The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 04, 1896, Image 2

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lHTMII.IHllUD 1870.
Published evory Kvcnlng.lticcpt Sunday, a
8 South Jarpik Htukkt. Nkak Cemthe.
TIib llomld isdcllvcied InrtheiiniiMuftn and the
unoundlnK town for six renin a week,
able to the carriers. Hy mall $8.00 a year, or S6
eents n month, payable in advance. Advortlte
mnt elmrKleciirdlriKtoipi!eninJ position,
The publisher!) nero the right to change the
position of advertlwmcntu whenever the pub
lication of nnvii demands It. The right Is
reaerved to rcit liny advcrtlM-nicnt, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper. Advertising rales made known
upon application.
Matured nt the postofllce at Shenandoah, l'a., as
second class mall nintlcr.
Evening Herald
Of Husruchanna.
Of Krlo
Wk think Mr. Weiss has served liis last
term as County Superintendent of public
schools. Fifteen years is sullieicnt for any
ouo man. especially when there aro others
more capahlo and just ns worthy.
Tun next few years will soo most of tho
printing pressos of the United States run by
electricity. Tho schoolbook trust is already
equipping its printing establishments with
electric power. Lach pru-a will ho operated
by individual motor.
Ani still Italians coino. Tho steamer
Bulgaiia landed nearly 1,000 of Italy's sons
and daughters at New York Thursday. Tills
is said to he the largest number of immigrants
brought over by any one vessel this season.
Tim l'hiludelphia Ledger thinks that
before the Pennsylvania Democracy can
reform tho state, "it will have to reform
itself " and that it "will nover bo nstrou
minority party in tho stato until they havo
done su." .
Shnatok Tr.u.nn, of Colorado, while
williim to co as a delegate to tho St. Louis
convention, refuses to proinlso to ho hound
by tho action of that convention on tho silver
question. If it does not suit him. Tho silver
men don't want to play unless thoy can hao
everything their own way.
Tin: practice indulged In by small hoys
of annoying wheelmen when riding along
the public thoruughfaies by throwing stones
through tho wheels and dropping obstacles
ill the way, is reprehensible and they shouhl
remember that thoy will do this to thei
sorrow .sooner or later. Tho authorities
should protect the wheelmen.
Ai:i:ax(u;mk.n"ts sire now being made by
which tho readers of tho llimALO will bo
furnished witli all important happenings o
tho day at the county seat, and the reportin
of the court noivs will be a special ioaturo o;
this correspondence. Wo havo about close
negotiations with ono of tho host newspape
writers of 1'ottsvillo to furnish us with
daily budget of local happenings, which will
ho appreciated hy tho readersof tho Ul'KAt.u
Tnniti: mo reports that the MeKinlcy
managers uro getting nervous over liarrison'i
possibilities as a rival, but the basis for these
stories is not discernible to tho average
person. However, Cleveland's success
16113 is an example which w ill help ox-Presi
dents hereafter who chance to be defcato
at tho polls for a second term while holding
thoolllio. Tho reason, though, for giving
Cleveland a third nomination tho lack of
available men in his party does not exist in
tho Harrison case. Still if tho ox-l'residcnt
chances to get tho nomination he will be suro
of u big majority at tho polls. Any Republi
can who'-o naiiio has been honestly coupled
with the Republican nomination could sweep
lho country this year.
Tin: Prohibition stato convention will be
held in Philadelphia on Wednesday. Tho
session will prove a lively one, as thero aie
two factions within tho party, one know n as
"narrow-gauge" and tho other as tho "broad
.gauge." Tho former aro in favor of confin
ing tho efforts of tho party to tho single
issuo of prohibition, while tho latter believe
that all Important issues of tho day shuuld bo
given tho attention they deserve The silver
.and gold men will also lock horns, while
there is a spirited fight otcr tho national
dclogatoship. The friends of Mrs. Anna M.
