The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 18, 1896, Image 2

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lWTAIU.IMIi:!) 1H70.
Published every livening, Except Sunday, at
a Bourn Jaiidik Hihkct. Near Cbktbis.
die Herald is dellvcied InHlienanaoan nnd ihe
surrounding towns for six cents n week, link
able to the carriers. My innll 88.00 n yoar, or 25
cents a month, payable In ndvancc Advertlso
itlcntfl charged according to wnnco nnd position.
The publiwliers reserve the right to change the
rtosttlon of advertisements whenever tho pub
IcAtlon of news demand It. Tho right Is
reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether
paid (or or not, that tho publishers may deem
improper. Advertising rates niado known
upon nppllcfltlon.
Entered nt tho pontofllco nt Shenandoah, Pa., as
eec-oud doss infill matter.
Evening Herald
To tho Republican electors of Pennsylvania!
The Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly
chosen representatives, will meet in State con
vention Thursday, April 23, 1896, at 10 o'clock
ft. m., in the opera house, city of Harrisburg, for
the purposo of nominating two candidates for
ceprcsentntlvc at-larBO In Congress and thirty
two candidates for Presidential electors, the
election of eight dclegates-at-large to the Re
publican National convention, and for the
ransactlon of such other business as may be
By order of the State Committee.
M. S. Quay,
Attest: Jmn It. Hex, Chairman.
R, Andrews, Secretaries.
Tiik Pattison boom and tho unit rule ap
Iicar to s hand-iii-liand. They mako good
Tiikp.r is a trito old saying that reads thus :
As Jlaino goes so noes tho nation. Thcro is
no mistaking tho way JIaino has gone.
A OLANCBat the Schuylkill Democracy of
to-day makes it easy enough to believe that
Thomas Jefferson has been doatl seventy
"Jack" Ronixsox is back in tho Quay
camp, and says ho will go to St. Louis and
work for him until "tho bad placo freezes
over." "Jack" sees tho handwriting on tho
A.N inquiring Republican asks how the
Schuylkill delegates will vote on tho chair
manship question in tho stato convention.
Wo don't know ; but ono thing is a'piarent,
tho Republicans of tho county are favorable
to Frank Willing l.each.
The Borough Council has decided to pro
cure fifteen hundred feet of additional hoso
for tho firo department, and with tho one
thousand feet purchased last year this should
jilaco tho department in good condition to
ilght any conflagration that may arise.
A curious fcaturo is presented by tho
college and university magazines of tho
time. About two-thirds of their space I
lcvotcd to athletic. Perhaps that is better
than dimming tho eyesight with Tiglath
Pilose anil Chaldean antiquities.
The Kvcning C'hronicloappcarcd yesterday
In twenty-four pages in celebration of its
twenty-first anniver.vary. Tho Chronicle- is
in the front rank of county scat journalism
and unlike some of its contemporaries of tho
Kime faith can always bo found battling tho
cause of Democracy first, last and all the
time. Wo wish our friends continued suc
cess for another period of twenty-ono years
J. Wesley Durham, who has charge of
the artistic end of tho Quay campaign, says
that ho had superintended the distribution of
about 500,(100 buttons containing tho portrait
of the Senator. Of this number he has sent
137,000 to Allegheny, and ho said tho Quay
leaders there wanted muio. lie says the
demand for Quay buttons throughout the
state is so great that enough cannot bo had to
satisfy it, and ho points to this as indicating
that no ono else would havo a show for
President in Pennsylvania If the choice were
left to a popular vote. KuLf has announced him
self as a caudidato for re-election. As lato as
two years ago, tho Seventeenth Congressional
-district was considered by the leaders of tho
great political parties as being absolutely
certain to return a Democratic member ol the
House. Tho Republican nomination was an
empty lienor which was only accepted in
order to conipleto tho ticket and with no idea
of success. Tho result, however, was a
surprise to many when the returns showed
that "Farmer" Kulp had carried tho district.
Ho will no doubt receive tho Republican
.nomination again this fall.
McCi.uiiF.'h Mioazini: for May will havo
an article by tho eminent surgeon, Dr. W.
