The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 07, 1896, Image 3

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Every Jinn Who Would Know tho Truths, Ilio 1'Inln Fnt-ts, the
Kerr Discoveries of Ktoillcnl ttcleiteo
as Appllcil lo Married l.lle, Wlio
Wonlil Alono far Vant Errors nnd
Avoid l'ut uro Pitfalls, Bhould Socurs
tlio Wonderful Little Hook CnHcd
"Coinplcto Mnnhood, and How to At
lain It."
" Hero at last Is Information from a hbjh
medical eourco that must work wonders with
thli generation of men." ... tl v
Tho book fully describes ametbod bywblcn
to attain full vigor nnd manly power.
A tnctbod by.vbtch to end all unnatural
drains on tlio system.
To euro norronsness, lack of Bolf control, de
spondency, &c. .... .
To cxchanRO a jaded nnd worn nature for
one of brightness, buoyancy and power.
To euro iorover effects of cxccsses,avcrwork.
To give full strength, development and tono
lo every portion and orcan of the body.
Ago no barrier. Failure. Impossible. Two
thousand references.
Tho book! la purely medical and scientific,
nseless to curiosity Beckers, Invaluablo to men
only who need It.
A despairing man, who had applied to us,
soon after wrote 1
"Well, I tell you that first day Is ono I'll
never forget. I just bubbled with joy. . -I
wanted to bus everybody and tell them my
old self had died yesterday, and my new self
was born to-day. Why didn't you tell no
when I first wroto tbat 1 would find It this
Ana another thus:
"If you dumped n cart load of cold fit vy
feet It would Hot bring such pladnuts into : y
life an your method has done."
Buffalo, N. Y., and ask for tho liula b-i .
caUed ''COMPLETE MANHOOD." Refer to
this paper, nnd the company promises l o e: .i
the oook. In sealed envelope, without a' .
marks, nnd entirely free, until It la -noil tal re
SPECIFICS are scientifically
prepared Romedlos; have
been used for half a century
with entire success.
o, srtnnc ron
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.
2 WorinN, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.
3 Teething, CollcCrrtng, Wakefulness
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults
7 Couslis, Colds, Bronchitis
8 Aitrnlciat Toothache, Faccache.....
9 Headaches, 3lck Xleodache, Vertigo.
3 O 1) t pepsin, Biliousness, Constipation
11 Suppressed or 1'alnriil Periods...
3 2-Whiten, Too Profuse Period!
13-Crotip, I.arvncllls, noarscness
ll-Sult Ilhcutu, Erysipelas, Eruptions.
jo uiieuntattsin, or itneumauo runs..
2 G Malaria, Chills, Fever and A'jno
10-Catnrrh, Influenza, Cold JnttiB Head
V XII t Iiooiuna (Jousti,
t jnuiiij , iMBeasei,
SM-Xcrioiis Ilciillity ..
it au urinary v cauness, i
El 31-Soro Throat, Quinsy, Diphtheria....
Sold liv Itrtiitliti. or Mit rrtmxlrl on receipt of fries. 'fi ll., may ! tort(l. except S8. , ilissnnly.
flK. Ill-Mr UH8TI' Al4NUAL(tHlirid 4 lilld MAILED TBI
iager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. StinildtvAfe.
West Coa! Street.
Tcama to Hlro.
It n. ... - t.t.. ... t .,l ..lnli
ttLim for iltivlnjc or for working purpotu
pay Shield,' livery etiblft a visit. Team
Ko..40 Bnt Centre street.
Opposite Ileiullnit railroad station.
Evan J. iiftes,
13 N. Jarilin Street.
015 mwq gaaaJM:
with Tny snd ttaumjil I'llli ud i oth.r Ukr
ransllel- Alwsyl buy tin ttit sod rold diMB.
rointaentruusr.ntMd superior to.H othem l..STJ)r
K.t iirthuairi,ANo.I. PuUculsn, I CU.' Ur.8.Ti
JUCV buk Btr, Boitos, Hut.
Tlio Houso So Decides by Resolution Then
l'nsses Liberal Pension Hills.
Wamhjmjtoh, liny 7. Tho houso Tester-
ilny served notleo on tho senate nnd tlio
country that It had transacted Its business
nml was ready for tho Until adjournment
by pasting, without division, a resolution
for final adjournment on Monday, May 18.