Harmer, president of the Woman's Stato
Christian Temporanco Union, aro anxious
that sho ho selected as a delegate to the
national convention.
TllK election of a county superintendent of
public instruction takes place to-morrow
moniiug, at PottBville. As wo havo previ
ously stated, tho two candidates for tho posi
tion uro tho present incumbent, (1. W. Weiss,
of Schuylkill Haven, and Prof. J. W. Cooper,
principal of tho Shenandoah High school.
Tho canvass has been an active ono on both
-ides, and wo oan say for Prof. Cooper thai
hif has been an honorable, ami, wo think, a
sccesful ono. Tho present incumbent has
his pro bureau at work, tho papers of tho
J county seat being filled with paid notices
in an endeavor to prove that ho should ho
retained in tho posltiou for eighteen years.
Wo know of but ono papor that has endorsed
his candidacy, tho Pottsvillo Republican,
while thero aro any number that have
spoken favorably of Prof. Cooper. Especi
ally is this true at his former homo in
Tremout. Tho press and people of that
town aro enthusiastic for his election. The
Mr Adoo Tiding charges Prof. Weiss with
u4ng his office for political purposes to the
detriment of the schools. H says: "We
nmko tho nssortlon without four of contradic
tbn that Mr. Wolss would bo relegated years
ago except for the sword of Damoelos that he
holds over tho hoads of certain directors and
for favors shown to othors which are always
,,,iiilerd as reciprocal. Everyone is ac
quainted with tho manner In which ho holds
his powrr and yet for some unaccountable
Tea .on it is aU' W d to continue Tho
Jia-. ' ouio lion . r a change."
Ilnpponlhga Throughout the Region Cliron-
lulott lor Hasty l'ertisttl.
This la naturalisation day nt the county
Drunks were plentiful on Main street Sat
urday afuirnooit.
I ho May criminal court opened at l'otto-
vlllo this morning.
A council of the Daughters of Liberty bus
been organized at Fraokville.
The Pennsylvania National Hank, of l'otts-
llle, will declare a dividend to-morrow.
1'orty hours devotion began yesterday in
St. Alary Magdalene church, at Lost Creek.
Thomas McAvuy, of Connors Patch, was
inlurodat Ulmrd colliery by being kicked hv
Charles K. llreckons, !., of Pottsvillo.
will be tho omtoratMahunoy City on Decora
tion Day.
An evening mail delivery is helng agitated
In Mahanoy City, among tho huslnoss moil
f the town.
Philip Mass removed to-day from Ulrard-
lite to Freeland, where ho is interested in
an overall factory.
Martin Carrigau, after a week's idlcnoss,
resumed his position as lnotorman to-day on
tho I,akosido road,
Tho Pottsvillo School lioanl elected three
additional teachers, to remedy tho over
crowded condition of tho schools.
Mrs. Kato ISiltz, of Oiranlville, has heen
appointed notory public, succeeding her hus
band, who has been sick for some time.
Tho School Board meets to-morrow night,
Borough Council Thursday night and tho
Board of Health tho following evening.
Over 2.0 cases will boon tho trial list of
this term of criminal court. Judges l'crsh
Ingnud Bechtol will try cases this week.
A fakir disposed of a largo quantity of
cheap jewelry and nickiiacks on Main street
Saturday and smiled as tho gulllhleous took
ills doses.
Taylor colliery, at Big Mino Run, is being
enlarged and refitted with new machinery
and a tunnel is being driven to reach tho
.Mammoth vein.
About a dozen new houses aro now in
courso of erection at St. Clair, and tho people
ol that slow- town aro now talking of a
OroatorSt. Clair.
Tho Landingvlllo shoo factory, formerly
owned hy tho Zubcr Company, has been
purchased hy Albright & Co., of Onvigshurg,
and will bo operated by them.
