Si rats r. EVENING HERALD ttSTAliLlHIIKI) 1870. JPubMstjml avery Ev-iMm, Except Sunday, nt 8 SorrH Jaruik Stuket, Near Ckhthb. tho llnnild In rieiivctrd InHhenandonit Ami the surrounding towtiH for nix winta u week, tHV" nble to the carrier. Ity mall 98,00 n year, or 96 eeuU ft month, naynldc In advance. Advert. nienttt oharRpti ftetordliiK to nnnce find tM)Ufon. The lHiljllwhem rtwrvt the right to cltnnce tle position of advertisements whenever the pub- neat on ol news demands it. mo mint reeer.ed to reject any advertisement, whetlm falu fur or not. time lite publisher! may deem inproner. Advertising ratoj modo known upon application. Entered at the postofllce nt Shenandoah, Pa., as second class mall tnntter. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Evening Herald MONDAY, Al'ltll. 13, 18!)8. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. To tho Republican electors of Pennsylvania: The Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representatives, will meet In Stato con vention Thurmlay, April 23, 189(1, nt 10 o'clock a. m.t In the opera hou.c, city of llarrlshurg, for the purpose of nominating two candidates for reprcscntativc-nt-largo In Congress nnd thirty two candidates for Presidential electors, the selection of eight dclcgntes-oMargo to tho Re publican National convention, nnd for the mnsactlon of such other business ns may be presented. Jly order of tho Stato Committee M. S. Quay, Attest: Jkris It. Hex, Chairman. "V. It. Anohews. Secretaries. A coon uunpnlgii unit; In tho Presidential aunpalBii would ho, ".Silver Threads Among tlie (Inld.'J Ohio's Hnusoof Iieiirnsontntlves has passed a law iiKHtnst treating. Tlio professional liar room "sponger" will consider this as a case of treating lilm very badly, indeed. l'l'T your car to tho ground nud you will lionr the distant murmuring uf tho howl that will go up after the Democratic county con vention. It is not all gold that glitters. Dm you ever notlvo that ahout tho timo :v politician Iomjs confidence in the people they Joso coulidciice in him? There is a sort of mutual loss of confidence all around. And jwlitics is a good deal of a con. game, anyway. A South Carolina man presented him self at a jail to which ho had hceu sentenced .1U)1 iodised admittance becauso ho canio aliejid of his commitment papers. Still wo poke fun at South Carolina when sho claims to he lawahidiug. !i' wrote a story of a man who had no soul. It seems a credihlo talc when no consider the man Holmes, who with twenty murders to expiate, feels not tho slightest twingo of romoi'oo. While ho may have always feared detection, he seems to have heen wholly unconscious of anything horrililo in his crimes. A kiiai. lady cither wears a very small hat to a theatre or else takes oil' hig ono and shows her pretty head ami her hair artistl sally dressed. Sho never needs an act of tho legislature to make, her do this. Tho prompting of her own gentle, kindly uatuio induce her to it. At last it is propo-cd- to recognio tho common soldier. .Mr. Watson, a mciiiher of C'ongiesK. iias introduced n hill appropriating $250,000 lor tho erection of a monument in Washington city, dedicated to the memory of tho humble private soldier, who was such an important factor in the war for tho preserva tion of tho Union. Quite a number of Democratic comity conventions have been held throughout the stato during the past week, and in all of them an emphatic expression against tho milt rule was included in the resolutions. It is apparent, therefore, that tho great mass of Democratic voters aio in favor of the aboli tion of the unit rule. As to how tho Schuyl kill delegation will vote on tho question, in the convention, there is no way of ascertain ing, as they have rcceivid no instructions and are free to exercise their own judgment in the matter. In" many towns throughout tho county tl o Grand Army Posts aro jyepariug for Mi luurial Day by getting their committees in shape and teluctiug the orators of tho day. Watklu Wntors Pot will not bo behind in honoring their departed comrades. The llowor.strowing custom is a beautiful one, and with ouch biiccecdlng year