LINEN MARKING OUTFIT! With tills outfit nny one can put their name on their clothing, handkerchiefs, Ac, and It wont wash out. It consists of n ruhher stamp with your iinmc on and nit indelible pad which is always ready for use. l'rlco complete '10 cents, Wo can supply any style ruhher stamp dcslrod, SM styles of type to select from, HOOKS & BROWN x North INlaln it. EVENING HERALD MONDAY, MAY 11, 189(1. (Irtind Jury Itcport. ThoOmnd Jury completed Its labors and iiroscnted to the court on Saturday the fol lowing report, which was received with the thanks of tho court, and tlio jurors dis charged, 'Siuiro 1'. S. Snayhcrgcr was foreman and It. 1). Itecse. of town, was secretary. The report eays : "We havo nctcd upon iOO bills of Indict ment presented to us for our consideration of which number 113 havo been returned as trtie bills and 37 as no true bills. Among tho bills ignored 32 charged misdemeanors, of which number wo havo placed tho costs in 30 cases on tho prosecutor or prosecutrix, ami in two cases on tho cuunty. Fiyo of tho bills- ignored charged felonies, costs of winch pro disposed of by law, without any intervention of a Grand Jury." Tho Grand Jury found tho prison and alms house in excellent conditions and compliments tho ollicials of both institutions. Tho new liosnital. electric light plant and other im provements about to bomadotothoulmshouso aro approved. "Wo have received a communication rela tlvo to tho dangerous condition of tho public road in East Korwegian township, between Port Qirbon and St. Clair, at tho point where Mr. Hoonc, of St. Clair, recently met his death. This point should bo guarded by a good railing, as there is danger to life aud limb whilo it remains In itspiescntconilition "Wo would also call attention to tho dan gerous condition of the dossing in or near Hahanoy City, whoro tho public road, Tho Philadelphia and Heading liailroail anil tlio roiid of the Schuylkill Traction Company sross at tho same point. This point should bo protected by safety gates or a watchman. Wo heartily endorso tho action ot lormcr Grand Juries ou condemning the Justices of tho Peaco for many of tho petty cases which find their way into court. Wo regret, with former Grand Juries, our Inability to visit all tho costs in many cases upon tho Justices returning them. There can bo no reason for their return to court, other than the desire to collect fees from tho county. It is important that Eumii remedy bo sought, legislative if necessary, to correct tills evil. If tho Grand Jury were vested with discretionary powers in the disposition of tho costs as far as they relate to Justices, It would go far to correct the evil." The report concludes with the usual thanks to tho court aud its olllcers. If you want a lino wedding cake, let Otto mako it for you. New Store, New Goods, New Prices. We have opened with a new and complete line of Men's, Youth's and Children's CLOTHING, . . . GENTS' FURNISHINGS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, COLLARS and NECKWEAR. AT THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE 20 S. Vlaln St. Formerly Wilkinson's Old Stand, and Next poor to the First National BanK. NEW DENTAL PARLORS LATEST AI'i'LIANCES. Filling- "th Gold, Silver, Cement. Gold mid Porcelain Crowns and Bridge Work. ARTIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED. E.NT1IIELV I'AISLIM KXTHAOTION, DR. J. W. VAN VALZAH, Ferguson's Theatre Block, Corner Main and Oak Streets. Kntmuee on Oak Street. Office Hours : S n. in. to 8 p. m. STEAM RENOVATOR Now lu oiierntton for the spring house cleaning. Carpets Cleaned, a Specialty. Feathers and Mattresses Renovated. Price Liti Kenovntlng oarpets, Brussels and Ingrain, So per yard. Heavier grailes, 4per yard. Panthers cleuned, 8o per lb. Mattresses cleaned and upholstered, hulr, (1; oottou, &3; cheaper grades, l. Called for and Delivered Without Charge, by Your Command. Add, STEAM RENOVATING CO., Dowers street and Apple alley, Shenandoah. 