Tho houso thon proceeded uudor tho
special order ndopted on Tuesday to con
sldor private ponslon bills, and tided on
tuom at tlio ralo or about ono ovory five
minutes. By tlio tonus of tho ordor de
bate on each bill was limited to ten min
utes. In flyo and is half hours sovouty-two
bills woro favorably actod upon. Among
mom were tuns RrantinR tho widow of tho
Into Socrotnry Wnltor Q. Grcshnm a pon
slon of 1100 por month; to Kllzaboth Watts
Kearney, daughter of Gcnurnl Phil Kear
ney. f23 nor month: to tho widow nf t.ho
late Senator George K Sponsor, of Ala
bama, Kit) por month) to General Jntnos
U. 1'arrott, 150 por mouth i to tho widow ol
Genornl Jnmos H. Blunt, of Kansas, t"B
por month; to Genoral Nathan Kimball,
Mr. Plcklor, of South Dakota, chnlrmhn
Of tho committee on Invalid pensions, do
sired to keep tho houso in continuous ses
sion In ordor to go ahead passing bills all
night, but tho commlttco on rules pro
tested, stating that th special order did
not oontomplate prolonging tho sessions
boyond tho regular hour for adjournment.
Ho sought to prolong tho sosslon despite
tho protest of tho leadorg, and had many
llonubltcans with him. Whon the nUorum
failed, shortly after 0 o'clock, tho speaker
recognized Mr. Blngloy to move uu ad
journment. This angorcd tho South Da
kota mombor and ho denounced It as an
attompt at "snap judgment." So vehe
ment was ho that tho speakor twice called
him to order. Ho attempted to hold the
houso In sosslon, but his supporters dwin-
dlod away after a few roll calls, and soon
aftor 7 o clock tho houso adjourned.
Tho final vote on tho resolution for an
Investigation of recent bond issuos will
bo taken In tho scnato at 4 o clock this at-
tornoon. An naroomont to this offoctwas
roached lato yostcrday after tost
votes had boon takon, which clearly tils-
closed thp.souttmont of tho scnato on tho
resolutions. The first voto was on tho
motion of Mr. Sherman to refer tho rcso
lutlons to tho .'finance committee. This
was defootcd by a voto of 17 to 33. An
amondment hy Mr. Lodgo was then'
adopted, providing that tho Investigation
commlttco Instead ot a special committee, I
as first proposed. Another amondment,
by Mr. Vila?, proposing cortaln modlllca
Hons In tho resolution, was voted down,
tho aflirmatlvo voto bolng only sovon.
Aftor theso tosts tho ngrccmontwas coached
for a final voto, whon tho resolution uu
dottbtodly will pass. Tho voting came
aftor Mr. Hill had added anothor lively
Instalment to his' speech, lnoludlngasharp
criticism of Mr. Pottlgrow, nnd a porsonul
exchango with Mr. Wolcott whon tho lat
ter tried to call Mr. Hill to order.
Senator Oormana Prediction.
Baltimore, May 7. Unltod States Sen
ator Arthur P. Gorman was In tho city
yesterday to attend a mooting of tho Dem
ocratic stato central oommltkco, Aftor tho
mooting ho discussed tho oomlng national
campaign and lncldontnlly made tho fol
lowing prediction regarding tho curroncy
qucstloni "Thatquostlou wlll,ln myopln
lon, cut no flguro In tho campaign this
year. Both parties will adopt tho same
sort of a roiolutlon.on curroncy, and both
tho Domocratlooonvontlon at Chicago and
tho Republican convontlon at St. Louis
will favor sound monoy. Of courso thora
will bo a fight at Glilct.go over tho monoy
plnnk, but tho sound monoy advocatos will
undoubtedly win."
Tli Transvaal Invasion.
London, May 7. Tho Dally Tolograph
has a dispatch from Capetown which In
dicates that tho conspiracy to overthrow
tho Transvaal had a still wldor ramifica
tion. Tho dispatch says: "It is stated that
all of the telegrams from tho 'Chartered
South Africa company In Capetown boro
tho stamp 'On tho company's sorvlco.'
From copies of tho lottors, which tho
Transvaal obtained froni Dr. Jamoson
upon his capture, it seems that ordors had
been glvon to preparo everything In Mat
abololand for an invasion of tho Trans
vaal." For a Cable to the Orient.
WASHINGTON, May 7. Itoprosonta'tlvo
S perry, of Connecticut, Introduced a bill
yosterdny providing for tho construction
of cable and telegraph linos from the
United States to Slborla, Japan and tho
Hawaiian Islands, aud guaranteeing In
terest on bonds to bo soourod by tho lines.
Tho lines are to bo constructed and op
orated by a corporation to be organizod
by Michael J. Pohoy, of Now Haven,
Conn., to be known as tho Occidental,
Oriental and Oceanlo Cable and Tolograph
How to Treat a AVIfe.
(From 1'r.cino Health Journal.
irst, get a wife ; second, bo patient. You
may have great trials and perplexities In
your business, but do not therefore, Carry to
your, homo a cloudy or contracted brow.
Your wife may have trials, which, though of
less magnitude, may bo hard for her to bear.
A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders
in chasing from her brow all clouds of
gloom. To this we would add, always keep a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy in
tho house. It is tho best and is suro to bo
uecded sooner or later. Your wifo will then
know that you really care for her aud wish
to protect her health. For sale by Gruhler
Ilros., druggists.
Yale's Champion naimiier Thrower.
