f j f m CRATC AND SCREA "My baby broso out with a rnh. He would ..cratch and scream. It would take two I" hold litrn, mid (.lie to put tnc.ll-Iiio on him. A rma to hold him tometloira an hour before we coma get him quiet, d ilo n. All .Id that thej r ter saw such n face or body on ..ny i nby a. on h m. I had to tlo lil hands Unfit In .. oioih, nl M nml day, for llvo months. My si-ter li..d I used Tl. CUItA, and 1 bcann to uso It. ":h'V"', for a month, poor lltilo fellow. Ho Vim not n rear in him now, and I. ...fair ..... '' "' 'f " '", as anv baby Whl 9 ho h .d this disease 1 h .1 to JutthV"cvc.o..tof hi. 0.OII.O., and py roi; nnderwrar on him to keen him cool. 1 bud to keep l" ce. of "oft cloth around hi- neck, t . wet with molrture from tho .ore, and 1 had to changa the cloth, 'omtlmc-ten or twelve t lint, 4idaT. Mns. A. IIAYM-.9, Lisbon. N. II. ini.r Tict A (ointment), the .rent skin cur.. ''ZlfthrSui-th. world. PntTK DSVO A Cmx. coir., sol. Ptors, Botton, U. S. A. OR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To nil BUfTerera of KItltOItS OP YOUTH. IjOST VKiOlt and OlSHASCH OF ItlKN AND VV(MD', 203 pases; cloth bound I se curely sealed und malledree. Treatment by mall strictly on Aden t la), and a positive, quick cure guaran'eed. No matter bow Ions standing 1 will pot iVPiy cure you. wrue or can. DR .ORB 329 M. I5tlt St.Phila.Pa. 39 year i'conttnuoui practice 1 Headache Cured. A quick euro, a certain care, j tho best cure Is TAYLOR'S ANTI-HEADACHE POWDERS. Wo never heard of a case where they failed. Wo never ex. pect to hear of ouo. Don't be afraid to tnko them. Thov nrn harmless. Thoy doW not contain ono tingle atom of any dancrcr ous drug. For this reason It Is well to shun nil other head noho modlctnes. Avoid risk by Insist ing on getting TAY- , LOR'S. Our powders can easily bo dlstlu-, gulshcd by tho de-1 llghtful odor and pleasant taste, and j they look like ground coffee. Best of oil, thoy cure almost instantly. TAYLOR DRUG &. CHEMICAL CO., TRtNTON, N. J. GRUHLER BROS. ifflk Uhtrheiter' Knellih Diamond ltrnf. (lplirlntit anil Onl ft mi In A. bate. iJvajri reliable. ldic sik , Drugrist for Chickettere FnplUh Via- boici. icmleJ with bine ribbon. TLo nnnlhtr, RrtuM danaerou tubitltw iiont and imitation!. At Pruggliti, or stud 4c "Itrllcf tar 1.nlleM in Utter, tj return Bltill. 1 O.OOO Testimonials. Same J'aptr. lrhcKtf rCeniiculC.3IotlUm quaiv in itamni for nirucuiara. leBiinioniaii idj OLDDR. THEEL lwtTd 604 iiPsi i ii n 1 1 1 isTffiiMi North 5ixtn bt Oorintwi. ab. Green, Philadelphia. ivUaiiLneei in ia. irorn inn aiiTeiiiqnv incfli tho worm catc of r-pecUl OluaM-i sad lii.OOI) 1'OIbOX. Ko irnxtttrhcwllDiertnr. sorera tnc 1 bllltr. Krmrs of Youth tDdl.osriork'uwpp and without cat tine. lit. THE PL ia nottuvtlr tho oldest. tn best co niot- vklllntt and ejcrlcneloD, no muBito h mil diuiii inn oiaiut. delh u it'CtUli iMiii 11 ivr book'TrutliMndba enUnhtcned regartllog Tour dl-paj nrl bow to ctt curd. Tba onlr booli J'iVOSlXi wiArKniga tncir dooki nnu i-irciunn. iLiwtnt re lief. Frcfth Cutiv (-urt'tl In 1 fit 111 llnr.. liooril StoS;KKi.,6to0. Vf I, ib4 Mt, Ky.t6t10, fiuD..ta IS; F.fgs ,6ta. Trtutiiiontby Mali. WbeoToawrlU or eH entlou thin pr. Iloar'l od itvjgiog r deilred. Lauer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Aet, 207 West Coal Street. genuine WaJQma awaits yu JOE WYATt' '5 SALOON, Cor. Haln and Coal Sts. Pcnl room attaehfid. Plnent wlil.key., ber;, porter aii'l ilo co.Ht ii.tly .in tap. Cl.olco ti.it peranee drink, and oljrnrs PAT. NOV. tl, 1890. JUNE 23, 1SBI, TRADK MARK JAN. 24, '91, Beware of fraudulent and worthless Imitations. ' MnMC Romiino'l,NI'KSS "TUUIM" nUIlL UtJIIlllllC STAMl'HD I lYIil tten.r b Bend 25 eta. (Stamps) for Bamples "Genuine Twin,' u 0. Jf ABTBU1UI, 1 N. &U. Hired, VLUtlijliU, fa. 3K ?oldlw 111 1-OCt T8SS M. C. WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Cigars, Tobacco, &c, Aeeht for Heading lirewiug Co. 