? P i ii - a tn i jiimiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiniii'iiiiMHiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiitiii 1 "Isc in Town Honey." Pancake A combination of the great staifs of life WHEAT, CORN and RICE.i I Bo Sure You Get the Red Package. 3 HERE'S OUR GUARANTEE. ? Miiy a imckftRe of Genuine Aunt " Jamfnia's Self-Ulnlng rancake Flour, -;nnd If you do not find it makes the bents -cakes you ever ate, return the empty; liox to your (rroor, leave your names and the grocer will refund the money- anu caargo it 10 us. rt Scientifically Prepared and m JlftJiufacturtHl only by h. T. DAVIS MILL CO., St. Joseph, Ho. f 5 Send 4 cents in stamps (or a set ol Aunt 5 5 Jemima and her Pickaninny DolU. 5 aiisuliiliitiiliiinliiMiiiiisiiiliilriiniiiliitiiliiliiiiiltiliisiuS CURED TO STAY CURED. Dois This Mean Anything to You? II your truss don't hold you or Is causing Tain, sco us at onco. It may savo you years 01 .suffering. Wo liavo cured hundreds 01 neoplo In l'ennsylvanla, andean refer you to patients cured In your own town. Our treatment Is barmlcss and will not keep you trom your dally labor. Call and have .1 talk with our doctor. It will cost you nothing. Wo guaran tee relict alter tho first treatment, and our prices aro reasonable. The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia. Sco Our Doctor Every Tuesday at UNION HOUSE, Ashland,-Pa. 5 tt . . n , gneaaacne urea. -fi A quick cure, a certain cure, j tho best cure is TAYLOR'S ANTI-HEADACHE POWDERS. VTe never heard ot a case where they failed. Wo never cx pect to hear of one. 25 I Don't bo afraid to IIS .nlrntlmm. The n FA harmless. They do not contain one (single atom of any danger ous drug. For this reason It 13 well to Bhun all other head- aofio memcinos. Avoid risk by Insist ing on Betting TAY LOR'S. Our powders can easily bo distin- cuished by tho de-C ; llghtf ul odor and pleasant taste, and 2 they look like ground coffee. Best of 15 all, they cure almost Instantly. TAYLOR DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., .'5 TRENTON, N.J. drvVVVW OO GRUHLER BROS. Illltirvnil Bore Tnroat. llmplM, Copper- InAIL 1UU ColnrAd finnte. Aches, old Hore s I (Ulcers In Mouth, Ualr-ralllngl Write COOKl ii:sii:u x cu UU7 niaiomc Temptri Chlenrn. 111., for nroofa of Corel. ?unl-fl Ital, HGOO.OOO. Worst cum cared In ICS Hlo UG days. XOO-pnae bootc free. OLD PR, THEEL Rered 604 ii n norm ssixtn at., , 'Coira.ienk -v.." ab. Green, Philadelphia. viiucntiuih -via, irouiaeaafertlBIDg-epeo-leliit up to the leclorlug ProfeMora.la ourioc tut orouolB(oU101uuanilllL001 ; 1'ulbOX. Ho mftlicrnpwliogeriDg,eeTereao4 denferou. the trouble, (nay be. IScrvoii. llo- 1 bllltr. Error, of Votith end T.ne .rl'mi fiur.d. fetrletUrn.' Vrl-(MlA en.1 l'lloa. ceredithoeteuttle2. oil. TUSKL U po.ltWtlj the oldeet, toe beet end moMt eLlilful and experienced ooe, Do F . .hRt ."'here may el.im. end tle J-cent etemei for oooh "Train end be enllehtened regerdlDg Tour dl.reie I" """1. The ooIt M MCVOSI0 PA KS on their boeie uadOlreuUn. loii.ntro. JtoSi Ks.,.049 ,i,4iaf Het, .i.,tuk Bon.. to or eeu mepuoo tble ptffy Hptl f od paging ir.deolred. 5 ? CuresCcujH, Col'ia.SOrcTliront, Croup. ip! I'oerjf., Rii?mnatisui, and rJl V, lUier covipiamis. 11 Kills Pain, Internal or Exttrnal. Thcrt- are rnnv klns of pain, Si but Uicrc U oi h one Paln-Killer. Jepil7T0"l t.ewH3rti uu'Jiiw";'' on r th eaiMl.lx-l UAV1.V. Bold avef wlirik. a-', ani fi'w. per bottle. c. Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Cigurs, Tobacco, &o. Agent tor Ite.ulliig Drowlng Co.'