W. Keen, indicating the usos already 'pos
sible, as well as thoso likely to becomo pos
sible soon, of tho Itontgen rays In tho study
-mid euro of human deformities, injuries and
diseases. Tho article will bo fully illus
trated from photographs taken by tho now
process. Tho Lincoln papor will contain
bomo icry interesting unpublished letters
and anecdotes, showing Lincoln's raro tact
and sagacity as a political manager, even as
it yuiing mani It will also 'describe Lin
coln's life In Washington as a member of
Congress In 1R17-18I0, and reproduce from
tho newspaper In which it was reported at
tho tinio an important but now unknown
i. r T t l..p l X--... T.-..r.l.....l
t)cecu Ul J.llllAllll 9 I1IUMU 111 4.lllui i
in" 1SI9. A number of raro pictures will j
iippear with the papor.
Tm: announcement of the candidacy of
Deputy Attorney (leneral John I. Elkin to
succeed Senator Quay as state chairman has
fallen flat. Ho was identified with the
Combine, and next week's convention is not
likely to solcct uuo of that crowd for tho
ivojllloii. As wo havo had occasion before to
state, Frank Willing Leach will bo tho next
stato chairman. Ho will receive the endorse
ment of Senator Quay, and tho fact that the
hitter's friends will control tho convention
iibMircs Mr Leach's election beyond a shadow
of doubt. His canvass has not only brought
to Ills support the youngor clement in the
Itepuhliniu ."uu iy but the old stalwarts
recognising l.i ....a a well tried and ettlccut
orgatilzor with low equals and no superiors in
the state arc lining his selection. Ills Kreut
ability fur detail work, his extensive ac
quaintance among tho party wnrkors.cnuplcd
with Ills knowledge of political wnrfaio.mako
him an ideal chairman. Wo again assort
tlmt Leach will succeed Clialrinan (juay, anil
ho will bo selected by tliij State convention
next Thursday.
Whltolock's shoe store you get tho best
shoes cheaper than anywhoro else. Try
them nnd sec for yourself.
Happenings Throughout the Region Chroli
lelcd for Hasty Pcrusnl,
Tho employes of tho P. & It. C. & I. Co.
were paid to-day.
Tho Milton Mutual Fife Insuranco Com
pany lias gono into tho hands of recelvors.
Gerald MoKernan, of Pottsville, has
tendered his resignation us secretary of tho
Stato Liquor League
An electric clock propelled with a motor Is
tho latest invention in town. It required
five years to build It.
The anncarancc of tho Bosch and Plonncrt
houses on Wost Coalstrcctarobolnglmprovcd'
by the addition of bay windows.
Tho new 1'. O. S. of A. haH at Mt. Carmcl
will bo dedicated on May 23rd. Stato Presi
dent Huth will deliver tho address.
All tho engine houses, breakers, black
smith shops and other structures of tho
Reading company composed of iron will ro
celvo fresh coats of paint.
A valuablo horso liclonging to J. J. Will
iams, the Gilbcrton merchant, succumbed to
tho heat yesterday after lc!ns drlvon to
Pottsvlllo by Mrs. Williams.
Italians nro arriving in tho coal region by
tho car loads from New York. Tho State
Board of Health has its hand full in keep
ing track of those who contracted contagious
diseases while enrouto to America.
Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company
firemen nnd air hrakemen are being put
through a courso of examinations pre
paratory to promoting tho firemen to
engineers, and tho hrakemen to conductors.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippo when Laxative Bromo Quiniuo will
cure you in ono day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to euro, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For salo
by Klrlln's Pharmacy.
Religious Notices.
Services iu tho Trinity Reformed church
to-morrow at 10:00 a. in., and 0:30 p. m.
Sunday school at 1:30 p. in. Prayer meeting
every Wednesday evening at 7:30.
Rev. T. O. B.iche, of Nantieock, will oc
cupy tho pulpit of the Primitive Methodist
church to-morrow, and will preach morning
and evening in tho interest of Missions.
