EVENING HERALD HCTAnLINIIUD 18T0. INrbliatiNl every livening, Kmcpt Sunday, at K Woom jAitmn Hmikkt. Nkab Okrt. rim HernliI In Bitvi-nl ! u hhcnnmloan itnd the surrounding towns n,r It rt'tiU A week, pay able to the currier. H. mnll 93.00 a year, or JS cents u raoiith. puyulili' in iMlvnnce. Advertise ments charged nccori IIhk to space and position. The publisher reserve the right to change tho position of advertisements wfienever the pub lication of news demand It. The right In reserved to reioct anv nrivertinemnnt. v nether tialtl for or not, that the publisher may deem Improper. Advertising rates inaile known upon application. Entered at thu postofnee at Shenandoah, Pa., as second elans mall matter. TBl.Kl'IIONK CONNBCTION. Evening Herald FRIDAY. MA HCH 87, mm. RBFUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. To the Republican elector of Pcxiwylvniiia: The Republican of Ponnn.vl vmilu, by tholr duly clioscn representatives, will meet In State eon rention Thursday, April 21, ISfla, at 10 o'clock a. in., In the opera house, city of Ilairisbiirg, for the purpose of nominating two candidates for reprcsentntlve-at-Urgu in Congress and thirty two candidate for Presidential electors, tlie selection of eight delcgates-at-large to the He publican National convention, and for the ransaetlon of such otlter business ae may bo presented. Ily onler of the Stale Committee. SI. S. Quay, Attest: Tm H. Ukx, Chairman. It. Andhdws, Secretaries. COUNTY CONVENTION CALL. Notice U hereby given to the delegates, who attended tho last Republican County Conven tion, Hint in accordance with Rule 7, of the Republican rules of Schuylkill county, a con vention will be held at Centennial llnll, Polts- vllle, on Saturday, April I, lttn'i, at 10 a. in., for the purpo-e of electing two delegates and two nltcrnates for thu National Convention to be held at !-t. Louis, Mo., on Juno lfitli, IMG; and also at the same time anil place lo elect delegates and alteruales to represent the several lh-pro-Hentatlvc districts of this county to the Stntc Convention to bo held at Hurri.sbuig, Pa., on Wednesday, April 28rd, 89li. In accordance with the rules. Ily tho nxecutlve Cotnmlttee, Bonn V. Paysk, Chairuutu. Ashland, Pa., March Will, lean. S-'ja-it Tur.r.i: still exists pretty strong evidence that Hon. James li. lieilly U still tho "boss" of the Schuylkill Democracy. SoMirrni.NO will have to bo done to protect the oy-ter if tho story of our devouring 20,000,000 bushels nmmally bo well founded. A Ni.vfAi'i:u heading bays "Spain Wants our Friendship." 'o weio under tho im pression that Spain wanted us to give her a good licking, but apparently wo are mis taken. O.N't: "favorite son" dropped out of tho Presidential race in Minnesota a few days ago, and it is now announced that tho boom of Gov. linidley in Kentucky lias "busted" and that the convention will not endorse him. Tun Now York Moicury truthfully says "The crowd of politicians in Pennsylvania which started out so proudly n year ago to down Senator Quay, has been most completely dono up. Matthew was too much fur the boodling gang." Tin: discoveries of gold in Alaska will attract a largo number of adventurous spirits to that part of thd country thls.suinmcr. A largo party left San Francisco a few days ago backed by n company with a capital of $10, 000,000 to go into tho gold milling I usiness on a largo scale Thk Ohio Legislature lias passed a law to suppress big hats at tho theatre. This is very well, so far as it goes, hut they failed to tack on an amendment to imprison tho idiot who explainsovcry joko to his best girl, or the red-nosed individual who goes out bo tweon acts to get a "clove." Poou Uncle Sain I In addition to tho Spaniard burning his Hag and threatening to do terrlblo things to him. becauso ho sympathizes with tho Cubans, hero is tho un speakable Turk threatening to withdraw his Minister from Washington because ho has sympathized with tho-Armenians. An interesting event in Masonic circles occurred In Washington) D. C, on Tuesday ovening last, when Mr. Chung, tho translator and attache of tho Chlucso Kmbassy, had tho degree of Master Muon conferred upon him by Federal Lodgo No. 1. Tills is said to bo a very unusual occurrence and has attracted considerable attention. Sknatok Stewakt is tho Chief of tho Populist Ordor of Silver Knights and pub