. Ilcer and I'orter. -11 S and 11Q S. rvialn St. DR. LOBE'S BOOK FREE To all sufferers of KIMCOItlS OV YOUTH. liOHT VUitVl and DlKASUS OK Jf'i AND WO.tIUIV. a8 paipwi cloth bound J r curtly setilfil .nil m.iunJ re-, Tre .tmentbjnutil strictly OQlM&riMol, ad a iiOsH!e, quick cui suuran,ri,,d No mutter bow !f n tuinjlog, A wlllpo iyly :urey.iu. Write or cult nR flRR 329 H.iSthSt.Phlla.Pa. Ull avUh' s J scan'cont!nuout practice EWHYROYAL PILLS arc, alwer rUieold. ladicb ell Drucelit for tflitauler e Knoluk Via; ftMn,f n ll.f aad Ould meUllle' kh-.M. auled wkh blue ribbon. Taka ... . L - Bifcuibtwima McliHifu. Ilal an4 imlfallime. M Jlrvgglitl, ef eead 4e. la etempe tor pertleulere. teitlnionUU eni T'lteuer lor ie.iwt 2 I I rri I IPa mori n r. I PS Hall, nwvv I V'"";. n---.-r-. !$StvVifi8eill& BUUnVAYOSURROONDED Matabeles on Throo Sides of the Besieged Afrioan Oity, ANOTHER INEFFECTIVE CHARGE. A Small IlrltUh rorco Make nn KtTnrt to Drlvo OtTtlio Savage's and Narrowly 124 cape Annihilation After a llrnvo Fight Tlmy Itetrent In flood Order. OArn Town, April 27. The news of Sat urday's events in Buluwnyo show that tho Matnbolesare displaying grout boldness and onorgy in tho pursuit of their purposa to surround tho town complotoly and out oft all communication with tho outside world. On Saturday morning It was found tlint tho hostllo forcos of nntlvos had sur rounded tho town on tho north, oast and wost, their ranks being much too close to tho town to allowot any freedom of notion by tboso within. Tholr linos were belna energetically extended In both directions and tliroatonod to clo.o In on tho south and cnt off communication with Mangwa and Mafeklug, along which tho expucted reinforcements and suppllos of provisions aro coming, Tho plokets of the onomy were found tc bo In no caso boyond four miles dUtnnt from tho Dulnwayo lines, and they woro giving lively evidence of tholr improvod knowlcdoro of military strategy over that displayed In tho war of Lobcngula by the way In whlcji thoy wero throwing up rude fortifications aud oarthworks protcotlons beyond which tho native wnrriors oould resist tho chargo of tho whites. Thoy threatened thus to work an approaoh to tho town which was spcodlly putting tho placo In joopardy. Immodlnto stops wcro perceived to bo necossary to dlslo'dgo tho lines of tho onomy nnd drivo thorn back. Aoolumnfor attack wus hastily formed, consisting of 100 whltos, 100 capo "boys" nnd 100 natlvos. They woro supplied with ono maxim and one Hotchklss rnpld fire guns, and woro plaoed in commiuul of Captain MaoFnrlano. Thoy wero speedily ready for an ollonslvo movement, and sal lied forth from tho Buluwayo dofouses nt 7 o clock on Saturday morning. Thoy bad proceeded only about livo mllos, advunolng cautiously with soouts In ndvauco and outriders on each side, when tho onomy opened tbo attack. Tho Matabole forcu numbered not less than 8.000, and tholr attack was oager aud well dlreoted. Tho column from Buluwayo was just orossing a small stream, a trlbu tuary of tho Umguzu, whon tho attack opened. Tho overwhelming odds hurled upon tho llttlo column drovo It back by mcro wolght of numbors, and tho ndvanco party was glad to rotront uorois tho stream. Tho Matabeles advanced upon tho llttlo band of warriors In formldablonrray,tholr lino extending In n crosoout formation ovor a dlstanco of threo milos. Many camo on brnndlshlng tholr ossaguls and shlolds and giving forth florce yells In truo savago fashion. Tho engagomont which ensued was a hot and desporato ono, and dark, leaping bodies soomcd to spring up as fast as thoy wore mowed down by tho rapid flro guns. Tho Buluwayo forco kept tho river In their immodlnto front, and tho firearms did heavy oxeoutlon among tho hostllo natlvos as they rushed up to tho opposite bank. This only portly checked tholr uorce on slaught, and many gained tho side on which tho whites stood. Thoso wero charged by tho troopors, and out down or driven baok Into the Btream. When the Mataboles In front wore finally driven back thoy woro soen to havo sustalnod u heavy loss. Tho llttlo rlvor was dyed dark orimson with tho blood of tho vlo- tlms of tho maxim gun- Ono obsorvor oountcd forty doad lying in a small circuit oloso to tho oolumn. The whltos bad boon hotly ongagod in front, and when they succcodod in ropulS' lug tho attaok thero