The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 11, 1896, Image 2

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KSTAltt.lSlli:i) 1820.
Published every Evening, Except Sunday, at
8 South Jahiiik SrHKKT, Nkak CwiTnK.
Eho Herald Is deilveied inSheimnn'oali and the
surrounding towns for six cents a week, lay
able to tlie carrier. Hy mnll W OO a year, or 25
cents n month, imyiihlc in advance. Advertise
ments chanced according to space and position.
The publishers reserve the rlnht to change tlio
Dosttiou of advcrttemoiits wliencver tlie iu1h
Mention ot news demands it. Tlio right la
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
fiaid for or not. that tho publishers niny deem
mproper. Advertising rates inado known
upon application.
Cntered at tlie postolllce at Shenandoah, l'n., as
eoond class mail matter.
Evening Herald
WEDNESDAY, MAltClI 11, 180(1.
To the ltcpiibllcan electors of Pennsylvania :
The Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly
chosen representatives, will meet in State con
-ventlon Thursda) , April w 1W6, nt 10 o'clock
a. in., in tlie opera house, city of Harrisburg, for
4he purpose of nominating two candidates for
representative ut-large In Congress and thirty
two candidates for Presidential electors, the
selection of eight delegates-at-largo to tho Ito
jiublk'nn National convention, and for the
rnnsactlon of such other business as may bo
It)- order of the State Committee.
M. S. Quay,
Attest: JKttBll. IIkx, Chairman.
'V. li. Anukkws, Secretaries.
Holmiis Is tlio oloventh nmhlerar for wlium
i death warrant lins been issued by Oovurnor
li stings during his term of office. Six were
li.iuited and five were granted a couiiiiutntion
to life imprisonment.
The Willlamsport Times appeared yester
day as an eight pttgo lmper, brimful of tlio
latest telegraphic news and artlclesof special
interest. With this Increased size the price
will remain the same one cent. Tlio Times
is one of our most valued oxchiingcs, and has
a bright future before it.
The appointment of ox-Coiigrcsstnnn
.lames H. Kellly us United States Marshall is
looked upon by leading Dcniociatic politicians
in this dimity as loinoviiiK that gentleman
.from tlie Held as a euudidato for tho Con
gressional nomination. This may bo true;
nevertheless Jamos I!, still lias tlio Demo
cratic organization under his thumb, and lie
will liavo considerable to say as to who will
secure tlio nomination.
Or the dense forests that once covered the
greater part of this commonwealth wo have
Ij.irely twenty-five per cent. left. We ought
to try to keep that and lcplaco what has
gone, so far as we can. That is tho object of
Arbor days which the Oovornor has just tot
for the 10th and !21tti of April. Let ocry-'
body get ready to i-et out a few trees, not
only on Albor days but whenever tlio op
portunity presents itself.
In the light of recent events, it appears an
expensive recreation to iuterfeio witli tho
borough police in tho performance of their
duties in arresting violators of tho law. Xot--witlibtandiug
the fact that tlio authorities
von each case, thcro aro somo pciplo who
-dill believe they can do as they please, and
annoy the otllrcrs of the law, hut a bill of
ooits may bo the mian of changing their
.i - in this respect.
All doubts about tho lukewiumnchs of
or.ikor's suppoitof ox-Governor McKinluy's
candidacy for tho Presidency havu been re
moved by the opening speech of tho Senator
clect before tlio Ohio liepublican Convention
yesterday. Thcro was nothing perfunctory
-or half-hearted about it. It was open, frank,
enthusiastic, and it almost touched the point
of eloquence Tlio great apostle of protec
tion emi well feel proud of Forakcr's lauda
tory .remarks.
Tiikki: was a unlquo political gathering in
'Pittsburg to-day, tlio object of which w;is
tho formation of a new party to includo tho
Populists, I'ruhiljitionistB, L'oxeyites and
other so-called reformers. Think of tho
Ooxeyite with his beer can nnd tho Prohibi
.tionist with his cold water idca3 consulting
with each other with a view to the formation
of a now political organization and afterward
inarching together in a political campaign I
The incongruity of the thought is most
amusing. And yet this is tho very purpose
for which the conforeuco is called the
wlidiying of these uucongcnial elements into
rfjne hoiiHigeneoui whole.