0- U LATEST DESIGNS. TABLE FLOOR OILCLOTHS From25C to 60c per yard. E. B. FOLEY, Corner Centre and West Streets. PERSONAL. Miss Sadlo Davis spent to-day at l'ottsvllle. Cliarleo Dorr inado a business trip to the county seat to-day. W. J. Brilt is doing jury duty at the county soat this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Magarglo wcro visitors to Hnr.tetou yesterday. Mrs, Loeb, of Mahanoy City, was a guest of town friends yesterday. J. J. Shore, of West Cml street, snent Sun- day among friendsn St. Clair. Dr. G. M. Hamilton spent to-day in at tendance at court ns a wltunm. Harry lloughey, of Philadelphia, formerly of town, is visiting his parents. Michael lilm?. liartendnr nt Howell's rafo. Pottsvlllc, is homo on tho sick list. Miss Schminkey, of Ashland, visited friends in town on Saturday evening. Miss Maggie McDermott spent Sunday with acquaintances at Ashland and Fountain Springs. Jacob Lcvit lias now fallen into tho good gracos of Asliland'sfalrsex, whero ho visited last evening. v. , , Miss Snllio Lewis returned to her home nt Mincrsvlllo to-day after spending n pleasant week with relatives in town. John Snyder, tho efficient salesman nt Keillor's dry goods store, was suddenly called to Allcutown yesterday by tho illness of his brother. M. J. Malonc, ouo. of Undo Sam's most faithful servants, returned homo yesterday from a vacation among friends throughout tlio Schuylkill valley. Mr. and Jin). Gcorgo Seagcr havo returned from a visit to friends at Xew York and Brooklyn. They visited tho electrical exhi bition at tho former place. Miss Mamo Hinckley, of Pottsvillo, form erly employed as typewriter nndstcnogrnpher nt the Miners' Journal office, was a pleasant caller at tho IIkiiald ollico to-day. F. A.Matthews, of Lebanon, is substituting for his brothcr-ln-law, Fnul Houck, who is spending n vacation at tlio abovo place, as prescription clerk at Muldoon's drug store. This being Mr. Matthew's initial trip to tho coal regions ho will, in company with Mino Inspector Stein, inspect tho workings of Maplo Hill colliery to-morrow. W.'W, AV. AV. Weak women wonder why they cannot be cured. Madam Jacobs, of tho Tuit Medicine Company, at Ko. 121 North Main street, will. during her office hours, explain freo a simple homo treatment which is a positive reliable euro for all diseases peculiar to women and is so himplo that any lady can uso it and euro herself in tho privacy of her own homo. Why sillier with backache V Why bo des pondent V Why have a tired languid feeling when help is at hand ? liead what Mrs. J. Miller, of Shamokin, says about the euro : ! ivo doctors treated me. I was getting worso right along. Three of them said I had a tumor and would havo to go to a hos pital and be operated on. I was advised to try Tait's Cure fur diseases peculiar to women. After three weeks the tumorous enlargement is entirely reduced aud I feel better than I have felt in years. I heartily recommend tho euro to all ailing women. It is so simplo that any.woinan can uso it." I lie Madam can bo seen during her office hours from 0 tq 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. in. at 121 North Main street. llino Martin's Hit; llluir. Wasiunoton, May 11. Su many mis statements and misieprescntations have been mudo regarding tho exact standing of tho Pennsylvania delegation to tho St. Louis convention that Senator Quay to-day decided to find out from tho delegates themselves in black and white just exactly how they stood. Accordingly ho scut a telegram to every dele gation in the state, asking them to deline