New Haven, Mny 7. Harry Cross,
Yale's hammer thrower, In practice yes
terday, threw the hammer US feet, beat
ing tho uestf.provlous record, held by
Hlckok, by eight feet. This practically
nsjuros tho championship for hammer
throwing to Yalo in tho lntorcollcglato
mutch. ,
Catholic Officials Seriously 111.
London, May 7. Tho Homo correspon
dent of Tho Chronlolo assorts that tho
condition of Mgr. Gallmbortl, tho distin
guished papal diplomat, is dosporato. This
correspondent also says that Cardinal
Blanch!. bUhop of Palestrlua, is in a seri
ous condition from an nttack of apoplexy.
l'reo l'llls.
Send your address to II. E. Buckltn & Co.,
Chicago, nnd get n free sample box of Dr.
King's Now Lifo Pills. A trial will convince
you of their merits. Theo pills are easy in
action and are particularly effective in tho
cure of Constipation and Sick Headacho. For
Malaria aud Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluablo. They are guaranteed to
Impurely vegetable, Thoy do not weaken
by their action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigomto the system,
llegular size 25o per box. Sold by A. Wiuley,
Hpcocllly cured by CmmtA Hmolvent,
greatest of humor euro, nsjtetl externally
by warm batfia with CtnciuA Boaf. ami
gentle applications of CrTicniA (ointment),
tho great skin cure, when all else falls.
Bold throajtfiout the world. Trice. Ccticura, AOc.i
Boa I, 84o. Ke'OLvkxt. JVkjw and 91. 1'uttlr Dkuq
amd CniM. Cot., Sole rru). boatn, Ij, i. a.
Of M How to Cure Erery liumor," mulled frea.
For Weak and Run-Down People from
Childhood to Old Aje.
WHAT IT 18! The richest of all restorstlie
roods, tiecaase it replaces the same substances
to the blood antl iierres that aro exhausted in
hese two Ufe-glflDit flulclalij a Isease, Indlitestion,
Ulgn ItflDg, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse,etc,
WHAT ,IT DOES! Br msVlns; the blood
IS'ij a tlch' the dleestlon perfect. It creates
solid llesh, muscle and strength. Tho nerves be.
I?". ""J B'ronB,the hralnTieconies active and
f.V. J?r fto'UVt lt TttalttT and siopplnu all
wasting drains nd weakness in either sex, it has
!2. W. ' "!9 """'malereBnlator Ills worth Its
weight In gold. Ono box lasts a week. Price Stv., or
6boxeiinl. Druggists or br mall, llnokl'ree,
1M3 Chestnut Et. l'hUadelphia.
Chichester's Knclish niamond Ilrantf.
H Orltrlnnt and llnlv flrnnlnf.
tK i.r.-.I..V. tSlUW.:
DrDRKtRt far Chichester a Enqllih Dia-i
mond Brand In lted and Gold mUIUo
Jboxei, nckied ftti blue ribbon. Take
'tiontand imitation. A i Drolti, r irol 4c
la ittmpa Ur partioul&rt, tefUmonUli tol
"iinicr lor i,anien,-tmener, oj morn
C1ilohiitir Cliemlcal (Jo..Mullon Siuore
fold bf tvif fsno. 1 riuuJita, 1'hUiv- !
'Onimiw "w." ab. Green, Philadelphia.
uoiivugr iuv -lrm, irom lam nurcr using ipeo
l&llit Bp to th IccioriDg enrioa
fUl in orM c&tei or hpeolil Ulaeawt aad JIMX1II
lWllP lf''" No matuibowlIaBerlog,ivcraiQl
flbs tfitKewuitbo tronbtfl tnif Ija. crrnii !
vwr bUlty(KrrorsorVouthDdroorFmvfr
Tcfei' cund. istrleturc, arlvoovlo nd l'llcti.
CUrrd without cutting. I'H. TitEFL It pOhlUrelr th oldest,
t&6 lict mi) mo(t n I. Ill fill and c tperlcnrcd one, so
Piifie what olbcr niKjr cuitu. BeoJ fives-cent taiopi for
look Truth" od be enligbtoned regarding rur dUcaio
nd hw to ct cured. Tho only book l:XVOLNO
and their book ontl Clroiilnm. luiuntre
(let. rrtsh Cnc ourvd In 4 to 10 lur. Ilonn:
S to Xt ., 6 to V. Wed. and fat, Kvg 6 ti 10, Bon.. 9 W
;Erg,Cto9. Trvutuientby 3lull. When tou wrlto
or call mention tbU paiier. Hoard od lodging If deilred,
Cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat,.
Croup, Diphtheria, Khcumatisin,
and all Wiutcr couiplaiuts. It
Kills Pain, g
internal or cxiemai.
There are many kinds of pain,
but there is only oncPain-Klller.
Keep It by you, Hewareof Imitations. Bu
only the sennlnu-PKRBr Diyit'.
Bold Teryithere. 25c. and Stic per bottle.
