The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 15, 1896, Image 2

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15STAlll.ISIIi:i 1870.
Published every Evening, Kjicnpt Sumlay,at
Che Herald Is ricilvcied liiHhciinmtoan and tho
surrounding towns for six cents week, iy-
ftnle to V10 carriers. ly man sa.ou a year, or a
touts a month, payable In advance. Advertise-
merits cbarmtl act ortlltur to snaee and lioMllnn.
The publishers reserve the rlnht to ehanfre the
position of advertisements whenever Ilie pul-
llcalloli ol news ucmamifl u. l no rigiH 14
reserved to reject any mh ertUement, whether
fBld for or hot, Hint the putiiisncrs tuny ueein
uiprotier. Advertising rates miulo known
upon application.
Entered at the postofllee. at Shenandoah, Pa., tin
second class mnll mutter.
Evening Herald
WKUXISDAY. Al'Itll- 15, 1800.
T the Itcpubllenu electors of Pennsylvania:
Tho Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly
chosen representatives, will meet In Stato con
vention Thursday, April 21, 1800, nt 10 o'clock
. 111., in the opera house, city of llarrlsburg, for
(lie purpose of nominating two candidates for
representative nMargo In Congress and thirty
wo candidates for Presidential electors, the
eelcctlou of eight dclcgates-nHarge to tho lie
publican National convention, and for the
ransaction of such other business as may be
liy order of the Stato Committee.
M. S. Quay,
Attest: Jl:nit II. Kkx, Chairman.
It. Anduews, Secretaries.
Out West hoio stealing is no longer a profi
table business. Electricity and tho bicycle
have made horses so cheap that it docs not
pay to steal them.
An order issued from tho National Guard
headquarters at llarrisburg provides that
companies not qualifying 7." percent, of their
members as marksmen may bo disbanded.
Itisworr-e than waste for the state to put
rifles into tho hands of men who will not
learn to uso thcin. Tho effect of this order
should bo to in timo convert tlio state militia
into a corps of sharpshooters.
Tut: base ball season will bo inaugurated
to-morrow, when the clubs composing tho
National League play their first champion
ship games. Tho Philadelphia, amid very
Uattcring prospects for carrying oil' the pen
nant this year. Hut, then, Philadelphia al
ways wins tho Hag the beginning of tho
seaMin.audat the close are near the tallcudcrs.
Wi: ate indebted to Superintendent II. 1'.
WliitaWer for a copy of the report of tho
-Supciintendout of Public Iustiuctiou for tho
year ending Juno Srd, lblij. This is tlio
sixty-second annual report upon tlio public
schools of the commonwealth, and contains
some valuable infoimatiou.
Tin; people always turn to tho llmiAi.n
for a true and accurate account of happen
lugs in this locality, and upon occasions such
asoccuricd Monday afternoon 'tho demand
for the paper always exceeds tlio supply.
While our conlciiipqriirioh gao a garbled and
badly mixed up account of tho affair, tlio
only complete and accurate story of tho dis
graceful brawl was found in the.-e columns,
In the language of a promimcnt business man
.yesterday, ".Shenandoah has hut 0110 N'rcws-rircn-the
I'uemdkxt WAitriKLli has sent us the new
'catalogue of the well-known institution,
Lafayette college. It shows an attendance
-of 303 students, who aro nearly equally
divided between tlio technical courses in en
gineering and chemistry, and the old curri
culum of classical studios. Doth departments
appear to bo well maintained. Marked
Attention is given to American history and
political sciences. The courses in literature
and in engineering aio dctuilcd with gieat
distinctness. Tho Faculty of Lafayette is
composed of experienced and ablo instructors,
and tho courses of study aro very thorough.
Numerous prizes and honors await tho suc
cessful student. 1'or healthfulncbsand beauty
of location this institution is remarkable.
Tlio expenses are moderate in all cases, ai d
a student who desires to be economical can
get along on an extremely small sum, Clar
ence 1). Crobaugh, of town, is a student at
this college.
The granting of license to sell liquor to
audi places as that In which tho race riot
-oscunod Monday evening makes the average
citizen disgusted with the system as it is in
vogue in Schuylkill county, and when tho
trial of tlio cusos which orginatcd in tills
placo come up before court tho character of
tho place will bo brought out in its true light.