their exact position, Up to a very late hour to-night replies had been received from fifty out of tho sixty-four delegates. Every one of those fifty declared himself firmly in favor of Quay for tlio Presidential nomina tion. Tlio Iloppes 31111 to Continue. Business at the Excelsior Mill, Mahanoy City, will resunio this week under the old firm name, as heretofore Tho family coun sel, Attorney Kaercher, of Pottsville, recently called on Mrs. Iloppes. Ho advised her to continue tlio business. Dr. Fctlicrolif, Dennis Wehr and others, who were associated with tho lato Dennis M. Iloppes, will coutinuo iu charge AVould-lle Car AVreckers. Georgo Nitcli, Frank Walufski, Paul Lumas aud Peter l'ohit, found guilty of trying to wreck a Schuylkill Traction car at Malzevillo ou Friday, were sentenced. Nitcli, Walufski und Lumas must pay fines of $20, the costs und go to prison for nlno months. Boblt, who helped convict Ills companions, got $1 line, tlio costs and six months im prisonment. Dropped Head. William Eagan, who had been an iuinato of tho Pottsvillo hospital under treatment fur erysipelas, attempted to walk to his homo in Mt. Lalfee, ou Saturday, under protest of the doctor. When ho reached ihe latter placo ho dropped dead, oniric Presence of Mind. Last evening as a Lakeside car waS UunhvJ the corner of Centre and Whlto streets,?! snirlttd horso in charge of W. J. Gate', suddenly became frightened and started J' terrific gait out White street, narVwly escaping collision with a telegraph l'ulXia,i it not been for the quick presenco of Jn(U(j up tho driver some serious results mj(,t lavo followed. The horso was gotten ii0P trol at O'llnro'i Jivory stable. .li i.ioquem rM'riuoiiA Itlttcnhouse, siiperintoudillt of t)10 idUt i:pieoial hunpital, C;f ij,ttdcl- An Kloqueilt Sermon Dr, Method! phla, occupied tlio pulpit of the JU jj clurei, Mat evening, lie nrcacueu. h v,.n, boriuou, busing his toxt on the ljjroj0 f ti,0 goou Bamarnau. ino euuiuu iwu6 comfort, amy mien auu a very aueuuviy aU( jouce ,vag protein. Schoppc orchestra Hay hall, Thursday, May 14th. tancc, Itobbius' 5.11-lt lie Went It ltllnd. A niinu norso owuru ny uulHliniiu llros. caused a ripple of excitement nll rllriim' btreet Saturday afternoon wandered from its post and made a. bee lluo for the entrance of a dwelling, but' turned off galloped haii-hazzaril upon beiug V too street to Lloyd street, wjioro some ui light it, If you want a nice sweet Ion1 cad try Otto's. righting the pmsnuuo, Jiay u.. ' Wj, of th0 Young lion's Institute, an orgaiiIJLtj0U wj,c, islightlligtne A. r. A., wasoigai. Uud at st llrlilget's llomau uilliouc cnuuv, j,, j.itta. uprg lo-uay. a circular uua ueeii jm;,! (0 all Catholic churches in tho Uniteil stait,9 uy the institute. The circular invites! sIf Cntlio- lic societies of whatever character i o join tho especially ho organ- institute in bodies. The circular is. mtended for liistcrn cities, where Izatioil is beiug pushed among t'utl iolii-s. Liver Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache. constl pation, sour stomach. Indigestion niv promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work H easily and thoroughly. IScst after dinner pills. 25 cents. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, JIass. Tho only Pill to take with I lood's Sarsaparllla. THE BASE BALL RECORDS. Standing of tlio Club' In the Knee Championship rennnnt. I l'.C. 5 .723 W. I- P.O. Phllad'a Pt Boston..- 13 Pittsburg 11 Chicago 11 Cleveland .... 0 Cincinnati.. 11 8 .579 .471 .ill .a-,o ,3-U .100 0 0 .007 .0(7 .B79 .6751 Wash'ton.. 0 10 Brooklyn.. 0 10 St. Louis... T 13 Now York. 0 13 Louisville. 