Services in AH Saints' Protestant Episcopal
church mi Kiist Oak street fo-niorrow at 10:30
a. m. and 7 p. m. The rector will officiate.
Sunday school at 2 p. m.
Regular services will bo held in tho United
Evangelical church, (Dougherty's Hall,) to
morrow at 10 a. m. and 0.30 p. m. Preaching
by tho pastor, Rev. I. J. Rcitz. Sunday
school at 1.30 p. in.
Services in the Presbyterian church to
morrow at 10:30 a. m. and (1:30 p. m. Sunday
school at 2 p. in. ltev. T. Maxwell Morrison,
Services will bo held in the Methodist
Episcopal church to-moirow at 10:30 a. in.
and (1:30 p. m. Preaching by tho pastor, ltev,
Albert Jlcebner. Sunday school at 2 p. m.
All aro invited.
God's American Volunteers aro going to
hold meetings all day Sunday in Robbing'
hall. McctingsatlOa.m., 3 and 7:15 p. m.
Every ono is welcome Charles Lusk,
Evangelical church, corner of Cherry and
South West streets, II. Horace Romig, jiastor.
English preaching services ut (i:30 in tho
evening. A hearty invitation Is extonded to
all to come nnd worship God with us.
Calvary Baptist church, South Jardjn
street. Services 10:30 u, in. and 6:30 p. in.
Preaching by Rov. T. L. Josephs, of Lewis
burg. Sabbath school at 2 p. in.
Marriage Certlllcuto
Designed and executed with a pen, Several
grades. Artistic, neat. The latest marriago
certificate booklet. Very fine.
i-16-lt-oaw Hooks & Brown.
First Game.
Tho first game of base ball in this vicinity
will be played to-morrow between tho
Lincoln club of town, and tho Gilberton base
ball club, on tho hitter's 2 o'clock.
Tho Lincoln club has been greatly strength
ened this season and a largo crowd of rooters
will accompany them.
Appears In a hundred different
forms, such as Running Sores,
White Swellings, Eruptions,
Roils, Pimples, Salt Rheum,
Scald Head, etc. The onlv
cure Is In making Pure, Rich
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes
pure" blood and has never been
equalled as a cure for Scrofula.
Cases considered Incurable,
and given up Dy pnysieians,
yield to Us wond
X lfll-lnnn
ul purify
ing, vitalizing powers. Infect,
Hood s
IstheOneTrueDlood PuriBer. fl;6for5.
r-repared onlj by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mm,
Hood's Pills r;
gentle, mild, effec
. All druggliU. He.
Those who once
keen comincback
lor u. -una im
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
fee delicious.
All Grors.
Adding a lit- J
tie of Seellg'sl
coffee, ic. a packge. I
Miss Ella Kgnn is vtMtluc friends in
Joseph Schloss mado a business trip to
Pottsville to-day.
Harry Hart, of ltlngtown, wnsa vltitor to
town tills morning.
Mrs. William Stein spent to-day nt Potts
vlllo visiting friends.
Jonathan Rogers, of Mt. Carniol, spent to
day in town visiting relative.
Mrs. W. It. Wilde, of Audenriod, spent
yesterday in town with friends.
Frank Flyn, a rising young lawyer of hew
York, was a town visitor yesterday.
Miss Laura Moycr, of Pottsvlllo, is the
guest of Miss Sadie Reese, of East Centre
Leopold llcrnicke, of Now York, a jowclcr
employed at lko Orkln's, left for Chicago last
night, where he will locato in the future.
Miss Sallio Dclanoy, of West Centra street,
left to-day for Philadelphia, where she will
spend several days visiting friends and' will
visit Brooklyn, N. 1 ., liefore her return.
Cleury IteccUed tho Contract..
Tho city councils of Hazleton yosterday
awarded two contracts for tho constriction
of a terra cotta pipo sewer, manholes, Inlets,
etc., on several of tho streets of that. city.
P. J. CIcary, of town, received ono of tho
contracts at a bid of f3,773.50. Tho other
bids wcro $3,225 and $1,183.50. On tho second
coutract Mr. CIcary was the second lowest
For Sale.
