lXTAltLISIIIOl) 1870. Published every Evening, Except Sunday, at 8 Siinil jAItlllK HTBhhT. Ngah Ckkthh. Che Herald in telliMl in Hhcnaiitloan und the surrounding towns for six cent a week, ly" lilo to the carriers. Hy mail JB.OO ft ymr, or 2S cento n month, ptiynbW- in advance. Advortlw? ments charged aoeonliu-i to space ami )KieU1nti. The publishers reserve the liKht to chnngu the fiosltlnn of iHlvcrtisenients whenever the puli Icatlnn of n'-ws di-mamls it. The right Is reserved to reject any oilwrtlseineiit, whether paid for or not, that the publishers may ilecm improper. Am crtlsing rates matlo known upon application, fintcrcil at the postuuleo nt Shenandoah, l'o., as second class mail matter. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Evening Herald FRIDAY, Al'KIL 3, 1800. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. To the Uepuhlicnn electors of Pennsylvania: Tho Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representatives, will meet In State con vention Thursday, April 21, 1890, nt 10 o'clock a. in., In the opera house, city of Hnrrlshurg, for the purpose of nominating two candidates for rcpresentatlve-at-largo in Congress and thirty two candidates for Presidential electors, the selection of eight dclCKfttcs-at-lnrgo to tho Re publican National convention, and for the ransnction of such other business as may bo presented. By order of the State Committee. M. S. Quay, Attest: Juke II. Itnx, Chairman. fir. It. Aniikewh. Secretaries. COUNTY CONVENTION CALL. Ji'otko is hereby given to tho delegates, who attended tho last Republican County Conven tion, that In accordance with ltlllo 7, of tho Itepublican rules of Schuylkill county, a con vention will be belli at Centennial Hall, Potts vllle, on Saturday, April I, lKM, at 10 a. in., for the purpose of electing two delegates and two alternates (or tho National Convention to be held nt St. Louis, Mo., on Juno loth, lsflo; and nlso at the samo time and place to elect delegates and alternates to represent tho sevcial Repre sentative districts of this county to the State Convention to be held at llarrisliurg, Pa., on Wednesday, April 23rd, 1B'.. in accordance with tho rules. Ily the Executive Committee, lluiiii W. Pavsi:, Chairman. Ashland, Pa., March tilth, 1M. 3-20-tf MoitK protection, more money, more public improvements, municipal reform is Senator Quay's platform, and a sound one, too. Wiivt will it profit u statesman to gain national delegate and loso the Congressional nomination? Itespectfully referred to Major John Ferdinand Finney fur solution. Somi: writer has said that Lincoln would not have become the great man that lie was if he hud not been disappointed in an early lovo all'.iir. Let those who get jilted just think of this and resuho to become gicat men. To-Mor.uow's convention will decide the much vexed question as to whether tho Republican party in Schuylkill county is to be handed to Mr. llrumm, body and Mini, on a silver platter. Tin: Republican county convention to morrow would voice tho sentiment of a ma jority of the Republican voters in this county by passing icsolutioiis against tho election of J. Donald Cameron to succeed himself as I'nitcd States Senator. In the bame breath they might suggest the name of lloics Pen rose, of Philadelphia, hs his successor. Mi:. Mi'Kisli:v has selected the Hon Charles Leland, Jr., of Kansas, as his candi date for chairman of thu Republican National Committee, to manage his campaign in the event of his nomination for President. Tlieic isatiite old saying that it is not well to count your chicks, etc., which mlglit well be applied in this case. Mil. Allison, having lately grown a mustache, is now "tho man who looks like. Grant;" Mr. Ciilloni is "tho man who looks like Lincoln," and Mr. MeKiiiley, as all the world knows, is "the man who looks liko Napoleon." but, as for the genial Thomas 1!. Heed, of -Maine, his niutto is "tho man who looks liko me." Quay is a handsome