lishes a newspaper which he calls the "Sliver Knight," and evory deluded Populist who is atliictcd with tho 1(1 to 1 mania strongly enough to join tho order pays 50 cents a year to support tho paper, and incidentally enrich this argentiferous old gas bag from Nevada. Ho poses, of course, as tho friend of labor, as all Populists do, and to show his great love for tho working classes his paper, which has a circulation of 00,000 and purports to bo Issued in Washington, is really printed In Alexandria. Tho reason for this is that the Typographical Union of Washington isstrong enough to regulate the wagos paid printers in that city, hut cannot reach him in Alescau dria, hoiico this arrant old humbug gets his workmen for loss than lie would in the capital city. No one will deny lila right to get bis work done as cheaply as ho can, but it is ' calculated to weaken his lnllucnco as a champion of labor now that tho Washington Union nro taking up tho matter. An edition-do-luxo of the "Writings and Speeches of Grover Cleveland" was published hy tho Cassoll Co., Now York and London,! iu 1803. Tho edition was restricted to 200 , copies beautifully gotten up, each topy numbered. It was a very attractive volume, indeed, and sold fur f 12.50, Considering tho high esteem iu which the lion. O. C. was held ut the timo it was supposed his numerous admirers would snap up tho books like hot cakes and liko other rare and valu-' uu!e works tbey would born command a hand- some premium. Hut, alas, they failed to sell and a short tlmo ago the remainder of tho edition, consisting of book Xo. 100 to 800, were put up at auction in N'ew York and brought only ft.80 per copy, a depreciation of l)87i per cent, in four yenrs. Is It surpris ing, in iew of this, that tho once idolized Urover hesitate to atmounee lliut ho is a candidate for a tlilnl term. Simon S. lliirtman, of Tunnelton, West Vs., has hnensahjocttonttacks of colic atiotit once a year, and would have to call a diiator and then suffer fnr'alxmt twelve lion as much as some dli when they die. lie was taken recently Just the same as at other tlinos, and concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic, I'holera and Diarrhoea Itemed'. He says: "I look one dose of It and It gave me relief in five minutes. That is moro than any thing else lias over done for me." For sale hy Oruhler lints.' druggist. A REMARKABLE DOENE. Town ItiisliiBHS I'oopl.i (Jet Great Adtor tlslng Tlirougli Competition. One of the must remarkable exhibitions or competition in trade over given in this town took place on Main street last night and whs such a howling success that the promoters, Louis tJoldln and 1-evi Itefowlch, the cloth iers, can afford to shake hands and bury the hatchet. The advertising they got out of the scheme will more than lepay them for the trouble and expense they incurred. Ooldln and ltcfowleh have been in compe tition for years and when one makes a stroke in tho direction of display, the other promptly puts a counter stroke in operation. A short tlmo ago Goldiu remodelled his show windows and celebrated the completion of the work with a "grand opening" and hail tho Grant band in attendance, ltcfowleh then altered his show windows and prepared for in opening, tioldin also announced an onun. ing. Until men hired the Grant band for hist flight, but, upon learning that liofowicli was to have tho first conceit, Goldln cancelled the engagement nnd hired the Lithuanian band fur Wednesday. Itepair work at tho electric light station prevented Goldln from pioperly illuminating his plan and his open ing was postponed to last night, at tho tamo time liefowich's opening was to take place. tho nrst conclusion tho people acuuainted with the arrangements reached was that there would bo a collision by the bands witli each other and long before tho hour fixed crowds gathered in front of tho stores, which ire located opposite each other. Fortunate! v there was no disturbance. Tho polico wcro on hand and managed to keep passages clear on tho pavements. At 7:10 tho Lithuanian band appeared and marched up Main street, on tho west side, past liefowich's store. A small boy headed tho procession, carrying a banner announcing the concert at Goldiu's. A few minutes later tho Grant band left its head quarters and followed in the wake of tho Lithuanian band, old Peter McDcrniott, a