The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 31, 1896, Image 2

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lisi'Aiti.isiiKt) ik;u.
lrbltahi every Kvculng, Knecpt Hominy, at
X South Jaiuiin HiuLhr. Nbah Okmtrh.
Clio Herald la tleilveird InShennndonnnndthe
surrounding town for ix cent week, ity
able to tho cHrricrH. lly nintl 18.00 a year, or 105
cents n month, payable In ndvnnc-e. Advertise
ments charged at'eordiiiKtoHpaocHlid IKwiUon.
The publl'dierH reserve the rljrht lo change the
petition (if advertiwiuenU whenever the pul
Ilcatlou nf news tlenmiutH It. The right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not. Mint the publishers may deem
fmproiwr. Advertising rates made known
upon nppltttRtion.
Entered at the piwtofllec nt Shennndoah, Pa., n
eeeoml claw mull matter.
Evening Herald
To the ItepilhllcHii olector of Pennsylvania!
ThcKepiibllcnnsof Pennsylvania, Ity their duly
chosen representatives, will meet in Stato con
vention Thursday, April IS), 1896, at 10 o'clock
a. in.. In the opera house, city of llnrrlslmrg, for
the purpose of nominating two candidates for
rcpreseiitatlvc-at-lurge In Congress and thirty
two candidates for Presidential electors, the
selection of eight dclegatCH-nl-liirgo to tho Ho
publican Xatlonal eomentlou, and for thu
rausaction of such other business as may he
lly order of the Ktnte Cominltteo.
M. S. Quay,
Attest: Jem: 11. Hnx, Chairman.
'. IE., Secretaries.
Notice Is hereby given to the delegates, w ht
attended the lust llepublican County Couveii'
tlon, that in accordance with Utile 7, of the
lCcpuldican rules of Schuylkill county, a con
vention will be held at Centennial Hall, Potts
vllle, on Saturday, April 1, 1W5, at 10 a. m., for
the purposo of electing two delegates ami two
alternates for the National Convention to bo
held at St. Louis, Mo., on June lfilh, lHtlft; and
also at t lie same time and place to elect delegates
and alternates to represent the several llcpre
Heutntivc districts of this county to the State
Convention to bo held at llarrishllrg, Pa., on
"Wednesday, Aplll 23rd, 18. in accordance with
the rules.
lly thu Kxecutlvo Committee,
llL'itn W. Pavni:,
Ashland, Pa., March 19th, lhttfi. ,1-L-O-tf
Little Is heard these ilnys of Senator
Ciiineron's Presidential aspirations. Ho is
still dreaming of n contingency that will
niako liiui tlio Itcpuhlicun cnndiilatc on a 111
to 1 platform.
ti:pi!iJ5i:NTATlvi: A. S. Hiautv, of Ken
tucky, declares upon his honor us a states
man, a scholar and a gentleman "that I can
say very positively that Mr. Cleveland is not
in the Presidential race at all." There aro
curtain circumstances which render thu i
tcrtion irrefutable. No, Mr. Cleveland' will
not bo " in it. "
Si:c'uirrAi!Y ItimiiKit has decided that com
missions cannot bo issued to D. !. Camden,
Samuel 13. Kaosly and John II. Davis, of
Danger, who wero elected Justices of tho
Peace at the February election. Tho rea
hon assigned is that tho borough is only en
titled to two Justices, to lie elected by tho
concurrent votes of each ward. W. It. (Jrubb
holds rVrcr ami thu Governor will appoint
tlie second Justice.
i '
Till; wlnduws of business places aro beauti
fully decorated with Easter eggs, cards and
flowers and present a neat appearance. Tho
Lenten secson will have ended with Sunday
next. Most of the churches have made
extensive preparations for the joyous
services. Thoao who havo been observing
thu requirements of the season will no doubt
fcul better, lellgiously and physically.
With nations like Spain and Turkey fair
ly sizzling with helpless r.igo at tho United
State, wo may rightfully claim to havo con
clusive evidence that tho great republic is
Milidly arrayed in favor of humanity, justice
and civilization. If the Spaniard and the
Turk professed to love this country it would
bo in order fur Uncle Saui to look around
and see wherein his moral principles wero
A NKvr religious organization has madu its
appearance in tho shapo of tho American
Dcagito of tho Grand Army of thu Cross.