thoy found moro work still waiting for thorn. Tho advanced ends of tho enemy's lino had got undor their flanks, and thoy found squads of howling black men In tholr roar when thoy turned tholr attontlon in that direction. This camo near proving a greater porll than the onslaught from the front, nut it was luckily deferred until tho first attack had benn repulsed and the forco of tho Mata beles woakened there. But for the open nature of tho ground toward Buluwayo the encircling taotlos of tho cnomy would oortainly have succeeded against tho small forco opposod to them. As It was, It was posslblo to porcelvo their movements and movo accordingly, and tho open ground gavo froo play for tho maxim, whloh was oraployed also In that direction with deadly ofleot. Tho losses sustained by tho whites wero H. G. Whltehouse, O. Gordon and B. Par sons killed and several wounded, tho ex act number not being stated. Tho rapid lire gun Is thought to have saved the day for tho whltos, beyond question. The loss they sustained, In viow of the forcos of the attacking party and tho root that thoy wero actually outflanked. Is oonsldored small, aud tho whites aro considered luoky to havo conio off so well. They retired upon tho conclusion of the fight, but they woro in possession of the Held when they did so. Although the attacking party came off without any very heavy lossos, they did notdrlvo the Matabeles, but simply re pulsed tholr attaok. Tho hostile linos are practically as near to Buluwayo as over, and It Is certain that only a part of the Matabeles who aro beleaguering Bulu wayo were engaged In Saturday's light. It Is not olear that tho sortie has been ef fectual In preventing tho udvonoo of tho Matnboles to the south of Buluwayo, which Is tho outoomo most feared. Buluwoyo still has provisions for twenty days, nnd tho suppllos on tholr way from Mafeklng are oxpoctod to arrive boforo that period expires. But It is vory much feared that tho rollef column may ba at tacked. If tho suppllos wero not eaptured In such a case they would certainly be do- layod. . All Wero Saved lint Three. NEW OltLKAKS, April 37. Tho steamship Foxhall brought tho first authentlo Infor mation yesterdny from the wrecked steam ship City of Dallas, of the Itoyal Mall lino, which went down eighty mllos off tho port of Colon on April 10. The lost are: Thomas Smith, oiler; Charles Valondeff, coal pas ser, and Wurren Jaokson, colored steward, ull of Neve Orleans. Tho balance of tho crow and all the passengers were savod. Rnals to pitch for lialtlmore. NEW VonK, April 37. The World today says: Tho latest turn of tho Husle wheol brings the Information that tho big pitcher Is to be traded to Baltimore, and that New York will receive in exchange twirl- OIBMUUMIUU UUU Jl ! money consideration'. ers MoMahou nnd Hemming, and a big NO FAITH CUIUS ABOUT STUART'S DYSPEPSIA LETS. TAB- Thoy Curo Stomach Troubles and Indiges tion Anyway, Whether You Have Faith in TJom or Not, All piiyMcnns agree that the clement of ftiitli lias a great deal tu do in tho curo of disease. Firm txjllof and coufldenco In a family physician or the samo confidence and faith in a patent medicine, havo produced remark nblo cures, lu all ages. This is especially truo In nervous troubles and no Hold oilers so prolific n harvest for the quack and charlatan, as tho diseases arising from a wcok or run down nervous system. Nevertheless, tho most common of all diseases, Indigestion nnd stomach troubles, which in turn cause nervous diseases, heart troubles, consumption and los3 of ilesh, re quire something besides faitli to curo. Mere faith will not digest your food for you, will not givo you an appetite, will not lncrcaso your ilesh and strengthen your norvesnnd heart, but Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do these things, because they aro composed of tho olcinents.of digestion, they eontalu tho julcos, acids and assimila tion of all wholcsoino