The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 30, 1896, Image 2

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KSTAm.Tsnf:i iwiu.
Published evorv Kientnit, ISxeept Sunday, at
rho Herald H itcilvc ml inSln-imiidoanSHHi the
surrounding touufi six eent A week, pay
able to the earrleis. Hy mull J8.00ayoftr.ora6
oant.1 a month. pnynlili1 In advance. Advertise
mants uImtkcu according to space and position.
The publishers men the right o elisnge the
position of advertisciuuiits whenever the pub
lication of i;r dcinunds it. The right in
reserved to reject any advertisement, wncthf r
paid for n nut, that the publishers iny deem
Improper. Adcrtlslng rates made known
upon application.
Cntered at the intofnco at Shenmidoali, l'a., as
second elans mail matter.
Evening Hra Id
To the Republican electors of Pennsylvania:
Theltopubllcans of Pennsylvania, by tliolr duly
chosen representatives, will meet In State con
vention Thursday, April S3, lsun, nt 10 o'clock
a. m., In the ocra house, c ity of Ilnrrlsliurg, for
the purpose of nomlnittliiK two condldatcs for
representative iit-lame In Congress and thirty
two candidates for Presidential electors, the
selection of eight delcgatcs-nt-large to the lie
publicHii National convention, and fot the
ranmctlon of suuh other business Its may be
lly order of the Stole Commlltee.
Attest: Juke H. Itisx, Chairman.
It, aWdkkws, Secretaries.
Notlcols hcicby given In the. delegates, who
attended tlio I.i-t ltvpiihllain County Conven
tlun, that in accordance with IIiilo 7, of tlio
ltrpublicnn rules of Schuylkill eounty, a con
vention will be held lit Centennial Hall, l'otts
vllle, on Siitmdiiy, April 1, 190, nt 10 a. in., for
the purpose or electing two delegates two
alternates lor the Notional Convention to be
held lit St. bonis, Mo., on June llitli, lMHj mid
also at the same time anil place to clcit delegates
nnd alternates to represent the several Itcprc
sentntlvc districts of tlili county to tlic Mate
Convention to bo held at llnrrlsliurg, l'a., on
Wednesday, April 28rd, ISM. In accordance with
the rules,
lly tlio Executive Cominiltce,
lil'llll W. l'AVSK,
Ashland, l'a.. March lOtli, lS'.M. tl-20-tr
Tin: Philadelphia Times of Ui-ilay cudits
Congressman liriinmi with being a candidate
for National Delegate in tlio interest of Mc
Kiulcy. This is news to tlio people of Schuyl
kill, as it was generally understood lie was for
Tlinannouncineut of Hon. Klias Davis, of
lirnail Mountain, nppcarsinto-day'sllKiiAt.D,
seeking tlio iiominatiun of County Treasurer
on tlio Itcpuhlican ticket. Klias has a largo
circle of political fricmls in tliis boctiun who
will mako it interesting for his opponents.
His nomination for County Treasurer would
mid groat strength to tlio ticket.
Qum: a sensation was created in Hazle
township when tlio members of tlio School
Hoard woro arrested, charged witli accepting
bribes. Tlio misdemeanor complained of was
Hint tlio Directors, fur a consideri'tlcn of
fl.TOO, voted fur one .lames 1'. Costcllo for
superintendent ;-lnit they voted fur a certain
iiui'.ractor in consideration of 1 1 per cent, of
tlio amount tu bo paid on said contract.
Tliero was a bitter fight for tlio siipcriutcu
dcucy, and this suit is tlio result.
Tin: oliicials of tlio Schuylkill Traction
Company should use every means ut their
command to punish to tlio lull extent of tlio
law tlio four l'olandcrs who placed obstruc
tion upon their road. Their intention, as
acknowledged by one of tho men, was to
wreck thu car and kill tho crow and pas
sengers. Tlio court will have an opportunity
to mako an oxamplo of theso bloodthirsty
villains which maj act as a warning to
others of their ilk.
