The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 14, 1896, Image 4

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Wo lmvo Just Tcoclved a largo
stock of crinkled ....
Which wo will sell at (trcatly reduced price,
A five fnot roll for 10 cent,
former price 25 cento.
O- North M ln St.
ISlect P Inn by 1'iipuliir Voto.
Wabhinoton, March 14. At n full meet
ing of the ooinnilttoo on privilege ami
elections Senator Jlitchell, clialnnan of
tho coininltlco, was authorized to report
his joint resolution proposing an nmond
ment to the constitution of tho United
States providing for the election of United
States senators by a direct voto of tho peo
ple The votu In committee was 5 to 1,
three Republicans and two Democrats
voting in the alllrmatlvo and two Repub
licans and two Democrats against.
MutcliliT Not n Candidate.
Easton, 1'a., March H. Ex-Congress-man
Howard Mulchler denies tho pub
lished statoment that ho Is a candidate for
tho Domocratlo nomination for congress
from tho Eighth district. Ho doos not say
positively, however, that ho will not outer
the raco. Congressman Hart Is a candi
date for ronomlnatiou, and Senator Shull,
of Stroudsburg, has also announced him
self. Charlos F. Chldscy, of Easton, will
probably bo the Republican candidate.
ClilcnKo's (Irent Clothing Strike.
Chicago, March 14. In aid of tho cut
tors who are now out on strikolu this city
fc.OOO Chicago union garment workers have
declared a sympathetic strike. This will
cause tho Idleness of as many moro per
sons for whom there will bo no work dur
ing tho Idleness of tho cutters, trimmers
and tailors. The sentiment In favor of
tho strike was practically unanimous.
Walt for Our Sprlup; Opening;.
Wo lmvo just remodeled our largo anil
commodious store room and invito you to
our spring opening on Friday, March SOth,
to inspect our latest novelties of spring and
summer clothing in high grade goods ;it
money-savins prices. Our stock consists of
20 cases which arrived to-day. Itespcctfully
L. Ri:rowirii,
One-Price Clothier,
3-12-tf 10 and 12 S. Main street.
Mown Up by Jfnturnl Gas.
Cincinnati, March 14. A peculiar acci
dent took placo yostorday afternoon at tho
establishment of Rheinstrom lirothers, on
Pearl and Martin streets. An artesian
well was bolng sunk on tho prcinlsos.'nnd
at tho depth of IU0 foot a vein of natural
gas was struck. This rushed up Into tho
boiler room nnd caused a frightful explo
sion, blowing oil tho roof and wrocking
tho boilers and other machinery. Engi
neer Kugono Keofer was seriously hurt
and two others slightly injured. Tho fire
engine noxt door quickly subdued tho flro.
McLaughlin's Comlftloit Alllrmcil.
New Youk, March 14. Tho appellate di
vision of tho supremo court has alllrmed
the conviction of William V. McLaugh
lin, nn ox-polioo inspector. McLaughlin
was convicted Inst May of extortion In re
ceiving foO from Francis J. Scngrlst, Jr.,
through tho medium of his wardman,
James Bums, whllo ho was captain of tho
ilrst pollco precinct. Ho was sentenced to
two years and 6lx months' imprisonment
in Sing Slug. A stay was granted him
ind later a third trial ordered.
Painless Dentistry, 1
New Methods,
New Dental Parlors.
Opera House Block,
Corner Main and Oak Streets.
Entrance on Onk Street.
nfflm lfnnra , R n. m. in R n m
Did tye Hear
You say that your Watch, or
Clock, or Earrings, or Jewelry
needed repairing ?
It so, we are now again fully
able to do all kinds of repairing!
giving you first-class and honest
work at short notice at the most
reasonable prices.
Our extra stock of
Must be reduced and we sel' you
anything iu the store at almost
sacrifice prices.
129 S. Main Street,
From 25c to 60c per yard.