food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food If placed In a jarorbottlo In water heated to 03 degrees, aud they will do It much moro effectively when taken into tho stomach after meals, whether you have faith that they w ill or not. They invigorate tho stomach, mako pure blood and strong nerves, in tbo ouly way hat nature can do it, and that is from plenty of wholesomo food well digested. It is not what wo cat. but what wo dlgost that docs us good. Stuaft's Dyspepsia Tablets aro sold by nearly all druggists at 50 cents for full sized package, or by mail from tho Stuart Co, Marshall, Mich. CHASES Bioodf Serve Food For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. WHAT iT IS! Tho rlcheBtof nil roctoratlre Food a, bt-cnuso it replaces the mine nubtnnces to the Mood ami nerves that aro exhnuited in tneMotwoIire-civinirtluiasbydiRease, Indift-eBtlon, nigh hviiig, ovtrwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc. WHAT IT DOES ! By mnWog the blood solid Ilesh, muscle and strcneth. The nerves be- itl at mad ft Xlrntlir. tha l.i-i In I, or. r-.iv, er.t lira m,xA clear. For restoring loBt vltnl.tr and stopping all wastiriff drnins and weakness In either Bex, ft has noenual : and aftafemnlArPcnlntor it. Uworth it tveiftht In fcold. Quo box I nets a week. Prii e&nc., or BLrMHiu, iTUfcKists or Djr man. iiniiKlrec. . THE DR. CHASE COMPANY. H12 Chebtnut St Philadelphia. PAT. NOV 11. 1800. JUNE 23, IBfll. TRADE MARK JAN. 24, 'Bf wj urn ui irauuuieufr uuu wonmeBi liniiailunB. NONE GenuinB,EHS4D,1TWIN" Th ruoit beautiful t most pliable! most perfect itavF TherneTerbreakl They never cutl Ther never rust! Hade In Cotton and Silk Caitngs and Nickel Plnted. Bend 23 eta. (Stamps) for samples "Genuine Twin," to u. aaoijuuuh, ion eu mrcci, rumatipaia, t HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphroys' Witch, Hazol Oil as a curative and healing application. Jt has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Uelief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cure? Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Iff LAMED or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sijes, 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Bold brDrugglaU,or sent post-paid on recelptof price. lU'arllRElS' HID. CO., William BU, H'e York. WITCH HAZEL Lauer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, m. 207 West Coal Street. 'AMSY PILLS! Safe ahq sunc . scno ac f jk"wcmav 3 safe uuHr v-rik.-on specific uo.,r7iiu.r D R.DIH'S Celebrated Teroale I'nwilpra never iu. .'.r..M..i,...,.l.,.lUui ..r- .mi .ure (after falllpi; m .1 !..... I IMla anil other, lia XdlK7 AlwaH bUT the beet ad ! 4P politmeiil. Guaranteed euperlor to all u..'fir (LTli the beet in tke market, A No. L I'arOcuUrt, . Br.D-a. SX, Back Uar, fiorton, Uua, , LRUG tU vwm RUSS KLJ : SCAND1D ACY7 Massachusetts' Ex-Governor Not Soaking the Nomination, HIS HRM ATTITUDE ON FINANCE. Umlpr JJn Clrnumtitnree Would Ho Con sent to be it Citiullilnto on n riiltform Favoring Tree Colnugo of SlWor or Its Coiiipulory l'urelimo. New York, April 27.-Tho World prints tho following signed stntemont of ox-Gov- orner William K Husscll, of Massachu setts, in response to a quostlon from ono m Its stall correspondents: "I nm grontly surprised to hear that tho action of tho Massachusetts convention bus attracted any special attention outsldo tho state. Whllo I groatly appreciated the compllmont of nil Indorsement by my state, I am not seeking tho nomination, nor nm l desirous of being tho candldato, nor do I wish any movomont made lu any stto In my Interest. ''On tho contrary, I have already earn estly requested that no such movoment bo EX-nOVEIWOIt WILLIAM B. I1USSELL. made In nny other Btnto by friends of mine. My bollof Is that It Is all important that when tho Chicago convo ntion meets Its dologatos should bo absolutely free to deliberate and net clear of nil Instructions or pledges of oven oxprossed preferences at lenst