The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 20, 1896, Image 1

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for Family Trade
E Knows the home pafcr comet
No fafer can take the place tf
the iferald. It is read daily
by every member of the family
Advertisers aphrei sate this.
hrst, vxti Home iyers. The
Herald Mugs' nie that can
not be reached i i another way.
VOL. XL-NO. 78.
PLCIllIlM SOfflKgra &MWM
. gy
Williams 8c Son, S. Main
E have nlaced on our counters
I MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Children's outincr flannel, lawn and
cambric dresses, and ladies' and children's white aprons. These have
been made specially to our order and
price you would have to pay for the material.
Ladies' Night Gowns with yoke of fine tucks and embroidery, 50. 79
and 90 cents.
Children's Outing Flannel Dresses, 25, 37, So and 79 cents.
" Cambric " 25, 49 and 79 cents.
Lawn 99c, $1.87 and $2.i5.
Infant's Slips from 37c to $1.87.
P. J. GAUGHAN, - 27 N. Main St.
Special Drive in
Our Sprine Line of Ladies' Shoes is
in everything good and
We are making a drive in the Waverly ladies shoe. 300 pair
will be sold at $2 a pair. RegulaPirice is $2.50. This may be
this last of this line this season. We have them in C, D, EX
EE widths. No better shoe
Genera I A gent for trie
n Carpets, Velvets and Tapestries,
Closing OuP
Remnants of FLOOR OIL CLOTH.
The Monroe Doctrine and Schoni
burgk line are the all-engrossing
subjects of the day. There can
be no question regarding The
. . New England Piano
Because our customers (the
arbitration committee) decided
long ago in its favor, conceding
every claim for durability, rich
ness of tone, and beauty of
this week a large assortment of
will cost you no more than) the
Ladies' Footwear I
beintr increased every day. Takes
attractive in the market.
is made for the money.
Snag Proof Duck Boot.
North Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Only the harpy wearers of Morgan's Shoes
can annreciato their real goodness of quality,
fit and durability,
1110 prices are ngui a iriai
will tell a long story,
See oar special in ladies'
Alfred F. Morgan
No. 11 W. Oak Street.
The Fire Alarm System to be Tested
Every Night.
Tbo Frice Continues the Same, But tno
Lights Will Burn on Schedule Time.
The Police Ordered to Abate
Loafing on the Corners.
Tlio Borough Council hold a regular semi
monthly meeting last night which was prin
cipally ilcvoted to n discussion of police reg
ulations and tho adjournment was inado at
an early hour. Tho Councllmcn in nttend
nnco were Messrs. McGuIro, Coaklcy, Lally,
MclSIlienny, Boelim, Straughn, Knglert,
Hand, Magargle, 1). It. James, Gable, liccso,
Murphy, Kerns and President T. J. James.
Borough Auditor Bamberger appeared and
nsked for instructions hs to tho valuation of
borough assets in making up tho annual ru
port. Ho stated flro apparatus, etc., had been
carried from year to year at fixed figures
and wanted to know if tlio Auditors wero
expected to do tho Kimo thing this year.
President T. J. James instructed tho finance
committee, to act' in conjunction with tho
Auditors in tho mattor and placo values upon
tho articles according to their best judgment.
Mr. George W. ISeddall appeared in behalf
of the Columbia IIoso Company nnd asked
that tho Council assist tho company in re
furnishing tlio meeting room that suifercd
from tho flro a few weeks ago. Ho stated
that tlio company is, in a sense, bankrupt,
and assistance was required to refurnish tho
quarters, No action was taken.
Mr. Beddall at tho samo timo complained
of a nuisanco created by men gathering
about his property at tho northwest corner
of Main and Centro streets. Thero was
quite a discussion over tho matter and finally
a motion by Councilman I). It. James that
tlio police bo instructed to prevent loafing 011
all corners was carried.
Supervisor Llewellyn stated that much
trouble was experienced 011 account of people
failing to keep their gutters clean and throw
ing beer kegs and ashes iuto them. Ho
complained that lumber piled in tho gutter
at tlio northeast corner of Centro and
Emerlck streets caused much of the Hood
ing yesterday morning.
President T. J. James stated it was noccs-
sary that the Chief llurgess should take
activo steps In connection with such matters.
