Fnr Children's Skin filp, nnd ludr, nothinir In the whole world la bo cleansing, purifying, nnd beautifying M CUTICURA SOAP theVcalp dry." bin and M&Si hair, red ro.,1. hind." fh"&, lnnirmmatlon.. nm I, rnplo buby rahes and blemWi. It 1. wonde ful. RoMthrourimitthewV' f? St"'". VL".'!: blned i.lti ot nil othf "".P' .5 ,,"J'i ' Bloodf Serve Food veHAuSTAK.N For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. WHAT IT IS ! The richest of all restoratiTS Foods, because it replaces the same Btjbstancei to the blood and nerres that are exhausted in theRetwolife-Ririnjr fluids by disease. tndineBtion, high liring, oTerw ork, worry, excesses, abase, etc WHAT IT DOES I Br making the blood pure ami rig r, ana ine aifteBHO aljreBtion perfect, It creii solid flesh muscle and strength. The nerves be- Inor marie atroncr. the brain bftenmpn actlva and n be clear. For restoring lost vitality and etopplnjr all wastlnjr drains and weakness In either sex, it baa no equal ; : and as a female reirniator It Is worth its creteht in an htinsold. One box lasts a week. Frlce5io.,or 6 boxes $iwf. Druggists or by mall. Hook free . THE DR. CHASE OOMPANY. Iil2 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. AILING MANH00I General and Nervous Debility. Weakness of Bodv and Mind, Kffeota of Errors or Excesses In Old or Young. Hobust, Noblo Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Ktrpnffthpn Wr.ik. Un developed Portions of Body. Absolutely un failing TIomoTreatmont. Ileneilts in a dav. Mi Hrntr-a nnd Foreicn Countries. Send for Doscrlptlvo Bonk, ex planation and proofs, mailed (sealodlftTeo. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with HtlBipliroys' Witch, Hazol Oil as a curative and healing application. .It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cure? Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Ninplw. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy irruptions, snapped nanus, fever misters, Sore Lip3 or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three SiVes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. 3old by Druggists, or Bent post-paid on recelptof price. IiniriirtETS' JIKD. CO., Ill US lHIU.m St., Nf-: York. WSTGH HAZEL OIL OLD DR. THEEl "V" 604 Mngaas m hiiiihih in j uonn sixtn at.. 'CnsrateMk ab. Green, Philadelphia, Challenges u VU, Irom the adrertlitog fpeo lallit Dp to the tcoiuring rroreuor,to earlug the onteifif Hin:Ll Dlicuciiii.l lit ill I'OlbOA'. No m&tiirhowlirjerirji,feTerena I dariRerooithft tronMe mr be. Nervous He bllltY-.ITrmranrVniitl. n,lt ii..AnAH Curtd. rtrlcLDPO. niH.-.w-nln anri I'tlia- CttreTwrthonlcutllDC. DR. THBFL lauaiiLlvet haalrlHt. the best and must Ullful and experienced one, do Xnttte what othert tnajr clalio, fckod five I-cenl sumps for IlJOokTrutUHndbe enllghtDe4 regarding vrnr dUfau and bow to ct cured. The onlr Uwk KXVOSIM OITACKN and their booki nnd rtrvularti. IniUntre ltf. Frea C'aea urc4 In 4 toll) II urn.. Ilovnt ; E(i.,6lo. Wed, and Hit, hrg.t 8 W JO; gno..9to ll.jETge ,6to. Treatmrutby Mull. Whio you wrlta OTf all neotUn thla pavr. Hoard od loJjirjj If deitred, DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE ANI v O.UE.N. 208 jmge.i ctotu Bound! se curely sealed mdmalJodree. Tre itmentbymaU rcuaraa" uuuucihwi, aau a pnsiuve. quick curs undlnir. 