short, very stout and jolly-faced son of tho Green Isle, strutting in tho rear under a banner announcing liefowich's opening. Tho two bands marched up tho west side of Main street to Coal. There tho boys made an attack on liefowich's banner with mud balls. McDcrniott stuck to his standard un til two mud balls struck him on tho head. Then ho dropped tho banner and lied. The banner was carried back to ltcfowich's in a dilapidated condition by some boys who threw it from side to sido on tho street en rou to to tho store. From Coal street tho two bands marched down Main street on tho cist side, both play ing as hard as lungs and Angers would permit. Tho Lithuanian band was somo distauco ahead of the other and was in lino in front of Goldiu's store when tho Grant band reached Centre street. Tho latter was not disposed to creato a collision and on reaching the corner crossed Main street and inarched down past Kcfowiph's store. This did not satisfy licfowich, however. He insisted that tho hand lengthen its parade and his orders ivcro obeyed. Ilero is where the most ludicrous feature of tho evening presontcd itself. Tho Grant band marched down Main street to 0.ik, crossed over to the cast side of Main, and then up past Goldiu's store. Tho Lithuanian band was arranged in open order' under Goblin's awning, playing a soloation undertholcadorshlp of Prof, Zeitz.when the Grant band passed' bctwecn.the ranks playing a march to (ho full capacity of all instruments. This point was looked for with great apprchem slon by the iinmcnsethrongof spectators, but it passed off .without tho slightest jar. Each band held on to its own tune,, neither waver ing or dropping n- note, and tho Grant band passed around to Kefowich's -store in tho samo order as it would if no other band had been on tho street. Meanwhile Prof, Zeitz conducted his band to tho end of tho selec tion and when the last note sounded tho band retired to Goldiu's store; whore tho concert was continued until about 10 o'clock. Tho Grant band played two selections in front of ltcfowich's store and then went inside, where the concert was kept up with brief intermissions until (1 o clock. During tho night ltcfowleh distributed cigars to tho visit ors. Goldln had a barrel of beer on tap. It would take two columns to detail tho various other methods to which tho clothiers resorted to excel each other during tho ovening, but ouo should not bo overlooked. Goldin placed four small hoys in front of his store with sticks of red flro in their hands. When Goldiu's back was turned tho boys deserted to liefowich's camp. Col, Sebclfly outcred into tho spirit of tho affair hy burning green lights in front of his restaurant. Rheu matlsm with its dteadful pains and aches, is a disease ot the blood Lactic acid accumulates in the vital fluid and settles in tho Joints, to the intense agony ot tho sufferer. Hood's Sarsaparllla neutralizes this acid, restores the rich healthy quality msitism of the blood, and thus drives out and prevents rheumatism. Hundreds ol testi monials tell of crutches thrown away, lame backs, arms and legs cured, by Hood's Sarsaparilia The One Truo Illood Purifier, f 1 ', 0 (or fS. I'rtpared only bjr C. I, Hood it Co., Lowell, Mm. ,i t ,ree,iTtotake,mtld,effe rIOOU S FlIlS tlr.. All drwgUU. tie INCOME TAX FOR FRANCE. lint tho Deputies Refine to Indorse tho Government's Hellenic. PARIS, Mnroh 87. The chniiiber of dep uties, by iv vote of 086 to 8T0, Iim voted for the government's proposal of the principle of an lnoomo tax, but linn referred the de tails of tho scheme to a. committee. The notion Is In tho nature of u oompromlse, Indorsing tho principle of an lnoomo tax, but throwing aside the details of tho gov ernment's scheme. According to this soliemo Incomes ot less tlinn 8,500 frnnos ($500) were to bo ox ompted, nnd 2,600 frnnos wore to be do ducted from tho ns-ossment of nil taxa ble Incomes. UptoG.OOO frnnos tho rate of the tax was fixed at 1 per cent. ; be tween 5,000 francs nnd, 10,000 frnnos, 2 per cent.; between 10,003 frnnos and 80,000 francs, !) per cent, s between 80,000 nnd B0, 000 frnncs, 4 per cent, s nbovo SO.OOO francs, 5 per cent. Those progressive rates for tho tax wore to apply only to the excess of in comes over tho Bum coming tinder tho next lower rates; that Is tosay, n million aire would liavo Ills Income divided Into flvo