The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 15, 1896, Image 4

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Dating Stamp
Strongly made and will last a
lonir time. It stnmns all the
months and years from 1895 to
1900; all the figures from o to 99
and tne worilF rec u, ans u, paid,
ac'p'd and cnt'ed.
Size of letters and figures,
MAY 14, 1896.
a- North Main St.
And you will reach the
Mammoth Clothing
House. We have won
the reputation of being
For stylish and correct-fitting
Spring styles selected with the
usual care. Prices to conform
to the times.
Good light suits for men, $5 and
$8, formerly sold at from $2 to S3
Chlldrens' Light Suits at Half Frlce.
, . . Full Line oi Hats in all Styles.
L. Goldin, Prop.
9 and 11 S. Main St.
KlilDAY, MAY 15, 1SD0.
Notice to Taxpayers.
On and after Thursdny.May 14tli, ISM, fivo
(5) per cent, will lie added to all unpaid 1SII3
M. J. Scan-lan,
5-8-0t Kccelver of Taxes.
80 l'rr Cent.
deduction aro the prices on our big line of
men's and boys' russets and gondolas at
Wonier's shoe store. 4-20-tf
NOW 15
your Tina
We have just received an im
mense stock of Men's, Boys' and
Spring and
In all the latest novelties of the
season. Call early and receive your
choice. We are selling clothing at
such amazingly low prices as to
reap harvest in bargains for buyers.
We never fail to please you if you
call and examine our big stock.
29 S. islain St.
Formerly Wilkinson's Old Stand, and Next
Door to the First National Bank.
Filling with all known material. Crown
nud Itridgo work. Kxninliiatioiis free. Ex
tractions free, when now teeth aro ordered.
Cleaning teeth freo when I do your work.
All extinctions painless. Pure gas adminis
tered, (jmtranteo with all my work.
Artificial tcetli inserted and mounted,
Ferguson's Theatre Block,
Corner Main and Oak Streets.
Tube the Iron frtttlrwuy on Ouktttrvvt.
Oftlce IIoutb : 8 a. in. to 8 p. m.
Now in operation for thocprlnfr
lioune cleaning.
Carpetslfteaned, a Specialty.
X Tea tliers and Mattresses Renovated.
lrico I.Ut: Renoviitlmr carnets. Ilrusseli nnd
1 terrain, 8o per ynnl. Heavier Kiwlt, -toper
elaaneu mm uu tiitticruu. nuir. cii txmou.
cheaper KTtulea,
Called for and Delivered Without
Charge, by Your Command.
Bower, street and Apple alley, Shenandoah,
From 25c to 60c per yard.
Corner Centre And West Streets,
Vw. . . .I ijUtlUt. ..,.u,JL' .J,tl.Ui!-'iB,J!llMH 1 T T sjjfani . afcjHjtft&f-v
Tlio lCcxult of 11 llltier Newspaper Tend
In Tiilutifun
roTTSVil.t.n, May IB. In pursuance of tlio
decliion of JudRO MoI'hoiMii, tho County
Comutiwloners, by ndvico from tlieir Solici
tor, John O. Ulricli, Ksq., luvto refused to
reeostiliio thoso Justices affected by tlio
decision. They cannot do business without
a commission, which lias been refused them.
Tlio libel suit of Mellaril O. Jones vs.
Sophia M. Harris, John M. Harris nndllcnry
Walters, all of, camo up before
Judge Albright yesterday. Tho suit is tho
outcome of a bitter feud between tho Tama
cjua Hecordcr and Tiimaqua Courier. Richard
O. Jones, prosecutor in the cisc.wns n reporter
for tlio Itecoruer and wroto under tho naino
of "Cyrdc." Mrs. Harris is tho widow and
Administratrix of tho lato Hohert Harris,
proprietor of tlio Courier. John M. Harris
is a son of Mrs. Harris and is acting at mana
ger of tho impcr, 4ind Henry Walters is a
reporter for tlio Courier. An alleged libellous
attielo appeared in tho Courier and was ap
plied to "Cynic." George J. Wadlingcr,
Ksr),, ttated that ho had only been employed
ill tho enso at noon ns K. II. Koch, ).,
counsel for defendants, was unablo to Iks
present. On this account ho wanted a dis
continuance in order to examine tho indict
ment moro thoroughly, which ho thought
was defective, bo much so that there was
grounds for a motion to quash tho indictment.