1 wUlpot, lvely cure you. vv rue or can. I1R nPR329H.I5fiiSt.Phlla.Pa, Ull tiUWU S5!rari,(.,JK(liiMUT)raef AXn AAA A AAAAAAAAAA Headache Cured. A quick cure, a certain cure, ! tho best cure is TAYLOR'S ANTI-HEADACHE POWDERS. We never hoard of a case where they fallod. Wo never ex pect to. hear of one. Don't bo afraid to take them. They are .harmless. They do not contain one single atom of any danger ous drug. For this reason it Is well to shun all other head noho modlolnes. Avoid risk by insist ing on getting TAY LOR'S. Our powders can easily bo dlstln- gutshed by tha do. t? llghtful odor and pleasant taste, nnd sJ they look like ground coffee. Host of r i all, they cure almost instantly. ff TAYLOR DRUQ i. CHEMICAL CO., S TRENTON, N.J. ( GRUHLER BROS. JOHN F. CLEARY, S PUItH SULT3HH WATJHt Tfl TTT T-P : A en re for lutadncheuud XU 1 I Lwt : rtoniaeli trouble.. , fi rv,i ,j"i it lr 1 W15ISS IlKrtlt, . I.AOI'.lt MKF.n, ! poti:il Peach Alley, Shenandoah. gSY PUXS! VWiur.x Spkcifio Co,PmiA,PA. WW1 ir t The House Promptly Passes the Oonourrent Eesolutions. IN THE HANDS OF THE PRESIDENT. Tho Chief Mnglitrato Hay Delay Further Action on tho Tnrt of Our Government Until After the Flvo Months' Itnlny Sen. .on Qiie.nda Euttntit. Washington, April 7. Tho houso yos- torday adopted tho eonforoneo report on tho Cuban resolutions by a vote of 211 ta 27, oud passed tho rlvor and harbor bill under suspension of the rules, nftor n llvoly doliato of forty minutes, by a votu of 210 to 40. Tho report on tho Cuban res olutions had boon debated Friday nnd Saturday, nnd tho voto yesterday was taken Immediately nftor tho reading ol the journal. Elghtoen Republicans nnd nlno Democrats voted against tho report. After tho most dotormlned opposition of thoso opposed to tho recognition of tho Insurgents in tho sonato nnd house thcro wore but ten more votes against the re port than against tho original resolutions. Tho former voto was SiU3 to 17. uy us ac tion tho house agreed to tho senate reso lutions, and dlsposos of tho Cuban ques tion for tho present. Thoso resolutions wcro ns follows: Resolved, That in tho opinion of con gross a condition of publlo war exists be tween the government of Spain and the government proclaimed and for soma tlmo nialutnlnod by forco or arms uy ttiepeopio of Cuba; and thnt tho United States ol America should maintain a strict nou- trallty between tho contending powors, according to each nil tho rights of bolllg' eronts in tho ports and territory of tho United States. Resolved. That tho frlondly offlcosof tho United Statos should bo offered by tho president to the Spanish government for the recognition of tho independence of Cuba. Tho Cuban resolutions will bo officially brought to tho nttontlon of tho prosldont today by the soeretary of tho senate, who will present him with an ourollcd copy of tho document. Ordinarily concurrent reso lutions aro not f orwnrdod to the president, as thoy do not roqulro his signature but theso resolutions will bo laid boioro mm, ns wero tho Armenian resolutions, because thoy oxpross tho opinion that ho should tender tho oillco of the United Statos to Snaln for tho recognition of Cuban lndo poudonco, nnd aro thoroforo a direction to him In so far as congress can dlreot tho nrosldont in such a proceeding. Senor Dupuy do Lome, tile Spanish mln- ister horo, was too busy to reeolvo report ers wishing to ascortnin what ho proposed to do as a result of tho action of tho houso. Probably his course will depend ontlrely upon tho attltudo to bo assumed by tho nresidont on tho subioet. Tho courso of tho lattor Is puroly a matter of specula tion. Slnco tho transmission to congress last Fobruary of tho eorrospondonco rein tivo to Cuba much matter has accumu lated at tho department of state boarlug on tho strugglo. For prudontlal roasons thoso reports havo boon withhold ovon from congress, and so it Is not posslblo to lonrn whothor or not tho facts sot out theroln Is such ns to warrant any chango