EH AVI- VII VE"". '."LKXlll
Ulcers in Moutn, uair-nuungi vvnte ;uui.
IUHM.HiJ3lL tUi ilUi ill u omo ActnpiCJ
Chtenirn. III., for m-oofs ot enros. Cttpl-I
Btali M500.000. Worst cues eared ia lfi
to-uS'dayi. loo-paee hook. nrce.
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Agent for Reading
Brewing Co.'s Beer and Porter.
11 and 11Q S. Main St.
To all sntrerers of EltltnilS 01' 'VOIITIT,
LOST VICOIl and DIMiASliS Ol' jlillN
A.M WII.HEM, 208 pages! cloth bounds ee
curely sealeil anil maUalree. Trcitmf nttyniall
strictly -onllcieiulal, and a positive, quick curs
Guaranteed, r5o matter bow lene standing,!
jrtll poi ively cure you. Write or call.
DR 329 II, I5tii Si, PMIa.Pa.
tt , , n .
neaaacne turea.
A quick care, a certain cure, i
toe best cure Is
We never heard of i
a case where thoy J
failed. Wo never ex. j
pect to hear of one. !
Don't bo afraid to!
take them. They ami
harmless. They do)
not contain one tingle
atom of any dancer-'(
ous drug. For this j
reason It Is well to)
shun all other bead.
noho mcdlolnoB. :
Avoid risk by Insist, g
lnff on gettlnR TAY.
LOR'S. Our powders
can easily bo dlstln-
eulahed by the de- K
llghtful odor and pleasant tasto, and
J they look like ground colleo. Best ot &
2 nlU they cure almost Instantly. c
3 TRtNTON, N. J, C
Of CHRIST. FOLTZ'S barber shop from East
Coal street to 1B West Centre street, formerly
occupied by Joseph Jlolvey.
Ben Brush Captures the Groat
Tito llul ltldlnc of tlie I.ntter'it Jockey
Alonn I'rov cut tlio I'misn Colt from
Coining in rirst As It Was Ho Wns 11
Very Close Second.
Louisville, May 7. To Wllllo Slmmi.
rather thnn Hen Uruih, belonga tho credit
of victory In thu twenty-second Kouttiolcy
tlorby, Tho Krcnt son of Ilrnmhlo vras not
lit for n brulihiK race, such as he lmd, but
under tho curotul nulihtnce of Slintus he
liuulod tho covotod prlzo ttndtho first Kon-
tucisy ilerby bvor run at tho shortonod dls
tnnco of n mile and a quarter. All the
honor nnd tho fo.OOO whloh went to Bon
Brush proporly belonged to Bou Edor, nnd
had It not boon for tho stnblo boy who os
snyod to pilot Ben Eder there would have
boen several longths of daylight between
Bon Brush and tho oolt which should havo
showed tho.Wnj undor tho wire.
For tho first tlmo In tho history of the
oourso thoro was no froo. fUld, bdt In the
stand, In tho bottlno; ring; nnd on tho lnwn
It wns a solid mass of humanity, Kvory
plnco of vantngo wns occupied, and ovbn
thon thot-o were hundreds who only got
a gllmpso of tho bright colored jackets as
tho crack 3-yoar-olds of tho country raced
for tho glories of tho Kontuoky dorby,
Vtom ono end to tho other of tho betting
ring men woro orowdod, Jostled nnd fairly
fought their wny through tho throng to
tho man on tho block. But ovory ono of
tho nlnotoon hookies hnd more thnn thoy
oould do to nccommodnto tho pooplo, nnd
whon tho flag flnnlly went down thou
sands of uplifted bauds woro still waving
groonbacks In their futllo efforts to place
it. Aaldo from Bon Brush, probably tho
henvlest play wns mndo on Bon Kdor, for
ho oponod at 10 to 1, nnd when tho hooks
wero finally closod ho had boon hacked
down to half.
Whon tho flag went down StnrterChlnn
hnd tho horsos woll In hand, with Bon
Kdor having tho ndvnntngo of a neck. The
Winnor second, First Muto third, Tho
Dragon fourth, Parson fifth, Ulysses sixth,
Men urusli sovonth nnd Bomper 13ao last.
When tho stand was passed for tho first
tlino 'lhorpo was showing tho way on
First Moto by half a length from Sompor
J'jgo, who was a nook In frouc of Bon
Kdor, with Bon Brush n noso bohlud him,
nnd tho others closo up.
Thorpe seoined determined to mako n
runaway rnco of it, aud In going nround
tho turn tho first tlmo he let First Mate
havo his bond until two lougths soparatod
him from Tho Winner, with Semper Ego,
Bon Brush, Tho Dragon, Parson, Bon
Kdcr nnd Ulysses following In tho order
named. It wns In going down tho buck
stretch that Tnbor, who Is hutllttlo bettor
than n stnblo boy, committed tho error
thnt cost tho Hot Springs stablo $5,000.