Many property owners have cleaned their
premises, hut thero an: still many ruoro who
coiijd do likewise witli much profit to tho
health of their own families and their neigh-
Charles Deck, of St. Clair, had ono of tho
bones of his left arm broken in an accident
on tho Lehigh Yallcy road at Delano on Sat
urday. Ho was removed to the Pottsvillo
I he Roman Catholic church of Irackvilio
now possesses a beautiful sett of vestments, a
solid silver chalice,' and Father Laughrau
has added to its possessions by tho presenta
tion of u haudsonio Mass book and stand.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tiiisrnithlng dono call
on K. F. Gallagher IB West Centre street.
Dealer ir stoves. 0 1-tf
Heeds Iteeorilcd.
From Daniel Shepp, et. al., to tho Mutual
Building and Loan Association premises in
Nelson City ; From Daniel Shepp, et. al., to
Annie M. Kimniel, premises in Nelson City;
From Daniel Shepp, et. al., to W. Kimmel,
premisos in Nelson City ; From Daniel Shepp,
et. al., to tho Mutual Building and Loan
Association, premises in Nelson City : From
Augustus Crouse, et ux., to Wm. Kimmel,
premises in Nelson City j From Jane Lovau,
et ux., to AugustusCroiise. premises in Nelson
City ; 1' roni Charles Kennedy, et. al., to Caro
line Cow, property In South Manhcim town
ship ; From Mary Kennedy to Phoebe Piatt,
premises in North Manhcim township; From
Naomi (iSparks to II. L. WiUon, premises
in Pottsvillo ; From Ebenezer Davis to Alice
Davis, lot in Gilberton; From Lvangcliial
Association of North Ameiica toF W. Ueber,
et. al., Trustees, premises in Pinegrovo;
From Valentino Bush, executor, to Philip
Iloruickcl, premises in Noith Maulicim town'
ship ; From Joseph Kennedy and Richard
Kennedy to Yaronlonus Szaluszcwiczus,
giotind in Shenandoah.
Mart eloutt Success.
From a coal mino to a professor's chair is
almost tho unparalclled leap taken by Rev.
Rhys R Lloyd, who 17 years ago was work
ing with pick and shovel in tho depths of a
Pennsylvania coal mino, and who to-day is
professor of Greok, tho Now Testament and
exegesis, at tho Pacific Theological Seminary
In Oakland, Cal. It can ho conceived how a
poor boy can hecomo a millionaire In this
country of possibilities, hut how a man can
start in tho raco for education with a handi
cap of 3 years and outstrip many competitors
in tho short period of 17 years is marvelous
to contemplate. Ex.
Substantial Aid for Cuba.
Chicaqo, May tho plans of a num
bor of West Sldo cltizonsnro carried to ma
turity Cuba's strug!;lo for llborty will In
tho near futuro receive aid and assistanco
in tho shape of an expedition which will
put all former filibustering parties In tho
shiulo Kx-Aldorman Maurice O'Connor,
of tho Seventeenth ward, proposes to ro
crult tho "O'Connor Guards," a West Sldo
organization named in ills honor, to a full
rcglmont of 1,2J0 mon, to fight In tho
cnUso of Cuban llborty. Already botwoen
600 and 1,000 mon havo enlisted, nud tho
companies, it Is alleged, aro drilling In
halls scattered about tho city. Tho ox
aldcrmau says they havo plonty of funds.
Affects your head, but it Is not therefore
a local dlseaso. II it did not exist in
your blood, it could not manifest itself
in your nose. 'Whatevor Impurities
the blood does not carry away, cause
what wo call dlseaso. Therefore, for
nhalants, snuffs and other local appli
cations can give only temporary relief.
Tho true way to cure Is to purify
your blood by taking a constitutional
remedy like Hood's Barsaparilla, which
eliminates all Impurities and thus per
manently cures catarrh. Remember
Is TheOneTrue Blood Purifier, f I ; 0 forf 5.
Prepared orjy br O. I. Hood 4 Co., Lowell, Mui
I I , mil- nbltul comtlpa-
HOOCl S rlllS tloo. FrlcoMeenU.