That niotonneii ought not to enter into
c onversation with uuybody while operating
cars, is the lesson to be learned from the
doclsiou of tho Superior Court in tiie case of
Albert Heuno against tho Peoplo's Hallway
Coiniiauy of Sn-.inton. Tho evidence sub
mitted in tho case was that thiough tlio
"gShxence of a niotorman in tlio company's
nbkiloy a child was run over hy a street car
givitlilled. At the timo of the accident tlio
work ftin was engaged in talking to a per
reasoilti was uot laying any attention to his
tho child ran in front of tho ear nnd
Qo. The company had to pay $775
Tho rulo forbidding paegors to
W ATCHLfndnt platform should bo strictly
Clfitworothoro would bo loss
n result of the brutal fight between
Million nd Laffurty, at Win. Peiiu on Satu'r-
UVluy uight, fully warrants tho position taken
by the lturough authorities of tills town iu
prohibiting encounters of this character in
Shenandoah. In granting permission to tho
National Club to conduct athletic exhibitions,
it was given with the understanding that no
'fakes" should bo allowed. Tho carnival
jiiven by tlio club lat month was positive
proof that the members of that organisation
have not only tho couudonee of the author!
tics but tlio peoplo In general, and that thoy
propose furnishing entertainments that tho
most fastidious can find no fault with
Atldotlo exhibitions, such as tlio National
Club give, aro not ouly patronized but on
couraged by tho leading aud influential
itizeus of all tlio largo cities.
Closlii); Quotation of tlie New York and
l'hllmlrlphlil Exchanges,
Knw Yohk. Maruh 1(1. To-day's stack inur
kot foil slightly below yeBlerday's record in
liolnt of activity, and was a purely profes
sional nITalr. Closlnir bids:
Baltimore Ohio 17W New Jersey Cen . mH
Del. & Hudson. ....11
N. Y. Central . . HTW
1).. Ij. & W 161M5
Krle !,
Lake Krle & W ... W
Lehigh Nav 48(
Lehigh Valley..... SHJS
Pennsylvania .. fiiH
Heading 11M
Ht. Paul 77M
V. N. Y. Pa .... 'i
West Shore
General illmuct.
Pint.AiiKLi'iilA, March 10. Flour steady;
Mnter superfine, $.6uas.7fS; do. extras, tt.'i
fi3; Pennsylvania roller, eletf. $.1.ii8.M; do.
do., straight, $J.0A(&3.7Gj western winter,
clear, S3.5U03.M. Wheat dull, with 72c. bid
and TiHu. asked for March. Corn quiet, with
lie. bid nnd&Mo. asked for March. Oats dull,
with auHa. bid nnd SftMo. asked for March.
liny steady; choice timothy, S10.M8I7 for
large hules. lleef steady; family, JKK&1-; extra
mess, J7.MX88; beef hams, JU.iliaiG; packet,
fitaiCV): city extra India moss. St03.l7.5o.
I Pork llrm and active. Lard firmer; western
steam, 8 i.OO. Putter firm; western crenmcry,
143$to.; do. factory, 8t13o.; l-'.lgtns, 'Jic: imi
tation creamery, llKQlBc.; New York dairy,
liable; Pennsylvania and western creamery
prints, extra, S3c; do. choice, .'c.;do. falrto
good, 18ft!lc.; prlnlB Jobbing at Sl37c. Cheese
quiet; large oaMMo.; small, OOlOMc; part
skims, Jflt.; full skims, 3ffi2Kc. Kggs ir
rogular; New York nnd Pennsylvania, IU
12Hc; ice house, S2.MWl2.Sl3; western fresh,
11H31WC.; southern. 10WUJ4o.
1,1 ve Storlc .Markets.
NnwYoitK, March in. lleeves aro steady.
