: V 1 1- II tl' if m s 'f 1 EVENING HERALD KSTAIH,IHIU1 1ST0. Pwtdlslieit every Evening, Except Sunday, at fl South J A Bum Hiiikki. Nuar (;kmbh. tilts Herald l rii-ilvm-it InSlirnnnilonh mid the urroiimliiiK tuo in f"r tvnt week, ) side to the carriers, lly iniiil SMJO a year, or 3S oents a month. puynlile in ndvanec. Advertise ments cliitruru mannllng k spore ami position. The uuldisheni rcicrvc the rlitlit to change the position of advertisement whenever the pub ilpjt(ii nf iu'k lii'iiiiintlii tt. Tlio rtslit la rmorved tn reject any advertisement, whether liAhl lor or not, llml uie puniiHiicrs may ueoni Improper. Advertising rates ninde known upon application. Sntercd at the postofllee at Bhenaiuloah, Po., m second class nmll matter. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Evening Herald WEDNESDAY. MARCH 25, 1896. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. To the Republican elector of Pennsylvania: The Republican of Pennsylvania, hy their duly choncn representatives, will meet In ttnlo con ventlon Thursday, April 28, 1KM, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the opera house, city of Httrriburg, for the purpose of nominating two candidates for represcntatlve-at-larRC in Congress and thirty two candidates for Presidential electors, the selection of Hjrht dclegatcs-at-large to the ltc publican National convention, and for the ransactioit of such other business as may be presented, lly order of the State Committee. SL a Quay, Attest :-Jki!E II. liEX, Chairman. "V. 11. Asdbkws, Secretaries. COUNTY CONVENTION CALL. Notice is hereby given to the delegates, who attended the last Republican County Conven tion, that in accordance with llule 7, of the Itcpubliean rules of Schuylkill county, a con vention will be held at Centennial Hall, l'otts villc, on Saturday, April I, lsflti, at 10 a. in., bli the purpose of electing two delegates and two alternates for the National Convention to bo held at St. Louis, Mo., on Juno 16th, 1KW; and nlxo at the samo time nnd place to elect delegates and alternates to represent the several Repre sentative districts of this county to the Stnte Convention to bo held at llarrisburg, l'a., on Wednesday, April 53rd, MM. In accordance witli the rule. lly tho Kxccutlvc Connnlttco, lltmii W. l'AYXU, Chairman. Ashland, l'a., March 19th, 1S90. 3-20-tf The scramble fur the Presidential nomhia t on is confined to tlio Republican ranks. 1'ottsvii.u: sports aro enthusiastic over base hall. If the county beat team loses tho pennant mighty will ho tho fall. Tun Millers' Journal is showing a marked improvement in its local columns. The two Tostcrs appear to niako a whining team. Tin: ladies are now doing their shopping for tho spring season, and tlio prudeiitbusincss man will muko his announcements through thoso columns tho ladios' favorite paper. Tnu good old Methodist doctrine is, tlio first shall bo last and tho last shall bo first, Mark llanua should keep this fact in mind It may save him much humiliation at St. Louis. The Quay-Kulp team in Northumberland county was an easy winner. Tho remnant of the Combine in that county is now con ferring in the woodshed ns to how it Imp pencd. A iter thirteen months of slaughter and rapine in Cuba, what hopa is there that this sort of thing may not go on for thirteen years? Civilization aud humanity look on with horror. Tom Rked still continues to act upon tho theory that silence is golden. Ho isn't saying a word, hut wait until tho assembling of tho convention at St. Louis. Things will be dlUVicnt, then. The County Auditors hint at some sensa tional developments during their audit. This brings to mind tho threatened investigation of ono W. John YVhitchoUsc which has so far failed to investigate. J in: A-rays should be turned on our present Congressman and tlnd out his desires us to a few other positions remaining to be llllcd. Tho snug berth of Congressman and Rational Delegate aro hardly suflicicnt for a man of Mr. llrumm's abilities. Candibates for borough olllcos to bo elected nest February aro already quite numerous, and some of them aro crectiu their fences. Thoro is a unlet movement on foot within tho Democratic ranks that will cuusQ the self-styled bosses considerable troublo and uneasiness when it becomes known. The disruption of tlio Salvation Army in this country is inevitable, unless the seceding members under tlio leadership