District Attorney Itechtel and J. O. Ulrlch,
Esq. ,ou behalf of tho prosecution, objected to a
continuance as there wcro two homicide cases
in tho next terra, ouo of which would take
up at least a week. Judgo Albright over
ruled the motion to continue, but counsel for
tho defenso wero granted tlido to make a
motion to quash. At 1:30 p. in. tho caso was
again brought up and the motion to quash
was argued. Alter argument Judge Albright
announced that tho indictment should bo
quashed for the following reasons which wero
a part of tho motion : First, that tho alleged
libellous matter docs not refer to somo ascer
tained person or is ascertainable from tho
matter itself, as being tlio said Richard O.
Jones, as alleged by inuendo In said indict
ment; second, that tho inuendo contained on
tho second pago of tho said indictment pur
porting to deflno or explain who "Cynic" is,
is not clear and .intelligible, and is not such
an inuendo as can bomado tho basis of ad
mitting evidence to prove who was meant by
the word "Cynic."
Patrick Murphy and "Dick" Amour, the
well-known detective, were in 1'ottsvillo
yesterday .on business.
William Francis Doyle, M. D., has returned
homo from Philadelphia. Dr. Doylo gradu
ated with honors last week from Hahnemau
Medical College
W. H. Jones died nt tho Pottsville hospital
from an accident which at tho time it
happened was not considered serious. Ho
was standing on a ladder, holding a water
plpo, when it fell from his hands and threw
him to tho ground. Ho struck on his bead
and never regained consciousness.
John Leonard, an old .nud well known
resident of Pottsville, died yesterday after a
lingering illness. The deceased was 71 years
old, nnd was horn in County Dcrry, Ireland,
and came to this country when a youth. In
politics ho was a Republican, and was elected
County Commissioner in 1884. Ho leaves a
widow and seven children. Tho funeral will
take plaeo on Monday afternoon.
Jacob Wilkales and Mike Savick, charged
with assault and battery, on oatli of Charles
Geguzes, of Shenandoah, wcro found not
guilty and tho prosecutor must pay the costs.
You Cuii't Always
get something for nothing. Try "Periodical
Tickets" and see if you can't. 5-15-0t
rllieky Miss McMiunis Put Hint to flight
With a Oiiii.
t about midnight Mrs. McJIanus, of Peach
alley, observed a man acting suspiciously at
her chicken coop, bho ordered him 'away,
hut ho took no heed, Mrs. McManus'
daughter, MIssTessie, who is a schoolteacher
at Xew Philadelphia, gavo a similar order
with like result. Tlio young woman with
drew, got a revolver and upon her returil
again ordered tho' man away. Instead of
complying-, tho fellow walked up to tlio houso
and tried to force open tho door. Miss Mc
Manus didn't faint, hut pulled the trigger
and put the intruder to flight. It is net
known whether ho tool: tne bullet with him.
He left his hat behind, and that is tho only
clow tho police have to w'ork on.
Watcli for "Periodical Tickets," 5-15-0t
Happenings Throughout the lteglon Chron
icled lur .maty . urusiil.
Mahauoy City has two hlcyclo clubs, tho
latest bearing tho tltlo of Juniors with a
a membership of, 10.
A fat men's base ball club has been
organized at St. Clair. The players weigh
from 101 to 200 pounds.
Farmers uro selling potatoes in Mahauoy
City for 20 cents a bushel.
Tho electric light globe in front of Bren
nan h saloon, on urtli Main street, was
broken this morning by a laborer running a
pole through it.
A Strung Kid,
C. D. Kaler will make a strong bid for
Shenandoah patronage for his opera house in
Muliauoy City next fall. He will run n
private air qver tho Lakosido Electric Rail
way for freo uso by patrons of Ids theatre.
"Periodical Ticket llouks" freo to nil. Ot
Alterations Started.
Carpenters havo commenced to make the
alterations in tlio apparatus room of the
Rokuu Hook & Ijuulor Company, to make
Siico for the chemical engine nud additional
team of horses.