Calves steady. Veals. Si oi7.6U; fed calves, $3
(aVJ.50. Sheep steady to llrm nt yoaLi'i; lambs
stonily at 1.0095.1? for eoo I to choice; spring
lambs nominally firm. Hogs quoted at $1.40
EAHTl.IIimiTV.Pa.. March 10. Cattlehigher;
prime, S4.4(li4.IVI; mixed butcliors, S3.75ia4.Kli
roughs, $8.Bfl3.M). Hogs active: Phllarlel.
phlas, $I.BSi&4.00; best Yorkers, 81.43lii4.50;
heavy hogs, 81 .30l.4'): best pigs, 11.30444.40;
roughs, $334. Sheop active and higher; prlmo,
f'l.WIJH: good, S3.753.8.i; common. S-.7.ij3.15;
common to good lambs, $3.301.00; veal
calves, 6G.7.3.
Carpets nnd Oil Cloths
Aro marked away down at Fricko's carpet
Suspected Train llobbers Arrested.
JoLlKT, Ills., Jlnrcli 11. Tho .Toilet po
lice arrested llobert Uuwon and Joseph
l'clkey, two of tlio ullepecl robbers who at
tempted to hold up the Hook Island pas
senger train at Hockdiilo, near this city,
early .Sunday morning. A warrant is also
BWurn out for a third person. Tho two
prisoners liavo nothing to say regarding
tlio chargo ngninst them. They admit
however, being on tho truin.
Tortured to Death by Tramps.
WASAU, Wis., March 11. George Illnnk
was frightfully tortured by four tramps
nnd dlod Monday night. Ho was burned
with red hot irons in nn effort to compel
him to reveal tho hiding placo of his
money. Tho tramps secured only $1. Thoy
lmvo boon arretted.
CIIITord's Shot Proves Fatal.
New Yohk, March 11. V. G. Vatson,
superintendent ot the West Shore rail
road, who was shot Inst Friday ovonlng in
Hobokei) by ex-l)etectivo Edward Clifford,
whom ho hud discharged, died yesterday
lit llooscvclt hospital.
I'ven in tlie mot severe casos of sprain or
bruise, cut or bum, Thomas' Eclectric Oil
gives almost instant relief. It is tho ideal
family liniment. .
Itaines Kxclso lllll Pnssed.
ALBANY, Mnrch 11. Tlie llainos excise
Mil was put on Its llnal passage In thosen
nto yesterday and adopted liy a vote of ol
to 18. According to iScnaior Raines the
effect of tlio bill will bo to prevent corrup
tion in oxclso boards, to stamp out low gin
shops, and to greatly reduce bunday sell
lug and other violations of law by saloon
keepers. Although ho expects the uum
bor of drinking plueos to bn reduced from
23 to 10 per cent., ho hulds that tho in
crease in tho licenso foe will prevent loss
of rovenuo.
Killed Ills Ilrldo nnd Himself.
ALLHNTOWN, - Pa., March li. Fldol
Trltschlor, uged 81 years, a prominent
baker, nnd 11 moinbor of select council
murdorod his wife yostordny, and then
fired two bullots Into Ills own brain, dying
soon nf tor. For moro than a wcok past
Tritschlor has boon Buffering from Insom
nia, and it is thought ho committed the
murder yvhilo temporarily insane. The
couplo had been married less than six
months, and woro to nil iippoarnuccs per
fectly happy.
It Is not what we say, but what
Hood's S.-sapar!l!a does, that tells tha
story of Us merit.
The thousands of people whom it litis
ra'sed from disease and despair to happi
nejs and health, are tho strongest aud
boat advortlsemcafs Hood's Sarsaparilla
has. No other preparation in oxistenco
Las such a record of wonderful cures.
This is why Hood'j Sarsaparilla 1ms the
largest sale, and requires for ita produc
tion the largest laboratory in the world.
Now if you need a good medicine, why
not try that whieh has done others bo
much good. Rsm-uber
flood's Sarsaparilla
Ss the Only
Trao Blood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye. l; sir torfS
t.y n rM9 set
harmoniously with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Willi II. V. MHI.T.KT, e practical horseshoer,
and avoid any of tho St ilisew-e orlniiiutiiiK
from Iniprnnei hearing All dikooies o( tho
fuet given personal
Bouth Market street, between Ccntro and Oak
streets, shenandoali,
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Cigars, Tobacco, &o. Afi't for Heading
iirow lug uo.'H uecr ami i-oncr. r
116 and 11Q S. Main St.