Chief Burgess Burns promised to begin a
crusado to-day. Complaint was also mado
against tho condition of West Centre street,
between Chestnut and Gilbert.
Tho bond of Borough Treasurer T. J.
Davies, In tho sum of $20,000, was presented
and ordered to bo recorded.
President T. J. James stated that $239.37,
tho amount duo from tlio insurance com
panies on account of damage to tho Borough
building by fire, has been received.
Councilman JJeeso said tlio repairs on tlio
electric fire alarm system havo been pushed
along, but not quite completed. Ho recom
mended that Council consider tho purchaso
ofhoso. About 1,000 feet of lioso is needed
Action on tho recommendation was deferred,
Mr. Keeso also suggested that a chango bo
mado in tho testing of tho fire alarm system.
Under tho old custom but 0110 box was tested
each week, and this required 13 weeks to make
n circuit of the system. It was decided that.
beginning with to-night, a box bo tested each
night at 7:30 o'clock and tho whole circuit bo
tested at least onco in every 13 days. Tlio
sluglo tests will bo mado by the police and
the general test by tlio electrician. By this
system each of tlio thirteen boxes will bo
tested three times in threo months, instead of
Applications of Lot P. Evans and Mrs.
Thomas McDonald, both of South Jardin
street, for exoneration from taxes, wero
referred to tho finance committee.
A proposition from tho Citizens Electric
Light Company to furnish 41 street arc
electric lights at $108 each per annum, nc.
companicd by schedules showing tho hours
during which tho company proposes to keep
tho lights burning during dIU'erent seasons of
tho year, occupied tho attention ot tho
Council for a while. Tho old contract ex
piros on April 1st, next. Tlio price specified
is tho same paid under tho old contract.
Tho lamn and watch committee was ln
structcd to havo a contract drawn up and
miiki) provision for deductions in caso tlio
schedules aro not carried out.
Tho samo committee was empowered to
procuro bids for furnishing tho police force
with uniforms.
A petition from residents of tho vicinity
of tho corner of Coal and Whlto streets,
praying to have un arc light placed at tlio
corner, was read, but no action lias taken
Councilman Magarglo staled that tbo work
of repairing tbo quartors over the lockup
lias been finished, but work in tho lockup law
been deferred pending a determination of
tho question as to the kind of cells to bo put
In tho placo. Council is disposed to put in
iron and steel cages, If they aro
adopted tho peoplo who indulge .in
war dances after being locked up will not
find it as convenient and easy to toar up
seats, flooring, etc. It la proposed to make a
flooring of sheet iron and havo tho four sides
and top of tho cages made of iron and steel
bars, Tho smashing of padlocks will also bo
abolished by tho substitution of barlocks and
other devices. Mr. Magarglo road bids for
tlio work, but tho matter was laid over until
tlio next meeting to give tho Construction
Committee tlmo to figure on what all repairs
and improvements will cost.
Councilnien I). It. James and Magarglo
stated that tho walls and celling of, tho
Columbia IIoso Company's apparatus room
were in need of repair. They havo been
damaged by leaks. Tho Council chamber has
suffered In a similar manner. President T,
J. James instructed tho Boom and Stationery
Committee to havo tho root of tlio building
examined and repaired. ,
Young man wanted to sell rubber stamps
of all kinds. Big commission paid. All work
guaranteed. Call at onco at 100 W. Line St
E. K. Bittormau, mfr. 3-10-0t
Just received a now lot of window shades,
fixture and shading by tho yard. Wo mak
shades to fit any window. Prices low. At
I Fricko's carpet store. 3-W-tf
A w 1(1,(1(1(1 Conflagration at Oiilrulln Hirly
Tliln .Morning.
Special to Kvesino IlriiAM).
CkKTUAMA, March 20. Flro broko out
this morning, at 2:00 o'clock, lu tbo build
ing occupied by J. Irvin as a dwelling and
grocery store, on Locust avenuu. Tlio ilauios
spread rapidly to tbo adjoining building, oc
cupied by A. 1). Portlier, tho confectlonor.
Tho store of Itohcrt Ball, adjoining tho
I'ortner building, was almost totally des
troyed. Tho Irii block was totally
destroyed, kind tho others aro damaged to nn
extent thai they will havo to bo razed to tlio
ground. '
Tlio loss Is estimated at $10,000, and tho
rigiu of tto firo is a mystery.