of Ilallingtou llootli can bo brought back. Tho American revolt appears to bo spreading lacli day. Even Shcnaudoab'squota of tho organization is preparing to ilock to tho standard of tlio scccdcrs, and have already laid usido the Hag of tho elder Hooth. Tin: attention of tho Monroe county ;ourt Is now absorbed in a caso, tlio equal of which has not been known in its history. It is nn effort to logally provo a man dead, -although tho individual may still bo alive, Iu 1 g74 tlio supposed dead man left homo in ' fconrch of work and has not sinco been dis covered. Register of Wills Warner has alruady granted letters of administration on the estate, which will bo divided among tho proper holrs. Alritouait beaten by John Wauainaker by popular vote in Blair county for United States Senator to succeed J. Donald Cam cron, it is genorally helloved that Congress man John II. Robinson will secure tho en dorsement of tho majority of tlio Repub licans of tho stato. As between Robinson and Wanamakor, tho Republicans of Scliuyl kill county vory naturally turn towards tho former. "Fighting Jack" has many warm admirers in this section. Tin: Philadelphia Times has becomo qulto populir llironijliout tho stato among tho school cliildrc) '"'hat progressive newspaper no, and the -h school class that returns the greatest number will be presented with a piano for tho sellout room. Hlionamloah schools lead this and many other counties in tho state in educa tional matters, and there is no good reason why tho Times plana should not grace our High school room. Get to work boys and girls, and we venture you'll be near the top when the returns como In. A .Sure Cure for Coughs anil Coldn. That's what Pan-Tina is, 38c. At Ornhlor liros., drug store. - , TITHY FOINTB. Happening. Tliroufeliout Urn llegfnri Chron icled tor Hasty Vi-iih1. Michael McDonongh, agent for the Colum bia Brewing Company, lias been lc fused a license in Mahanoy township, A New York newspaper has offered II. It. Holmes, the condemned Philadelphia mur derer, $7,500 for a written confession of his crimes. Negotiations lire said to 1k pending for tho transfer of the Knier House, at Mahanoy City, from C. C. Itureliill to Aaron llrowu millcr. A meeting of mliiers and initio laborers of (Hlhertoii will be held to-morrow evening, and will lie addressed by President John Faliey and Thomas 1'lchards, of the United Mino Vfurkbro. Joseph Rowers, of Ashland, has brought suit against tha 1. & It. Itailroad Co. for damages for lieiug pushed oil' a minora train by the hrakemnn. The case is being tried before arbitrators. He v. N. I!. Duriell, who was raster of tho Methodist Kpiscopal chinch hoio at one time, died in Philadelphia nil Muuday. IMwurd O'Dounell has purchased tho property now occupied by Mine Inspector Stein, from Charles L Titiuan. (Irant Hand Concert To-night. Tlio Grant Hand of town will to-night inaugurate a serios of concerts in l'obbin' opera house, for which an admission fee of only 10 cents will be charged. Tho following program will be relidored : March, "Cosmos," Althouso; overture, "I.ustspicl," llola ; "Tho llohemian Girl," selection, ISalfo; quartette, Schnppo Ilros.; I'araphras, "Sweet Alice Hen Holt," I.uck ; "Emerald Isle," Irish fantasia, Clause,; Valentino Sehottisch and Anvil Polka, .Mandolin Club; "Tho Jolly Hlack smith," descriptive vocal polka, I.ucklcy ; "Cavalry Charge," descriptive piece, Ludcrs Synopsis: Morning of battle. Infantry heard approaching witli fife nnd drums. Cavalry in tho distance, coming nearer and nearer until they charge upon tho enemy. Cavalry, infantry and artillery in battle. Defeat of tho enemy. Pursued in tho dis tance by tho cavalry. March, "Oriental lxhocs," liorcy. Have You a lllg Tool? If so, there is iv snap'at tlio Factory Shoo Storoforynu. Wo have about 50!) pairs of men s workmgand dress shoes, nil sty''s, Nos. tl, 10 and 11, which wo arc selling for very low prices to make room for spring goods. 