The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 16, 1896, Image 2

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i:staiii.isim:i) m-u.
I'ublWiod every Evening, Except Monday, nt
8 South JAnms STiir.cT. Kkah 'esthk.
Tho Herald Is (Iclivfinl IhShcualirtonn and the
aurroiiudliiK towns fur six cents a week, pay
tile to tlio carriers. Ily mall (8.00 n year, or 25
cents a month, payable In advance. Advertise
Bllti clinked according to space and position.
TUe ituhllnhcrft reserve the rlirlit to char.go the
poMtioii l auvertletnciiis whenever the pun
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m tor or not, mat mo pumimicrs may uptni
Evening Herald
HATUltDAY, MAY 111. 1SU0.
Of Susquehanna.
Of Eric
JIicvclk riders should display headlights
on their tvhcels after dark, as they uro re
quired to do by ordinance in various towns
throughout the state. The "kike" Is n
silent steed and is apt to scaro a pedestrian
wbcu it bobs up quietly alongside of him or
sImwU rapidly before him. The light attracts
.attention, und many towns iullict flues upon
riders failing to display one.
Tin: capacity of the ship yards of tlio
country to turn out guod ships was Illustrated
ngaiu in tlio case of tlio Oregon, a twin sister
jf the Massachusetts, turned out of the
.Union J roii Works' yards at San Francisco.
The vessel is even fleeter than the Massachu
setts anil spunks well fur her builders. Such
yards as this and the Cramps of Philadelphia
-should lie fotcrcd by the government, as we
.know not the day nor the hour war may
break forth when they will lie badly needed.
Tjij; .Senator from this district is popularly
credited with instigating the movement
-against the ward justices of the peace which
was decided by Judgo Mcl'hersuii recently,
Xi vent his spleen against one of tlio justices
in MahauoyCity who wasindcpenduiit enough
to act according to his own convictions. It is
the supposition that he carried ins opposition
tj bheuandoah also to strike an opponent
Jiere. If tliis bo correct ho is welcome to all
the glory or contempt which the act
deserves. While there is loasou to think ho
has overreached himself wo opine it will be a
ioug time before the feeling caused by the
.action will pass away, whether the election
of the soealled borough justices be sustained
-tr nut, and ho will flud it like Hanquu's
ghost, rise up to damn him for many a year
.to come. Wo cliceifully accord him all the
credit due hllu.
Till: seciet of General Harrison's to
become a candidate has at last leaked out. It
.apj:ars that au emissary of Harrison's called
ju Tom J'latt, of New York, and .Senator
yimy to negotiate with these two leaders- for
Ikr of uniting on himself as the one
"aiididate wlio might bo able to defeat Me-
.Kuilcy lor the nomination. K.vScnator
J'J-itt, u is understood, saiil he would stand
by Motion to the last, add when .Senator
Ju-0- was approached and asked to withdraw
in Jlarrisoii's favor, ho leplied in substance
"1 am a candidate for the nomination, and
jojmucrcm eaith cm make me withdraw.
J am oppuscd to Hariisoii, just as I am to
.McKinley or any other man who is or may
Jio my rival for the nomination." Mr. Harri
son's emissary returned to Indianapolis and
jejMjrlul that his mission had been a failure.
Jt was then that the ex-1'resident finally de
cided not to become a candidate, and this is
tlio reason why his name did not go beforo
.the Indiana convention.
Major McKinley maintains his silence on
tho financial question, and tho uncertainty ns
to where and how the Ohiiian stands weakens
his changes for tho llcpuhlicaii nomination.
JJvery ..ther aspirant for the prizo has com
mitted himself one way orunother. Although
Jlajor McKinley will not speak at all, his
tl'iuJihuitou manager, General Grosvenor,
ivill not cease speaking, ami he has been say
ing things of late that will not help their
cause. A little less from (jfosveuorand more
front McKinley would clear matters up. He
must repudiate the financial heresies of tho
South and West if ho expects to bo the lle
jiuMicun nominee.
