The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 12, 1896, Image 4

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THURSDAY. MAKCIt 13, 1990.
Autiouiiccmrnt or Interest to School
Children Hint l.lllli' Tots.
la ImpartHiit that everybody should
know In mlviiueo thiit tlio Philadelphia
1'ruM of Sunday, March IB, will contain 1111
announcement of the greatest Imnortnmo to
nil putiHo miiool pupils. Details cannot ho
given to-day, but It can ho stated that The
Press will make an oiler of cash for
boys ami girls which will astonish every
body. Thore Is nnothor creat treat in (store for nil
who get the Philadelphia Sunday Press next
Sunday, March 15. With it will bo given
free the necessary scenery and cast for the
beautiful fairy play, "Cinderella." If you
wish to please the children get this delight
ful gift for them. They will laugh at tho
cunning littlo mice, their eyes will bo liko
saucers when they s,eo tho Princo niako love
to tho charming Cinderella and they will
grasp at tho transformations made by the
fairy godmother. If yon havo not secured
Tho Press thcatro In which Cinderella and
the other plays given with Tho Sunday Press
can bo produced, you can get It from your
A word of advice order in time. Tell
your newsdealer now that you want next
Sunday s Press and you will bo sure to get
tliis magnificent souvenir. It
Tree IMIIh.
Send your address to 11. K. Hucklen & Co.,
Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr.
King's New Lifu Pills. A trial will eonvinco
you of their merits. These pills aro easy in
action and aro particularly cll'ectivo in the
cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they havo been
proved invalitablo. They are guaranteed to
be purely vegetable They do not weaken
by their action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate tho system.
Regular sizo 25c per box. Sold by A. Wasley,
Will Keep Its Word.
In carrying out its project to raiso funds
with which to erect a building of its own the
National Club not only propGscs keeping
faith to the letter with tho ltoroiigh Coun
cil in return for tho license granted, but will
also do all in its power to please the people of
the region. After the first exhibition there
was some complaint that the club did not
give sufficient encouragement to home talent
and to allay such complaints arrangements
were put on foot to oiler good purses for good
talent of tho region, but it now appears that
certain backers and sports have turned their
attention to keeping that talent out of reach
because they claim tho club was responsible
for keeping tho Glbson-IalIorty fight out of
this town. Tho club will not lend its name
to anything it suspect3 as being in any way
fakish and since tho stand stated has been
taken tho public cannot blamo the club for
going out of tho region to look for talent.
The next exhibition will take place on April
7th. Tim Hurst, tho manager and rcfereo nf
the club, is now engaged in securing talent
and is negotiating with Young Grille, Joe
Walcott, Casper Leon, and other first-class
No Terrors for Them.
C. J. Qulnn, M. M. Ilurko, Kan., Police
man Harry Goodman and Charles Rad
zlowicz faced the storm and possibilities of
long delays on tho railroad this morning
and made a trip to Pottsvillo.
Your Choice.
Property No. 5 and 7 North Main street,
cither with private residence or hotel alone,
Scheilly House, This proposition open for
two weeks. 3-11-tf
Taken on 11 Capias.
Joe Petchulis, who was indicted by the
Grand Jury on achargoof assault and battery
preferred by his wife and failed to appear for
trial, was taken down to jail this morning
on a capias.
Anybody but a mcriiuald can bo fitted at
our store, and likely if ono tamo in sho d
havo a fit, too.
Factory Shok Stouk,
3-i-tf J. A. Moykh, Mgr,
Painless Dentistry,
New Methods,
New Dental Parlors.
Opera House Block,
Corner Main and Oak Streets.
Kntrunco on Oak Street.
Ofllce Hours : 8 a, m. to 8 p. m.
Did We Hear
You say that your Watch, or
Clock, or Karrings, or Jewelry
needed repairing ?
It so, we are now again fully
able to do all kinds of repairing,
giving you first-class and honest
work at short notice at the most
reasonable prices.