2 13 SATURDAl'S NATIONAL I.KAQUE GAMES. At St. Louts Now York, 15; St. Louis, 8. At Cloveland Brooklyn, 10 j Clovclnnd, 8. At Chicago Philadelphia, 11; Chicago, 10. At Cincinnati Baltimore, 0; Cincin nati, B. At LouUvlllo Boston, 17; Louis ville, 5. At Pittsburg-Washington, 14; Pittsburg, 0. SUNDAY'S NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 18; Wash ington, fl. At Loulsvlllo Brooklyn, 3; Louisville, 1. At Stl Louis Baltimore, 9; St. Louis, 0. Enstrrn tongue, w. I- r.c. w. I r.c. Providence... (1 1 .857 Toronto .4 4 .600 Rochester.-. 7 3 .700 Bcranton 2 S .28(1 Syracuse . B 4 .550 Wllkesb'e.... 3 0 .250 Sprlrigfi'ld ... 8 i .550 Buffalo 3 0 .311 SATUHDAY'S KASTMIK LEAGUE GAMES. At Wllkesbnrro Wllkesbarro,12; Provi dence, 11. At Scrnnton Springfield, 12: Sernnton, 0. At Buffalo Syrnctiso, 14; Buffalo, 8. At Toronto Toronto, 12; Ro chester, 0. SUNDAY'S EASTERN, LEAGUE GAMES. At Buffalo Buffalo, 18; Syraeuso, 4. At Rochester Bochester, 1.1; Springfield, 8. Atlnntlo League, w. i r.c. w. r.. p.c. Jtets 10 0 .02.5 AVIl'ington- 7 7 .MO I'aterson 0 0 .000 Hartford 0 10 .875 Newark 0 7 .60.1 New Haven 4 11 .207 SATUItDAY'S ATLANTIC LEAGUE GAMES. At Wilmington Wilmington, 11; Now Haven, 2. 'At Paterson Pntorson, 13; Newark, 5. At Now York Metropolitan, 14; Hartford. 5. SUNDAY'S ATLANTIC LEAGUE GAMES. At Paterson Pntorson, 15; Hartford, 11. At Newark Newnrk, 13; Metropolitan, 10. Pennsylvania State League. w. i p.c. w. T P.O. Lancaster.... 7 0 Kmo Hazleton 3 4 .4M Athletic 7 1 .873 Pottsvillo.... 3 5 .1175 Shamokin... 4 I .600 York 3 6 .250 Easton t 4 .500 Carbond'c.. 1 7 .123 Saturday's state league games At Philadelphia Athletlc,2"; Hazleton, 0. At Shamokin Easton, 15; Shamokin, 9. At Pottsville Pottsvillo, 7; Carbon dale, 5. At York Lancaster, 0; York, 5. i Great lteclucttons In Ladies' and Children's russet and fine gondola shoos in endless varieties at Womer's, 121 N. Main street. 4-17-tf To flradiiatos. Wo havo placed on our counters a beautiful lino of cream gloria and china silks, hcurictta, cashmeres und albatross. Also a fine assort ment of India linens, nainsook aud plain and dotted swlss. 5-7-tf E. F. Gill. Heeds lteconled. From Edward S. Nowell to P. W. Sheafer, three lots in Hoscnsock; from Win. H. Newell to P. W. Sheafer, threo lots in Hosen sock ; from P. W. Slicafer's executors to Gpo. H, Puruell, lots in Hoscnsock; from Lehigh and Wllkesbnrro Coal Company to Luckey Ilutuan, lot iu Klino township ; from Alfred S. Wolf to Wm. O. Hack, threo lots in Tremont ; from Agnes M. Hack to Win. C. Hack, lot iu Donaldson; from Agues M. Hack to Wm. C. Hack, lot in Donaldson; from Agnes M. Hack to Wm, C. Hack, three lots in Tremont; from executors of Charles Dengler to Leviua A. D. Levan, premises in Schuylkill Jlavcn. twi , Almond, walnut and filbert mK(V0n3 for saie at y. v.uuos. .' Portv-llvo Hid A " .'-?. Saturday morning nt jtM tho time for filing bids for rff'f X new buildings and alsoo Juafe. aud for mak. ing iinprove.neIlt (ll0 aImihousei exl,ired. . 1 ia Mur forty-fivo bidders had pre sentcil tnjf f jirolositIoii..p County Controller U T)l 1,ids wiU 'be oi116'1 during tlio J?-5nrt of this week and scheduled, and fWmtruct awarded ou Friday or Saturday. Fur Sale Cliean. j 1 gray horse, 1 bay marc, 2 single spring (wagons, 2 sleighs, 2 singlo sets harness, 1 platform scalo anil l counter scaio. iceasons for selling, leaving town. JAMKS UOODMAX & CO., 5-8-tf 27 West Centre street. Stair Cuptiiln l.lndsley. God's American Volunteers lire making much preparations to receivo Stall' Captain Liudbley. or l'liilaitelphla, who win arrive hero to-morrow. Ho will conduct open-air meetings and also speak in tlio barracks In ltobbius' opera houso. The public generally is invited to attend. Never Pull for Coughs nnd Colds. That's what Pau-Tina is, 25c. At Gruhler Urns., drug stpro. KUculiuwer Chho Postponed. Owing to engagements of Congresmau llrumin, ouo of tho counsel, the trial of Theodora i:ienhower for thenitirderof John Schwindt, was on Saturday afternoon pot poued until tho June term of court. A mini her of people who had been subpoenaed as witnesses, but not notified officially of the postponement, made a trip to Pottsvillo to day. Notleo to Tuxpujers. On and after Thursday.May 14th, 1600, five (5) poij cent, will bo added to all uupuid 1805 taxes. M. J. SC'ANLAN, 5-8-Ot Keceiver of Taxes, Preparing J'or u Contention. ltev. Cornelius Laurisin, pastor of tho Greok Catholio chuah, is busy preparing for tho annual convention of the Greek Catholic Union of America, which will convene In Now York city on the 20th, 27th and 26th iust., and of which ho is tlio secretary. The Union embraces 02 societios, having an aggregate membership of over 4,00,0. PilSsi If E. A FATAL JUMP. AVlUliini Phillip-, nt Mahanoy City, Killed Yesterday Morning. Special to r.vuxlsn IIr.uAi.ii. Mahanoy City, May 11. William Phil lips, nged 21 years and unmarried, was killed between 3 and 4 o'clock yesterday morning by jumping from a moving P. & It. freight train near his homu at this place. Ho boarded the train at Buck Mountain, tils head and body struck tlio ground with great force, causing a bad gash above the left eye, fracturing tho skull and breaking tho left arm in three places und Ills iiacK. ino young man was dead when picked up. j Tho latest stylo and color in men's tan shoe can ho found at tho Factory Shoi: Store. The llrcnrry Outlug. Yesterday tho employes of the Columbia browcry and a number of guests enjoyed a lay's outlug on Zimmerman 's larm, in Jiing- town. The party was composed of 3.i people who left in tlio morning in a largo wagon drawn by four grey horses, and all Wear ing white duck caps. A culU luncli was served during tho day, nnd the parched tongues of all present wcro moistened by the product of the brewery. During tho course of the day two games of ball wcro played by members composed of insido and outside hands, of which tlio latter won both games by a score of 7 to 0 in the first gamo and 5 to i iu the second, with Thomas Dovo as um pire. Tho batteries were composed of J. Makeley and Jerry O'Neill for tho inside team and W. H. Fairburu nnd Adam Sum mers for tlio outside team. Tho merry par ticipants returned at dusk last evening greatly elated over their day's outing. 20 Per Cent. Reduction aro tho prices on our big lino of men's and boys' russets and gondolas at Womer's shoo store. 4-20-tf AVin. Penn. Mrs. Seltzer is seriously ill. Henry Whitman's daughter is seriously ill. Mrs. William Itichard's condition is im proving. A birthday surprise party was tendered to Joseph Womer Fiiday evening and ho re ceived a number of presents. Among those present were: Misses Emma lloehm, Eliza Griffiths aud Francis Sherman, of Suenan- doan; Arthur Iteese and Miss Essie Geisc, Lost Creek; William T. Morgan, Mahanoy City; Charles H. Harris, Georgo Fox, Walter Schoppc, Joseph Taggart, Henry Dressier, Mathow Itecd, Walter, Charles" and Georgo Woonicr, Charles M.y, and ltlchard Jones; and Misses Lizzio Whitman, Lizzie Woouier, May Itobertson, Carrie Birklehach, Sallio Sargcaut, Maud Banuon, Cliarlotto Sherman and Misses May and Steele. Checks for tho famous gold nlluminum tablo waro can only bo had a tho Factory Shoo Store. Wo give' them to every pur chaser. Unjust Discrimination. Tho thcatro entertainment booked for this town 0110 night tills weel: will appear iu Pottsvillo tho following evoulng. Tho highest prico charged for a scat at tho latter placo is 75 cents, while S1.00 is tho rate here. Persons who have been in both theatres sav tho difference, if any, should bo lu favor of tliis town ns the local thcatro isnocomparison to that at Pottsvillo in comfort