At Ilreen'H Itlallo Onto.
Panned oysters on toast will bo served freo
to all patrons to-night.
rrco hot lunch every morning.
Meals scived at nil hours.
Tlio Impottunru of 11 lliisliit'fm Kducatlon.
Young man, do you know that a business
education is worth moro to you, through tlio
attics of life, than great riches ? Do you
know that tho charter member scholarships
f Wood's Collcgo aro being fast taken up by
tho youngjnen nnd women of Shenandoah
and surrouiiding towns ? Do you know nnd
realize tba tho price for a charter member
ship for a combined course is just half price?
Do you Know, if you would sccuro 0110 of
tlieso charter memberships, you should act at
onco ?
Do you know that Prof. S. I. Wood, tho
president ojf Woods' Shenandoah College, is
0110 of tho, most thorough business college
men in tbo United States ?
And do you know, if you would not
miss a charter member scholarship, you must
seo Prof. Thomas Martin, tlio special or
ganizer, or ills assistant, Julia Byrne, at tho
Ferguson IIouso.
Knidrlck llouso Freo I.itueli.
Oyster soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Charged Willi l'ruiul.
Detective liicliard Amour this afternoon
arrested Charles Yarowski, tho West Centro
street merchant, on complaint of William L.
Molly, a talesman for a Boston boot and shoe
linn, who alleges that Yarowbkl bought from
him $140.00 worth of goods and mado tbo
purchaso under tho namo of Bernard Wilson.
Tho warrant was issued by Abner Hummel,
a Justice of tho Pcaco at Ilumniclstowu,
Dauphin county, several months ago, but was
not served on account of a doubt as to tho
Yarowski and "Wilson" beiug tho samo man.
Yarowski deposited with Justico Lawlor a
certified check for $200 as security for his
appearance for trial.
Streets of Placarding.
In a letter to John W. Ciirtln, secretary of
tho local' Hoard of Health, Benjamin Lee,
secretary of tho State Board of Health, says :
Accept my thanks for your admirablo and
most satisfactory report lor tho year 1603.
our showing is in every way most encourag-
ng nnd tho comparison of tlio death rate
witli tiiat of tho villago of Win. Penn as re
gards diphtheria is one of tlio most striking
ovidences of tho benefit of 1 laeardiug that
our Board has over received."
Tho finest lino of 23 cent neckwear can bo
found nt MAX LEVIT'S.
ltlckert's Cafe.
Our freo lunch to-morrow morning will
consist of uico sour krout ami pork.
Messrs, Vulleo and Wilbur, high class
vocalists and musical artists, will entertain
our patrons to-night. Tlieso peoplo havo a
world-wide reputation, having appeared
beforo many of tlio leading social organiza
tions of tbo larger cities.
Beninants of carpets and oil cloths cheap.
at Fricko's carpet store.
Died ut the Hospital.
Michael Pazero, a Lithuanian resident of
this towiullcd at tho Miners' hospital yester
day from tho efl'ects of nn abscess following
an injury sustained in tho mines. Tho de
ceased was 13 years of ago and left a family.
Tlio remains wero brought to town and to day
interincut was made In tho Lithuanian
Throw Stiuw und Stones.
Complaint was mado to tho School Board
authorities to-day that children attending
tho Whito street schools spend too much tlmo
iu the yard of tho building throwing snow
balls and stones nt tbo Lehigh depot and
people who pass tho place. Assurances havo
been glvcu that tho practlco will bo stopped.
Sclieltly House.
Freo for everybody to-night : Boston oyster
soup on toast.
Oysters lu all stylos, Deviled Crabs.
Attempted to iiiinuwiiy.
Tho team of horses owned by T. J.
Broughall, tlio South Main street grocer, tried
to run away this morning, but tho brake on
the wagon was so well applied that the horses
could not get a good start and woro caught
after running a short distance.
Sri'CIAL hat ham:
Consisting of ten cates which we will sell at
$1.50 a piece. This is tho biggest bargain
over oH'ored In Schuylkill county. At MAX
LEVIT'S, 10 East Centre street.
' A Take.