bonds, ouch taxed at n different rate. Tho abolition of tho prosont house tax, by which It was calculated that 0,600,000 per sons would oscano direct taxation, was also i involved in tho schemo, whllo It was ostl j mated that tho new tux law would npply , to 1,800,000 people, two-thirds of whom would pny less tlinnthoyhnvo been paying under the house tax. Ministers Should Use Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. TnEHE IS NO PROFESSION, whoso labors so so vcrcly tax tho norvous sys tem, as that of tho ministry. Tho de rangement of tho norvo centers of tho brain by over work, frequently brings on attacks of hoart trouble and nervous prostration. Itov. J. P. Kester. M. D., Pastor VS. B. church, London Mills, Ills., himsolf a physi cian, wrltos Fob. 20, 1803: "Heart affection and norvous prostration had become so serious last fall that a llttlo over work in tho pulpit .would so completely prostrato mo Tl lVTilsl' 'a seemed certain I . iuiivo must rellnquisl, tuo work Heart CUre of th0 ministry entirely, -j , Heart palpitation bocamo .ReStOreS so bad that my auditors TTPitlth would ask mo if I did not XlCdllllttxa. havo hoart disease Last November I commenced taking Dr. Miles' Now Hoart Cure alternately with Dr. Miles Ncrvino and derived tho greatest possiblo benefit. I havo Just closed revival work of 10 weeks, preaching nearly ovory night and twico on tho Sabbath. I can speak for hours without suffering as I formerly did.. Hard working ministers should keep Dr. Milos grand romodies on hand." Dr. Milos' Hoart Cure is sold on guarantoo, first bottlo will benefit or money refunded. IF YOU WANT THE BEST nnd enn't fret it, then come to us for It. We carry thb best of . . . v . . . Groceries, Butter and Eggs, FLOUR and FEED. Our flplttJprv wnrrnn iwvntta vrmr ttrildr. HnnJa delivered promptly. riUSSER & BEDDALL, 29 East Centre Street. FOR SALE OR' EXCHANGE A FARM 100 ivorefl clear, nnd wltli, option of nnrclittslncr 100 acres timber land ' adjoining, levelling nnd barn nnd all necessary out buildinga in cood order and repair. Will bo iold witli or without stock and farming Implements. Coal is supposed to under-' Ho this property. Within 3 mile of a first-class market. Will trade for town property, -VALSO-V A FAI?n 173 ncns, near ZIons Orovc,75 1 "Y acres clear. Dwelling1 cost Over $2500. Good barn and out buildings. Stock and farm Implements. Must fiell to dfeolvo partnership. T. R. BEDDALL, or D. H. LLEWELLYN, Shenandoah. Pa. Almrn iinrftos will nccntlfitn llin kjiIo nf nnv good licensed property In Shenandoah, Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking! 13 N. Jardin Street. WOOD'S Shenandoah College 1 100 Charter Member Scholarships Xow noitl, The sale will to con tinued tor a few days only. Three Departments at the Price of One. BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, . . ENGLISH, PENHANSHIP. THOMAS MARTIN, SPECIAL ORdANlZER, FERGUSON HOTEL. A DIME FOR DIGESTION. The Way to Help Your Stom ach Out of a Difficulty. When you are Uken sick with pain In your stomach or efiest, naasea, vomiting, headache, diissiueM, nervousness, neuralgia, tlatulenco, constipation, mental depression, weakness, languor, low of appetite and other similar symptoms, you are Infected with the poisons of undigested food. Your stomach needs help. A dlmo. spent for a sample bottle of tho Shaker Dlgestlvo Cordial will show you whether or not to expect help from that soUrce. If you really are a dyspeptic, it will re lievo you after a few dosos. If it does, keep mi till you are cured. If not, don't take mty mote, your not dyspeptic. Indigestion or dyspepsia is a dreadful dis order, all the more that so few people believe In its daugomusness. That is because they don't die of indiges tion, but of rheumatism, consumption, pneumonia, and otlior (Incuses which they would never have "caught" if their bodies hadn't liecn starved and weakened with Indigestion. I Shaker Digestive Cordial acts on tho food 1 in your stomach nnd helps tho digestive juices to dissolve it. In this way it aids your stomach lo no its work without ellort and creates now strength and lifo for your wliolo body. At druggists. Ton cents for a trial lurttlo. Write to The Shakers, 30 Ifeado street, New York, for an interesting book. Cnrfnv Urdlnnnro Vetoed. OMAHA, Slnrch 27. Mnyor Ilroatch hn9 votowl tho curfow