A second-hand American bicycle, '03 model.
Apply to J. M. Mullahcy, 209 East Centra
street. 4-U-tf
A Drlicr Iidurcrt. '
Abraham Mumtncy, employed as driver by
E. C. Brobst, the West Ccutro street grocer,
had tho left sldo of his faco badly contused
while at work in Mr. Brobst's stable last
night. Ono of tho horses becamo frightened
y tho lightning accompaning tho storm and
kicked out ono of tho petitions of Its stall.
Mummey was struck in tho faco by several
of tho splinters.
This Marriage Was a Failure-.
Cincinnati, April 18. A dtvorco suit
bogan hero yostordny,wlth Jamos D. Cnrr,
assistant bookkeeper of a locnl lithograph
ing company, as defendant. Lucille M.
Hue, who came hero from Olovoland and
did journalistic: work, Is tho inaldonnamo
of tho plaintiff. Cnrr, who Is very young
and has aristocratic relatives, eloped with
hor to Boston and married her in Trinity
church parsonage on Doc. 20 lust. ; Two
months later ho deserted her In Chicago.
Carr Is also accused of obtaining money
by abusing tho confidence- of numerous
victims. ,
Two Killed by an Explosion.
I'EoniA, Ills., April 18. Shortly after 2
o'clock In tho morning John Hoay and a
man named Barnes wero instantly killed
by tho explosion of a convorter lit tho
Lower Sugar works. John Wilson, Matt
Connolly and John Dooly wore seriously
Injured. Ovor a hundred men wore ut
work on tho fourth floor of tho building
in which tho explosion occurred, and
many narrow escapes aro reported.
Mrs. Kane Committed for Murder.
Philadelphia, April 18. Mrs. Llzzlo
Kane, aged 40, accused of causing tho
death of hor husband, William, at thoir
homo, 631 Lombard streot, on Wednesday
last, was committed to prison yesterday
afternoon by Coroner Ashbrldgo tg;nwnlt
the action of tho grand jury. Tho jury
gave n vordlot to the effect that Kane came
to his death from a stab wound Inflicted
by his wife.
A Presumptuous Kngllshman Coovjctetl.
FlNDLEY, O., April 18. Kov. Joseph E.
Ebon-Powell, who was Indicted at the
January term of court for fnlso registra
tion, wus convicted on Thursday. He Is a
natlvo of England, nnd reglsterod and
voted without being naturalized. Tho net
was dona with tho intention, he himself
stated, of showing how tho election laws
In tho United states nro nob enforced.
Murder Kudcd Her llonvymoon.
CoLUMBiA.Pa., April 18. James Dough
erty, agod2S yoars, last night shot and
killed his wlfo, ngod 11) years. Ho then
sent a bullet Into his own brain, nnd will
die. Tho couplo had been married less than
four months, und lived ut Lltltz, whore
the shooting occurred. No causo for tho
deed Is known.
It will bo an agreeable surprisoto persons
subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that
prompt relief may be had by taking Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Item
edy. In many instances tho attack may be
prevented by taking tills remedy as soon as
tho first symptoms of tho disease appear.
and 50 cent bottles for salo by Gruhler liros.,
druggists. '
Wood's College Notes.
Two hundred nnd seventeen students have
entered and tho number will probably reach
SO0 before April 18th.
Nino teachers havo liecn employed and
personal instruction will bo given all persons
who need it.
No preparation is needed, Studeuts may
enter who can not lead uud will be. caicfully
taught by experienced teachers iu a depart
ment arranged especially for them.
Thirty scholarships were written on Friday.
New tables nnd furniturohave been ordered
to accommodate tholargonumbcrof students.
Tho College is now uhead of any iu Schuyl-
kill county.
Tho charter menifer scholarship will bo
withdrawn on Tuesday morning, April llth,
and in its place a combined scholarship will
be issued at $150.
The C'ollogo olllce will bo open Saturday
evening and all who wish a charter member
scholarship at $75, worth April llth $150,
should call ut tho College on or before Tues
day morning,
If you havo not tho ready cash call to sco
Prof. Wood and ho will suggest some plan by
which you may tako advantage of tho
charter membership.