tho ranks of tho nohlo men who wore tho blue from '(11 to '05 lire gradually thinning out and tho duty will finally devolve upon their sons. The exercises this year should be participated iu by all societies, und esi ecially our public Schools. EvuiKNci; is not wanti ng to show that the 'National Social Club is an organization of which the town can justly feel proud. Tho social features of the club are of a high order, nnd by furnishing a gymnasium that has few equals in the iuturiur of tho state for the development of physleal culture and amuseinunt to tho members, It is an iuccntivo that cannot fail to bo productive, of good. From the membership of the club Prof. H. I. Wood lmsseeuruil twenty-eight members as students ut his excellent college, tho faculty of which U up to the standard of any collego in the state. Tho Professor is working in a fruitful Held among the young men, to whom tt business education is one of tho necessurios of the present age. It Is an uuiiMiaUy flue feather 1" t" American cap to havo so many of the ovonts in the 7Tllth Olympiad, at Athens, wou by Aimrican athletes. They contested with men from England, Frauoe, Gornuuiy, Austria, t.iV'c i e and other uouutries, and won more than thfir share of the honors. It may not be possible to compare their work with that of the ancient Greeks, who won fame iu the same arena, and so docido whether man kind lus advanced or deteriorated in skill, .strength and ondiimtico as tho centurhs rolled away, hut their performances were lujlihe.d with those of athletes from all tho leading louutties of civUiiation, and the inericuiH v u s'Uu igh for the out ahead, s ut That is houor PERSONAL, U. Sterner spent yesterday at 1'otU- Guy ville. Philip Werner, of Mt. Carmcl was a town visitor to-Uy. George and Harry Taylor, of Glranlvlllo, pent last evening in town. Mrs. David Hrown is visiting hor daughter, Mrs. T. J. Davis, of 8t. Clair, letter Carrier Martin MRlono visited friends at I'ottarlUe yesterday. Miss Annie I.. Williams whs a guest of friends at Pottsvillo yesterday. lMward Wostorvolt, of Haideton, was tho guest of town relatives to-day. John I. Matliias, of Mahanoy City, was a visitor to town buturilay afternoon. Daviil Llewellyn and lady friend spent yesterday In Ashland and Mahanoy City Joseph Mandour, tho East Centre street merchant, is, transacting business in New York. Mrs. Max Supowitu and daughter, Hattle. aro spending a vacation among acquaintances in ?sew ork. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morroll, of Olrnril- vlllc, wero tho guestB of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooks yostcrday. Mios Sarah Hoylo and Fannie McOrehan. of Ilazlcton, aro tho guests of Miss Mary Ward, on Kast Lloyd street. Miss Jessie McDonald, of Providence, It. I., i3 tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. James Danioll, of North Main street. E. F. Gallagher, John F. Cooney, Frank Grady and T. F. Bradlgan went to Mt. Car mcl to-day to make repairs to tho Mt. Carmcl House property tho latter purchased about a year ago. Wood's College Notes. Two hundred and seventeen students liavo entorcd and tho number will probably reach 300 beforo April 18th. Nino teachers have been employed and personal instruction will bo given all persons who need it. No preparation is needed. Students may enter who can not read and will be carefully taught by experienced toachcra in a depart ment arranged especially for them. 1 hirty scholarships wero written on Friday. New tables and furniture have been ordered to accommodate tho largo numlior of students. I ho Collego is now ahoud of any in Schuyl kill county. rho charter member scholarship will be withdrawn on Tuesday morning, April ltth. and in its place a combined scholarship will no issued at flou, Tho Collego ofllco will bo open Saturday evening and all who Wish a charter memlier scholarship at $75, woith April 11th $1150, .should call at tho College on or beforo Tues day morning. If you have not tho ready cash call to sco Prof. Wood and ho will suggest somo plan by which you may tako advautago of tho charter membership. Students who wish to enter