The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 27, 1896, Image 4

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Time Ii Ht lmnil nnd
must lie clone. After the shelves nre clennetl
they must be covered. Of course you want
. . SHELF PAPER . . .
Wc lmvc just what you want. Four colors,
white, blue, jiltik nnil yellow ; 5 yards long,
you cut to lit shelf. Worth 10 cenU. You
can have it now for 5 cents n piece.
a- North rvialn St.
MONDAY, M'llUi 27, ISM.
JluppenlliKH Throughout the Itcgioll Chrou
Iclcil for Hasty l'cruwil.
Tlio next I. O. O. 1 ilcmonstnitlon will bo
hclil nt Jllnorsvillo two years litncc.
Tlio Lehigh Valley anil tho I & It. C. & I.
Co. collieries will resume operations to
morrow. Herman A.Maurer, formerly of Ashland,
but now of Urooklyn, and Miss Suslo Dorr,
of Ccntmlia, wero married Friday evening
in Brooklyn, whero they will make their
future homo.
John Cavanaugh, of Giranlvlllc, whilo
crossing n manwny in Girard Maniinotli
mines, made a misstep mid fell to tho bottom,
lie sustained injuries about tho head and
back that may provo fatal.
Tho Tamaqua Courier has been sued for
libel by It. 0. Jones, and tho warrant issued
upon Sophia M. Harris John W. Harris and
Harry II. Walters. Tho article appeared in
correspondence signed "Xonanio."
H. A. Swalm, of Philadelphia, was a visitor
to town on Saturday.
G. Edgar Hoover spent last evening among
Ashland acquaintances.
Harry Campbell, of Tamaqua, spent Sun
day among town acquaintances.
I. . A. Bamberger left town this morning
for Pittsburg, on a commercial trip.
Misses Mary Lcckio and Nellio Finney, of
Pottsville, Fpcnt yesterday in town.
John M. Mack, of Wilkcs-lSarrc, was a
guest of relatives in town yesterday.
Miss Maggio ISlrch, of St. Clair, is the
guest of Miss Aunio llrown, of South White
Messrs. Fred. Femsler and Charles Eberle,
of Pottsville, wero tho guests of Harry Hafnor
S. H. M. Ilollopctcr, Esq., has returned
from a two-weeks visit to friends at Philadel
phia anil Watsontown.
Mr. and Mrs. John ltoriler, of Girardville,
wero tho guests of the Fairchild family, on
South Whlto street, yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Lewis wero visitors to
Tamaqua yesterday. Mrs. Lewis will spend
a week as tlio guest of her parents.
Miss llesslo Wadlinger, of Pottsville, so
journed in town yesterday as the guest of
Miss Lizzie. Stank, on North Main street.
Messrs. Michael O'Hara, John Dowling,
John Tempest, Georgo Keiter, Joo Murphy
and their lady friends enjoyed a drivo to
Itingtown yesterday afternoon.
Mks Bridget Itoach, of Philadelphia, is
visiting her parents on South Powers street.
Misses Ellen V. and Annio A. Pu.-cell, of
Phoenix Park, aro tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Purcell, on East Centra street.
Stubbing Allriiy.
Thomas Courtney, aged 10 years, was
Ftalibyd in tho hallway of tho Palaeo Hotel
oiy Tiist Centre btreet, Mahanoy City, at
about 11:45 o'clock Saturday night by a man
whoso identity the victim refuses to disclose.
Courtney's condition is serious, but tho at
tending physicians say that ill tlio absence of
blood poisoning, or inllammation, ho will re
cover, Courtney was stabbed between tho
second and third ribs and tho blade of tho
dagger, or knife, almost reached tho heart.
Tho victim has given the name of his as
hailant to a friend with instructions that if lie
dies tho name is to bo divulged, otherwiso it
Is to bo held in secrecy.
Settled tlio Case.
Stanislaus Karmtzky was arraigned by
Justice Toomey on Saturday on oath of Enoch
Steinkowicz for being ilruuk and disorderly
and displaying a carving knifo in a danger
ous manner. Tho prisoner spent tho night in
tho lockup and settled the case yesterday by
paying tho line and costs.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tinsmlthing douo call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street.