U.s'Di:i! his appointment of United States
Marshal, Hon. James It. Iteilly will havo tho
selection of three deputies. It is said tho cx
Congiessman has a largo list of applicants
who would like to servo tho dear people.
and aniung tho number is at least one from
Shenandoah. Tho young Democrats of this
town need not havo much hope of receiving
consideration nt tho hands of Mr. Iteilly
judging from tho past. Tho Immigration
Inspectorship at tbo Port of Philadelphia
still looms up boforo their eyes.
Bviiry licpubllcan in Schuylkill county
has a high appreciation of Heed, Mckinley
and Allison, nnd they all dosorvo well of tlio
party. Hut Pennsylvania has a candidal
for thu presidential nomination, and no wheie
in tho state is there a stronger Quay senti
ment than in Schuylkill county. The Iie
ptihlicau convention to be held in Pott.svillc
on Saturday will undoubtedly elect two dele
gates to St. Louis favorable to the iiouiinatiun
of Senator Quay, and resolutions will bo
adopted endorsing his candidacy. To do
otherwise would be a misrepresentation of
tlio Republican party of Schuylkill county,
the bowlings of a county seat paper to tho
contrary notwithstanding.
I.sui:anckCsimiioni:isLasi iiiirt strikes
out from tho shouldor in his annual report
on firo Insurance. Ho shows up tho weak-
iiom of tho mutual companies doing business
in this stato, iu a way that must result In
somo wholosomo legislation by tho noxt
LogUlaturo. It Is surprising, as one raids
tlio criticisms of tho Commissioner, how it is
possible for tho people to bo gulled so easily.
Iu no other way will thoy pay out tholr
money witli so little investigation. They
appear to be sutisllod to take tlio word of nu
insurance agent without any qualification
wlmtyvur, and ns a consequence thousands of
dollars are being lost ovory your. In tho
judgment of tlio Commissioner mutual com
panies ought to be lestrioted as to territory,
and other ufoguards should bo thrown
around tho Insured.
YVo have received a communication from a
prominent Republican living Iu Muhanoy
City soliciting tho Information as to who is
the choice of this paper for national delegato.
It Is true the IIkkald was the first to an
nounce tho candidacy of Joseph MeConnell,
of Ashland, l : :). honor of representing
his party at Ht. Louis, but in doing so vrc ,
rueroly expressed tho sentiments .of tile
majority of Kepubllcans north of tho moun
Mr. MeConnell has done yeoman sei-vieo
for tho party ill the put, and we believe he
is juslilled in seek lug tho distinction and
honor, lie represent tho young olemont of
the party, nnd is a man of pronounced ideas
and the serant of no political "boss." What
ever opposition there wU when his candidacy
was first u mum need has now disappeared,
and as the selection of this cud of the county
bis election will be made unanimous.
It is rumored that Senator Coyle will be a
candidate for national delegate, hut this is
hardly to bo credited in the face of the senti
ment of not only the delegates to the con
vention but tho party members generally.
We give tho Senator credit for greater
shrewdness as a politician than to knowingly
put his head Into tho lion's mouth.
Our Mshanoy City correspondent will thug
see that In presenting the inline of Mr. Mo
Connoll we woro reflecting the sentiment of
tho great majority of the Republicans of the
county, and at tho same timo paving tlio way
for tho reward of a faithful party worker. As
to tho contest lielow the mountain, the party
voters of that section arc well able to make
theirown selection. It is customary to select
a national delegate from each of the two
Beetions. We licliove, however, that Con
gressitinn llrumm Is killing the gooso that
laid the golden egg in asking that ho bo sent
to St. Louts. Ho lias fined well at the hands
of the Republican paity. Hut thoro is such
a thing as asking too lunch, and wo think
that (lino lias arrived in tho career of tlio
Congressman from Schuylkill.
lion's Your Cough?
ran-Tina euros it, 23e. At Gruhler Utos.,
drug store.
Ilalllugtnn llooth's Now Movement Starts
Out Auspiciously in Cblcngo.