Corner Centre anil West Streets,
Merry SU'luliliift 1'arly.
A merr.r ulelghiiiK jwrty of twenty persons
eljoyed a sleigh ride In one of Xlswentor's
turnouts to llramlonvillo last evening, where
tlity wero (iinrtered at Frank Everett's
hotel. An elegant supper was served at mid
night, which was partaken of by the follow
ing: Mrs. I Herman, Mrs. Charles llornberger,
Mrs. Peter Heimbach, Mrs. llarman, Mrs.
Jacob Waters, Mrs. Klierburt, Mrs. Ulacknmti,
Mrs. Knllcr, Mrs. Ilinduiert'li, Mrs. D.ivld
iMco, Mrs. Steeloy, Mrs. Orth, Mrs. Charles
Evans, Mrs. Jacob Hilclcnbrand, Mrs. John
son, Mrs. Itansler, Mrs. Philip lloclilor, Mrs.
Harry Kecves, Mrs. David Ilrlghtand Miss
Ciissie Hoehler. ' The merry slelghers re
turned home at (I o'clock this morning
thoroughly satisfied with the occasion.
Your Olinlop
Property Xo. r and 7 North Main street,
either with private residence or hotel alone,
Scheilly House. This proposition open for
two woeks. 3-11-tf
Antlnowicz Onsn Settled.
A nol. pros, was yesterday entered in tho
case of Joseph Antinowicfc, of town, charged
.with perjury. Antlnowicz wanted to marry
Ulla Lukus, tho step-daughter of Georgo
Sockalosky, of Wost Coal street. Tho marri
age was stopped at the altar of the Lithua
nian church by tho sudden appenranco of
feockalosky, who opposed tho wedding and
sulweqtiently charged that Antlnowicz com
mitted perjury in swearing that tho girl had
reached tho ago of consent.
It's Wlnnine; New rrlends Dally.
What? Pan-Tina for coughs and colds. At
Oruhlcr Ilros., drug store.
Strong Indorsements.
One of tho host spring medicines on tho
market to-day is Palno's celery compound,
acknowledged by loading physicians through
out tho country to bo what tho proprietors
claim for it. This medicine is not to bo eon-
founded with tho hundreds of common
preparations placed upon tho market it is
the discovery of Prof. Phelps, of Dartmouth
Collogo, and is prescribed by loading phy
sicians in their daily practice. Its merit is
fully attested by tho largo salos in Shenan
doah, the truth of which can bo verified hy
mquiry at any or tho local druggists.
Make Your Hoys Ulnd.
Also your pocket-book by buying your
shoes at factory prices at tho Factory Shoo
Store. Don't forget wo givo you a beautiful
penknife with each $1.00 purchase.
3-13-tf J. A. MoYEr., Mgr.
Killer House CluiugCH Hands
Tho Kaier House at Mahanoy City will
shortly chango hands, the present proprietor,
Charles liurchill, having disposed of his
interest in tho hostelry to Michael Mc
Carroll and the license will bo transferred in
a few days. The new proprietor has been
engaged as bartender at tho Mausiou House
and Kearney's Cafe, Mahanoy City, for
several years past. Mr. Burchill will enter
the hotel busiuosi again and is holding several
olfers under advisement.
For the Kuiuy Season.
A two-capo tingle texture Mackintosh,
$;i.73 ; double texture, $0.23. A nico um
brella. Kxamluc them at
3-5-tf It. F. Gill's.
To Klect Orulid I.oilgo Olllcers.
The Odd Fellows of tho state will hold
election for grand officers at their last meet
ing night this month. The lodges in tho
county will also elect regular lodgo officers.
Tho chief contest in tho Grand Lodge elec
tion is for Grand Warden. Tho leading
candidates are Hiram ' liecker and Samuel
McKcever, both of Philadelphia.
Surprising Prices For Spllng Cupos.
