The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 07, 1896, Image 2

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TAIlI.lSlll:l) 18T0.
l'liltahed erery KyciiIiik, Kxeeiit Sunday, at
8 fount Jaudin Htrm-.t. Nkam Cektiiis.
The Ilemlil la ileilveird tuttlicnniidonii ind the
turroundlng towns for lx rents n week, pay
able to tho carriers, lly mull $1.00 n yenr, or 'JO
conU n month, payable in ihlvHnce. Advertise-
mclIM clinrfrca Act-ortllllK 10 space nnu position,
Tho publishers reserve the right to tile
fositlou of advertisements whenever tho ptili
Icatfon of news demands It. Tlio rlht la
reserved to rejcit any aiHertlscment, whether
fifth! for or not, that the publishers may deem
aiproier. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
IS Uered at tho poitofllco at Shenandoah, Pa., ns
jecond claw mail matter.
Evening Herald
TlIUltSDAY, MAY 7, 1690.
Of Susquehanna.
Of Krlc
Tim Cuban nrms lire soon to bo ro-enforced
by tlio rainy season and tlio yellow fever,
juost powerful nlllos against uuaccllmatcd
Ik offering bis f ortuno to any oiiowho will
rcstoro liis slglit, Millionaire Charles Broad
way liotiss Is holding out n largo briho to
An exchange pointedly says that with tho
election of a Republican President this fall,
tho confidence thus restored to tlio business
world, this country will at once enter upon a
caroor of prosperity unparalleled In its
history. And such a condition of affairs lies
just ahead of us.
To all the rumors of various hues that tlio
loaders of tlio opposition of Mr. McKinley
are on the cvo of surrendering, oil ,tho
authority of Senator Quay and of Mr. Mauley
an emphatic denial is gien. Thore Is neither
dismay nor demoralization in their ranks.
Thoy insist it is au impossibility for tlio
Ohioau to succeed on the first ballot. Friends
of McKinley coucedo that it is victory on
that first ballot or not at all. And thero you
Jiavo it.
Tun theatrical' season is abnut closing, and
it is 110110 too early to inaugurate an agitation
for cheaper theatro seats. YV. 1). Hove)ls
lias taken up tho fight and Is making a vigor
ous warfaro for cheaper entertainments. Now
When tho prico of everything else has gono
down, tho charge for a first-class theatro seat
has gradually taken an upward tendency.
Tlio best actors tills country has produced
played to their fellow citizens all their lives
at".") cents for first-class scats. It is true tho
expenses of scenery are greater, and tho
costumes more expensive, but at tho samo
time there aro a -hundred times as many
playgoers as thero used to bo. On tlio whole.
is thero any moral obligation resting on tlio
people to make u millionaire out of a success
ful theatre manager?. When the times aru so
cruelly hard, it looks as if theatro tickets
ought to come down In price. If managers
will not put them down, it may bo well to
remember the advice of Mr. Howelis : "Uvcn
at our private theatres $1 is more than any
performance is worth, and 1 think that when
mom is asked tlio intending purchaser will
do well to turn from the box ollico and buy a
Tun custom of the various societies aud
organizations of a city or town to go from
ollico to ollico for 11 job of printing, and get a
bid from each, no matter what tho work may
amount to, is rapidly growing. Not lung ago
a gentleman camo to my ollico to get bids on
a job tliat amounted to only $1.25. This was
for au entertainment for the society of which
ho was a member, and which expected all
tho newspapers iu tlio city to give tho enter
taluuient a gratuitous notice. I gave him my
bid, but did not get tho work. Tho next day
ho appeared with a notico to bo published
free, On being asked if tlio society expected
to make money out of the entertainment, bo
replied that it did, and that was why it was
to bo given, I told him that ho must then
psy for bis notice. Why, I tako your
paper," bo said "why can't you accommodato
1110 iu this respect?" I replied ho could not
exnect to L'et tho notice freu and havo the
tickets and program printed at a small oiftco
that could not udvertlso it, but ho should get
Ills notico printed in tho samo placo. Ho was
11 sensible man and saw lio point, aud said he
bad never viewed it from that standpoint
llcfluul'tha notico published ind raid for it
Tho value of nuch a display of tho enor
mous variety e' uses to which what is gener
ally culled tho electric current may bo put as
Js mado at the Grand Central Palace, in New
York city, will depend, says the New York
Advertiser, largely upon tho interchange of
ideas that it will promote between men who
aro giving their full attention to the develop
ment of the mysterious force. Of course, it
is always well to interest tho laity in such
matters by providing romantic and sensa
tional attachments, but It is easy to distract
attention from tho real purposes of such a
demoutriitiou. To bo able to Jictir tho roar
of Niagara iu Now York, is interesting as
evidence of what human ingenuity can
accomplish, but tho wiro that keeps a poultice
warm is vastly more serviceable to the human
mi. The interest, in point of fuet, that tho
vititor feels is In proportion to his kuow lodge
of tho subject.