in tho nttltudo towards tho rovolutiou tho nrcsldcnt nssumod und dolltied la his an nual mossago to cougross. Tho tests ho laid down in tho beginning which tho revolutionists must fulfill ramnln uu ohangod so far as can bo gathered, Kelatlvo to tho extension ol his goon offlcos towards bringing about lndepon denco, It Is ontlrely posslblo that thopresl dent may find it within his inclination nnd disposition to inovo In that direction as far as ho can safely do so nftor ho is on record In his mossngo as doprccatlug tho contlnuanco of tho prosont "cruel and bloody" war on tho Island. Ilowovor, lu either caso tho prosldont Is not under tho nroscnt nocosslty of docidlng whothor no will act, ana how, upon tno resolutions, and ns tho rainy soasou Is about to begin in Cuba, putting n stop to all military operations for flvo months, It may be that the president will deoldo to wait f urthor during tho ouforccd truce ucloro acting himself in tho matter. Senor Gonzalo do Quesada, tho seorotary of tho Cuban delegation horo, Is oxultant over tho advices from Europe, through the nowspapors and otherwlso, to tho of- feet that the Spanish government is in nent is in great straits to raise monoy to prolong tho war. He said the Bank of France and tho low countries had rofusod to advanco Snaln any moro monoy in addition to the Cm nm fWl nlrondv nd vnnend. nnd this hnd .i.i'..'c.,i., t fi, ,i,,lfl ,no,iln,it nf calling upon hor own citizens for help. Ho doubted tho succoss of tho appeal. Thon, again, Spain Is under obligations to ropay the $10,000,000 loan to tho Bank of Franco before Juno next, and one-half of It on the 5th of next month. Otherwlso sho would forfeit tho collateral she had put up, a heavy blow for hor. According to (Jue- sadn the Spanish peoplo aro gottlng vory restive under Weyler s lauures in uuua. Tho senate spont tho entlro day on tho postofflco appropriation bill, but did not comploto It. Tho bill sorved to bring out somo sharp critloisms by Sonator Gor mnn on the administration of tho post- office dopartment, and by Senator Allon on allegod irregularities resulting from tho civil service system. Mr. Allen ro ueatcd sensational chargos as to largo money contributions Bald to have been mado ip tho Interest of Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Harrison. Tho charge that Mr. Wana vnnknr contributed $100,000 toward Mr, Harrison's eloctlon led to an empbatlo de nial from Mr. Hawloy. Mr. Allon alluded to tho prosident as "his majesty" and ns tho chief mugwump of tho oountry. fii irnrtt in no- lln i-i I tt o- IjONUON. April 7, Tho Times publishes dispatch from JUadria which says: "Tho hope that Captain General Woylor would obtain somo decisive advantage ovor tho rebels before tho Una! voto ot tho Ameri can cougross must now bo nbandonod. It Is ouito certain, howovor, that the Spanish nation will unhosltntlnglyrofuso to accept the United States' nictation, nud, no mat ter how far publlo opinion favors such re forms in Cuba ns would put an end to tho rebellion, whllo tho United Btntes main tains its present nttltudo no Spaniard will bo found to venturo to utter such an opinion. Evon tho ltopubltcans would only ask for Cuban .autonomy in altered Peruvian. Sympathize with Cuba. Lima, i'eru, April 7. It was generally known hero that tho Unltod States house of representatives was to tuko tho vote yeBterday which would finally decide the nttltudo ot oongross on the quostlon ot Cubau bolllgoronoy. Whon the news spread tho greatest enthusiasm was mani fested uy the peoplo. Cats scratch. So do gritty cleaners. . . . But . . . B011 Ami The Alodern Cleaner Cleans