Our extra stock of
Must be reduced and we sell you
anything in the store at almost
sacrifice prices.
129 S. Main Street,
From2Sc to 60c per yard.
Oorler Centra ami West Htreets.
An Incipient Ilrpctltlnn or Hint tit r.igni
Years Ago.
Nmv YotlK, Mnroh 12. Tho snow storm
yosterday was Ronoriil throughout Oils
stnto, New Jersey mill n portion of New
England At Nowburgh, N. tho most
Hevcro storm slnoo tho lillzznrd of March
12, 1888, raffed Inst nltilit. Tho jrnlo was
from tho ncirthenst, mill snow foil from
noon until early this morning. All trains
nro late. Tho country roads nro blocked
and tho trolley enrs havo boon stopped on
nccount of snow drifts.
At Mlddlatown tho wind la blowing a
hurricane and tho snow Is drifting badly.
Street enrs linvo stopped nud tho trains
nro nil tlolaycd. Indications nro favorablo
for a blizzard similar to that of 1S83. Sura
toga reports a lieavy snow storm accom
panied by hoavy wind. Tho storm Inst
night Increased to n blizzard. .
At Kingston, N. Y., tho blizzard bogon
farly yostorday morning with a strong
liorihenst wind, which developed Into a
vlolcnt galo In tho aftomoon. Snow be
gan obout noon, Increasing toward night.
It Is Impossible now to soo or to stand In
tho streets, and business Is suspended,
Tho mercury Is ut 25, and Is falllug rap
idly. Tho snow is drifting badly. Trains
are delayed and ferries up tho river aro
Will ba n Total Lou.
NoitTHl-ortT, L. I., Mnroh 12. Captain
Cbarlos Hntes, of tho schoonor, Mary Hates,
bound from Sag Harbor for Now York In
ballast, lost his way In tho blinding snow
fitqfm, and ran his vessel ushoro at Eaton's
Nock. Tho crow consisted of llvo iiioh,
Including tho captain. Two sailors wcro
drowned In trying to roach shore. Tlio
schooner will bo 11 total loss.
A ltlg Simp In 1'hotogruphg
At Richard Dabh's, 20J Wost Centra street'.
A special offer in tho Now Argentic Portrait.
Having secured tho agency we will issue two
hundred tickets through our agents at 50
cents a .piece. To ovqry purchaser of ono of
theso tickets, and $3.00 upon presentation at
our gallery, wo will forfeit a dozen fino
cabinet photographs and a lino Argentic life
size portrait, 10x20 inches. Do not miss this
chance. 3-ll-2t
Now Mandolin and Guitar music, just rc
eived at Brumm's.
Gllisoii Issues a Challenge.
William Gibson, nf Palo Alto', has issued a
challenge to meet Darby McDonald, of Mt.
Carmel, in a limited round contest with fivc
ounco gloves, Marquis of Quconsbcrry rules,
for the sum of ono hundred dollars a side.
Ho will also meet Jimmy Mellale, of Phila
delphia, for 25 rounds or a finish.
LaYigno and McAuliU'o appeared in a six-
round bout last night at Madison Square
Garden, and when tho pollco .stopped tho
light the latter was noarlv out.
Pottsvillo is now a member of tho State
"Dick" Williams, of Honey lirook, issues
a challenge to cngago in a contest with any
145 pound man in tho region, for a purso of
$50 to $100, to drivo threo nino foot holes,
single hammer, in tho hardest kind of rock.
l.lttlo l'rlees 1'or Itlg llargaliiK.
Popular interest in our clearanco sales
inorcases daily and crowds of pleased buyers
throng our storo every hour. Como and seo
tho choice bargains wo offer in every depart
ment. Silks, cashmeres, serges and stylish
dress plaids go at popular prices. Corsets,
hosiery, muslin underwear, etc., in splendid
variety at prices you can t nflord to miss,
Lace curtains and while spreads at lower
prices than ever offered before
20 South Main street,
Marbles nro Cheap.