As Its iiauiu implies, tho league is of a mili
tary character, and its object tho evangeliza
tion uf America. Unlike thu Salvation
Army, this organization discards thu military
uniform, but in tho prosecution of its mission
it will appeal to tlio masses by popular
methods of singing and exhortation.
Frank Wjm.ino I.kacii announces that
he is III tlio stato chairmanship contest to
.stay until thu question Is decided. Mr.
Loach's services to tho licpublican party
have been of such a conspicuous nature and
characterized by such brilliant successes that
tliero is no doubt as to tho result should ho
bo chosen to conduct the battle ill 18!I0. It
would alo bo a piopcr recognition of tho
hard work douo by Jiiiu for tho party, not
only in the state but also in national politics,
at critical times. His syfctcmatic.pains-takiug
business methods of conducting campaigns
have tended greatly to maku Pennsylvania
tho banner licpublican state it Is.
As an object lesson in politics, says tho New
York Advertiser, the widely dlireront plans
of campaign pursued by tho half dozen load
ing aspirants for tho St, Louis nomination
otfer a highly interesting study. Major
McKinlcy represents the latter-day American
"hustle" in its highest form of development-,
Governor Morton accepts with dignity the
indorsement of ills own statu and permits his
friends ami advisers to go into others where
there are no home oundMatus with a view to
the making uf combinations when the proper
time uuuies; Speaker Heed, content to let
Now Kugland do what It may fur him, has
been busy for tho past four months handling
an iimvioldly Republican majority in tlio
lower house uf Congress, preventing it from
making mistakes and really strengthening
tlio party and tho opposing canilldatos as
much as, if not more than, himself ; Senator
Quay ha done llttlo clsu than toplaco him
self lu a posiil-ni where he can cut a llttlo
more ice than usual in tho National Convcn
tion, senator t'nlinm put outn lightning rod
cari.vamlis 1 nlmg it steadily in position.
Hi.! the lluu ,' ilhaui Eoyd Allison Is
saying nothing, doing nothing not ovoti
sawing wood lint lying M'ry, ory low
The Ohio limn mid tho Iowa innn repre
sent the two extremes in nute-ctmvontion
luetics. They are "playing both endsagntnst
the middle." The midillo, however, isR big
one a Irenionilous bulk mid, if nobody
enn break out of It with liW votes heforo tliu
tenth ballot, our Uncle Allison ill then be
in fine form for a winner If, in the meantime,
the Hon. James S. Clarkson lias not boon
With tho oxreption of tho Ruining of in
dividual strength liero and there by the
candidates, it may fairly be presumed that
tho situation will not cliango very materially
from now till tho day of the convention at
any rale, McKinlcy will not drop out of the
race, ami Allison is not likely to put himself
any further into it. Meanwhile, wo hear
nothing of dark horscB. This may lie
omliiuus. Can a surprise like Unit of '711 be
in Mine for tho republican party and tlio
country V
Political ParuKinphs.
Thomas .1. Mullahoy, of town, is a candi
date for I'ecordor, subject to Democratic
Philip J. Council, tlio efficient and obliging
clerk in the Commissioners' olllco, is seeking
tlio nomination for Clerk of the Courts on the
Democratic ticket.
Sum I.nsch hays ho will bo tho next State
Senator from tho 29th district. Sam ought to
An oxchango says Congressman lirunim is
still in tho light for national delegate. So
was Napoleon at Waturloo.
Political cards aro being distributed bear
ing tho well known features of Hon. Mins
Davis, candidate for County Treasurer. If
women could voto l.Has would win nanus
William II. Andrews arrived in Philadel
phia to-day from his western trip in tho
interest of Senator Quay's presidential
I-red. Alircnsfield, who was a prominent
candidati for tho licpublican nomination of
Poor Director for last year, will try again
tills your. Ahrensficld was Mhldlcton's most
formidable opponent last year.
James Williams is making an active can
vass for stato delegate.
Tho demand for Quay buttons in this
county exceeds tho supply.
It will soon be in order for candidates for
"truant ollicer" to announco themselves.
Such an ollicial will bu appointed by tho
School Hoard under tho compulsory educa
tional law.
Tliero is a great scramble for tlio Legisla
tive nomination onthe Democratic ticket in
the Second district.
John Mathias, of Mahanoy City, lias de
clined to bo a candidate lor national dele
gate. The friends of Daniel llrcnnan aro working
hard to sccuro his nomination for County
Commissioner on tlio Democratic ticket.
