The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 08, 1896, Image 2

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l'mllshed every Evening, Kjtcept Hunday,ot
8 South Jariiis Strkkt, Nkar Chntkb.
Til 9 Ilt'rilld Is dcllveied In Shennntonn nnd the
aurroiiiKlliiK towns fornix eeiito n week, iy
llo to the carrier. Ily innll $3.00 n your, or SB
.nts a month, pnyntile in advance. Advrtie
mentH charged according to and position.
The pulillnlieni rnvrve the right to the
position of mlvertiAcmenta whenever the pub
lication of news demand It. The right ta
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
tiald for or not, that the publishers limy deem
lmproier. Advertising rates mado known
upon application.
L atered at the postoffieo at Bhcnandoah, In., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
FItlDAY. MAY 8, 1600.
Of Susquehanna,
Of Erlo
Thk new county agitation is again nssumlng
slmpo lu tlio vicinity of Hnzleton, nnd tlio
advocates of tlio nionsuro say tlio fight will
bo waged moro clTectlvely this yoar. What
figure will Schuylkill cut in the fight, is
question often nsked.
A I'liit.ADr.i.rniA woman, in her will, gavo
her two unmarried daughter? tho incoino of
her $12,000 ostato for life ns long as they re
main unmarried. Marriage may lioa lottery,
lint a i-ensilile woman who Invests therein
ought to ho ablo to draw a prizo worth moro
than tho interest on $0,000. Hut, alas! how
many have drawn worse than blanks.
Now the cause of teinporanco is to' ho
promoted hy tho introduction of freo silver
as one of tho objects to ho advocated hy tho
Prohibition party is a question which tlio
leaders of tlio organization may possibly
understand, but which to outsiders is cer
tainly a mystery.
FoM-owixq tho suicido of a man in Pitts-
hurg over tlio failure of tho Combine,
person in Aon- lork lias become insane
through worrying over tho X rays. Tlio
nomination of a Democratic county ticket
nnd tlio selection of a water commissioner for
this biiruugh are yet to hear from, aud no
man uiu foretell tho disastrous results.
IN tho opening part of his sermon at the
funeral of the lato Hamilton Disston, of
Philadelphia. Dr. C'olfelt said: "Wo have
made many wonderful discoverios In our age
Wo liavo climbed tho sky and plucked tlicnco
tho lightning. Wo liavo penetrated the enrtl
and laid lure many a secret. But what
discovery havo wo made about death? A
thousand years ago a great Druid King
held a solemn council as to whether his nation
should accept or reject Christianity. While
they were debating tlio subject a bird flew
in at one of tho groat windows, Hashed
across the hall amid tlio glaro of torches, and
then flew out of tho opposite window and
disappeared in the darkness from whenco
fame. The king said sadly : 'Our life is just
Hko that; thu iluttcr of wings across
lighted hall, a momentary (light between two
eternities; out of tho darknoes wo came
luck into the darkness wo disappear. Who
can explain whenco wo are, whither wo
goV" a tremendous lot of advertising for
$23, tho Lehigh Valley railroad olllciala have
found a name for their now "ilyer" from
New Yqrk to Buffalo, which is to knock tho
Pennsylvania itiilroad's Limited, tlio ltoyal
Blue Line and tho Empire State Express into
tho shades of iunucuous desuetude, and tho
name they have discovered is that old chest
nut, "Black Diamond." Great heavens
Just think of giving a farmer from Ohio $2;
fur such a suggestion ! Ie ought to havo had
a gold brick or ono of those samo "hlack
diamonds." Now if instead of such a worm
eaten old chestnut as this they had called
"Leo's Lightning Lehigh Flyer," or, if that
is not deferential enough to tho predominat
iug family influence, how would it do to call
it "Itolly Wilbur's WhirlerV" Or oven uso
it to advertise tho family business and label
it "Wilbur's Trust," but to give an Ohio
farinur $23 for "Tho Black Diamond-Kipress'
suggests the propriety of calling it tl.