'a Bier and Porter. 11S and 113 S. Main St. TOli BISHOPS RETIREDl 'dothodipt Oonferonco AdoptB tho Oommittoo's Roooinmendations. ELECTION OF BISH0P8 NOW ON. It I.Xutv Conceded Tl.nt Chnplnln MoCnlio, or Now York, In In tlio I.en.1, Tliniigh tl.o Illi'ctlou Will Iloubtleil l'rovo Interest ing nnd Lively. Clevelan)). Mnr 15. Yostordnv's ses sion of tho Methodist Episcopal conforenco was tho molt important thnt has boon hold yet. Tho long expected report of tho tommlttoo on episcopacy wna presented nnd adopted aftor an antmntod dobato, which was lntorsporsed with lncldonts of drnmntlo nnd pathotlo lntorest. Tho re port provided for tho rotlroinont of tho vonorablo Dlshops Bowman nnd Foster on tho ground of non-offectlvoncsi, declared thnt tho tlfno Is opportuno for tho olootlon of a bishop of African doscont. nnd also provided for tho election of but two bish ops to tako tho piaca of thoso who woro ro tired. Tho three propositions in tho ro- port woro ngrcod to by n largo majority. This action rolatos only to tho bishops In this country, and takes no account of tho bishops in tho missionary flold, who will bo considered lator. Tho two bishops who woro retired will be supported by tho book concorn. This morning tho conference proceeded to tho election of tho two bishops. Tho contest has narrowed down, and it is now coucoded thnt Chaplain JicCabo, of Now York, is in tho lead, although it is doubt ful if ho yot has tho two-thirds vote re quired to olect. Chancellor J. R. Day is said to have dccldod to withdraw nnd throw his support to Hov. Dr. J. W, Hamilton, of Boston. Jesse F, Case, of nttsuurg, a layman, who Us ambitious to scouro election to a soorotnryshlp of tho Frocdman s Aid society, may nllenato cor talu Pittsburg support from Dr. Charlo W. Smith, of that city, by Joining wltn tho Day-Hamilton forces, Tho oloction Is likely to prove very interesting nud lively. Tho church extension commlttoo ue- olded to recommoud that heroafter no i slstouco bo given to churches that cost more than $10,000, oxcopt by spoclal legis lation. It was asscrtod that many wealthy churchos had In tho past scoured aid which ought to bo resorvod for poor con gregations. Tho commlttoo on book concorn decided to recommend tho nppolntmout of n com mission to propnro a now hymnal for tho uso of tho church, from which much of tho light music now In uso would bo eliminated. Tho commlttoo on education took up tho subject of making loans to studonts. It was decided to rofuso such loans to studonts In tho Mexican and South Ameri can conferences. It will bo suggested to tho conference, In view of the fact that $000,000 has beon loaned in twenty-two yours, and only JM.OOOof that sum repaid, that a bettor systom of accounting bo ndoptcd, and oil stndonts whoaro usslsted bo required to walvo tho statute of limita tion In tho notes thoy give ns security. Thoro was a llvoly mooting of tho com mlttoo on temperance, ami as a result two reports donning tho policy of tho church with resnoct to tho tcmperanco question will bo submitted to tho conference. Tlio majority roport will bo In lino with tho nctlon of tho conference of four years ago nt Omaha, which was to tho effect that no political party has tho right to expect tho support of Christians if that party does not