Chicago, March 30. Uulllngtou Booth's
followers In Chicago fired tho first volley
for tho now American Voluutcors yester
day afternoon at a hull on tho west side,
In closo proximity to Salvation Army
Iieadnuartcrs. Majors Blackhurst ami
Trumblo, who arrived from Now York to
orgunizo tho Chicago contingent, wore
erected with cheers mingled with count
less "anions" nud "hallelujahs" whon
they explained tho causes of tho rovolt.
Thoy announced tholr determination to
remain loyal to tho standard or Mr. nnu
Mrs. llalllngton Booth, and to forever ro
nounco nil allegiance to tho redbrcasted
soldiery with which they havo been Identi
fied for years.
Many formor prominent members of the
Salvation Army grasped them by tho hand
and co-operated in tho organization of tho
Volunteers. Ono hundred others enlisted
ut tho mooting in tho afternoon, and the
number was incrensod in tho evening. As
tho Volunteer oliicials approached tho hall
they woro accorded ono continuous ova
tion by a largo crowd or people who lined
tho sidewalks forscvcral blocks. Notwith
standing tho public demonstration In
honor of tho Volunteers, a number oi Sal
vationists who are lighting under General
Booth's banner stood on tho curbstouo and
rofuscd to bo led into secosslou.
Major Blackhurst was tho principal
SHcaker of tho day. As thoolllcial mouth-
pleco of Halllnitton Booth his remarks
created Interest. The spenkor said that
Ballington Booth had been misrepresented,
and thnt tho fundamental cause of tho
wholo troublo was tho fact that Balling-
ton Booth was in too closo touch with
American Ideas, which conflicted with
thoso In London. Ho said that Ballington
Bootli was summarily dismissed by Com
maudant Hurbort Booth, of Canada, who
represented tho Knglish general. The
major confirmed the rumor that Gonornl
Bootli onco ordorcd down tlio American
Hag in a certain ofllco of the Salvation
Army over which Ballington Booth had
jurisdiction, and to this Incident Mnjor
Blackhurst attributes tho widening of tho
chasm which Bepurntod father and sou.
Appears In a hundred dlfforent
forms, such as Running Sores,
White Swellings, Eruptions,
Bolls, Pimples, Bait Rheum,
Scald Head, etc. The only
cure is In making Pure, Rich
Hood's Sarsaparllla makes
pure blood and has never been
equalled as a cure for Scrofula.
Cases considered Incurable,
and given up by physioians,
yield to Its wonderlul
Ing, vitalizing powers.
lul purlfy-
, Intact,
Is the One True Blood Purifier. l;6forf5,
Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood 4 Co., IowtU, Mail.
HOOU S rlllSuie. All drudii.U. :c
1 Hceond District,
Of Olrardvlllo, l'a.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Of llroiiJ Mountain.
.Subject to Republican rules.
To e.11 Batterers of liltltOUH OF YOUTH,
J.O-.T Vlfidlt and KISIIAHUS OF ItlUrJ
AMI vvo.UIIV. 'Mi puses t cloib bound: se
curely seuled una mulled free. Treatment by mall
strictly -outldentlal, sad a poslilve, quick curf
guaranteed. ;s'q matter bow ltng atundlDK, I
will pot Iveiy cure you. Write or cu.L
ilR nRR 329N,l5t!iSt,P!:ll3.Pa.
till sUIJU 30yar'ceu'nuoui;iraclle
:rt aho sujf. stH0 4o.'l''WliMii'!wf
iiurf Witria tSpacinc CoPanA-M-
H P JlsflP iNjusts Nothing I
We have hundreds of
testimonials, but Bon Ami
itself is its own best tes
timonial. Buy a cake of your grocer,
anrl trv it Send for free sample.
Send for free sample.
Hilda & Child., New York.
j ... .UIJ
Mlvwtrous Fire ut tVeslon, W. Vn.