'runner's Bunco Express" in honor of the
follow who got tlio $25 in such a slick fashion
for 111 chestnut. Thirty years ago tho Head
ing railroad had a locomotive heuriug this
iiHino nnd for several yours pat ono of thei
little oxpiew engines has borno the samo
Tlio American Sunday schuol, as It is to bo
found in all the l'rotostaut churches of this
country, and in thousands of little school
houses and preaching stations, is an import
ant factor, says an exchange, in the social ns
well as the religious life of tho nation. Ovir of the whole population, aud in
some states over oue-fuurth, are enrolled hi
the Sunday schools.
Raeh denomination is doing something for
its own Sunday school workers; und the
Sunday schools themselves have established a
leumrkably elllclent system of organization,
wnbmcing all the denominations. Once
every three years they hold a convention.
covering the United Suites and Canada, and
composed of delegatus from each of the sixty
states, territories aud Provinces that are now
organized for work.
Some of tin organizations Imvc an auxili
ary Mauc'ai o , ov ring each county ,und front
ou'i to i. t-iririaud field worker en-
gi ini li-njtug onventlons, training ihc
U mi l "i iiiiing townships and i illi -
fi-r h n r tnli- u i Msltation. In the samr
w i.v i Iati ru dnmal olflcera are labor lit
fir" . t. n-oin und improvement of the
stilt- organisations.
The coming International ( - in cur ion,
which is to meet ill Boston on JllUC 23d i f
this year, will lu irk an advauto lu the extent
ami imalily of Sunday School work on tli a
rominvut, foi '-i Ii i very patriot, whatcvir
Ins r, 1, 41. m , I, ., , in iy be thankful
cited l'nr the Ihi.ulng Your.
Other Proceedings.
At the twenty-fourth annual conference of
tho Primitive Methodist church in Shamokln
yesterday Ilov. T. O. Itache, of Xniiticokc,
was elected president, aud Itev. William
Aeomley, of Plymouth, vice president. Itev.
JI. Iiigglnsoii was elected press reporter
ml Itev. J. Mooro recording secretary.
Itev. J. Proude, the retiring conference
resident, thanked tho members very klntily
ir their loyal support rendered him during
the nst year.
A committee to nominate other committees
as appolntod to report at tho afternoon
session. l;30p. m nftor devotional oxorcises
onductcd hy Itev. O. Lees, tho committeo
on nominations reported ns follows : Com-
mlttec on Legislation, Itovs. S. Penglaso, J.
O. Jotferies and W. II. Acornloy; Ijiymen.
I. Walters and Bohert Green; Committeo on
Statu of Conference, Itev. J. Proud and W.
I. Itussell; Auditory Committeo, ltovs. S. T.
Nicholls and W. J. Itichards; Committee on
Complaints and Appeals, Itovs. I). Savage, II.
G. Itussell and A. Miles; Bililo Society, Ilov.
It. Wilson; Temperance, Ilov. Joseph Sutchiff;
Sunday School, Itev. II. J. Buckingham.
Tho Stationing Committee was then elected
hy conference nnd consisted of tho following
ministers and laymen : Itovs. W. F. Nicholls,
General Secretary, II. G. Itussell, W. II.
Bcntly and T. JI. Batetnan, 1). D.; Laymen,
II. Walters, II. W. Cooper, llohert Green.
Tho following ministers having passed in a
very satisfactory manner their four years'
probation were received hito fullmcmhershlp
and will ho ordained on Sunday morning:
Itovs. James Walker, W.J. Itichards and J.
X. Itescigli : Itovs. S. Cooper, J. McGinnis
and E. Iveson,
Several candidates were examined and
passed a satisfactory examination.
At 7:30 scrvico opened with n short song
service. Address of welcomo was delivered
hy W. II. It. Smlnk, Chief Burgcssof Shamo-
kin. Response to an address of welcome by
Itev. J. Jones, A. M. Scrvico was conducted
ly Itev. II. G. Itussell. Tho addresses were
of a very fine character.
Altogether tho evening was a most enjoy-
ablo one. A very largo audience listened to
tlio spoakcrs with rapt attention.
MctlindtHts Will Now Vote on a Proposed
Constitutional Change.