There is au impression prevailing, and
nspeciully In business circles, that McKinley
lis uot anxious to mako any piofosslou until
aie will see just what the .St. Louis conveu
Jtlou will do. Then ho will remain it caudi
date whether the platform will ho for the
single gold standard or not. He is self
adjustable on the financial question. There
arc same reasons for the theory that McKinley
is iu harmony with Hauna on Ills poliey of
silence. Ohio Is not for sound money, neither
ii Illinois, and the South and West are favor
able to tho white medal. It is hero that his
support is strongest. His friends are there,
and they will not allow him to speak,
New York Is against him with substantial
1 1 minimi ty, as is Pennsylvania. In Now
.l'.f.rcy he may not get a single vote. All
ijVk territory is for sound money. Major
MiJCiuluy, when he looks over the field, may
.ie ur uu lent to ho silent, even though that
silmoe is a confession of toleration of doc
trine that the reputable business men of this
"ouulry declare must bo stamped out.
The Keptiblloau party not only "wants"
iuJ Meeds a sound money nam on a sound
money platform ; it demands these things
rem the St. Louis convention. Major Me
'. tuky is weakening himself and his can
.Xitjuy every day by his silence by his
assiusjitioii that he is strung; enough to scenic
xhr uitoiiatlon any way, mid by hi implied
willinguMj to let the party inakohUflnaiicial
opinions for him. IU tanking men make
tin- opinions of the Republican party for it.
Is Major McKinley content lo take his ready
muiV and second hnnded 1 The Atuorhan
. "lie ttdni.-e directness, fearlessness, iu-
dependence ill a politic ian us in a military
Tlio friends of McKinley will find out, ore
It la too Into, that tlio Odium's sllonco caused
hi? dofeat for tlio nomination. It now looks
as If tlio candidate upon whom "tlio
field" cnnieiitnitos tliclr forces will Ijo tlio
nonilnoo and it wont lie McKinley.
Murk" WIiIIiIiihimi Threaten to 111 Ins
Stilts lor I'iiIni' Imprisonment.
Tlio police forco, accompanied ly Chief
llurxoM Minis, Constable Dando and several
fttlvnliu l.iut I.t ,l.l.l .. 1 .!!..
v v..... iviwinn wuuiuiuk
iiouvo on vtcsiuoai street Kept by William
Mender and arrested 111 men, John Kasnaro
wicz was to bo married to-day and last night
the crowd commenced celebrating the event.
At midnight the neighbors complained
to the pollco of the nolso thoy made mid
tlio raid was then decided upon. Three of
the men, including tlio one to be married,
paid fines and costs this morning and wero
discharged. Tlio remaining 13 men uro still
confined in tlio Council chamber with two
others arrested for nuisance At noon to
day "Jack" Whltchotisu, tlio ottsvillo
lawyer, and Philip Yedinsky, tlio court
interpreter, camo to town and demanded tlio
relcaso of tlio prisoliors on hall for trial at
court, Whltcliouso declaring that If the
request was not complied with ho would
prosecutu Chief Tosh, Chief Utirgess Hums
and tlio borough on a charge of false im
prisonment by each of tlio 10 men arrested.
Tosh and Hums told the lawyer that there
wero hut two ways by which tho prisoners
could bo released and that was by each pay
ing his fine and costs, or the lawyer com
pelling their release by somo proceeding
through the court; and If neither wasdono
tho men would bo held for fivo days.
Wbitchouso had not gained his point up to
the time tho Hekami went to press.
Great IteduelloiiH
III Ladies' and Children's russet and fine
gondola shoes in endless varieties at
Wonicr's, 121 X. Main street. 4-17-tf
Happenings Throughout tho lieglou Chron
icled for Hasty 1'eriiHHl.
The P. & It. breaker at Wost lirooksidc,
built 25 years ago, is being remodeled.
In Mahanoy City thieves stole a fruit stand.
They will steal the police of that town next.
Jacob Weber and Miss Frances Goodman,
both of Mahanoy City, will bo married on
the tilth iust.
Mrs. Iicbecci ('. lloyer, relict of Hon.
Jerome K. lioycr, formerly of Pottsvillc,
died at Harrisburg.
The population of Shamokiu is being
rapidly increased. Car load after car load of
foieigners aie arriving tlicie.
Girardvillo wbcelomen will race on Memo
rial Day for prizes. Tamaqua and Pottsville
will also have road races on that day.
The Centrali.i authorities have appointed
two special ollicers" to run down Corrigan,
who shot Landlord Ilcpncr, of the Centralia
A flock of wild ducks flew over Pottsville
yesterday, and two of the number struck an
electric wire and fell to the ground. They
were caught.