Protests wero made on behalf of tho citi
zens of tho town at tlio last license 'court
against tlio granting of any more licenses,
by two of tho most respected citizens of tho
towu. upon tho ground that there weio
already too many here, but tlio Judges taw
fit to disregard this protest, although Shcn
audoub had 123 retail licenses, or ono toevory
110 men, women and children in town,
estimating ourpOpulatton at 18,000,and added
10 more to the number, making oue tavein
to every 135 persons. Can any intelligent
person for a moment maintain that so many
places uro necessary to supply iufoxloatlng
liquors, in view of tlio fact that licenws aro
being transferred at every term of court
bccaiiM), in mostcuos, tho holders uro unable
to make a living? Is It any wonder that
illegitimate practices aio indulged in and, to
mauy drunken men are to bo seen on
till inlays?
Tho license law make thb Judges of our
spurts the guardians of tlio public welfare
in this particular lluo, and how they can
reconcile it with their fceuse ofjmtico to
jtrant lloenes to resorts lilio tho ouo which,
in this cam, lias cnuwxl trouble, which, aside
rom its moral aspect, will cost the taxpayers
hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, ) is
more than we can uudorstnud.
It is no justification to wy the applicant
was vouched for by respectable citizens, as
so-callod lespoctahle citizens are to be found
in every community whoso moral ideas are
vi ry bi and permit them to vouch foe
applitauts who lire not fit perout to entrust
wii l- tins priMb 'p In nearly uvcry county
lu i o -'ate t .1 Igcsare mo "0 careful than
ju - lUvlklll, ii . I the inference drawn by
many that political Influence lias something
to do with It appear to have some founda
tlon. Why wofo the protests, of our eitlwMn dis
regarded? The judges cannot fail to observe
tho number of oMn coming bofoie them at
each term of court, attributable to tlio" abuse
of liquor, hut how many licenses have ever
, rPVoliil 11 a nninnnnnt.en t
L"pn" revokeu in a consequence 1
Our license system Is a disgrace, and tho
sooner the law is amended restricting the
number of places of this kind to a certain
number of Inhabitants, tho better. Our
.lodges appear to bo only human, and given
to making many errors.
A Itojnl l'east Sorvcd lit tho Watson
House l.ust Night.
Sonic years ago somebody established the
custom of serving a banquet to tho Council
men and Councllmcu-elect subsequent to
their organization. Tho object was to havo
them throw dull caro asido for a night and
spend a few hours in social and mutuaPcn
joymcnt. In accordance, with tills custom a
supper was held last evening at tho Watson
House, and a royal ono it was. Mine Host
Hartley MiOuinnoss and his efficient caterer,
Ocorgo M. Shocner, served as fino a supper as
ever topped a table and they wero tho
recipients of many compliments from thoso
who wero in attendance. It was a first class
turkey supper and tho following was tho
Lynn Haven Oysters.
Turkey siull'cd with Oysters.
Stewed Chicken,
llcef Tonguo. lioiled Ham.
French I'cas.
Potatoes. Corn. Tomatoes.
Stowed Onions. I!cd Heats.
Cold Slaw.
Lcttuco Salad. - Cheese. Celery.
I'icklos. Olives.
Assorted Fruits
Ico Cream. Custards.
Wines. Cigars.
A preliminary meeting was held at tho
Council Chamber at which llorough Surveyor
W. G. Gregory presided, and it was decided
that Councilman C. T. Stmughn should act as
toast-master at tho banquet. It was about
l):15 when tho following peopto took seats at
the five elegantly arranged tables at tlio
Watson House: Councilmeu T. J. James,
William McGulrc, Daniel Coakley, James
Mctlhcnny, John I'. lloehui, C. T. Straughn,
A. I), (iablo, Conrad Lnglert, I'atrick Kerns,
Patrick Hand, It. I), lleose, I). It. James and
Fdward Murphy; Treasurer T. J. Daviosi
Secretary W.J. Watkins.Chief Hurgcssllurns,
Surveyor W. G. Gregory, Supervisor I). H.
Llewellyn, Policemen Thomas Tosh, Thomas
Leo, Harry Goodman, Christ. Foltz, John
Stanton, Tax Collector M. J. Scanlan, Oscar
Iletteridge, M. K. Doyle. W. (1. Hoss, W.J.