"Ise in Town Honey."
j Pancake
1 Flour.
" A combination of the great staifo f.
iof life WHEAT, CORN and RICE. I
" ?
1 Bo Sure You Get tho Red Package, I
" liny n paekago of Oenutno Anlit
"Tniiilma's Kelf-llMne; I'anrnhp I'tinir. w
2 and If you do not find It makes tlio lic.t
nlins you ever ate, return tlio empty
box tf your grocer, leiivft yttur iittine,
tlio grocer wilt refund the mime
uud chargo It to us ;
Scientifically rrrpsred and
m Manufscturtsl uniy by
n.T. DiVIS MILL CO., St. Joseph, Ko J
S Send 4 cents in stnmns for a set of Aunt 5
s Jemima and her Pickaninny Dolls. 5
Disastrous Floods In Hut-ope.
Viessa, March 11. Tlioro has been n
lienvy snow full for three days in Austria,
followed by a sudden tluiw, which lias
cnused disastrous results. Tho tolephone j
service lias been disorganized, and tho j
Vienna streets are a notwork of fallen 1
wires, hlnderlug truffle. There have been '
floods In the Alpine districts of Tyrol an I 1
In Hohemln, with nvalanelips nnd lnnd
blidos on tho railways. It is feared that
ninny llvos hnvo been lust.
liKltus, March 11. Tlioro liavo boon ex
tensive Hoods In tho west mid south ol
Germany. Tho Hhlue, Mo'iolle, Mainoand
Necknr aro till ovorilowod, nnd havo sub
merged 11 wido stretch of country, causing
much damage. A bridge is said to havo
fallen at Pfortdhoini wlillo a train laden
with passengers was crossing, anil eight
persons wore drowned.
Tho Atlantic City Klcctlon.
Atlantic City, March 11. Tho muni
cipal election hero yesterday passed off
quietly. The full Kepulilioun ticket was
elected, with tlio exception of Councilman
Itoso, who was defeated by George Cluin,
Democrat, in tlio Third ward Tho follow
ing will bo tho city's olllcers: Mayor,
Franklin V. Stoyj recorder, Uobort If. In
gorsoll; nlderman, Jnmes D. Southwick;
tax collector, C.irlton Godfrey; -treasurer,
Jamos A. Jeffries; marshull, C. L. .Fort;
overseer of tho poor, Hobort Dunlevy;
counellmeu, K. A. Parker, K. F. Hanu,
Georgo Cluln aud W. A. Ireland. Two
constables, one justice of tho peaco and
five Republican freeholders weru also
Kid Yourself of Jtlielllliatlsin.
Buy 1'cd Flag Oil, U5c. At Gruhler Ilros.,
drug store.
Clinrged with Grand Ijirceny.
New YoitK, March 11. Graham Mc
Adani, a lawyer, was arrested yotorday
011 a bench warrant charging him with
grand larceny in tlio second degree in con
nection with tho Lloyds Fire Insuranco
compnnles. Ho was committod to tho city
prison by Judge Xowburgor. Ho will bo
nrraigned this afternoon, when ball will
bo ilxed. There nro two indictments against
MoAdum, charging him witli soiling bogus
charters. Assistant District Attorney Bat
tlo said of tho caso: "Tho premiums in
tlio fraudulont compnnios exceed flvo mill
ions of dollars a year. McAdam has been
connected with fifteen or twenty of those
companies, and thoro liavo been ISO of
them organized slneo 181)2." It is alleged
that only about 15 per cent, of tho so called
Lloyds companies havo boon working un
der lcgnl charters.
"I was completely covered with sores.
Every muscle in my body ached. Had been
sick for five years. Doctors could do mo no
good. Most of my timo was spent in bed ;
was a completo wreck. Ilurdock Wood
Hitters liavo completely cured mo in three
months." Mrs. Annie Zocpen, Crookstown,
DouogliiiH Btlll the Skating Champion.
Washington, March 11. A raco over a
mtlo and a half courso for tlio indoor skat
ing championship of tho United States
and. Canada was won hero yesterday by
Joo Doiiogliuo. Harloy Davidson was sec
ond and Howard Moshior third. They
wero tho only competitors.
