-class
goods and just what you want for
house cleaning.
Meluskey & Son,
10S S. Main S
Personal Friends
Following the Testimonials of Judge Powers and
Congressman Grout Come Hearty Letters from
Congressman Meredith, of Va., Asst. U. S. Attor- .
ney John G. Capers, Maj. Gen. Birney, Congress
man Wilber, of N. Y., Congressman Bell, Lieut.
McAllister, Congressman Neill, and Many More. jt
Tlio proprietors of Paine's celery compound
havo never exaggerated either tho virtue of
tills wonderful remedy nor tho astonishing
diameter of tho endorsements it has received.
This greatest of all blood purifiers and re
storers of nervous energy, this remedy which
is to-day In greater demand than all tho so
called spring remedies put together
This Paine's celery compound, which was!
first discovered and prescribed by America's
most eminent physician, that gaint among
medical scientists of this progiessive age.
Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. I)., LL, D., of
Dartmouth college
This remedy, which has been a blessing to
thousands upon thousands "f homes in every
stato and city of tho country, which lias
been energetically endorsed by the ablest phy
sicians, which has received thousaudsof heart
felt testimonials from women and men iu
every station iu life, and has been publicly
recommended withoutsolicitatlon by pearsons
of such high character that they are honored
by tho wholo nation this remedy that makes
peopio well, lias received so many letters in
its pralso within tho last two or three months
cuming iu over)-mail from overy section of tho
country that it would bo imposiblo to print
them all in the dally iuo uf any ouo paper.
Mr. Hearst's great paper, tho Jouual iu
New Vork, the Qlobo aud tho Journal iu
Boston, Mr, Kohlsaat's powerful Timos-Herald
in Chicago, have each of them, within a
mouth, dovoted from one to threo pages at a
tiino to tho most remarkable canvas ever
mado of tho druggists in tho great cities. And
their best reporters, unprejudiced one way or
another, havo found that tho druggists are
meeting not only a larger demand than ovei
before fur this ono remedy, but that this do-
maud bcuuiBo Value's celery compound euros
wnero ovcrytiuug else talis it so fur greater
to uay man tnat 01 any otner remedy mat It
has 110 competitor.
Among the thousands of testimonials that
have been received by the proprietors of
Dealer in all kinds of
Fancy Groceries,
Flour, Feed, Etc.
Goods Always Frosh;
) ","
To buy n show case about 3 or 4 feet in length.
For any further Information call nt '
of the President
Celery Compound.
J Paine's celery compound this spring, nouo '
( havo been more noteworthy thau thoo that
coino irniu me uaiiouai capiiai. 1110 euiuu-
siastic letters of Judge Powers and of Con
gressman (trout wero recently published in
tills paper. Above is a good likcnoss of ono
of tho nhh-t members on tlio Democratic sido
of tho hati-i-. a loader of acknowledged ability,
a personal friend of tlio President, a man of
great we, i...r, Congressman Elisha E. Mere
dith of Yninia. A letter from him, dated
Feb. 1, fr, m tho house of representatives,
'After .1 fair trial I have no hesitation in
saying th.(il believe Paine's celery compound
ill is claimed for it, und it gives mo pleas
ure tu commend it. "
Idler from Congressman Itobert Neill of
Arkansas, contains the following;
"My homo is at Ilatesvillo, Ark. During
tho last spring and summer my eldest daugh
ter, then 17 years of ago, was iu very poor
health, sutl'erlng from general debility, ner
vous prostration and frequent slight fevers.
She had tho best medical attention.but appar
ently with little benefit. In threo months sho
had fully recovered, aud is still in perfect
health. I am bound to think tlio remedy is an
excellent one, and do not hesitate to recom
mend it to the suffering."
Lieut. C. A. McAllister, writing from hotel
Oxford, March 28, said:
"For several years past I have been a suff
orcr from sovero attacks of dyspepsia, caused
by too close attention to business; on tho ad
vice of a physician, I took sovonil bottles of
Paine's celery compound, and have been
greatly bonollted thereby. Since tjio first of
last September ! have gainod 25 pounds, and
am now feeling in flrst-rato health.
C. A. McAllister,
1 . "i8t Assistant Engineer, U. S. It. C. S.'
Hon. John C. Hell, member of congress from
I Colorado, iu a letter to Wells & Itlchardson
1 Co., about the same time, told how ho had
,16ei tl,rco bottles of Pallia's eolury compound
In artistic Millinery, consisting of high grade goods at low cost prices
to cash buyers. Sailor hats 15c, Laflies' dress shapes 25c up. All
shades of Satin Ribbon, 5 inches wide, for 25c per yard, for short
while only.
SS South
and ean( (ret It, then come to us for
It, a curry tub best or
Groceries, Butter and Eggs,
Our delivery wagon awaits your order. QooJi
dellveied promptly.
26 East Centre Street.
Indorse Paine's
for dypepsla aud rheumatism, with satis
factory results.
Major Gen. Ulrney, who is now nt tho aget
of 73, practicing law and doing departmental
work In Washington, tlio unflinching com
mander at tho 1 attlo of Fredericksburg, of the
famous 38th New York regiment, in n letter
to Wells & Ilichardson Co., says :
'My wife has been taking the Paine's celery
compound for some time past, and is so much
pleased with it that sho wishes me to express
to you her high opinion of its merits. Sho
thinks it tho best sho has ever tried."
Congressman Wilber of Now York, writing:
iu March.used these significant words:
I was persuaded by a friend to try your
Palno's celery compound somo timo ago, and.
after its use, am pleased to recommend it to
any ono who is iu an overworked or run-down.
condition, as doing what is claimed for it."
Many other letters from prominent peopio
who arc not so well known aro included in
this year's files of testimonials from Washing
ton. Every city nnd overy town in tlio country 13
equally well represented in this wonderful
popylar indorsement of tho remedy that puri
fies the blood, rebuilds tho shattered nervous
system, restores st'eilgth. regulates the
kidneys, liver, and bowels, cures disease,
makes people well.
In these latter d.iys of sprin'j, in tho last of
tho three great months, tho cloe of nature's,
yearly ronlviil season, when tho recovery from
sickness is tho most rapid and lasting, Paine's
celery compound wilLroako vigorous nerves,
and good blood.
During these latter spring days thero is a
clearing of tho year to euro nervousness,
neuralgia, sloeploxness, headaches and low
spirits by tlio use of Palno's celery compound.
Paine's celory compound points to. a won
derful record already achioved. Tlio most
wldo-awako, Intelligent part of every com
munity In this country aro among its most
enthusiastic vouchers and indorsors.
I W I I la I III Baa 111
Main Street.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13, N, Jardln Street.