It was reported this morning that Joseph
Trewella, formerly a suloonkcepor of this
town, had been shot at Mabauoy City,
When inquiry was made at tho latter placo
the report was pronounced a fake nnd it Is
impossible to say how the report originated
Who Bald They lluu n Cnugli?
Advice Tako Pan-Tina, 25c. At Gruhler
Bros., drug store.
Continuation Suits
In largo varieties of tho host quality at re
markably low prices. At L. Befowich, Ono
Price Clothing Hall, 10 und 12 South Main
street. 3-20-tf
Colliery l'luoded.
Tho Ellangownn colliery was idlo to-day
ou account of the flooding it received from
yesterday's storm. Tho water was four fcit
deep at tho bottom of tho shaft this morning.
Now and vory pretty waltz "Amphlon," u't
Bruuim's Jewelry and Music store 3-13-tf
Preparing to Send Three More Steamers
Next Month.
The Three Vessels, With Arms and Ammu
nition, Will COBt About $225,000, of
Which $50,000 Has Been Contributed
by a Wealthy Sympathizer.
NEW YonK, March 20. Today's Advor
tlsor publishes tho following: As n result
of a conforonco of tho loading Cuban sym
pathizers in this city held recently tlireo
steamers will bo fitted out within tho next
nix weoks nnd will loavo for Cuban sliorcs
laden with arms nnd ammunition for tlio
insurgents. Tho entire cost of tho expedi
tion will approximate about $225,000, of
which nearly all has been raised, It Is said,
and is now In tho hands of John D. Hart,
tho Philadelphia man who successfully
startod tho Bormuda on hor trip to aid tho
Cuban cause. Of this amount, It is said,
0110 wealthy man In this city nlono con
tributed 0,000.
Mr. Hurt is now in this city. Ho hns al
ready miulo overtures for tho purchaso of
two Btoamors. Ho will probably purchaso
a third, so that tho throo filibusters can
leavo this city lioforo tlio last of April.
Gntllug guns nnd sovoral thousnnd stands
of rlllcs will lo taken on tho steamers, to
gether with 2,000,01)0 rounds of ammuni
tion. Tho present iden, It Is said, lg to clear
tho stonmors for tho Wost Indies, and to
send them far enough Into tho Atlantic to
pass tho outposts of Spanish gunboats on
tho oast of tho island, eventually arriving
at tho southwestern. portion of tho Island.
Ono of thoso most deeply Interested in
tho oxpodltlon said: "Thero will bo no at
tompt nt soorooy. Tho oxpodltlon will
leave horo In six wooks at most, and cap
tains will bo plncod lu chargo of each ves
sel who nro not only thoroughly ncquainted
with tlio Cuban coast, but who nro daring
enough to laud their expeditions safely
with their cargo. Tho plan will bo closely
followed unless something unexpected
happens to prevent It."
rutsT viCTouv.
Unarmed, She Frighten OR n
Spanish War Vessut.
WILMINGTON, Del., March 20. Captain
Steelo, of an oyster schooner now at At
lantic City, told an Interesting story last
evening of an oncountor botween a Spanish
gunboat nnd tho battleship Massachusetts
off that placo on Wednesday. Tho captain
said that while in Atlantio City ho learned
that tho Spanish vessel was off tho const
lylug In vnlt for tho Bermuda, which loft
Wodnosdny morning supposedly with 11
Cuban oxpodltlon. Determined to wltnosa
tho meeting, Captain Steele went out
about twouty miles, where ho saw tho
Spaninrd with Hags flying.
Shortly afterward tlio Massachusetts
hove in sight, Sho had been lylug near
tho capes awaiting favorable weather for
hor builders' trial trip. According to Cap
tain Steelo tho olllcers of tho Spanish ves
sol must havo thought war had boon de
clared, for Immediately on sighting tho
Massachusetts sho hauled down hor ling
and ran away as fast as sho know how.
Tho Massachusetts continued up tho coast
nt a lively gait. An Interesting feature of
tho story is that thoro is not yet any nrmn
mout whatever ou tlio battleship.
Hut the llcrimida Is Out itt Sight.