Morgan, George W. Keipcr, M. M. Burke,
Lsq,, Dr. W. N. Stein, Charles Strousc, A. 11.
Lamb, William Patterson and Justice T. T.
Tlio postprandial program was spicy and
liumoio is and continued until after midnight.
Addresses wero mado on many dillercnt sub
jects bearing upon tlio borough, its governing
body and tho members of it and good fellow
ship flowed as freely as the host's wine. It
was unanimously decided that tho gathering
was ono of the most enjoyable of its
kind ever held. Ono Councilman was
so well pleased that ho said in an
nddross he could stand a repetition of
the event onto a month' and should ho
become (.'hief llurgcss ho will itthat
the Councilmeu get together and understand
each other mora frequently. Several responses
to toasts wero in terms bearing upon tlio
deadlock and not a few of the speakers wero
disposed to break it instautcr. It is hardly
necessary to state that sentiment in that
direction was evinced by all concerned, but
the proposition nnd talk camo from citizens
who had no direct voice in the matter and
the subject ended wheio it started. Tlio
aH'.iir can bo summed up with tlio statement
that it was tho most enjoyable Council meet
ing held during the past twelve months, but
the deadlock is still firm
It's (Jueer How Outek
Fan-Tina euros coughs and colds, 23c, At
Gruhlcr Ilros., drug store.
Wood's Collego Notes.
Two hundred and seventeen students havo
entered and tlio number will probably reach
300 before April 18th.
Nino teachers havo been employed and
personal instruction will bu given all persons
who need it.
No preparation is needed. Students may
enter who can not read and will he. carefully
taught by experienced teachers in a depart
ment arranged especially for them.
Thirty scholarships wero written on I riday.
New tables and furnituro havo been ordered
toaccoinmodato tho largo uumbcrof students.
Tho College is now ahead of any in Schuyl
kill county.
Tlio charter member scholarship will bo
withdrawn on Tuesday morning, April 14th,
and in its placo a combined scholarship will
be issued at $150,
Tlio College olllco will bo open Saturday
evening and all who wish a charter member
scholarship at $75, wortli April 11th $150,
should call at tlio Collego on or beforo Tues
day morning.
If you have not the ready cash call to sco
rof. Wood and ho will suggest some plan by
which you may tuko advantage of tho
charter membership.
Students who wish to enter tlio college at
at any futuro timo may get the charter mem
ber scholarship now and come to tlio college
at any time.
Tho college has como to stay, and is ono of
our great educational and financial institu
It IIlls the Spot That's ltlgbt.
What ?' l'au-Tina for coughs and colds. At
Gruhlcr llros., drugstore.
Harper's Magnzluu.
Tho May uumlwr of Harper's will contain
an article on Mark Twain, by his intimato
friend, llov. Joseph II. Twichell, of Hart
ford. Most appropriately, the paper will
abound in anecdote ; and its interest will bo
enhanced by a portrait, engraved by Florinu
from tho latent photograph of Mr, Clemens,
and other illustrations.
Jibe iiiiuitlsui Cured In it Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically circs in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tho system is remarkable and
mysterious. It ruuiovos at ouco tho cause
and thu disease immediately disappears. Tlio
first dose greatly bsneflta i 75 cents. Sold by
C. II. llagenbuoh, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Co.lllllg 1-ltfllt.
April 10. Musical and dramatic entertain
ment by tlio Guilds of tlio All Saints' church
in Ferguson's theatre.
April 22. Annual supper undor auspices of
Welsh Congregational cliurcu, in the cuurcu
April 23. arand concert and ball by tho
Lithuanian baud lu Kobbins' opera bouso.
May 30. lee cream feitlval undor tho
auspices of tho 22 CluV in Itobbius' opera
Ives Makes u .Vow llllllaril Itecnrd,
UostoH, April 15 Ives dofonted Slnu
rice Daly, of Now York, lu thu Interna
llonitl blllltinl tnurnnniont Inst night, and
mndo a now record for n run on cushion
caroins, scoring 85 points against 7", the
provlims record made by William So.xton
In public, and 81 by Sohnefer In private
praotlec. Tlio (.cure of but nlnhi's mtnio
was: Ivos, 300; Daly, 850.
MoIUnley's Virginia Supporters.