A manufacturer sent us a largo shipment of
capes which wo will close at the following
prices: All wool cloth capes in black, tan,
navy or brown for SOe; O'c; $1.10; 1.4S, $1.03.
These are full length nnd width and splcii'
didly made. Cloth'capes richly embroidered,
$:i.3s worth $3.00. Velvet capes, lined with
ric h brocades embroidered in dozens of now
styles, only $1.30, worth $".C0 each. Separato
skirts, to wear witli shirt waists, mado of
elegant black brocade, lined with rustlo
lining, velvet binding, only $1.0S less than
cost of material j theso goods and prices aro
tho choicest otl'ering of our great clearauco
salo ; our early removal compels us to make
quick selling prices.
3-13-tf L. J. Wilkinson-.
l'olltlrnl Gossip.
Tho Tamauua Itecorder of this week com
ments on political matters as follows :
M. M, liurke, Esq., of Shenandoah, ono of
tho brightest young Demoratsin tho county,
would inako a rattling strong candidate for
Congress. Ho has tho ability, is not con
nected with any "ring" and is no man's man.
Tho young Democracy of tho Mahanoy and
Shenandoah valley would rally to his sup
port on masse.
James McElhcnny, a former Tamaqua boy,
has been mentioned frequently as a candi
date for County Commissioner on tho Re
publican ticket. Mac is too modest by half,
and if his friends, who aro legion, want him
to fill that ollicc, they will have to work up
his boom for him themselves.
A big fight will bo made against Mr. James
I). Ueilly, by tho young Domocraey of the
Mahanoy and Shenandoah valleys should ho
bo a candidate for Congress again, all be
cause certain of the young element of that
party in that section have been disappointed.
At James fioodmun and Co',
liorks county potatoos, 5 bushel for $1.23.
Frosh eggs IS cents per dozen,
lieet pound-print creamory butler 27 cents.
Country dairy round prints 20 cents.
Good tub butter, 10 lb tubs, 18 cents. 2-3-tf
Case Settled.
Steve Zeanal appoarcd before Justice Shoe
maker yostorday and sworo out a warrant
for tho arrest of John Czydwarskl, for tho
breaking of breo panes of glass in ono of
tho windows of Zcanai's residence, on South
Main street. Czydwarskl confessed having
broken tho panes with a stoue and sottled
tho caso by paying costs and damages.
llrenmiu fur Commissioner
Daniel 13. Brennan, ono of tho most promi
nent Democrats of this borough, has an
uounccd himself as a candidate fur tho
olllce of County Commissioner. Mr. lirennan
has always been prominent In tho party
circles, and It will ho a pleasure for every
Democrat to support the party and him when
tho time come. 3-0-1 w
The "V" Program
Tho followiug program will bo presented
at tho meeting of tho "Y" to bo held this
evening : Singing; scrlpturo reading, Miss
K. Spears; reading, Mlsa Clara lost; deeuv
matlon. Miss J. Hughes', reading, Miss L
Brooks; solo, Miss Waslcy; declamation, Johu
Danks; reading, Charles Ilashoro; singing,
"Y," address, Mr. Pugh.
Don't Trille With Coughs uml Colds,
Take Pau-Tina i2Sc i and bo cured. At
G rubier Bros., drug store.
"Tho Country Clrolis."
The name of v.. It. .In..i in... .,
Rr la liner, have lawn t,lmiHfl,1 ,ui, n,
leading dramatic attractions or. thli country,
during which period they liave produced
uiiwnrus oi nny piays, a.u remarkable for
superb mounting and the excellence of their
casts. It is doubtful If they havo ever done
liettor than with tho "The Country Circus"
Which will he the attraction at trAn,n....'.
theatre next Monday evening, combining as
It does three shows iu one, Interesting and
amusing plays, n circus mrade with Its
horses, charioU, bands, animal cages, etc..
and a gonuino old fashioned circus, with Its
graceiui equestriennes, wonderful acrobats,
trained iwoitns fnnritr plnn-m ila,ik,'.,...
and many other sensational features. Not-
wuusiauuing mo enormous expense attached
to this enterprise, the prices will not lie
raised. It Is: almost a certainty that' the
uieaire win do orowueo to tue iloors.