tho collego at at any futuro timo may get the charter mem ber scholarship now and come to tho collego at,any time. fho college has como to stay, and is ono of our great educational nnd financial institu tions. "Tom" lli-uunaii's Death. Full particulars havo been received con cerning tho death at Anaconda, Montana, of Tom" Itrciinan, formerly of this place and Tamaqua and at ono timo a champion sprinter. For sovoral days thcio had been a fire in a big fume that carried away tho wasto from a smelter. Itrciinan was at tho head of the fire department to attend and endeavor to put out the lire. Tho only way to reach tho place was through a tunnel. A lino of hoo was laid and lircnuuii and a man named Smith took tho nozzle. They advanced about T.i feet. The water was turned on and had played on the timbering but a few sec onds when there was an explosion, the tim bers ga e way and a mass of hot ashes wore precipitated into tho Hume whcic tho men stood. The victims ran out of tho tunnel with the Uesh of their hands and arms burned so that it hung in shreds and almost every part of their bodies wero scalded, llrcnnan inhaled liaiuos and hot air and his mouth and tliroat wero burned. Ho died within a few hours. Smith died tho next day. Mrs. lircnnau has decided to remain at Anaconda, whero sho has a comfortable home. Tho deceased was famous as a sprinter ubout ten years ago and held Hio world's record for 200 yards, which ho es tablished in running against time at Allen town, Pa. Ed. Tisdale, at that timo cham pion of Canada, forfeited to lSrcnnan. Dep uty ShcrilV Patrick llrcnnan, of Anaconda, is a cousin of tho deceased. (Irlp-ColdN-IIeuduclio. Why softer with Coughs, Colds and La Grippo when Laxative Uruiuo Quinitio will euro you iu one day. Put up iu tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For salo by Kirliu's Phnrmaoy. Tho Cyclers .Season. The already large number of cyclers in Shenandoah will bo materially increased this season. The weather of tho past few days has caused tho lovers of the "bike" to appear upon tho streets, and the roads cannot harden too soon for them. The suggestion lias been made, and It appears a feaslblo ono, that a stock company bo formed for tho purposo of leasing tho i rotting park with a view to putting the track in condition for bicycle races, ' A base hall team could ulsu bo organized, and the two nttra'tious would no doubt pay tho investors handsomely. The suggestion is thrown out to tho local wheel- liiou with a view of furnishing amusement to the sports and providing a suitablo track for cyclers to exercise their powers. Think Beforo you decido to buy a medicine, that the largo majority of all tho diseases which allllct man kind, originate in or aro promoted by Impuro blood. That tho best blood medi cine beforo the public -tho one which accomplishes tho greatest cures, has the largest sales in fact tho OnoTruoBloodPurifler is oods Sarsaparilia Therefore, get Hood's and Only Hood's, prepared by C, X, Hood & Co., Jewell, Mui. $ I. JJI Dllln tht attet-Ulnner pin na IUUU9 r I IIO famllj cstlisrtlc. zu, PITHY POINTS. Iiippcnlngs Throughout the lteglou Chron icled for Hasty l'crusal. There are 18 tsitlenta iu the Pottsvillo hospital. Trailing arbutls can now bo found on the mountains. The llorough Council annual supper will bo held to-morrow night. The Tieinont brewery will bo sold by tho Sheriff next Saturday. Tho llorough Treasurer still has somo of tho refunding bonds for salo. The attaches of the Ashland opera house will bo given a benefit Friday evening. The Heading collluries will work four and tho Lehigh Valley thiee days this woek. In Centre county 810,000 acres of unsettled land will lie sold this year fur unpaid taxes. Orwigsburg Town Council has appointed a committee to seciiro new industries for that town. The Porter township School Hoard will erect new school bulldlngsnt ItcincrCity and ltcincrtou. Tho employes of tho Lehigh Valley Coal Company at Ccntralia havo been refused semi-monthly pay. rlio banquet of tho Contral Kcpuhlicnii League, of Pottsvillo, will bo held thisc.'cu ing at Tumbling Hun, Hunter ballada, of Ashland, has success fully passed an examination at tho Collego of Pharmacy, Philadelphia. During tho month of March thoro wero thrco fatal and niuo non-fatal mining casu alties iu tho Pottsvillo district. Raymond S. Staulfcr, sou of Henry H. Staufi'cr, of Mahanoy City, died on Saturday from bronchitis nnd lung trouble Ho had been sick about a yoar. Fred. U. Ilipplo, tho P. & It. ngentat Mt. Carmol, has tendered hisrcslgnation to accept a clerical position in Philadelphia. Ho will bo succeeded by Daniel Powers, agent at Wlilto Deer Mills, Union county. 