Dealer ir stoves. g 1-tf
Killing - 'th Hold, Silver, Cement. Gold and
Porcelain Crowns uud Uridgo Work.
Ferguson's Theatre Block,
Corner Main and Oak Streets,
Kutrauoe on Oak btreet.
Ofllce Hoiira : a, in. to 8 p. in.
Now in nitration tor the spring
house cleaning.
Carpets Cleaned, a Specialty,
Feathers and Mattresses Renovated.
Price LUt 1 Itenovatlm; camel. Druggets and
Ingruln, 3o per yard. Heavier grades, -loper
yaru. eoainers cieatieu, tw per in. AiuurcsHcs
cleaned and upholstered, hair, SI; cotton, $3;
Glieapcr grimea, g..
Called for and Delivered Without
Charge, by Your Command.
Bowers street and Apple alley, Shenuudoal
From 25c to 60c per yard.
Corner Centre and Wt Strertf,
Strlcfccit Doiiti While u finest of Friends
nt Mithiinny City
A profound exemplification of the doubtful
tenure of life Is furnished by the death of
Ml May Lilly Heddall, who died shortly
after Saturday midnight, while a guest of
friends at Mahanoy City. Tlio deceased was
10 years and 1 mouths old and tho eldest
daughter of Georgo W. Iloildall, tho North
Main street hardware merchant. Her death
U a severe blow to her parents, her mother
being almost prostrated by grief. Tlio cause
of death was of apoplectic lmturo and is
given as paralysis of tho brain.
Miss Heddall left town airly Saturday
morning to attend tho Odd Fellows' colo
bratlon at Mahanoy City and during tho day
was a guest of a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. M. Hoppes, at !dO:l East Ccntro street.
Misses Heddall And Hoppes wero about the
town all day and evidently derived much
enjoyment. At no time during tho period
did the former complain of feeling 111 and at
supper time she ate heartily. At about 6:30
p. m. Mits Heddall first complained. Sho
was ill at the stomach nnd was disposed to
vomit, but tho attack was so sudden and
sevcro that before sho could bo thus relieved
sho lapsed into unconsciousness. Mr. Hoppes
and liis family becamo very much alarmed
and summoned Drs. .Samuel E. Wcrtmau and
Georgo F. Breudlo. At tho samo tlmo they
sent a mcssago to Mr. and Mrs. Heddall, who
wero at their home hero and lost no timo in
responding to tho summons. Tho physicians
resorted to ovory means that medical sclenco
could suggest In the caso, hut all efforts
failed to cither restore consciousness, or stay
tho hand of death. Tlio girl passed away in
tho presenco of her parents, tlio physicians
and a number of friends at 12 minutes after
midnight. Tlio remains wero brought to
town at six o'clock yesterday morning. Tho
funeral will tako placo on Wodnesday, 20th
Inst., at 2 p. m,, from tho family residence,
No. C North Main street. Services will bo
held nt tho Methodist Episcopal church nnd
tho remains will bo interred in tho Odd Fel
lows' cemetery.
Tlio deceased was a bright young girl of an
amiable and joyous spirit and had held sway
In a largo social circle, so that her death will
bo felt to a considerable extent outsldo of
tho family. Sho was a member of M. L.
Kemmerer's class in tho United Evangelical
Sunday school and a pupil of tho second
grade grammar school taught by Miss Anna
M. Denglcr. Mrs. Heddall suffers soverely
from tho shock occasioned by her daughter's
sudden death and only immediate friends
aro allowed access to her. Tho attack that
caused tho death is attributed to excitement
attending tho events of tho celebration on
Saturday. Miss Heddall had occasionally
complained to her brothers and sisters of not
technic well, but gavo no iutimation to her
Ills, (ioodiium & Co.
Fresh lb. print creamery butter, 23c.
Fresh round print country roll butter, 18c.
Fresh round tub butter per lb., 18c.
Fresh eggs per doz., 121c.
Penna. potatoes, 5 bushel lots, 25c.
4-0-tf 27 West Centre street.
McHlhenny's Opening.