When tho ground hog makes his appear-
anco again tho gamo of marbles will bo all
the rage among tho boys, but they havo
decidedly tho advantago of young America
of a few years ago. At tho present timo a
few pennies sulllco to start a boy out well
equipped fortho gamo. For one cent he can
purchase this season sixteen commies," two
stono agates, or "shooting men," or ono
largo glass agate, tlio envy of all the boys in
tho gamo. In playing for "keeps" Shenan
doah boys seldom play for anything better
than "commies," A few years ago tho stono
agates cost from one to two cents each and
tho glass ono much more, whilo not more
than llvo or six of tlio "commies" could be
had for a penny.
For the Italny Season.
A two-cape single tcxturo Mackintosh,
$3.75; double texture $0.25. A nico um
brella. Examine them nt
3-5-tf R. F. C.HX's.
lleluscri to l'ay the Claim.
James Welsh, of Ashland, has instituted
suit against tho Metropolitan Insurance Co.,
of N. Y., to recover tho sum of $S0, the
amount of a policy held on thp life of his
uncle, James Grant, who died a short timo
ago. Tho caso was heard before Justice
Charles W. Kramor. Payment of tho claim
is refused on tho ground that Grant, who
was a bachelor, was not in good physical con
dition at tlio time the policy was issued, and
was suffering from bronchitis. Tho court
will be asked to mako a final decision in tho
matter unless tho company makes settlement.
Ladies shod at our storo usually fiilt into
a lit.
Factoky Shoe Stoke,
3-1-tf J, A. Moyeb, Mgr.
To Multo I'unt Time.
The Rending railroad will soon place
on tlio Jiounu ikook route, between
Philadelphia ard New York, a series of
special trains .that will mako tho distance,
between Philadelphia and Now York in 1.05
minutes, which will bo nftecn minutes
quicker than tho best timo now madu by any
train between theso two great cities of tho
Last, Much of tho distance will bo traveled
at a regular speed of U0 miles an hour. Tho
Indications aro that tho Pennsylvania lino
will run a train on competing time between
tho two citloa. There will bo a great rivalry
between tho two railroad companies and tho
traveler will want to go to Gotham In tho
fastest train.
All I-'ree.
Thoso who liavo used Dr. King's Now Dis
covery know its vnluo, and thoso who havo
not, havo now the opportunity to try It free.
Gill on tho advertised druggist and get a
trial bottle, frco. bend your name anil
address to II. K. JIuckleu & Co., Chicago, and
gctasainplo pox ot ut. Kings new J.Uo
Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to
Health and Household Instructor, free. All
of which is guaranteed to do you good and
cost you nothing. A. Wasloy's Drug Storo.
llreiimiii for CoimnlHidouer.
Daniel K. Ilreunan, ouo of tho most promt
ucut Democrats of tills borough, has an
uounccd himself ns a candidate- fur ho
olllce of County C'-ommisslonbr. Mr. lircnnan
has always been prominent In tho party
circles, and It will be a phtisuro for every
I Democrat to support the paity and him when
1 tho timo comes. 3-O.lw
Happening Throughout tlio ltcRlou Chron
icled for Hasty rorusnl.
Twenty-seven days of Lent remain,
Ten PolUh immigrants arrived In town
The night school season of 1805-M closes on
tho 21th inst. '
Another extensive cave-in threatens N'o. 2
shaft at Plymouth.
A groat many repairs aro being mndo at
the Kaglo Hill colliery.
A new drug storo was opened on Iiist
Centre street yesterday.
Thomas Itowo, Valloy baggago master at
llazlcton, hypnotizes cats and snakes.
The new Council of tho Jr. O. U. A. M.
will be instituted at Taniaciua this evening.