Four hundred coal miners nt Palmyra,
O., nro on astrlko because of a disagree
ment as to tho slzo of screens.
Dr. Charles N. Motcalf, secretary of tho
Indlnna state board of health for somo
timo, died nt Indianapolis, aged CO,
An unknown man entered a Donvor
jewelry store, snatched a J6,000 tray of
diamonds from a show window, nnd es
caped. Tlio coming mnrringo of tho widow of
Thomas 11. Sloano, of Now York, will gleo
to Yale college W00.0O0, which she foffcits
by remarrying.
In n fight between Italians In Now York
last night Nicola Lombard was fatally ami
another man seriously snot. .Mcolo III
uniorl was arrested. '
Tho Now York board ot aldermen has
voted to accept tho Helueinouument, con
lornlug which thorohaOmn considerable
controversy among im societies.
Govnu Mooro aud William Boyd, stu
dents at tho Agricultural college at Ever
green, Ala., fought, and Mooro wns Killed
with a club. Doyit was fatally stabbed.
If your dealer tella you that something else
is "just as good" ua Doan's Ointment for
Hive, I 'in Worms. Itching Piles, or other
itchluoss of tho skin, tell him you, want tlio
original. It I safe; uever-failing.
l'l-ub&nly Hound for Cuba.
CHAltM'.sT0N, H. C, March 11. Tho
fctenmer Commodore, wliloli has been in
port hero for several weeks, suspected fit
being 11 filibuster, cleared yetordny for
Tampa. She has aboard a cargo of arms,
ammunition and machetes. She is In com
mand of I'uul T. Itojo, a Cuban, who 110
ooiupanied her from Wilmington. It Is
beliovod that the Commodore will dis
charge her cargo upon tho Cuban coast bo
fore reaching Tumpa.
Don't Trifle With Coughs and Colds,
Tako Pan.Tina (25o.1 and'be cured. At
Oruhlur Ilrus,, drug store.
' Coining Kvciit,
Arlrll lfll Musical and dramatic entertain
incut hy tlio (lullds of tho All Saints' church
in Ferguson's theatre.
Dr. Wood's Norway Tine Syrup is a perfect
cure lor cougns ana cows 01 an sons.
Mr. W111. Thornton of 127 Vf. Market
Street Explains Horr rtitU
Why Ho Did It.
(JVom the iVsifro Oatttle.)
Old ago has many Infirmities, none of
which aro more prevalent than kidney dis
orders. Havo j'oti over noticed how tho
old peoplo complain of backache, lame
back, nml general listlcssness? And there
nro many other symptoms of which they
do not speak, such' ns bloating of tlio
limbs, painful and infrequent urination
or cxccsalvcncss of urinary discharge.
JInst peoplo think thoy nro too old to
find relief aud euro, but this Is not
so, No better evidence than the follow
ing, wnich comes from an Klmlra citizen,
who has been cured of n very severe case
nt 77 years of ago. Jtr. AVin. Thornton of
127 West Market Street, speaks of his case
in this way: "lam 77 years old. I havo
been nilllctcil with that dreaded complaint
(kiducy disease) for over teu years, mak
ing my old ago a bunlcn. I was so bad
as to be forced to carry a belt at till times,
and, when my suffering became beyond
endurance, I would put on the belt draw
ing It tightly around me and bucklo it,
thus briuging an extreme pressure over tho
kidneys; this, undoubtedly, forced tho
urine out, a function which the kidneys
themselves had become loo diseased to per
form. My condition I put down to a
strain I received. I began taking Doan's
Kidney Pills. After two or three days I
noticed their effect. I was much surprised,
as the ailment was so sevcro nud so long
standing, while I had tried many remedies
wiihout any relief whatever. Tlio pain I
have experienced at times from straining
in my efforts to discharge tho urine was
simply awful. I have done away with
tlie use of my leather belt, and the pain
bus nil gone, and I recommend Doan's
Kirl'ivy Pills to all afflicted with kidney
ri"i uiinarytliiiorders."
r'ur sule by all dealers, or sent by mall
ou ic.ictpt of price by Foster-Milburn Co.,
liuilf.lo, H. Y., sole agents for tho U. S.