ordinnnco. Ho olnlina that it would bo it dead letter if passed, and savors too much of Connecticut blue laws. If boys aro disorderly upon tho streets tho polico havo nmplo power under existing ordinances. Couucllinen predict It will bo carried over his veto. Kiiglitnd Getn the Money. CAIRO, March 27. Despite the protest of Russia and Franco, tho Egyptian public dobt commission has decided to advance from the reserve fund tho sum of 500,000 nsked by tho government for the purposo of defraying tho coit of tho NUo oxpodl tlon. Of this amount 200,000 will bo fur nished immediately. Tho Olltbrenk nt Killlz. Constantinople, JInrch 27. Tho out break at Killlz is moro sorious than had been supposed. Tho town Is now sur rounded by troops, nnd no ono is allowed to leavo or enter tho place. Tho officials of Bltlis aro preventing tho Amorlcan mis sionaries from distributing aid. Prlnco Ferdinand Meets the Sultnn. Constantinople March 27. Prlnco Ferdinand of Bulgaria has arrived hero to pay homage to tho sultan. Ho was met it tho station by Momsluh l'nsha, and ivns nttondod by a military escort to Yil Uz Kiosk. Tho Ideal Panacea. James Ij. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says: I rerard Dr. Kinc's New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Couchs. Colds and Lunc Complaints, having used it in iny family for tho last live years, to tho exclusion ot physician's prescriptions or other prepara tions." llcv. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I havo been a Minister of tho Methodist Enibcopal church for SO years or more, and havo never found anything so beneficial, or that gavo mo sucli speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try tins lueal CoukIi Remedy now. Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's drug store. Desperate Fight with Outlaws. Potbau, I. T., March 27. Deputy Mar shal Kd Bowman nnd posso had a despor nto battlo with outlaws, at Stephens' Mill, ton miles north of this place. -Thoro wero throo o( tho outlaws nnd throo officers. Leo l'yler, ouo of tho outlaws, was killed, nnd Btephon French was captured, but Albert Stophons oscppod. Deputy Bowman re ceived a flesh wound' in tho arm. Theso uro tho men whq robbed John Merriman's storo and looted tho postofllce at Ward, I. T., last Sunday night. A Dozen Wounded- in n. Unllroom Fight, Rtjshvillk, Iijd., March 27. As a result' of irce for all light across tho lino in Franklin county, In which knives and pis tols woro used, no'arly a . dozen men wero wounded. Henry Wilson and Samuel Tomplcton wero rivals for tho samo girl, lind this led to tho fight when tho moil' mot at a ball. Charles Bolster and Henry Wilson xnny dlo. Grlp-Colds-ireadaelie, Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La1 Grippo when Laxative Bromo Quinine will cure you in ono day. Put up In tablets con venient for taking.- Guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. Prico, 25 cents. For sale by Kirlin's Pharmacy. 1 Governor Altgeltl Indicted. Champaign, Ills., Mnrch 27. Governor John P. Altgold nnd tho entire board of trustee's of tho University of Illinois wero indicted by tho Champaign county grand jury yestorday for alleged neglect .op re fusal to comply with tho law j-pquirlng that tho American flag bo displayed over tho stato university buildings. Tresldent lllppolyte. Death Confirmed Washington, March, 37. Tho stato de partment has received n cnblogram frpm United States Minister Sinytho, at Port au Prlnco, Haytl, confirming tho Paris re port of tho death of President Hlppolyto, of Haytl. Tho causo of his death was oiioploxy. Itellet in six Hours. Distressing kidney and Madder diseases relieved In six hours by the "New Groat South American Kidncv Cum" tm .remedy is a great 6urpriso on account of Its. eiceeuing promriness in rcuovlug pain in tho bladdor, kidneys, back and every part nf the urinary passages in male or female, It relioves retention of water and pain Jn passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Shaplra's pharmacy, 107 South Main street. Coining Kvent. ' April 10. Musical and dramatio entertain ment hy the Guilds of the All Saints' church in Ferguson's theatre. April 10. Grand phantom dance, under the auspices of tho Clover Club of Shenandoah at Kouuins opera house. Up to Date for ruins uiwl Aches, Everybody says Itcd Flag Oil, 25c. At Gruhlcr