John Whcrrity, of St. Nicholas, had a leg
broken while at work in the Sullblk colliery
Win. F. King has been elected chief of tho
Mt. Carmel pollco force. That town now
has four paid ollicors.
The widow of the lato Win. II. Itrlght, of
Ashland, received $20,000 from tho llijuitablo
I-ifo Assurance Society.
Judging from tho arrangements being made
the St. Patrick's Day parade in town this
year will bo a largo onp.
Wellington Hartman, ex-Steward of tho
County Almshouse, Is iiqw running the
Washington Hotel at Mlncrsvillo.
The Annunciation T. A. 1!. Society proposes
having a free lecture on tho causo of tem
perance by a leading advocato of tho causo
in the near future.
Tho Lehigh Valley will, in tho courso of a
few; , weeks, experiment witli an electric
locomotive on tho Mahanoy division. Tlio
locomotive is now under courso of construc
tion nt ouo of tho company's shops and will
bo of largo dimensions.
At James Goodman and Co's.
Fresh eggs 15 cents per dozen.
Best pound-print creamery butter 27 cents.
Country dairy round prints 20 cents.
Good tub butter, 10 lb tubs. 18 cents. 2-3-tf
Steam ltnllrnail Trains 3loiug, Hut Klcc-
Irlo Itnuds Stalled.
Tho snow storm that started so unexpect
edly yesterday afternoon spragged tho wheels
of many avenues of business, but not to an
extent that tho storm of nbout thirteen
months ago did. All tho steam railroad lines
aro in operation and no trains failed to get
through, although several missed connections
by arriving ' from thirty to forty-fivo
minutes lato.
Tho electric railways wcro less fortunate.
Tho tracks were buried last night and no
cars were run into town to-day up to noon
At noon to-day the Lakeside Electric ltail
way Company succeeded in getting its track
clear from Mahanoy City to Indian Itidgc
colliery, but two cars wcro required to make
a trip ono way.
Supervisor Llewellyn was out early this
morning'with a gang of men who wcro put
to work" making passago ways through tho
drifts at street crossings and to this activity
the people wcro indebted to day for a reduc
tion of inconvenience- in many parts of tho
l'lrst or All, lied l'hig Oil, Sflc.
What for? Aches, pains, bruises.
Gruhler liros., drug store.
II. A. Swalm is preparing to rcruovo
William Williams, of town, is visiting
friends in Crcssona.
Fred. P. Kline, of Mahanoy City, who is
well known here, has gono to Chicago to
Charles Ilurchill, of tho Kaler House,
Mahanoy City, was a town visitor last even
ing. Mrs. C. D. Kaicr, of Mahanoy City, is con
fined to the huitse by a severe attack of
Mr. Graham, representing Megargeo Bros.,
paper manufacturers of Scrautou, was in
town yesterday.
Miss Jennio lloberts, of North Market
street, has accepted a position as cashier at
Goldin's Mammoth Clothing Houso.
James M. Mullahey, of East Centre street,
one of our efficient school teachers at Turkey
Bun, is confined to his homo by Illness.
Boceiver of Taxes M. J. Scanlan and
Letter Carrier Henry Iteilly attonded tho
funeral of Michael Gerrity at Ccntralia to
day. Messrs. Frank Brennan, John A. Bellly,
Jr., Georgo Kciperaud John Grant attended
tho performance of "Sowing tho Wind" at
Mahanoy City last evening.
Bcnj. Daddow played tho piccolo and O.
C. Thomas tho drum and traps in tho
orchestra nt tho production of "f owing tho
Wind" at Mahanoy City last night.
Joseph A. Coughliu, operator at Shonan
doah, is representing tlio Majestic cycle
house, and was looking for orders in town
last evening. Mahanoy City Itccord.
llucklon's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo, in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevor sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no nay renuircd. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mouy refunded. Prico
25 cents per box. For Bale bv A. Wasloy.
Itoys anil Girls, Take Notice.