What is, perhaps, not generally known is
the 11101 important feature of tho exposition,
namely, that iu dealing with the must subtln
ti ud most modoru force iu nature, tho United
States stands to-day whoto it has stood almo.t
from its foundation at tho very head of the
u m-e. The spirit that prompted Franklin
tjtlv his kite has been thir spirit of this
jution nd not only has It developed a
u . r.T of ingenuity aud skill among us that
1 1 ) lb" world, it has brought to our shunts
unit uoini j I' d among us, huuiq of the most
I,.: 1 nit in-:i: u'lis that uljier nations liavo
p ii-il Tins Is the oleetrle continent,
l-oiii by bir.h mid iiaturulisttiou. The
mastery of the t'vrcus reprieuttd iu tbo
unci- is n task for lvlm h tin- keen, clcar-i-ut,
imaKinntive American mind K peculiarly
qimliliod. It m-oiiis to Imve been reserved
for u by futo mid lltncw.
Deglii night With Coughs 11111I Colds.
Tnko tho suto euro, Pun-Tina, 88 At
Urohler llros., drug store.
Illtppuultigs Throughout tlio Itegiou Chlon
Mori for Jlnsty l'ci-iisiil.
Thoy have Ico cieam eating contests at
The (Imnt band will attend Houaa'a grand
concert in a boily".
Employes of Mil lianpy City collierios will
pmlnbly bo paid Saturday.
Charles Shane and Miss Emma Fey, both of
Tamaqua, wcro married last night.
Tlio citizens of Shamokin will vote on tho
question of c(y chartor In November. '
Operations on Horsckker's new opera house,
Mahanoy City, wcro begun this morning,
JIazlctou Coimeilmcu aro thinking of im
posing 11 yearly tax of (ft on bicycle ndc)s.'
Tho Heading collierios will suspend opera
tions this evening for tlio bahuico of tho
Draper, Oilbcrton, St. Nicholas and col
lieries iu thoso districts will liavo a pay-day
Tlio Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company
announces a dividend of 2 por cent., payable
-May 27. ,
Hubert F. Ditr.hhurn was ro elected Kuner-
intendent of tho. schools at a salary
of ?1300.
Extenslvo repairs aro being mado at Packer
No. 5 breaker, including tho erection of a
largo addition.
It. II. Morgan, tho regalia manufacturer,
will furnish tlio caps fur tlio Lithuanian baud
of Mahanoy City.
John A. Reese, son of Sunt. Edward lteese,
of Park Placo, will, manago Krcbs' drug
store at Mahanoy City.
Prof. I rank S. Miller, superintendent of
tho Maliauoy City schools, was admitted to
tlio Lackawanna bar oil Friday.
Tho High school commencement of Maha
noy City will take placo in tho Kaicr opera-
house on .May 21st aud there will ho sixteen
Experiments made by tlio Pennsylvania
State College show that a good fertilizer will
causo au Increase in farm crops of over $10
an acre.
A stock company has been organized at
Pottsvillo that will hire bicycles at 50 cents
for first two hours and ilo cents for every
additional hour.
For tho third time Mayor Mansel has sen!
tho naine of Augustus Lord as Chclf of Police
01 winiainsport. to belect Council, out the
appointee was turned down.
Yvhilo assisting at tlio fire at Delano, lato
Tuesday evening, Superintendent Ulaksleo
had tho misfortune to sustain a badly
scalded foot, confining him to Ids bed.