Bros., drug store. When vou want iood rnnflnw i..,i,t gas fitting, or general tlnsmithlng dono call (fflti,, uauagaer jo nest -Centre, street Dealer ir, stoves, 8-1-tf A ailg'tty Nice Thing for Coughs. What? Pan-Tina, 25c. At Gruhler Bros, drugstore, THE AMERICAN VOLUNTEERS. Itullliiglou Itooth Wiii XotKnglMh Kuougti tn Suit His Father. PlTrRBUlto, March 27. Mr. Bnlllngton Booth lectured Inst night ut SewockU-y on "Slum and Shellor Work In Largo Cities" to a largo audience. After tho lecture Mrs. Booth broke tho sllouco ns to the cause of horsolt'and tliecoinmnnder bronk lug away from tho old organization. Hhoprnctically ndmlfttl thnt they had beeomo too much Amorlonnlzed to stilt tho Ideas of tho powers Iu London. Sho paid tho wholo troublo was.wiused by tho fact that they had outllvod the work they Intended to enrry out in America. Her husband nnd his father differed radically in their Ideas of how to conduct tho army In America, and Bnlllngton wroto to in tenmtlonnl headqunrtors In Jjondon stat ing his viows, and announ'elnjjthat If bis Ideas wero not agreed to ho would resign his commission. "Tho plan was promptly refused," Bald Mrs. Booth, "and peacemakers wore sent to America. This not proving olTcctlvo in changing us wo wero dismissed from tho nrmy. Our now organization is In no way nntagonlstlo to the old, but is the outcome of nppenls from many friends ntid our wish to conllnuo our lifo work." Not to ho Trilled With. ( From Cincinnati dnnette.) Will people never loam that a "cold" is an accident to ho dreaded, and that wliun it occurs treatment should bo promptly applied? There is no knowing whero the trouble will end ; and whllo complete recovery is tho rule, tli6 exceptions nro terribly frerpicnt, and thousands upon thousands of fatal 111 )io5Sos occur every year ushered in hy a littlo injudicious exposure and seemingly trilling symptoms, lloyond this, thero aro to-day countloss invalids who can trace their com plaints to "colds," which at tho tlmo of occurrence gave no concern, and wcro there fore neglected. When troubled with a cold use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is prompt and effectual. 23 and 5D cent bottles for salo by Gruhler Bros.' druggists. For n National Ijilmr Comiiihmlnn. WASHINOTON.-Mnrch 27. Senator Per kins, from tho commltteo on education and labor, yostorday presented a favorablo report on the bill authorizing tho appoint ment of a non-partisan commission on la bor, agriculture and capital. Tho com mltteo amended tho bill so as to provldo that tho commission shall consist of five members In the Interest of labor, to bo designated ono from each of flvo labor or ganizations; five In tho Interest of ngri culturo, threoof whom shall bo designated by tho Farmers' Alliance and two by tho National Grnugo, and of flvo In tho Inter est of capital, to, be solected from among manufacturers nnd tboso representing other business pursuits. All last winter Mr. .Geo. A. Mills, of Lebanon, Conn., was badly afflicted with rheumatism. At times it was so severe that he could not stand up btraight, but was drawn over on ono sido. "I tried different remedies without receiving relief," lio says, "until about six months ago I bought a bottlo of Chamberlain's I'aiu Balm. After using it for tlireo days my rheumatism was gone and has not returned since. For salo by Gruhler Bros.' drugEists. naval Appropriation 111)1 Passed. Washington, March 27. Tho naval ap. propriatlon bill was passed yesterday by tho house without substantial amend ment. An unsuccessful effort was mado by tho advocates of a larger , lncronso of tho navy than was authorized by tho bill to incroaso tho numborof battleships from four to six. Tho bill carries $31,011,054, and authorizes the- construction of four battloshlps and flfteon torpedo boats, tho total cost of whlch will .boln, tho neighbor hood of $35,000,000. Tho senate spent rnost of the day on tho legislative appropriation bill, but did not complete It. ItheumatUm Cured In a Day, J "Mystic Curo"' for' Bneumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and the disease immediately disappears. Tho flrstdoso greatly benefits; 75 cents.- Sold, by C. II. llagentiuch, DnTggist,""Sucnandoali. , . Ttto. Killed, One; rurally .Injure. Elizabktu.-N. J- Jtfaroh 37.