WlIBEUNo, March 80. Firo whloh broko
our In tho business portion of Weston,
this state, shortly nftor midnight yester
day morning destroyed property to tho
vnlue of $150,0 iu, only about ouo-thtrd of
which Is covered by insurance. Tho prop
erty burned was about one-half the busi
ness portion of tho town, which Is tho seat
of the statu hospitnl for the Insane. Dur
ing tho Ilro a suspension bridge which
Kpnus tho West Fork river, oouucctlng tho
hospital with tho town, gave Way with a
crowd of people. A number of persons
were Injured in tbo full, tho most seriously
hurt being Deputy Sheriff William Wood
oil, log broken in two pl -cos, and llonry
Visitor. J. S. Mitcholl wus fatally hurt
by a falling wall.
Ilitwiilinns Want a Cable.
SAN KliAscisco, March 30. Inquiry re
garding tho terms upon which an Amer
ican company will bo permitted to land a
cablo on the Hawaiian islands rovcals tho
facts that tho tormsnro embodied in an act
passed by tho Hawaiian logislnturo last
August. Tho Hawaiian legislature of
fered to let Colonel Spauldlng land a ca
ble on any of tho Hawaiian islands, and
In addition glvo him n subsidy of $10,000 a
year, provided ho should obtain an equal
subsidy from tho Cnltod States -govern
ment. Other minor stipulations woro
mentioned, Including a certain number ol
government messages which should bo
transmitted without cost.
Plucky Woman IJrhos Off Thrco Trninpi.
Mat's Laxdixo, N. J., March 30. At
Estelvillo, tho sccno of tho Ilcch tragedy,
three colored tramps went to thorosldeiico
of Somcrs Collins, nnd finding that Mrs.
Collins was In tho houso alone, attempted
toforco an ontranco. Ono of tho nogroes
grabbed Mrs. Collins, who stood on tho
step. Sho broko nwny from him and ran
inside tho door and bolted it. Mrs. Collins
grabbed hor husband's gun and ran up
stairs. Sho throw up n bedroom window,
and as thrco men wcro battering at tlio
door flrod at thorn. Thoy fied into tho
Two Denil in a Hotel Fire.
GENEVA, N. Y., March 30. Thomas
Dauton, ono of tho boarders in tho Ridley
Houso, who Is a firomau on n Lehigh Val-
ley train, was burned to death, and Mr.
Uorselluo, a brakemnn, was so badly
burned that ho died a few hours Inter. Tho
hotel was discovered on firo at 1 o'clock In
tho morning, and being a framo structure
it was destroyed very quickly. Mr. fopaug-
lcr, nu engineer, was badly burned, and
E. C. Young barely escaped with his Uto.
All Odd Collection.
A Man in Colorado has a quaint collection
of bottles. It is divided into two sections.
Sri-tlrm onn is lariro. Section two is not.
Section one contains hundreds of bottles, tbo
contents of which his wife swallowed lioptn
to find relief from her physical sufferings.
Section two contains a fow bottles that onto
were filled with Dr. l'icrco s ravorito Pro
scription. It was this potent remedy that
gave the sufl'oriiiK wife her health again. It
cures all irregularities, Internal inllamiuation
and ulceration, displacements and kindred
troubles. It has done moro to relievo tlio
sufferings of woman than any other medi
cine known to science.
Pile tumors, runturo and fistula?, radically
cured by improved methods. Book. 10 cents
in stamps. World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Jiullalo, . i.
Denied by Turkey's Foreign Minister,
Wasiunoton, March 30. Miivroycnl
Boy, tho Turkish minister, who It was
stated had been recalled becauso of tho
sympathy of this government with tho Ar
menians, olllclally donles tlio report. Tho
minister makos public tho following tele
gram on tho subject just received by him
from tho Turkish minister of foreign af
fairs: "Tho news telegraphed to tho Lou
don Times regarding tho Turkish legation
of Washington being false, you muy con
tradict It."
Fears of Flood Damage.
GrtEIGSVILLE, N. Y., March 30. By far
tho lagest volunio of water over seon hero
Is rushing towards tho Gonosco river to
day. Every sniull aiid.unprotcntlous ditch
has becomo n raging torrent, unauio to
hold tho grcal volumo of water that tho
fast melting snow U loudlng them, and
flat lands along thoso small streams are
submerged. If tho thaw contlnuos great
damage will bo dono, as thoro still remains
a great quantity of snow on tlio uplands,
ltrlthli Sailors Mutiny.