Latest in silk guards, see show wiudow
display, at Iirumm's jowohy stoie.
A met Worth Kiionlne.
A "Puriodleal Tioket Hook" will bo given
to you soon if used according to instructions
will entitle you to your favorite paper or
magazine for one your free. o-lo-ut
Kxci-edingly Narrow Kkuupc
A large loaded uugon and a team of horses
belonging to (Jaltley & liiitton, of 1'ottsvillo,
etenped being struck by a passcugor train nt
tho lime kiln crossing ortho P. & R. rail
road by tho narrowest margin at about 11
o'clock this morning. The horses swerved
just in tiniq and broke tho polo of tho
wagon, which cut a leg of ouo or the horses.
We have a special inducement In brown
still' hats. Wo want you to call as our prices
aro surprising upon examination. At MAX
LEVIT'8, 15 East Centre street.
A l'oliit About Spoiling New'.,
Everybody is Interested in sporting news;
therefore, everybody should know that Tlio
Philadelphia Press devotes moro space to
sporting news than any other paper la tho
country. If you want to bo up to the times,
you should read The Philadelphia Press.
A Priest's AnuUm'sary,
Rev. Herman Dlcdrlch, pastor of St.
Fidelia church, Mahauoy City, celebrated tho
twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordination to
tho priesthood. Appropriate nnd solemn ser
vice in commemoration of tho event wero
hold In the church during tho day. Resides
tlio numerous congratulations received by
telegram and in person from his coufcrres he
was also tho recipient of valuable tokens of
esteem from the congregation to which he
has devoted in a quiet, uuobstruslvo manner
the last twenty yiars of his ministry. Among
tho visiting clergymen was Rov. Theodero
Schucttclhocller, of this town,
Tim Celltrullu Shooting,
Special to IIi.iiai.u.
Ckntkalia, May IS. Tlio condition of
William Hepncr, who was shot in his bar
room yesterday by Miko Corrigan, has im
proved so much and a diagnosis of tlio wound
has proved so favomblo it is now believed ho
will recover. Corrigan's whereabouts remain
a mystery, although the pulico and detective
forcoof tho county has been on tho alert
slnco shortly after the shooting,
Carc-ln at Lost Creek.
At about 1 o'clock this morning tho caving
in of workings of Packer No. ' colliery near
Lost Creek, pulled down tho surfaco under
tho Lehigh A alley railroad main line, cans.
Ing a breach 02 feet deep and 12 feet in
diameter. It was accessary to maintain a
transfer system at that point during tho day.
A gang of navvies from Delano was put at
work soon after tho occurrence to fill the
breach. Tho work will bo completed by
eight o clock to-night.
lClsenhnrt Hurled.
Tlio, funeral of John G. Eiscnhart, who
was burned by an explosion of gas at Shen.
andoah City colliery on Monday, took plaeo
this nfteruoon, at 1:30 o clock, Services wero
held in the United Evangelical church, Rev.
I. J. Reltz oiliciatiiig. Tho attendance was
very large. Tlio pall bearers wero C. W.
Deiiglcr, G, W. lieddall, JI. h. Keinmerer,
John h. Hassler, R. Stocker And John Link.
Interment was mado in tlio Odd Fellows'
Tint- . HvnlB nf Vnntnnr Ql.w,
Store. We havo over 1,000 pairs that wero
mado to sell for $1.50 and $2.00. Tho Factory
price is 03 cents, either black or tan.
Hid Coal Trade.
Thcro is nothing of moment to change tho
current of all'airs so far as the anthracito
trade is concerned. It Is moving on with
quietness towaid a better condition, if tho
output is but kept at a fair quantity during
the next sixty days. Tho demand at present
Is not of any great volume, for the buyer is
apt to hold tho opinion that littlo is to bo
gained by any largo purchasing and ho will
iiud after a littlo whilo there will be just as
good a chance to secure supplies as at present.
In tho meantlmo thcro iscoal being forwarded
to points of distribution whero it can he
readily had when any demand for it may set
in. Tho producer lias tho market will in
hand'and ono may, therefore, expect better
results this year. Seward's Journal.
Tho latest stylo and color in men's tan
shoo can bo found at tho
Factory Shoe Storu.
c(Ms JCcconlecl.