Studeuts who wisli to enter tho college nt
at any future time may get tho charter mem
ber scholarship nuw and come to tho college
at nny time.
Tho eollogo has come to stay, and is ono of
our great educational and financial institu
tions. JtlieuuiniUin Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" fur Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system Is rcmarkablo and
mysterious. It removes at once tho causo
and tho disease immediately disappears. Tho
first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by
C. II. Hagcnbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
When you want good' roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsmlthlng done call
on E, F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street,
Dealer lr stoves. 8-1-tf
Iluy Keystono flour. lie sure that the name
Lessio & IUkb, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on
every sack.
Ask Your Druggist for Munyon's
auidc to Health, Select a 35
Cent Remedy and Cure
Johh D. Worth, 318 North Matlack street,
West Chester, Pa., says: "I have taken
Munyon's Cold Curo with rcmarkablo results.
I think people ought to know moro of tho
valuo of Munyon's Remedies. Thoy will as
well as I can tell them."
Mrs Ellen Christman, 1130 Washington
street, Williauisport, Pa., says: "I have
su ire red almost everything hut death for tho
last twclvo years with dyspepsia. I was
treated by four of tho best doctors in tho
place, but their prescriptions wero worthless.
Ono bottlo of Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo
cured me, for which I shall ever feel thauk
ful. I take pleasure in recommending them
tu nil afllictcd as I havo been. 'Qod bless
Munyon.' "
Munyon's Rheumatism Curo seldom falls to
relievo in ono to thrco hours, nnd cures in a
few days. Price 23 cents.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo positively cures
all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles.
Prico 23e.
Munyon's Cold Curo prevents pneumonia
and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Prico
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night
sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals
tho lungs. Price 23c.
Munyon's Kidney Curo speedily cures pains
In tho hack, loins or groins and all forms of
kidney diseases. Price 23c.
Munyon's Headache Curo stops headaches in
three minutes. Prico, 23 cents.
Munyon's Pilo Ointment positively cures
all forms of piles. Price, 23c.
Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all impuri
ties ol the Wood, rxico Soc.
Munyon s l'cmale Remedies aro a boon to
all women. I'rico 25c.
Munyon s Asthma Cure, with Herbs, 51.00.
Munvon'ii Catarrh Remedies never fall.
Tho Catarrh Curt price 25c. eradicates the
disease Irom the system, and the uitarrh
Tablets prico 23c. cleanse and heal the
Munyon's vitalizer restores lost powers to
weak men. Price, $1.00.
Munyon's Remedies at all druggists, most
ly 23 cents a vial.
Personal letters to l'rot. Munyou, iduo
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with frco medical advice for any disease
100 acres clear, nnd with option
of rmrchasliifr 100 acres timber
land adjoining. Dwelling and barn and all
necetiarv out muKiinjrs in cooa oruer ana
repair, will bo sold with or without stock and
farming implements. Coal is supposed to under
lie this property. Within 3 miles of a first-class
market. Will trade lor town property.
ACApJM 173 aeres, near Zlons Grove, 73
v acres clear. Dwelling cost over
Good barn and out buildings. Stock and
farm implements.
Must sell to dt solve partnership.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Above pnrties will negotiate the sale of any
good licensed roperty In Shenandoah.
OLD DR. THEEL Rered 604
ihhw norm sixw at
'Guniitet. Vr.M ab. Green. Philadelphia
Ctullensei tL "vIJ. Irom Lha tdrertiittna an.
lulit Bp to the leciurlur Promisor. I a curie
-u"crt) ppecit uikucikdoiiluUII
i mo mftiurnewiiQenacla.arereaDi
dangcromthe trouble mr be. J?rvori le-biiItr.r-ororYouthaolT.oMor
currl without cuttiD j. UK. THBFL la po-IUre1 ih oldest,
the beat end tuoat Lllirul nnd experienced one, 00
matte what other ma claim. Btoi five J-cejil atonipi for
book TruthH and b eollfbteDed regarding "tir dU'aw
Mi Daw to ft cured. Tl ealr 6ok lVOMM
OITArkS aori their baoka und Circular. XuaUDtr.