From a snto position ho had pulled the
colt back In sovonth plaoo nt the first half
mllo. In this position ho racod down the
hack strotcb, making no nttompt to como
through tho fiold until thoy had turned
Into tho strotoh. First Mato continued to
show tho way, and when tho first mllo was
flnlshod ho hnd Im advantage of hnlfn
lougth, Slums having moved Bou Brush
up to second plaoo, with Semper Ego still
third, Tho Winner fourth, Tho Dragon
fifth and Parson sixth, followed by Bou
Edor and Ulysses.
Slmms began riding on tho last turn,
nnd whon thoy woro strnlghtonod for tho
final run ho wm loading by it nock from
Beu Edor, whom Tnbor had brought up
from noxt to last in n half n furlong ot
tho journey. First Mato wns third, Sem-
por i!,go rourth, tuo yrngon fifth nnd the
remaining throo strung out. "Boh Brush
wins" went up from n thousand throats
nlmost simultaneously, as wllllo Slmms,
Inch by Inch, Increased his lead to the
But thoro was anothor horse In tho rnco
who, desplto tho poor riding of his jockey,
promised tlio son ot Bramble tho ruoo of
his llto. Bon Bruh did not havo much
loft, but Slmms was getting whnt llttlo
that did remain out of him, whllo Ban
iwler, with oven, stondy stride, was gain
lug on tho colt. For tho last slxtoonth of
tho journey a prottlor battle of enulnes
was uovor witnessed. Slmms, by his
good work, kept Bon Brush In fiont by n
scant nose, wnllo Tabor, apparently un
conscious that ho was In n horso rnco, snt
tuiy on jjou Jiuor nnd saw tho Fonso colt
loso a race that proporly bolongod to him,
"It's n dead hoat" onmo from tho crowd
around tho judgo's stand as tho horses
shot undor tho wlro flvo longths ahead of
Somper Ego, who was flvo lenuths from
First Mato, tho snmo dlstanco soparatlng
tuo uragon. xno winnor was sixth,
Parsons seventh and Ulysses eighth.
The judgos Boomed u llttlo uncertain
themselves, but after n wait of a mlnuto
thoy hung out tho nuinhors whloh mado
Bon llniBli tho vletor and Ben Edor seo-
ond. Time, 2.07Jf.
A Democratic Sensation.
CniOAGO, May 7, Tho sonsntlon of tho
hour In local Domoerntlo circles Is nn edi
torial In yostorday's Chronlolo, a Demo
cratic paper, to tho effect that tho real pur-
poso of the mooting hero next Friday of
the suo-cominUteo of tho Democratic na
tional committee Is to dotermlno whether
or not tho national convontlou shall bo
held In Chicago at nil. The editorial as
sorts that tho financial pledges upon which
tho convontlon was voted to Chicago have
not yet been reuoemotl.
lloth Itesret Their Tolly,
WA6HINOTON, May 7. Keprosontntlvo
Money of Mississippi and Representative
Hall ot Missouri, who recently had u tier
sonal oncotlutor In tho naval committee
room, hnvo adjusted their dlfforeucos nnd
shaken hands. Explanations showed that
tho rooeut unploasautnoss aroso from it
misunderstanding of tho remarks of tho
two mouthers ovor tho bill rolatlng to tho
porsonuol of tho nnvy, nnd each ono ox
pressed his rogrot ovor tho oceurrouco.
Sued by a Comlemuocl Slunlerur.
WlLKESHAliltE, Pa., May 7. An unusual
econo wus wltuossod In court yostordny.
Anthony Jomultz, n convicted murtloror,
prosecuted John Urban for ombezzloment,
charging that on the day ho wns arrested
ho guvo Urban $101 for safo kooplng and
that ho now refuses to give It up. Urban
denied tho charge. Tho coo Is still pending-
Six Ilurued to Death at a Dance.
MADRID, May 7. During n danco nt
Alonso, provlnco of Iluclvn, Tuesday
evoning, some ono sot flro to tha building.
Six persons woro burned to donth and
many woro lnjurod'whllo trying to oscapo
from tho flames.
Colds lead to coughs, coughs to lmeti
moiila nnd consumption; therefore. It is all
Important to check n cold liefnrc It reaches
the lungs. Miinyou's Cold Ctiro will posi
tively break a cold Insido of twenty-four
Hours If taken ns soon as tlio cold timnlfests
Itself. When the cold reaches tho lungs or
bronchial tubes the Cough Curo should be
used alternately every half hour with tlio
Cold Cute. Tlio Cold Cure is guaranteed to
prevent pneumonia If used In tho beginning
of a cold. I'nciimonla or lullammatlon of
the lungs can ho controlled by tlio uso of
tlicso two cures.