declare in favor of tlio total nrohlbltlon of tho liquor trnlllo. This ronort will hnvo tho support of sixteen members of tho committee, and will bo ndvocatod by Dr. Lowther, of Wichita, Knn. Klftcon members of tho committee will sign a minority report opposing tho ma jority. It will urge time tno ouopuon or tho majority report will commit tho church to tho Prohibition party, ana cintm tuat moro effective, practical temporanco work can bo accomplished through tho medium of tho old pnrtlos. Dr. Evorett, of the Now England conference, Dr. Jlctrnrlnna oi Il linois, Professor 'larrls of Maine nnd Dr. Quaylo of Kansas City will support tho minority roport. The commlttoo decided unanimously to co-opernto with tho autl ealoon league. Fatal Wind Storm Xear Chicago. CHICAGO, May 13. During n short but vlolout wind storm yesterday nfternoon n derrick on tho drnluago cnnnl at Sag Brldgo, a few miles from this city, was blown down nnd ten inon woro ltijurou, threo of whom may dlo. Tho Injured men nro: H. J. Kuotsch, legs cut, chost crushed and internal injuries; E. M. Lantz, skull fruoturedj Patrick Itonch, four ribs broken nud internal injuries. Timothy Crowo.Ed mund Fltzmaurlco, Charles Jordan, John Murphy, William Norton, Frank Hoggn and Frank Itozcli woro also hurt, nud while tho lniurles of most of them are se vere, It is not oxpectod that any but the throo first named will dlo. Ca.l.ler I.ove Gets Flvo Year.. BocilESTEit. N. Y., May 15. John Lovo, tho defaulting cashlor of tho First Na tional bank, of Wntklns, N. Y., who ploaded guilty in tho United States district court on Tuesday to an luuiotmoni cuarg lug him with making a false roport to tho comptroller of the currenoy regarding the financial condition of tho bank, was sen tenced yesterday afternoon by Judge Coxo to servo llvo years in Auuurn state prison. Ko ConiproniUo with Strikers. Milwaukee, May 15. Kfforts of tho Merchants' association to raise n purso of ffi.OOO to induce men employed to fill strik ers places to lenvo tho city has failed. Tho street railway companies rof used to con sent to the proposition. Tho company now has n (till quota of mon. Prosldent Gum purs, of the American Federation of Labor, iirrlvcd today, nnd there may bo on ox tended sympathy strike. Wants Ills Damages for Libel, n,Tirnn. May IB. Thomas J. Me Nichols, county commissioner, nus ' ,1, ,,,, elf nirnlust .TudL'tl brought a "'tniago SlUt ngoinst juuto i John Barton Payne for $300,000. Thosult Ms tho result of tho charge madoagalnst 1 MoNlcnols uy ouiige t- ju t. """ I mlsslonor received it bribe In tho O'Brien murdor caso to oxort his luuuence in piu rontlug tho indlctmont of Saloonkeeper O'Brien for wlfo murdor. Senator Teller's Victory, PUEBLO, Colo., May 15. Colorado's Re publican state convention declared for bi metallism and protection, With free silver jho paramount issue. Senator Teller was chosen to head the delegation. No In structions wore given except obedience to lis directions. jiniiiiiiii. 1. 1. . i. .... 1. 1"""""1"1"""""1"1""1"; tt ic-n in 'IWii Hntinv ' I 1 5 iOW 111 Al.,, .aw.- Pancake j j Flour. i A combination of the great staifs of life WHEAT, CORN and RICE.