Forty hour's Devotion will commence in
the following Catholic Churches to-moriow,
Sunday: St. Jeromc'sramaqua; St.Couifacius,
St. Clair; St. Ambrose's, .Schuylkill Haven.
Chas. T. Steck, of .siiamokin, the lecturer
and Sliakesperian scholar, who is well known
here, has withdrawn from his candidacy for
Congress ill that district for financial reasons.
The Miners in the Shamokiu legion re
ceived the smallest pay this month they havo
received for years, tlio majority of them
having worked but twclvo days during last
The latest stylo ur.d color iu men's tin
shoe can he found at tho
FAirroisY Shoe Siuitu.
Itcllglotl Notices.
Servic es in tho Trinity Hcforiucd church
to-morrow at 10:00 a. in., and 11:80 p. in.
Sunday school at 1:30 p. in. Prayer meeting"
every Wednesday evening at 7:I1J.
Services in All Saints' Protestant L'piscopal
church on litst Oak street to-morrow at 10:30
a. m. and 7 p. m. Tho rector will olllciato.
Sunday school at 2 p. mt
llcgular services will be held in tho United
nvangeHcal church, (Dougherty's Hall,) to
morrow at 10 a. m. and 0.30 p. m. Preaching
by tho pastor, Itev. I. J. Itt-itz. Sunday
school nt 1.30 p. m.
Services in the Presbyterian church to
morrow nt 10:30 a. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sunday
school at 2 p. in. Itev. T. Maxwell Morrison,
lastor. Tho subject of tho sermon In tho
evening will ho tho "Calviuistic Doctrlno of
To-morrow morning IIov. Alfred Hoehner,
pastor of tho Methodist Lpiscopal church,
will preach a special sermon to boys and girls,
A cordial invitation is extended to parents
and friends. In the evening, at 0:30, the
subject will bo "Christ's Parting From His
Disclplos at llethany."
God's American Volunteers are going to
hold meetings all day Sunday in liobbins'
hall. Meetings at 10 a. m., 3aml7:top. m.
Kvery one is welcome. Charlos J. us!;,
Services in tho Calvary Baptist church on
South Jardln sticct to-morrow at 10:30 it. in.
and 0:30 p. in. Preaching by Itev. W. II. F.
Ilrowu, of the C'rozcr Theological Seminary
at Chester. Sabbath school at 2 p. in.
Lbenezer Kvangellail church, comer of
South West and Cherry streets, H. Horace
lloiulg, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a, in.
Preaching at 0:30 p. in. A hearty invitation
is extended to tho people to come to the
Don't Get Excited
Was what tho doctors toU me, and thej
said I must uot run, on account of Out-
taring of my heart. I wi sick over
year with dyspepsia, could not sleep ot
eat in comfort, was generally miserable.
Hood's Sarsapaiilla
gave me refrcshlnr; sleep, steady nerves
and better health than ever. I have great
faith In Hood's. H.H. PlUCM, Heading, Pa.
Hnndio DMlc easytobuy.eajytotaks,
nOOU S PHIS euriaeaeeU 5c
l"rnm Our ltrgiilar County Seat Cnrrcs
pondriit Election Contest,
Pottsvii.i.i:, May 10.
An adjourned session of the Illytlio town
ship School Directorship contest was held
yosterday mornlngsit the olllco of tho Kx
amlncr. Tho following voters testified to
having cast n straight licpubllenn ballot, on
which ticket Delaney and Murray, thocon
testants, were tunning: Lvan Williams,
John lfcynolds, Nicholas Murray, Dennis
'Poland and Thomas Heyiiolds. On tho other
side John Head, Patrick Head and ifcrnard
Monagau tentified to having voted for Murray
mid Diufleld, the latter, together with An
drew Gallagher, running on the Democratic
ticket. Several others wero called upon to
testify hut did not respond in answer to their
names. The rest of tho session was taken
up with the examination of witnesses as to
their eligibility. But two of tho counsel lu
tlio caso were present, W. K, Woodbury for
tho respondents and Charles K. Ilrcckons for
tho contestants. Gcorgo J. Wadllnger joined
his colleague, Mr. Ilrcckons, about 11 o'clock
and at 12:15 p. m. an adjournment was taken
until next Friday.
With the disposition of a number of minor
cases, the May term of criminal court closed
this morning. On Monday morning h two
weoks' session of tho Court of Common
Pleas will begin.