CLKVKI.ANI), May 8.- -Hy n voto of P23 to
l3 tlio MethodUt g " conferonco do
elded yesterday that t 'i tour women dele
gates might retain thoir seats. Tills does
not moan that tin) women havo won n
completo victory. The decision was reached
simply in tho result of a compromise, nnd
with tho understanding that It should nut
proludlco the clulms of women In tho lu
turo or establish n precedent for future
conferences to follow. Hut by tho samo
voto by which tlio women were given souts
the conferonco also decided to unbuilt to
tlio annual conferences n proposvd amend
ment to tho constitution providing that
horoaftor nil gonoral conferonco dolegntcs
shall bo over 23 yours ot ngo, and that they
shall havo boon mombors of tho Methodist
church for at li-nst flvo yours prior to their
election. Jt nlso provides that no confer
ouco shall bo dobarrod from at least ono
ministerial aud ono lay delegate. This
constitutional amendment is to ho sub
mitted to tlioannual conferences and must
rucelvo a thruo-fourtlis voto to lie adopted,
Tho amendment Is construed to mean tl it
women, in well in men, will bo ollgihlo ns
lay delegates, tho word "layman" not bo
lug used.
Tho members of tho committeo on eligi
bility who siRiiod tho compromise report
wore ovidently of tho opinion that tho
question cmld bo settle I by tho general
conference, as it win ono which involved
tho proner Interpretation of tho constitu
tion. Howover, it vu3 (loomed bettor to
let the annual ooufcruneos decide tho mat
ter, hcuco tho proposod chaugo In tho con
stltution was submitted.
Tlio dologatcs woro evidently pleased
when tho question was llnally disposed or.
Hov. Dr. J. M. Uuckloy, editor of the Now
York Christian Advocnto, speaking of tho
contest lu tho committeo on eligibility,
said that the situation in tlio conference
was critical. "At tho clo ,o of soven hours'
debato," ho declared, "twenty of tho
thlrty-ono members of ourcuinniitteo wore
us firmly convinced thiu women wero
eligible and oloven of us thut they woro
Ineligible, ns wo wero before wo began
Wo wero all dotormlnod men, but you
might havo soon a lovo feast In prayers at
any tlmo during tho session. Wo wero all
honest mon, Thoro was only ono coward
among us, and wo had only his word for
his cowardlco. All hut fourot our minor
ity party slgnod the compromise report,
o each yielded somothlng."
Grand Army Iteunlon.
A reunion of Grand Army Posts of Con
tml Pennsylvania, will be held in Harris
hurg on September 21 and 23. Qji tho second
day of the reunion there will ho a tablet
dedicated opposlto the city. Two other
tablets will also ho dedicated oil that day, ono
at a point where a rebel soldier died, aud tho
other whero a rebel scout was captured.
Coining i:eiit.
May 30 Second annual picnic of tho Key
stone Gymnasium at Columbia Park.
May 30. Ico cream festival under th
auspices of tho 23 Club, in Bobbins' opera
Juno 15. -Ico cream festival under tlio
auspices of God's American Volunteers in
Bobbins' opera house.
WJiiieZSwallnisr ErnpJioniS
BolSjRPIr.iples'.'Salt Rheuinf
acWpcajfoje,, The only,"
cjjjgjijjing Pure, Rich
bo Blood Purifier. fl;0forf5.
f by O.l. II004 & Co., Lowell, Mm,
r-)xilAro gentle, mild, elTeo.
rlllStlT. All druelU. tic.
fgZUaijSaraaparilla makes
.jKrfcpnAraA and has never been
'llequa as a cure for Bcrotuln.
fjdjalJliiiionsjdered incurable,
!-jjMr4 iH'l""' UP by physicians,
WBGm)ii&ri(x Its wonderful purify
jgJIKlUlni; powers. In fact,
Ministers SSiouId Use
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
labors so sovercly tax tho nervous sy s
tern, ns that of tho ministry. Thodo-
rnngement ot tho ncrvo centers ot tho brain
by over work, frequently brings on attacks
of lioart trouble, and nervous prostration.