Let The Whole World
Know The Good
DrJIiles' Heart Cure Does
EAKT DISEASE, has its victim at a
disadvantage. Always taught that
heart discaso Is tncurablo, when tho
symptoms hecomo well defined, tho patient
becomes alarmed and a nervous panic takes
place. But when a suro remedy Is found
and a euro effected, af tor years of suffering,
there Is groat rejoicing and deslro to "let
tho wholo world know." Mrs. Laura Wlno-
ingcr, of Selkirk, Kansas, writes- "I deslro
to lot tho wholo world know what Dr. Miles'
Tr IttilPS' Heart Curo has dono for
vi. iim,a mo rort(myoa,sIbaa
Heart Cure paln in my uoatt. short
ness or Dcatn, palpita
tion, pain In my ief tsldo,
oppressed feollng in my
chest, weak and hungry
spells, bad dreams, could not llo on cither
sldo, was numb and suffcroc! terribly. 1 took
Dr. Miles' Heart Curo and boforo I Cnlshcd
tho second hottlo I felt Its good effects, I fool
now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr.
Miles' Heart Curo saved my lifo."
Dr. Miles' Heart Curo is sold on guarantee
that first hottlo benefits, o r money refunded.
Mexican Citizenship Didn't Have Him.
Citv of Mexico, May 4. In tho enso of
Chester Kowo, of Poweschlck county,
Iown, accused of embezzling public
moneys, Judgo Aguelnr imposed ft sen
tence of twelvo years and two months'
Imprisonment In Bolim prison. This case
has boon n nutnblo ono in tho history of
Mexican jurisprudence, aa Howe, after
committing tho offense, camn hero and
took out papers of Moxlcan cltlzonshlp, j
hoping thus to avoid punishment. But
under tho penal codo nn offense committed
abroad and continued on Moxlcan soil Is
punlshnblo, and Kowo s enso will servo as
a warning for criminals hoping to find a
safo asylum In Mexico. Whllo in Iowa ho
misappropriated 38,000. Ho desortod his
family, novor having sont his wlfo but f50
from hero.
A Drummer's 31ynterlous Dlnappeurance.
NEW Yokk, May 4. Adolph Comlns, a
traveling salosmau omployod by M.
Coopor, manufacturer of ladlos' gowns In
this city, has not boon hoard of sinco tho
28th of February last Ho left his wlfo
and children at their homo In Hosltndale,
MAss., on Nov. 2(1 to go on tho road, and
wroto rogularly to his wlfo, two or three
times u wook, up to tho latter part of Fob
ruary. Ills last letter was wrltton from
Mllwnukco, dated Feb. 23. Ho disappeared
mysteriously from hotel there, leaving
his trunks filled with samples and a satchel
behind. Mrs. Comlns believes that her
husband is still allvo, and cannot account
for his prolonged absence, as ho was In no
way financially ombarrasscd.
Shipwrecked Sailors Safe.
New Bkdfoisd, Mass., May 4. Captain
Toxclra, master and owner of tho schooner
John K. Shatford, just arrived, brlugs
word from Drava, Capo Verde Island, that
Captain Benson and sovcral of tho crow
of tho schooner Grncio Benson, recently
roportod ns wreokod off Cachoun, wost
const of Africa, had arrived there. Tho
wrecked party put in towards shoro, but
tho hostile actions of tho natives Iod thorn
to cruiso until thoy reached a scttloment
near Goroo, whoro thoy landed, and wera
well treated, and unally assisted to IJrava.
Tho Bouson was a paokot boat botweeu
this port and Brnva.
Killed In a Sunday Saloon Fight.