likeness of lieu butler, and looks liko a winner. "Lost, strayed or stolen tho littlo boom lets of many of Shenandoah's statesmen." Joyce's American. If our contemporary will wait until the convention of to-morrow is over, lie will hear the "boomlcts" boom as only Shenandoah booms can boom. And theso self-same boomlcts will not be confined to the rani's of olio party. Jloom is thu word in tills town just now, and if the aforusald boomlcts are not furthcoming, why, lookout for a bomb. Tin: card of Phil. Council, of Girardvllle, announcing himself a caudidute for Clerk of the Courts, subject to Democratic rules, appears in another column. Mr. Council is tho present ellicient and obliging chief clerk in the Commissioners' oflico, and every one transacting business in that olllco knows what a pleasure it is to deal with officials like Mr. Council. His nomination on the Demo cratic ticket would mean a hard battle for his opponent, whoever ho may bo. Tin: Duko and Duchess of Marlburougli have got home from their honeymoon trip and are comfurtably settled down at Wen heiiu Palace, which was renovated, reiiaiiod and mado habitable by the money secured from the Hamersley estate, it in not 'pleas ant for Americans to mjo good American money taken out of this country to F.uropo nml uwxl to luhuild and rejtir old ruins, and it might be good policy to Impose a ta upon the fortunes of American heiresses who marry scions of nobility from ovor the sva. About twenty-live per cent, would be the proper amount to lovy in such eases. TiiBmlllinors throughout town are heels overhead in business just now. They Bay they never heforo wore so busy at this time of the yi r- .The demand fur liister bonnets is simply immense, and the prevailing styles will be milte hliiiinlug. The tiirla uro almost wild vtilhc.M b' i' ut in legaid to tho (jreat cm ut. This i j leap year und tho now Woman having materialised, loml now features of Interest t the Kastcr hat CTcito nietit. Young men will do well to 1h' bn tholr guard, for tho now woman Is very aggressive, anil being bucked, up hy tho privileges which 4enp year always accords, thore willno iluubt be havoc among hearts, such as has never licfure been known. t'p to Date for Pttlus iiml Aches. Kvorybody says Red l'lag Oil, 25c. llruliler llros., drug storo. At They Say II I "77" breaks up a Cold. "77" knocks out tho Grip. "77" stops the Snullles. "77" euros the Cough. "77" soothes tho Throat. "77" works Wunder in Catarrh. "77" is peerless for Influenza. "77" prevots Pneumonia. "77" clear Clergyman's Throat. "77" restores lost Voice. t "77" annihilates Hoan-eno.-s. "77" is a sheet anchor for Singers. "77" nids Respiration. "77" is Dr. Humphreys latost and greatest Discovery. "77" tho' priceless, sells for a quarter. "77" is sold by druggists everywhere, or sent upon receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Ill and 113 William St., Xcw York. Highly Kecoiiiinended. Wilmamsi-ort, l'a., Sept. 13, 1MI3. Prof. S. I. Wood is well known to mo and I consider him an expert accountant, possess ing exceptional ability and worthy of ut most confidence. Ho was employed by me, personally, in a bushiest transaction requir ing an expert accountant and performed tho duties exacted of him greatly to his credit and to my utmost satisfaction. I do not hesitato to highly recommend him in any work requiring the services of an exper ienced accountant. TlIOS. MlLLhl'AUUH. I liavo known Prof. S. I. Wood for several years. His ability, habits and character aro the very best. X. A. 1'ki.mev, Cashier First Nat. Dank, Coudirsport, l'a. Prof. S. I. Wood, President of tho Shenan doah College, is one of the most thorough and ellicient Business Collego men in tho United States. Pottsvillo Itepublican. H gives us pleasure to stato that wo regard S. I. Wood as one of tho most capable ac countants of Pennsylvania. IjACKAtVANNA I.UMIU'II Co., I. I- Mogargel, Vico President. Cure l'or Sick Ifeaihichn. Thousands of ladies sillier from sick head ache caused undoubtedly hy disordered liver or stomach. 