Ilov. J. P. Kostcr. M. D Pastor U. B.
church, London Mills, Ills., himself a physi
cian, writes Feb. 28, 1803: "Heart affoctlon
and nervous prostration had bocomo so
serious last fall that a llttlo over work In
tho pulpit would so completely prostrato mo
Dr. Miles'
that It seemed certain I
must relinquish tlio work
ot tho ministry entirely.
Heart palpitation becamo
so bad that ray auditors
would ask me It 1 did not
havo heart disease. Last
Heart Cure
November I commenced taking Dr. Miles'
Now Heart Cure alternately with Dr. Miles'
Nervine and derived tho greatest possiblo
benefit. I havo just closed revival work of
10 weeks, preaching nearly every night and
twice on tho Sabbath. I can speak tor hours
without suffering as I formerly did. Hard
working ministers should keep Dr. Miles'
grand remedies on hand."
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold on guarantee,
first bottlo will benefit or money refunded.
Killer's New Opera IIoue.
Unlike many theatre managers, whon C.
D. Kaicr says he will improve his theatre ho
deos so with the least delay. The now opora
houso to ho erected in Mahanoy City hy him
will lio modeled and built on the samo plan
as tho Fifth Avenuo theatre in New York.
Tho stage will bo 73 feet in width, aud 33
feet deep, and thoro will bo two galleries. It
will have fire-proof walls and drop curtain,
will he equipped with all tho latest devices
for moving scenery and will contain 14 hand
somcly furnished dressing rooms. In fact, it
will be second to nono in tho state. Shenan
doah, is sadly in need of such a play house.
Granted a License.
John Kaspcrowicz and Agglo Bubnute,
both of town, were granted a marriage
liccnso to-day, through application mado by
Jusflco Shoemaker.
Mrs. Ilnmmiiml I'lends Mlth Kruger.
PitKToniA, May 8. John Hays Ham
monds's wife had a long nnd touching In
torviow with President Kruger last night,
at which sho pleaded tho cnusoof hor hus
band and other prisoners. President Kru
ger promised to consider everything, and
ho said ho hoped that tho mnttcr would bo
settled by the end of tho week.
Bootli-Tuckor In San Francisco.
SAN Fr.ANClsco, May 8. Commnnder
Hooth-Tucker, of tho Salvation Army, ar
rived at 10 o'clock Wednesday night, and
conducted a largoly attended meotlng at
Metropolitan Tomplo, given In his honor.
Mrs. Hooth-Tucker wasso much Improved
lu health as to bo ablo to assist her bus
baud ut tho meeting.
Cardinal Gnlhnliortl Dead. -BnrtLiN,
May 8. Cardinal Lulgl Gallm
hortl, titular archbishop of Nlcoa and for
merly papal nuncio at Vienna, dlod at
Suchtoy, near Dussoldorf, yesterday from
throat trouble Ho was born lu Homo lu
1S30, and created a cardinal In 1803.
Four llurned to Death In a Killing School
Bkiiun, May 8. Tho riding school at
taohod to tho University of Hoidol berg was
burnod Wednesday night, and two women,
two children and twonty-sovon horses
woro burned to death.
Not Guilty of Hrlbery.
COLCMDUS, O., May 8. Tho jury In the
caso of Ohio vs. ox-stato Soiialor John L.
Goyor, of Paulding, indicted for alleged
solicitation bribes, returned a vordlct of
cot guilty.
Closing Quotations of the Is'ew York and
Philadelphia Kxclinngeii,
New Yoiik. May 7. Politics wero reflected
to an extent in today's stock market, and
prices Bold oil both for foreign nnd domestic
account, owing to apprehension regarding the
attitude of a prominent presidential candl
dato on the monetary standard. Tho specu
lation was also depressed through revived
Cuban belligerency. Closing bids:
Baltimore & Ohio 10?$ Lohigh Valley Ht
Chosa.&Ohlo 10
New Jersey Cea.105
Del. & Hudson. ...U'(J
D., L. & W 101W
Erlo 11
Lake Erie & V.. VH
Lehigh Nav 41
N. Y. Central 87M
1'ennsrlvanla ......