Now and very pretty walhs "Amphion," at
Ilrunim's Jewelry and Music store. 3-13-tf
Assistant to Supl. Veltli.
George Scott, who resigned tho position of
District superintendent for tho P. & It. C. &
I. Company at St. Nicholas, to onter into a
partnership with ox-Senator Kingsomo seven
years ago, will re-enter tho company's sorvico
again, this time as assistant to Mining Super
intendent Vcith. Ho is now tonipomrily at
tending to the duties of Division Superinten
dent Sehreiller, at Ashland, who has been ill
for a long time past. Mr. Scott is ono of the
brightest of tho younger mining men of tho
region and ranks high in his vocation, and
his selection to tho rosponsihlo position in
dicates that his former superiors valuo his
services very highly.
For your fino spring hats at reasonable
pricos, MAX LEVIT'S.
An Old Journalist.
Tho Rev. Archibald Ross, of Brooklyn,
N. Y., who is visiting tho coal regions of
Pennsylvania, partly on the health tour and
partly to disabuse his mind of any fake
impressions ho may havo gathered regarding
tho coal industry and tho llfo of tho miners,
lias long been a journalist on tho Montreal
press, beforo identifying his interests with
tho politics of our Commonwealth. His life
sketch first appeared in tho Newtown
Register, Long Island, N. v., in 1801, and ho
is proud to say that from tho year 1&I0, in
Ontario, Can., when but eleven years of ago,
to tho present time, lie has held close relation
to tho press. Ho is now lecturing .on various
topics, and preaches in Mahanoy Piano
to-morrow morning, and iu Union church,
Morea, at 7 o'clock iu tho evening,
A Catholic Y. 31. C. A.
It is possible that at tho noxt monthly
meeting of tho Archdiocesan Union of the
Roman Catholic church a movement will be
started, to establish an organization in the
church similar to tho Young Men's Christian
Association. Such a movement lias been
discussed for some time by various Roman
Catholic societies, and tho delay in taking
concerted action has been solely to tho fact
that no ouo was ready to tako tho initial
step. Many prominent Roman Catholics aro
heartily in favor of tho movement and will
contributo financial aid for its completion.
AVliltclioitse Case KiuIimI.
Tliero wcro between 00 and 100 cases at the
present term of Crimiual Court in which
nollo prosequi havo been entered and among
them tho case of Joseph Whitehouse. It was
disposed of yesterday. Whitehouso was
formorly employed at tho Shenandoah City
colliery as an assistant boss in tho breaker
and was arrested several months ago on
chargos of larceny and forgery preferred by
tho P. & R. C. & I. Co. Tho specific chargo
was that ho drew wages from tho company
on fictitious names.
1'or Charter Membership,
The one hundred charter member scholar
ships fur Wood's Business Collego havo been
sold, but tho Falo will be continued for a few
days only. Threo departments at the price
of one. Apply to Prof. Thomas Martin,
special organizer, at tho Ferguson House.
McIIoiiry's Iturlesquo Company.
The above company will appear at Robblns'
opera house this evening, at popular prices.
They havo been playing to crowded houses
throughout tho county. Frank L. Arnold,
character vocalist; Mason nnd Mack, come
dians; Elvln and Franklin, tho comedy
tramps, and the largest chorus of pretty girls
playing in Pennsylvania, aro among tho
cast. Ono of tho chief attractions is tho
bare-footed Trilby dance. Tho Tamaqua
Courier says: McIIenry s Lnglish Swells
Big Burlcsquo Company, which played at tho
opera house last night, gavo a vory good per
formance and by special request tho company
will show'again to-night, when tho barefoot
Trilby daneo will be reproduced. Will bo no
different from that at tho World's Fair." It
If your liver fa
out of order,
ness.BIck Head
ache, Heartburn
or Constipation,
take a dose of
Hood's Pills on
retiring, and to
morrow your digestive organs will be
regulated and you will be bright, active
and ready for any kind of work. This
has been tho experience of othors; it will
bo youra if you take Hood's Pills. SCc.