I.lthogrnplier to Jtetlirn to Work.
NBW YoiiK, .March 31. Tho 500 litho
graphers in this city who struck sovon
Weeks ago aro jubilant over tho notifica
tion that thoy may return to work pond
ing tho decision of tho cominltteo on arbl
tratlnn. It is said that little or no conces
sions havo been gained by tho strikers.
Tlio Trunk Victim Identified.
Chicaoo, March 31. Almost conclusive
proof has bucn adduced that tho body ot
tho man found In the box recently bought
for unclaimed freight by Austin specie
lators is that of Oliver Pinko, of Stella-
coom, Wash., and the murder mystery is
in a fair way to being1 solved.
KUzabcth Grtham Taggart, widow ot
the Into Colonel John II. Taggart, dlod at
Philadelphia last night, aged 71.
Tho llutlor county (Pa.) Republican
commlttueo unanimously endorsed Quay
for president, with McKinlcy as second
Hudson county (N. J.) Republicans
choso Samuel T. Dickinson and Conprresi
mini McKwan as delegates to St. LouU,
Dennis T. Flynn, Republican, was re
nominated by acclamation at Kingfisher.
O, T., fov his third turm as delegate, iji
congress from Oklahoma.
Tho iron and steel industry of the na
tion, it Is said, Is now In tho absolute con
trol of a fuw laon who are banded to.gctb.or
by tho strongest bonds ol common mtorsjt
nuil who have not less tunn 5cW.vv,W w.
'heir disposal
By Its Oures
It Is not what ve say, but what
Hood's S-.sapar!!la does, that tells tha
story of lis merit.
Tlii thousands of people whom It has
rsHed from diaeasoa.iU despair to happl
siojs and health, aro the strongest and
boat advertisements Hood's Sarsaparilla
has. No other preparation in existence
has such a record ot wonderful cures.
This is why Hood's Barsaparllla has the
largest sale, and requires tor Its prouuc
tion the lamest labo-atory in the world.
Now it voa need a good medicino, why
not try that whiih bus dono others so
much good, Kemombor
B-goods Sarsaparilla
8s the Only
True SB
c! Purifier
" public eyo. ;i;glrfor5
Prominently In
ZZ Tt r,n net harmoniously with
riCUU a jrwi Hood's Sarsaparuia.
-M. C. WATS0N,
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Clears. Tobacco, c. Agent tor Keauiug
11 0 and 11S S. Malm St
Teams to Hire!
It you wank to hire
said reliable
4onfti fnr tlrlvlnirnrforAi'orklniMiurnositi
iiav Shields' livery stable a visit. Tvautt
constantly on hand u( reasonable rates,
No. 410 ICast Centrs street.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
The Great Northern Cannot Consolidate
with tlio Northern Pad lie.
Washington. Mnroli .U Justice Hrown
delivered the opinion of tliosupreino court
yolordny In tho ontes of Thomas I'ennnll
vs. tho Grout Northern Hallway company,
mill nlsn nf tho T.milavllln ntnl TCimlivlltn
I Hallway company vs. tho commonwealth
ul Kontuoky, As to the right of parallel
ami competing railroad lines to consoli
date, holding in tho enso of the Grant
Northern Hint it could not undor Its
charter, and In opposition to tlio not of tho
Minnesota lcgUlnturo of 1874, be consoli
dated with tlio Northern Pacific, rts was
Bought to bo accomplished. Justices Field
and Drawer dissented in tho oaso. In the
Kentucky case a llko opinion was rendered.
Justice Shiras handed down the opin
ion of the supromu court yosterdny in the
wise of tho Texas Pacific railroad vs. the
interstate coin vioroo commission, appealed
f-'ini tho circuit court of appeals for the
Second circuit, and known ns tho import
rate cuso. The opinion of tho supremo
court reversed tho opinion of the circuit
court, which hold that it was illegal to i
charge less on Imported goods than on do
mestic articles. Tlio effect of tho opinion
Is to continue tho alleged discrimination
in tho interest of foreign shippers.