Tlio Cough Curo positively cures bron
chitis, tickling In tlio throat,. honrciics, loss
of voice, soreness of tho chest, difficulty In
breathing, hacking cough and nil pulmonary
diseases where tho lungs arc not too far
consumed by dlseaso or covered with
A senamto cure for each disease. At all
druggists, mostly 23 cents a vlnl.
rcrsotml letters to frui. ilunyon, 10O0
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with freo medical advice for any dlseaso.
nenrgo Taylor Seen In Missouri,
SnELTON, Nob., Mny 7, Goorgo Taylor,
ono of tho murdorors of thoMooks family,
who oscnpod from tho Jail at Carrollton,
Mo., and who Is under sentence to bo
hnngod, has boen recognized hero by por-
tons wtto claim to Know tho fugitive Ho
wns trncod to Koarnoy, twonty miles west
of here. Threo deteotlvos started west on
tho fast moll, nnd meanwhile tho country
nround town is being senrohed thoroughly.
Two Saloonkeepers Asphyxiated.
Chicago, May 7. John Potulny nnd A.
Purnkl, two woll known snloonkoepors of
South Chicago, woro found dead In bed
from asphyxiation at tho Hotel Crystal,
No. 49 Fifth avonuo. Tho two men ro
tltod to their room about midnight con
siderably undor Influence of lhtuur. It Is
supposed one of tho men turned out tho
gns and accidentally turnod It uu ngnln.
The Crar nnd the Sitnli.
ST, PETISItSBUrsG, Mny 7. Tho czar nnd
tho now shah hnvo exchanged tho most
cordial telegrams of sympathy, tho sluih
doolarlng that It Is his first duty to foster
nnd dovelop tho rrlondly rolntions which
bound his beloved parent to tho Kusslan
Imperial family.
Colonel North Died from Natural Causes.
London, Mny 7. As u result of tho In
quest upon tho romulns of Colonel North
a verdict of donth from natural causes wns
returned. A physician tootlflod thut ho
had previously noticed symptoms of heart
dlseaso, which, ho assorted, wus tho cnuse
of tho colonel's death.
Closing Quotations nf the New York and
I'lilhululphln Kxchnugos.
New Yoiik, May 0. The stock market con
tinues In a rut, and complaints of the lack of
commission business aro general. Closing
Daltlmoro & Ohio 17 Lehigh Valley 34)4
Chesn. &Ohlo 17 New Jorsoy Cen...l05?ji
Del. & Hudson....lS"M N. Y. Central 97
D L. is W 13151 Pennsylvania 52
Krlo 14H Heading 12
Luke Erie & W.. 18M St. Paul 78
Lehigh Nav 4ll W. N. Y. A.- Pa Z)i
General Markets,
Piiir,ADi:rniA, 5Iay 0. Flour slow; winter
Superfine, $-',Mai'-7j; do. extras, f-'.753.3;
Pennsylvania roller, clear, S3.2.V33.50; do. do.
straight, $3 533'i.7i); western winter, clear,
$3.2503 55. Wheat dull, with GSJfic. bid and
6c. asked for May, Corn quiet, with 34o. bid
and 3U4c. asked for May. Oats quiet, with
25o. bid and i'i)'jc, asked for May, liny flriu;
choice timothy, S17ffil7.M for large bales.
Beof steady. Pork dull. Lard steady; west
ern steam, 5. Butter firm; western dairy,
8llc; do. creamery, 113tl8c; do. factory,
6ft 10o.; Elgins, lOMSo.; imitation crcainery,W3
12c.; New York dairy. lOSJlSHc.i do. creamery,
llTJlttCi Pennsylvania and western creamery
prints, fancy, 18o.; do. choico, 17c; do. fair to
Eood.ll&lOc.; prints Jobbing at I93c. Cheese
dull; New York large, 539ic; small, 4KS
10c. i part skims, 3 aiHci full skims, -'32!c.
Eggs dull; New York and Pennsylvania, 10l
Ollc.; western fresh, 8ai0ijc.; southern, 89c.
LIto Stock Markets.
New Yoiik, Mny 6. Beeves active; native
teers. Inferior to good, $1.104.55; stags and
oxen, $3.60U5j bulls, $3.80a3.70; dry cows,
$ 1.90(513 3S. Calves slow; poor to choice veals,
WHi.'iS. Sheep and lambs active aud Hrm;
clipped sheep. Inferior to prime, S1.501;
clipped lambs, common to choice, $15.25;
southern spring lambs, S3.25Q5 each; state do.,
$35, Hogs quiet at t3.Wm.
East Liiieuty, Pa., May 6. Cattle 6teady;
prime, 4.30(3 4.40; good, Jl.15ift4.30i good
batchers,t3.90ai.2O: rough fat, S3S3.75; bulls,
stags and cows, S1.75Q3.7U. Hogs a shade
higher; prime light Yqrkera, $a.703.T5s best
gradeof pigs,83.70i33.75; best medium weights,
83.tHa3.70; heavy hogs, $8.5O3.0O; roughs,
$2.253.50. she'ep steady: prime, 8.71KS3.60;
good, f ).05a3.73; fair. t3.30a3.0j common,
2.0ia3.15i culls, JiaSi choico Iambs, f.1.50
di.2!i; common to good lambs, 83.50ai.25.