The following deeds wero filed in tho
Recorder's otlico yesterday : From Robert
Ermisch to L. G. Yost, lot in Nuremhurg :
Charles E. Titman to Fnnnio E. Davics, half
a lot in Shenandoah ; from tlio executor of
Win. Acker to Daniel F. Miller, lot in Port
Clinton, with assignment of Daniel F. Miller
to Rosalia Holland ; Win. P. Drumhellcr, to
James E. Mitchell, piece of land in Landing
vlllo ( Mary Itarr, Clinton J. Jiarr, Isabella
R. and Henry Gable, her husband, to John
11. Bowman, picco of ground in Schuylkill
If you want a uico sweet loaf of bread try
A Miraculous Ehciqic,
Frank Krammes, employed at tho Glen-
dower colliery, near Minersvllle, passed
through the breaker rollers nnd sustained
severe injuries. The rollers became blocked,
nud in releasing them ho was drawn in.
Krammes was found below in tho chute,
being paralyzed by tho squeeze, and with but
a slight scar. It is tho first caso of tho kind
on record. Krammes may recover. lEpillK'tlimu
In Ladies' and Children's" russet and fine
gonuoia suoos in cuuiess varieties at
Womer's, 121 N. Main street. 4-17-tf
Murrlu ge License.
Marriago licenses wero issued to the follow
ing persons : Alfied Brobst, of Trcmout, and
Emma Kimmel, of Donaldson j J. F. Wilder
ninth and Ellen Siuton, both of Pottsville ;
Peter Kekelko and Mary Stramhah, both of
Mahauoy City ; Leonard Rudolph and Dora
E. Sheunou, both of Nuremberg ; Henry
Lockhoven, of Ashland, and Cora Oostrich,
of Butler township ; John J. Foster and
liable D. McMicImel, both of Seek ; August
Kansas, of Shenandoah, nnd Eslella White,
of Mt. Curmcl ; Daniel Lludcnmuthand Mrs.
Susan Rowe, both of Palo Alto : Jacob Weber,
and Frances Goodman, both of Mahahoy
City ; Harry Jones and Lizzie Wliiteh'air,
both of Seek ; Thomas Rykiowicz and
Muryjanno Niyzys, both of Shenandoah.
Tor Sale Cheap ,
1 gray horse, 1 bay mare, 2 single spring
wagons, 2 sleighs, 2 single sets harness, 1
platform scalo and 1 counter scalo. Reasons
fur selling, leaving town.
Jamim Goodman & Co.,
5-8-tf 27 West Centra street,
Tho County Treasury Low.
Tho county treasury is again vory short of
finances, and tho I roasurer has rofusod to
pay any bills this week. Tho amount on
hand Is barely sulliclont to meet the running
expenses of the court. It is expected that
by noxt week the treasury will be reimbursed
tulliciently to meet all demands.
HOOD'S TILLS euro Liver Ills,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache.
A pleas'-nt laxative. AH Druggists
. (Julio nit Honor.
Prof. W. N. Elirhart, superintendent of
tho borough schools, lias been invited to bo
ouo uf the Hoard of Examiners in tlio
higher bronchos at the State Normal School,
in Mansfield, Tioga county, Juno 0. This is
considered quite an honor and it is probable
that Prof. Elirhart will accept. Mahanoy
City Record.
Win. I'ellll.
Alex. Jonos Is all smiles. Tho caso is the
arrival of a now son.
Thomas Scott went to Philadelphia as a
delegate from Lincoln Section to tlio Stato
If you want a fine wedding cake, let Otto
make it for you.
Health Jtcport.
A caso of diphtheria it reported at Samuel
Davis', on North Jardln Btreet.
lion's Your Cough?
Pan-Tina cures it, 25c. At Gruhler Bros.,
drug store.
. .....
.Mi.lmimy Cltj'a Js'ew l'lny-houses.
Architect WIso nud Foremiui.Rudo Barley,
both of Tyrone, who will havo complete
c.ha,rgo of tho construction nud furnishing of
linler's new opera houso, arrived In Maha
uoy City yesterday nnd ttlli push tho work
to completion rapidly. A force of masons
have already finished a foundation in tho
rear of the building, which H now being
mado ready forjho bricklayers to coinnienco
operations Monday. IV will be the finest
theatre in the statu outsido of the large
Tho new' Herskorthontro will nssumo shape
shortly, the old buildings liavlng been razed.