Warsaw, April !.". The Keimlillcuns of
the First district of Virginia, tnot in con
vention nt Tappnbminock yesterday and
olectcd Dr. George I. Stnrborotigh, of Ao
coiiiao county, nnd 1 C. Wnlkor, colored,
delegates to the at. Louis con petition. A
resolution was ndopted Instructing tho
delegates to vote for MoKinloy.
Strung Up by a Mob.
ABKItliKBN.XIiss., April 15. John, Jones.
colored, aged 10, who committed a crlni
lnnl assault on n 12-ycar-old white' girl
last Sunday morning near Mormon
Springs, was hanged by a mob early yes
terday morning. Jones confessed his
A Well Known Distiller Assigns.
Lexington, Ky., April 15. Jnmes E.
Popper, tho woll known dlstllIor,nssIgncd
yesterday afternoon. Tho nssots nro be
tween 1300,000 and $300,000, nnd the llabll
tics aro unknown. The failure docs' not
lnvolvo tho firm of J. K. Popper & Co.
Fatal Explosion In u English Mine.
DURHAM, April 15. An explosion has
taken place In a coP'cry at Wiillngton,
near this plnco. Eight minors nro known
to havo been killed, and It is believed ton
others will dlo as n result of tlio disaster.
Ex-Consul Wnller In Ilnltllnore.
Ualtimoke, April 15. Ex-Consul John
L. Wuller arrived hero yesterday. Ho has
takon rt flat on Lanvalo strcot, where ho
ays ho will remain for two icouths.
Waller went to Washington today.
Death of Kahwny's Mnyor.
K AH WAT, N. J., April 15. Mayor John
J. Daly died Inst night of Brlght's dis
ease Mayor Daly was a practitioner of
mcdlclno, having been graduntod from tho
Unlvorsity of Now York lu 1873. Ho served
as mayor of Railway five terms, first as a
Democrat, then as an Independent,, and
thrco times as a Republican.
Three. Children Jturned to Death.
Huntington, W.Vn., April 15. Monday
evening thrco young children of Sheridan
Mooro were burned In o barn near their
homo, forty miles south of hora. They
wont to tho barn to play, and half an hour
lntor tho barn was wrapped In Ilames and
all ontranco cut off.
Ex-Congressman R. J. Vnnco. Demo
ornt, was oloctod mayor of Now Uritain,
Conn., yestorduy.
Ex-Sonntor Lyman Trumbull, whoso
Illness nt Chicago has beon reported, Is
rapidly rocovoring.
Washouts nro reported on nearly all
railroads In northern Wisconsin, duo to
floods causod by heavy rains.
Governor Hastings has fixed Thursday,
Juno 30, for tho oxecution of Joseph
O'Hosso, tlio Pittsburg murderor.
Two men, said to bo John Lolningornnd
Potar I'retzeller, of Laucastor, Pa., woro
killed by a train near Loouoyvlllo, N. Y.
Charles Davis, of llingbninton, receiver
nf the defunct Elmira National bank,
ilroppod dead from apoplexy nt Elmira,
JsT. Y., yestordny.
Oral Polndoxtor, 12 years old, was ar
rested nt Coburg, Oro., on a chargo of at
tempting to kill tho fnmily of Mrs. Hiram
Smith by poisouing. (
Nebraska Populists aro organizing in
Uio Interest of Senator William V. Allen
as tho prcsidontlal caudldato of the party,
dosplto his declination.
Ex-Mayor W, W. Gllrenth, of Green
ville, S. C, was found detail In his office
enrly in tlio morning. A pistol was found
lying by his side, nnd It is supposed that
ho committed suicide.
F. F. Benson, head of tho school of the
Boston Museum of Fino Arts, has been
commissioned by tho government to paint
tho three largo panols In tho south corri
dor of the uow congressional library.
Merit wins, and Merit has not
only placed Hood's Sarsapa
rilla at the head of all medi-
G clnes but has practically given
jo It, as a blood purifier, pos-,
So session of the whole field.
f Wins because It Cures. It
Cures because It purifies, vi
talizes and enriches the blood,
Disease cannot resist Its potent
powers. Health comes at
Us persuasive bidding. If you
need a good medicine," get
Hood's and only Hood's.
rrepared by C I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. 1 1.