iir. Froth ' vurvd In 4 to 10 Dura.. Mount
9 to S; Ect., ft to V. Wu-t. and Mat, k? g:t t M 10. Ban.. 9 to
Uj KTga ,Bto9. Trvutmtntbr Malt. UTieo you wilW
or nan mrmion w pwr. noara ana JoqgiOf r dei'roJ,
Apuil It, 1990.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abovt
date lor WiKKiilis, tlllbertoii, r-rntkvllle, Uarli
water, t. uiair, I'ottsviue. jiamourg, ucuutn;
1'otUtowu. l'lioeidxvillc. Norrlstowu and Phi
adelphia (llroml street station) at 0CW and 11 45
a. m, and 4 15 ii m. on week days. For Pott
vflle and intermediate stations 9 10 a. iu.
For WfgKans, Ollbertou, Krackvllle, Dark
Water, bt. Clair, Pottsville, ut 008, 9 40 a. m. and
Slfln ... If.. Ilnn,l.,,n. tan.lln, I,..t..un.,
l'hoeidxvlllc. Korribtowu, Philadelphia at 0 00,
9 40 a. in., 8 10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah al
1040 a, m. and 1214, 0I, 7 42 and 10 27 p. in.
Sunday, 11 13 a. lu, and 5 40 l. m.
i.cuvu i-oiuviiie lor riiienaiiuoan at 10 13, 11 ts
a. m. ami 4 40, 7 13 and 10 0U p, m. Sunday al
iu iu a. in., a 13 p. m.
Leave l'hlladelnhla. fTlroail xtreet MtntlnnV fnr
nucuuiiiMMsii ut U ui uim o .w u. ill., ju aim f 11
p. in. week flays, Sundays leave at 6 50 a, m.
Leave llroad street station, Philadelphia, lo
cic vim, rtsimry i bik, ucean urove, ixm
urancn, ami iniermetuuto stations. 0.B0. 8.25.
11.89 a. in., 8 JO, 4.00 n. m. week-days. Sundays
eui ui unci iiiucii fur iBOIiry l lirK), B.S)a, 1Q,
ieave uroau street matlon, I'liuauelpula,
Kxtirens. week days. 3 20. 4 03. 4 no. sin. ft sn.
uu, o v uovj'imiiK vuri. UW.U lift,
., 12 noon, 1283 (Limited 100 and 422
p. m, Dining Curs) 1 40, 2 80 (Dining
o iaj, u ou, o i, ju iaj i. in., i-jui nitfiii. ftumiays,
3 3), 4OT, 4 50, 515, 8 12. 8 30. 9 50. 10 80 (Dlninc
Car), 1103 a. in.. 128.5. 2 80 (Dlnlnu Car)
4 00 (Limited 4 22), (Dining Car) 520, 556
(Dining Car), 0 35, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. ni., 12 01
Express for Ilonton, without change, 11 00
ru. week days, uud 6 50 p. m. dally.
For llaltimnre and Washington. B 50. 1 20. 8 81
912,1020, 1123 a. 111.. 1209 (1231 Limited Din.
Inn Cor), 112. 8 18. 4 11 (5 19 Congressional
l.ltnltn.1 , Hint.... ,.. l ,,!.., -...1
........j...,,. Hvu.j, Vi(, uiN l'll!lllkC VUrj,
7 40 (DiidliK Car) p. m., and 1205 iiliiht
wecit uuj-.i. nunuays, 300 730, g 13, a,
m-. J2 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 3 15 Congressional Limited,
ijiiiiiiK v,ri, uo-j jidiunic car), 710 p,
(DlnliiK Cor) ond 1203 night.
Leave Market btreet Ferry, Philadelphia,
Kxiireas. 8 50 a. in.. 2 10.13 in Ki,,r.ln.-,,u.i
410. and f-00 p. iu. week day.. Sunday., 8
and 0 15 a. m.