to tho patrons, stage equipment and general appointments. Tlio prices charged will keep many away, as tho public Is quick to resent anything that savois ot extortion as this does. No Trespassing. All persons caught trespassing upon tho grounds 01 tno unumnia l'arK will no proso' cuted to tho full extent of tho law. So much damago has been dono to the placo stringent measures are necessary. By order of the 5-0-1 w Board or Tkustkes. Hotel and Stock Yard Destroyed. A big coullagratloii occurred nt Pottsvillo early this morning, at 12:110 o'clock, when John WeisslngerV lilack Diamond Hotel and stables, corner and NlcliUrai'fcrfrifrfc'j and David Neuser's big stock,,-,, aln bn6it residence, near Jjjfwero destroyed. Tho loss is cstimatej-ut jio otiO, and tho firo de partment hai'n.uc), JiUlcully in coufininf tho llameF-Tf, ,i. hnildin-is destroved. Tho origin n oi ,, f i fire is a mystery. J' Mrs. Kltch Scorched. 3Ir"TI.,!n fitM, nlmrirrul li- filof nt Polico Tosh with keeping a disorderly houso on West Lloyd street, was sentenced at Pottsvillo on Satuida'y to pay J30 lino and costs, and serve Imprisonment for six months. They Are Marked This Way LLULOiO Mark INTERLINED Tlio genuine Interlined collars nnd ruffa with a "Celluloid" surface, and tho only water-proof collars and cull's worth buying. TRADE- LLULOIO MARK INTERLINED They aro worth buying, becnuso they wear six times longer than linen, keep clean longer, and when soiled, you can clean them yourself. TRAD LuhjOIQ of U MARK- INTERLINED You can clean them yourself with a wet cloth us easily nnd quickly ns you can wnsh your bunds whether av home or abroad. WARK INTERLINED At homo or abroad, you'll find them more comfortable, more convenient aud moro economical than any other collars and cutis made. in urn. INTERLINED Aooet no IfflltttloDI. Mft.10 la hll tljUn k4 III Hul I tTerjfthen r Hut d ui dlrwa. in.n luo. tub Cult, ino pair .tpald. Btkta ! ud ty le. T1IK CELLUbOIU COMPAM-, KK1V TtOIIK. SAPOLIO "ftuhr't!,T.t.cJgSSL" 17 ou itiicoitnuit, EMANUEL JEW Of Jollctt. I'orterC'OM.-lis ft Hebjcct to ltepublienn if in-Tlt, FOR STYLE, QUALITY AND TASTE In artistic Millinery, consisting of high grade goods at low cost prices to cash buyers. Sailor hats 15c, Ladies' dress shapes asc up All shades of Satin Ribbon, 5 inches wide, for 25c per yard for short while only. ' AJ. KELLY'S MILLINERY 26 South Main Street. MISCELLANEOUS. f.AOlt SALE Dwellings No. 213, 217,210,221, ' 220 and 231? J5nt I'iml street. Mo deslrn1lc locations. Apply to Z. S. Hobbles, Hlicuntulonh Lumber nnd Peed Company oOlee. I-2S-tf " AT ANTKI). Active, reliable men to travel 1 ) and solicit orders for fruit and oriiamcntHl nursery stock. Permanent employment nnd good pnv. Itofercnce required. Address tlio It, O. C'llASU CO., South Penn So.., Philadelphia. 5-9-2Ct-eod IJtOlt SALE. A 3-tory frame business proji ' erly on North Mnin street. Ope of the niot desirable projicrtfcs ih tow'n. Apply to E. V. Shoemaker, Attoriley-ftt-lnw, corner of Centre and Market streets. 4-23-lm T)AV1NGS AND CROSSINGS. Parties dcslr X lnit stone for pavings or crossings should write to P.J. l'olk, Siumnn', Pa., or Commer cial Hotel, Shenandoah. 4-lWm ITiOll KENT. A large double, well-lighted ' room, on the second floor, centrally located with all modern conveniences, suitable for office purposes. Apply at L. Hefowlch's clothing house, 10 and 12 South Main street. 4-22-tf )UOPOSALS. Sealed nnd marked proposals will tie received by the undersigned until noon of Sat urday, May 10th', 18,'for the crcrtlon of a reservoir to hold about n half million gallons of water, to be built on Water Fall Creek In Itutlcr township, Schuylkill county. Pa., nbilut two nnd ope half 25) miles cast of Gordon. Plans nnd specifications can be seen nt tho op.Ico of S. M. Itlley, Engineer, Ashland, l'n., era' tio hospital. The right to reject ny and nit bids is reserved, 15. C. WAnsKn, Glrnrdville, l'n., Secretary State Hosnital. 