Ui-4o Dillo cure all IWer Ull. Beit
rlOOQ S rMllS after-dinner pill, Sic.
FAT. NOV, II, tlOO, JUNt.'J, 1001, TRADE MARK JAN. 34, 9,
Beware of fraudulent nd worthtesa Imitations.
(ONE Genuine Sd"TWIN"
Tbe most beautiful ' most pliable! most perfect itoyl
'fhry neter breuk' They never cutl Ihey nevrruBtl
Matin In Cotton and Silk Cailngs and Nickel 1M td.
Send ."jets. (Stamps! for samples "(JenulneTwin to
a BABTUUU.N, 19 If. eia Street, lbil4libi, f.
Does This Mesa Anythi-.jtoYoJ?
It our tru. don't hold you or is causing
pain, sco ns at once.
It mav save vou vear
sullerlng. ) bavo cured hundreds ol jwople
1 Ul
lu l'cnnsylvanl.i. andean refer you to patients
cured in your own town. Our ticatment Is
harmless and will not keep mi from your
daily labor. Call and havo a talk with our
doctor, it will cost you nothing. Wo guaran
tee rellet alter tho first treatment, and our
prices aro reasonable.
The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia.
Sco Our Doctor livery Tuesday at
UNION HOUSE, Asliland, Pa.
iff rip
Women and Women OsLTnrc most com
petent to fully opprecialo the parity, sweet
ncBS, and delicacy of Cuticuua Soap, and
to dUcover now mcs for It daily. To cIcjhibo,
purity, nnd beautify tho skin, to allay Itch
ing and Irritation, to heal chafing, excoria
tions, and ulcerative- weaknesses, nothing so
pure, so sweet, so speedily effective as warm
baths with ConconA Soap, followed, when
necessary, by mild applications of ODTiconA
(ointment), the great skin euro.
Sold thronttiout the world. Mco, CrncriA, Ho.
Bor. sso.i Aisoitist, eoc nd 1. romaDtuo
Ann Cnrtf. Cosp.. Bole rroprlelore, Hoaton.
or" Uow to Product Luiuriiot lltlr," milled free.
Which May Itesnlt In the Death ol Two
of the FnrtlclpanU.
Ni;w YoiiK, April .15. About a month
ngo Maria Gentlll nnd Salvntor Grlmnldl
became enamored of each other In Naples,
nnd camo to America. They went to
Brooklyn, to the homo of Grimaldl's
brother Cnrmlno. Mnrtlno Gentlll, tho
brother of the girl, arrived hero from Bos
ton yesterday and met his slstor nnd her
lover. Thoro was a lively lntervlow, but
llnnlly tho Grlmnldl brothers and Gentlll
camo out of tho house togethor, tho trouble
having been In some degree smoothed
over. Last night, however, it was re
newed, and Salvntor Do Pasqunlo ondcav
ored to act as mediator.
A light resulted, lu which Gentlll was
shot In tho breast by Cnrmlno Grlmnldl,
whllo Do Pasqunlo rocolvcd ton stab
wounds, eight In tho body nnd two In tho
head, nt tho hands of Gentlll. Cnrmlno
Grlmnldl was shot twice, It Is declared, by
Gentlll. Tho other Grlmnldl mado his es
capo. Tho fight causod so much excite
ment that tho police resorves wero called
out In order to prevent a bnttlo between
the Italian 'actions. Tho men wero taken
to tho Long Island hospital, whero It is
stated that Gentlll and Do Pasqunlo aro
mortally wounded. It was thought that
Grimaldi would recover.
niectrio Hitters.
Kleclrie Hitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perhaps more generally needed in
the spring, when the languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when tho liver is torpid and
sluggish and tho need of a tonic and altera
tive is felt. A prompt uso of this medicine
lias often averted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act more
surely in counteracting nnd freeing the sys
tem iroin the malarial poison. Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Electric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottlo
nt A. Wasley's drug store.
Itoyalty nt a Nurse's lAineral.
ATIIUNS, April 13 A nurso who had
boon ono of tho palace attendants over
sinco tho birth of tho crown prince, in
1BGS, died Mondny, and tho king and tho
princes attended the funeral yesterday.