Heading 11
St. Puul 77W
W. N. Y, & Pa m
Genernl Markets.
PniLADELPiiiA.May 7. Flour weak: winter
superfine, S-'.50iM.75; do. extras. !3."5a3;
Pennsylvania roller, clear, S3.33Q3.50; do. do,
straight. ?3.ii3,i.70; western winter, clear,
S3.2oia3.55. Wheat Arm, with 69Xo. bid and
OiKo. asked for May. Corn Arm, with 3(o. bid
and Bio. asicea for Slay. Oats quiet, with
&ro. ma ana zofto. asiceu tor .May. iiuy tlrm;
choice timothy, S1717.50. Beet quiet. Pork
quiet. Lard easier; western steum, S3. 05,
Butter steady! western dairy, 8ttllc.; do,
creamery, lluKcldo. factory, Blln-Kleins,
10c ; Imitation creamery, 9M12o.; New York
dairy, U)i15e.t do. creamery, llMUc.', Penn
sylvania and western creamery prints, fauuy,
ISO : Uo. clinico, lie.-, do. fair to good, Hjiltto.
prints johblngat 13 fttto. Cheese Btiiuly ; large,
u'uU;4C.i small. w$iuc.: part sulnis, Uitl40
full skims, 23V4c. Kggs steady: Nbiy York
und i'enuayivanlu. luiallc; western tresn,
((lUHc.i southern, "aHic.
I.Io Stock Markets.
New Yohk, May 7 European cables quote
Americaa steer at DWaiUMo.. drased wclulit
rtfrlL-urutoroeef ut 7aslio. Calves very dull
and weak: poor to prime veals, $341. tiheep
nad lambsstradyi clipped siiei, poor to lair,
J.Wl.e7: heavy clipped InuitiOl.oiiui.tEtt
prime fall clipped do., Si.lUj prime unshorn
do., $3.03; southern spring lambs, $3.!5Q(.
Hogs steady at S! 10HSM-
East Lihsuty, fa.. May 7. Cattle steadyi
prime, ;i.3 & .!; good, S3.i0i33.80j good
lutrher,$3.0l3(.20; rough fat, ?33.75; bulls,
stags aud coivs, S1.75&3.7U. Hogs active;
prime light weights, $3.7533.60; best mediums,
$3.7U33.75; heavy hogs, 83 60(43.60; common
to fair Yorkers, $1.H&3.70; roughs, $3.M(&3.
Hlieep active; prime sheep, 3.71K3J.60; good,
$3.tl5J.75: fair. t3JH&3.60; common, $2,000
3 15; culls, thiii; choice lambs, 1. 5014.1; com
mon to good lambs, $3.MI1.S3. Veal calves,
An Jnillnn Murderer Rxecutrd.
ANTLKH8, I. T., May 8. Charles Homes,
a full blood Choctaw, has been logally
shot at tho Pushmataha court grounds,
thirty mllos wost of here, for the murder
of Cliarlos Klotubby, his stop son-ln-lnw.
Homos was placed on n box before tho
oourt huuso, flvo paces from the door. A
blindfold was placed over hlsoyesnnd two
deputy sheriffs stood on cither sido of
Homos holding his hands. 'Deputy Sheriff
Hob Jackson did tho shooting, standing
Just Inside tho court house door. Jncksou
missed the mark plnced ovor tho victim's
heart, striking two inches beneath. Tho
murderer lived for ten minutes, suffering
great agony. Homes' wlfo was present,
but did not seem to bo affected to any
groat extent.
Collecting Ilebts with Guns.
McAU'ls, Fla., May 8. It Is reported
hero that throo men Wero killed aud five
wounded lu a fight botwen whites nnd
negroes In Lnfayetto county. Tho killed
nro Bald to be .Tamos Smith, Abrnm Dun
can and Jonas Maboy, all negroes. Frank
Anderson nnd Jack Simpson, nlso negroes,
are reported wounded, as oro (Jcorgo and
Albert Varno and Honry bulllvnn, white.