BALTIMOISK, March 30. Jnmos Craig,
John Mackonzloand James Watson, sail
ors on tho British steamship Lord Erne,
mutiucd yesterday becauso thoy wcro or
dered to work on Sunday, nud boforo thoy
could bo subdued Watson stabbed Alex
ander Rubin, tho steward, in tho log, In
illctlugan ugly wound, Tho niutluoors
were locked up, and will cither bo tried
before tho British consul or taken to Eng
land to bo dealt with.
Killed in Her Hud.
CLEVELAND, March 30. During a wind
storm tho wall of a building recently de
stroyed by lire foil upon tlio houso of 11
A. Vaughn, at No. 71BCodnrjiveiiuo. Tons
of brick criiMiod through tho roof, carry
ing down a portion of tho upporlloors.
Mrs. V. O. Bradford, of Olmsted Fulls, O.,
sistorof Mrs. Vaughu, wus killed In hor
bod, and Miss Emmn Ulotrlchs, u domes
tlo, was budiy injured.
Honoring lllnliop Fatter,
New Youk, March 30. Bishop Pottci
has bocu Invited by tho authorities of
Cambrldgo university, In Eugland, to bo
select preacher to tho university during
tho injnth of Muy, 1807. Tho nppolntmont
as seloct preacher to ono or tho groat En
glish universities nevor bus been conferred
before upon a bishop or prlost or tho Amor-
lean church, so lar as mo records obtain
able show.
1 "fee in Town Honey" g
A combination of the great staifs j
of life WHEAT, CORN and RICB.s
Be Sure You Get the Red Package.;
Hut H pBokiiKC of flenulno Aunt
Jnmlma'i Sell-RUina- raucBkorioiir. .
nnd If you do not nnd it roaKnt tlio lift
takes yon ever ulc, rotiirn the empty;
box to your (rroeer, lnavo your name,
ml tln.ur.icor will rofund tlio money
and charge it to us. ;
Bctrnttflcnllv rrepnrcx! and "
tlNJiufactured only lij "
R. T. DAVIS MILL GO., St. Joseph, Ma.
Send 4 cents In stampB for a st of Aunt ?
Jemima and her I'lrkanlnny Dolls. ?
ie.l9l .1 P'llliElllllllHlll Illl'lllilllfUl I3IIIIIIUIIIII1
Henry l'iper, who npriroprlntod crude
amalgam from tho mint at Carson, Nev.,
was lined $800.
Two Indians woro killed and thrco spec-
ators wouudod In a race track fight nt
ort Sill Indian agency, O. T.
Albert Battertou, son of n promlnont
citizen of Athens, Ills., wns shot nud killed
thoro while committing a robbory.
Mrs. Booth-Tuckor arrived in Now York
from England on Saturday bearing tho
olivo brunch from General Booth to his
son Ballington.
Bovolutlouists in Is tcaragua havo agreed
to accept tho mediation of pence commis
sioners appointed by President Gultlerrcz,
of San Salvador.
William i'otty.SamuelLong and Georgo
Burns got respectively ton and flvo years
for counterfeiting nt Council Bluffs, In.,
and a fluo of $.-!,500 each.
Under tho Haines liquor law in Now
York, which prohibits frco lunchos In sa
loons, customers now buy lunch nnd nro
given a check for a drink.
A skeleton unearthed noar San Anto-
lo, Tox., is believed to bo tho remains of
Stuuloy C. Kogers, a lawyer of Clovolnud,
who is supposed to havo boon robbed
nd murdered.
Twice within a fortnight at Chlcngo.and
1th whatpurposols unknown, unsuccess
ful attempts havo been nuule to kidnap
alph, the 8-year-old grandson of Mmo.
Modjosku, tbo actress.
Police Captiilu Devcry, who on Friday
t was ncqulttcd on n jury trial of the
iharuo of extortion, will in iill probability
se reinstated on duty at tomorrow's mcot-
ng of the polico board.