For Cape May, Anglensca, Wildwood and
Holly Ueaeli. Kxprcm, 9 00 a. m., and 4 00 p. in.
For Sea Me- City, Ocean City' and Avalon
Rxprca-i, 900 a. in., and 4 00 p. in. woek dya.
HnmluVH. 9 00 a. m.
For Bomew Point. Kipreu, 8 50 a. tu., and
ft Af TiRt-vruiT. J. It. Wood.
Qen'l Manager. acu'lPauVr Agi
Hunting h riend.
CLIFTON FoilOK, Vn., April 10. Paul
Gloason, colured, criminally assaulted a
13-year-old colored girl near Loiigdnlo. Ho
thon murdered hor. Largo bodies of mou
nro scouring tho mountnlns. Tho Loiig
dnlo furna,Do shut down, and put all of lu
men lntb tho mountnlns. If caught Glen
sou will probably bo lynched.
Internal Itnvenun Receipts.
Washington, April lb. Tho receipts
from Internal revenue for tho mouth of
March aggregated $11,21)7,701, uu Increase
of $1,K13,017 ovor last year. For tho nluo
mouths of tho fiscal year tho aggregate re
ceipts havo boon J110,17l),07o ns compared
With 109,0IJ5,117 for tho corresponding
period of last year.
Refused to Stop When United.
WlNTEitsET, la., April 18. James Don
nhuo was fotiilly shot by Krnuk Villlcrs,
ono of tho men who wero patrolling lanes
to prevent Davles, tho alleged bank wrecker,
from escaping. Donahuo refused to stop
whou asked to hult.
It's Queer Hnw Quick
Pan-Tina cures coughs and colds, 23c.
Oruliler Bros., drug storo.
Alleged Murderers Acs'tilVtM.
WlLKESBAnnE, Pa., April 18. Mnrtln
and John Uonsta, who were arrested at
UurtUdllla, N. Y., charged with the mur
dor of John Nice at Plymouth, Pa., wero
discharged from custody yesterday owing
to a lack of evidence.
In Philadelphia yosterday tho thermome
ter registered 93 dega. In tho shade.
John Stotson, the woll known theatrical
manager.dted in Boston oarlythls morning.
Philadelphia councils nppolntcd a com
mlttoo to prepare an ordinance regulating
tho use of bicycles on tho streots of the
Railway agents in Canada say that tho
exodus from tho counties below Quebec to
tho Untied States Is greater than over this
Tho Koronn envoy to Japan has gone to
Russia under tho authority of tho king of
Korea to ncgotlnto a loan of $3,000,000, giv
ing the Korean province of Hamgylng at
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart Relieved
Me of Agonizing Pain in 20 Minutes
and Was the Means of Saving
My Life, Bays Mrs. John
Jamleson, Tara, Ont.
'Adout three months aco I was attacked
It li nervous heart trouble. Tho Pain was
so sevcro I could hardly breathe. I could got
no relict and lea red that 1 cauld not live. 1
saw advertised iu The Tara Leader Dr.
Agnew's Cure for tho Heart and immediately
firocured a bottle. I secured perfect relief
nside of 20 minutes nnd firmly believe it
as tno means ot saving my lite."
If your heart Uuttcrs, pal pita tcs or tires
out easily, it is diseased, and treatment
should not bo delayed a single day. Dr.
new 8 Curo for the Heart relieves almost
instantly, nnd will etlectn radical cure. Sold
atKirliu's drugstore.
Klectric Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for nny
season, but perhaps moro generally needed In
the spring, wnen tno languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and
slucinsh and the need of a tonic and altera
tive is felt. A prompt use of this rncdicino
lias often averted long and perhaps latal
bilious fevers. No medlclno will act moro
surely in counteracting and freeing tho sys
tem irom the malarial poison, iieaaacne,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yieiu to
Electric Hitters. Only ntty cents por nottio
at A. Wasley's drug store.
Comtnc; Kvent,
April S3. Annual supper under auspices of
Welsh Congregational church, iu tho church
April 23. Grand concert aud hall by tho
ithuauian baud in Itobbins opera house.