'iho Magistrate's Library, published by Kay & Brother, Philadelphia, represents a most intelligent selection of reading fur all who aio Interested in tho study of law. Two teams belonging to Andrew Meluskcy and William Biloskio attempted to run away on Main street, but wore caught by their drivers. They stood close to each other and wero frightened by thcupsettiugof an empty barrel into tho gutter. Linanucl Dunkelbcrgor, of Hokuis town ship, committed suicido on Saturday by shooting himself in tho hoad. Ho was 5.) years old, and was in a melaucholy mood for somo timo. Capt. and Mrs. Henry J. Hendler, of Pottsvillo, celebrated their golden wedding to-day. Thomas L. Evans and Michael O'Donnell. of Wilkcsbarro, aro in the hands of tho police for "beating" a Pottsvillo landlord. 1) 15. Deibcrt, who has been clerk in tho County Treasurer's ollice, will ho Deputy Treasurer, vico Charles H. Kline, who be comes teller for tho Union Safe Deposit Bank. Charles Itecd will bo appointed to Clerk Deibert's position. iho gas companies have inaugurated a war against the Philadelphia syndicate that is trying to get charters for thirty ncetylino light companies iu as many towns. Tho hearing will tako place noxt Thursday beforo Seccctary Iiccder, at; Harrisburg. Iho work of rebuilding tho Park Placo breaker is progressing rapidly. Mucli of tho frame work is iu placo already. All parties taking part in tho ontortainment to bo given by tljo Guilds ,of All Saints' church, aro requested to attend tho rehearsal at Ferguson's theatre this evening. Ituy Koystono Hour. ISo suro that tho name Li:rsici & Uaki:, Ashland, Pa., is printed on every sack. When you want good roofing, plumbing. gas fitting, or general tinsmithing done call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street. Dealer if. stoves. 8-1-tf Tho Dltlded Army. Tho local corps of God's American Volun teers, the religious sect which soccded from tho Salvation Army to enroll under tho banner of liallingtou Booth made its first appearance Saturday night under Capt,, who had charge of tho old corps, Capt Lusk's command numbers about thirty. His lieutenant adheres to tho old corps with about a dozen members and retains tho old meeting hall. Tho new corps has no bar racks, but is looking for ono. Botli wero on tho streets Saturday nnd last night, hut avoided each other. Tho now army has already issued a weekly paper in opposition to tho War Cry. It is called The olunteers Guide. llucklon's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts, I 1 ..1 -..! -I....,.. 4'....,.- , , Utilises, DOIU9, uiuiia, Dai. iiivuiii) idiv. duiui, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruntions. and positively cures piles. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Prico 25 cents por box. For salo bv A. Wasley. Coal l.nud Valuation ltcduced. Tho hearing in tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company's appeal from tho valuation of its Carbon county coal lands wascuncluded Saturday night byJudgo Al bright handing down a decree in which bo reduces tho valuation made by tho County Commissioners from $1,1)12,500 to $1,105,000. Tho valuation of tills samo property in tho previous triennial assessment was only $150, 000. Tills ends tho contention over the readjustment of land values iu that county that iias been in progress sluco the triennial assessment of 1803. Tho coal lands hereto fore paid about 111 por cent, of tho taxes, Tliis has bceu increased to 21 por cent. i Itupld Orimth, Tho nnnual tabular report for tho yoar ending December 31, 18U3, recently issued by Stato