State Superintendent Scliaell'cr has notified
several of tlio members of tho Reading
School Hoard that bo will positively not
accept the superintendcucy of the Reading
Help Comet to Those Who Tnko
Red Flag Oil for sprains, bums, cuts. At
Oruhler liros., drug store.
3lnliiiuoy City Council.
Tho Rorough Council of Mahanoy City has
adopted an ordinance that will practically
prevent the salo of bankrupt and other stock
by transient merchants in that town. They
will bo icqu(rod to pay $50 a month as a
license for such privilege Tho Council will
ask for bids for paving Main street frpm
Centra to thq Lehigh Valley depot, with
concrete. It is estimated that tho work will
cost about ?2.50 por yard, and bonds will bo
issued amounting to $10,000 to enable Council
to do tho work.
l'iro ut Malmnoy City.
A bam on South Catawis.s.1 street, Malia
uoy City, owned by James Mlllward, caught
fire last night about 0:15 and made quito a
blaze. Tlio whistles at collieries gave tho
alarm and kept it up for some time, as it was
feared the (iro would develop into a confla
gration, but tho firo companies responded
promptly and did effective work. The hook
and ladder company succeeded in pulling
down tho strupturo and preventing tho
flames from connecting with cdjoiuing
buildings. Tho los3 wns-ahmit $300.
3Inrrlagu Licenses.
, Edward Iioylo and Mary Kcllcy, both of
MinersviUo; Robert F, Heebner and Mrs.
Mario Moyor, both of Schuylkill Haven; W'm.
E.iticgloandlihiK. Shadlc, both of Porter
township ; Eugene Powell and Anna Ziuimcr.
man, both of Pottsvillo ; Joseph Rowak, of
Hopewell, aud Rosana Koshalak, of Oneida;
Charles Kuntzlemau ami Ella Thompson,
both ol Tower City.
Refused to Decluro for McKinley.
SALtsnunY, Mil., May 7. The Uonubll-
can convention of tlio First congressional
district of Maryland yoUonlity elected Dr.
William I). 3taughton, of Worcester
county, ami 13. Gootco Slovens, of Caro
lino county, delegates to tho St. Louis
convention. Tho delegates woro ttot iu
Btructed. A light was miulo by tho Mc
Kinley people In tjio convention to In
struct, but It fell through. Tills is tho
eastern shorn dls rlet of Maryland.
Coming Kvent,
May 30. Ico cream festival under tho
auspices of tho 22 Club, In Robblns' opera
Juno 11. Ico cream festival under tho
auspices of God's American Volunteers in
Robblns' oiiera house.
Aro Inseparably connected. The for
mer depend simply, solely, solidly
upon the latter. If It U pure they are
properly fed and there is no "nervous
ness." If It Is impure thoy aro fed on
refuse, therefore cannot be strong and
healthy, and tho horrors of nervous
prostration result. The only senslblo
way to care 1st Feed tho nerves on
pure blood. Make pure rich, red
blood and keep it pure, by taking
The One True Blood Purifier, f 1 j 6 for i
Prepared onl j by O. I, Hood A Co., Lonell, Mall.
IJ Jf T"V 1 1 cure Wllouiiei'ua
MOOCl S IrlllS headache. ut.
Tim Cincinnati Kxplnsinn Tlnrror.
ClKxlNATt. May 7 The body ..f Will
iam Louth, barkeeper, wns.-cuvered from
tho Driioh building1 ruins ycsterilny. Sov
ornl pnrlR of bodies liavo boon recovered.
Tho bodies of Holllnn Davis, Adolpli
Uracil, Follcln Drnoh, C. S. Wolls, Klin
Singleton, John McCarthy mid William
Iioutli havo now been recovered, nnd thore
nro still mora botllos lit tho ruins. The
bodies of William Lowhold, C. V. Amtross,
Mnmle Kennedy, John Hcers nnil Goorge
Meyers nro known to bo In tho ruin.
Among the nilfsliijr nro two men named
Llglitfoot and Stnrborough, William Carr,
William Hoborts, Gustnv Seumnti, AV111
lam Klnu;, .Tamos Grunt, John McGnrvoy.
Tho Injured nro all doing well except Mrs.
Olga Drach.
Deadly Duel with a Trlsonor.