1 ho best remedy that can bo obtained for this distressing complaint is found in Hood's Pills. These pills are so mild and gcnttlo in action yet so through that glvo perfect satisfaction. Thoy cure sick headache, jaundice, sour stomach and all liver ills. They break tin colds and fevers and prevent the gup. liny Keystone Hour. Ite sure that tho namo Lnssio & lUmt, Ashland, Pa., is printed on every sack. A Fugitive Kmhc77lcr Captured. CmcAOo, April 3. Tho Plnkcrton agency today received, wont ot the arrest in South ampton, England, of Matt Adams, tho al leged defaulting; district clerk of Denver, Arapahoe county, Colo. It is charged that helled from Denver in November last with about 75,000 belonging to tno county and to various pooplo. Ho was a prominont Mason, nil Odd Fellow and a well known Grand Army man. There aro indictments ovor him in Denver fur perjury and for embezzlement. General Harrison's UVilillng. New Youk, April 3. Daniel Knmsdell, of Indianapolis, now nt. tho Fifth Avenue hotel, Is to ho ono of ex-President Harrl son's two ushors nt bis marriage with Mrs. Dlinmlck next Mondny. Tho other attendant will, It is understood, ho Gen eral Frank Heedor, of Kaston, l'a. It Is believed that Mr. Harrison's chlldron will nttond tho woddlng. They had not, how ever, up to Inst night slgnilied their iu tent ions in this rospoct. Victory for l'roinler Ilonr-ronls. PAltis, April 3. After tho debato in the chamber of deputies yestcrdny on tho foreign policy of thu governinont n roso- ution which was accoptnble to tho mln- atry was adopted by n voto of 309 to 813, NUGGETS OF NEWS. Augustus Hoppin. tho well known cari caturist, died nt f lushing, L. I., ngcu bo. "Urlck" Pomeroy, tho notod printer, Idltor and promotor, Is dying of dropsy nt Illythobourno, L. I. liucharest papors nniinunco tho conclu lion of n military convention between Kussla. and Bulgaria. At Llovd, Wis., Clinrlos Eastland nnd William Keith wcro instantly killed by tho explosion of u boiler. Tho total voto for governor of Ithodo Island is as follows: Llppltt (Kci.)2S,418 Littloflold (Dem.), 17,170: Peubody (Pro.), 8,o:!J; Thlenort (.Sou.), l.'JJl; Durllngnme (Peo.), 718. In n lecturo at Albany last night Hoy. Dr. Pnrkhurst said tho credit of tho suc cess of tho Now York pollca investigation. was duo to bonator (now lloutuuaut gov- iruor) Saxton. Hip Disease Results from a scrofulous and lmpnr condition oi the blood, and it is cured by Hood's Barsaparilla the great blood pu rifier. Tho father of a Philadelphia girl writes this: "Wo gave Hood's Barsaparilla to our littlo girl, who had symptoms of liip dlscaao. Hho could not put her foot down on tho floor when wo com menced giving her tho medicine, but In a short time she was able to get oft the couch and to reach her playthings. Since then she has steadily improved, thanks to Hood's Barsaparilla, and her fceoeral health is all that could be desired. When any of the other children tit not well we give them FSood's Sarsaparilla and we earnestly recommend It to others." E. BEBRV, 203 Richmond St., Philadelphia.. Hood's Pills etir to Wy, tuj to uk iijln.O.v. WccnUi Mny Bell, but Not Manufacture. DBS MoiHBB, In., April S Tho Mulct law won n decisive, victory yesterday In the senate, tho liquor manufacturing hill being defeated by it vote) of 28 yens to 87 nays. This vote prnotlonlly settlos tho prohibition Ilirht in this state. It will, therefore, still have the eurlutis itnomoly of n law which permits liquor to lie sold In this statu, but forbids lis innnufncturo therein. Jewelry Itohbers Sciitencofl, HmtoKS, April 3. Two Kngllshmon named Anderson and James and an Amer ican namod Willis wore sentenced to flvo yours' iinprlsoiinnnt mid Anna Juntos to four years' Imprisonment for tho recent jowelry robbery at Osmond. Tho woman licoiimo very violent wlillo shu wns in tho dock. Ives Aftulu n Winner. New Yol'.K, April 3. Tho fourth rnmo of tho International billiard tournament, last night, win between Frank C. Ivosnnd Albert Garnler. Ives won tho gnino, tho score being: Ives, 000; Gurnlur. 