James McElhenny's cafe, on East Ccntro
street, Mahanoy City, which was opened for
the first tlmo Saturday, was tho attraction for
Shenandoah visitors to that town on Odd
Fellows day, and tho genial James served his
friends in Ills usual good style. Ho was
highly complimented upon his new and
handsome cafe. The place has undcrgono a
comploto change, thoroughly refurnished and
refitted throughout. Tho liarroom has a
metalic ceiling, of bright and varied colors,
electric fans, tlio house throughout illumin
ated by clectriccty, and tlio handsome oak
bar and eating stand, with largo mirrors
decorated with cut glass, bouquets and palms.
To tho rear of tho bar is a dining room with
another one on tho second floor having sido
entrance. Tlio garden in tho rear, with
potted palms, vines and hangiiig pots will bo
an attractivospot when it is completed. This
may bo a few weeks yet, but as soon as it is
ready tho grand oponing will bo held at
which tho Citizens band, of Mahanoy City,
the Grant baud, of Shenandoah, and tho
public generally will bo invited to attend.
Mr. McEIhcuny will also entertain the
Shenandoah Council, of which ho was a
member from tlio Second ward.
Great Itc.liictlon
III Ladies' and Children's russet 'and lino
gondola shoes in end I ess varieties at
Womer's, 121 N. Main street. -1-17-tf
round S3I10 In Ills Clothing,
Prom Ashland Local.
A few mouths ago Burgess Hullihan of
Gilberton was taken sick and died. Ho was
a single man and his friends say that in a
short time ho intended to marry ono of
Gilherton's fairest daughters. Yestenlay
whilo his mother was going over his clothing
sho found $300 in a coat pocket. It is thought
that tho money is a part of that which ho
was saving fur housekeeping purposes.
Block) sells tho best aud cheapest SHOES in
town, try them,
Hung Himself.
Daniel Michael, a lower Mahanoy farmer,
had a quarrel with his son on Saturday, and
after it was over ho said ho would go out and
hang himself. He had threatened to do tho
samo thing so often at tho least provocation
that his family paid no lived to his throat.
Hut this time, ho carried out his throat, uud
his body was found suspended from a hay
ladder by a strap. Life was oxtlnct.
Marriage Licenses.
Thomas Hallman, of Creseona, aud Itoslo
Ohelleubueli of South Manhelm Two. :
Thomas P. Hichards nnd Annie Powell both
of Mahanoy City; Georgo A. ltcidlor, of
Glrardvlle and Pauline Biormaii, of Potts
ville; Hohert T. Painter, or Gilberton aud
Bridget Hoylo, of Shenandoah.
Hid Yourself of jclieiumitltiiii
Buy lied Flag Oil, 86c. AtGruhler Bros.,
drug store.
New l'ustor to ho Installed,
To-morrow evening tho liev, Francis S.
Hort will bo formally Installed as pastor of
tho Ashland aud Ceiitralia Presbyterian
churches. Tho services will take place in
the Ashland church, and liov. D, M. Buch
anan, of Maucli Chunk, moderator of the
Piosbytcry of Lehigh, will preside, ltov,
S. W. Beach, of Bridgeton, N. J., will preach
tho sermon. Bev. T, M. Morrison, of town,
aud other clergymen will assist in tho in
stallation ceremonies.
Odd Fellows Celebration,
An Invitation Is extended to all Odd
Fellows living In Shenandoah anil vicinity,
who are not members of the local lodges, to
attend a musical and literary entertainment
to be given in Ferguson's theatre on the
evening of Thursday, April 30th, under the
auspices of tlio thrco local lodges. Jly order
or the
There' Jint Wloit You Want,
I Tan-Tina ' 25c i for coughs nnd colds. At
Oruhlcr Uros., drug storo.
Tho l'lrst AVnril Syrian Merchant Purls
Ulieoiniionlously With Crrdltnrs.
Miko Saba, tlio Syrian who has been before
tho public in many matters of varied Im
portance during the past few yours, has again
suddenly left tho town, nnd this tHjie it
appoihs that his nbienco is tu bo p'ernifttient.
tt has been learned from an nilthoritive
sourco that If legal process does not Intervene
Salw will sail from New York City Wore
dusk to-day for his native land. Ho leaves
sovoral mournful creditors, sonio of them
business people of town. Saba disappeared
last Wednesday and went to Wllkesbarro. As
an advantage to tho pnlico authorities his
departure was kept quiet, but since the
parties who kept up a hot trail havo fulled to
bring matters to the focus expected tho
matter has leaked out nioro publicly.