Tho Varno brothors run a store near a
largo turpcntlno camp and sell to negroes
on credit. Tho Yurnos hoard negroos who
owed them wero going to lonvo, and, with
soveral friends, went to collect tho money.
A quarrel ensued nnd shooting began.
Tho report has not boon vcrlflod.
lllg Dainnges for a I.ongsliorcmnn.
DltooKLYN, May 8. A Jury boforo Su
promo Court Justice Koogh, this city, has
nwardod .Mlclinel Tulley, a 'longshoreman,
20, Bourns damages for porsonnl injuries
against tho New York nnd Texas Steam
ship company. Tulloy loll through a
hatchway while nt work for tho defendant
company, nnu recelvod injuries which re
sulted In tho loss of a leg nnd In total dis
ability. Tho tostimony wont to show that
tho defendants wero negligent in falling
to havo the vessol properly lighted and tho
open hatchway protected.
Causod by an Unlocked Switch.
Boston, May 8. Tlio dorallniont of n
smoking car attnohed to tho New York
accommodation train, on tho Now York,
Now Haven and Harlford railroad last
night resulted lu the death of W. J.Down,
a jowolor of this city, and .1. K. Long, of
Vvntortowu. Two others wero badly in
jured. Tho accident is said to havo been
causod by tin unlocked switch.
G ri p-Colds-lIeadache.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine will
euro you in ono day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For salo
by Klrliu's Pharmacy.
Killed liy a Fleeing Itohlior.
ClilCAGO, May 8. While chasing a rob
ber from his store last night Thomas J.
Marshall, proprietor of tho Golden Rule
dry goods score, xia-ai west ainutson
street, was shot twloo, and died a fow mo
ments lntor on tho sldownlk in front of his
placo. Tho robber oscapod after firing sev
eral shots to intimidate tho peoplo In the
street. Ho wounded two othor persons
Alexander Hoggs, shot in tlio loft leg, and
Katio Hynos, shot through both knoci.
Tho murder was committod in the sight
of a hundred peoplo, but was dono so
quickly that thoro was no chanco to ap
prehend tho murderer. Miss Hynes may
Ithcumiitlsm Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tlio system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the causo
and tlio diseaso immediately disappears. Tlio
first dose greatly benefits; 73 cents. Sold by
II. Hageubuch, Druggist, Shenandoah,
liny Train Wrecker Convicted.
Home, N. Y., May 8. Ac 1 o'clock this
morning the jury in tho case of J. W.
Hildreth, charged with train wrecking,
brought In a verdict of murder In the sec
ond degreo. The vordlct of tho jury reo
ommcuded leniency.
Twelve Xrrench Convlrti Kicape.
Pahis, May 8. Tho govornor of Fronch
Guiana telegraphs that twolvo French
convicts seized tho schooner Delta and
mado their oscupe iu her to Vonezuola.
Tho schooner is now ac Demerura.
Tho Weather.
For eastern Now York, eastern Pennsyl
vania and Now Jersey: Fair; warmer;
southerly winds.
Klovon bodlos havo now boon recovered
from the collapsed buildings lu Walnut
street, Cincinnati.
Tonnossco Douiocrnts nomlunted ex-
Governor Kobcrc L. Taylor for governor
and declared for froo silver.
Iusano William Worcester attempted to
murder his wife at her boarding houso in
Cleveland. Ho was shot dead by John
Uayuo, a boarder.
A list of fourth class postmnitors nn-
pointed yesterday Includos S. C. Williams
at Brownfield, Pa., and Joseph W. Gill at
Mount Royal, N. J.
In a drunkon fight In Now York last
night Klmer Hallowny was knocked down
by James McQuillan. Halloway died from
u fractured skull.
The grand jury at Wichita Falls, Tex.,
lddlctcd three men Implicated lu tho
lynching of Crawford and Lewis, tho mur
dtrers of Bank Cashior Dorsoy.
At Berlin yesterday tho Doutsoh-Asla-tlbch
bank handed to tho agent of the gov
orjument of Japan tho sum of 81,000,000
niarks, as part of tho Chlnoso war Indem
nity. llucklen's Arnica Salve.