At tho forty-fourth anniversary of tho
Schuylkill County Fcmalo Dlblo Society to
morrow evening, ltov. James Morrow, D. 1).,
secretary of tho Pennsylvania Ilihlo Society,
will deliver an tddress in the First Presby
terian church.
Missos Niola Clay, Annio Mcllet, Minnlo
Huppcrt, Laura Perry and Ncttio McLHney,
all school teachers of Mahanoy City, aro in
towii to-day. They wero examined by
County Superintendent Weiss in tho Gram
mar school building for permanent certifi
cates. Tho 3rd Brigado Hand will givo a sacred
concert at Tumbling Ituu to-morrow after
noon at 3:00 o'clock. Improvements at this
splendid summer resort, preparatory to tho
entertainment season, are being made and
accommodations for seating a large number of
persons will be provided for.
A llock of will ducks passed over town
yesterday morning, going towards Tumbling
Itun. Two of thcni flew against a line of
telegraph wires and were captured, ono of
which is now on exhibition at Connors'
The Anthracite Homing Club will llborato
it number of pigeons from York to-day in a
trial race. On Saturday, tho 23rd Inst., they
will hold their first of a. series of champion
ship races from Glencoe, Maryland, an air
line distance of 100 miles.
The Mountain City building isin the hands
of the painter, and will bo thoroughly
Fred. Jlcnnct has entered tho Irongton
Millburn So-inllo road raco in Xew Jersey,
which occurs on Decoration Day. The entries
to this famous race are very numerous, so
much so that there Is scarcely room for all of
tho riders. If ono spills fivo orsix others aro
almost sure to fall over him, and if onco
spilled the chances of a place at tho finish
arc ruined.
Checks for tho famous gold nlluniiiium
table ware can only bo had at tho Factory
Shoo Stoic. Wo glvo them to every pur
Mrs. and Mrs. Snyder, of AllentoWn, wore
attendants nt tho Liscnhart funeral 'in town
Miss May Dent, of llloonisburg. is tho
guest of Ituv. Sechrist's family.
.Mrs. and Dr. J. Pierce Ilobcrts left for
Philadelphia this morning to attend the
funeral of tho former's sister, Mrs. Thomas
i . Lgan, whoso interment took place at Holy
Cross cemetery to-day.
l ied. Ahrensfeld, of Mt. Pleasant, was a
guest of town friends yesterday.
School Director T. 1!. Ld wards spent yester
day and a part of to-day in Philadelphia.
David Williams, it step-sou of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Dove, on South Jardln street,
left for Chicago this morning, where ho will
rcsido in tho future. Ho was accompanied
as far as Philadelphia by his step-brother,
1 nomas Duvc, Jr.
William lirosius, of Scranton, a grandson
of Mr. and Mrs. William Knck, of South
Main street, returned to his homo to-day.
Adam Tabor,-tho butcher, who was. con
fined to his homo by illness for somo time,
was scon on tho streets to-day again.
Mrs. J. F. McGinty, and children, of
Tam-iquii, wero tlio guests of town relatives
P. J. Monaghan, and his sister, Annie,
are spondlng several days amoi'g acquaint
nnces in Philadelphia.
John Murphy, of Philadelphia, is visiting
his parents on South Main Btreet.
John Lynch and John HaWr, members of
the Lithuanian base ball club, havo gone to
Jersey City, where they havo signed as
players with an amateur club lu u county
School Director Alfred Kltto, of Girard
ville, was a town visitor last evening,
ISuy your Oxfords at the Factory Shoo
Store. Wo have over 1,000 pairs that were
made to sell for $1.50 und $2.00. The Factory
prico is OS cents, either black or tan,
A .Shilinohlu.Suclety Kient.
The Shamokln Tennis Club has issued In
vitations to their annual dance to ho given
in tho Maysvillo Park pavilion on Thursday
evening, May 21st. The patronesses aro Mrs.
J. M. Maurcr, Mrs. W. C. McConncIl, Mrs. T.
S. Hamilton, Mrs.J. W. V- Loreuz, Mrs. J.
Q. Adams, .Mrs. K, M. Leader, Mrs. A. G.
Marr, Mrs. J. P. Helfeitstein uud Mrs. II. C.
'Iiuory. Quite a number of town people have
received invitations.
If you want a lino weddluir cake, let Otto
make It for you.