Tho brick work will commence on Monday.
nftor which tho Iron work will be constructed.
Mahanoy City people will certainly havo
first-claw accommodations so far as theatres
aro concerned.
Checks for tho famous gold allumjnum
table waro can only bo bad nt tho Factory
shoo Store. Wo give them to ovcry pur
Mr. rilenii Injured.
William H. Glenn, of tho Shenandoah
Lumber & leed Comnanr. was urctty badly.
though only temporarily, injured1 yesterday
whilo at tho site of tho now White street
school building. A w heel of a curt slid over
a stone, causing tho vehiclo to lurch against
Mr. Glenn and it knocked him over nn eight-
foot embankment. Mr. Gleim fell faco down
and was reudercd unconscious. Ex-Chfef
Burgess Smith and Arthur O'Hura spent
Jully ten minutes in restoring linn, and then
took him in a carriago to his home. To-day
ho was much improved.
To Graduates.
Wo havo placed on our counters a beautiful
line of cream gloria and china silks, henrietta,
cashmeres and albatross. Also a fino assort
ment of India linens, nainsook and plain
and dotted swlss.
5-7-tf ll. F. Gill.
To-night's Concert.
Tlio open-air concert to bo given by tlio
Lithuanian band this evening, will no doubt
bo highly enjoyed, as tho selections are all
new. Tho concert will bo under tho direction
of Prof. ,Zeitz, and will ho given on tho
awning of tho Dornbacli building, occupied
by Messrs. Tabor and Walenk.
Almond, walnut and filbert macaroons for
salo at V. V. Otto's.
Tlt McDonald-Gibson l'lghr.
Wo are in receipt of an invitation to wit
ness tho ten-round contest between Darby
McDonald, of Mt. druicl, nnd William
Gibson, of Palo Alto, which will tako plaeo
next Monday evening, at Mt. Carinol. Tho
contest is for tlio light-weight championship
of the coal regions and a $150 stake.
for prudent-minded men to wear "Cel
luloid" Collars and Cuffs. They are
waterproof, and besides saving laundry
bills and bother, they arc comfortable
to wear, never chafing the neck and
.never wrinkling. They can be in
stantly cleaned with a wet cloth or
sponge. The original interlined col
lars and cuffs with a "Celluloid" sur
face. Everyone is marked like this.
Imitated of course, but you want tin? Genuine
una your money's worth, Inslft upon gorxu
lunrked wltti abue trmle mark:. At Ue furnish
ers urMlrcct from us. ColUis20cta.;CuCa 40cw,.
im!r, mail age paid. State felzt ttnd style,
Neiv Ytirk,
Special Sale
In soap and washing powder for a
limited time only.
10 oz, cako of puro soap for 5 cents.
12 oz. package of bofct washing powder, Be.
4 lb, packago of host washiug powder, 20c.
This is verv low for first-class
goods and just what you want for
nouse cleaning.
Meluskey & Son,
10S S. Main St.
Ta vj.
Dealer In all klnda of
Fancy Groceries,
Flour, Feed, E;tc.
Goods Always Fresh.
and can't get It, then come to us for
It, We carry tho bit ot
Groceries, Butter and Eggs,
Our delivery wagon awaits your order. Goods
delivered promptly,
26 East Centre Street.
is rrtr ripsf
. - . to"
modem ciieinical science to the
quliiiary art. The best cooks
use it because the food prepared
with it is more appetizing,
healthful, and economical.
TLPC'dttolenqtrnde.marks are-"Cbo?if"and
Jieaa iritotton-piant ureathoa tvery tin,
tlilcaeo, San Tort, l'lilladelplda,
In artistic Millinery, consisting of high grade goods at low cost prices
to cash buyers. Sailor hats 15c,- Ladies' dress shapes 25c up. All
shades of Satin Ribbon, 5 inches wide, for 25c per yard, for short
while only.
AT K ETJ 8 V' Gr
I VEaoa.ILaa Umm ;i S
26 South
OH SALIC, A filncer sewing nmchlne.