Secretary William Weand, of the P. O, S. of A., shows that the membership In this state on that dato, was 5,132. Berks county leads all other counties in tho state in uum her of mombers, while Schuylkill county loads in number of camps and valuation The former has HI subordinate camps with 0,101 members una a valuation of $123,101.! while the latter has 50 camps with GOOO members nnd a valuation of $102" 100.33, Luzerne county comes next with 41 ouuips with 3,855 members and a valuation of $01, 770.25. ltlieiiiuaiUiu Cured ill u Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system hi romiirkahlo and mysterious. It removes at once tho causa and tho disooso immediate)1 a- sappears. Th uri nose greauy ncneuu; .-ruuw. aim") . 1 ., I O..I.1 1... C. II. Hagonbuch, Druggist, Shonandoah. M. C. WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. C'lgcrs, Tobacco, Ac. Agent for Heading Brewing Co.'i Beer and Porter. 11Q and 11S S. ISlaln St. NUGGTSOF NEWS. Kx-Consul Jnhn L. Waller, recently re Jnnsed from prison in Fi'iinoe, arrived at Now York from Liverpool on Saturday. Mrs. Susanna Horn, n midwife, who was under arrest nt Chicago for mnlpmo tloc, committed sulotdo by drinking enr bollo ncld. Of Iweiity-oiRht flshormen who woro. inrriod off ou'uii loo iloo nonr St". John's N. F., Saturday night, only one 1ms been beard from thus far. Tho meeting of Kmneror William nnd King Humbert nt Venlco yesterday was inndo tho occasion of mi enthusiastic do- iiionstratlon by tho populace. Goorgo Kremlin, a Salvation Army man, who had been too nttentlvo to tho wifo of A. Jones, at Kansas City, Mo., was shot nud killed by tho latter. ninrtclou Jtesillts. From a letter written bv Itov. J. Guilder- man, of Dimondale, Mich., wo aro permitted to make this extract : "I havo no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as tho results were almost marvelous in tho iso of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at ltivcs Junction sho was irought down with I'ncumonia succeeding a Grippo. Tcrnblo paroxysms of coughing would last hours with llttlo Interruption and it seemed as if sho could not survivo them. friend recommended Dr. Kings Now Discovery: it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at A. Wasley s drug storo. Begular sizo 50o and $1.00. To Urge n llallroatl Magnate's Arrest. New Yoiik, April 13. At a mooting of tho Central Labor union yesterday a com mittee was appointed to wait on District Attornoy Follows for tho purposo of argu ing that a warrant bo issued for President Vrooland, of tho Metropolitan Troctlou company, which operates tho Broadway cablo road, on a charge of violating the ten hour law. Kcllef In Six Hours Distressing kidney and bladder discuses relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." Tiiis new , i i F ..... i. leiueiiy is a gieair suipnsu on uccuuui, ui ji3 exceeding promptness in rclioving pain in tho bladder, kielneys, back and every part of tho urinary passagos in male or female, It relievos retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief nud cure this is your remedy. Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main street. dialler and 'nlavln Matched. PnTsuuT.t). April 13. Maher and Slnvln wgro matched hero yostorelay to light bo foro tho Eureka club, of Long Island, on May 20 for a of $el,C0O, $1,000 to go to tho loser. Buck Cornelius representetl Maher nud Tom O'Hourko Slavlu. Tho match is to bo for twenty rounds. ltarnn Von Kotze's Victim Dead. Potsiiam, Prussia, April 13. Baron Von Schradcr, master of ceremonies nt tho Prussian court, died on Saturday as tho result of tho wounds received In tho duel with Von Kotzo, tho ox-court chnm borlaln. l.lectrlc Hitlers. Electric Bitters is a medicino suited for nnv season, but perhaps more generally needed in ino spring, wncn mo languid oxhausted feeling prevails, when tho liver is tornid and sluggish and tho need of a tonic and altera tive is felt. A prompt use of tlii3 medicine lias often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fovcrj. No medicino will act mora surely in counteracting and freeing tho bys- tern irom