You ought to see our bargains in infant's
shoes, a big lot to cIioom) from for 33c. per
pair. At tlio l actory hlioo Store.
(Jlten Away.
A uickiigu of Compound sulllcient to pre
serve 30 iiuarts of fruit, will ho ghen to each
purchaser of $1 worth of Talt's Tonic and
Wood Purifier at Xo. 121 North Slain street
at any time on Monday. Iletiiomher you can
buy three largo $1 bottles for $1, or ono for
so cents.
Tourist Drafts.
The United Suites Kxpross has placed its
new form of tourist drafts on sale iu tho
olllco in town. Those drafts are the niot
convenient for travelers at home or abroad
as they require no identification and are iay
ublu only tu the holder, to that if loot no one
ran use them. Fur use 111 foreign countries
they are sold at rates of i of one per cent.
l or Use in the Unltod States i of one per
tout. Anyone compelled to carry money
along when traveling can do it with abwjluto
safety and littlo expense by usiug thoso
drafts. fi-U0t
Capt'lln Klllltril All, Milted.
NliW YolSK, May 1(1. I'hIhm Cnii'
Klllllen, who has been mi trial mi the
charge of iicceptlnt! it (tnittilty, has been
neqtiltted. The olToiini Imputed to mill
ion, wns tlio ivcceptnnce of iiionoy front the
innnii'rf'r of tho Ynlo-l'rlucotim football
gnincnt the Polo grounds 111 1802. The
ouptyiln testified that tho moiiuy was ex
pended In providing ltinphcoii for police
men on ditty at the game.
Di-rlil-d In lnvor of Mltrhnll.
WasmhxoTon', May 10 In tlm lionse
Hepros.'iitittlvo Lung, from elections com
initio i No. 2, submitted tho roport of tlio
majority In the contented caso of John
Murray Mitchell (Hop.) vs. Jumcs J.
Walsh (I)om.) from tlio Klghth coiifjros
sloual district of Now York. This dis
trict Is In New York city, ami tho roport
Is In favor of Mitchell, tho contestant.
How's Your Cough ?
Pan-Tina cures it. 23c. At Gruhlcr Bros..
drug Btoro.
. i fc
1 TIP " -
:3 Do you remember s
3 the' story of the penu- 5
2 rious man who acci-
2 dently swallowed a $5 S
Gold Piece? A doctor s
2 was summoned and jfc
E3; a stomach p u m p K:
3? brought ; but notwith- S
; y
E3 standing their most Jt
3! desperate efforts.after gj;
3 five hours, the total :
2 " S
3. amount that could be gE:
3 obtained was $2.69.
This is the way with ?:
somc Dealers' shoes, the
full amount is there in :
price, but when you come g
to get the wear out, you iC
don't get it all. Now we ;
sell the sort that gives up !:
full value. Take our gE
Oxford Ties for example, !Ej
other stores sell Oxford
Ties for $i. So do we,
but our Si.oo Shoes we !
guarantee to have as
much comfort, style and ;3
service as any shoes sold g;
in this town at $1.50. :
Then there are 15 differ- r
ent styles to select from
here. z
r;? Tickets for the beauti-
4 -.
ful Gold Aluminum Ware E
given with . every pur-
"9 rr
chase. r
1 Shoes at-H B
Factory Prices. H
tleddnll Building.
2 J. A. MOYER,
Voonn sell yon a now wbeel, of the finest
iiu.uu ...... K....n.,iiue, ui rcuiKtHl tiriccs, v
inukc a Hpeclulty of '
Do not'send nway from town to liavo jour
wheel repaired when It tnnbedoneat hbme ju.t
Faust Bicycle Works,
Olllco: 120 H. Jardln Ptrect, (Shenandoah, l'a
llcrmmliv Still llns Her Cargo.
WasiiinuT v. Mny 10 Tim iitlluro of
tho steamship llorintidit to hind her linns
mid men lu Ctib.t when she wns Inst in
that vicinity Imi been communicated to
tho Spanish minister hero by tho oointtl
of Spain nt Truxlllo, Honduras. Whon
tho HoJiiiudn, rouohod Tritxlllo tho cap
tain represented at tho custom house thnt
ho had twonty-sovon lu the crew, olovon
passengers and 100 tons of coal. Subse
quently ho ndliiltted having aboard thirty
"workmen." The ship, tho consul re
ports, without waiting for a permit loft
port and landed sixty 111011 thirty miles
down tho const, uud then proceeded to
Pttorto Cortez. Tho minister's! mlvlccs
ore thnt sho wns nt tho latter place Inst
General lnmlo l'essttnUtlc.