Suits Made to Order at
Blue, Black, Brown and Gray Cheviots, $10.
Mixed Goods, (Stylishly Madoaud Trimmed)
$10, $11, $12, $13 and $14.
Stylish Pantaloons, $3,00 $3.50, $1.00 and
These goods are all well lined
and well made. Every
suit guaranteed to fit.
Kelly & Conway,
no. s
. J. A. Sample Owes Her Strength to This the
Best of All Remedies.
For tho unfortunates who lio awake, star
ing at tho ceiling and counting tho strokes
of the clock, every sleepless night is an
Mrs. J. A. Sample, of 1539 Broadway, New
York city, was afllictcd witli insomnia until
her nerves wcro on tho vergo of prostration.
Slio thinks her condition was duo to indi
gestion. Hero is what Mrs. Sample says :
"I havo used Palno's celery compound
with marked and decided benefit. It is es
pecially useful in insomnia, arising from in
digestion and poorly nourished nerves.
"I should add that my granddaughter,
Vera Hafleigh, was so thin and puny at tho
ago of ten as to cause us tho greatest anxiety.
Wo had no difficulty in inducing her to tako
Paine's celery compound. To-day the roses
bloom in her cheeks, and I never saw a
healthier, stronger child than Paino's celery
compound has mado her.
Tho brain is tho centro of tho nervous
system. Sleep alono rests this vital orgau,
together witli tho nerves. During tho wak
ing hours tho nervous system works inces
MOItlilSOX. On tho 12th Inst., nt Shenandoah,
Pa., Ktta, wife of Maurice Morrison, nrd GO
years. Kuneral will take place on Momtny,
10th inst., at 10 a. m., from the family
residence, 339 IJnst C'entio strict, lteoulcm
ntassat the Annunciation church and Inter
ment In the Annunciation cemetery. Itotntlves
nnd friends respectfully Invited to attend, 3t
jlOU SAIX. SinKleHvelliiiK houxo, No. 331
Wcit Cherry street.
Apply on the
"ANTKIX A girl for general housework.
'-l'l'v a( 11 "!' " t?muu iUUUI Blll'Vl. J,
TjlOIt ItKNT. A store room nt No. 38 North
' Slain street. Apply to Philip lilcrman, 31
North White street. 3-12-1 w
OU HALE. A $500 bond of the Lnkehlo
Itailwny Co., bcarliiif C percent. interet.
Apply nt this olllce.
ITIOU SALE. The water pump, counters nnd
) bar fixtures of the Heheilly House. For
further Information npply to J. K. 1 Scheifly.
I WANT free tests of Satin-Scent perfumes
Klven and orders filled. Five trial bottles
postpaid lOe, Albert Wood, Perfumer, 725
Woodward, Detroit, Mich. Batln-Skln 35c Soap
postpaid 12c 2-21-lm-diw
FOll HALK OK KENT, A brick block on
North Main street, consisting of two three-
story dwelling homes, each house, will be sold
scpcrately or both a& desired. For further In
lormtmou npply at tue iiEitALu on ice, uij-st
English 5vells
20 PRETTY ailtLS,
If you want n good hearty laugh,
see this show.
Popular Prices.
E .-w-. Hnr In mind the fact, and keep It E
E rH nl"'tt' before you when iu need p
5 of wall paper, that Thomas 3
3 Bsvdek has removed hia wnll paper 3
store to 3
g No. 23 S. Jardlti St., E
i Near Davenport's Hardware store, 1
1 23 S. Jardln St.