Paint, Brass, Mirrors, Silver, Nickel, Without a scratch. All Grocers. Kree Sample. Child. & Clillds, jsew York, Lauer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Ast., 207 West Coal Street. HARLES DERR'S W Rnrher Shnn ! West Centre Street. Our Hot Towel Shave Th hiwntnlnir nnmilnr. You will like it. We nmke n specialty of hnlrcuttln; Efil Q A T 13 fil T3YPH A NCVJ 1 U1V jn.lsL, KJX JUlLjlin.HVIltlT3rltls! A FARM 100 acres clear, and with option of purchasing 100 acres timber land ndjolntng. Dwelling nnd barn nnd nil necessary out buildings in good order nnd rennlr. will bo sold with or without stock nnd iarnung implements, uoni is supposeu to unucr lie this property. Within 3 miles ot n flrst-claas market. Will trade for town property. -,ALSOV A A T" 11 173 acres, near Zions Grove. 73 "-rrv.I 1 acres clear. Dwelling cost over 32500. Uood burn and out buliuings. mock nnu farm implements. Must sell to dlsolvo partnership. T. D. BEDDALL, or LLEWELLYN, Shenandoah, Pn. Above parties will negotiate the sale of any good licensed property In Shenandoah. genuino weloomo awaits you at i , . ,ivr, r f. a i rrvxr J UC VY iAl 1 S aL.VJUl, Cor. Main and Coal Sts. I Pnnl rnnm nttAGhfd. Finest whiskeys. beiUS. Dorter nnd nle constantly on tap. Choice teni- perance drinks nnd clgnrs. UIUC Vnll Wore Throat, rimples. yopperii HAVE YOU Colored Spot.. Ache. 6ld Sorl g Ulcers In Mouth, llair-lalltnel Write COOK ft...-....-r nn. ir.I.nnl. 'I ... ,, I f J1 hChlcago, 111-, for proof, of cures. ,i'ul-i-a tut, aoOA00. Worst cscscured In 1CI to as day.. lOO-paiio noon iree. Teams to Hire. If yod want to hire a safe and rejlftblfl team for driving or for working purpose Shields' llverv stable n visit. Tcants constantly on hand nt reasonable rufoi. JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 East Centre street. Opposite Heading rullro&d station. P. J. CANFIELD, A cent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try A tSarby S OOnemian Dee. GOI J)GR A1M3I I3I11T0NS They Dislike the Idea of Venezue lan Arbitration, BITTER AGAINST UNOLE SAM, Should thn llmindury IHputn tin Decided Agnln.t Them Xlttcty-ninu Out ol livery Hundred lhi(;lNhtiicli In HrltUlt (lulnnn Would T.oo Money. Gkokgetown. British Guiana. April 7. If tho Venezuelan-British Gulnnn, bound ary dispute is decided In favor of Vene zuela nlnoty-nlno out of ovory hundred I(.ngIlshmon in this country will loso money by It, nnd tho samo may bo said of nearly every Amorloan living In tho col ony, oxcept tho United States consul. British Guiana is divided Into throo coun ties, Damarnra, Borblco nnd Essoquebo. Practically all of tho gold flolds aro sit uated lu Essequobo county, nnd nearly all of tho territory which comprises that county is under dispute. As tho sugar industry has dwindled down to a very small factor, owing to tho reduction In tho prlco of sugar, the great oxponso of keeping tho plantations from bolng Hooded and the dlfiloulty In gottlng laborers, nt a reasonable price, who can stand the climate, gold has become tho mainstay of tho colony, and ns it is to gold, and possibly tlmbor, in the future from the Ksoquobo county that tho rosl, dents here havo to look, it may bo imag ined that tho Interest over tho boundary dispute is vory great. Whllo tho rost of tho world Is looking upon tho question as practlcolly settled.so far ns It concerns the possibility of war, tho point of view horo Is entirely different, Tho people, that Is tho Kngltshmon, who control everything, despite the largo ma jority of tho forolgn population, do not foar war, looking upon such a thing with tho usual British eyes which soo nothing but victory for