MADl'.ll), May 10. Genoral PnnUo, who
has just roturned from Cuba, nnd who Is
mentioned ns tho possible successor of
Goncral Woylor as captain gonoralof that
Island, In 1111 Interview Is quoted ns ex
pressing himself pessimistically regard
ing nffnlrs thoro. Ho doclttred that tho
duration of tho Insurrection wns due to
American asslstttncu.
Stevens Defeats Harvard nt Lncrosse.
New YoitK, May 10. Stovous defeated
Hnrvard 'nt lacrosse at Hoboken, N. J.,
yesterday by fivo goals to two. Stovons
rushed matters, nnd In olght minutes they
scored, t Thoy, scored again four minutes
later. Hnrvnrd began to get used to tho
swift pnee, nnd lnsldo of six minutes she
scored twice. In tho socoud half Kelly
quickly throw two goals for Stovous, and
the rest of the half saw no more scoring
on cither sldo, Tho piny throughout wns
extremely rough, Beocher hnvlng his scnlp
split and .Tanning receiving 11 severo brulso
on the sldo. This gnmo prnotlcnlly In
sures Stevens tho championship nnd tho
Ctimulliiu oup.
Duel lo the Death uith Itlllcs,
Font WoiiTH, Tox., Mny 10. Thomas
Ingrain nnd .Inhn Pine, farmers, living
near Greenville, agreed to light out a lnnd
tltlo quarrel, uud puaon tho highway with
rifles. They began firing at the sanio mo
ment. Pino was shot four times nnd
killed, Ingram was shot twice, ono hall
penetrating bis body nnd lnlllctlnga fatal
Itobbeil by Mitskeil Iturglnrs.
SUSQUKHASN'A, Pa , May 10. The houso
of Ksqtilio Bacon, ut Hallstcnd, this
county, was entered by sovcrnl armed
masked men nt 1111 curly hour in tho morn
ing, who obtained n considcrnblo sum of
money. They then set flio to tho houso,
nnd it wns badly damaged.
Sugar 11111 Adopted In Germany,
BEI1LIN, Mny 10. Tho rolohstag yester
day, but 11 vote of 144 to 121, adopted tho
sugar hill, with various modifications And
a resolution In favor of tho early rsmoval
uf export bulimies.
For 18 Months Unable to Lie Down in Bed
A Toronto Citizen's Awful Experience
With Heart Disease.
L. J. Law. of Toronto. Canada, says:
"I consider it my duty to rIvo to tho public
my experience with Dr. Agtiew's Cure for
the Heart. I have been sorely troubled with
heart discaso and unable to Ho down in bed
for eighteen months, owing to smothering
spells and palpitation. Each night I would
havo to bo propped up by pillows in order to
keep from smothering. After treating with
several medical men without bcnillt, I pro
cured a bottlo of tho Heart Cure. After
taking tho first doso I retired and slept
tioundly until morning. I used one bottlo
and havo not taken any of tho remedy for
seven weeks, hut tho hearth trouble has not
rcapearcd. I consider it tho grandest remedy
in existence for heart disease " It acts liko
magic. For salo at Kirlin's drug store.
Two I,les Saved.
Mrs. Phoeho Thomas, of Junction City'
111., was told by her doctors sho had Con
sumption and that there was no bono for her.
but two bottles Ur. Kinc's Jsow Discovery
completely cureu ner anil sno says it saved
her life. Mr. Thos. Eggors, 139 Florida St.,
San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold.
approaching Consumption, tried without
result evcrytiiing else men bougtit ono bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful.
It is such results, of which these are sainnles.
that proVo tlio wonderful efficacy of this
medicine in Coughs and Colds, i reo trial
bottles nt A. Wnsley's drug store Itegular
suooucanu gi.uu.
Coming Kvcnt.
May 30 Second annual picnic of the Key
stone Gymnasium at Columbia Park.
May 30. Ice cream festival under th
auspices of. the 22 Club,' lu Itobblus' opera
Juno 15. Ico cream festival under the
auspices of God's American Volunteers in
liobbins opera house.
A Mighty Nice Tiling fur Coughs.
What? l'an-Tina 25c. At Gruhlcr llros.,
drug store.