Call ami ee the new anriuir styles Just I
santly. Poor sleep means a poor nervous
condition, and prolonged insomnia leads in
ovcry caso to prostration, and too ofton to
dread insanity. Tho mischief that results
from weakened ncrvos is much greater and
moro destructive than most folks over dream
Tho all-important thing for nervous, run
down persons, and for thoso who aro losing
sleep is that Paino's celery compound builds
up tho whole physical system, and by im
proving tho digestion and regulating tho
nerves it insures sound, refreshing sleep.
In winter most women and many mon lead
hotliouso lives. A .lagging appetite, a dis
position to pick' at this dish and that, rather
than to cat a squaro meal, Is among tho early
indications of failing health. Then comes
delay in falling asleep and tho fretful, un
easy feeling tho noxt day.
Deliverance from such a miserablo condi
tion by tho uso of Palno's celery compound
has caused men and women from every sec
tion of tho United Statos to writo sincere,
hearty words of praiso and thankfulness for
For the 19U1 carload of
Western Horses
Which William Neiswenter will
dispose of at private sale shortly,
at his stables, comer Main and
Coal streets.
This stock will consist of drivers,
workers and general business
horses, all sound, well bred and
well broken. Every horse sold will
be guaranteed. Our Stables are the
largest and most commodious in
the region, as they are constantly
stocked with horses for sale or ex
change. Anybody in need of a
nice pair of workers or a fine busi
ness or pleasure horse can find his
choice by calling upon us.
Watch This Space . . .
. . . For Day of Arrival.
Barber Shop I
12 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
Is liocoralnc popular. You will like it.
make u specialty o hair cutting,
J P. J. VeaavhoK, Manaoeh.
Tho largest. Grandest, Most Kxiwnsire and
Complete Indoor Entertainment In
tho world.
PRICES, 2Bo, 50c, 76c & Si.OO.
1 1 Iteacrved seats on sale at Klrlln's drug store.
this grand invigorator. Pcoplo enjoying
perfect health sometimes wonder at this
gratitude; but whoever has suffered from
prostration of tho nerves, of which in
somnia is ono of tho symptoms, will under
stand how hard It is to overstate tho tor
ment of this condition. And whoever lias
been mado oompletely well by Paino's celery;
compound feels that no woids can overstate
tho joy and gratitude such persons feel.
This is the state of mind of thousands of
nervous, sickly, broken-down persons who
havo used Paine's celery compound nud been
mado well.
Mrs. Sample tolls of tho happy result in
tho caso of her grandchild. Ono of the most
conspicuous instances of tho remarkable
power of Paino's celery compound over do
hility is shown in tho relief it has allbrded
children, Of courso tho doso is adapted to
tho ago of tho llttlo patient. Tho compound
purifies the blood nnd corrects any tendency
to constipation. Palo, puuy children aro
mado vigorous, rosy and healthy by. this in
comparable remedy.
Shenandoah College I
100 Charter riember Scholarships
Now sold. Tho Bale will bo con
tinued tor a few clays only.
Three Departments at the Price of One.
Call and see tho hrightcst, breeziest, snanpiest
lot of Full and Winter Suitings Sheuan
doah has ever had.
We're experts on fit.
We're dealers In new Ideas.
We're leaders of reasonable prices.
If you aro a hard man to joltwownnt
you to call.
2-q. North Main St.
Art Wall Paper.
Paper : Vour : Home : Artistically
Hut for ns little money as possible Wall
luipers and ropin moulding in all the
lutest coloring's and designs for your
tuirlor, hed room, kitchen, luill or cafe,
i llenutlful Leathers for UlninB rooms,
only DO cents. Coino and seo ourl'riio
House, Sign and Decorative Palntlnp.
Satlsfoctlon guaranteed. Estimates cheer
fully furnished, Bend postal.
1 W. Centre St., Bhsmuidouh, Vo,