May 30. Ico cream festival under tho
allspices of tho 22 Club, in Kobbins' opera
During the winter of 1893, F. 51,
Martin, of Long Reach, West Va., contracted
sevcro cold which left him with a cougl)
In speaking of how he cured it he says :
used several kinds of cough syrup but found
no relief until I bought a bottlo of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, which relieved me
almost instantly, nnd in a short time brought
about a complete cure." When troubled
with a cough or cold Use this remedy aud you
will not find it necessary to try several kinds
before you got relief. It has liceu in the
market for over twenty years aud constautly
grown in favor and popularity. For salo at
23 aud 50 cents por bottle by Gruhler Bros.,
llucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovcr sores,
tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and
all si; 111 eruntious. aud positively cures piles.
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or uiouy refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale bv A. Wasley,
Pillion 1'alL In North Carolina,
KAI.EI0H, April 18. Tho concurrence
committees of the Republican and Popu
list parties, appointed by their respective
executlvo committees to moot and deter
mine whether thore should bo a continu
ance of fusion In North Carolina, as oar-
rlcd out successfully two years ago, failed
to nareo after a prolonged session. Tho
Populists demanded tho go vornor and Sub
mitted n resolution uoclarlng for iree coin
ago of silver. Tho silver resolutions made
It obligatory to vote only for silver caudl
dates for olllce. Tho Republicans refused
to accept the proposition.
Relief lu Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
nl. Amorli-on k"l,l,,A-i- Piirn." This 11BW
remedy is a great surprise on accouuv " "
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
Tt roiiAvpfl retention or water auu iu
passing it almost Immediately. If you want
quick relief and cure this is your remouy.
Sold by Shaplra's pharmacy, 107 South Main
street. .
Marvelous ItemllL.
t iit.,-,.,-uin l.v Tfev. J. Gunder-
p nt.n...wi..i.. AH.1, wpi are permitted
m'nko this extract : "I liave no hesitation
iu recommcuuing nr. rwiuu . !....
,i.Ara.iiniwirn ulinnst marvelous in tho
caso of my wife. While I was pastor of the
i.,.. oimrr-li nt Rives Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeeding
La Grippo. lerriuie paroxysms ui cuusuiuk
would last hours with little interruption and
If cntiied as if she could not survive them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
Discovery! It was quick in Its work nnd
highly satisfactory In results." Trial bottlos
free at A. .Wasley's drug store. Regular size
90c and 1 1.00.
It lilts the Spot That's Right.
What 1 Pan Tina for coughs aud colds.
Gruhler Bros., drug store.
Throtich His Nervine Is a Ben
efactor to Thousands,"
aWIDEIiY known Wisconsin publisher,
who resides at Green Bay, writes
lfM.At. tOftK ... I
"Flvo Tears aco I became so nervmiq that.
mental work was a bnrden. I could sot rest
at night on account of sleeplessness. My -attention
was called to Dr. Miles' Restora
tive Nervine, and I commencod to nso It
with the very best effect. Since then I
have kept a bottlo in my house and use It
whenever my nerves become unstrung, with
lways tno same good results. My son also
Dr. Miles'
takes It for nervousness
with like nover falling
success. I have recom
mended it to many and
It cures them. All who
suffer from nerve
troubles should try it.
It is frco from narcotics, perfoctly harm
less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr.
Miles, through his Norvino Is a benefactor
to thousands." A. O. LEHMAN.
Editor and proprietor of Deb, Landsman.
Dr. Miles' Ncrvino is sold on guarantee
first bottle will benefit or money refunded.
Second District,
Of Glrardvllle. Po.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of Broad Mountain.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of Glrardvllle.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of Ashland.
Subject to Republican rules.
Oaico : SO West Centre street.
Can be consulted at all hours.
80 K. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Office hours 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Emm buildlnfir. corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy OIV, Pa.
TTftvlnir .tudted under some of the be.t
masters in London and Paris, will give lessons
on the violin, p-ultar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address In care of Strouse, the
eweler, Shenandoah.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Finest, ,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, al
West Coal Street.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking f
N.13 Jardin Street.