- iBo Sure YOU Get tho Red Package, I HERE'S OUR GUARANTEE. " Iluy n pnrkngo of Genuine Aunts ? Jnmlmn's Kelf-HUlng I'nncake Flour, Z nnd If you do not find It makpa tho beat -cakes you ever ate, return the empty; 5 box to your grocer, leave your name, -anil the grocer will refund the moneys nn.l chargo It to us. - 5 Bclo,ntlllcftllr Prepared and m suuiuiacturea omj vj D T nilIP mil nn CI Mnh Mn S II. I. umiiw miLbuu., ui. uuooj, niu. S Send 4 cents In stamps for a set of Aunt? Jemima and her Pickaninny Dolls. MSMI.llliaill'lllllllllIUIillllllll'll'llllllllllltllllllllllllHllllll- The "Twin Comet" and "Little Giant" LAWN SPRINKLERS. lll-.ST MADE. Unique, nnlclent, Jju.or Saving. Till sprinkle lour t.niea greater n.ea tlu.n otner aprltiKIcr made. lIlKli.'t mvrud nt tho Chicago Kx.or.ltion. Send fur Circulars Giving Testi monials nnd Prices. E. STEBBINS MFG. CO., Pole Manufacturers, Springfield, Mass, For sale by all hardware and rubber stores In tno uniieu state, r H ARLEXDERRrS w Rnrhpr Slinn ! 12 NAest Centre Street. Our Hot Towel Shave s becoming popular. You will like It. niaite a specialty nr of hnlr cutting BloodfKerveFood For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. WHAT iT IS ! The rlchestof all reBtordtWe Foods, becnuae it replace the same euhstances to the Mood nnrl aervos that are uihauBted in thpse two HfccWinp fluids by diBease.lDtlidefttlon, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc. WHAT !T DOES I Tir tailing tho bipod pare and neb, ami the digestion perfect, it crer ea eo.ld tleahtiuuitcleand ntreneth. The nerves he ing made t-tronp, the brain becomes active and clear. 1- or restoring lost vitality and stopping all wasting drains and neaknesa In either Bex, it hat noeaaal . and anafprnfilerpc-iilatorft tawnrth lt weidhtinffold. Oueboxlaetsaweek. Price6"o.,or ft box.ei 8Xui. PruKeistsorbymail. Hook True. THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, 1513 Chtbtuut Et., i'hiiadelphla. Celebrated ffcinalo l'owdcrfl never fall. "1J,aJ iuiiea declare thuu nfn and mrtt I aflrr falllnZ i.i. rr ... pimnirm.,l and nther Ukr rcmedlea). Alwayi buy the bcit and avoid JIp. pointment. Ouarmnteed P?toMo oi o neri. -I's (hebcft nick Bay, Boston, Wuu 1 m IUlUCVnll "" Tlrct, J-implMA Copper-. HAVE TUU Colored Bpota, Ache. Old Sorei Ulcer. In Mouth, HMr-t ailing! Write COOUH IICEIUKl) i: tu., UU7 Ala. ouic lenpic, 11 . fnr .imnCa ftt enrva. (Ultl tnl, SSOO.OOO. Worst cues cured In KBr to ua Uny.. luo-page eoo irec. 5 . udSi-l Ta'-.cn intcr- nally curc3 Hwi "tun P.? and all w ci wi.ik.u. jaav1 com WSZsA.V"1 S u ti u c .1 . j " colds, CUIUS 'vvw inn U oriiipe. Used externally it is iiicucsciiui- , o incut in the world. Bewtre of imitatioii9, buy only ths "r-nnine made by Perry D-vis. ,., Jert. CURED TO STAY CURED. Does This Mean Anything to You 7 If your truss don't hold you or Is causing pain, see us at once. It may sat o you years of sulferlng. Wo have cured hundreds of people 111 I ennsyivania, nnu can reicr you tu patients cured In vour ottn town. Our treatment Is harmless and will not keep you from your dally labor. Call and havo a talk with our doctor. It will cost you nothing. Woguaran. tee relief after the first treatment, and our prices aro rcasonauiu. The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia. Heo Our Doctor Every Tuesday at UNION HOUSE, Ashland,-Pa. oooooooosooooooooeoooooooo HUMPHREYS' Of gas &i No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 3 No. O No. IO No. 11 No. 12 No. 14 No. 18 No. 16 No. 20 No. 27 No. 80 No. 77 Cures Fever4. " Worms. " Infants' Diseases. " Diarrhea. " Neuralgia. Cures Headache. " Dysiepsia. " Delayed Periods, " Leuchorrea. " Skin Diseases. Malaria. - . r, , ! w nooping wuu Kidney Diseases, UrinarV Diseases .u r.nin Wiusuiiu...... bold by Druggists, or sent prepaid receipt of price, 25c, or 5 for $1 Dn. HcurimETs' IJoMEOPATnio ILuroii, of Diseases Mailed Fuse. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William Bt., N, JACKSOX FOUND GUILTY. The Murder of Poarl Bryan Will bo Avengod. ' PUNISHMENT EIXED AT DEATH. fic.ill Jncb.im Still Hope. Tlmt lie. Will lie (Irm.led . New Tr ill Wlllllnir, HI Al leged Ace.iinpllee, In bo Tried In an Ad joining County. NKwrortT. Kv.. Mnv 15. On Monday. Jan. 81, Just flftoen weeks ago Inst Mon day, Pcnrl Bryan, of Greoncnstle, Intl., nrrlrn.l In ntnpli.ni.tl t.n n.lfc horsnlf ltl the hands of her botrnyor, Soott Jnokson, nt 1IIB l.'.'UUSl, IU utf imiu.utii i.n nnu i,n .v. by him to hopo, from ghnmo to herself nnd her family. After being with him Tues day, Wednesday nnd Thursday, on Friday she was found niurdored, behended, and with her head gono nnd novor yet found. Scott Jnckon, with Alonzo M. Vt ailing ns annccompllco, was arrested and chnrgod With her murder. A toll tnlo shoo and "omo moony garmonts poiiueu ouo tno identity of tho victim. A senr on ono hnntl, a peculiar formation of tho toes of ono foot, established tho Identity of Pearl Bryan beyond a doubt. Tho Campbell county (Kentucky) grand Jury Indicted both jointly for the murder. Extradition papers wero procured In Kontucky nnd granted in Ohio. Their extradition was roslsted to tho utmost, but wns unally so- cured on March 17, whon thoy woro brought to this city. After ono contlnunnco tho trial uegan on April 20. Thero wero 1WI witnesses ex amined, and tho testimony closod last Saturday. Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday of this week were! consumed by counsol In arguments. Yc-itcrdny morn ing tho caso was given to tho Jury, nnd nt noon tho jury filed In and road tho verdict t "Wo. tho jury, find tlio defendant, rcott Jackson, guilty of murder of the first de cree, nnd llx tho penalty nc ucaiu. The prlsouor snt alone, not a iriemi near him, his eyes transfixed, but lusterless, his faco ashen pale, utterly motionless oxcept for tho twitching of tho muscles of his cheeks. Sinco tho verdict ho has exhibited no sign of emotion In jail, llo still hopes for a now trlnl on error by order of the court of appeals, or for 'cxecutlvo clom- oncv. Tho verdict elves universal satisinccion In Nowport. The jttdgo hnd previously nnnouneed thnt no demonstration of ap- urovnl -r disapproval by spectators would bo permitted. Deputies were placed throughout tho room with instructions to bring beforo tlio court liny person ummey- ing this Instruction to bo puumiou ior con- tn.nnt. Consequently tho vordlor. was nenm witn s lenco. but immediately upon mo ad journment of court tho spectators rushed to tho jurors and shook their hands heart ily. Thev also shook cacli otner uy tno hnud, showing a hearty approval of the verdict of the jury. Mr. Brvan. tho fathor of I'cnrl Uryon, and his two sons wero prosmt when tho verdict was announced. Scott Jackson's mother, ills slstor and her husband, I'ro- fessor Post, wero In Greencastlo, having kouo Wednesday ovenlng. A change ot venue lias uecn ueeiucu unon in the caso of Alonzo M. Walling, whoso trial Is set for noxt Tuesday. It must bo in an adjoining county. As Kon- ton county, with Covington us tho cqunty beat, nud Pondloton county, whoso shlro town is i'nliuoutli. nro tno only counties ndjolnlng Campbell, tho chango of venue will almost cortnluly bo to Fulraouth, tho moro remote town from tho scone ot tno murdor. Tt. o I.Hoh Saved. Mrs. Phoebo Thomas, of Junction City Til. . m told bv her doctors she had Con sumption and tlmt there was no hope for her, l.nt turn bottles Dr. Klnc's New Discovery completely cured her nml she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Kggcrs, 139 Florida St., Knn Vnineisfo. suffered from a dreadful cold. approaching Consumption, tried without result evcryiumg ciso men nougat