H.i . ...
4 ne uest saivo in the world Tor cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheura, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all sktu eruptions, and nositlvelv onus nilm.
ot no pay requirod. It is guaranteed to give
perfoct satisfaction or niouy refunded. Price
cents per uox. l or sale uv A. Wasley.
Addreis Curds,
One of tho finest lines of addressoards ovel"
dUplayed lu this section of the stato can bo
seen at the HnitAi.i office. They are em
bellished with society emblems, and make
most oxcellont visiting cards for mombers of
tho various Jiitcrnltltis. Call and examine
them. i
Help Cornea to Tlinfiu Who TaTo
Rod 11ag Oil for spraius, bums, cuts, At
Clruhlcr llros., drug store.
When you want good rooOng. nlumbinir.
gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthl'ng done call
on E. F. Gallagher IB West Centro street
Dealer ir stovos. l-tf
lleglu Itlglit With Coughs and Colds,
Take tbo suro euro, l'an-Tlna, S3. At
Gruhlor llros., drug store
To Cure Nervous Dyspepsia, to Gain Flesh, to Sleep Well,
to Know What Appetite and Good Digestion Mean,
Make a Test of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
No trouble is moro common or more mis
understood than nervous dyspepsia. Peoplo
having It think that their nerves aro to hlamo
and aro surprised that they aro not cured hy
ncrvo medicines and spring remedies; tho
real seat of the mlschelf is lost sight of; tho
stomach it tho organ to bo looked after.
Nervous dyspeptics often do not havo any
pain whatevor in tho stomach, nor perhaps
any of the usual symptoms of stomach weak
ness. Nervous dyspepsia shows itself not in
tho stomach so much ns in nearly overy other
orgau; in some cases the heart palpitates aud
is irregular; in others tho kidneys aro
affected; iu others tho bowels aro constipated,
with headaches; still others aro troubled
with loss of flesh and appetite, with accumu
lations of gas, sour risings nnd heartburn.
Mr. A. W. Sharper of No. 01 Prospect St.,
Indianapolis, Ind writes as follows; "A
motive of pure gratitude prompts mo to
write those few lines regarding the now and
vnluahlo medicine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets. I havo been a suirercr from nervous
dyspepsia for tlio last four years; liavo used
4"ho Ilurglnr Alarm Summoned n Fosso of
Armed Citizens.
LACON, Ills., May 8. Tho llttlo town of
Washburn, Woodford county, was the
sceno of a raid by bank robbors on Wed
nesday night, nnd as a rosult ono of tho
desperadoes is lying in tho county jail at
Metamora, severely shot in tho nook and
back. Tho prlvato banking house of Ire
land & Son was ontorod by tho back win
dow, but tho moment thoy got Inside tho
building tho burglnr alarm started 6 gong
ringing in tho houso of Charles Ireland,
the junior member of the firm, and he
nrmed hlmsolf immediately and started
out to raise n posse. Ho gathorod a dozen
men and surroundod tho bank, arriving
thero In time to hear nn explosion the'
robbers mado on tho vault door.
Tbo oxploslon blow out tho tumbler to
tho lock only, aud while tho mon were
making ready for another blast tho posse
made a noise and thrco men dashed out
the back door, to bo mot by a volley of shot
and bullets. They held the first crowd nt
bay with a volloy from their revolvors,but
ns they turned tho cornor of tho bank an
other squad fired Into thorn, nnd ono rob
ber foil with nlnoteen largo shot in his
back aud neck. Tho other two mon got
nway, although the trail of blood showed
that ono of them was wounded. The cap
tured robber saya his name Is Bill Wilson.
Further thnu that ho will not speak.
Your Hoy 'Wont Live n Month.
So Mr. Gilman Urown. of 31 Mill St.. Soutli
Gardner. Mass.. was told by tho doctors.