A decision wns rondered by tho supreme
court yesterday in tho case known as tho
long and short haul case, involving tho
alldlty of tho provision of tho Interstate
oomnioreo not prohibiting a higher charge
for a short limn for a long haul, appealed
from tho decision of tlio circuit court of
appeals fur tho Fifth circuit. Tho appeal
was taken by tho railroads. Tho decision
of tho court below wns affirmed In the
naln, the opinion holding that in cases of
shipments from ono stato to another oin
through bills of biding railroad compan
ies could not exempt parties and give
them special rates.
altur I I!ccfstcul, Hum ami lTggs, for One.
(lod cave ns meat, but tho devil sent us
ooks," is a trite Haying. From bad cuokiii".
fast eating and overeating, conies a wholo
mil ol diseases indigestion, dyspepsia, hll-
mnuess, catarrh of tho stomach, headache,
zzlncss, and tho like. Uod also cave us a
rainy man, who compounded the "Golden
edlcal Discovery, a corrective ol all the
ills resulting from overeating and bad blood.
r. 1'ierco of Jlullalo. has lurnishcd in tho
'Discovery," a great desideratum in Amcr-
wlicro everybody are in such a hurry to
make money, they havo no timo to eat, and
scarcely any timo to live. It invigorates the
liver, cleanses ' the blood and tones up the
Dclicato diseases of cither ser. however
induced, speedily and permanently cured.
Hook of particulars 18 cents in stamps, mailed
sealed in plain envelope. Address, World's
Dispensary .Medical Association, iju-i .Mam St.,
ISuualo, N. Y.
Disappeared with Others Cnsh.
Kansas Uitv, Mo., March 31. Warren
li. Soxton, general managerof tho defunct
Sexton Security cmnpnuy.hns disappeared.
Ho loft a lotter addrossod to hU brother,
"Jdward I', boxton, vloo president of tho
company, stating that sovoral thousand
dollars of tho company's funds which ho
had taken had boon lost in whoat gam
bling. Ho tool; with him a largo- sum of
money that ho had collected for different
persons for whom ho acted as rental agout.
Tho actual amount of ills defalcation is
not known.
Italttinore's Strike Declared Off.
BALTJMOISK, March 31. Tho garmont
workors of this city, who havo beon out on
strlko for tho past live weeks, declared tho
strike off last night, and those who could
got their places back returned to work to
day. Over 0,000 persons have been out,
tho strlko having been ordered under tho
sanction of tho American Federation of
Labor, of which tho strikers wero mom
bors. Tho Knights of Labor did not go out
and tho strlko ultimately resolved Itself
Into a war between tho rival labor organ!
A Neglected Wife's Vengennce.
San FltANCIsco, March 31. As John
Martin, driver of a patrol wagon, was sit
ting In his wagon in front of police bond
quarters at tlio city hall his wife came up
behind mm ana snot mm three tlmos with
a pistol. He will probably dlo. Mrs. Mar
tin gavo ns a reason lor tho shooting that
Martin had not boon homo for soveral
nights, and wns drinking hard. Sho was
tired of his ncgloct and determined to pun
ish him. bhe shows no regret for tho
Up to Dato for Tains and Aches,
Everybody says lied Flag Olli 23c.
Oruhler llros., drug store.
Arizona's Governor Assaulted.
I'lIOISIX, A. T., March 31. Governor L.
O. Hughes was assaulted on tho street yes
terday by P. J. Clark, correspondent at
Phoenix for tho Donver Tlinos. Clark
struck tho governor in tho faco, tho blow
breaking Governor Hughes' spoctaclos and
causing sovoral faco wounds of small im-
nortanco. Clark Is now in tho city prison
awaiting trial. Ho was formorly agent
hero of The Rocky Mountain ifows, and
was dismissed by thu paper, so Clark as
sorts, at tho governor s instigation, for
Bonding tolegrams rolleotlng upon tho ex
Hanker Slmrr's Fourth Trial.
NASHVILLE, March 31. Tho fourth trial
of Marcus A. Shurr, proshlont of tho
wrocked Commercial National bank of
this city, was begun In tho United States
circuit court yosturuny uutoro J udgo bev-
orana, of Detroit, .Midi., and a Jury, bburr
is indicted for falsely certifying chocks,
Frank Portorllold, cashier of tho bank,
and now sorvlng his sentouco in Brooklyn
N. Y., ponltontlary, is horo to tostlfy on
behalf ot tho government.