Mnrielotis ICesuHs.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunder-
man, of Bimondale, Mich., wo are permitted
make tins extract : i nave no Hesitation
recommending Dr. King's Now Discovery,
tho results were almost marvelous in tlio
:io of my wife. While I was pastor of tho
Bantist church at Rives Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeeding
,a Orippe. Terrible paroxysms ot conguing
ouid labt Hours witn uttio interruption ana
seemed as it sho could not survive them.
friend recommended Dr. King s New
Discovery: it was quick in its work ami
highly satisfactory in results." Trial Domes
frco at A. Wasley's drug store. Rogular size
50c and 1.00.
Tho Trunk Mystery Unsolved.
Chicago, March 30. All of tho alleged
Identifications of tho body found In tho
box, shipped hero from Salt Lnko City,
have nmouutcd to nothing, and tho body
was burled Saturday night. Unless tho
mystery is unravelled ut Salt Lake City,
littlo hopo Is entortnlnod of doing any
thing here.
Enforcing the Ttalnes Law,
Home, N. Y., March 30. By orders of
tho chief of police all saloons wero closod
here yesterday, as provided for by tho
Haines bill. Curtains wero up and the bar
screens removed, leaving tho bars iu plain
viow from tho street. This Is tho first timo
till tho saloons woro over closed on Sunday
In Homo.
Ilucklcn's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo In the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores.
totter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles.
or no pay required. It is Euarantcod to givo
perfect satisfaction or mouy refunded. Prico
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley,
Child llurnod to Doalh.
HAultlSBUrto, March 80. Marv' Smith.
aged 8 years, of Lochlol, while playing
wini several otnor cnuurcn leu Into a bon
lire ami was fatally bumod. Tho child
was takon to tho city hospital, whore sho
ji...i . . . '
uieu uncr suuoriug intense pain.
The Weather,
eastora Now York. Pfinnnvlvnnl
.. .1 X- T - . ' -
" jersey: uioudy and threatening,
prouauiy clearing byovonlngi southerly,
m ouBveriy vvmus.
Why suffer with Couuhs. Colds and La
Grlppo when Laxative Bromo Quinine will
cure you in ono aay. rut up In tablets con
vonlcut for taking. Guaranteed to curo, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale
by Klrlln s Pharmacy.
First Licensed Hou.e lu Seventeen Years,
HoLMPATSJiUlta, l'a., March 80 .Tiulm
Boll, of tho Blair county court, granted
sixty-olght tavern Hconsos and refused live
applications on Saturday. Ho admonished
tlio hotel montocluse their establishments
at 11 o'clock at night, and to dlsoourago
sales of liquor by tho llask and bottlo.
Dunonusrlllo borough gotsu licensed houso
for tho first timo in sovoutoeii years.
Tlio Meatiest of Swindlers.
New Youk, March 30. There is lockod
upatpollao hoodnuartors. a clover swind.
lor, who calls hlmsulf Godrgo Moyers, who
Is cluu-ged with hnvlng victimized a largo
number of poor persons iby tho old dovlco
of protending to socutfo omplynieut for
them. Sovernl persoiA have paid him
sums ranging rroin fltvto (50.
Up to Date for I'ulns nud Aches.
Bvorybody says Rod Flag oil, 25c.
Gruhler Bros., drugstore. ;
When you want good rooflnii. nlumhlmr.
gas fitting, or general tinsialthing done call
on E, i. oaliasner io vesi uoutro street,
Dealer ir stoves, 8-l-U
Until Houmw Will I'ay Attention to Ap
propriation lllll'.
WASmtfOTOX, Maroh 80. The present
arrangement In tho senate is to Uiko up
tho bill providing for a settlement of the
accounts botwoen tho state of Arkansas
and the United States at the conolitslon
of tho morning hour today, and to give the
day to the bill If necessary to dlsimso of It.