so far as I am concerned. I do not know that any movement personal to 1110 is contemplated. If it is I request aud Insist that It should not bo made. "It seems to 1110 tlint our party should sond its strongest men to Chicago and leavo It to tholr good Judgment, in viow of tho situation as it then appears, to deter mino what Is best to bo done. It will bo timo enough to consider candidates then. Tho Important thing now is to mako every effort to havo tho Domocratla party tnko an absolutely sound position on tho money quostlon, without evasion or compromise. I bollovo this Is of vital consequonco to tho party for Its present and future. "I am firmly of tho opinion, as I havo recently said, that our national platform ought oxplloitly and omphaticnlly to op- poso froo colnngo of silver or Its compul sory purchnso, or nny compromlso legisla tion in that direction, and that it ought to indorso aud commend the administration of President Cleveland for Its resolute work in maintaining our present gold standard and In preserving tho credit of tho nation. I think it would bo neither right nor wlso to attempt to avoid or straddle this quostlon by any ambiguous or meaningless declaration. Tho timo has passed for that. The lssuo must bo mado nnd fought out I trust to a sound con clusion. "Tho position of prosidont Is ono of tre mendous responsibility. It Involves so many things, requires so much of tho man who should All It. I doubt yes, I doubt very much if I would care to tako up tho load -wore it thrust upon mo. I bellevo that a president should go In office unfet tered. Thoreforo, I hold firmly that I could nover bo a candidate on a platform that was not In aooordanoo with my own principles. I could nover consont to strad dle on Uuanoo or any other publlo ques tion. I should not go Into ofllco hound by hnmperlng declarations, rostrlotod In tho power ot veto, nolpl03s In authority." iV'Vould you accopt a nomination upon a platform of your bellow" "I don't know. I should hesitate vory seriously, ilut tuts is- too iar ahead. toll you In all earnestness again that first tho Democratic party must sottlo thoso financial quostious that aro disturbing tho country, i uo not care what other men muy bo doing about socking a nomlniv tiou, but of this one thing I am positive- no ono shall go to tho convention pledged to me and unmindful of what is best for tuo party and tho country." Charged with Douhls Murder. LA PLATA, Md., April27. Joseph Cook ing, husband of Mrs. Fannlo Cocking, and brother-in-law of Miss Daisy Miller, who wero murdered In tholr homos nt Hill Top on Thursday night, was placod under arrest yesterday afternoon after a Jury of Inquest rendered a verdict that In their opinion ho was guilty of the doublo mur der. Cocking wus taken to Baltimore this morning. After the verdict Sheriff Wade Bworo in four Baltimore newspaper men us deputies to guard Cocking from violence, Tho opinion is general hore that tho Jury's verdict Is Just. DetootivoGuult, of Baltimore, found a pair of bloodstained pants under Cooking's pillow. Death of Kx-Judge Houston, "Wilmington, Del., April 27. Ex-Judgo John W. Houston, of the Dolaware su perior court, one of tho most noted poli ticians in tho stato, died last ovonlng at his homo lu Georgetown, aged 83. At tho timo of his death ho wus one of the oldest alumul of Yulo college He read law for three years with John M. Clayton. Whon 27 years old Governor Coopor appointed him secretary of stato, and ho served four years, In 1811 he was nominated by tho Whigs of this atatonud electod tocougross by a largo majority. Ho wus ru-fbwtfud in 1816 and 1818. On May 1, 1S53, h9fflb iiih poiutod associate Justice of tho s ulterior eourt. Street Cars Collide, Ten Injured. HAY Cm", Mlch.,Aprll 27. Ten persons wero badly injured .Saturday night in a collision between two electric Btreet ours. Both woro filled with passengers. The Injured nro: Mrs, Charles Driver, Kssex vllle, Internally; Mrs, Chris