Tho Philadelphia Pross announces that
Tlio Sunday Press of March 15 will con
tain on offer of special interest to pupils
and teachers of tho puhlio and normal
schools everywhere'. Wo aro not at liberty
to state what tlio oiler is, but betray no con
fidence vhcn wo say that Tho Pross lias given
us assurance that the best interest nf the
young will bo Involved. Every boy mid girl
who goes to school should see Tho Press of
Sunday, March 15.
A Cood Thing for u Hail Cough,
What? Pau-Tiua, 25c. At Gruhler Bros.,
drug storq
AVI 11 Change Their Quarters,
Miss Maggio Stank returned from a two
weeks' business tour to Philadelphia last
evening, where she attended tho purchasing
of spring styles of millinery, Tlio Misses
Stank will shortly removo from their present
location on South Main street, to tho Kohlcr
building, on North Main street, where they
will occupy tho store room recently vacated
by Mrs. G. W. Hyde'H millinery establish-
ment. . '
Walt for Our Spring Opening.
We have just, remodeled our largo and
commodious storo room and Invite you to
our spring opening on Friday, March 20th,
to Inspect our latest novelties eP spring and
summer clothing in high grado goods at
money-saving prices. Our stxjck consists of
20 cases wwcu arrlvcu to-uay. i.ospoctiuiiy
L. Rkfowich,
One-Price Clothier,
3-12-tf 10 and 12 8. Main stroct.
HOOD'S PILLS euro Liver Ills,
UUioiisness, Indigestion, Headache.
A ileiia-nt Iaxativjo, All Druggists.
"Country Circus."
Ono of tho best theatrical entertainments
over given In this town will bo that offered
by C. 1!. Jefferson, Klaw & Lrlanger's
Country Circus, which will bo tho attrac
tion nt Ferguson's theatre next Monday
evening, March 10th. In addition to being
a splendid comedy production, tho play Is
certainly a great novelty and supplies to
young and old ono of tho most enjoyable
entertainments Imaginable. It seems to
havo about it tho very brcestlness of tho
white tents. Tho play which leads up to tho
circus is presented by n cnpablo company,
among whom aro Messrs A. V. Gibson, II.
Miller Howard, Harry 11. Itorhc, Jamos A.
Falchney, Misses Nellie Ilsmond, Anna
Whiting, Mr. Itobcit Stickney, Jr., Miss
Louiso DeMot, Laliuo Drothors, Prof.
Hnrry Howard, Lotta Watson, Millie- Cerito,
tlio Four Del Vcechios and "Muhloon" tho
wrestling pony. A first class band and
orchestra, under tho loadorshlp of Prof.
Thompson, is also n feature.
Special llargalus.
Laco curtains 49 cents, worth 75 cents;
toweling 1 cents, worth 5 cents; whito
blankets, 40 cents a pair ; best, ginghams, 5
cents per yard j whito apron check, 3i cents
ner yard : tho best gray twill flannels, 15 contS
a yard ; a few Misses' long coats at half
prjee. This salo for Thursday and Friday
only. At P. J. Moxaohan'h, 30 South Main
street. 3-ll-3t
Ol, Ituary.
It is with regret that wo announce: tho
death of Mrs. Elizabeth Morrison, tho
timable wife of Maurice Morrison, tho East
Contro street hotclkccper.aud niembor of tho
Board of Health. Tho deceased, was 09 years
of age and had been ailing for somo time..
Mrs. Morrison left three children, Mrs.
Cornelius Leahy, of Gilbcrton ; John
Morrison, who is in tho West; and
a daughter who resides at homo. Tho
funeral will take place at 10 o'clock on
Monday morniug and requiem mass will ho
held in the Annunciation church. Inter'
mcnt will bo made in tlio Annunciation com
MnitniKON'. On tho 12th Inst., at Shenandoah.
l'n., Kllzn, wife of Maurice Morrison, aged 09
venrs. I-'iinernMull tako nlace on Monuay
ioth Inst., nt 10 a. m., from the family
vnulilnttf,. ana l-'.net. fVntrn t-frrff-t. ltpmilpm
lnnsn at the Annunciation church and Inter
ment in the Annunciation cemetery, lfwntlves
and friends respectfully invited to attend. 3t
PZZl for over SS TrS
JTxll nat77?
C I, , ,,. '&
NEURALGIA ani similar Complaints,
ana prepared unaor me siriDgcnc
!k - ll.. 1L 1-1 J -I .
vyicscnoeu uy emmwrt puyaici&as apr"
ilK. RlnMTFR'K gWjM
World refirtwnpil t rtumnrkahW fmr r-.nfutfnlt
Only genuine with Trade Mark 'Anchor,"
aa. iucnter a uo.. zis m:i ut., I w i
12 Branca Houtcs, Ova Glassworks,
ti k 50 cts. in Hhcnandnah for mile by
1". 1'. D. Klrlin, 0 S. Main nt ai.
itillnn, 7 8. Main bt.. t. ll. "a-
gcuoiicii, ;v. is. cor. Aauipy
vui s""- jfPv
JL' 1". J. I-'kimttook, Manaokr.
MONDAY, MARCH 16th, '96
The I-nrgcst, Grandest, Most Kxpenslvo and
Complete Indoor Entertainment In
tho world.
PRICES, 25c, BOc, 75c & $1.00.
Reserved beat on sale at Klrlln'n drug store.
"11T ANTED. Lady or gentleman to distribute
samples everywhere: big money to
hustlers; position permanent. Kncloso stamp.
Hwlss Herb Tea Co.,' Chicago, it
CI.ERK WANTED. Upon application at the
llKHALii office, n lady can secure a position
as clerk In a store. U-12-tit
1j)OU KENT A store room nt No. 3S North
J .?Iill,,.,ftrct'V -Apply to Philip lllernian, 31
North White htuet. 3-12-liv
T?01 -8AI.U.-A $500 bond of tho Lakeside
r , 'J W C';' ,,rarlng 1 per cent. Inter,t.
Apply at tills oillte.
IjOIt SAI.K. The water pump, counters nnd
bar ilitures of the r-eheilly House. For
further Information apply to J. K. 1 Schelfly.
1? SAI.E.-l)eBmblehrlek hotel and dwel
1? ling known as Dormer's Atlantic Garden.
Kor terms apply to Mrs. M. Dormer St. Clair
1 ll- 1-31-lw-eod
T -W ANT free tebts ot fintln-Hcent perfumes
JL given and orders filled, l'lve trial bottlrs
postpaid 10c... Albert Wood, Perfumer "
Woodward, Detroit, Mich. Hatln-Hkln SSoHonn
postpaid 13o a-SMratUw
MEAT ' MAItKKT I'OU BAI.E.-A meat mar
111 Ket, situated within the borough of Shen
andoah, with (laughter house, borne niul wngon,
and all tho necessary equipments for runnlnga
buslncm in Hrst-class stylo, will he Hold at a liar,
gain, in, the proprietor wishes to retire from the
butcher business entirely. Apply at thin ofllce.
3-3-1 w
Our Spring Stock
Of clothing has now arrived, which
cousists of a large stock of fiuo
Men's, Boys' and Childrens
Suitings In Straight Cut, Frocks,
Single and Double Breasted Coats
and Sack Suits.
Our Combination Suit
Is a quick seller. Children's Suits of numer
ous designs can bo found in this stock.
Corner Main and Cherry 8t., Shenandoah, Pa.
f From Marion McBride. fl
Jsr-'Boti J
i ' dainty g
', and Tho Modern Cleaner.