thomsolvos. Hut thoy do foar arbitration abovo all things, for no matter how llttlo of Essequcbo county wero given to Vonozuela a number of gold mines would pass out of British control. Tho meager dispatches received here aro scanned most eagorly by ovoryono. undor tho clroumstances It Is not to bo wondered nt that the fooling horo ngalnst tho United Statos Is vory strong, nud tho Americans hero do not hesitate to blamo tho Washington government openly. In stead of tho feollng diminishing it is growing with tho delay, for until tho question Is decided any Introduction of machlnory to got out tho gold will be Im possible. Tho men will not invest any mord monoy in Essoquebo county with n chance of having tho whole torritory taken out of their hands, Gold thcro Is hero, and to what extent may bo judged by tho registrations for throo days amounting to 2,1)81 ounces, nnd ovory bit of it was taken out by placer mining. Owing to the volcnulo naturo ot tho country, nnd tho difficulty exporiencod in gottlng to tho flolds, long canoo trips bolng nocossary, up to tho prosont tlmo tho mining has boon vory erudo. Justbo foro tho dispute became ocuto arrange ments wore bolng mado for introducing machinery, and slnco all thoso things havo come to a stop it may paslly bo soon how the whole of British Uulana has boen nf- focted. tBu The British claim that thoro wero 52,000 British subjects In Essequobo county, oc clusive of government officials, Is vory misleading. If a lino should bo drawn duo south from tho Morocco river it would bo found that the actual settlors botwoon that nnd tho Schomburgk lino would not number 1,503, If that, whllo In tho north west district, that on tho const directly south ot tho Orinoco rlvor, whoro tho best quartz is supposed to exist, thore are not moro than 2,000 actual sottlors. Fully 20,000 of tho 52,000 livo on tho islands in the mouth of tho Essoquebo rlvor, which are not in dispute. No Case Against Lash, Reading. Pa., April 7. Coroner Grloso- mer yesterday afternoon hoard tho testl mony of Frank Lash, at whose houso Miss Ida Kllon Mooro, 29 years old, died on Fri day night. It had boon alleged that the woman dlod under suspicious circum stances. Lash stated that she had bcou indisposed whon ho wont to work in tho morning, and whon ho returned at night she was doad. Tho ooronor doos not think it nocossary to hold a post mortem oxnm ination, and says thoro was no reason for the suspicion of foul play. Tho young woman was in a uoucato condition. Killed Ills Wire and Child. McL-EANSDono, Ills., April 7. Fred Bomer, living seven miles north of this city, killed his wlfo and 2-year-old child Sunday afternoon. Tho woman was out and mangled In a horrible manner and her body thrown out nnd covered with corn stalks and an old carpet. Tho little boy was hung by the neck to a rafter. Tho murdorer escaped, but was captured by tlie sheriff of White county near Carml. Whllo tho peoplo nro determined that Bomer shall sutfer tho oxtremu ponalty of the law, there Is n disposition to lynch him, Probably All on Hoard Perished. PALM BEACH.Fla., April ".Tho schoonor Somlnole.from Tltusvllle to Miami, loaded with lumber consigned to Hobblns, Ura ham & Chllllngworth, was capsized In galo off Lake Worth inlet on Sunday night. Bostde ono sailor, whoso name Is unknown, thero wore aboard aspassengors two mon named White and Johnson, a woman nnd a child, all white, No word has boen hoard or sign scon of tho unfor tunates, and the presumption is that all on board perlshod. Altooim's Now City Government. ALTOONA&Pa., April 7. Mayor H. C, Barr was sworn in at noon yesterday, and announced his