5-0-11-1 i Near Ashland, l'a. WANTED. To buy n show case about 3 or 4 feet In length. For nny further information call nt POVINSKY'S DRUG STORE, 28 EAST CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH, PA. T. J. BROUGHALL, Dealer in nil kinds of Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Etc. Goods Always Fresh. NO OLD STOCK KEPT ON HAND. 25 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PA. Special Sale In soap and washing powder for a limited time only. 10 oz. cako of puro soap for 5 cents. 13 oz. packago of best washing powder, Sc. 4 lb. packago of best washing powder, 20c. This is very low for first-class goods and just what you want for house cleaning. Meluskey & Son, 105 S. Main St. A FUI.I. LINK OP NEGLIGEE . . .SHIRTS Witli attached or de- tacliei) collars. Also a full line of SOFT SHIRTS. Itlg assortment ot SPRING and . . . sunriER NECKWEAR PORTZ & BRO., 2. N. Main St. Salesmen Wanted on salary, to sell Pennsylvania grown Nursery Stuck, which is the hest In the worlii. All the new specialties as w ell as tho standard varieties of Fruits and Ornamentals. A tine outfit furnishea nnU nil traveling expenses jmiu. Hulnry dates from day work is commenced. iv rue lor terms siaiingi;e. HO0PES, BRO. & THOMAS, Maple Aveoue Nurseries, West Chester, l'a. II Suits Made t6 Order j ii ; !! Former Prices. Illuo, llluck, Urowu Wl Gray Cheviots, ?10. Mixwl Goods, (Stylishly Made nnd Trimmed) ?10, 11, $12, ?13and $14. Stylish l'antaloons, $3.00,'$3.50, $1.00 and upwards. Black Clay Diagonals) $15, These goods ore till well lined and well made. ' Every suit guaranteed to fit. j I KELLY & CONWAY, NO. S j! w. centre Street.'; BEDDALL BUjILDING. i Beauty Unrolled To the mlmlrlnsr prnzo of those who have a tasto for really ine wftll pnper Ip tho display of new w(i VappMvrinkleyf ha,vc Ju?trppcve,(l. You curt ftny color or pitftpru you wfiht fpr your luill,' bed rooin, parlor, elinirit room, kitchen or enfe, frflm 5c up o S3 per roll. Fine artistic ptiipep a 'eclnrty. House, Sign and pccoratlve Painting. Satisfaction guamntceil. IvPtlnmtes cheer fully furfilshed. Send postal. J. R. (SARDEN, 22 W peptre St., Shennndoah, Pa. DO YOU OWN A BICYCLE ? Vccan sell vou n new wheel, of the finest mako nnd guarantee, at reducetl prices. Wo mako a specialty of . . . REPAIRING BICYCLES t Do not Bond nwnv irom town to havo vour wheel repaired when it can bedoifcat homo Just as gou ami much entnper. Faust Bicycle Works, Ofllco: 120 S. Jardln Street, Shenandoah, Pa IF YOU WANT THE BEST and can't pet it, then come to ua for y It. We carry the best of - Groceries, Butter and Eggs, FLOUR and FEED. Our delivery wniron awaits vour order. Goo4s delivered promptly. liUSSER & BEDDALL, 26 East Centre Street. OPEN EVERYDAY do to tho Shenandoah Dental Rooms fox painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver fillings. If your artifical teeth do not suit you call to see us. All examinations freo. We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridge work and all operations that per tain to Dental Surgery. No charges for extracting when plates aro ordered. We are tho only users of vitalized air for tho painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms!, (Tltman's Block! East Centre Strccjt, Office Hours: 7 a. ni. toS p. m. Evan J. Dafies, LIVERY AND Undertaking: I 13 N. JardiiV Street. WOOD'S Shenanrjo'ah Gollegel 366 STUDENTS niRh. Pr)c!pal Teachers . . . jl'T. . Ten Assistant Teaphers. Bfisil l?s, Shprtliand, nglisli, Typewriting. Combine Scholarship One Department . . . . $150 . . 50 S. I. WOOD, President. II. 3 M a 4