Fuucher, left knee badly injured; John Morton, cut on temple; M. Cooms, cut and bruised; George McCrlokett, cut on forehead, Ar thur Crotto, aria wrenched and bruised; George Downing, cut uud bruised; Motor man Provost, out on leg. Tho curs we-fl running at u good spoed, No satisfactory ixpluuutlou 1 given for the collision. ' "Big as a Barn Dbor For 5 cents you get almost as much 11 Battle Ax" as you do of other high grade goods for 1 0 cents Before the days of "Battle Ax'' consumers paid 10 cents for same quality. Now. "Battle x" Highest Grade, 5 cents That's true economy "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES llesult In 4 weeks. evry f 5.00 order we plvo TLAL 'MDICIN CO., For sale hy I P. D. KIR READING R. R. SYSTEM IN EFFECT 5IARCII 15, 1890. Trains leave Shenandoah 01 follows : For New York via 1'hlliidelpliift, week dasa 210, 5 25, 7 20 a. in., 12 5S, 355 and 5 55 p. n Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For New York via Mnucll Chunk, week days 5 25, 7 20 n. m., 12 S3 and 2 55 p. m. For Mending und Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m., 12 53, 2 55 and 5 55 p. m. Hun days, 2 10 n. m. For Pottsville, week days, 2 10; 7 20 a, m., and 12 53, 2 55 and 5 53 p. ni. Sundays, 2 10 a. 111. For Tamao.ua aud Mahanoy City, week do 210,5 25, 7 20 a. 111., 12 53, 255 and 5 55 p. til. Sundays, 210 a. m. For Wiiriainsport, Sunhury and Lewlsluvjr, week days, 3 25, 11 30 o. in., 150 and 7 20 pin Sundays, 3 25 a. 111. For Mnhnnoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 25, 7 20, 11 30 a. III., 12 58, 1 50, 2 55,5 55, 7 20 and 9 S5 p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. 111. For Ashlnnd and Shnmokin, week days, 3 25, 7 20,1130 a. m., 159,720 and 9 35 p. 111. Sun days, 3 25 11. ni. For Baltimore, AVashlnRton and tho AVest via r ,. r t, t ll..n..ni. i.,.ii..n Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. K. It.) ot 3 20, 7 55,1120 a. ni 310 nnd 7.27 p. 111. Sundays, 3 20, 7 00, It 20 n. m., 3 10 and 7 27 p. m. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets station, weeu aays, 1 ou, 041, Bip, m. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. m. TRAINS FOIt SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philitdelnhtn. wv days, 8 00 n. m., 1 80, 4 00, 7 30 p. in. and 1315 uicut. minunya, o w p. m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 30, 9 10 a. tn.. 1 10 and 1 30p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 a. in. and 4 03, 5 00, 11 80 p.m. Sundays, 11 30 p. in. Leavo Henriing, week dnys, 1 35, 710, lp 09, 11 55 n. 111., 6 DO and 7 37 p. 111. Sundays, 1 35 a. m. Leave l'ottuville, weekdays, 2 33, 7 40 a. ra,, 12 30 and 6 12 p.m. Sundays, 235 a. in. Leavo Tamooua. week day.. 3 18. 8 50. 1123 a in., 1 20, 7 15 and 9 32 p. in. Sundays, 3 18 a. rH. Leave Mahnnoy City, week days, 11 11 a. ni., i 01, 1 tyj anu v in. Siuiday tya, 84! a. 111. j.eavo iuuiutiiuy j lime, weeit unyn, ,u, tw. 630,9 37, 1159a. m 13 53, 2 00, 3 20, 6 26, 7 53 and 10 10 p. in. Sundays, 2 40, 4 00 n. m. Leave Wlllianisport, week days, 7 42, 10 10 a m., 3 35 and 11 41 p. ni. Sundays, ll 13 p. m, ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war! and South street wharf for Atlantic City. Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, (Saturday only, 3 00 , 4 00, 3 00 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. 111.. 4 80, S 30 p. in. ' Sunday Express, 9 00. 