103. tson Money, 5 Timn AfTIl Temper, Temper, Labor. The Modern Cleaner Cleans house and C All Grocers. t l-'rce Sample. liailUS. f Chllds&Childs, a New York. IF YOU WANT THE BEST nnd enn't pet It, then come to tm for it. Wo carry the best of Groceries, Butter and Eggs, FLOUR and FEED. Our delivery wniron n waits vour urder. Gootla cieuvcrcu prompuy. flUSSER & BEDDALL, 26 East Centre Street, Lager and Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Agt., 207 West Coal Street. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. M. C. WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Clears. Tolmcco, &e. Acent for Keudlnu llrcwiitu Co.'s lleer ana l'orter. 11 S and 11S S. rVlaln St HARLES DERR'S W Barber Shop I -is West Centre Street, Our Hot Towel Shave Is' bccoinlnK popular. You will liko It. mako a specialty of hair cutting. P. J. CANFIELD Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barney's Bohemian Beer. WHITE, HANDS S3 TSKATM.NT.-l-or red. r5 5!f ffii'S i rici-A(nlntmiitl.wiriniBloTe;dinithenlltM 1lo Abollnh tlie middlemen. New YoitK, April 3. At tho conclusion of the conferenco between iron and stool innnufaottirors Goorge T. Oliver, of Pitts burg, madonstatement that "With the ex ception of a fow weeks lnst fall tho manu facturers of Bessomor stool in tho United States lmvo been conducting a losing busi ness for tho past throo years. With tho purposo in vlow of bringing nbout closor rotations between huyor and seller tho steel inon have agreed nniong themselves that In tho future all negotiations shall bo confined strictly to tho producer on ono hand nnd tho consumor on tho other. It Is not intended to restrict production ex cept so far as such restriction will be brought about by doing uway with lictl tious transactions." During tho winter of 1603, Jt. Martin, of Long Itcacli, West Va., contracted a severe cold which left him with a cough. In speaking of how ho cured it ho says : "I used several kinds of cough syrup but found no relief until I bought a bottlo of Cham berlain's Cough Kcniedy, which relieved mo almost instantly, and in a short tlmo brought about a eonipleto cure." When troubled with a cough or cold uso this remedy and you will not find it necessary to try several kinds icforo you get relief. It has been in tho market for over twenty years nnd constantly grown in favor and popularity. I'orsalo at !o and 50 cents per bottlo byGruhler Uros., druggists. I'lglit Kxplnrers Reported Lost, Minnkapolis, April 3. A spoclnl from Crookston states that lottors received thero from Iininey River, on tho Canadian boundary, report tho death on Halnoy river of Colonel A. F. Naff, a United States deputy marshal, nnd nn entire party of explorers, in nil probably eight men. They wore on their way to investigate re ports of tho timber stoallng by Canadians nlong tho boundary and tributary waters and wero ascending tho Iluincy by blolghs. They uro reported to lmvo broken through tho Ice und to havo been lost. It will bo an agrecalilo surpriso to persons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may bo had by taking Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea I!eui- cdy. In many instances tho attack may bo prevented by taking this remedy as soon ns tho first symptoms of tho disease appear. and 50 cent bottles for salo by ("rubier llros.- druggists. The Venezuelan Couimlsilon. Washington, Aprils. President Brew er, of tho Venezuelan boundary commis sion, ennm nil tho way from To.tas to at tend tho meeting of tho commission yes terday. All of tho membors wore present, and thero was further discussion of tho udvisabillty of sending n represontatlvo of tho commission to Tho Hnguo and to Mndrld to Inspect tho original Dutch and Swinish records. It is prounblo that a de cision will bo reached upon this point very soon. , Klu-timutlsm Cured In a Day. "Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism and Ncu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho systom is rcmarkablo and mysterious. It removes at onco the cause and tho disease immediately disappears. Tho first doso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by C. H. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah. A Ills Venezuelan Loan. LA GUAYitA, Venozuola, April 8. The national congress has authorized tho pros ldent to uegotlato a loan of 50,000,000 francs to pnrchaso land for now rullwoys and oxtcnu tnoso nlreaay in oporatlon. Tho Weather. For eastern Now York.onstcrn Pennsyl vania and Now Jersey: fair: dooldodly colderi brisk and high northwesterly winds, Grlp-ColilsIeu'luche. Why sudor with Coughs, Colds and La Grippo when Laxative Ilromo Quinine will curo you in ono day. Put up In tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to curo, or money refunded. Prico, 25 cents. For salo by Kirlin's rharmacy. IClllott Will Itotnln 111 Heat. Washington, April 3. Tho Murrny Elllott election contost, from the First district of South Carolina, was practically docldod yesterday by an understanding reacueu uy tno houso elections commlttoo, whioh has the case lu char-re. thnt tho present mombor, William Elliott, who is uomocrat, uo permlttod to retain his sont, This is a reversal of tho roconimondntlon9 of tho sub-oommlUoo, which roportod iu iavor ot sealing uoorgo Washington Mur ray, tho colored contestant. Murray wus tho only colored mombor of tho last con gress, and would havo hud tho same dis tinction in this congress if the committee had sustained his claims. Huchli-n's Arnica Salve. I ho best salve in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovcr sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale hv A. VaJey. Sheiiiiiuloali Directory, Business men and others, who have not yet secured one of the directories of Shenandoah, just issued, can obtain one W making appll cation at tills office Tho plco is only $3 00, and thore aro only a fow left. No business man can auoru to ho without one of those books. ( 2-21-t -H- - When you want good rnofinc nlumt.w gas fitting, or gcnoral tinshilthing done call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street, Dealer ir stoves. 8-1-tf Oongrossinen Disouss a Ooloretl Oollogo at Wasbingtoii. THE INSTITUTION VICTORIOUS. Howard University tleU nn Appropriation or S.TJ.OOO, with n l'rovlo That No Tart nt It Shrill bo tseil for Itotlclous Teaching. A 1'nlltlcnl Discussion 1'rcclplttitctl. Washington, April 8. Tho quostlon of appropriating publlo mouoy for prlvnto or sectarian Institutions, which was debated for sovoral days during tho consideration of tho District of Columbia appropriation bill in connection with somo appropria tions for charitable institutions lu Wash ington, was ngatn fought ovor for four hours In tho house yesterday. On tho formor occasion tho contest was innnngod by Mr. Linton, a Mlohlgan Ropubllcnn, who Is ono or tho pronounced A. I'. A. mcmbors in congress. That contest was successful, nnd by n voto of 113 to 135 tho bill was recommitted. Yesterday tho bono of contention was tho Howard university, a colored institu tion of Washington, for which an appro priation of $33,000 was lnsorted in tho sun dry civil bill on motion of Mr. Evnns, of Kentucky. Mr. Hnlner, of Nobrnskn, ral lied his forces against tho appropriation on tho ground that It was both a prlvato and a soctarlan institution, n school of thoology being maintained by the univer sity. The appropriation was coupled with a proviso that no part of it should bo used for religious touching, but Mr. Hnlnor in sisted that it could not be denied that it was in a senso a religious institution. Mr. Cannon, Mr. Evnns and other mom- tors who supported tho ninondmont de clared that thoy wero opposed to appropri ating publlo money for sectarian institu tions, but argued, that tho proviso freed it from this criticism. Politics, of course, wore Injected liberally into tho debate, and Mr. Sayors und Mr. Hepburn wero especi ally prominent. Each Insisted thnt his party was moro particularly tho friend of tho black man. Tho houso voted, 129 to 103. to retain tho appropriation, thus in a mensuro reversing Its action when the dis trict bill was up. An analysis of the voto shows that 107 Republicans, 10 Democrats nnd 3 Populists voted for tho amendment, nnd 55 Republicans, 47 Democrats and 3 Populists against It. Tho sundry civil bill as amended was passed. Tho postolllco appropriation bill served to bring out some sharp dlsousslon In tho sennto on tho proprloty of abolishing country postofflces nnd ubsorblng thein ns branches of city omces. Mr. Gorman op posed tho plan ns undomocrntlc. He Bald that tho Baltimore postolllco torritory in cluded two congressional districts, and this postolllco power was oxortod toward Influencing tho soleetlon of men for con- gross. Tho bill went over. Mr. Goorge closed his spoeoh, covering throo days, in opposition to Mr. Dupont's claim to a seat us senator from Delaware. arurvelous ltesults. Frnm il letter written bv Rev. J. Gundcr- nian, of Dimondale, Mich., wo aro permitted to make this extract : "I have no hesitation In reennimendini' Dr. Kinc s 2sow Discovery, as the results wero almost marvelous in tho caso of my wifo. Whilo I was pastor of tho baptist church at itlves junction sue wus brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippo. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would lust hours with littlo interruption and it seemed as if sho could not survlvo them. A friend recommended Dr. King's Now Discovery: it was quick iu its work and highly satisfactory iu results." Trial bottles freoat A. Wasley'sdrug store. Regular sizo 50c and $1.00. New Jersey Sluulclpal Conventions. Jeksky ClTV, April 3. Municipal con ventions wore held in a number of Now Jersey oities nnd towns. At Newark James M. Soymour was nominated for mayor by tho Democrats ou tho first bnl lot. At Ornngo tho Democrats indorsed Mayor John Gill, who on Wodnesdny night was ronomlnntod by his own party, the Republican. At Elizabeth the Repub licans renominated tor mayor jonn u, Rankin, Jr. J. F. McGrath was nomi nated for tho position of recorder by the Democrats of New llrunswlcK. I'.leitrlc Hitters. Electric Bitters irfa medicine suited for any season, but perhaps moro generally needed in tho spring, when tno lauguiu exnausteu fecllnir nrovalls. when the liver is tornid and sluggish and tho need of a tonic and altera tive is felt. A prompt uso oi tins meuicino lias often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fovers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing tho sys tem from the malarial poison. Headache. Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield 'to Electric Bitters. Only fifty cents per bottlo at A. wasieys urug store. Coming Kvent. April 10. Musical and dramatic entertain incut by tho Guilds of tho All Saints' church in I erguson s theatre. April 10. Grand phantom dance under tho auspices of tho Clover Club of Shenandoah at Robblns opera house. ltellef In Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Now Groat South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surpriso on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tho urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain iu passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by Shaplra's pharmacy, 107 South Main sircci. Trinity Churqli Corporation Censured. New York, April 3. A coroner's jury brought lu n, vordlct consurlug tho Trin ity corporation, owners of the tenement building in Hudson strcot in which four persons lost their llvos by suffocation lu a tiro which ocourred last Sunday, for not tirnTiillncr fire osoanos for tho structure, A fifth death has resulted from tho flro, T.Hilderinnn Edward Welch having expired in hospital from injuries received lu tho performance oi uis uuty ou mm oceusiuu, An AflUluvtt. This Is to certify that on May 11th, walked to Mellck'sdrug storo on a pair of crutches and bought a bottlo of Chamber lain's Pain Balm for iufiarainatory rheuma tism which had cripplod me up. Aftor using threo bottles I am completely cured. I can cheerfully recommend it. Charles H. Wet zel, Sunbury, Ta. Rivnrn und subscribed to before me on Auirust 10. 