Washington, March 20. A telegram
authorizing tho seizure of tlio filibustering
steamer Bermuda, under stateii conditions,
has boon sent by tho socrotary of tho treas
ury to nil collectors of customs along tho
south Atlantio coast. As tho Borinudahas
thirty hours tho start ot tho telegram
it Is not oxpectcd that tho steanior will bo
interfered with except by Spnulsh cruisers
when sho arrives In Cuban waters. Tho
telegram says: "If tho vossol Is carrying
an expedition consisting ot arms and men,
selzo her if sho arrives within your juris
diction. Tlio fact that a vessel carries a
cargo of arms Is not sufficient ot Itself to
authorize a seizure."
Chnieil by a SpunUh Steniuer.
Bostos, March 20. Tho British stoamor
Ethclrod, Captntn Hopkins, Just nrrivod
from Jamaica, reports that sho was chased
for an hour anil a half by a Spanish crulsor,
on Wodnosday, March 11, wlillo on hor
outward passage from this port to Jamaica.
Tlio luhclrod was too fast for tho crulsor.
which could apparently mako only about
nine kuots an hour to tho steamer's thir
teen knots. No shots woro llrod. Tho
olllcers of tho steamer claim they wero
outside tho throo mllo limit.
TiiHlructeil tor Governor Morton.
Kkw York, March 20. Tho Hppubllonn
county committee mot last night ami
formally Indorsed tho candidacy of Gov
ernor Morton fur the prosldonoy. The
resolution Indorsing tlio governor was
offered by Lloyd Col I is, whoso father, Gen
oral Collls, Is a contesting delegate to the
St. Louis convention. Tho 1'lutt men In
sisted on n roll call, and tbo resolution In
favor of Governor Morton carried, but
throo votes woro registered In favor of JIo
Kluley. Four ltullers ltluw Up.
WlLKESUAlME, l'a., March 20. A nest
of bollors, four In nil, at tho Pino Itldga
colliery, oporatod by tho Algonquin Coal
company, oxplodod, causing groat oxclto
mont In tho town of Minors' Jlllla. Ono
ot tho bollors wont through tho wood
work of tho bruakor, landing a hundred
feet from the boiler house, ami another
was found over it quarter of a mllo from
tho breakor. No ono was killed.
AVatKou House Free l.uncli.
Fried oysters to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
i Hx-Heiiator Torbert III.
Kx-Stato Senator William L. Torbwt, of
(iirard Manor, Is reported critically ill. He
hns been suil'eriug from heart trouble for the
past tlireo weeks,
116 and 118 North Main Street.
MAX SCHMIDT, - - - Proprietor.
Will be going on tills week. Seo our
window. Any iirtulo FOUIt (TNTS.
How is it possible; you say ! Leavo that
to us we give you tbo article.
One lot, beautiful designs Tc
One lot, more handsome 10C
One lot, exquisite - - - 12c
One lot, worth to mention
One lot, any width - - -One
lot, cotton lace 6
inch wide - - -
Our spring line of Window
Shades at lowest prices.
FELT SHADES, 3x6 foot,
with fringe and spring roller,
Sold everywhere higher, 23C
Without fringe. Sale price 24c
Same with fringe. Sale
price 34c
3x6 feet, with lace fringe.
Sale price - - - - 49c
Our 4 Cent Sale
will indeed surprise you. 15c
low find a few items which will
convince you.
Large dippers. Full 2 quart.
Always 10c. Sale price 4c
Wire tea strainers. Black
wood handle. Sale price 4C
Matches per dozen 4C
India rubber fine combs.
Everywhere 10c, for 4C
Cork screw, 10c any place.
Sale price ' 4C
Any size plate, small or large.
Sale price 4C
Any size goblet, tumbler or
wine glass 4C
Rosewood handle knives and
forks. Sale price, each 4C
Photograph easels of fine
polished wire. Sale price 4C
Wo received n large lot of shell glassos, any
slc, pony beer, largo beer, sninll or largo
whiskeys, with thin or benvy bottom, for 40
each. This is an opportunity to put In your
116 and 118 North Main Street.
We Sell No. 9
Wash Boilers
Every Day For
8 S. Ma
n St.
The administrators of
estate of the late JOHN
GRAF, would inform the
patrons, as well as the new,
that the business will be con
tinued at the old stand, and
that the past reputation for
fair dealing will be maintained
by the present management,
and the same high standard of
goods kept in stock. We
solicit a continuance of the
122 North Jardin Street, Shenandoall.