Mn..,l l.nn.l nn,r Will 1,1,1
olio t) for i-ash. to llenrv L. Jonen. 238
West Coil! street. MJ-lw
771011 SALE Dwellings No. 215, 217,219, 221,
V 223 and 223 Eat Coal street. 3Iost dep.rnble
loeiumn. Appiy io . . iioumns, siiciinuuunu
Lumber nnd Feed Company ofllee.
"TTfANTED. Active, reliable men to travel
nnd solicit orders (or fruit and ornnmentnl
nursery stock. Permanent employment nnd
p;ood pav. Iteference required. Address the It,
O. CIIASK CO., South I'enn SqM Philadelphia.
5-9-26 t-cod
37OU HALM. A 3-story frame business prop-
erty on North Mnin street. Ono of tho mo.t
desirable properties in town. Apply to K V.
Shoemaker, Attorncy-at'lav, corner of Centre
nnd Market streets. 4-23-1 m
PAVINGS AND CKOSftlNGS. Parties desir
ing stone for pavings or crossings should
write to F. J. Folk. Shu man's. Pa., or Commer
cial Hotel. Shenandoah MS-lm
IjlOIt KENT. A largo double, well-lighted
1 rim, on the second floor, centrally located
with all modern conveniences, suitable for
offlec purposes. Apply at I. IEefowlchs clothing
house, 10 nnd 12 South Mnin street. 4-22-tf
VHARGAIN. One good double houo and
two lots with stable on the rear of lot, can
be bought cheap. Tho empty lot Is on the
corner of Vino nnd Second streets, Mt. Carmel,
with a frontage of 25 feet on Vina nnd ISO deep
on Second. This property 1 only two squares
from tho main street. For all otherlnformntion
apply to J, 11. Gould, Mt. Carmel, Pa. 5-12-2v
Grand Army Men !
If you want the regu
lation Grand Army and
Sons of Veterans suits,
the only place to secure
them is at the One
I'rice Clothing I louse,
No. io S. Main street.
These suits are guaran
teed in every respect.
We have been head
quarters for these suits
for many years, and we
stand ready to return
your money if they do
not hold their color.
The price is right, the
goods are guaranteed,
and the command is,
Forward ! March !
One-Price Clothing House
10 Siutli Main Street,
l. REFOWICH, Rrop.
Also a full line of Clothing, and
Children's Novelties a specialty.
We have no competitors.
To buy n show case about 3 or 1 feet In length.
For any further information coll at
ij Suits Made to Order
Former Prices.
Illue, Illuck, Brown nnd Gray
Cheviots, $10.
Mixed Goods, (Stylishly, Made aud
Trimmed) f 10, ?U, $12, f 13 and $14.
Stylish Pantaloons. J3.00 S3.50, $4.00
j and upwards.
Black Clay Diagonals, J15.
These goods are all well lined
and well made, livery
suit guaranteed tofit.
NO. 5
o-i'O nf
III I Sam IU I I' M'Vmm I ' 1 i
Main Street.
Shenandoah College I
Eight Principal Teachers . . .
. . . Ten Assistant Teachers.
Business, Shorthand,
. . . Penmanship,
English, Typewriting.
Combined Scholarship .... $150)
One Department 5a
t Rresident.
Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Rooms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold nnd Silver
fillings. If your artiflcal teeth do not suit
you call to see us. All examinations free.
We nial-e nil kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Croivns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Brhlgn work and all operations that per
tain toTJental Surgery.
No charges for extracting when plates are
ordered. We nro tho only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
ITitman'g Block)
East Centre Street,
Office Hours: 7 a. m. to S p. in.
ivf - t yprr
With attached or do
tnchetl collars.
Also n full. line of
It'g ngsortmcnt of
. . .;sunnER
S.Or N.- Main St.
Wo can sell you a new wheel, ot the finest
nmko nnd Kuurantcc, lit reduced prices. Wo
inuke a specialty ot
Do not send away from town to have your
wheel repaired when It can hedono nt home iusfc
as good and much cheaper.
Fjiust .Bicycle Wprls,
Ofllco: 120 S. ,Jrtfln Htrect, Blieyndoahrn
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
A n