Louisvim.i:, Mny 7. Private I'ollcoman
Charles Salon arrested Charles Hoyso (col
ored) at tho rnoo trnokyostorday afternoon
for shooting craps, nnd startod to tho con
tral station with tho prlsouor 011 a crowd
ed strcot car. On tho way Doyso broko
away nnd rnn, lloth men pulled tholr re
volvers nnd began firing. Boyso was shot
through tho arm, whllo Sales was shot
In tho oyo and undor tho chin. Both mou
will probably dlo. Mr. James Camp, man
ager of tho Grand Opora Houso, and his
rvlfo woro on tho car. Mrs Camp was
shot In tho Sldu, tho ball striking a corset
stny,glanccd and mado only a flesh wound.
Mr. Camp's hand was pierced by a bullet,
aud tho motorman was woundod In tho
California for McKinley.
SaohAMBNTO, May 7. Tho MoKInloy
enthusiasts complotoly captured the, Re
publican stnto convention ,yestorday, al
though tho district delegates elected from
tho Fourth congressional district woro un
pledged, nnd woro nvowodly Allison sup
porters. Tho Fifth district dologates will
probably bo of tho samo political complex
Ion, but tho other fpurtoen nro bound to
McKlnloyby tho strongost pledges Jhat
could ho framed. Tho convention enmo
out squarely for silver at a ratio of 10 to 1.
Journalists Expollcd from Cuba.
HAVANA, May 7, James Crcolmnn, cor
respondent of tho Now York World hero,
and Fredorlok W. Lawrcnco, correspon
dent of Tho Journal, of Now York, havo
boon expelled from tho Island on tho
ground that thoy havo cnlumnlatod Cap
tain Gonernl Wcyler, tho government and
tho army, and hnvonttrlbutod lnsurgonts'
crimes to the Spanish army. Thoy have
been ordered to leavo Cuba by tho first
steamer sailing.
Unsatisfactory Negotiations.
WAshixotox, May 7. Tho negotiations
between tho United btatos and Great Brit
ain respecting tho Berlug sea seal fisher
ies during tho past year ludlcnto that
thoso fisheries aro In a very unsatisfactory
state, and that up to this tlmo tho British
government has firmly resisted overy ef
fort of tho department of stato to extend
tho scopo of tlio regulations prescribed by
tho Paris arbitration.
Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter.
West Ciiesteu, Pa., May P. Jacko
Thomas was found guilty last night of
Involuntary manslaughter in causing
tho death of Frank Hoss on Christmas
ovo by shooting. A similar vordiot was
reached iu tlio caso of Gcorglanna Lunih
for stabbing to doath a colored boardor at
Wost Grovo. Tho commonwealth failed
to make out a case against Absalom Wat
son, charged with shooting Voujamlu
Luff In Wost Chester last Christmas night.
The Mllwaukeo Street Car Strike.
Milwaukee, May ( Not n man re
turned to work at noon yesterday, the
hour fixed by tho strcot railway company
when all oinployos woro to report for duty
or bo discharged. Women w'ero present at
nil headquarters, some with children In
tholr arms, i ney woro oven more demon
strative than tho men, nnd jeered tho mou
that were running tbo ears. Fow cars
woro run.
Senator Smith tlio Now Chairman,
THENTOJJ, Mrty 7. Tho Domocratio stato
committee inot Inst night to arrange pre
liminaries for,toilay's convention to elect
tlolcgatos to Chicago. JTho resignation of
K, F. B. Young as chairman was accepted,
nnd Senator -Smith was chosen in his
placo. Tho commltteo decided upon Jamas
J, Bergoii, of Somersot, as temporary
chalrinan of thp convention, Ho will boa
candidate for permanent chairman, and
will bd opposod by Assemblyman John
W. Queon, of Hudson. Tho platform as
ugreenl upon comes out for a gold stand
aril, Indorses tho ndinnlstratlou of Presi
dent Clovolaud, and opposes furthor tink
ering with tho tariff, Senator Smith and
Allan MoDormott will bo two of tho dolo-gatos-at-largo,
with ox-Senator Frederick
Marsh, of Union, a probnblo third, Kx
Judgo Carrpw Is a cnndldato for fourth
man, and Is opposod by William J. Thomp
son, 61 Cumden.