3-13-tf J. A. Moykk. Mgr. Tho Conference Adjourned. The Central Pennsylvania Conforeuco of the M. E. church, in session at Williamsport iidjourncd yesterday afternoon. Tlio next session will bo held at Clearfield. Hut few changes wcro made in tlio D.invillo district. Rev. t). S. Mctzler, who has tilled tho Ash land pulpit for the past year, is returned to that charge. Itcv. Chas. 11. Haruard will continue at Fountain Springs. Itcv. A. I.. Miller returns to Gordon and itev. I. N. Moorehcad is returned to tho charge at Mt. Curmcl. Rev. Dr. S. Milton Frost D. 1)., who filled the pulpit at Centralia, is transferred to Wutbontowu, Pa., and is succeeded at Cen tralia by the Hov. O. G. Heck, who was tho former pastor at Watsoutown. Iiov. E. S. Wilcox will bo tho pastor of the First M. E. church at Shamokin, and Itev. J. E. W. Heaver, will assume, the pastorale of tlio Second M. E. church in that town. New and very pretty waltz "Ainphion," at Hrumm's Jewelry and .Music store. 3-13-tf How's Your Cough? Pan-Tina cures it, 23c. AtGruhlcr Hrus., drug store. UnsiiceKHfiil itubbcrs. Somo time last night burglars forced an cntrauco to tho Indian Itidgo colliery ollico nnd generally ransacked tlio place, but so- cured nothing. All tho drawers of a largo desk containing letters of instructions as to mine workings, etc., wcro forced opou, but nouo of tlio papers Uiken. No money is over kept in tho place at uinlit and uono of tho documents aro of any value except to peoplo connected witli tho mines. Up to Date for 1'alns and Aches. Everybody says Ited Flag Oil, 25c. Gruhler Ilros., drug store. At Highly Educating, One of tho best plays that has appeared at the theatre is that of Augustus Thomas' masterpiece, "Alabama," which occupied tho boards last night. The audience was an ap piomitivo one. "Alabama," under tho management of Clement Hainbridge, who assumes tho loading character in tho play, is gaining a reputation which tho play and tho company both deserve. It deals with south ern lil'o, and is both educating and enter taining. Tho company is a strong one, and wo havo heard nothing but proiso from thoso who had tho pleasure- of being present last evening. aiatrh Affects your head, but It Is not thereloro a local disease. If it did not exist in your blood, it could not manifest itself In your nose. Whatever Impurities tho blood does not carry away, cause what wo call disease. Therefore, for nhalantB, snutfa and other local appli cations can givo only temporary relief, The true way to curo Is to purify your blood by taking a constitutional remedy like Hood's Barsaparllla, which eliminates all impurities and thus per manently cures catarrh. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is Tho One True Blood Purifier, f 1 ; 8 1 or 5. Trepsred oidr cy 0. 1. Hood Co., Lowell, Mm, HOOU S rillS tton. FrlcoUcenU. Catarrh PERSONAL. James Dully spent yesterday at tho county sent. Miss Anna Wilholin, of Ashland, circulated among town friends yesterday. .Alias Maggie Potts, of South' Jardlti street, is visiting friends in Philadelphia. Mrs. Ftank A. Everett, of Hrandoiivllle, vra a guest of town friends yesterday. Mrs. William Nelswenter is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. F. Schmidt, at Scranton. Miss Manio Moistcr, of Wllkesbarre, circu lated among acquaintances in town yesterday. ,Miss JIamo Ilrejinan, of Shamokin, is the gnost of MlssNollio lleilly, of South Main street. Miss Ida Miller, of l-'raekvllle, is tho guM of Mr. and Mm. W. II. Shoemaker, of East Oak street. -Mrs. Oh en Kane, of Centralia, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Ploiqiert, on West Centre street. Miss Mary Reynolds returned homo last evening from a prolonged visit among friends in Maucb Chunk. James Sllllinan, of Pottsvllle, who was tho guest of Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas VanDnsen, returned home yesterday. Miss Annie Fox, a student at tho llluoms burg Normal School, is spending her Easter vacation with her parent. M. F. Corny, who intends to bo tho next Receiver of Taxes of this borough, aid a visit to the county seat to-day. Mrs. Marji Minniek and Mrs. Emma Ciishner wentto Allentown this morning, to visit the former's sister, who is scriusiy ill. Itev. J. F. Meredith, late paidor oT the Methodist Episcopal church of town, yester day shipped his household goods to Philadel phia, where ho has a new charge. Mrs. William Earner, of Wost Coal street, returned from Philadelphia, last evening. Sho attended the opeiation of ay abscess performed upon her sou, Noah, who ' was recently stabbed by a playmate at Glrard College The boy is rapidly improving. Mrs. Thomas Sherman and Mrs. M. Urch, of St. Clair, aro guests of town friends. Mrs. . u. Gregory is visiting friends In Pottsvillo. I A daughter has been added to Councilman John P. Hoohln's