His sou had Lung trouble, followiugTyphoid
Malaria, and ho spent three hundred and
sovcuty-fivo dollars with doctors, who filially
gavo him up, saying: "Your boy wout live
a month." He tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery and a few bottles restored him to
health and enabled him to go to work a per
fectly well man. Ho says ho owes his pro
sent good health to tho use of Dr. King's
New Discovery, and knows it to he tlio best
in tho world for Lung trouble. Trial Pottles
t ree at A. Wasley's Drug More.
Hank Ollicers Indicted.
Denver, May 8. An lndictmont has
been returned In tho county criminal
court against James B. Lazoar, ox-na-tlonal
bank oxamlnor aud cashior and di
rector of tho dofunct Union National
bank. Thero nro four counts, oaoh charg
ing him wl h receiving money knowing
that tho bank was Insolvent, blx lndlot
monts wero returned ngalnst Charles O.
Atkins and six against Frank K. Atkins,
making further charges uuder tho Insol
vent bank law.
I'jeo rills.
Send votir address to II. K. Ilucklen & Co..
Chicago, and get a freo sample box of Dr.
King's New Lite rills. A trial will convince
you of their merits. These pills are easy in
action and aro particularly cil'ectlvo in tlio
cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria aud Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They aro guaranteed to
bo purely vegetable. They do not weaken
hy their action, but by giving tone to stomach
aud bowels greatly Invigorate tho system,
ltegular size 25c per box. Sold by A. Wasley,
Chnrged with the lCreglo Murder.
WASHINOTOS, May 8. Tho police now
believe thoy havo the man who so bru
tally murdered tho 19-yoar-old girl, Klslo
Kreglo, horo last Monday afternoon. A
negro arrostod yostorday at Harpor's
Kerry, Va., nnd who attempted to drown
himself to nvold npprohonslon.was brought
to this city nt a lato hour last night by
the police ollicers. Ho admits that his
name U Irwin Ford, tho man wanted, nnd
Ills description tallies with that commonly
given him., Ho does not, howovor, admit
tho crime.
Itellef iu Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relloved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a great surpriso on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kldueys. back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
11 relieves retention or water and pain in
nassliiK it almost immediately. If vou want
quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Bold hy Shapiro's pharmaoy, 1U7 South Main
Sliemiudouli Directory.
Business men and others, who have not yet
secured ouoof thedirectoriesof Shcuaudoah,
just issued, can obtain one by making appli
cation at this office. The price is only f 2.00,
and thoro aro only a few left. No business
man can afford to bo without ouc of theso
books. 2-21-t
Hay Keystone flour. He sure that the name
Lkssio & 1!ai:r, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every sack.
various patent medicines and other remedies
without any favornhlo result. They soine
nuiva kiv leiuiioiuiy reuoi until IUO CUCCtS
ofthemedlcino wero off. I attributed this
.to my sedentary habits, being a bookcepcr
with llttlo physical exercise, but I am glad to
stato that tho tablets liavo oycrcomo nil these
obstacles, for I have gained In flesh, sleep
better, and nm better in every way. Tho
ahovo is written not for notoriety, but is
based on actual facts."
Respectfully yours,
A. W. Sharper,
61 Prospest St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Itlssafo to say that Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will euro any stomach wcalcness or
diseaso except cancer of stomach. They euro
sour stomach, gas, loss of flesh and appetite,
sleeplessness, palpitation, heartburn, con
stipation and- headaches.
Send for valuahlo llttlo book on stomach
diseases hy addressing Stuart Co., Marshall,
All druggists sell full sized packages at BO
! Second District,
Of Girnrdvllle, Pa.
Subject to Democrntlo rules.
Of Brood Mountain.
Subject to Ke publican rules.
Of airardvllle.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of Ashland.
Subject to Republican rules.
Barber Shop !
12 West Centre Strc c
Our Hot Towel Shave
b becoming popular. You will like It.
makeftBpeclalty of halrcuttln;
Office : 80 West Centre street.
Can be consulted at all hours.
p F. BURKE, M. D.
80 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Office hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. in.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Egan building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah,
Lock Box 05, Mahanoy Olty, P.
Having ntudled under some of the best
masters n London and I'arU, will give lessons
on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address In care of Strouse, the
eweler, Shenandoah,
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.