A Pensioner by I'roxy,
Lincoln, rsou,, Ainy v. William Loo, a
paralytic, who, according to his own con
fosslon, frati'Iulently drew o pension for
years. In Iowa by impersonating -Morgan
Leo, Ills brother, a war voterun, camo to
Lincoln on Monday anil applied to gonv
nilssloncr of Public Lands aud Buildings
Kussoll for admission to tho Nebraska
goldtors' Homo. Ho was still mnsquerud
inir as Monriin Loo. but Colonol Hussoll,
who sorved in an Iowa company, and know
tho genuine Morgan Lee, denounced tho
bogus brother, finally forcing a confession
from him. Loo, of course, will not bo ad
mltted to the homo.
McKlnl3(s Michigan Supporters.
DETltoiT, May 7. Michigan's delegates
to tho llepubllcan nntlonal convontlpu will
go strongly plodged to support MoKInloy
first aud last. No other sentiment Is ap
parent among tho dolegatos to tho stnto
convention, which will moot today at
noon. Tho dologatos from all of the con
gressional districts aro already so In
structed. General It. A. Alger of Detroit
nnd Thumus J. O'Brien of Grand Kaplds
nro certain to be chosen two of tho four
Killed by n Fall or Coal.
Belli. fonte, Pa., May 7, Ilonry Mosel,
ngod (10 yoars, was Instantly killed yester
day at the Carnegie oro mlnos at Sootla,
whilo picking ooul. Tho root caved in,
burvltn him banetith tons of ore. Kvory
bone iu his body was broken and his head
was terribly crushed. Ills son James nar
rowly o.caped jueotlng tho Bamo fato.
To Join the Federation of Labor.
La'whknuk. Mass., Way 7. Yestorday's
cloln session of tho National Toxtilo
Worker.' convention was dovoted to
routine matters. It was votod to lmvo.tliu
oouy ldontliy usqu wiiu hhj runcrauon
of Labor, e. step whicti win novo great in
fluence on Its future course
Mrs. Henry A, Dickie, Montclalr, N. J.
1 would
advocate it
i from the
I baby
5 down to
J ;lat-lmnq."Tlio Alodern Cleaner i
Hat the General Conference Does Ni
Settle the Matter Finally.
Cleveland, May 7. Tho four womon
dclcgatos will rotuln tholr seats in tho
Mothodlst gcnqrnl conference This was
prnctlpnlly nt tho mooting of tho
commltteo on eligibility last night. The
mnjorlty report, signed by twenty-llvd
members of tho coinmlttooj including Dr.
Buckley, editor of.tho Now York Christian
Advocato,nnd astrongopponontot womon
dolegatos, rocom'meuds that tho womon
dolegato3 bo permitted to occupy tholi
seats and participate In tho proceedings,
and that tho question of admitting women
to future conferences bo referred td the
annual conferences 'for decision within the
coming yoar, Tho minority report, signed
by Dr. T. B. Neoly, of Philadelphia, Dr.
Hothwollor, Dr. Graw and one other In
sists that tho womon are not eligible to
seats. Tho majority report will doubtloss
bo ndopted with llttlo opposition,
Thero is muoh chagrin ovor tho uninten
tional slighting of Hov. Dr, John C. Mor
ris, of Nashville, Tonu., tho ropresontn
tlvo of tho Mothodlst church south, as It
Is feared It may havo a tendency to arouse
In somo quarters tho old fooling of antag
onism betwoon tho two groat Aniorlcan
brandies of tho Mothodlst 'church. Dr.
Morris nrrlvod at noon on Monday, and
was directed to tho Hollonden hotel by 0
mombor of tho reception commltteo at the
depot, to whom ho merely nunouueed that
ho was a delegato to tho conference.
Nona of the conforenco olllcliils camo tc
lilm, nnd ho wont to tho armory alorio in
tho ovenlng. Even whon ho delivered hit
speech thero 110 ono present scorned to
know that ho was tho official representa
tive of tho Methodist church south. On
Tttcsdny this fact became known to some
of tlio lenders iu tho conforenco and there
was u hurrying and scurrying-to find him.
Thoy discovered that ho- hnd quietly loft
tho city after discharging hU mission,
which was to formally ask for the appoint
ment of a commission to net with slmllnt
representatives of tho Mothodlst church
south, iu consideration of tho possible fed
eration of. tho two branchosof tho denomi
nation. An urgent invitation will bo sont
him to come again to- tho conference be
fore it adjourns.
Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent liveryman
and merchant of Goshen, Va., has this to say
on tho subject of rheumatism; I tako
pleasure in recommending Chamberlain's'
Pain Balm for rheumatism, as I know from
personal experienco that it will do all that is
claimed for it. A year ago this spring my
brother was laid up inbed with inflammatory
rheumatism and suffered intensely. The
first application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
cased tho pain and tlio use of ono buttlo com
pletely enred him. For salo by Gruhler
Bros., druggists.
Again 011 Trial for Ills Lire.
Jerskv CtTT, May 7. Tho second trial
of Paul Ginz for tho murdor of Clara Ar
nlm, In, on Aug. S3, 1691, was
begun bufore Justice Llpptncott yester
day. Tho first trial rosultod in a CQnyic
tlon and Genz was sentpucedtobo hanged,,
but tho verdict was sot asldopu tho ground
that tho charge- of Judgo Llpplncott, in
which ho stated that insanity must bo
proven boyond n reasonable .doubt, vyas
not-right. As on the-llrst trial, the pres
ent ono is insanity.
Why sudor witl Coughs, , Colds and La
Grippo wjien Laxative liromo Quinlno will
euro you in pno day. Put up in tablets con
venient fpr taking. Guaranteed to euro, or
nioney rcfunilod, Prico, 25 cents. For salo
by Klrlin's Pharmacy.
t President Krtieger's leniency.
JoitANNESUCna, May 7. Tlio Standard
nnd Jllggors' News says It has authority
to stnto that thosontonoes of the so-called
reformers will be reduced to n small fine
and Imprisonment. Tho sentences of
banishment, tho nowspapor adds, will be
Dr. Klinnn at Constantinople.
Constantinople, May 7. -Hov. Georgo
P. Knnpp, tho American ml?iounry who
was expelled from Bitlls by tho Turkish
authorltlos,has arrived lioroiu good health.
Aubrey Beardsley, tho artist, is reported
dying of pneuinonlant Brussols, Belgium.
At Mississippi's Prohibition stato cpn
vontton at Jackson only twolvo delogatos
wore present.
A rpduetion of 10 per cent, in wages,, nf
footing 3.530 employes, has boon ordered
In Biddoford, Mo., cotton mills.
Hov. J. A. Diaz, tho Baptist minister ro
ntly released from Morro Oastlo and ex-
ley Groceries,
Flour, Feed, Etc.
iods Always Fresh.
Gardner, Mass., was told by
Ills sou had Lung trouble, folk
the doctors,
trouble. followlnirTnilinlit
ji.ii.m.i, mm im riienr inrce nunurcii am
seventy-five dollars with doctors, who finally'
Bu mui up, saying: loiiruoy wont live
a month." Ho tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery and a few bottlos restored him to
health and enabled him to go to work a per
fectly well man, lie uys ho owes his pre
sent good lajulth to the use of Dr. King's
JSow. Discovery, titulkuows It to bo the best
iu tho world for Luifg trouble. Trial Dottles
f reoai a. aieys Drug Store.
AililrenH CutiU.
Ono of the finest liuos of aiVdress curds over
displayed in this section of the stato can be
seen at tlio HciUM) otllco. (They aro cm
bollishcd with society emblems, "and make
most excellent visiting rartW for members of
the various friternltie9. (Sill aud examiue
1'Iatform l'nvors Woman Sntrriigo nml Ar
bitration to Srttlo Disputes.
TnCNTON, May 7. Tho Prohibition stato
convention to elect dologatos to tho na
tional convention at Pittsburg mot in As
sociation hall, this city, yesterday. There
wero about 30J delegates present. K. S. J.
Whlto, chairman of tho state commltteo,
called tho convention to order, and Hov.
T. II. Mead, of-Mont Clair, was olocted
Tho platform adopted, besides declaring
for prohibition, pronounces In favor of
woman's suffrage, olvll serv Ico reform aud
for courts of arbitration to settle Interna
tional dlspulos and disputes between cap
ital and labor. Monopolies nro condomned
and tho Domocratio party arraigned for Its
open frlotitlllnoss to tho liquor, nnd tho
liopumicau lor duplicity on tho samo ques
tion. Prohibition is doflncd ns tho para
mount lssuo in present national nnllthv
Thq following dolegatos-at-Jargo to tho
national convention iii Pittsburg wero
named: wuuam 11, Nicholson, Dr. J. B.