New YonK, May 4. During a light In
his saloon at Long Islond City yesterday
John Hogon struck John Puter a blow
with his list on tho jaw. Puter died soon
afterwards. Hogan claims to havo been
assaulted by a numbor of men who de
manded drinks at his saloon. He refused
thorn, and they attacked him, his wlfo and
a friend, according to the story told tho
coroner, with a fusllado of stones. Hogan
was badly cut about tho faco, and his
friend received a bad scalp wound. All
those concerned In tho light have boon ar
rested. Held on Charges of Forgery.
Chkstkb, Pa., May 4. Jainos S. Post Is
under arrest here, ennrgou witn lorgory.
It Is alleged ho forged a J32 check on
Thomas L. Brlggs and attomptod to have
it cashed at Taylor& Wright's hotol. Tho
fnro-orv was discovered when Mr. Wright
asked If It was good. When seorchod Post
had a note In his pookot signed by Thomas
Swantror. with whom ne latoly worKcu,
fort-3'2 on the Chostor National bank. Thla
is also said to bo a forgery.
Deadly Domestic Duel.
Austin, Tex., May 4. Yostorday morn
ing Jamos Nixon shot and instantly killed
Dompsey llrown, Ha orotnor-in-taw,
Brown, In his dying ngony, returned tho
Uro with n double barreled shotgun
emptying both barrels into Nixon's faco,
ami ho lies in the county jail in a danger
ous condition. Tho difficulty was tho out-
como of family troubles.
Another Mint Thief Couvlcted.
Causon. Neb.. May 4. Tho jury In tho
Jones mint caso brought in a vordlct of
guilty on Saturday. Ho will nppear for
bontenco this afternoon, bo far as tho pun-
llo knows this ends tho colebrated Carson
mint fraud cases. Jonos, who was nssls
tant register and melter at tho mint, was
accused of stonllng a largo quantity of tho
bulllou from tho mint.
ltech Declares Ho 1. Sane.
MAY'S LAN PINO, N. J., May 4. John
Bech. now In nrlsou horo on tho charge of
murderlmr his wlfo, has wrltton a long
lctior to Tho Atlnntlo ltevlow, alleging
that he Is perfectly sano, aud denying cor
taln statements made about him.
Leaped I'lfty I'eet to Death.
Huntinoton, W.Vn., May 4. Mary, the
wife of William Shoro, leaped from a
bridge Into the Elkhorn rlvor, fifty feet,
yestorday. to oscapo n passing engine, Sha
was resoued, but will die.
Officers of the Army ami Navy Declare
Agnlnnl tho Republic.
Hio nn Janeiro", Mnjr 4. Tho mon
nrehinl movement in Brazil is boglnnlng
to take a very serious turn. Profiting by
the gen iral disorder which continues
among tho rt'publlcntu by reason of for
eign and domesllo trouble i, the monarch
ists aro picking up courage, and doclnro
openly thelr.lntoinlon to reHoro tho mon
archy. As long ago ns Nov. 15 last they
mado n considerable demonstration nt Hio
and nt San Paulo In fivvor of restoration.
What adds to tho gravity of tho situation
Is that Humorous oflloers of high rank in
tho army and navy, who havo hlthorto
maintained their neutrality, havedoclared
oponly for tho monnrchy.
General Thomnz Poinpeii.professorlntho
military school of Fortalcz, a few days ago
nt a public mooting invited his pupils and
colleagues to join tho monarchists. Tho
republican journal Puiz recently do
manded that all soldiers and sailors above
n cortaln rank declaim their faithfulness
to tho republic Very few army officers
hnvo responded, and many aro suspootod
of sympathy with tho conspirators.
Tho dlsputo ovor Trinidad Island with
England, tho troubles In Bio Grande Do
Sul, and tho turbulent toadonclos of tho
Tacoblnos, all servo to enoournga the mon
archal conspirators In their campaign
against tho government. Thoy havo
omlssarles all ovor Brazil as well as tho
work they do through the press.
Sovoral now monarohlst nowspapera
havo recently boon startod, and n numbor
of tho ostabllshod journals do not hide
their sympathy for tho old Imperial re
gime. Tho actual situation In Brazil is
considered serious.