It Is doubtful, howevor, whether f urthar
timo will be given the bill If It Is not out
of tho way wheu the adjournment hour Is
rcnohnd tonight. It Is oxpuctod that tho
postuffico appropriation bill will be re
ported from the appropriations committee
today, nnd if It should bo the disposition
will be to tako it up in the senate tomor
row and pas It as soon its posslldo. Sen
ator Mitchell says that ho will ask tho
senate to proceed with tho consideration
on the Dupont election cio after today,
providing appropriation bills do not stand
In the way. There probably will bo ntv
prolonged debate over the postolnce' bill,
unless upon tlio fast mall subsidies, and
it will, in all likelihood, bo disposed of in
two or throe days' time.
Tho sundry civil appropriation bill prob
ably will consume tho mnjor portion of
tho time of the honie this week, nnd by
ninny It Is considered doubtful whether
it will have been disposed of whon the
house adjourns next Saturday. Tho bill
will preolpltnto tho general opposition of
the Democratic sldo liccause of tho
roady pointed out, that for all continuing
work now under contraot (river nud har
bor and publlo building work) tho bill
oarrlos upproprlotloiis for only olght
months. This is an entirely now departure
and will bring up a discussion of appro
priations nil along tho lino. In addition
to this tho bill carries SIO.000,000, ovorlll,
000,000 less than tho estimates.
It is tho Intention of Chairman Hltt, of
tho foreign affairs committee, to call up
tho conference report on tho Cuban resolu
tions as soon os tho sundry civil bill is out
of tho way. It is not thought that tho
adoption of tho report will oncounter much
Not to be Trilled With.
( From Cincinnati Gniette.)
Will peoplo never learn that a "cold" is an
accident to bo dreaded, and that when it
occurs treatment should bo promptly applied?
There is no knowing where tho troublo will
end ; nnd while complete- recovery is tho
rule, the exceptions nro terribly frequent,
and thousands upon thousands of fatal illnesses-occur
every year ushered in by a littlo
injudicious exposure anl Eceminsly trifling
symptoms, ileyond this, thoro nro to-day
countless Invalids who can traco their com
plaints to "colds," which at tlio timo of
occurrcnco gavo no concern, and wcro thero-
foro neglected. When troubled with a cold
uso Chamberlain's uougn jtcmcuy. it is
prompt and effectual. 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by Gruhler Bros.' druggists.
Koyatty Comes High.
London, March 30. A report Is current
that tho government will nsk tho houso of
commons to increase the allowance of 37,
000 yearly granted to tho Prlnco of Wales
in behalf of his family. The request will
bo mado on tho ground of tho heavy ox-
ponso of tho establishment of tho Duko of
York, tho prlnco's son. Tho incomes of
tho prlnco and princess amount to a totul
of about 141,734, or $723,070.
All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of
Lebanon, Conn., was badly afflicted with
rheumatism. At times it was so sovcre that
ho could not stand up straight, hut was
drawn over on ono sido. "I tried different
remedies without receiving relief," ho says,
until about six months ago I bought a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. After using it
for thrco days my rheumatism was gone and
has not returned since. For sale by Gruhler
Bros.' druggists.
Killed in n German Duel.
BWILIN. Mnrch 80. Thrco duols havo
been fought in Borlln within a few days
past. Ono of thoso prosentod many features
that mado tho caso a very palnrui ono. A
barrister named Dr. Zonkor challenged
Lloutonant Von Kottolhodt of tho Imperial
yaoht Hohonzollorn, whom he accused of
adultry with his (EonKor'S) wire, ai me
fourth exchango of shots Dr. Zenker was
shot in tho lungs and killed. Another case
was that of an ofllcor of tho guards who
sovoroly wounded n civilian. This pre
valent of tho dueling habit causes serious
comment in Germany.
Rheumatism Cured in a Way.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tho system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at onco the causo
and tho disease immediately disappears. The
first doso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by
C. II. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Gave ills Father l'oison.
Winston, N. C, March 80.-Dr. J. W.