Graw, GoorgoLaMonto, Rov. C. II. Mead,
Gporgo H. Strobell, Robert J. S. White,
uov. Boiomou i-arsous, joot v. Urown,
Mrs. Emma Bowho, Ilonry W. Wilbur,
William B. Ramsoy and Talllo Morgan,
with two additional from each congres
sional district. Tho cjocoral ticket named
was as rollowst Jilcotors-at-largo, Kev,
Abnn B. Loonard and William II. Nich
olson!' First district?, Thomas Annndown:
Second, tf.. D. JoJlliij ThirdGOorgo La
Alonto; Jiourtn.ThooaoroW. Logan; DTfth,
PotcrL. Conkllnj Sixth, Dr. Richardson
Gray; Seventh, Jool Browns Eighth, Joel
S. Vauclsa.
NoTronf of Ada Iltclimonil's Claim.
Providence, (May tlw olnlm of Ada
Hlchmond, tho. actress, that sho mnrrlcd
John Stetson, tbo, Boston theatrical mali
nger and millionaire, In 1871, iu this .city,
lias no official -'reobrd horo to support It.
Tho names of Richmond and John Stet
son do not appear among tho marriages
from 1803 to I874,neIthor was thoroa olorgy
man by tho namo of Ransomo in this-city
or anywhere else iu Rhodo Island during
thoso years.
For every quarter in a man's pocket
thero arc a dozen uses ; and to uso each one
In euch a way as to derivo tho greatest bene
fit is a question every one must solve for
himself. Wo licliovc, however, that no
better Use could bo mado of ono of theso
quarters thau to exchange it for a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea
Remedy, a medicine that every family should
bo provided with. For salo by Gruhler
Bros., druggists; ,
More Counterfeiters Captured.
New VottK.May 7. Jomos Stlllrn
Ids wlfo, who claims to bo on nctros .
Rudolph Kroplnsky nreln custody lu-i-ils
city, charged with couhtorfoltlng. At a
preliminary hearing before United Stntes
Commissioner Shields Stillman confessed
that he was a couutorfolter and declared
that his wife was innocent. Tho head
quarters of tho gang was In a houso on
Third street, which was raided by tho po
lice yesterday. A complote- outfit for tho
manufacture of counterfeit fifty cent
pieces, includlng.twp moulds with coun
terfeits in thorn, was seized. Stillman and
Kroplnsky wero hold in $5,000 ball each,
and Mrs. Stllliuan'a bond was placod at
12,500. Iu dofault of bail nil of the pris
oners are in jail.
ltcllef Iu Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved In six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account 01 its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain In
the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part
of tho urinary passages in malo or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. Ifou want
quick relief aud cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Main
Elwpers Must Stal Trial.
Tucson, A. T May 7. C. Edward Eg
glestou, son of Charles E. Egglestqn, tho
millionaire board .of trado operator, and
Mrs. Georgo E. Turner, who olqpod from
Phoenix two weeks ago nnd wero married
at Tucson, havo boon held to tho federal
grand jury, tho young man for Infidelity
and tho womanfor. bigamy;- Mrs. Turner
desorted her 2-yoar01d baby at Phconlx,
and It was- found (here by its fathor, who
had come from Los Angeles.
- Uucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
Ata,. Al,n.w..l l,nn,l. J.1.11I.1..I..O ..A
tvvi-w, buaiMjiwuu,! ijjuiiiaiuai no, auu
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
pr no pay required. It la guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
iiS cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
A Gift from, Governor Morton.
Paris, May 7, Hon. Jofforson Coolldge
and Governor .Lovl. P. Morton, both for
mer ministers of tho United States In
Parlsi havo forwarded handsomo subscrip
tions for tho American chamber of com
merce horo, to which thoy nlso offer their
follcltatlons upon Its efforts towards open
ing tho French markets to Arnorlcan pro
ducts, and towards fortifying tho tlos be
tween tho two nations.
Filibusters Sentenced to Deatli.