They wero deeply affected. Tho king, the
crown prince and Princes Georgo and
Nicholas carried tlio coffin, nnd the hearse
was followed on foot to tlio comotory by
tho ladles and gentlemen of tho court.
Workmen Narrowly Kscnpn.
St. Cloud, Minn., April 15. A dozen
men working on tlio Ico gorgo in tho Mis
sissippi, oponlng n channel, narrowly es
caped being swept ovcrtho dnm. A sudden
rlso In tho water broko up tho Ico, which
rushed toward tho dam. The men man
nged to sornmblo ashore ovor floating
cakes of Ice. Tho brtdgo and tho dam wore
unharmed, but tho water Is very high and
tho situation Is quito serious.
Itellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved In six hours by tho "Now Great
South American Kidnoy Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprlso on account of its
exceeding promptness ill relioving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and ovcry part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main
A I'rotcst Against Colombia.
New York, April 15. Copies of the pro
test made before United States Consul J.
h. i'enrcey, at Colon, by Captain John
Hendricks, of tho American schooner
Goorgo W. Whltford, which was seized by
tho Colombian gunboat Cordova off Mau
zanlllo Point on Murch 31, have beon ro
colvcd In this city. Captain Hendricks
declares the schoonor had compiled with
all tho regulations of tho port from which
sho i.ailed, but nvors that tho officer of tho
Cordova who boarded hlni threatened to
sink bis ship, with tho Stars nnd Stripes
Hying from tho masthead, unless sho
started to roturn to Colon in fifteen min
utes. Leopold fc'chcpp, n cocoanut denier
of this city, who owns tho Whltford, says
tho troublo was causod by Spanish com
petitors for big trade, who havo political
Influence with tho Colomblun govornnicnt.
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho host salvo In tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers unit rbo,,,, r. .
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains', corns, and
all skin eruptions, anil positively currs niW
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded . Trico
icua vki oux. ror sale bv A. Wasley.
ISmperora tVllllum and Frauds Joseph.
VIKSNA, AUrll 15. A rnln ,llnn w
glvon last night at the vIIofbnrg iu honor
of tho visiting ompcror nnd ompros3 of
Germnny, nt which 110 royal, noble and
oiuer uisuugiiisneu personages sat down.
Tho dlnuor was marked by animated con
versation between tho two emperors and
tho other guests. KtnnamrVpmic.u T,.c.,i,
has appolntod tho German Crown I'rluce
William u Uouteuunt in tho Seventh Hus
sars, whllo tho IAttlo I'rlnco Eltel Fred
crick, Kmperor William's second sou, has
been uppoluted n lloutonnnt in tho Thirty
fourth infantry. Kmperor William has
boon made u jnombor of tho Second rod
mont. Grlp-CoMs-ileiulachc,
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Clrlppe when I-axatlve llromo Quinlno will
euro you in one day. Put up in tablets con-
vcnieui lor vamug. Uuaranteed to cure, or
money roiunucu. Prico, 25 cents. For .sale.
uy ivinui s i-jiarmacy.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or gcnoral tlnsmlthing done call
on a. t . uaiiaguor i west Centre street
Dealer lr stoves 8-1-tf
Iluy Keystono Hour. Ito sure that tbe name
Lkssio & Baku, Ashland, I"a., is printed on
every sack.
Itcports That tlio Nnllvcs Aro l'ropnrlng
to Jtl.o Along tbn ttorder.
C.M'KTOWS, April 15. New has been
reoolved bore that tho natlvo-i nro prepar
ing to rlso along thu Transvaal bordor. A
rising lu northern Transvaal Itself Is nlso
reported to be Imminent. There Is some
thing; of a paulo manifest among tho
burghors, who havo npponlod for nrms
with which to protcot thomsolves. Tho
threatened spread of tbe disturbance along
tho Transvaal bordor makes tho situation
ntIluluwnyo and In Mntubolo muoh moro
serious. Tho authorities have folt that
Ilutuwayo was roasonnbly safe If tho food
supply should hold out, but the danger
has beon that tho Mntabelos would stop
tho wngou roads through the Matop'po
hills nnd to tho south, and thus prevent
supplies from gottlng through from Mafo
king. It Is bolloved that the whlto sottlers
scattered through Mntnbololnud are In
placos of safoty by this timo, In Buluwayo
or Gwelo, and tho missionaries do not feel
that thoy run any risk from tho nntlvos to
whom thoy nro known, though thoro
might bo danger from strnngo wandorlng
Only a part of tho COO rclnforcomonts
doslgnod for Buluwayo have boon dls
patched from Mafoklug, tho nearest point
nvallablo for that purpose. It takos four
wooks' hard trnvollng by or wagons to
roach Buluwayo from thcro, and it is said
that tho Journey cannot be done in that
timo oxcept with very light loads. Trans
portation of supplies of ammunition,
which aro needed at this time In Ma tabolo
land, must therefore be slow, nnd tho now
dovolopmonts in tho situation throatcn to
cutoff, oratloast to interrupt communi
cation botweon Buluwayo and tho only
sourco to which It oan look for a renewal
of lis supplies.