the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. Only fiftv cents nor bottlo at A. Waslcy's drug store. Tito Hurt In a Ituiiawuy. IlELLETTA, N. J., April 13. Whilo Mrs. S. Davidson, the wifo of tho onshior of tho Holme Snuff company, was tlrlvlng with hor two children her horso boenmo frightened by a passing train, and ran away, upsetting tho cnrrlngo. Mrs. Da vidson was pinned under tho vohlclo and was unconscious whon sho wus drawn out. Ono of tho children was thrown from tho carriaga against a wlro fenco and sustained a sovcro injury in tho back. Tho Spaniards Agutll Angry. MADRID, April 13. Tho press hero evinces ill humor becnuso American juries havo acquitted tho captains of notorious fili buster vessels lntoudod for Cuba. Tho Kpoca declares .that iu tho event of a con flict between Spain and America over Cuba Spanish diplomacy would spoedlly ninko tho matter n European question, and It insinuates that Spain is suro of European aid In such an ovont. Hoy Killed in n Sawmill. Milfoud, Pa., April 13. William Ful ler, 17 years old, lost his life nt tho saw mill of A. D. Brown Sc Sou, ou Vnndor mark creek, on Saturday. Ho hud at- tomptcel to adjust n belt to a grlndstono, when ho was caught in tho bolting and whirled through tho machinery. His skull was crushod, as was also his breast. Evory rib In his body was broken. Ho llvod and was conscious for half an hour. Turbulent Spanish Klectlons. Mahuid, April 13. F.loctlons for tho now chamber occurred yustorduy throughout bpaln, una wero accompanied by serious dlsordots at Barcolonn, whero a factory is reported to havo been burned. Thus far there havo beon returned 280 Conserva tives, 63 Liberals, 3 Bopubllcans nnd 5 uariists. -mere aro In all -131 dotmtlos. During the winter of 1893, F. M. Martin, of Long Iteach. West Va.. contracted a sovcro cold which left him with a co'ugh. in 8poaKlng of how he cured it ho says : "I used sovoral kinds of cough syrup but found no relief until I bought a bottlo of Cham berlain's Cough Kemcdy, which relieved me almost instantly, and in a short timo brought about n complcto euro." When troubled with a cough or cold uso this remedy and you will not find it necessary to try soveral kinds beforo you get relief. It has been In tho market for ovor twenty years and constantly gruwn in favor nnd popularity. For sale at 28 and 50 cents por bottlo by Gruhler Bros., druggists. Coining Invent, April 10. Musical and drumatio entertain ment by tho Guilds of the All Saints church in Ferguson's theatre. April 10. Grand phantom danco under tho auspices of the Clover Club of Shenandoah ut itouuins opora houso. April 22. Annual suppor under auspicos of Welsh Congregational church, in tho church building. It will bo an agreeable surprise to persons subject to attacks of bilious collo to learn that prompt relief may bo had by taking Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. Iu mauy instances tho 'attack may bo prevented by taking tills remedy as soon as tho first symptoms of tho disease appear. 25 and 50 cent bottles for salo by Gruhler Bros., druggists, VICTORY F03 fvlATABELES, A Small Ilrltlsli Forcn Surrounded nnd 1'liinlly Put to Flight. BOLUWATO, April 13. Details hnvo been' received hero of the oncountor with tho Mntabelo of Captnln Hrdnd, ns tho result of whloh ho sulTcreel n reverse nutl was compelled to ask for nsslstauco from Buluwnyo. The Mutnbolo surrounded anil attacked Captain Brand's column, consisting of 130 men, whloh had boon sent to relievo Gwanda, twonty-olght miles south of hero on tho Tull road. Captain Brand formed n lnuger for the purposo of offoring a hot ter defense ngalnst tho attnek. Somo ilos pornto fighting ousucel. Tho ouomy wero found to bo woll armed with Martini rifles, ami thoy directed a strong anel well aimed flro oga Inst Captain Brand's Maxim gun, with such good effect thnt It beenmo disabled. Captain Brnnel's ammunition also ran short, and tho fierce attack of tho Slatnbolo continuing, tho situation of his forco began to grow dosporato. They wero finally obliged to fight their way through tho boleaguerlng onomy's linos. They suc ceeded in cutting their way out with a loss of