-Slx xooni wno nnu ,yortQu; tuoir way into tue iroignt yards o tho Central railroad, -wore run Into by a train which was being shifted from ono track to another yostorday. Two of tho nierx wore ,k,(lled,. onp propably" fa tplly injured, two others sllghtlyt and tlio sixth Is believed to have escaped alto gether.- Ho'has not been soen since-, how- evor, Tho killed .nroi W. S. Johnson, of Brooklyn; Goorgo B. Lano, of Providence, It. I. The Injured nro; , John F. Aljen, of Holyoko, Mass.; Rogef Lane, bjpther of Goorgs B. Luna, who, was kllledr. unthown man, will probably dlo. Jt Jluy da n Much For You. Mr. Frcd Miller, of Irvine. 111. 'writes thai ho had a sovcre Kidney troublo for many years, with severe pains in his lack and also that Iris bladder was affected. Ho tried rnanv so-called Kidney cures but without any good result. Aoout year ago no iwgan usoof Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters Is esneciallv adanted to euro of all Kidney and Liver troubles and- often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Prico only 60c. for large bottlo. At A. Wasley's drug store. AtNpted Architect Dead. Chicago March 27. W. J. Edbrook, tho well known nrchltoct,-ls dead, aged D3. Ho wa supervising architect under Harrison's administration, and supervised all tho buildings nt tho World's fair de signed for -government exhibitions. HU handiwork was also soon at tho Atlanta exposition. ' - The Weather. Foroastom Pennsylvania hnd Now Jer sey: Fnlrnnd douMedly coldarshlgh north westerly winds. t 1 , , Uucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best 'salve In tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns,. and all skin eruptions, and' positively cures niles. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or mony- refunded. Price a cents per oox, r or saie uv a. wasicy, SheimiitloaU Directory, Business men and others, who havo not yet secured one of the directories of Shenandoah, lust issued, can, obtain one by making appli cation at this offlcov - The price is only fS.OO, and thero are only a few left. No business mau can afford to bo without ono of theso books. 8-21-tf -Ut : . , ...'i " "' " Ypnr.pppBhT Pan-Tina cures it, 25c. drug store. At Oruhler Bros,, Not only la It the most cffectlvo skin puri fying and beantlfylng soap In tho world, lmt It Is the purest, sweotest.and most rclreslilnr for toilet, bath, and nursery. It strikes at the causo of bad complexion'), falltng hair, and Blmplo baby blemishes, vit.i thb CLoooEn, lUFLAMED.OVKRwonKED.or Smoaisnl'oitE. Sold Uiroiiiliout the nrkt. IMthh dtpci, Newekrt. london. Poitie Unva a tnrM.Cujtr .Bc.ton. U.B.A. genuine welcome awaits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. f lain anil Coal Sts. 1 Pool room ntteched. Itnest whlkoys, beers porter and nlo constantly on tap. Choice tein Ierniice drinks and cigars. Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris.4Schmidt,Agw 207 West Coal Street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Q S. PHILLIPS, 31. D. Ofllco : 30 West Centre street. Can bo consulted' at all hours. p F. BURKE, M. D. 80 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. Ofllco hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and'7-to 9 p. ra. II. POMEItOY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Shenandoah, Pa. M. M. BUItKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Egan building, corner ot Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah. pitOF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy Oliy, Pa, Having studied Under some of the best masters ir London and Paris, will give lesson on tha violin,, guitar ttnd vocal culture. Terras reasonable. Address- In care ot Strouse, the eweler, Shenandoah. If Yon Have Any : NEED F'6R ONE: BUY A AND' NOT A. A DEADLY PARALLEL STIEFK& PItEEMAN, Gentlemen: We liad one of your No. 36 Sato in the Haseltine Building, which was in th worst part ot the tiro. Although the safe was badly burned on tho outside, all of its content wero saved. We take pleasure in advising the publla to uso your sates it they want protection. (Signed.) MKllSIION BROS. ST1KFEL & PItEEMAN. Gentlemen: I hereby give ypu my Sate, found in the ruins of the late fire at the Haseltine Art Galleries, its contents wcro uestroycu ana 1 nave no uso for the shell. (Signed,) THOS. J. ARMSTRONG. STIFFEL & FREEMAN, SAFE MANUFACTURERS, 723 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA.