EVENING HERALD !SrAltl,IM!i:i) 1H7U. lublUlel every Kvcii.mk, Kxoept Bunday.ftt 8 South Jahihn Htrkkt. Nbar Centrr, Che 1 lent Id ricilVf-iet. in ShcnfthdoHit nnd the BUrroundiiiK twinforix tunta a wtek, iy Able to the carriers. Hy mall $8.00 n year, or eontfl n munth. lmynbte (it fttlvnnee, AUvftrtlw). uients charireil aci-ordimr to simce and position, The puhllshers rciM-rc the right to chai.jro the inslMon or advertisements wlicneerthu Inl- Ilcatlon of news demands it. Tho rlfcht In reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether fald for or not, that the publishers may deem mproper. Advertising rates made known upon application. JCntercd at the jwMoQlce at Shenandoah, Pa., as second class ntall matter. TELEPHONIC CONNECTION. Evening Herald MONDAY. Al'UIL 27,"l8Do". Tut: liunt for n Democratic presidential candidate lias tnkcu tlia form of a rainbow chaso, And tho skies remain cloudy. Amoxo tho Democratic stnto conventions so far held wo huvo fulled to find a single ono that lias declared for Mr. Cleveland for a third term. The Democratic party has sustained a crushing defeat in Now Orleans and has HUflercd set-backs throughout tho state of Louisiana which show that tho party thcro is in anything hut an encouraging condition. Tiierk Is promlso of ahlg fruit crop, if tho frost only keeps away. It might also ho added that tho army of statesmen scekiug a job is just as largo, and heforo tho county convention assembles tho ranks will bo in creased two-fold. All eyes are now on Allontown, whoro tho Democratic state convention will ho held this wcck. It is prohahlo that Itobcrt K. Wright will succeed himself as state chairman, the platform will declare for a gold standard, endorse Hubert II. l'attisou for tho Presidency and adopt tho unit rule That is tho pro gram laid out for tlio delogatos hy lioss llarrity, and what he says goes in Pennsyl vania. The Schuylkill Democracy is favor able to the Pattison boom. Tiik Chief llurgess of Oirardvillo has given notice to all property owners uud tenants to remove all rubbish and nshos that has accu mulated in tho alleys during tho winter, and not to obstruct tho thoroughfares hy boxes, bar-cls, wagons or carriages, A similar order rigidly enforced in this town by tho olllcials would havo a solutary ellett and add gieatly to the appearance of tho alleys and stiects. Tho officials cannot bo too strict in a matter of this kind. THE RIGHT MAN. With tho adjournment of tho state conven tion, the llepublicau leaders aro turning their attention to the piclliniuaries of the cam paign work. Tho issues in the struggle to bo fought out hy tlio two political partio.i in this stale, as well as tho nation, are such that le tuiro tho ablest leaders and wisest counsellors iu command. Whether chairman Quay decides to con tinue at tho head of the state comuiittc which is not at all prohibit or someone elso is called to that position, it is imperative that tho members of the suite committee shall bo chosen from that section of tho state where millenary work is most needed and the members stlectud because of their fitness for tho position. A state chairman is placed at t'reu' uisuuvanuigo wiion surrouimcu uy udyisors who are deficient in executive illfillty and who aro wanting in tho minor qualities necessary for a thorough organiza tion. This county is entitled to and should havo u representative on tho state executive com mittee, and among all tho ltepublicaus in Schuylkill wo know of no ono who is better iltted by training and experienco than Jlou. D. D. Phillips, of Gordon. Ho is especially Iltted for the position because of hisacknowl edged ability as au organizer; he is an adept in tho details of political warfare; is a tireless and active worker, and those who know him best know that liis aggressio character and political shrewdness has won many battles ior his party in this section. Having the organization of tlio party in tlio state In their own hands by choico of the Hcpubllcau voters of the commonwealth the friends of Senator Quay will naturally select as membors of the state executive coin rnUtco tlioso who havo shown their prefer. euco for tho Junior Senator and havo attested their loyalty in his battlo against tho Cuui' biuo by tho results of their labors. In the memorable campaign of last year, when tho Philadelphia and Pittsburg com biuo, aided by tho state administration witli the party machinery iu their own hands, fjrmed an unholy alliance to destroy tlio political career of M. S. Quay, It was under tho leadership of Mr. Phillips that tho Ito publicans of the couuty ezproosed their con. tempt for such base means, and delegates werosentto llurrisburg pledged to support tho Junior Senator fur stato chairman, Far be it from us to say that victory was alono duo to the work of Mr. Phillips. There were many loading Itepublicans, together with tlio party press of tho county, with one or two exceptions, who greatly contributed to tho magulilccnt victory, but wo do not think it is saying too much to state that Mr. Phillips, more than any one man, was instrumental i having a truo expression of the opinion of licpublicau voters 011 tho issuo involved. Tlio recent county convention, called for the selection of national and stato delegatus, and tho hearty endorsement of that body of Senator Quay for the presidential nomination, is still another strung reason why Mr. Phillips should be placed upon the stato executivo committee. Ho was tu tho thickest of the light, and led tho Quay force on tho Jloorof tho convention. Wo da not know that Mr. Phillips would accept tho appointment if tendered him, but we boliove that he should lie prevailed upon to do so. His past achievements entitles him to recognition, fur above the position named, while there is a strong sentiment as to his fitness among Itepublloans, which Is growing dally, that he can hardly ignore, lleltig especially fitted for tho position, tho choice of the Republicans of tlio couuty, having tlio distinction of being numbered among the Hale leaders, there tan be no mistake made 111 selecting llmi 1) 1). Phillips as a member if tho state ev 1 .live committee. Tree Whisky In New York. NKW York, April tf7 Tho now lintels did 11 largo husliioss yesterday In tho way ot dispensing llquura to persons who pur clinsod 11 Mtndwlah or it more pretentious, menl along with Imcr or whisky. Tim po lloo kept it sharp lookout to sue tlml tho lixw wn not violated hy tho hotels, anil nlso kept their oven open to discover llle Kltiinnto plum of liquor soiling in rooms in tho roar of saloon,;. There was no ap parent iittompt hy the regular saloon keepers to ovmle the law. M. Bnrrlcli lles It Up. I'Allls, April 27. M Snrrlen, minister of tho interior In tho retiring Uourneols oablni't, who had boon summoned by Pres ident Fauro to form a ministry, has finally informed President 1'nuro that lis finds himself unablo to form a oonclllatlon cab inet. Itlsbellovod that lJrosldeiit Fauro will resummuu M. Sarriou to tho palace of tho Klysco, and will urrro him to make another effort to form a cabinet. Anti-Semites' Triumph In Vienna. VIENNA, April 22. Dr. Loupror, tho antl seniito, recently ro-oloctcd burgomastor of Vienna, after his oloctlon had once been rejected by tho ompcror, is having an au dlonce with tho emperor, nt which it is ex pected ho will renounco his claim to the burgomastcrshlp. another momber of tho party bolng oloctod instead. This means tho triumph of tho antl-somltcs, which Is starling nows for tho Viennese. Young Dygert Home Again. TAMPA, Fla., April 27. YV. A. Dygert, of Greenwood, Ills., arrived hore yostorday nftornoon from Cuba, whero ho has just been roloasod from prison. Ho had been confluodtwo months exactly. Tho only charge against him was thnt Spanish sol diers found nn old Sharpo gun near tho placo where ho was nrrostod. Ho will lay Ills enso boforo tho stato department at Washington. The Massachusetts' Great Speed. HosTON. April 27. In her official trial trip on Saturday the battleship Massachu setts mado tho magnificent aver ago speed for tho four hours ot 18.01 milos (or 10.15 knots), iv speed which places her In tho cry front of ships of hor class of all tho navies of tho world. Tho average snood of tho Massachusetts was ovor a half n knot greater than that of her sister ship, tho Indlano. The Release of Itev. Mr. Diaz. Atlanta, Gil, April 25. Tho Haptlst homo mission board passed resolutions thanking nil who havo assisted in securing tho rolcaso of Dr. A. J. Diaz, tho Baptist missionary urrestcd by tho Spanish in Havana. Dr. Diaz was cabled to como direct to Atlanta. Garcia Commands the Insurgent Forces. MATiUII), April 27. Havana advlcos stato that Callxto Garcia has been appointed commander-in-chief of tho insurgents by Maximo Gomez, who in f uturo will pro mote the insurgent causo in another ca pacity. Italy Abandons tlio Aliysslnlau Campaign. llOMK, April 27. The cabinet yostorday decided against reopening tho campaign 11 Abyssinia iu the autumn, on the ground thnt such u course would bo disastrous to Italy. NUGGETS OF NEWS. . Sir Honry I'arkos, ox-promior of New Soutli W ales, died yesterday at Sydney, N. S. W., nged 81. FlrolnCrlpplo Creek, Colo., on Satur day destroyed $1,000,000 worth of proporty and rendered 3,000 pooplo Homeless. Kussla has ordered .seven .ironclads and ton cruisers for her Pacific fleet in vlow of Japan's oxteusivo naval preparations. At Salvation Army headquarters ln New York last night Commissioner Eva Hooth formally bid farowell to tho army in America. It appears to be a foregono conclusion that tho Michigan Domocrntio convention, to bo hold at Dotrolt on Wednosday, will declare for freo silver. The Baroness do Hirsh, widow of tho ro- contly deceased 'Hobrow philanthropist, has presentod $20,000 for distribution umougst the poor ol i'aru. Don't Let Anybody Interfere, Itut Take Pan-Tina for coughs and colds, 25c. At Gruhlcr Bros., drug store. ltallroad Consolidation. CAIK MAT, April 27 Tho lines of tho Pennsylvania railroad in southern Now Jersey, comprising the wost Jorsoy rait road, tho Alloway nnd Uulnton railroad, the West Jersey nndAtlantio railroad, tho Camden and Atlantic railroad, tho (Jholsea Branch railroad and tho Philadelphia, Marlton and Medford railroad, will bo merged next Saturday into ono road, to bo known as tho West Jersey and Seashore railroad. The Kdltnr Was a Had Shot. Nashville, April 27. Frank Coleman editor of tho Huntsvillo (Ala.) Argus, was shot and badly woundod hy It. K. sprag- gins iu a streot duel between them ln that city, growing out of a publication in Tho Argus which fapragglus objected to. Cole man shot live times and Spruggins four times. Then Coleman announced ho was wounded and his pistol ompty, and Bprag- glns ceased firing, hpragglns was not hit, A I'ollo Captain Assassinated. Lexington, Ky., April 27. John Rub soil, captain ot tho night police forco at Harrodsburg, was shot and killed by Lar kln Downoy, a desperado whom he was trying to rirrost, Chief of Police Smith, who rushed to the officer's assistance, also rocelvod'two bullets, but his wounds wore only slight. Downoy was arrosted, and it is feared ho will bo lynched. Hotel Guest Ilurned to Death. . Uniontown, Pa., April 27. A dostruo tive fire at Dunbar dostroyod $10,000 worth of proporty. James Hlors, who was asleep In one of tho rooms iu tho Mahauey hotel, perlshod ln the flames. Ills charred body was rocovered. A block ot six buildings, including the hotel owuod by James Mo Kaln, woro consumed and sevoral others tlamuged. Glass Company In Itecelver'a Hands. Huntington, W. Va., April 27. The Huntington Glass Manufacturing com pany has gone into tho hands of a receiver. W . T. McGregor was named as rooolver. It Is the largest faoiory in tho state. Tho diets and llubllitos are unknown. Address Cards, Ono of tho finest linos of address cards ever displayed in this section of tho. stato can bo seen at tlio Hi:rali ollice. Thoy aio em bellished with society emblems, and mako most excellent visiting cards for meniliers of tho various fritcrnitlcs. Call and oxumiuo them. Hood's Pills for the liver and bowels, act promptly, easily and effectively. Aiiolher