nppolntmonts. Coroner Foust Is the new chief of police, and thoro has beon a clean sweep of Domocrutlo po lice and other appointive oiltcos. beloot council organized by oleotlng John Currle president, and common council elected John A. Cnnan prosldont. Deril.hes lletlro from Ca.sala. CAiito, April 7. It Is reported that the Dervishes havo now abandoned tho attack on Cassaln. withdrawing to Borborand tho Murnt Wells, It Is rumored that tho Abyssinian envoy has just left hero bear- jug a letter from Lord Cromer, tho British agout and minister plenipotentiary, to the Nogus of Abyssinia. Vice Chanoellor of New Jersey, Tbbnton, April 7. Chancellor McOlU has appointed ex-Judgo Frederic W. Ste vens, of Newark, vice chancellor, to suc- I ... -ti r, i ...I, i,i i nt. a. ,j Tong 8 u Democrat. KIDNEY CURE. Mtinyuti's Kidney f'ure cures psln in the Imck, loins or groins from kidney disease, puffy and llahh.v face, dropsy of the feet and limbs, frequent desiro to pass water, scanty urine, dark-colored and turbid urine, sedi ment in the urine, Kravcl in the bhdder, and too great a flow of urine. I'rico 25 cents, Jltinyon's Dyspepsia t'uro positively cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles. I'rico 23c. Munyon's Bhcumntism Curo seldom falls to relieve in one to threo hours, and cures in a few days. I'rico 25 cents. Munyon's Headache Cure stops headaches In threo minutes. Price, 2,"i cents. Munyon's Blood Curo eradicates all impuri ties of tho blood. I'rico 23c. Munyon's Cold Curo prevents pneumonia and breaks up n cold in n few hours. I'rico Munyon's Cough Curo stops coughs, night sweats, allays sorouoss and speedily heals tho lungs. I'rico 23c. Munyon's I'llo Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. .Price, 25c. Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost powers to weak men. Price, $1.00. A separate- specific for each disease Sold by all druggists, mostly 25 cents a bottle. Personal letters to Prof. Munyou, 1503 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered with freo medical advice for anv disease. WOOD'S Shenandoah Gollege! Charter flembcr Scholnrshtps'aSale continues this week only. Three Departments at the Price of One. BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, . . ENGLISH, PENHANSHIP. THOMAS MARTIN, SPECIAL ORGANIZER, FERGUSON HOTEL.. Full Value, No Waste. I am not making sensational street displays, but have a larger clothing business than any other house in Shen andoah. Because, instead of wasting my money in hiring bands, lavishing decorations, treating curiosity seekers to beer and cigars, and otherwise throwing away my profits, give my customers the benefit of that much money, and more added. See my stock of SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING. No brass bands are needed to convince the people of what it is It speaks for itself. S. BLOCK, ROCHESTER CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Main nnd Cherry Sts., Shenandoah, Pa SPRING STYLES IN FINE CLOTHING Now ready nt PORTZ BROS. 21 N. Alain street. A Fine Assortment, A Pino Grade of Goods. A Folr Prlco to All. We call special attention to our Hue of Spring and Sum mer Neckwear. An excellent I assortment, FOR IVlEIM ONLY. Sure cure. No. 3 and 5. Stops In 3 days, cures in S days. Sold at the NEW DRUG STORE, 28 Kast Centre St., Shenandoah. NEW SALES and EXCHANGE STABLES. WORK1NQ or DR1VINQ HORSES constantly on hand. Sold or exchanged. H. LMILLER & CO., Props., 10 N. Pear Alley. ltu.lnes ofllcet W. P. Miller's meat market. 123 N. Jlnln dtrect. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOL SomaUtsei need. reliable, monthly, reKnlstlng medicine. Onl j hsrmlua and the purest drug, ih.uld be used, ii jou want the best, get Dr. Peal's PenmEraBaB Pfills They trapronipt, ..la ivdeerUln In remit. The cnnliie(lr. I'--Vl)o.ferdiur- Mint. Bent any wbe, Il.M. Adireu PsJXMEDiaKUCo,, Ueittiind.O. For bale by V. V. D. KIRWN, Shewndoah, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCIIl'YKH.I. DIVISION. March a, ison. Train, will leave Hhennndoah after tli. fthnre duto for WlEgnim, OllbTbn, Frtwkvlllc, IMrk Water, ft. (,'i.lr, rottireillc- Hntnliiirx, Rending, 1'ntt.tawn, l'lioenlXTtllf, Sorrl.town and I'lifl ndelphln (llroBd idroet utoWon) nt AOS ml 1149 n. m. mill 1 1,1 lu m. on week day.. Ker Potto ville mid Inleriuedlnte sintion. P 10 n. m. SUNDAY. I'or WIkrkiis, fllllii-rton, Fmekville, Dark Water. St. !lnlr. 1'ott.vtlle. nt 8H. 9 JOn. m. nod 3 10 p. in. For llnmlmrg, llemrrrrg, rottrnvrn, l'hoenixville, NorrUtown, l'hilftler)trrfii ntOO0, 9 10 n. In., 3 10 p. in. Trnlns lenve I'mckvllle for Hhefmdonh at 10 40 n. III. mid 12 11. ntH. Ill nnd 1077 n. rtl. Htuidny, 11 13 n. in. and A 40-p. nt. Leave I'ott-.vlllo for Khcnmidonh nl 115, 11 4S n. in. mid 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. lu, Sunday nt 10 10 n. m. , a 15 p. m. Iconic IMlllndclntila. fllrond ntrect ntjvtfAYi. fnr Shenandoah nt 5 07 mid 8 35 a, in., ' 10 anil 7 If p. in. week ilnys. nuiHlnyq leave nt 6 5(7 in. Lenve Brorul .trcet station, l'hlladclrMn..lor Sea Olrt, Asbtiry Park, Oeenu tlrove, UOiik llraucli, ami intermediate utatlonn, 0.5(X U.39n. m., 3.30, 1.00 p. m. week-days. Sundays (stop nt Interlaken lor Ashury Park). n. Leave Uroad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOK NIJW YOI1K. Kxprrss, week day, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, V50i 7 33, 8 20,9 20,9 50,10 80(I)lnlngCar),lICO,ll lltni m., 12noon,123.5 (Limited 100 nud 4 22 p. in. Dining Curs) 1 2i) (Dining Car), 110, IrI (Dining Car), 3 20, 4 00, B 00, 5 M (l)lnlng CM, 0 00, 650, 812, 1000 p. 111., 12 01 nlirht. SiindaTlV 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 615, 812,8 30,9 80,1030 (Dlllhlfr Car), 11 at a. nt.. 1235. 120, (Dining Car) 2-00 (Dining Cnr), 4 00 (Umlted 4 22), (Dining Clli) 5 20, 8 56 (Dining Cnr), 0 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. Si, 12 01 night. Express for lloton, without change, 1100 a. m, week days, and 6 50 p. in. dally. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH For llaltltuoro and Wnshlngton, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31 9 12,10 20,1123 a. 111., 12 09 (12 31 Limited Ih lng Car). 1 12, 3 IS, 4 41 (5 19 Congressloiml Limited. Dining Cnr), 5 57, (Dining Car). 8 17, 0 53 (Dining Car), 740 (Dining Cftt) p. m., nnd 12 05 night week days. SundayR, 3 50,7 20,9 12, 1123 a.m., 12 09 1 12, 4 11, tlfts Congressional Limited. Dining Car), 5S7 (Dining Car), 0 55 (Dining Cnr), 7 40 p. ni. (Dining Cnr) nnd 12 05 night. Leave Mnrkct Street Ferry, I'hllndelpliln, FOlt ATLANTIC CITY. Bxprcss. 8 50 a. in., 2 10,(3 10 Saturdays only), 1 10, anil r. 00 p. in. week days. Sundays, 8 45 nnd 9 15 n. m. For Cape May, Anglessea, "Wildwood and Holly Ucach. Kxpress, 9 00 a. in., nnd 4 00 p. In. week days. Sundays, 9 00 n. in. ForSealMo City, Ocenn City nnd Avaloi. Express 9 00 a. m., nnd 100 p. m. wek days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in. For Soiners Point. Kxprcn, 8 50 a. in., and 1 10 p. in. week days. Sundnv , 8 43 a. in. S. M. Puevost, J. II. Woon, Oen'l Manager. Ctcn'l Pass'g'rAgt READING R. R. SYSTEM IN KFFKCT MAltCH 1 18. Trnlns leave Shenandojih follows : Kor New York vIh riill.ulcliliiu, week tlnvs. 