Great Flood Daiiingo iu Western New York
BUFFALO.Mnrch 81. Wustorn Now York
has been having Its annual spring floods
yestorday, and thoy havo beon tho worst In
its history. In East Buffalo tho Hooded
district covorod an area of ovor four square
miles, and much damago was occasioned,
At Touawaiuhi tho water Is steadily rising
and thu dnmngo from the Hood Is esti
mated In that town alouo nt from $25,000
to $00,000. At many othor placos tho water
Is dangerously high.
The Allegheny Itapldly Itlxl'ig.
PlTTSUUlto, March 31. Hoth rlvora nt
this point are booming, caused by tho
rains and melting snow In tho mountains,
Tho wuter Is rising lit tho rato of about au
Inch an hour. Tho weathor bureau ex
pects twenty-thrco foot in tho Mononga
hela and twenty-ono in tho Allcgheuy.
Already 11 vo foot of wator covers tho Pitts
burg and Western traoks.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or gcnoral tinsmitblug dono call
on E, F, Gallagbor 18 West Centre street.
Dealer ir stoves. 8-1-tf
Don't Keep. Poison in Your
Body Longer Than You
Have To.
If your stomach poisong your liver tho
consequences may bo serious.
What poisons arise In your stomach come
from undigested food which has decomposed
there. They are absorbed by your blood and
go to your liver, whole they pamlyzo its
functions and make you bilious.
Finally they go into tho blood again and
n row tried all over tho body, disordering
your dlUbront organs, and perhaps making
you dangurously sick.
This is the origin of many diseases which
aro not always known fur what thoy are.
The poisons of undigested food can only
bo got rid of by the tiso of a purifying,
strengthening, digestive tonic, like the
Shaker Digestive Cordial.
A few doses of this wonderful cordial will
soon clear away all undigested, fermenting,
poisonous substances, restore your appetite,
,(itI y(, lo 'vollr food, purify your
liver and mood ol all dangerous poisons, and
restore you to perfect health.
It Will cure biliousness, indigestion, nausea,
headache, dizziness, mental depression,
weakness, fever, flatulonco, constipation,
loss of appetite, bad tasto in mouth, stomach
ache, anaemia, rheumatism, etc., where
other medicines will barely givo relief.
At druggists. Ten cents for a trial bottle.
Write lor freo book to Tho Shakers, 30
Itcado Street, New York.
Closing Quotations of tlio Now York and
I'hltiiilulplllu KxcliiingcH,
Nuw Yoiik, March 30. The stock market to-
ay scored a substantial Increase In activity
over recent records. The dealings were no
less professional than heretofore, but a more
conlldcnt tone was discernible. Closing bids:
Baltimore & Ohio 18i New Jersey Ccn- 103
Del.& Hudson...-12()H
N. Y. Central 9VA
i)., Jj.& YV ...1WI5
Erie HJfi
Pennsylvania 634
Heading 1U
St. 1'oul 74M
N. Y. & I'a 2Jj
West Shore
Lake Krio & YV... 1014
Lehigh Nav HH
Lehigh Valley 31)4
General Markets.
Piiilaijem'iiia, March 30. Flour in Heht
demand; winter superflne. $2.fi0;&2.75; do. ex
trns, S2.73SJ3; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3.40
3.50i do. do. straight, $I.S5D3.70; western
winter, clear, S3.40I&3.GO. Wheat firmer,- with
uc. inn nnu .o.'ic. ajKed ror -March. Corn
rm, with 35c. bid and S-Mc. asked for March.
Oats dull, with 26c. bid and liliHio. asked for
March. Hay llrru: good to choice timothy.
$16,511(31" for large bales. Beef steady. I'ork
quiet; mess, $9.50(310. Lard weak; western
steam, $5.37Hi. Butter weak; western cream-
ry, 13321c; do. factory, 313c.; Eiitlns. Slo.:
imitation creamery, l-Q17o.; New York dairy,
11U.-UC,; l'ennsylvanta and wostern creamery
prints, extra, 23c; do. choice, 22o.; do. fair to
good, ISit-lc.; prints jobbing at 3l&27c. Cheese
teauy; .ow oik larue. OslOvic: fancy.
small, OaWic; part skims. 3&5&j.; full
skims, 2S2W0. Eggs Arm: New York and
'ennsylvanla, 12c; western fresh, llllKc;
outhern, 10j311c.
Live Stock Mnrkets.