Tho most serious charge against Salia is
mado by a Arm of Philadelphia cigar dealers,
Their agent sold him flS.M) worth of cigars
and ho gavo n check on tho First
National Bunk of town that proved worth
less. At tho tlmo ho gavo the check Saba
also gavo an order to tho samo agent lor $232
worth of cigars nnd tho generous agent gavo
Saba in advance a gold watch to which tlio
latter would havo been entitled as a premium
upon tho illllng of tho onler. Saba has taken
tho watch with him to exhibit to his rela
tives aud friends in Syria ns ono of tho evi
dences of liis prosperity in this country.
Sala's brother, Nicholas, is conducting tho
general store on East Centre street, of which
thoformor figured ns proprietor before his de
parture. Miko will also bo missed by tlio
Justices of tho Pcaco of town, as hardly a
term of court passed during tho past few
years in which ho did not figure in nt least
ono caso n3 either prosecutor, or defendant,
and frequently as tho latter in assault and
battery cases.
Death of JIrn. Williams, or Philadelphia,
Formerly oi Town.
Mary H. Williams, wife of John Williams,
formerly of this town, died nt her homo in
Paschal avenue, Philadelphia on Saturday.
The funeral will tako placo nt 1:30 to
morrow (Tuesday) afternoon at Tamaqua.
Sabina, tho bright nnd interesting daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Robinson, of
Nortli Main btreet, died on Saturday after
noon, in tho twelfth year of her ago. About
seven weeks ngo tho child was taken ill with
diphtheria, which at first was not thought to
bo of n serious nature, but which finally
developed into paralysis which caused her
death. The funeral services will tako placo
from tho residenco of the parents to-morrow
afternoon nt 2:30 p. m., with interment in
Odd Fellows cemetery. Deceased was a
member of Miss Clauser's school, which will
nttend tho funeral iu a body.
Mrs. Annio Townsend, tho esteemed wifo
of Abraham Townsend, of 213 North
Emcrick street, died on Saturday from a com
plication of diseases, aged 02 years and 0
months. Deceased had been failing in health
for somo timo and her death was not unex
pected. Sho was a member of the Presby
terian church for many years. Sho is sur
vived by two daughters and ono son, Mrs.
B. F. Baudcnbush, of New Boston, Mrs.
Joseph Dusto, and Joseph Townsend, both of
town. Services will be held at her late rc.-i-denco
to-morrow morning nt 10 o'clock.
Funeral will proceed to the Lehigh Valley
station to take tho 11:30 train for St. Clair,
whero interment will be made.
Ministerial Association Meeting.
Tho Mahanoy Valley Ministerial Associa
tion will conveno in Port Carbon to-morrow,
tho sessions being held in the M. E. church
of that placo. Tho program prepared for tho
occasion is an interesting one. Itev. W. H.
Zweizig, of Gilberton, will talk on "Be
vlvals in our churches how to promote
them," and Itev. Alfred Hecbner, of town,
among others, will discuss tho subject,
"What cUectivo methods of suppressing the
saloon can wo adopt." In tho afternoon
liev. Hecbner will conduct devotional ser
vices, "Thoso specific rules relative to pop
ular amusements should they bo repealed 1"
and "Tho Sunday nowspaper its mission,
ts influence, its suppression," are among the
topics to bo discussed.
K&nggeriited Iteport.
It was reported to-day that C. D. Kalcr,
tho Mahanoy City browor, had been attacked
by apoplexy, but inquiry showed the report
was unfounded. Mr, Kaicr was taken ill
this morning, but not seriously. It was ono
of tho attacks from which ho sull'ered
HHDDAI.I.. On tho 2Cth Inst , May Lilly, eldest
daughter of Ocorgo W. and Mary lled.lall.
aged 16 years and 4 months. Funeral will
tako plaeu on Wednesday, 29th lliist., at 2 p. in.,
from tho family residence, No. 0 North Muln
street .Shenandoah, Pa. Services at tho
Methodist Knlscopal church. Interment ill
the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Itelatlvcs and
friends respectfully invited to attend. t-27-2t
ItOHINSON. On Saturday, tho 25th Inst.,
Sabinu, daughter of Cloorge and Mary Itobln
hoii, aged 11 years, 2 months and 1H days.