Ring, n practicing physician and druggist,
and ono of tho loading cltlzons of Elkln,
Surrey comity, audsovcral inombors of his
family havo boon critically ill for sovoral
dnvs. Their illness was causod by an at
tempt of the doctor's son, 10 years old, to
poison his futhor by putting nrsonlo in a
nresorlntlon which the young man aclerk
in tho drug store was given to fill. Tho
son's oxcuso for his action was that ho
wnntnd to kill his father because ho did
not allow hlra Buch privileges as ho
thought ho dosorvod. To prevont his ar
rest tho father gavo the son money nnd
sont him to tho far west.
F.loctrlo Hitters.
Eloctrio Bitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perhaps moro generally needed in
tho spring, when tho languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and
sluggish and the need of a tonic and altera-
tivo is folt, A prompt uso of this mcdiclno
has often averted long and perhaps fatal
billons fevors, No medicine will act mora
suroly in counteracting and freeing the sys
tem fmm the malarial nolson. Headache,
Indigestion, Uonstlpatlon, uizziness yieiu ui
Electric Bitters. Only fifty cents per bottlo
at A. Wasleys drug storo.
Coming Ilient.
Anrll 10. Musical aud dramatio entertain
ment by tlio Guilds of tho All Saints' church
In Ferguson's theatre.
Anrll 10. Grand phantom danco under tho
auspices of tho Clover Club of Shonaudoah at
Bobbins' opora houso.
Ilellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relioving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Main
Let The Whole World
Know The Good
Dr .Miles' Heart Cure Does
BART DISEASE, has ito victim a-, a
disadvantage. Always taubt tl) t
heart disease Is incurable, when the AX
symptoms become well defined, tho pat icnii
becomes alarmed and a nervous panic take-
place. Bnt when a sure remedy is found
and a cure effected, after years of suffering,
thore is great rejoicing and desire to "lot
tbo whole world know." Mrs. Laura Wlno
lngor, of Selkirk, Kansas, writos; "I deslro
to let tho wholo world know what Dr. Miles'
Dr. Miles'
Heart Curo has doo for
mo. For ton yeais l had
pain In my heart, fchort
ncss ot breath, palpita
tion, pain in my left sido,
oppressed fcollng iu my
chest, woak and hungry
Heart Cure
spells, bad dreamt, could not Ho on cither
sido, was, numb and sufforod terribly. I took
Dr. Miles' Heart Curo and boforo I finished
tho second bottlo I felt Its good effects, I feel
now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr.
Miles' Heart Curo saved my life."
Dr, Miles' Heart Curo is sold on guarantee
that first bottlo benefits, or monoy refunded.
s. nnujrs, m. d.
Ofllce r 30 West Centre street.
Can bo consulted nt nil hours.
p F. BUItKE, M. D.
30 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Ofllce hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3nnd:7 toS-
p. in.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Ofllce Egnn building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 05, Mahanoy Cff, Ia.
Having studied under somo or the best
masters ii London nnd Paris, will give lessons
on the violin, guitar nnd vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address in care ot Strouse, the
eweler. Shenandoah.
If You Have Any
Gentlemen i-ffo hniliono of your No. 3S Saro
In the Haseltlno Building, which was in th
worst part ot the fire. Although the safe was
badly bumod on the outside, all or Its contents
were saved.
We take pleasure In advising tlio public to use
your sares it they want protection.
(Signed,) MKuJlION BUOS.
Gentlemen: I licrcoy glva you my
Saro, round In tbo ruins ot the Into fire nt the
Haseltlno Art Galleries.
Its contents wcro destroyed and I liavo no uso
for the shell.
(Signed,) TH08. J. ARMSTItONQ.
723 Chestnut St.,
AC A f M 100 acres cleur, and with option
1 " of purchasing 100 acres timber
land adjoining. Dwelling nnd barn nnd oil
necessary out buildings In good order nnil
repair. Will be sold with or without stock and
tannine Imnlcments. Coal is sunnoscd to under
lie this property. Within 3 miles ol a first-class
market, Will trade for town property.
A PAP1 173 acres, near Zlon. Grove, 75
t r I acres clear. Dwelling cost over
12500. Good barn and out buildings. Stock and
farm Implements,
Must sell to disolva partnership.
Shenandoah, Pa,
Above parties will negotiate the sale ol any
good licensed property In Shenandoah,