New YonK. March 30. Steers steady; rouch
tock and good oxen and cows lower; native
steers, poor to prime. Slat. CO; oxen, $34;
bulls, $2.7533.25; dry cows, $1.753.25. Calves
Blow; poor to prime veals, $436. Sheep Arm;
lambs slow and slightly easier; poor to prime
sheep. 334.50; good to choice lambs, St. 00
la, nogs arm at St.4()S4.G.i.
East Lihehty, I'a.. March 30. Cattle dull:
prime, $4.2331.30; good butchers, S3.80fflt.10;
bulls, stazs and cows. $1,733.(S0. Hogs slow;
rough fat, $333.73. Hogs dull and lower;
prime selected medium weights, .$4.2034.23;
best Yorkers, $4.154.2U; pigs, as to quality,
134.10; heavy hoga, 54.1034.15; roughs, $33
3. Sheen lower: choice wethers. SJ.UOat;
prime sheep, $3.8033.00; common, $2.9033.30;
culls, $1.5032.40; common to good lambs, $3.23
Q3.4U; veal calves. $535.73.
Ducklcn's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or niouy refunded. Prico
25 cents per box. For sale bv A. Wasloy.
Drowned While Fleatng from Flames,
Jekset City, March 31. Pier 5, of tho
Erie railroad, at the foot of Ninth street,
this city, was burned nt 5 o'clock in tho
morning. A numbor of tugs nnd Erlo
bargos wero locatod near by, and their oc
cupants wero pauio strlckon when thoy
lonntl thomselves surrounded by llamcs.
Peter Hogan, Jr., ngod 24, of tho bargo
Mllllgan, jumped into the rlvor to oscapo
doath by lire and was drowned. His father.
lector ilogan, captain of the barge, was
terribly burnod by tho flames, which had
spread to his bargo. He may dlo. The
loss Is about $50,000.
The Mcadowcrofts' Sentence Afllrmed.
Ottawa, Ills., March 31. Tho stato su
premo court rendered au Important docis
Ion In tho enso of Frank B. and Charles J.
Mcadowcroft, of Chicago, alllrming the
decision of tho lower court, which fixed
tho punishment for each at Imprisonment
for ono year at hard labor in tho stato
prison at Jollet. This decision establishes
tho constitutionality ot the stato law,
which says a bankur who reeol ves deposits
when ho knows his bank Is insolvent com
mits n crime.
Why sutler with Coughs. Colds and La
Grlppo when Laxative Bromo Quinine will
euro you in ono day. Put up iu tablets con
vonlcnt for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Prico, 25 cents. For sale
by Ivlrllirji Pharmacy.
l'eaee Negotiations Failed.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua. March 31. The
peaco commission has returned from La
i'az, where tho conference with the renro-
sentatives of tho lnsurgont Loonlsts was
hold. Tho lusurgonts not only refused to
ncccpt tho terms offered, but domnnded
that Proshlont Zelnya turn ovor to them
tho govornmont of Nicaragua. All hope
of peaco, thoroforo, Is gono, nnd the fight
ing will bo continued with ronowod bitter-
uoss on both sides.
Death nf Judge Seymour,
New YoiiK, March 31. Hoderlck B. Sey
mour, recently appointed justice of the
focconu district of Jersey City, dlod last
night of pneumonia. Justice Seymour wns
born in 1813, In Newark, O., and was an
alumnus of Columbia colletro. He served
throughout tho war ill Now York nnd New
Jersey volunteers, nml had held numer-
tus puuuo oiuccs.
Clyde IUver oi, the ltampage.
LYONS, N. Y., March 31. The Clydo
HYur is iiiBiiur i"anit anytime since 1B05.
It is now about iiftoen foot above Its
normal lovol, and li still rising. Sovoral
oruigos niong mo I'anargua crook, tho
Clydo and GanaudaJgua outlot havo beon
iwopt away, nnd It , thought many dams
aro gono.
Tho vVeather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer-
ley: Fair weather; Bjht southerly winds,
An llx-Onnvlcr Clmrgr-cl with tho Jlurilcr
of 31r. Stone.
AKltos, O., March 81. Anson 1J. Strong
wns arrested yesterday at ltavonna, Port
ngo county, and charged with tho murder
of Mrs. Alvlu N. Stone nt Tallmadgo on
Saturday night. The ovidenco on which
tho chargo Is based is largoly circumstan
tial. Thirteen years ago Htrong was sent,
to tho penitentiary for horso stealing, his
conviction being secured by tho testimony
of Slouo. Several years later, after hla
release from prison, ho wns arrested again
for the same crime, and again convicted
on the testimony of Stouo. Ilogalnodhls
llborty tho second timo about three weeks
ngo, nnd was at onco suspcotcdof the mur
der of Stono nnd his wife.