Funeral services will bo held at the residence
of tho parents, 132 North Main street, on
Tuesday, the 2Mb, at 2:'JO p. m. Interment 111
Odd Fellows' cemetery. Friends and relatives
aro respectfully Invited to attend. It
TOWNSUNI). On Saturday, 23th Inst., Annie,
wifo of Abraham TowiiBcnd, aged 62 years
ond 0 months. I'linernl services will ho held
at her late residence, 213 Noith Kiiicrltk
street, on Tuesday, 2Stli Inst, at 10 n. m. The
funeral will proceed to the Lehigh Valley
station and take the 11:30 a. in. train for Ht
Chilr, where interment will be made. Friends
and relatives are respectfully invited to attend.
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headach. constl.
patlon, sour stomach, Indigestion arc promptly
cured by Hood s l'llli.
easily and thoroughly.
Best after dinner pills.
25 cents. All druggists.
l'reparcd by O, I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Till to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla.
We can ell you a new wheel, of tho ilnost
mitke nnd Ktiomntee, nt reduced price. Wo
make a specialty of
I)n nnt cnd uwnv from town to have vnuf
wheel repaired when it can uedonont home Just
as good uuu inucn encuper.
Faust Bicycle Works,
120 8. Jardin Street, Shenandoah, Pa
Lier Ills
Tin y dn th' it work
You need never wear n Hmp or wilted
collar ifyou wear the "Celluloid." It's
rain and perspiration proof. When it
gets soiled you can clean it in a min
ute with n wet cloth or sponge. It will
outwear six linen collars, and save ma
ny times its cost in laundry bills. The
is the only satisfactory water-proof
collar made. The genuine "Celluloid"
in terlined collars and cuffs are stamped
with the above trade mark. All others
arc imitations.
If yiinr furnisher doesn't Bell the "Celluloid"
rood i, Hendtn indirect. Collar 2lto. eiichi cults
(tic. l'Mir, liostpnld. Mention size and style (stand
ip or turned-down) wanted.
New York.
Special Sale
In soap and washing powder for a
limited time only.
19 oz. cako of pure soap for 5 cents.
12 oz. package of best washing powder, 5c
1 lb. packago of best washing powder, 20c.
This is very low for first-class
goods and just what you want for
house cleaning.
Meluskey & Son,
JOS S. Main St.
J. Broughall's
Sis South IVlsIn Street.
nnd can't pet It, tlien como to ua for
it. Wo carry the best of ,
Groceries, Butter and Eggs,
Our delivery wiion awnits your order. GooJa
delivered promptly,
26 East Centre Street.
An inspection of our large
spring opening display of
Stylish Clothing,
Fine Neckwear,
Spring Underwear,
Stiff, Crush and Straw Hats,
Gents' Furnishings.
Spring and summer neck
wear from 15 cents to $1.00.
All the latest novelties.
Spring underwear from 50
cents a suit and upward. A
full line.
Sole Agent for the MACKINAW
STRAW QOODS. Best manufactured.
pwm lilpnnd paying for this advertisement.
Call at HhitAMi olllce. Vt
FOIt BALK. A Concord road wajion, good ns
n..!"'.w- V"" bo holiuht cheap. Apply at tlio
llERALlI ofllce.
WANTIUl.-A vest limkerl
Apply atl'orU
t Uros., merchant tailors, Nortli Main street.
TT7ANTI5I). A servant ulrl to do Reneral
housework. Apply at the HeralS olllce.
DAVINOS AND CltpssiNCS.-l-artles deslr
1 Inir stono for u i,Ka or ..roiin J. .l,,.nM
write to F.J. Folic, Hliuiimn'i. Pa i? Con mnVi
clul Hotel, Hlienanuoal,, 1 or "'("j','-
further Information apply to J. l" fw'elfly.