family. Mrs. Eliza Ilurnbergcr and daughter, Inez, have returned from Mt. Carmcl after spend ing a month there with friends. Mrs. Geoigo W. Crawshaw, of Mahanoy City, visited town friends yostorday. Mrs. I!. F. ltaudcnlmsh, of New lloston, was a guest of friends in town yesterday. Mrs. Gallagher and son, Charles, of Phila delphia, wero tho guests of tho McDennott family, on South Jardiu street, yesterday. Mr; and Mrs. Tbouias Waters, who wero spending a short vacation among relatives in town, will lcavo for Now Haven, Conn., to morrow morning where they will join tho Nowhall & Campbell Summer Carnival and Wild West Show, which will tour tho New England states this season. Full Details Gladly Given. A Railroad Official's Experience. It. EDWARD EDMONDS, long con nected with railroad construction in Nebraska,wrltes: "My heart troubled and pained mo for 10 years. Shortness of breath was tho constant and most common symptom. Intense, cxcruciatlngpaln, gener ally followed any sovcro exertion. Falntness, hunger without any appotito ; fluttering that mado mo clutch my breast, and palpitation that often staggered rao as if I would fall, wcro frequent attacks. Again, everything would turn block if I arose from a stooping posturo quickly. Sleepless nights with their Dr. Miles' prosiraung unrest wcro numerous and I could get no rest day or night. I consulted leading phy sicians and tried adver tised remedies. Thoy cavorao no relief. Ono of Heart Cure Restores Health Dr. Miles' circulars described my caso bo exactly that I took Dr. Miles' Now Heart Curo and I am now a well man. I hope, every ono troubled with heart disease, will try Dr. Miles' romodios. If thoy will writo mo personally, I will gladly give thom full details of my oxperienco." Edw. Edmonds. P. O. Hox Co, David City, Nebraska, Dr. Miles' Heart Curo Is sold on guaranteo that first bottlu benefits or monoy refunded. POLITICAL CARDS. IJOll LEGISLATURE, L1 Second District, H. W. BECKER, Of Qlrardvllle, l'a. Subject to Democratic rules. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A FARM 100 acres clear, and with option of purchaainir 100 acres timber land adjoining. Dwelling und ham and all necessary out buildings In pood order ana repair, Will bo Bold with or without stock and farming implements. Coal la up posed to under lie this property. Within U mile of a flrbt-clob market. Will trado for town property. 'ALSO'V ApADfM 173 ncrcs, near ZIom Grove. 73 1 v acTvn clear. Dwelling cost over SiVW. (jood barn and out buildings. Stock and farm implements. Mubt sell to d I solve partnership. T. R. BEDDALL, or U, H. LLEWELLYN, Shenandoah, Pa. AIkjvo parties will negotiate the sale of any good licensed property In Shenandoah. Evan J. Davies, LIVEUY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. juminmmiimim"""""""""""""""""1"'' I "Ise in Town Honey." I j Pancake ! Flour. ? A combination of the great staif s of life WHEAT, CORN and RICE. f Bo Sure You Got tho Red Package, HERE'S OUR GUARANTEE. " Ittty a paekngo of Oonnlno Aunt s.THiufmfi's Self-llUliiK rnnrake Flour, s ; anil IT you do not find it moke tlio lic-Kt- cakes you ever nto, return tlio empty ; hox to jour grocer, lenve your name, nnd tliocroeer will refund tlio llionoy and cliurgo it to us. Bclcntlfli-Rllj- rrfiwi-ei! ind Mauuliielured unly by " R. T. DAVIS MILL GO., St. Joseph, Mo. s Send i cents in stimps for a set of Aunt - Jemima and her I'lct-.amnny Dolls. a ll--lll!ll!lllllflnril!,lllllll!ll,!llll!l!llt8lll? NUGGhib OF NEWS. Firo yesterday at Lacrno, Wii., cniiBcd by u locomotivu spark, caused over ?3iJ0,- UK) damage. Tho proposed oombl no of Ohio and Pltts burR ooul operator to control luko ship ments 1ms proved n failure. Av Cnrencro, La., Louis Seiijral, oolorcd. who on Sunday lu.idou criminal nisault on Mrs. It. Martin, was lynched by n mob. John "Walsh, :!0 vunrs old, win t-tnbbed to dun,th on a s i-uel In Cleveland, nnd John Gallagher, bis alleged murderer, hua esciiped. At "Walnut Lake, Ark., .To-Jiuu Senmnu was fatally and his son Isaac seriously wounded by Ike- IJ.inkston, tho result of u family fond. Charles H. Ftuckoy, clmrp;cd with em bezzling Sll.UOO from tho Stato bank, nt Dulutb, Minn., was sejfreo lust uight, tho jury acquitting hlui. It May do as Much Tor You. Mr. Fred Stiller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe Kidney troublo for many years, witli severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected, llo tried many so-called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ajjo he began use of Klcctric Hitters and found relief at once. Electric Hitters is especially adapted to curo of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often (,'ivcs almost instant relief. Ono trial will prove our statement, l'rico only 50c. for largo bottle. At A. Wasley's drug store. Coining lUcnt. April 10. Musical and dramatic entertain ment by tho Guilds of tho All Saints' church iu Ferguson's theatre. April 10. Grand phantom dnnco under tho auspices of tho Clover Club of Shenandoah at Itobbins' opera house. The Ideal l'aiiaccu. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says: "I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, having used it in my family for tlio last five years, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other prepara tions." Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes : "I havo been a Minister of tlio Methodist I'.piscopal church for 50 years or more, and havo never found nuything so beneficial, or llinf. iwro mn ciiM, onmliT t-nllnf na l"l- lv !trjn New Discovery." Try tills Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles freo at A. Wasley's drug store. Alleged Dlslionest Hanker Arrested. Sui-umoii, Wis., March 2o. Johu Mo Larcu, cashier of tlio dofuuet Douglas County haul;, was nrrostod nt Chlppown Falls yesterday, charged with receiving deposits knowing tlio bunk to bo Insol vent. Tho warrant was issuod In Dooom her last nt tho iustauco of C. II. Slocum, a local merchant, who also causod tho arrest, of I'oter Doyo, president of tho bank. Hitcklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores. tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cuies piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv A. Wasloy. liound, Gagged and Itoubed of $50,000. CHICAGO, March 25. Mr. Chrlstophor sen raco, who is 70 years old and livos alono. was bound and gaggod by two men Inst evening At 0:30 o'clock and robbed of money uud papers amounting in value to more than ?50,000. Tho robbery was one of tno uoldoat over perpetrated In this city. At tlto time tho rounory occurred bchrago was nlono, nnd It was somo timo before ho was discovered nnd tho polico notified. It wasn inattor of common report that bo was in tho habit of counting his monoy ovory evening boforo closing up hlshousofor tho nignt, uud the robbers timed thoir visit ac cordingly, Tlio inon protoudod that thoy wero anxious to rent somo rooms, and as tscnr.igo was showing thorn through they bound and ga-rued him. 'i'liov did not iu. Juro tho old man. Thopolleo nro mystified. Orlp-Ctilds-IIenilaclie. Why sutler with Coughs, Colds and La Orlppowhon Laxative Broino Quinine will euro you m ono nay. rut up In tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or monoy refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale uy Klrlln's l'Jiannacy. All Seven Were Murdered. AI.MA, Wis March 23.-An investiga tion just concluded shows tw ti,n mombors of tho Oldhouso family, who wero found dead In tho ruins of their burned houso on thoGth Inst., wem mur dered. An inquest was hold tit tho timo mirtu verdict of uccidontul death was re turned. Yesterday tho bodies wore ox humod, It was found that two bullets had penotratod tho skull of thn fntl, that tho mother's skull had boon crushed and that tho head of ouo of tho children "." wusuou ln. Arovolvor wnsfound on tho bed near tho mother's sldo, nud n shotgun lay nenr tho lmdAr whoso remains wero found near tho front window. A fracture iu tho skull of ono , . ; maa wl" hummer, nmii.i n iuuuu near tho body. Thoro Is no clow to the murderers, Tho object was A Highly Nice Tiling for Cnuglis, What? Pan-Tina, 25c. At Gruhlor Bros., drug store. Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that tha name Lessio & IUeu, Ashland, Pa., is printed on evory sacK. URGENT APPEAL FOR FUNDS The Stricken Arnieiilniii Tlircntenetl with Kxd-i'inlliHllon liy StnrvatiiiH. New Youk, March 25. Drown Ilros. & Co., trciwurnrs of the Armonlnn relief fund, yosterduy 'rooeived tho following cnblogrnm from Oonstuntlnoplo in ac ;nowlptlMmentof reinlttnnoa of $15,00'J: ! "Your twiu remlitnncos most timely. Distribution by the Hnrpoot oomrulttco reachoH M,000 souls. Over a thousand havo died of eitposuro nnd starvation there ! nlono. "Wo nro supporting ilfteon other , centors. Nood apnalling. A nation Is threatened with oxtermlnntlou." Sponoor Trask, cbillrinnn of tho oxocu tivo oomlnittoe of the Armenian relief fund, said concerning the furogolugonblo grnm: "No appnal oan be stronger than this statemont of facts fresh from the fluid. The gifts received thus far from nil sources, both In Knglnnd and America, bnve boen entirely inadoquato Rnd now seem to bo dwindling. Efforts havo boon made to throw doubt both on tlio deserts of the Armenians and on tho possibility of nidlng tho wretchod widows nnd or phans of thoso who perished in tho massa cres. All such doubts havo boon entirely removed by facts which nro now boforo tho world. A responsible nnd olllclent ngeuoy hns at last baen established throughout the interior. Tlio control of nil funds is, nnd will continue, entirely in tho hand of most trustworthy Amorioau resldentsnnd llrltlsh consuls. Tho sala ries of all thoso ngjuts is otherwise pro vided, so that all tlio relief funds go di rectly to the sufferers." Not to bo Trilled With. ( From Cincinnati Gazette.) Will people never learn that a "cold" is an accident to bo dreaded, and that when It occurs treatment should bo promptly applied ? Thcro is no knowing whero the troublo will end ; and whilo complete recovery is the rulo, tho exceptions are terribly frequent, and thousands upon thousands of fatal ill nesses occur every year ushered in by a little injudicious expottiro ml(i seemingly trilling symptoms. Hoyond this, there aro to-day countloss invalids who can traco their com plaints to "colds," which at tho time of octurrenco gavo no concern, and wero there fore neglected. When troubled witli a cold use Chamberlain's Cough licmcdy. It is prompt and effectual. 23 and CO cent bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros.' druggists. McKlulcy Leads In Soth Dakota. Iluisox. S. D., Jlareh 23. Of tho dele gates to tlu Itcpubliean stato convention 0 wero for Melvlnloy nnd 150 for All son. The principal contest is over United) States senator iettlgrow s candidacy for dolo- gato to St. Louis. Tho proposition is to allow 1'ettlgrow to bo ouo of tho eight delegates to St. Louis, but to Instruct tho dolcgntion for JioKIuloy. Itutsia ltalscs an Objection. London, March 25. Tho Vlonun, corre spondent of Tho Chronicle says that Rus sia refusos to assent to tho ugyptiun d ebt commission paying tho cxpensos of the Dougoln expedition. Simon S. llartman, of Tunnelton, West Va., has been subject toattacks of colic about onco a year, and would havo to call a doctor and thou suU'cr for nbout twelvo hours as much as somo do when they die. llo was taken recently just tho samo as at other times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea licnicdy. Ho says: "I took ono doso of it and it gavo mo relief in flvo minutes. That is moro than any thing else has over done for mo." For siilo by Gruhler Bros.' druggist. Culmn Itesolutlons Still In Conference. Washington, March 23. Tlio conferreos of tho two bousos on tho Cuban resolu tions hold a sosslon yostorday. but nd- journed until today without reaching a conclusion. Tlio sonnto conferrcos ex plained fully tho dlfllcultles thoy had en countered in tho sonato, and mado it cloar to tho houso mombors of tlio conference that it would bo ncoossary for tho houso to yiold something to provont loavlng tho question in tho, nlr between tho two bousos. Tho houso conferrcos accepted this explanation nnd oxpressod u willing ness to niako roasonablo concessions. All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of Lebanon, Conn., was badly afflicted with rheumatism. At times it was so severe that ho could not stand up straight, but was drawn over on ono sldo. "I tried different remedies without receiving relief," ho says, "until about six months ago I bought abottlo of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. After using it for three days my rheumatism was gone and has not returned sinco. For salo by Gruhler Bros.' druggists. The ISgyptlan Fund. LONDON, Mnrch 25. It is undorstood that Franco and Gront Britain will luvo settled their Kgyptlan difficulty bofowthe mooting of tho Kgyptlan. dobt commission tomorrow. Kxplanntlons of a imtisfao tory naturo nro proceodlug. ThoBaron Do Courcol, tho French ambassador hero, who was suddonly recalled to London uftor ho had left this city on leave of ubsenco, will roturn