Whon takon into custody Strong said
ho was at tho homo of his sister In Ha
vonna all of Saturday night, and thnt ho
had gono to church Sunday morning. A
search of tho sister's house, however, re
sulted In tho discovory of a suit of clothes
and an overcoat which had been placed by
a stovo to dry. There wore no blood stains'
on tho clothing, but Strong's sister said
she had washed tho garments yesterday.
In ono of Strong's pockets wns found a
railroad ticket from Haveuua to Kent, tho
latter plnco being within two miles ot tho
sccno of Saturday night's tragedy.
Strong was brought horo at 6 o'clock
last evening and placod in jail. A big
crowd assembled, nnd, while there was no
disorder, Mayor Harpor decided to pre
vent an outbreak by ordering m inllltla
company to nssemblo nt Its armory and
await developments.
Tlio Angellers on Trlnl for Murder.
BALTISIOHK, March 31. Frank nnd Mat
tio Angoller, husband nnd wife, wero put
upon trial in tho criminal court hero yes
torday, charged with murder in the first
degree In having killed Charles Parker, a
travoling salesman from Massachusetts.
Tho crime occurred on Jan. 11 in tho cigar
storo and pool room kept by tho couplo on
Charles street in tills city. Parker had
been in tho habit of visiting the placo fre
quently, and Angoller nccused his wife of
unduo intimacy with tho snlcsman. Tho
women declares sho did the shooting In
dofcusoof her honor, and that her husband
had no share in it. Tho pollco claim to
havo secured evidence Implicating both
husband and wife to so great a degrco as
to mnkoa conviction uf murdor iu tho first-degree-probable.
All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, ot
Lebanon, Conn., was badly nlllictcd with
rheumatism. At times it was so severe that
ho could not stand up straight, but was
rawn over on ono side. "I tried different
remedies without receiving relief," ho says,
until about six months ago I bought a bottlo
of Chamberlain's Pain. Balm. Aftor using it
for threo days my rheumatism was gono and
has not returned since. For sale hy Gruhlor
Bros.' druggists.
J.h Father and Son Suffocato'd.
Leesbuiw. Va., March 31. William
Powell, a negro, aged 00, and his son lost
their lnes nt tho kilns of tho Loesburg
Umo-qt.Xrry horo yesterday. The young
man went down Into tho kiln to placo
somo stone nnd was overeomo by gas. His
father went down to bis rescue and was
ulso overoome, both men being doad before
hey oo -lid be aided.
Klieumntlsm Cured In a Dny.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism nnd Neu
ralgia radically cures iu 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tho system is remarkable nnd
mysterious. It removes at onco the causo
and tho discaso immediately disappears. Tho
first dose greatly benefits', 73 cents. Sold by
H. Ilagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Hammond Nfvir at Cape Town.
London, Mnrch 31. Tho Times pub
lishes ndi8patch from Pretoria which says
that John Hays Hammond, tho American
undor trial thoro, has obtained leave to go
to Capo Town on account of his health,
and that ho has arrived thoro. Ills bail
has boon Increased to $100,000. "Tho othor
Hefortn prisonors, says tho dispatch, "are
under guard horo. Tho British govern
ment has Intimated that It will hold Presi
dent Krugur and thaoxccutlvo rosponsiblo
for tholr safety."
Klectric Hitters.
Electric Hitters is a modtcino suited for any
season, but nerhans more generally needed in
the snring, wnen mo tanguiu exnausieu
fl(ni nrevails. when tho liver is toroid and
sluggish and the need of a tonic and altera
tive is felt. A prompt uso of this medicino
lias often averted long and perhaps tatal
billons fevers. No medicino will act more
surely in counteracting and freeing tho sys
tem from the malarial noisou. jtcanacne,
indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Electric Ilittcrs. Unly lllty cents per Dottle
at A. Waslcy's drug storo.
Coming 1'veut.
April 10. Musical and dramatic entertain
ment by tho Guilds of tho All Saints' church
in Ferguson's theatre.
April 10, Grand phantom danco under tho
auspices of the Clover Club of Shenandoah at
Ilobblns opera house.