It has been discovered that some of tho
Mntabelos who are omployod ns servants at
Buluwayo havo beon acting as Bplos and
conveying Information of tho movements
of expeditions to tholr frlonds In outlying
districts. Ono of thoso traitorous natives
was shot yostorday.
Signed by Governor Griggs.
Tiienton, April 15. Governor Griggs
yostcrday slguod n number of bills, tho
mora important of which wero: Assom
blymnn Itobertson's trnctlon bill, which
validates all proceedings granting trolloy
franchises oxcept In thoso casos whoro tho
proceedings uro now a subject of litiga
tion; Assemblyman Hutchinson's gamo
bill, changing tlio open season for rnbblts,
etc., so that it thall bo from Nov. 10 to
Jan. 1 for the ontlro stnto; tho bill mak
ing It a mlsdcmonuor to ask candidates
for olllco to buy sociable and plcnlo tlck
ots; tho bill repealing tho mandatory
clause of tho stato aid stono road law.
All Allldavit.
This is to certify that on May nth, I
walked to Mclick's drug store on a pair of
crutches aud bought a bottlo of Chamber
lain's Pain Halm for inflammatory rheuma
tism which had crippled me up. Aftor using
thrco bottles I am completely cured. I can
cheerfully rccommoud it. Charles H. Wet
zel, Suubury, Pa.
Sivorir nnd subscribed to before, mo on
August 10, 1691. Walter Shipman, J. P.
For sale at 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhler
Bros., druggists.
Darber Shops lust Close on Sundays.
Albany, April 15. Tho court of appeals
yostcrday affirmed tho constitutionality
of tho law passed by the legislature last
year, making It a misdemeanor to keep
barber shops open on Sundays excopt In
Now York city and Saratoga, whoro they
woro pcrmlttod to do busluess until 1 p.
m. on Sundays. Judgo Bartlott, in a dis
senting) opinion, thinks tho caso "presents
an lnstanco whero tho lawmakers havo
overstepped the bounds of legitimate legis
lation." During the winter of 1803, F. M.
Martin, of Long Beach, West Va., contracted
a severe cold which left him with a cough.
In speaking of how ho cured it ho says : "I
used several, kinds of cough syrup but found
no relief until I bought a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Eemcdy, which relieved mo
almost instantly, and in a short timo brought
about a complete cure." When troubled
witli a cough or cold use this remedy and you
will not find it necessary to try several kinds
before you get relief. It has been in tho
market for over twenty years and constantly
grown in favor and popularity. For sale at
23 and 50 cents per bottle by Gruhler Bros.,
Great Britain Yields a Point.
LoHDON.April 15. Tho soloct committee
of the house of commons on the rule of
tho road nt sea, by a voto of 0 to 8, has
adoptod tlio chairman's report In favor of
llulo 15, suggested by tho Washington
conforenco dealing with sound fog signals.
'luls was tho rulo upon which centorod tho
muln objection of British shipowners and
navigators to tho series of rules of tbo
road recommended by tho Washington
conferonco, and which led to the with
drawal of tho British govornnicnt from
the agreement on these rulos.
Marvelous ltehiilts.
From a letter written by Itev. J. flunder-
rnmi. nf nimnnilnln- Mich., wo are nermitted
to make this extract : "I have no hesitation
in recommending Br. King's New Discovery,
as tho results were almost marvelous in the
caso of my wife. While I was pastor of the
Baptist church at Itives Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeeding
La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughlug
would last hours witli littlo interruption and
It seemed ns if sbn could not survivo them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
Discovery: it was quick in its work and
highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles
frco at A. Wasley's drug store. Kegular size
ouc anil vi.uu.