Veal calves, 1 14.&0.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tinsmithing done call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street
Dcalor ir stoves. 1-tf
A cure for headache and
ptomncli troubles.
OF . . .
17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
ALL f iTMaa sca si n u jug Maura
"n Str eauo' bu he! ' -'woi'i n's 'sSTl
Uesult In 1 weeks.
For sale hy I. Y, D. KIBLIN. Sbcuandoth, Ta.
Ai'Kii. 2.',, IS'.m.
Trains will leave Phennmlonh nfler Die nhnve
ilnte lor Wlitltans (lllberton, l'racki Ille, Dark
Water, St. C'liilr, I'ottavllle. Ilaniliiirg, Hemline,
1'ottrtown 1'lioeiil.tTllle, Norrlstown nnd I'lifi
mlelplila ( tlrotul strwt station) nt It OH and 1145
1 n. 111. nml I 15 it in. on week day. l"or 1'otts
rllle and liitermcillate stations P lo a. m.
l"or WlKKHns, (lillierton, Krnckvllle, Dark
nter, St. flair, Pottsvllle, at 0 OH, a 10 n. in. and
3 10 p. in. For llainl.urg, ItaidinK, l'ottstown,
I'liocnlxtllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 8 00,
9 40 n. 111., 3 10 p. 111.
Trnlns leave Frackvllle for Slienniulonh at
10 40a. 111. and 1211, 501, 712 nnd 10 27 p. m.
Sunday, 11 13 a. 111. nnd 5 10 11. in.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shennndonli at 10 15, 11 48
a.m. and 4 10, 715 and 10 00 p. in. Sunday at
10 40 n. 111., 5 15 p. in.
Invo l'liiloilelnhlo, (Ilrooil street station), for
Slicnnndoah nt 5 57 nnd S3Sn. in., 4 10 and 711
p. m. week days. Sundays leave nt 0 50 a. in.
Icnve Itioad street station, Philadelphia, lor
Sea Girt, Ashury Park, Ocnnii drove, Lome
llrnnch, nnd tnterincdlnta stations, 0.50, 8.25,
lUOa. m., 3.30, 4.0011. 111, weck-dnvs. Sunday
(stop nt Interlnkcn for Asliury Park), 8.25 a.m.
Leave Hroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 6 50.
7 S3, S 20, 0 20, 050. 10301 Dining Car). 11 00, 11 14a.
in., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 nnd 4 22
p. 111. Dining Cars) 1 40, 280 (Dlnlne
Car), 3 20, 4 00, 8 00, 5.V) (Dining Car),
00, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. 111., 12 01 night. Sundays,
3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 6 15, 8 12, K 30, 9 50, 10 30 (Dlnlnr;
Car), 11 03 a. in., 12M. 230 (Dining Car)
4 00 (Limited 4 22. Dining Cnr) 520, 550
(Dining Car), OKI, 0 SO, 812, 1000 p. m 1201
Kxpress for Boston, without change, 1100 a.
in. week days, nnd 6 50 p. 111. dally.
For llnltlinore and Washington, 8 50, 7 20, 8 81
9 12,10 20,1123 a. in., 12 09 (1231 Limited Dltw
lug Cnr), 1 12, 3 18, 4 41 (5 19 Congressional
l.l,.,ttn.l Tlltiliir. nl, rt S fl,l..l..
740 (Dining Car) p. in., nnd 12 05 ntghl
week dnys. Sundnys, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23 a.
in., 12 09 I 12, 4 41,(5 18 Congressional Limited.
Dining Car), 055 (Dining Car), 7 40 p. m.
turning vnrj ana l u nignt.
Lenvo Market street Ferry, express, d 50 n. m..
2 10,(3 10 Saturdays only), 4 10, and f 00 p. in.
week days. Sundays, 8 45 and 9 15 a. til. (4 CO,
1 lip. m. ncennimotlatlon).
For Cnpe May, Anglessea, Wlldwood and
Holly lleach. Kxpress, 9 00 n. m., and 4 00 p. m.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Sen Isle City, Oeeau City and Avnlon.
Kxpress, 9 00 n. m., and 4 00 p. m. wck days.
Sundays, 9 00 o. m.
For Somers Point. Kxpress, 8 60 a. in., and
luii. 111. iveen uays. Duiiuays, n 10 a. in.
j. It. Wood,'
(icn'i l'ass'g'r Agt
. M. l'REVOST,
Gcu'l Manager.
IN ElfFECT MAIiCH 15, 1890.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, Week days.
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. 111., 12 OS, 2 55 and 5 55 p. m'
Sundnys, 2 10 a. 111.
For New York via Maucii Chunk, wetk days,
5 15, 7 20 a. m., 12 58 nml 2 55 p. m.