The Scott Jnckson Murder Trial.
Newport, Ky., May 4. Thore Is n possi
bility, If not a prospect, that tho trial of
Scott Jackson will consume all of tho
presout week. If tho dofonso gets Its tes
timony all In by tomorrow or Wcdnosday
noon it will do well. After tho dofenso
will coino a numbor of wltuosses brought
by tho prosecution for rebuttal. This will
certainly consume ono and a half or
two days. No ono can toll how much timo
tho arguments will oonsumo. During tho
past wook the defonso has rovoalod Its pur
poso to attack tho testimony of nt least two
wltnossos, If not thrco. Ono ninnlfostvhopo
of tho defeuso Is to establish ftcaso of non
jurisdiction by showing that tho murder
was committed In Cincinnati by ovordolng
some trentmont with chloroform or other
niiasthetio, and that tho body was after-
ards taken to Kentucky and boheadod to
uvold recognition.
Uhrumuilsm Cured in a Day.
Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tho system is remarkahlo and
mysleiious. It removes at onco tho cause
and tho dlseaso Immediately disappears. Tho
first doso greatly benefits; 73 cents. Sold by
H. Ilagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Mr. Hammond Very Weak.
LoNDOS, May 4. Tho Dally Telegraph
has a dispatch from Pretoria which Buys:
J. II. Hammond Is still weak, but no Is
steadily improving. .Ho Is allowed to takb
drives with his jailer. The prisoners nri
treated ns first class misdemoanants. from
personal interviews, I ascertained that all
of the members ol tno executive council
are Inclined to show tho utmost leniency
to tho prisoners."
Feuton and Mullen Matched.
Boston", May 4. Paddy Fentou, chnm-
plon lightweight of Now England, nnd
Joo Mullon, of South Boston, hnvoslgnod
articles to box twenty rounds nt tho wo
bum Athlollo club May 29. Jack Frazcr,
of San Francisco, is in Boston, and has is
sued a challenge to box Martin Flaherty
or any lSti-pound man in tho country.
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania nnd Now Jer-
soy: Fair, precoded by showors noar tho
coast; southorly winds.
Ilucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fover sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
nil skin eruptions, and nositivclv cures idles.
or no ray required, It is guaranteed to give
poncct satlstactlon or mony retunileu. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
A Oreat Obnervatory.
Ciiicaoo. May 4. Slxtv thousand dol
lars has been expended in tho construc
tion nnd caul pment of a great observatory.
nnd a number of years of the valuahlo
timo of two noted astronomors and tholr
assistants will bo devoted to what Is ox
poctod to provo the most Important astro
nomieal expedition of tho country. Per-
clval Lowell has built the obsorvatory and
groat telescope, and will bo ono of tho two
principal sclentlllo workers on tho oxpcdl
thin. Dr. T. J. See. of tho University of
uiucago, will bo tho other. Both nro scion
tints of renown. Their onorations will bo-
In in July from the movable obsorvatory
to oo erected on tho lofty Moxlcan Dlntenu
near tho City of Mexico, and will probably
do ooutinueu in 18US soniewhore down In
Peru. Mr. Lowell will study tho plnnot
Mars In a systomntlo way that has nover
boon pursued, and Dr. See will search tho
southern hcavons for doublo stars.
The. Women Delegates' Chance.
CLEVELAND, May 4. The delegates to
tho Mothodlst general conference aro ox-
poctnutly awaiting tho contost ovor the
woman question. Tho majority report, I
slgnod by twenty members of tho com-
mltteo, holds that tho womon dologatos
aro eligible to scats In tho conforenco. Tho
minority report submitted by Dr. J. M.
Buckloy, editor of the Now York Chris,
tian Advocate, consists of arguments
bnsod on biblical and constitutional
grounds ngaliut tho grnntlug of tho prlv
llego of delegaios to tho womon. Tho con
sensus of opinion nmong tho dolegatos Is
that tho majority report will bo adonted.