I ' practical
artlclc5.'. )
AP3 A T IVI 10 acres clear, and with option
rT-iViil- of purehasliiK 100 acres timber
land adjoining. Dwelling and barn and all
necessary out bulldlnps In KOnd order nml
repair. Will be sold with or without stock and
farmiiiR Implements. Coal is supposed to under
lie this property. Within 3 miles of a first-class
market. Will trade for town property.
APADn 173 acres, near Zlons Grove, 7lf
r"Vl acres clear. Dwelling cost over
(2300. Good barn and out buildings. Stock and
farm Implements.
Must sell to dlsolve partnership.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Above parties will negotlato tho salo of any
good licensed property in Shenandoah,
3 Hear In mind tho fact, and keep It
V-H always before you when In need
nf wnll Tinner, that THOMAS
3 Snyder has removed his wnll paper 3
3 storu to
No. 23 S. Jardln St., g
I Near Davenport's Hardware Store, P
S3 S. Jardln St. 3
I' J Call nnd see tlio new spring styles Just P
E Issued.
For the 19th carload of
Western Horses
Which William Neiswerifer will
dispose of at private sale shortly,
at his stables, corner Main and
Coal streets.
This stock will consist of drivers,
workers and general business
horses, all sound, well bred and
well broken. Every horse sold will
be guaranteed. Our Stables are the
largest and most commodious in
the region, as they are constantly
stocked with horses for sale or ex
change. Anybody in need of a
nice pair of workers or a fine busi
ness or pleasure horse can find his
choice by calling upon us.
Watch This Space . . .
. . . For Day of Arrival.
and can't pet It, then come to us for
it. We carry the best of ,
Groceries, Butter and Eggs,
Our flellverv wncrnn nwntfjj Vnur itrdrr ' (Incula
.li.ll..j .....1..
29 East Centre Street,
It cures Cuts, Hums. Bruised, Scalds, Ulcers,
llolls, Carbuncles, Abscess, Etc. For sale by
C. II. HAQENUUCH, Druggist,
North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Wo have just reeelvcd a largo
stock of crinkled,. , . .
Which wo will sell at greatly reduced pricos.
A rive 1001 rou lor u cuius,
former prico 25 cents.
North M a'n St-
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Cigars, Tobacco, &o. Agent for Heading
llrewing Co.'g llcer and Porter.
11 and 113 S. Main St
Goto tho Shenandoah Dental Tn,. -painless
extraction of teeth. ($d and Sllv
llHlngs If your nrtlflcnl teeth do no? stflt
you call to see us. All examinations frto
Vo make all hinds of plates. Bold ! Crops'
Aluminum Crowns Lorbii Crowns, Crown
and llridgn work and all operations that tr
tain to Dental Surgery.
No chargos for extracting when plates aro
ordered. Wo nro tho only users of vitaliasd
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Tltman's Block)
taet Centre Street.
Ofllce Ilqurs: 7 n. m. to 8 p. m.
Shenandoah College I
100 Charter flember Scholarships
' Now sold. The salo will bo con
tinued for n few days only.
Three Departments at the Price of One.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Evan J. Davies, 4
Undertaking I
13 N. Jardin Street.
Art Wall Paper.
Paper : Your : Home
'But for ns llttlo money as possllilo. Wall
tia'pcrg find room moulding In nil .the "
latest' eolorlncs ' nnd designs for ypnr
iinrlor. bed room, kitchen, hall or cafe.
Beautiful Leathers for dining roodis,
only 00 cent?, Como and see our l'rlte
Designs. I
House, SIffn and Decorative Paln(Wj
Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates cheer-
. , luiiy.iuriusneit. Send-postal,
231 W. Centra Bt., Slunandoah, Ta.
Call and Ken tltlh lirlahtf hrAnTtoGt. Knnnntesfc'i
lot.oC-ralUnd Winter Suitings ShciiUn- 1
'doali has oypr Jiad,
We're experts on fit. .
We're dealer's In new Ideas.
1 We're leaders of reasonable prices.
If you aro a hard man to suit wo want
you to call.
2 North Main St.