Itlotous Strikers Shot Down.
Richmond. Vn.. April 15. At Max
Meadows. Va.. Monday night tbo nogroes
employed at a furnuco struck for hlghor
wages. Thoy resorted to riotous conduct
diirlnu tho nlulit and kont It mi yesteruuy.
Couldernble property wns destroyed. Tho
civil authorities bhot nnd killed ono of
tho strikers nnd woundod nnothor.
Fatally Shot 111 "Dead Man's Itow."
AVilliamstown. Ky.. April 15. Tho flf.
Juintb nuirdor at what is cullod Head
Man's row ocourrod yostorday afternoon
When Vrank Musseliiuin, a. fanner,
hot three times nnd mortally wounded
by Hubert Tully. Tully was captured.
It will be an agreeable surprise to persons
subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that
prompt ellef may be bad by taking Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. In many Instances tho attack may bo
prevented hy taking this remedy as soon as
tho first symptoms of tho disease appear 25
and 60 cent bottlos for sale by Gruhler Bros.,
r n.i , , -v ...imiiii i.friiJ.
ii xwnroaa Ulticial's Exner enee.
It. EDWARD EDMONDS, long con-
ncctcu witn railroad construction la
Nobraska.wrltcsi "Mv heart trrmblfvl
and pained mo for 19 years. Shortness of
breath was tho constant and most common
Bymptom. Intonso,oxcrucIatingpalrt, gener
ally followed any severe exertion. Falntness
hunccrwithrmtnnvnntuiflfA. n. ...., .,
that of ten staggered mo as If I would fall,
wore frequent attacks. Again, overythlnt
would turn black if larosofrom astooplni
".uciraa uigutswiin tnou
III. Mllev Prostrating unrest wero
TT numerous and I could
Heart CUre Eetnorost day or night.
i consulted loading phy
sicians and tried adver
tised remedies. They
gave mo no relief . Ono of
Dr. Miles' circulars doscrlbod my caso so
oxactly that 1 took Dr. Miles' Now Heart
Cure and I am now a well man. I hope
every ono troubled with heart disease will
try Dr. Miles' romodios. If thoy will wrlto
mo personally, I will gladly givo them full
details of my oxperionco." Enw. Edmonds.
P. O. Box C3. David City, Nebraska.
Dr. Miles' Ileart Ouro is sold on guarantee
that first bottlo benefits or money refunded.
ecu inter-
uallv cures
aud all
bowel I
plaints, S
ilds, chills
t'-v"i" and La Grippe. I
Used exttrually it is tbe best lini-
incnt iu the world. Pcvrare of ,J.
imitations, buy only the gouume
made by Perry Davis. 2,.
Lart botllea ti and 50 enu lien,
v Rnrhoc s1mn !
West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
Is becoming popular. Vou will like It.
mane n eiicciaity 01
hair cutting.
Office : 30 West Centre street.
Can be consulted at nil hours.
p F. BUUKE, M. D.
30 K. Lloyd street, ShenandoAh.
Office hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 to 9
p. m.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Ofllco Eeaii butldlnir. corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 65. Mahanoy Grttp, Pa.
Ha vine studied under tome of the bet
mMtftM i london una Paris, will irlve lessoni
on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonaoie. Auuress in caru ui otruuae, iuo
eweler, ttuenandoau.
If You Have Any
fentlenien : M'e had ono of your No, 36 Safe
i 41... IfflaAltlnn lliiililintr. wliicli una In til
worst part of the fire. Although tho safe was
badly burned on the outside, all of Its contents
were saved.
We take pleasure In advising the public to use
your safes If they want protection.
(Signed,) MEItSIlON 11UOS.
aentlenien: I hereby Rive you my
Safe, found In tlio ruins of tbo lato fire at tho
Ilaseltluo Art Galleries,
Its contents were destroyed and I havo no usa
for tho shell.
(Signed,) THOS. J. AltMSTUONO.
H-rir-r-r-l O rnrrRflflll
723 Chestnut St
;s. mi, y in) n
flint s s - Vi vy si..j! : i n .
. ttAWM. Tal
"Sis r