For salo at Kirlln's Pharmacy.
A Murdeier's Mistake.
PATEIlSOX, X. J., March 11. Tlio pollco
nro working ou a now theory in tlio Sulli
van case, nnd thoy claim to see light ahead
after a week of darknoss nnd doubt. It Is
that tho murder was carefully planned
nnd was tho result of culm deliberation,
but tho purpose of tlie murder miscarried,
bocnuso ho mistook Miss .Sullivan for an
other woman. Tlio suspect Is a man who
Is said to liavo threatened a few days be
fore to kill his wifojfrom whom ho is sepa
rated. Tills woman frequently passed tlio
ppot Into In tlio ovonlng wkoro Miss Sulli
van was murdered.
Mrs. Mn)hrlck Must Stay In Prison.
Lon'dox, March U. Inquiries nitulo at
tho United States orobnssy conllrm tho re
port that tlio secretary of stato for tlio
homo department, Sir Mnttliow White
llidley, has refused to roopoii tho caso of
Mrs. rlorence Maylirlek, tho American
sentenced to Iniprlaouniont for llfo after
having been convicted of poisoning her
Itelief In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours bv tho "Now G1e.1t
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a great surprise 011 account of its
exceeding promptness in relioviug pain in
tlio bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relict and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Main
A StrungJor In Sun FrnucNco.
Sau Fisaxci.sco, March 11. Tliodlsretm
table womon who iufesi, Morton struct nnd
St. Mary's street in tills city aro in u slate
of terror on account of tho murder of two
of their class within a month. Uoth women
wero strangled to death iu their rooms,
and in both cases the murderers hnvo
escaped. The last victim of tho mysterious
strauglcr was found dead yesterday. Two
men who admit that they visited her
shortly before her body was discovered
hnvo been nrrested, but thoy deny all
knowledge of tho crime. Neither man Is
of tho criminal class, and the pollco nro
inclined to bollove their stones: The mur
ders hero aro similar in detail to ttoso
among tho sumo class of women lti Den
ver, nnd It is thought by somo that tho
Denver strangler has como to Sau Fran
A Pretty l'ueo
is tlio result of a healthy physical condition
licauty is out sum deep" yet It greatly
depends on a clear complexion, free from
iViinkle ami Hollow cheeks.
Health always brings wealth and beauty.
A healthy state of the system comes with
Doctor Pierco's favorite Proscription. It's a
medicine prepared for woman's ailments it
cures those derangements nnd weaknesses
which make woman s lilo miserable.
A t, woman who neglects to tako proper
oxerjjiso is particularly prone to excessive
coiiWbtion, debility nnd a sluggish circula
tion. This Is tho lnno wo auvise the ' Pro
scription." In all derangements and dis
placements ot the special organs wiiicn result
111 "hiens of inflammation." in catarrhal
(litharges from tho lining membranes, and
in distressing irregularities tliis medlcino
eilccts perlect and pormanent cures.
Conllned In a Spanish Prison.
? Wasiunqtox, March 11. Acting Secre
tary of htato Kookhill yesterday cabled
Consul General Williams at Havana to in
vestigate and report as soon as possible on
the caso of Walter Grant Dygart, who, It
is said, is a citizen of Illinois, and con
fined In prison at Gulues by tho Spanish
Cecil Ithodes Not Arrested.
London, March 11. Tho secretary of
Biaio xor tlie colonies. .Hr .Joionh Cham
berlaln, lu the liouso of commons.replyjng
to a question as to whether Mr, Cocll
llhodos, the fornmr nromler of tho eolouv.
had boon arrosted, denied that such was
the case.
The Weather.
lor eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer
fey: Cloudy nnd threatening, with rain;
migiwy warmer j northeasterly wluua.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxative Ilromo Quinine will
curo you in 0110 day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Price, 23 cents. For salo
by Kirlln's Pharraacyj
Kheiilindoali Directory,
lu!nei men and others, who havo not yet
secured onpof tlicdlrcctoric-eof Shenandoah,
just issued, can obtain One by making appll
cation at this olllpe. Tlip prlqq is ouly $3,00,
and tliero are only a few left. No business
man cau afford to be without ouo'o? these
books. 2-21-tf
National Senate Committee
Wants Thorn Investigated,
The Majority of the Committee on Prlvl.
leges and Klcctlon Declarer That IColb
Wns Twice lltoctcd Ooernor of Thut
Stato nnd Twice 'Counted Out."