Desperado Captured. CONNKLLSTII.LK, I'll., April 27. The fourth member of tho band of colored highwaymen mid desperadoes, who held up ConnollsvillB anil White Rock on Fri day night, was captured. Saturday morn ing. Ills name Is Keuben Armstend. Ho onino from Virginia, I;ll;o his pals, he would not submit, to nrrest until Ollloer MoDonnnl had put 11 bullet in his head. Armstoad, with five colored men, oamo to town to rosouo Hill, wostiind Wellington. They robbed thn gun storo of O. II. Hlntt and supplied themselves with arms and ammunition, Hut Armstend was surprlsod and offered resistance, wh'le tho others escaped. Armstoad and Hill may die. Sighted Mnuy Icebergs. New York, April 27. AU of the trans atlantic liners whloh arrived hero yos torday saw a largo number of loeborga on their wo9twnrd voynges. On Wednes day last tho Dutch steamship Mnasdani passod a largo Iceberg, and lator on tho same day sho sighted fifteen big bergs. On Thursday sho saw flvo more largo onos and a groat quantity of floating lco. Tho Pa latla, from Hamburg, slghtod twolvo largo bergs botwecu latitude 43 and longitude 43 and latitudo 47 and longltudo 43. Ln Hrotnano reports having passed a larno number of largo and small icoborgs, tho nearest one scon being mora than oighty foot high. . The Hlght Name 111 tlio lttght Placo. Pan-Tina for coughs and colds, 25c. At (Iruhlcr llros., drug store. Coining Kvcnt. May 30. Ico cream fostival under tho auspices of tho 22 Club, In Bobbins' opera house. Grlp-Colds-lIeailacho. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La Grippo when Laxative Ilromo Quinine will euro you in ono day. P,ut up in tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or monoy refunded. Price, 2B cents. For salo by Kirlin's Phwrmaey. Buy Keystone flour. Ilo suro that tho namo Lr.R.110 & BAer, Ashland, Pa., is printed on overy sack. Theosophlsts Ktect Orllccrs. NEW YoiiK, April 27. Tho Amorican Theosophlcal soeloty hold its convention ln this city yostorday. For the first time slnco tho socioty's establishment hero tho convention wai lwH ln public. A new president was oloctod to succeed W. Q. Tudgo, nnd tho society s choico foil on Ernest T. Hargrovo, an English barrister. The full list of ofilcors chosen is as fol lows: President, E. T. Hargrovo of Lon don; vico president ami troasuror, E. A. Nereshelmer of Now York; oxecutlvocom mittoo, Dr. Uuck of Cincinnati, Claude Falls V right of Now York, Jcromo A. Anderson of San Francisco, A. II. Spen cer of Now York, 11. T. Patterson ol Brooklyn nnd Dr. A, V. Buchanan of Fort Wayne, Ind. President Krliger Will Not Visit England. London, April 27. A dispatch to Tho Times from Protorla says: Prostdont Kru ger's reply to Chamborlaln will bo pub lished shortly. It is a diplomatic mastor piece, and declnros that tho Trausviml gov ernment objects to tho dlsoussion of re forms on tho ground thnt England admit tedly cannot luterfero with Internal af fairs. At tho samo tlmo, prlyato sugges tions from the British government will always recelvo consideration. The Trans- vaal government will lfmltlts demands to an lndomnity for tho Jameson raid. The president points to tho necessity of hla prcsenco nt tho meeting of tho volksrnad as an objection to his visiting ungianu. Worn Out Women Should read this letter. It shows tb wonderful building-up powers of Hood's Sarsaparllla, the great blood purifier. "I wish I could stand in some pub lic placo and cry to all ailing humanity, ' Hear this, ye peo ple, what wonder ful things Hood's Sarsaparllla has done for me and my family. 1 cannot express what I suf fered. Only one ot my sex '-nows what a woman can suffer in my condition. I was prostrate with nervousness and weakness. The least noise would drive me frantic. I decided to take Hood's Sarsaparllla. am overjoyed to say that I am now well, hearty, rosy and plump. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best medicine for thOBo suffering as I have suffered." Mes. C. C. KirtKPATMCK, Pine Grove, Penn. fl; six for 5, Honrl'c D!llc easy to buy, easy to take. xjwuu k a easy in enact, aao- Full Value, No Waste. I am not making sensational street displays, but have a larger clothing busines than any other house in Shen andoah. WHY ? Because, instead of wasting my money in hiring bands, lavishing decorations, treating curiosity seekers to beer and cigars, and otherwise throwing away my profits, I give my customers the benefit of that much money, and more added. See my stock of SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING. No brass bands are needed to convince the people of what it is. It speaks for itself. S. BLOCK, ROCHESTER CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Main and Cherry Sta., Shenandoah, Pa mi nWtlmtf skill dlscnsc called Eezrrnn. M t. il , I- ,1!, u'ut aims wtre eovpred with 1 uots like lis i . 1 t iih-iI it , Willi h einno off In l.iyor.' of dry Acnitc I mCnu for oltrayesr U-h( :u u- i-1, ci, 1 m'i..il ti-iural doctors illli fut al'l, uuil bud uli.iost Klven up hope. I saw on ndr rtlecmcnt -it l.'iTirnu Hemkuies; talk Hum, and I,. 1 u, ,: 1. i-t 1 v. as as well b evir.for mj rkln h. a nle' .iih' -liarasabsliy's. GEO. UKAIIUHN, lluuovcr Ouurio, Canada. Ppekdv Cl'hb Tii r atm nut. Warm tmtris with Ol'TICUHA So guniiu tpplleatloiw of Co TIciniA (ointment), the uroot t-kln Cure, exter nally, and 111 1 Id dosi-s of CUTicoitA Hksolvunt, grcutostof humor cures. Said throu.houl thn -orM. VAcr, Cl'TlctrsA, Klc.i Botr. 1m lluolllJT, w. anil II. Toitis Duo Af i!hsm. Cor.,bftU! tVopi . Uo.lon. COT- I low to Corn F.rtrr IU'eMe," mtlled Irts. WOMAN CONVICT'S CONFESSION. Committed a Murder for Which otners Aro Serving tlfo Sentences. WADrON. Wis., April 27. Minnie Allen, a convict, SO years old, serving two years for burglnry, has oonfessed that on tho nlnht of ADrll 23. 1891, at Buffalo, N. Y., she shot and killed Montgomery Glbbs, o lnwvcr. The woman says sho makes the confession to clear Claronce Robinson and wife, who aro serving life sentences for the murder. At tho oxpiration of her sen- tonco sho will go to Buffalo and plead guilty to the charge of murder. She will bo released ln a few weeks. Tho confession has been ropeatod by Miss Allen boforo tho stato board of con trol. A letter from W. W. Snporstone, of Buffalo, says ho has boon rotalned as at torney by tho Robinsons, sorvlng life son tonccs for the crime, to secure thejr ro loaso. Tho Robinsons, It will bo romem bored, were vnrloty porformors, and thoy narrowly escaped n death soutonco. Tho confession of Minnie Allen is that she inot Glbbs ln California, nnd was se duced. Glbbs refused to marry hor, and she lost track of him. In April, 1891, sho was at tho now Tlfft Houso in Buffalo, and in thnt city mot Glbbs. On the night of tho murder he took hor to tho theater. They loft early, and whllo on Delaware avonuo she a train nsked hint to marry hor. Ho refused and she asked him for his re volver. Ho handed her tho weapon nnd sho shot him, threw tho wonpon besulo his body and wont to tho hotel, going from thcro to New York. At tho Imperial hotel ln that city she left her trunk. Sho camo west, was ar rested ln Laporto, Intl., for thof t, was re- loased because sho successfully feigned in sanity, wont to Racine nnd wnB thero ar rosted nud sontoncod. Sho wont to Buf falo after tho arrest of tho Robinsons to confess, but thinking thoy would not be couvlctod sho camo west. Sho did not learn of tholr sontenco until ln Wnupon prison. Tho Dlscoery Smed Ills I.ll'e. Mr. G. Oiilloucttc. Druceist. Beaversvllle, 111., sirs: "To Dr. King's Jsew Discovery I rwi mv Ufn. Wns fnken with T.,a Orinne nil tried all tho physicians lor miles nliout, nut of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottlo nnd began its use and from the first doso heaan to cet better. and after using three bottles was up and about again. It Is worth its weight in gold. Wo won't keep store or house without it." dot a freo trial at A. Waslcy's Drug btoro. Paid tlbSirally for His Freedom. Clevkland, April 27. Slgmund Muhl houscr, of this city, who was marrlod last ovenlng to Miss Hlrsch at Viotorla Hall, Ijoxlngton avenue, Now York, settled a breach of promise enso last Wednosday, tho day boforo ho departed for the east to propare for his wedding. Tho young wo man who wanted balm for her wounded heart Is Miss Mary Svatek, a boautlful blondo. Muhlhauser first became ac quainted with hor whon she was employed in his fnthor's woolen mills. To prevent her suit for 35,000 damages Muhlhauser paid her $300 down and promUod her a monthly allowance of $25 for life, paying also hor attorneys feos and the costs of bringing tho suit. Cure Tor lleadacho. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Hitters has proved to bo tho very best. It effects a permanent cure and tho most iircaucii nauituai sick neauachcs yieiu to its Influence. WourEoull who areaflllctcd to procure a bottlo, and give this remedy a iair trial, in case 01 namttiai constipation Klcctric Hitters cures by civinc the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases lone resist the uso 01 this meitlclno. Try It once, ljirgo bottles only SO cents at A, Waslcy's Drug btoro. Double Lynching In Tennessee. NASHVILLE, Tenu., April 27. Saturday midnight a mob of fifteen armed men en tered tho jail at McMlnnvillo, dragged tho Jailor from his bod uud forcou him to give up tho oell koys. William and Victor HUlis were then taken from tho jail, car ried on horseback flvo miles from Mc Mlnnvillo, and both woro hanged. Befuro the mob succeeded in removing their vic tims from the jail thoy had n hard light with thom, but wore overpowered. Tho mob camo from Van Buron couuty, whore tho lynched men and their victim Uvea, Tho prisoners murdered, in 1894, Carroll Martin at his homo, tho purpose being rounery. two trials ln tho lower courts and ono In the suprome court have been held and the cases wore sot for trial next weok again. It will bo an agreeable surpriso to persons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may bo had by taking Cham bcrlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Item- cdy. In many Instances tlio attuck may bo prevented by taking this remedy as toon as tho first symptoms of the disease appear. and 50 ceut bottles for salo by Gruhlcr Bros, druggists. Maceo Surprises the Spuulanls. New York, April 27. A dispatch to Tho World from Havana says: General Macco has given tho. Spanlurds a shock by Bond ing Bmmudoz and Salnz across tho trocha with a ihoiuand men. Tho Cuban leader lilmsolf has not yet tried to cross theelght een mile barrier. The Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jer sey! Generally fair, but with Increasing ?loudluo3i warmer; southeasterly winds. Itueklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve ln the world for cuts, hftilcis nnrefl. ulcers. Rait rheum f i nn. fitter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and" all skin eruptions, and positively cures titles. nr nn nav renulrcd. It Is Kuaranteed tn s-lvn perfect satisfaction or mony refunded, l'rfc-s 23 ccnW per oox, ur bum) uy a, uasiey, Th-' THE TREASURY DEFICIT. rt Will he CUM.OOO.ono far the 1'ast Year and Htan,801, 813 for Three Years. Washington, April 97. The treasury deficit for tho llsonl year ending Juno 80, 1800, will be approximately CJo,000,000. This Is tho opinion of ofllolnls nud others best qualifled to make nn Intelligent estimate of tho rusult of the flsoal operations of tlio year. Iu his uuuuiil estimates sent to con gross nt tho beginning of the present ses sion tho secretary of tho treasury ostl mated the receipts from customs during the flscnl yoar at172,OM,000. So far, with noarly ton months of tho year gone, tho customs rocclpts havo reachod about $137, 1)00,000, with a fair prospoct of increasing to $105,000,000 by tho close of theyoar, Tho ostlmato of tho rrcplpts for Internal rev enue sources wasl58,000,000. Up to this time thoy have reachod $120,000,000, and It Is oxpocted that the figures for tho com plotcd year will bo about $110,000,000. Tho rocclpts from miscellaneous sources aro oxpoctod to slightly exceed tho esti mates of $13,000,000, making tho total re ceipts for tho year nbout $327,000,000. Tho secretary's estimate of the yoar's expen ditures was $302,000,000, whloh, according to his flguros, would loavo a deficiency of $17,000,000. Tho actual expenditures, however, It 13 now thought, will aggregate about $353, OOO.OXiO or $10,000,000 less than Mr. Car lisle's ostlmato ln December last, so that the deflcionoy nt the close of tho year, It is bolloyod, Vflll not show any vory material changofrom Saturday's figures $35,162, 423. This makes tho total deficit for the throe fiscal years ending June 80, 1890, $130,801,812. The secretary's ostlmatos at tho tlmo they wore mado were bollevcd by those of long experience in tho department to bo ex tremely conservative. Tho rocelpts from both customs and internal revonue sources, howover, have been surprisingly low, and there does not seem to be any immodiato prospoct of material improvements. Relief in Six Hours. TVef rv.aot.ir. tt,ltmv ami hi rl il m ftfcnAena relieved in six hours by tho "Now Great South American Kidney Cure." This now remedy is a great Biirpriso on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tlio urinary passages iu malo or female. It relieves retention ol water ana pain ln passing it nlmost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your romody. Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main street. Alan nud Wire Humeri tn Death. NEWliuna, N. Y., April 27. Mr. nnd Mrs. Barney Cullen wero burned to death in their homo near Chcster.Orango couuty, yosteiday. They perlshod together ln the sitting room, whoro Cullen lind draggod his wife from their bed ln his oll'ort to save her. Morris Cullen, n son, fractured his leg ln jumping from n second story window. George Thompson, an adopted son, sustained a bad scalp wound by be ing cut with glass whon ho was dragged through on upper window. Tho origin of the lire is a mystory. The rrohlhltlon Nntlonal Convention. PlTTSiiUKG, April 27. Tho Prohibition national convention, to be hold here the latter part of noxt month, will be tho largest over hold by that party. This will bo tho eighth national convention, the first ono having been held in 1872. That yoar only four or five states wore repre sented. This year .word has boon rocolvod from overy state in the Union, and ln nearly every lnstanco the full quota ol delegates will be present. An AMiliuIt. This is to certify that ou May 11th, I walked to Melick's drug store on a pair of crutches and bought a bottle of Chamber Iain's Tain Balm for inflammatory rheuma tism which had crippled mo up. After using three bottles I out completely cured. I can cheerfully rccominoud it. Charles II. Wet zel, Suuhury, Pa. Sworn and subscribed to before mo on August 10, lSt. Walter Shipman, J. P, Por salo at 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhlcr Bros., druggists. The Jackson Murder Trial. Newfoiit, Ky'., April 37. In tho trial of Scott Jackson fifty-two witnesses have been examined, and the prosooutlon has about twolvo moro 'to examine Among those aro tho negro George II. Jaokson, who claims to have driven tho cab that took the murdorors to the spot whore Pearl Bryan's body was fouad. Chostor .Mullen, tho man who rented tho cab that was gono all night of Friday, Jan. 31, will bo another witness. Colonel Deltsoh, chief of Cincinnati polloo, will also be exam ined. Will Wood will be rooullod and sub jected, no doubt, to a floroo ordeal of cross examination. It Is thought the policy of the defense will bo to rely upon chances of orror upon taking the case to tho court ot appeals. ltheumntlsm Cured ln a Day. "Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgla radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tlio system is rcmarkablo and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first doso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by C. II. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah. Killed Five People nnd Himself. Rookvillk, Ind., April 27. Peter Eg bert, a boy only 17 yoars old, on Saturday deliberately killed two little children, then their mother, then tho sheriff and a dop uty who tried to arrest him, and finally himself. Tho victims betide himself wero Mrs. Herman Haschko, her two Uttls ehll dren, Sheriff Mull and Deputy Sheriff Robert Swalm. Ho used a shotgun and blew tho heads off overy one of his victims, All but Mrs. Hnschke died Instantly. Mrs. Haschko and Egbert had quarreled over a trivial matter sevoral days ago. The boy was undoubtedly insane. During the winter of 1803, F. M. Martin, of Long Reach, West Va., contracted a sovcro cold which left him with a cough Iu speaking of how ho cured it ho says used several kinds of cough syrup but found no relief until I bought a bottle of Cham borlaln's Cough Remedy, which relieved mo almost Instantly, and ln a short time brought about a complete cure." Whcu troubled with a cough or cold uso this remedy and you will not find it necessary to try several kinds before yo.u got relief. It has been In the market for over twenty years and constantly grown iu favor and popularity. For sale at 25 and SO cents per bottle by G rubier Bros., druaglsts. Shenandoah Directory, Business men and others, who have sot yet scoured one of tuedlrectoriesof Shenandoah, just issued, can obtain one by making appli cation at this otllce. The price is only ti.00. and there are only a few left. No business man can afford to be without one of theso books, 2-21-t let The Whole World Know The Good BrJiiles Heart Cure Does H1 EAUT DISEASE, has Its victim at a disadvantage. Always taught thnC,. , heart dlsoaso is incurable, whonth'ifl '. symptoms becomo woll defined, tho patienJB'' ' becomes alarmed and a nervous panic takes . placo. But when a euro remedy is found and a cure effected, af tor years of suffering, thcro Is great rojolcing and desire to "let ' tho whole world know." Mrs. Laura Wlno inger, of Selkirk, Kansas, writes i "I desiro to let tho whpto world know what Dr. Miles' Tr HTlIPl' Heart Cure has done for ill. i'lllta For ton years I had Heart CUre pain in my heart, short , ncss of breath, palplta- KeStOreS tlon.palnlnmyleftsldo, Tjpoltli oppressed feeling in my liCtll til chest, weak and hungry spells, bad dreams, could not Ho on oithcr side, was numb and Buffered terribly. I took Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and heforo I finished tho second bottlo I felt Its good o fleets, I feel now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr. Miles' Heart Cure saved my life." Dr. Miles' Heart Curo is sold on guarantee mat nrst uoiuo uenents, or monoy roxunaou. ROFESSIONAL CARDS. 8. PHILLIPS, M. D. Ofllce : 30 West Centre street. Can bo consulted at nil hours. J) F. BUIIKE, M. D. 80 K. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. Office hours 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 to & T II.POMEIIOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa. M. BURKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllce Ecran hiilldinc. corner of Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah. PUOP JOHN JONES, .MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy t, Pa. Ilarlnf? studied under some of tho best masters in London and Paris, will dve lessond on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms reasonauie. Auuress in care 01 ciruuse, ins eweler, Shenandoah. POLITICAL CARDS. TTIOIt LEGISLATURE, Second District, H. W. BECKER, Of Glrnrdville, Va. Subject to Democratic rules. TTOOrt COUNTY TKEASUIEEtt, 1 ELIAS DAVIS, Of Broad Mountain. Subject to nepuhllcan rules. ITtOR CLEItK OF THE COUKTS, PHIL. J. C0NNELL, Of Glrnrdville. Subject to Densocratlo rules. TIOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, FRANK RENTZ, Of Ashland. Subject to Republican rules. thadi cc nRDD'c I 1 iniUL.u iyL,ii w Barber Shoo ! 2 West Centre Street. Our Hot Towel Shave lifwimlni? nmmlnr. You will like it. 'We make a specialty of hair eultlns;. JOHN F. CLEARY, i PURE SKLTZEIi WATER BOTTLER S AcmSrno i QINGKK ALK, I WEISS 11EER, ! LAGER BEER, i1 OF 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity ..For BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. A'