flvo troopors killed and slxtcon wound ce1.. It is estimated that 150 of tho Mata bulo woro killed. Tho.robolllon In Matnboleland scorns to bo spreading, in splto of tho vigorous ef forts that havo boon mndo to suppress It. Tho onomy's forces only go within short dlstancos of Buluwnyo, and the anxiety hero is most keen, nnd 'thoro aro many fonrs oxprcssod of an nttack by the onomy. An Investigation Demanded. Washington, April 13. Bobort Bon. y.y, an Amorlcan citizen, was murdered In San Snlvndor March 28, and as a result tho stato department has demanded tho fullest investigation. Tho cause was brought to tho attontlon of tho Unltod States officials by Congressman Marsh, of Illinois, who had recolvcd n lottor from Circuit Judgo Bonnoy, of Qulncy, Ills., saying that his nophow, Robert Bonnoy, was engnged in busiuoss near Sonsonnto, San Salvador, and the statement had roachod htm thnt his nephew hud boon killed. Consul Murchmeycr, at San Sal vador, cables as follows: "Bonnoy shot March 20. Found dead near Sonsonnto. Parties unknown. Supposed object rob bery. Thorough In vcatlgnt ion demanded." An AlitdnvU. This is to certify that on May 11th, I walked to Mellck's drug storo on a pair of crutches and bought a bottlo of Chamber lain's Pain B;(lm for inflammatory rheuma tism which had crippled mo up. After using threo bottles I am completely cured, I can cheerfully recommend it. Charles H. Wet zel, Sunbury, Pa. Sworn und subscribed to beforo mo on August 10, 1801. Walter Shipman, J. P. For salo at 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhler Bros., druggists. ( Cannot be l.xtradltcd. NASHUA, N. H., April 13. United Stntci District Attornoy Ollvor E. Branch has received, n, ilccislon from tho stnto and claims departmont at Washington to the effect that embezzling oashlor Charlos W. Morrill, of Manchester, and defaulting cashier Charles A. McKcnn, of this city, cannot bo extradited from Buonos Ayres because no treaty oxlsts with Argontina. Tho decision is based on tho refusal of Argentina, olllcluls. In 1803, to surrender n Phlladolphiu embezzler, whilo no treaty existed. WITH Eczema made its appearance on my head in Its worst form, and ft continued spreading until my face was covered with scales and tie came a horrid sight. I had a lino head of hair. seven years- growth, and had to sacrifice it. I was in desna lair. Tho physicians had failed evcu to relieve me, when one recommended CcnounA Soap. My father procured a set of Cuticuiia IlEMEDitis, and in three weeks the scales left my faco and the skin lost Its llorld huo. In tlx icetki I wan tntirtty cured. Jly face was smooth and mv complexion clearer and flnor than it had ever been before. JIIss MAltlON A. SMITH, Sunbury, Ta. SrEEDT Cuns TmUTMBNT. Warm baths with Cuticuiia Soap, gentle applications of CuTtceitA (ointment), and mild doses of Cun cunA Uesolvznt, greatest of humor cures. Sold throughout th world. Price, Cuticvba. finc. 6oAr,2fe. Kksolyiyt. ftlc. snd II. Fottkii bui'o akiiChbu. Cosr., Bole Propi , llostoo. aj"llowto Cureths Wortt Ecim." malted free. m n nn tucci Reeved in North Sixth St.. ab. Green, Philadelphia. Chtllencei ti "vlJ. Irom the adrertlif n irA. l&llit dp to the lecturing ProfuMort, In eurfc tl.6 norrftcajenof fcP!iaiDlMacf andltLOOll I'OlbOX. No mtt4.thow llDKerlnf,evtroLti danrerouitbe troohto tanj be, ervoiJle hllUf.V.rror ofVonlli n4 1.uMwri'uwer curtd. (Strip. uco. n....iMiiA anil cured wlthotit cutting. IH. TltEKl ipolUt'elj thaoldcat, tb bent ed d niOHC sLlllftil und cxncrlnifiMl one. no mtle what other injcUtm. bvoi de Z-ccut tuata for boot Triitl and ba en Uh tonsil reirtirrllnir rnnr dfapiia and bow to itt curei, Ttt oaU boot IXVOwJAU OCArKRaoa their books nnd Circular. loUDtr lief. I'VfitU roc cured In itnld 1 Intra.. It our J t 6 to Si Jvgi., 6 to tt. Wed. and Hat, htf., 6 to 10, Sun., 9 to 12; K?ga t6to. Trt'utiueiit hy MulL When too rit9 or can Bit'Dmo inn paper, itoarq ana ioag.Bg r aeiired. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A FARM 100 ncres clear, and with option nf oiirchasiiur 100 acres timber land adjoining. Dwelling and barn nnd all necessarv out bulldlne in cood order and repair. Will tie sold with or without stock and farming implements. Coal is supposed to under lie this property. Within 3 miles of a fl rut-class market, w Ui trade lor town property. VALSO-V A CARPI 173 acres, near Zlons Qrove.75 1 VA 1 acres clear. Dwelling cost over (2500. CI ood barn and out buildings. Stock and farm implements. Must sell to dlsolve partnership. T. It. BEDDALL, or D. II. LLEWELLYN. Shenandoah, Pa. Abqve parties will negotlato the sale of any good licensed t-operty in Bbenandoah. Teams to Hire. It you ant to hire a safe and reliable team for drlvinjr or for working purposes imy Hlilelds' livery stable a visit. Teams constantly on hand at reasonable ruted. JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 East Centre street. Opposite Heading railroad station. D Celebrated Female l'owelers never fall, 'WAlrMiltolMre tii'tua MMMMMWMMH .till IUM ( 11.1' l&UlDg with Tihiy soil I'anirrorsj 1'iU, soil ofh.r lilv mnndLei :). Alwavi buj th, bet and svold liUaD. auleed auperior l oil ethers, r-oauireh; r.,AN L iJartlciilr.,.cu. Ur.B.T- rxrfntmeot. Outrauteed irrTi., In Oi. market. A COY CAL Let The pole World Know The Good Iilcs, Heart Cme Does 11 EAMT DISEASE, hag lis victim at a disadvantage. Always taught tha ncan aiseaso is incuraDlo, whon thr symptoms becomo well defined, tho pattonrf becomes alarmed and a nervous panic takes 1 placo. But when a suro remedy is found and a euro effected, after years of suffering, thoro Is great rejoicing and doslro to "let tho wholo world know." Mrs. Laura Wlno lngor, of Selkirk, Kansas, writes; "1 desiro to let tho wholo world know what Dr. Miles' T.1 ATllPQ' Heart Cure has done for I'HlW me For ten years I had Heart Clll'e pain in my heart, short , noss of breath, palplta- KCalUrcS tion.palninmyleftsldo, TTpilill oppressod feeling in my IlGtUlll. ...... chest, weak and hungry spoils, bad dreams, could not Ho on either side, was numb and suffered terribly. I took Dr. Miles' Heart Cure aud boforo I finished' tho second bottlo I felt its good offects, I fool now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr. ' Miles' Heart Curo saved my life." Dr. MHoh' Heart Curo is sold on guarantor) that first bottlo b orients, o r money refunded. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. s. riin.Lirs, m. d. Ofllce : 30 West Centre street. Can be consulted at all hours. P F. BURKE, M. D. 30 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. Ofllce hours: 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 , m. J II. FOMBROY, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Shenandoah, Pa. M. BURKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Ecrin bulldlne. corner ot Main and Centre streets, Slieimndonli, pUOF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 05, Mahanoy Cffy. Pa. I In vine studied under somo nf tho heal matera in London nnd Paris, will trlve leaflond on the violin, guitar nnd vocal culture. Terms reasonauio. Auurcsa in care 01 sirouse. me eweler. Shenandoah. POLITICAL CARDS. TTlOIt LEOISLATUKE, Second district. H. W. BECKER, Of Glrnrdvllle, I'a. Subject to Democratic rules. TTIOU COUNTY TKEA8UIEKU, t ELIAS DAVIS, Of Broad Mountain. Subject to Republican rules. I, to ITIOR CLERK OK THE COURTS, PHIL. J. C0NNELL, Of Girardville. Subject to Democratic rulea. If You Have M -NEED FOR ONE - SDS. AND IT "snr'u glir.'L'iiKUM , A DEADLY PARALLEL STIFFE & FREEMAN. Gentlemen: Wo had ono of your No. 34 Baftf' ntho Itaseltlno Hulldlng, which was In tit worst part of tho Are. Although tho safo woar badly burned on the outside, all of its contemn wero saved. We tako pleasure in advising tho public to uso your safe If they wont protection. (Signed,) MERSHON BROS. 8TIFFUL & FREEMAN. Gentlemen! I hereby give you my Safe, found In the ruins ot tho latoflreattbe UasoUlne Art Galleries. Its contents were, destroyed and I havo no Use for the shell. (Signed.) THOS. J. ARMSTRONG. -m a . MyA BPf STIFFEL & FREEMAN, v SAFE MANUFACTURERS, 723 Chestnut St., philadelphiaP 11 'AMSY PILLS! ALL DRUG AFC AMO SURE. SEND AO. HHCWaMM'5 SATE MAP"!' Wiron Bpccirio Co, Pil,Piv MB ma I ) A 0 -4 J 1 -J40