Madiud, May 7. Dispatohos rocolvod
hero from Havana Bay that tho American
newspaper man, Hamilton, -who was cap
tured on board tho Koy West filibustering
schooner Competitor, will bo released, but
that tho other persons captured' at tho
same tlmo will be shot, In spito of tho pro
tests from Washington.
I Crashed to Death by Shafting. -
1 Lancaster, Pa., May 7. Houry Folpol,
iMlian omplovoot tho Lancaster Caramol com
Vi ,na -.1, - l1ntWIMn thn mll nml
shafting In the works, and his head was
crushed, death being almost Instantan
eous. Docoaseu was S3 years old.
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and New. Jer
sey: Irair; oast-ony 10 souuieriy wiumi
warusir In tho interior.
Illieumntlsm Cured in u Day.
I "Mvstln Cure" for Kheumatlsm and Neu-
"l KralKia radically cures in l to a uays, jw
action upon the system is remarkablo and
mysterious. It removes nt once the cause
and tho dlscao Immediately disappear?. Tho
first doso greatly benefits ; , 75 cents. Sold by
C.'ll. Hagenbuch,, Druggist, Shenandoah.
SheiiunitoiiU Ulroctory,
liusiness men ami pthers, who havo not yet
secured one of the directories ot tjucnauuoau,
lust Issued, can obtain one by malting appll
cation at this ollico. The prico is only $2.00.
and there are only a few left. No business
man can afford to bo without ono of theso
books. - , 2-814
Buy Keystone flour. Ilo sure that tho name
'Lebsio & IlAKit, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every sack.
m a iiui 1. viiuiiuiiiiiaiiv.
But It Will Cure.
euros nervous prostration. Not mi
raculously, but scientifically, by first
remorlng tho germs of disease, aud then
supplying healthy, nerve food, increasing
tho appetite, helping digestion and strength
ening tlio entire -system, pespcrato cases
require prolonged treatment las shown by
that of Mrs. M. I). Reed, of Delta, Iowa, who
writes! "As tho rcsultof -allghtnlng stroke,
tho pbyslclaps said I had alight stroko of
paralysis, iroj limbs wpuld all draw up.
Tir Miici' would have throbbing
ui, luiiwo In my chest that seemed
NCryiUS Unendurable. Forthroo
" months I could not sleep
KcStpreS and Wr thrco weeks did
TTpfllfh coso Jny eyes' 1
ntailll..,,,. j, praycd tor sleep, and
foltthat It, relief did not come I would bo
dead or Insane. I took Dn Miles' Rcstora
tivo Nervine and tho secondnlght slept two
hours and from that time on my health im
proved; slowly at first, but steadily and
surely. I took In all 40 bottles, and I cannot
express how grateful I am, for' I am now
perfectly well, and i,avo taken no medicine
for over four months." Dr. Miles' Nervine
Is sold by druggists on cuarantce that first
bottle bonoBts or money refunded.
Book on heart und nerves froo. Dr.-Miles
Modlcal Co., Elkhart, lnd.
Tpoit lkgisiatuhe,
! Second District,
Of Giranlvfllo, Pa.
Subject to Dcinocratfc rules.
.Ot Broad Mountain.
Subject to Itcpubllcnn rules.
Of Glrardvllle.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Ot Aehlniul.
Subject to Republican rules.
Rrtrhpr Shnn
12 West Centre Stre
Our Hot Towel Shave
s becoming popular. You will like It.
make n specialty of hair cutting.
Office: SO WestOenteestreet.
Can bo consulted-at alt Iioues.
) F. BURKE, M. D.
30 K. Lloyd street, Shenandoah,
OOlce hours : 7 to 9 a. jxut 1 to 8 and 7 to 5
p. m.
Shenandoali, Pa.
Office feiran bulldlncr. corner ol Main and
Centre streets, Shenamfonh.
Lock Box C5 Mnhonoy City, Pa.
Havln&r studleil lander sohin of the best
mastexs iv London and Pnria. will cive lessonn
on the vltolln, puitar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address In care of Strouae, tho
eweier, ucnawiuftu
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
genuine welcome awaits you at
Cor. nam ana coat sis,
Pool room attached. Flnet whiskey., tx$v,
porter and ale constantly on, tap. Choice tem
perance drlutj and clears.