Why sutler with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxative Hroino Quinine will
cure you in one day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Price, 23 cents. For sale
by Kirliu's Pharmacy.
lluitklen's Amlea Salve.
The best salvo in the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores.
..i.nn..n.i i.n.,.ia Ai.m.ini... i
all sklu eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required, it is guarantee! to give
perfect satisfaction or niony refunded. Price
25 cents per box. i or salo by A. Wasley.
For McKinley and Free Silver.
SnEltlBAN, Wyo Slay 10. McKinley
and freo sllvor wero doclarod insepornblo
political twins by tho Hopubllcan state
convention yesterday. Tho nlatform.
as Anally arrangoll, is intended to mftot
tho wants of nil factions, and therefore
satisfy uono. Tho Wyoming delegation to
St. Louis is ooinnoiod of William Vundo-
veuter. II. O. Hrooks, 11, F. Fowlor, Otto
Grauim, J. C. Davis uud C. C. Ilnmlln.
The Czar's Cnronntlon.
MOSCOW, Mny 10 General A. MeD. Mc
Eook and Sirs. McCook, Sirs. Alexander,
Colonel McCook, Miss McCook and Cnp
inln Pcrivon arrived hero yesterday to wit-
noil the fetus attending tho coronation of
iho czar. General McCook will roprosont
5hq president of tho Dulted States at the
soronutiau ceremonies.
ltheuiiiatlsiit Cured i" a Day.
"Tvstln Cnro" for Ilheumatism and Ncu
ralgla radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tho system is remaikable and
mysterious. It removes at onco tho cause
n,.l tl.n dlttnnA Immediately dl&amioars. Tho
first doso greatly benefits! 75 cents. Sold by
C. 11. Jiagenuucn, jiruggisi, aiieuauuoaii,
Hi) t Date foe I'alns anil Aches.
Everybotly says Red Flag Oil, 25c. At
(iruuicr iiros., urug store.
Through His Nervine Is a Ben
efactor to Thousands."
a WIDELY knowniWlsconsIn publisher,
who. resides at Qrecn Day, writes
March 6th, 1895, as.follows!
"Fivo years ago I becamo so nervous that
mental work, was a burden. I could not res V.
ai nigtit on account of sleeplessness. My,
attention -was. called to Dr. Miles' Kestora-'
tlvo Nervine, and I coramencod to use It
with tho very best effect. Blnco then I
havo kept a bottlo in my house and uso It
whenever my nerves becomo unstrung, with
always tho samo good results. My son also
Tr AiilfQ' takes It for nervousness
Vi mucs wlth Iko never alUng
NCrVlIlB success. I havorecom-
menaea it to many and
it cures them. All who
suffer from norvo
troubles should try It.
It is freo from narcotics, perfectly harm
less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr.
Miles, through hlsNorvlno Is a benefactor
to thousands." A. O. LEHMAN.
Editor and proprietor of Deii Landsman.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on guaranteo
first bottlo will benefit or money rofunded.
PAT. NOV. It, 1B90. JUNE23, 1861. TRADE MARK JAN. 8, flf
Coware of fraudulent and worthiest Imitations.
Tn mo it beautiful I most pliable! most perfect start
They never break! Thej never cutl They never runt
Made la Cotton and Silk Casings and Nickel Plated.
Bend 25 cts. (Stamps) for samples "Genuine Twin," to
! fjecoml District,
Of Glrnrdvllle, l'a.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of Ilrond Mountain,
Subect to Republican rules.
Of Olraravllle.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of Ashland.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of Jolk-tt, I'orter Township.
Subject to Republican rules.
Office : 80 West Centre street.
Can be consulted at nil hours.
p F. nUKKE, M. D.
30 E. Lloyd Btreet, Shenandoah.
Office hours i 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. m.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Kcrnn bulMInir. corner ot Main and
Centre streets, Sbwiandoah.
Lock Box CS, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Havlnj? 'studied under soni of the best
masters in Loudon and Paris, will clve lessond
on the violin, guitar nnd vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Al'lrefl3 in care of Strouse, the
eweier, blienanuoah.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
millions of Dollars
Go up Iu smoko every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured lit first-class re A.
liable companies as represented by
nAVTH FATIT Insurance Agent,
JJAVliJ rAUOl, 130 South MaluBt.
Also Life and Accidental Companies.