For Heading nii'l Philadelphia, v ee't days,
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m., 12 W. 2 55 und 5 55 p. m. Sun
days, 2 10 n. m.
For Pottsvllle, week tlavs, 210;720n. m., and
12 5S, 2 55 mid 5 55 p. in. Sundnys, 2 10 n. 111.
For Tnmnqu.-t and Mnlinnoy City, week days.
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. m., 12 5S, 2 55 and 5 55 p. in.
Sundays, 2 10 a. 111.
For W lllianisport, Simliury nnd Lewlsliurg,
week dnys, 3 25, 11 30 a. 111., 150 and 7 20 p.m.
Sundays, 3 2T o. 111.
For Mahnnoy Plane, weekdavs. 2 10. 3 25, 5 25,
7 iO, 11 30 a. Ill,, 12 5S, 1 M), 2 55,5" 55, 7 20 and 9 85
p. til. Siltldavs, 2 10, 3 25 a. 111.
Un, A.LInn.l n,..l .1... O nr.
7 20,1130 n. in., 150,7 20 ami 9 35 p.m. ' Suu-'
Ui!, O 1 II. Ill,
for isaltunorc, w nslilngton and the AVcst via
Tl Xr t 1, t, II........1. t 1, ,,
... u, ... .... ,i,,t,iK,i .it.ttin u JVl-mi!flf
Terminal, I'liiladelplila, (P. .t It, It. It.) at 8 20,
7 55,1120 a. m., 3 10 and 7,27 p.m. Sundays,
3 207 00, II 20 n. m 3 10 and 7 27 p. m. Addl-
iiuiuii iraius iroin i weniy-ioiinn nnu uness
nut streets station, week days, 100, 5 41, 8 23 p.
m. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. 111.
Leave New Y'ork via Philadelphia, week
days, 8 00 o. in., 130, ICO, 7 30 p. m. nnd 1219
night. Sundnys, 0 00 p. m.
invo New York via Mnlicli Chunk, week
dnys, 4 30, 9 10 a. in.. 1 10 mid 4 30 p. m.
Leave Philndelphln, Heading Termjnnl, week
days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 a. 111. and 4 05, 0 OO, lj 80
p. Ill, Hnndnj-s, 11 30 p. 111.
Leave Heading, week dnys, 135, 710, 10 00, ,
11 55 a. in., 0 CO and 7 57 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 a. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2 05, 7 40 a. m.,
12 30 and 0 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 n. in.
Leave Tamaqua, week day, 3 18, 8 50, 11 23 a
in., 1 20, 7 15 and 9 52 p. jn. Sundays, 3 18 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 2 45, 9 21,
11 47 n. m., 1 51, 7 39 nnd 9 31 p. m. Simdnys, s ii
a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, Week days, 240, 100,
0 30, 9 37, 11 59 n, 111., 12 Sli, 2 00, 5 20, 0 20, 7 53 and
10 10 p. m. Sundays, 2 40, 4 00 n. in.
Leave Wllllanisport, week days, 7 42, 1010 .
ra 8 35 and 11 41 p. m, Sundays, 11 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, Saturday
only, 3 00, 4 00, 0 00 p. in. Accommodation. 8 00
a. m., 4 IX), n 30 p. in.
Sunday Express, 9 00. lOOOn. ni. Accommo
dation 8 00 n. in., 4 45 p. 111.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantic nnd Arkansas nveudes.
Weekdays, express, 7 35", 9 00 n. m., 3 80, 5 80 p.
ni. Accommodation, G 50, 8 15 h. in., 4 32 p. ta.
Sundays Express, 100, 5 30 8 00 p. m, Accom
modation, 7 15 n. in., 1 15 p. in.
Parlor Cars on nil express trnlns,
Gen'l Superintendent. Gen'I Pass. Agl.
riillions of Dollars
Go up In smoko every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, slock, fur
niture, etc., Insured in flret-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVIT FATKT InSuran Aee"t,
rAUOl, 130 South MalnSt.
Also Lite and Accidental Companies.
Those who once
keep couiiiiL'back
best by
tor it. this ad
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
fee th licious.
A'l ijriAcrs.
adding a lit -
tie of Seelig's
to ordinary
L toffee. 2C. a packce
m 9s
When In doubt whst to use for Kervotri DMHty, Lui ef Seiutl I'oserdn elUieT
sex. !motcnt -, Airopby, Vsflcos-ele snd othtr ckkne.tet. fion any ceute, BM
Btxmc J'llli. Drains ttie.l.e4 and full ,igr iiukkly rcstuied. If neglected, suets
troubles fLiult fatally. Mailed anywhere, seated, for f 1.001 6toic for j.oo. Itta
n'KKirii.'A.'.lKSt.'X'ti! eM'anret x cute or refund tho UloUf, Aldrtw
l'lL MEDICINE CO., CltveUaJ, Ohio.