1804. Walter Shipman, J Vnr sale at 50 cents per bottle by urunier Bros., druggists. , If Ministers Should Use Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. THERE 19 NO PROFESSION, whoso labors so bo vcrcly tax tho nervous sys tem, as that of tho ministry. Tho do rangomcntof tho norvo contcrs of tho brain by over work, frequently brings on attacks of heart trouble, and nervous prostration. . Rov. J. P. Koster. M. D Pastor U. B. church, Loudon Mills, Ills., himself a pbys1 tfi clan, writes Fob. 20. 1893: "noart affectlou " and norvous prostration had bocomo so j serious lost fall that a littlo ovor work in tho pulpit would bo completely prostrato mo Tr lYnies' tllat " 80cmod certain I ui. liiiiwo must relinquish tho work Heart CUre ot th0 ministry entirely. , Heart palpitation becamo .ReStOreS so bad that my auditors TTpnlth would ask mo if I did not XlCJllll....9 havo hoart dlscaso. Last November I commenced taking Dr. Miles' Now Heart Curo alternately with Dr. Miles' Nervlno nnd dcrivod tho greatest posslblo benefit. I havo Just closed revival work of 10 wcoks, preaching nearly every night and twice on tho Sabbath. I can speak for hours without suffering as I tprmorly did. Hard wnrlHnf- YnlnlQtnra almtllfl lrnnn Til- Mllna grand remodlos on hand." Dr. Mllos' Hoart Curo Is sold on guarantoo, first bottlo will benefit or money refunded. ROFESSIONAL CARDS. S. PHILLIPS, M. D. Onico : 30 West Ccntro street. Can be consulted at all hours. T) F. IiUltKI!, M. D. 80 K. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. Jt Olllca hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and7( J II. I'OMEItOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Shenandoah, Pa. M. BUItKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllce Ktran hulldlnir. corner of Main and Ccntro streets, Shenandoah. UOF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 63, Mnlmnoy OUy, Va. Ilnvlnt? Atudtod under some of the beat masters ii London and Paris, will clvo lessond on the violin, Kultnr nnd vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In care oi btrouse, tue eweler, Shenandoah, If You Have Any : NEED FOR ONE: AND NOT A "ME" A DEADLY PARALLEL STIFFE & FItEIJMAN. Gentlemen: Wo had oneof your No. 38 Safe In tho Haseltliio Building, which was In th worst part of the Uro. Although tho Bafo was badly burned on tho outside, all or Its contents wero saved, We take pleosuro In ndvUlng tho publlo to use your sates II they want protection. (Signed,) MEII3HON BROS. STIFFKL Si FREEMAN. , Oentlemeii! I hereby ulve you my Safe, found In tho ruins of the lata fire at the Hoseltlne Art galleries. Its contents wcro destroyed ana I have no uso for the shell. (Signed,) THOS. J. ARMSTRONG. STIFFEL & FREEMAN, SAFE MANUFACTURERS, 723 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ACADM 100 acres clear, and with option "'vl of purchasing 100 acres timber lnnd adjoining, Duelling und barn and all neeessury out hulldiii'-s in good order and repair, will ho sold with or without stock and farming implements. Coal la supposed to under lie this proiierty. Within 3 miles of a first-class market. Will trade for town property. ApADM 173 aeres, near Zlons O rove, 75 llv. acres clear. Dwelling cost over 82500. Good barn and out buildings. Stock and farm implements. Must sell to disolvO partnership. T. R. BEDDALL, or V D. H. LLEWELLYN, Shenandoah, Pa. Above parties will negotiate the sale ot any good licensed property In Shenandoah, BUY A iSll JiliL fe