to Franco on Saturday, and tho junrqutsot Salisbury lias arranged to start for lioauleuu tomorrow. llticumutltfiu Cured In a Day. "Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon flio system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causo and tho disease Immediately disappears, Tho first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by C. II. llagenbuch, -Druggist, Shenandoah, Ambassador ruuueefoto Going Home. London, March 23. It is roportod hero that tho Ilritlsli ambassador nt Washing ton, Sir Julian l'aiiucofoto, will shortly come to London to discuss with tho gov ernment certain features of the Venezu elan question. Mrs. Davidson's Trial llcgun. San Fuancisco, March 23. Tho selec tion of tho jury to try Mrs. Davidson on tho chargo of extorting monoy from Rev. O O. Brown waB completed yostorday, and tho taking of testimony began today. Itellef Iu Six Hours. TUstressInc kidney and bladder diseases relieved in tax hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Curo." This new remedy is a great surprlso on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain ln the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tho urinary passages In male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost Immediately, If you want quick relief and curo this is your remedy. Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main H street. s -st; r len oj Are most competent to fully appreclato tho purity, sweetness, and delicacy of CcnonnA SoAr, and to discover new uses for It dally. In tlio form of wssIku, solutions, etc., for distressing inflammations, Irritations, and weaknesses of tho mucous membrane, it haa provod most grateful. Cu-ricunABoAr appeals to tho refined and cultivated everywhere, as tho most effective sklnpurifyingandboaiitlfyingsoap.aswellaa purest and sweetest for toilet and bath. Si-dJI,tE?- -1 He nnu.h d.pott r. nit. UkOQ & Cmu. Cum", , iMi rropi., nottop, u. S. A. genuino wolcomo awaits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. rtaln and Coal Sts. Pool room attached. Ktnt wi.iairnr. im porter nnd rilo conntnutly on tap. Choice tem perance drinks and clears. eers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, a., 207 West Coal Street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Q S. PIIILLIl'S, M. D. i Ofllce : 30 West Ccntro Blreet. Can be consulted at nil hours. p P. BURKE, SI. D. 80 V.. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. Ofllce hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 to 9 p. m. J II. rOMEKOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Shenandoah, Pa. H. BUKKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Egnn building, corner of Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah. pROF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy OUy, Pa. Having studied under some of the best masters ii London and Paris, will give lessons on tho violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address in euro of Strouse, the eweler, Shenandoah. OPEN EVERYDAY G(o tho Shciinndovh Dental Booms pr palness extraction of tecVt. ld and Silvfer fllttfies. If vour anifical cth do not suit flWihgs. If your anifical i do sot suit inations free. l nn rail tn Ken n All pxirkuua r, w in.Vn nil t l.K .,r .,i,.t Tld Crowns, llitmlnnn, C,-., r,ro., fV. CrO Wn cuiu worn and Bridge work and all operations tharper-jfc uun 10 ueniai surgery. w ordered. We aro tho only users of vitalized air for tho paiuloss extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms. (Titraan's Block) East Contra Street. Office Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. Our Spring Stock Of clothing has now arrived, which consists of a largo stock ot fine Men's, Boys' and Childrens' Suitings in Straight Cut, Frocks, Single and Double Breasted Coats and Sack Sultp. Our Combination Suit DOUBLE BREASTED COAT, TWO PAIR OP KNEE PANTS, . . . ONE YACHTING CAP. Is a quick seller, Chlldreu'sSultsof numer ous designs can be found iu this stock. S. BLOCK, ROCHESTER CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Slain and Cherry Sts., Shenandoah, Pa HAVE YOUR HORSES SHOD With II. F. SlKLLKT, the practical Jiorseshoer, t and avoid any of the 21 diseases originating from Improper bearings. All diseases of tho feet given personal attention. H. F MELUET, South Market street, between Centra and Oalc 'streets, Shenandoah. J i 4 in 1' lJ t