one uuttio of Dr. King's Now Discovery and in two weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful It is such results. of which theso aro samples. that provo the wonderful efficacy of this medicine In Uouelis and colds, rreo trial bottles at A. Waslcy's drug store, Itegular size SOcaud fl.W. To Contest lMttsburg's lU-ctlon. PlTTSDUtta, May 15. The Municipal league of this city has brought action In tho courts to tost tho validity of tho lato election of mayor, treasurer and controller. Tho lcaguo claims that at least 12,000 illo- irul votes woro cast for tho Incumbents, enough in each Instance, It tho claim is sustained, to oust tho present olllcials and oleot the loaguo candidates. Tho Investi gation will last soveral wcots. Only part of ouo ward was gono through yesterday, rittnlly Shot In a Quarrel. H AltntBDUIiu, May 16. Hnyiuond Moore, rt Milton, shot und fatally wounded Put rick McGeovor, of Btoeltou, last night In ni. nltercutlon over McGoover's attempt and failure to board u freight train for homo. Mooro has served two years lu the penitentiary for burglary. He was ar rested and bent to jail. Old People. Old people who require mcdiclno to regulato the bowels nnd hidneys will Hnd the true remedy in Electric Hitters. This medicine does not stimulate nnd contains 11a whiskey nor other iutoxlcnnt. hut acts as a tonic and ulteratlvo. It acts mildly on tho stomach and bowels, adding stremtth and giving tono to the organs, thereby nldlng Naturo In the nerfonnauce of tl.o functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old peoplo find it just exactly what they need, l'rlco fifty cents per bottlo at A. Waslcy's drug 6toro. The Oret;o.i a lU'OTd lit. 'alter. Santa Bahuaiia, (Jul., May 15. In hor olllelal trial trip yoRtoi day the battleship Oregon covorod sixty-two knots, tho of ficial government course, In three hours, foriy niluiitoi and -forty-eight seconds, making the magullleeiit average speed for tho time over the oourso oi 1U.7S Knots, or 1U.35 miles an hour. This speed places hor in thovury front runk of ships of lmr class in tho navies of the world, beutlng tho Massachusetts, which had a record of 10.15 knots, and tho Indiana, with n record of 15.01 knots. By her great performance, tlio Ori'i-mi Ima mimed for her builders, the - I J ' . . . uulon iron works, a premium ot i(o,uoj. Itheumutlsm Cured In a Day, "Mystio Cttro" for Blictnnatlsm and Neu r,llnll em. In 1 n 3 dnva It. on ncton unon tll0 sy8tom Is reniarkablo and mysterious. It removes at onco the cause and the disease Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by Y. C. II Ilagcubuch, Druggist, Shenandoah. 1 m Greatest Highest Smallest Quantity. Quality. Price.. The only brand of strictly high grade tobacco ever sold for a low price. Not the large size of the piece alone that has made "Battle Axn the most popular brand on the market for 5 cents, QUALITY; SSZE; PRJCE. "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." IS THE PROPER THING 59 When In doubt wiiit t" musk ltcsult in i weeks. I'LAL MLDICIN'i: i:o.,ClceUnd.Uht. Tor Kilo by P. V. I). KIKLIK. Shenandoah, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHUYK1LL DIVISION. ArilIL23, 18M. Trains will leave Phenantloah nfter the abovt dato for Wipxans, Ollbcrton, Frackvllle, Dark Water, 8t. Olnlr, Pottsiille. Ha.nburK, ltwi.llnif, Pottstown, PhoenlxTille, XorrUto.vn nnd Phil adi'lphla (llrond street station) nt 6 0S nnd 1149 a. m. nnd 4 15 p. in. on week days. For Potts- vine anu intermediate stations v .o n. tu. SUNDAY. Vnr Wlirt-ftn.. nill.erion. Frackvllle. Dark Water. 8t. Clair, Pottsvllle, at 0 0s, 9 40 a. m. and 3 10 p. m. For llnmburir, ltia.li.iB, l'ottstowu, i'liocnixvl.le, XNornstowu, t-iuu.ueiiuu. mow, D 40 a. in., 3 10 p. m. trains leave rrucKv.iio ior m.eimnuuuu n. 10 40 a. m. and 1214. 6 01. 7 42 nnd 10 27 P. m. Hunday, 11 13 a. in. and 5 40 p. m. Javo 1 onsviilo ior mieimiiuu.... r.. .u . c a. m. and 140, 715 nnd 10 00 p. ni. Sunday at lu 4U u. in., a to p. in, Leave Philadelphia, (Broad Btrcct station), for ihennndoali nt 5 67 and 8 85 a. in., 4 10 and 7 11 Shennndoal u. in. week davs. Su.ulavs leave nt 6 50 n. in. Ixjave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lui Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Loni, Branch, and intermediate stations, 6.50, 8.25, 11.39 a. m,, 3.30, 4.00 p. in. week-days. Sunday! (stop at Interlaken for Asbury Park). 8.25 a. m inve uroau ntroet fetation, miiaueipnin, FOR NEW YOItK. Express, week days, 3 20, 4 05, i 50, 5 15, 6 50, 7 33, 8 20,8 20, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining Car, 11 00, 11 14 a. 12 noon, iz ro t.i.uite.t tuu anu 422 p. m. Dining Cars) 140, 2 00 (Dining Curl. 3 20. 4 00. 5 00. 5 66 (Dilllne Car). 0 00,650,812,1000p. in., 12 01 nlitht. Sundays, 3 20, 105, 4 50, 5 15, 8 12, 8 30, 9 50, 10 SO (Dining Car), 1103 o. m.. 1235. 2 80 (Dining Carl 4 00 (Limited 4 22, Dining Car) 5 20, S 66 (Dining Car), 6 35, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 nlKht. Kipress tor lioston, without ciinnge, 11 ue a ni. week days, and 6 50 p. 111. dally. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH For Baltimore and Washington, 8 50, 7 20, 8 31 912,1020,1121 a. 111., 12 09 (1231 Limited Din ing car), 1 12, a is, 4 41 to rj wongressionai Limited, Dining Car), 9 17, 0 53 (Dining Car), 710 (Dining Cor) p. m., and 12 03 night week days. Buinlnys, 3 SO, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23 a. in., 12 U"j 112, t i, o 10 L-ongressiouiii i.iiiuieu. Dining Car), 6 55 (Dining Cnr), 7 40 p. m (Dining Car) and 12 05 night. FOlt ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a. ni., 2 10.(3 10 Saturdays ojily), 410, and t 00 p. lu week days. Sundays, 8 45 and 9 45 a. m. ( I 00, 4 15 p. 1... accommodation). For Capo May, Anglessea, Wildwood and Holly Bench. Express, 9 00 a. m., nnd 4 00 p. m. week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. 111. For Sea Islo City, Ocean City and Avalon. Express, 9 00 a. m., and 4 00 p, ni. w-ck days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in. For Somcrs Point. Express, 8 50 a. m., anl 4 10 p. 111. week days. Sundays, 8 13 a. 111. 8. M. I'hevost, J- II. Woou, (len'l Manager. (fcn'l l'nss'g'r Agt Grocers can tell you why those who buy Seelig's Kaffee keep coming back for it when added Strange though how long it takes some people to try a new thing. to ordinary , coffee makes delicious , drink. 2c. package. C3 La 1 FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. rcRE ue fcr Kervous Dc! !liv. rt fjrual Triwer fin either 'J LOST IISOR sex), linixlent , Attci 1 1, Varin-cc. tn J :htr wcaknr . ffon u-iy cause, use Sexme rids. D:ai s tn..l. 1 ani filler r,uuk! rc tor tl. If niulectcd, such troLlibs result fatal'y. Ui 1 any I ere, st-ilcti, frjt.coi 6 lxti f r ( 5.00. With c trv 00 order civc c Ui-1 cu-ruee tu euro cr refund the moue". Addfcu READING R. R. SYSTEM IN EFFECT MARCH 15, 18. Trains leavo Shenandoah 1.4 follotvB : For Nov York via Philadelphia, week days. 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. m., 12 5S, 2 55 and 5 55 p. m' Sundays, 2 10 a. in. For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 5 25, 7 20 a. lu., 12 53 and 2 55 p. III. For Hendiuir and Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 11.111., 12 58, 2 55 and 5 55 p. m. Sun days, 2 10 a. m. For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 20 a. m., and 12 5S, 2 55 and 5 55 p. 111. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For Tauiaqua and Mahnnoy City, week days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. 111., 12 53, 2 55 nnd 5 55 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. 1.1, For Wllllaiiisport, Sunliury nnd Lewlshurc;, week days, 3 23, 1130 a. 111., 150 and 7 20 p.m. Sundnvs, 3 25 a. 111. For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 25, 7 20, 11 80 a. 111., 12 5S, 1 50, 8 55,5 5!i, 7 20 and 9 85 (I. ill. Sundi.VB, 2 10, 3 25 a. 111. I For Ashland mid bliriniok In, week days, 8 25, 1 i'S or IWtlmore, W 7 20.1130 n, 111., 15, 7 2U anu M p.m. sun- 'nhlmrtnn nnd tho West via T. t. r . 1, t. Tlon.l n Terminal, l'lilladelphla, (P. & It. It. It.) at 3 20, 7 55,1126 a. 111., 3 46 nnd 7.27 p. m. Sundays, 3 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 3 46 nnd 7 27 p. m. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest nut streets station, week days, 150, 5 41, 8 23 p. 111. Sundays, 1 33, 8 23 p. 111. TRAINS FOlt SHENANDOAH, Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 8 00 a. ny, 1 30, 4 00, 7 30 p. 111. and 12 15 night. Suniliflu, 00 p. 111. Leave NctdHbirk via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 30, 9 luWin.. 1 10 and 4 30 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, Bending Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 33, 10 05 a. 111. nnd 4 0-3, 6 00, 1130 p. 111. Sundays, 1130 p.m. Leave Ueadl.in;, week days, 133, 7 10, 1006, 11 S3 a. 111., 6 00 and 737 p. 1.1. Sundays, 1 33 a. m. Leave Pottsvllle, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a.m., 12 0 and 0 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 33 11. in. Leave Ta.nar..a, week dny, 8 18, 8 60, 11 23 a 111., 1 20, 7 13 nnd 052 p. 111. Sunda.ta, 3 IS a.m. Leave Mahanoy City, week dnys, 2 45, 9 21, 11 47 a, in., 1 31, 7 39 nnd 9 31 p. ni. biuidays, 8 43 a. m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00, 030.9 37, 1159 a. 111., 12 5S, 2 0.1, 5 20, 0 26, 7 53 and 10 10 p. 111. Sundays, 2 40, 4 00 a. in. Leave Willlainsport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a. in., 3 35 and 1141 p. m. Sundays, li 15 11. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut btreet warf and South struct whalf for Atlantic City. Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, Suturday onlv, 300, 4 00, 60t p.m. Acoonmiodutlon, 800 a. in.. 4 30, 6 30 p. In Sunday Express, 9 00. 1000 n. in. Accommo dation 800 n 111., 4 45 p. 111. Heturuing leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantic nud Arkamuu. avenues. Weekdays, express, 7 85, 9 00 a. 111., 3 30, 5 30 p. 111. Accommodation, 6 50, 8 15 n. ill., 4 32 p. m. Sundays Expriw, 4 00, 5 30 8 00 p. in. Aceoin niodRtioii, 7 15 a. in., 4 13 p. m. Parlor Cars on all oxl.re.ut train-. I I. A. SWK1GAIID, U ti. HANCOCK, (len'l SuH.rlnteiideut. (ieii'l Pass. Agt, Teams to H lr. If you want to hire a safe and reliable teaaii for driving or for working purposcfe pay Shields' livery tJle a visit. Trams constantly 011 hand at reasonable rntetf. JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 East Cntro street. Opposite Heading railroad station. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER j, OF . . . PUItl! SELTZER WATEH A euro for headache nnd stoinnLh troubles, QINOF.lt ALE, WEISS BEER, LAOlilt BEEIt, I'OUTElt. 17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.