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 ii. in., 12 5S, 2 15 nnd 5 55 p. iii1 Suiulftys, 2 10 a. in. For New York via Munch Chunk, week days, 5 25, 7 20 a. nr., 12 "t-S mid 2 55 i. in. For Heading and Milludelililn, week days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m., 12 5S, 2 55 and 5 55 p. in. SVhi. diiVH, 2 10 a. in. For Totts ville, week days, 2 10; 7 20 n. in., nnd 12 58, 2 55 nnd 5 55 p in. Snmln.VN, 2 10 n. in. For Tniiiaua nud Maliauov City, week dnfrs, 2 10,5 23, 7 20 n. m., 12 5S, 2 55 and 5 55 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. in. For UlianiMport, Hunlmry nnd Lewlshurff, week days, 3 25, 11 R0 a. in., 150 and 7 20 iff in. Sundays, 3 25 a. in. For Mnhanny Plant, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 25, 7 20, 11 30 a. in., 12 5S, 1 .V), 2 55,5 55, 7 20 and 9 35 p. in. Sunday), 2 10, 3 25 a. m. For Aslilaml and Sliatnokln, week dnys, 3 25, 7 20, 1130 a. in., 150,720 and 935 p.m. iSuiv dayti, 3 25 a. in. For Baltimore, "Washington nnd the West via It. & O. U. IE., through trains lenve Heading Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. 1C. It.) at 3 20, 7 55, 11 2t a. in,, 3 40 nud 7.27 p.m. Sumlavs, 3 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. in.. 3 40 and 7 27 p. in. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth und Chcsfc- nut streets Htntlou, week days, 150, 5 11, 8 23 p. in. Sundays, 1 35, H 23 p. in. THA INS FOH SIIKNANDOAII. I-nve New York via Philadelphia, week ilavs. 8 00 a. m.. 130. 400. 7 SO P. in. und 171S night. Sundays, f 00 p. m. Leave New York via .Maueli Chunk, week dnys, i 30, 9 10 n. in.. 1 10 and 1 30 p. m. lenvu I'liiiaueipnia, Jtenumg terminal, ween: lays, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 a. in. and 1 05, 6 00 11 30 p. m. bundayfi, 11 30 p. in. s-, i.eavo ueaoiug, weeK nays, t ju, i,u, 11 55 n. in., 0 00 nnd 7 57 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 a. ily. Leave Pott a vl He, wcekdnyB, 2 3.5, 7 4Q a.m., 12 30 nnd 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 235 n. m. L.cave rnmnqua, weeK aa, u im, boo, u o ... 1 20, 7 15 und 9 52 p. m. Sundays, 3 18 n. m. T tf,,1,nn.. ...nnt. ,!,.... ry IK tn 11 47 a. m., 1 51, 7 39 and 9 51 p. m. Swidays, 3 45 m. Leave JIahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00, 630, 9 37, 11 59 n. m., 12 38, 2 08, 5 20, 6 26, 7 53 and 10 JO p. m. suntinys, '2. io, 4 uu n. in. Lenve wuuninsport, weeK nays, 7 iu lu a. I., 3 35 and 1141 p. in. Sundays, 11 15 p. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and South street wharf for Atlantic City. weekdays express, 9 uu a. in., a uu, iaturiiny only, 3 00, 4 00, fiOCp. in. Accommodation, 8 00 u. in.. 4 30, 6 30 p. in. Sunday Express, 9 00. 1000a. m. Accommo dation 8 00 a in., 4 45 p. ni. Heturning lenve Atlantic city depot, corner Atlantic nnd Arkansas nvenues, "Weekdays, express, 7 35, 9 00 n. in., 3 30, 5 80 p. m. Accommodation, 0 50,815 a.m., 4 32 p. ra. Sundays Kxprcs. 4 00, 5 30 8 00 p, in. Accoui modBtion, 7 15 n. in., 1 15 p. m. Parlor Cars on nil express trains. I. A. 8WF.IGAHD, Q. O. HANCOCK, GenH Superintendent. Gen'l Pass. Agt. POLITICAL CARDS. filOK LKOISLATUItn, L1 Seeond District, H. W. BECKER, Of Glrardvllle. Pn. Subject to Pcmoc ratio rules. On COUNTY TKKAHUHKK, ELIAS DAVIS, Of Uroad Itlountaln. Subject to ltepubllcan rule.. JjlOIt CMSltK OP TUB COURTS, PHIL. J. C0NNELL, Of Girnrdvillo. Subject to Democratic rules. nillions of Dollars Go up In smoke every year. Take bo risks but get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., Insured in llrst-class re liable coinianioa as represented by DAVID FAUST, S Also Life and Accidental Companies.