Keliet in SU Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Groat
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, Kidneys, hack ana every pan
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and rain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Main
Captain Heed's Conditional Promotion.
"Washington, March 81. Tho president
yesterday sent to tho senate tho nomina
tion ot Captain Allen V. Keou to do com
modore in tho navy, "subject to examina
tion." Captain Hoed recently fallod to
nass a successful oxamlnntlon, nnd this
nomination Is mado In order to glvo Cap
tain Keed an opportunity to demonstrnto
before another board his ittnoss ior pro
motion if he Is able to do so, nnd at tho
same timo to avoid Impeding promotion
in tho lino of tho navy during his porlod
of probation.
Murreloiis ltesults.
Prmn n letter written by Ilov. J. Gunder-
man, of Diinondalo, Mich., wo aro permitted
to inako this extract : "I havo no hesitation
In reeoinmondini' Dr. King s .wow Discovery.
as the results wero almost marvelous in the
case of my wife. While I was pastor of the
Baptist church at ltives Junction tlio was
brought down with Pneumonia succeeding
La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing
would last hours with little Interruption and
it seemed as if she could not survive them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
Discovery: it wns quick in its work and
highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles
freo at A. Wasley's drug storo. Kcgular size
0Oo and $1,00. 1
lion's Your Cough?
Tan-Tina cures it, 23c. At Grubler Bros.,
drug store.
ID YOU EVni suffer from real ner
vousness? When every nerve seemed
to quiver with a peculiar, creepy
fccllnc. first in one nhirn. nnd then n.n,
anu an seemed anally to concentrate'
como irritable, fretful and peevish ; to be
followed by an impotent, weakened condi
tion of tho nerve centers, tinging in the
cars, and sloepless, miserable nlghta ?
TiV Miles' 5Itv Eugene Searlcs,
iji. iiiuw 110 Bimonton sti Elk:
NerVine hatt Ind., says: "Ner-
j j vous troubles had made
KcSlOrCS ma nearly in&ano and
TTPlltll physicians wore unable
ntmilla.tiK toholpmo. My memory
was almost gono and every llttlo thing
worried mo until I was almost distracted.
I really feared I was becoming a maniac. I
imagined all sorts of evil things and would
cry over nothing. 1 commenced taking Dr.
allies' llestoratlvolservinoaml four bottles
of this wonderful remnd v rnnvntnfnlw fiimd ,
mo, and I nm as well now as 1 over was.'
Dr. Mlios' Nervlno is sold on guarantee.
first bottlo will benefit or money refunded.
Ll O, I at .U. 1'.
i v. , , t.iiit . r v. , r T-.
Oilleo : 80 West Centre street.
Can he consulted at all hours.
SO E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Office hours 17 to 9 a, in., 1 to 8 and 7 to 9
Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Effftn hulldine. corner of Main
Centre street?, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy Ot?, Pa.
Ilavlne fttudleJ under some of the beat
on the violin, cut tar ana vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address in care of Btrouse, the
eweler, Shenandoah,
ff- SV MB W W M L W.
I XI 1 I LI I ft
n ik ft ill v u mr u .
Gentlemen : We Itad one of your No. 38 Safi
In the Hnscltlno lllitldliig,- which was in tl
uiiirn unvnd a
We tako pleasure In ndvIsVig the public to usoV
your safes if they want protiWIen.
(Signed,) MKlJION BJiOS.
Gentlemen! I hereby glvo you my -
Bate, found tu tho ruins of tho late Are at the
Hascltlno Art Galleries.
Its contents wero destroyed and I have no use
for the shell.
Hlgneu,; iiiua, u, Aiiiuaijiur'iu.
723 Chestnut St.,
APADM 100 acres clear, nnd with option
1 of purchasing 100 acres timber
land adjoining. Dwelling and barn nnd alM
necessary out buildings In good order and
repair. Will be sold with or without stock and
farming Implements. Coal is supposed to under
lie this property. Within 8 miles of a first-class
uiarnct. will trauo lor town property.
-y 1 ri iv 1 1 . ....... 1 1. t n i t-nss ov..
82500. Good bam and out buildings, btockand
farm implements.
Must sell to disolve partnership.
T. R. BEDDALL, or"
Shenandoah, Pa.
Above parties will negotiate the sale of any
good licensed property in Shenanuoau.