If It Is, tho conforenco will sny, it Is as
sertud, that tho constitution ought to bo
chunged and u urecodont will bo ostali.
llshod which will result In giving scuts to
womon in all future conferences.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Orlppowhen Laxative Uromo Qulnlno will
curo you in one clay. Put up in tablets con
vculeut for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Price, 25 conts. For sale
by Klrltn's I'liannacy.
Address Card.
Ono of tho finest linos of address cards ovor
displayed in this scctlou of tho stato can be
seen at tho jikbald oulco. They are em
bellished with society emblems, and make
most excellent visiting cards for members of
tho various rritcrnltles. Call and oxamlne
them. .
Buy Keystone flour. Bo suro that tho name
Lessio & BAEB, Ashlaud, l'a., Is printed on
every sack.
To Cure Nervous Dyspepsia, to Gain Flesh, to Sleep Well,
to Kuow What Appetite and Good Digestion Mean,
Make a Test of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
No trouble Is more common or more mis
understood than nervous dyspepsia. People
having it think that their nerves aro to hlamo
nnd nro surprised that they are not cured by
ncrvo medicines and spring remedies; tho
real scat of the mlscheif is lost sight of; tho
stomach it tho organ to bo looked after.
Nervous dyspeptics often do not havo any
pain whatever In tho stomach, nor perhaps
any of tho usual symptoms of stomach weak
ness. Nervous dyspepsia shows Itself not In
tho stomach so much as in nearly every other
organ; in somo cases tho heart palpitates and
is irregular; in others tho kidneys aro
affected; in others tho bowels are constipated,
with headaches; still others nro troubled
w ith loss of flesh and appetite, with accumu
lations of gas, sour risings and heartburn.
Mr. A. W. Sharper of No. 01 Prospect St.,
Indianapolis, Ind., writes as follows; "A
motive of puro gratitudo prompts mo to
write these few lines regarding tho new and
valuahlo medicine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets. I havo been a sufl'ercr from nervous
dyspepsia for tho last four years; havo used
Death of Hon. Timothy Angllu.
TotiosTO, Out., May 4. Timothy Ang
lin, ox-M. P. and ox-spoakorof tho Domin
ion house of commons, died at his resi
dence In this olty yestorday. He was 74
years old.
Miss Mary E. Wllklns, tho nuthorosn, Is
seriously ill at Old Point Comfort, Vo.
Tho British ship Cralgmoro, which had
been given up ns lost, has arrived at San
Francisco. .
An attompt was mado to kill Hov. Max
Huppuchter, In St. Louis, by Bonding poi
soned fruit to his parish school.
Tho Paris newspapers confirm tho rumor
that M. Herbotto, French umbnssador to
Germany, will only return to Berlin to
present his letters of-recall.
A box car, found at Sioux City, la., con
taining blood stalnod garments of John
Brownrigg, was traced to klsberry, Mo,,
whoro Brownrigg was murdered and
thrown from the train.
Bartus Comogys, a brokor of Baltimore,
was hold for trial on tho chargo of con
verting to his own uso tho proceeds of a
inlo of canned goods, valued at $418, tho
oroperty of Joseph F. Callahan, of Cres-
koU, Md.
Itellef in Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder
relieved in six hours by the "Nev
ew Great
South American Kidney Cure." This" new
. i A f I
remeuy is a great surprise on accoum. ui n-s
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief aud curo this Is your remedy.
Sold by Shaplra's pharmacy, 107 South Main
One of Scliulzo'a Many Victims.
Seattle, Wash., May 4. Tho papers in
a sensational suit In tho United States
court havo been servod. It Is tho suit of
Ii. C. Dlllman, a prominent roal estate
doalor of Spokano, against the Northern
Pacific Ballroad company, and In tho com
plaint ho tells in full tho story of tho gl
cantlo frauds practiced by Schulxo in con
nection with the sale of londs adjacent to
Spokano. Dillmau asks for the return of
f312,000, of which ho says ho wos delib
erately defrauded; lor 112.4UU damages,
which ho claims to havo suffered by rea
son of falso representations, and for the
further sum of Ktf.OOO, which ho claims to
havo paid out on promissory notes signed
in behalf of the road.