TjlOIt ItKNT.-A larBe double, well-llghted
J room, on the necoiid floor, centrally located
with all modem conveniences, aultaMa for
ofllce purpose. Apply nt I ItefowIch'aclothW
house' 10 and 12 South Main street. 4-Sj-tl
1 LMSIIOl'SK VISITOlta-Vl.ltori) will not
iV be allowed at the almshouse except on
Thursday of each week, lly older of II.-
1 Hoard of Directors.
Attest. -John 1'. Qresanif, Cleric. l-SMw
In artistic Millinery, consisting of high grade goods at low cost prices
to cash buyers. Sailor hats 15c, Ladies' dress shapes 25c up. All
shades of Satin Ribbon, 5 inches wide, for 25c per yard, for short
while only.
26 South
Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Rooms fot
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Sllvci
fillings. If your artlllcal teeth do not suit
you call to seo us. All examinations freo.
Wo make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Uridgo work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charges for extracting when plates are
ordered. Wo aro tlio only users of vitallzod
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Tltmnn's Block)
East Centre Street.
Ofllce Jlours: 7 n. m. to 8 p. m.
We have just received an
immense stock of Men's, Boy's
and Children's
Spring and
. . Summer
... Clothing
In all the latest novelties of
the season. Call early and
receive your choice. We are
selling clothing at such amaz
ingly low prices as to reap
larvest in bargains for buyers, i
We never fail to please you,
you call and examine our
big stock.
L. Goldin, Prop.,
9 and n South Main Street,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
With attached or do
tnehed collars.
Also a fuTl lino of
nig assortment of
... . SUHHER
2. (SI. Malm St.
Upon application to the under
signed painters can secure employ
ment. Call at once.
Painter and Decorator,
23 S. Jardin Street,
CURE NOS- 3&5.
Applied liy iHFii only. fUops Iu 3 days, curei
Of CHRIST. FOLTZ'B bather shop from Host
Coal street to 103 West Centra street, formerly
occupied by Joseph Jlolvey.
Main Street.
Owing to ill health and by
advice of my physician I am
compelled to retire from busi
ness and consequently offer to
the public my entire stock of
fine furniture, regardless of
cost. . -
No . .'
Our Store Room s
now offered for rent and will
be fitted up to suit the parties
renting it.
The Undertaking
business, I will give my usual
attention, and my friends and t
customers wiil find me or my
representative ready at any
time to attend the same.
i ,
j. J. FRANEY, ft
Cor. Main and Oak Sts.
Beauty Unrolled
To the adinirluK Bare or in s" -
rain flnd ar.v color or imtteru you want for your
lfnll,b";oom,prlordliil.. KWm.WUJjmr
cafe, from So ni to J per roll. 1 iiu arUsUL
papers a specialty.
House, Sign ana wecuruuve i-auums.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Jatlinates encer
fully furnished. Snd putul.
231 AV. Centre Ht., Slwnnndoah, Vft.
Sealed liroposals will he received at the ofllco
of the secretary, Hheiiandimh School uismn.
Sheiittiidoaii, rennu., imhii. "
p. in. on Tuesday, May HI;, ISM. fora I ahor
and material required In tho construction of o-sU-room
bullduut to bo ted o "ortll
White street. In uecordanco with the d1r"w'"'''
ahd specifications prcporeii tnere or
Walnut street.
Philadelphia Vo., copies of which may be seen
at the ofnee of tho secretary of the ; district, or
at tlio ofllco of the architect. The i Bht l
mnur uavis. arenm-t-, w
Companies' or llrms bl.l.ll.iif will Jfvf ''"'r
Individual names as well as their llrm nuine,
with their address.
Iluiunso Committee,
John T. I.kk, Chairman.
Shenandoah, Pa.. April Slth, HUM. 4-31-tr
Team s to Hire.
If you want to hlro a safe and rellablp
team for driviiift or for worklmf purpose
pay Shields' livery stable visit. TeJW
constantly ion hand ut reasonable rates.
Ko. 410 Kast Centre street.
Opposite Heading railroad station.
TMBsWt' IkyW '"