1000 a. ni. Accommo dation 8 00 a. m., 1 is p. 111. lteturnlnic leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantic mid Arkansas nvenues. Weekdays, express, 7 35, 9 00 a. m 3 30, 3 30 p. m. Accommodation, 0 50, 8 13 a. m., 4 32 p. m. Supdays Express, 4 00, 5 30 8 00 p. ni. Accom. inndAtlon, 7 15 a, 111., 4 13 p. m. Parlor Curs on all express trains. I. A. SWElOAJtl), Q. G, HANCOCK, Gen'1 Superintendent. Oen'1 Pass. An Grocers can tell you why those whobuy Seelig's kcepconilngback for it. Strange though how long when used as an 1 admixture to U taxes people 10 try a new thing. ordinary cof fee makes a delicious drink. j RESTORE LOST VIGOR When In doubt what to use for Nenrous Debility, Lass of Sexual Tower (In either lex). Impoteocy, Atrophy, Varicocele and other wea-nessc3, from any cause, uso Scxlne Tills. Drains checked and full vigor quickly restored. If neglected, such trnnhltis result fat-llv. Mallei! anvuhor. tealtri. forfi.ooi 6 boxes Car I coo. With a legal gtiarintce to curo or refund the moncv Addrett Cleveland, Ohio. LIN, Shenandoah, Ta, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHUYKILL DIVISION. Apkil-3, 1890. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the aboe date for AViprKans, Ullbcrton, Fraekvillo, Diuk Water, St. Clair, FottHville- Hamburg, Hearting. adelphia (ilroad street station) at 0 08 ami A 45 a. in. and 4 15 in. on week days. For Ioit- vllio anu intermediate Btatioiis v id a. m. SUNDAY. Fof Wicrtrnns. Gilberton. Praokvtlle. Dark Water, St. Clair, Pottsville, at 6 OS, 0 -10 a. ruilwid 3 10 p.m. For Hamburg, Itejidlntr, l'ottstbjyi, Phoenixville, Norristowu, riitladelphfa at 6 00, 9 40 a. m., 3 10 p. m. Trains leave r rack vine tor Mienanuouu ai 1040U. m. and 1211, 601, 742 and 10 27 p. m. Sunday, 11 13 a. m, and S 40 p. in. Leave Pottsville for .Shenandoah at 10 15. 11 43 a. in. and 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. m. Sunday al 10 40 a. m.,5 15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), tpr Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a. in., 4 10 and 711 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 0 50 a. m. Leave Uroad street station, Philadelphia, lor Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, -vofig Hratich, and Intermediate stations, C.50, 8.25, 11.30 a. in., 3.30, 4.00 n. in. week-days. Sundays (stop at Interlaken for Anbury Park). 8.YU. ra. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOIt NKW YORK. Express, week days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 6 50. IT - unanivi n fu lniiiTil.,l,..,. 1 1 11 1 .4 n m,, 12 noon, 12 33 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p, Cur), 6 00.6 o v, i ur, w, alii, ou, nw, vw, luiw Cur), 11 Ol a. in.. 12 35. SW, (Dlnlnif Car) 100 (Limited 4 22, Illnllllt Cor) 520, 556 nluht. Express for Boston, without cliauee, 1100 a. m. week days, and 6 50 p. in, dally. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH For Baltimore and Washington. 3 50. 7 20. 8 31 9 12,1020,1123 a. m.,120V (1231 Limited Dln liifr iarj, t ri. a is, 4 -it 10 iv uoiiKressionai Limited, DIiiIiir Car), 9 17, 6 55 (Dlnlmr Car), 7 40 (Dlnlns Car) p. in., nnd 1203 night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 912, 1123 a. m 12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 15 Congressional Limited, DlnliiK Cur), 653 (Dlnlnic Car), 7 40 p. m (Dining Car) and 12 OT night. FOIt ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a. m., 2 10.(3 10 Saturdays only), 410, und f 00 p. ui. week dnys. Sundays, 8 43 and 9 43 a. in, (100, 4 15 p. m. nccommoiintlon). For Capo May, AnKlessca, Wlldwood and Holly Beach, Express, 9 00 n. in., and 4 00 p. in. week days. Sundays, 9 00 n. in. For Sen Isle City, Oecnn City and Avalon. Expresi, 9 00n, m., nnd 4 00 p. m, wek dnys. Sundays, 9 00 a. m. For Somers Point. Express, 8 50 n. m., and 4 lu p. m. weeK nays, sunuays, a w 11. ,u, . ill. I'KKVOST, J. It. Woon, Ocn'l I'lws'K'r Ajrt Qeu'l Manager. HilHons of Dollars Go up In smoke ever' year. Take no risks Lut get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc, insured In first-class re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, !SCMa Also Life and Accidental Companies, genumo welcome awaits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. rialn and Coal Sts. Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, begm, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice tuiu perance drinks and clgara. i teUUadl-av m