Did You Ever
Try Electric Hitters ns a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a hottlo now and get
rpUpf. Tlds medicine has been found to be
peculiarly adapted to the relief and curo of
all Femalo Complaints, exerting a wonucriui
direct influenco in giving strength and tono
1, nrmn, Tf 1-nll htWn T.OS.S of AoiietitO.
Constipation, Headache. Fainting Spells, or
urn Knn-nn9 Excitable. Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Blectrio Hitters
is tho medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by Its uso. Largo
bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug
Colonel Kred Grant lleappolnted.
New Yomc. May 4. Mayor Strong on
Saturday notified Colonel Frod Lt. Urant
that ho had been reappointed n pollco com
missioner for six years, and Colonel Grant
at onco went to tho city nan nna was
sworn In by tho mayor. The mayor reap
pointed Colonel S. van Honssoiaer urugor
nresldont of the nark commission for the
full term of six years at an annual salary
of 15,000.
Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent liveryman
and merchant of Ooshen, Va., has this to say
... i. t.,i,tot nf rheumatism: "I tako
Ull ill" " il -"'
denuirn lii recommending Lhamoenaiu
Pain Balm for rheumatism, as i o.y i.
" r . r J....
personal experience that It win uo an w.av is
claimed for it. A year ago this spring my
i.,.i,r was laid un in bed wltu muamniaiory
rheumatlsm and suffered intensely. The
first application of Uliainueriain s l ain jaim
cased tho pain and tho uso of ono bottle com
pletely cored him. For sale by Gruhler
Bros., druggists,
Sheiiuudonli Directory.
Business men nnd othors, who havo not yet
uxMircdoneof the directories of Shenandoah,
just issued, can obtain ono by making appli
cation at this ofllce. Tho prlco is only J2.00,
and there aro only alow lett. no business
man cau afford to be without one of thoso
books. 2-21-t
various patent medicines and other remedies'""
wunoui any lavorablo result. They sorac4
times gave temporary rollof until tho effects
ofthomedicino wore off. I attributed this
to my sedentary habits, being a bookcepor
with llttlo physical exercise, but I am glad to
stato that tho tablets havo oycrcomo all theso
obstacles, for I havo gained in flesh, sleep
better, nnd am better in every way. Tho
abovo is written not for notoriety, but is
based on actual facts."
Ifespectfully yours,
A. W. Sharper,
01 Prospest St,, Indianapolis, Ind.
It is safo to say that Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will curo any stomach weakness or
diseaso except cancer of stomach. They euro
sour stomach, gas, loss of flesh and appetite,
sleeplessness, palpitation, heartburn, con
stipation,aud headaches.
Send for valuahlo llttlo book on stomach
diseases by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall.
All druggists sell full sized packagosat 50
U Second District,
Of Glrnrdvllle, Pa.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of Broad Mountain.
Subject to Republican rule).
Of Glrardvlllc.
Subject to Dcmocratia rules.
Of Ashland.
Subject to Republican rules.
Rnrher Shnn !
West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
heeomlnir oonolar. You will like it. We
make a specialty of haircuttlnz.
Ofllco: 30 West Centre street.
Can be consulted at all hours.
80 E. Lloyd Btreet, Shenandoah.
Office hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 to 9
Shenandoah, Ia.
nniee Euan hulldliur. corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa.
ir...lnr. .,.,,lt.l nmler anme of the best
7 t.inn nml I'arls. will clve lesson
on tlw violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Atiuress m tm v. .wUOv, .
eweler, bhenanuoau.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beei$
,UAP Wil? fipicirie CoiFhoa.Pa.