Washington, Mnroh 11. Senator
Chandler, from tho committee on privi
leges and elections, yesterday presented to
tho senato tho vlows of tho majority of the
committee, consisting of tlie Republican
members, recommending tlio adoption of
Senator Allen's resolution providing for
tin Investigation of tho Alabama stato and
legislative election of 1803, when Thomas
Jones, regular Domocrot, was declared
govoriior. Tho committee assert that tills
was "dono by tho wholosalo fnlsllloatlon
of tlie returns by tho dishonest election of
officers in pursuance of a great conspiracy
dellboratoly organized long before the
elootlou for tho purposa oj chnnglng the
political complexion of tho stato In case It
should appear that Kolb and Ills support
ers aad carried tho stato."
In 1801 Kolb was again a candidate for
governor, with Oatos as Ills opponent on
tho regular Democratic ticket. The roport
assorts that Kolb was elected at this time,
as woro a majority of tho candidates for
tho legislature ou the sumo ticket, but
thoy were not given the office on account
of tho fact that an enormously fictitious
vote wns returned, fifteen counties tiro
mentioned ns giving roturnsof 50,000 votes
whereas ouly lll.OOJ wero cast. "Thoreforo
Mr. Oatos, Instead of balug elected by 27,
582 votes, was defeated by about 7,0J0 ma
jority." Tho committee say tho Kolb legislature
was counted out In tho same way, aud
that iu both elections tlio fraudulent re
turns came mainly from tho "black"
counties; that Kolb and his ticket carried
a majority of tho "whlto" counties, aud
that tlio negroes falling to register, false
poll lists wero made and false returns
made, and certified favorablo to Kolb's
Tho case, it isnssortod, "is not merely
ono of loonl frauds, but tho caso mudo is
that of wilfully planned and deliberately
manufactured musses of fraudulent re
turns based upon no votes whatever, but
mudo to apparently defeat a stato govern
ment which was actually chosen and to
give apparent title to a state government
defeated by tlio voters."
Tho committeo say Hint tho investiga
tion should be made and tho facts made
known. If tlio chargos aro well founded,
tlio roport says, it may bo tlio duty of tho
senato to oust Mr. Morgan from his scat.
Not to o Trilled With.
( Prom Cincinnati Gazette.)
Will peoplo never learn that a "cold" is an
accident to bo dreaded, nnd that when it
occurs trcatmcntshouldbopromptlyiippUed ?
Thcro is 110 knowing wliero tho troublo will
end : and while complete recovery is tlio
rule, tlio exceptions aro terribly frequent.
:tnd thousands upon thousands of fatal ill
nesses occur every year ushered in hy a littlo
injudicious exposuro nnd seemingly trifling
symptoms. Beyond this, tlioro aro to-day
countless invalids who can traco their com
plaints to "colds," which at the timo of
occurrence gave no concern, and wero there
foro neglected. When troubled with a cold
uso Chamberlain's Cotigli l.enicuy. it is
prompt and effectual. 23 and 50 cent bottlos
for salo by Gruhler liros.' druggists.
McKlnlcy'a Knnn Supporters.
Wichita, Kan., March 11. Tlio Repub
lican stato convention, after a hot contest,
selected tho following delegates to tho St.
Louis convention: Cyrus Loland, Jr., ol
Troy, M. M. Murdoch of Wichita, A. I1.
lliddlo of Minneapolis, C. S. Wonson oi
MoPhorson, Nnto IJarnhof of Kansas City
nnd T. J. Anderson of Topoka. Tlio plat
form strongly indorses JUoIvinlcy.
Simon S. Hartman, of Tunnelton, West
Va., has been subject to attacks of colic about
onco a year, aud would liavo to call a doctor
and then sutler for about twelve hours as
much as somo do when thoy dio. Ho was
taken recently just tlio samo as at other
tiinos, and concluded to try Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. Ho
says: "I took ono doso of it and it gavo 1110
relief in five minutes. That is moro than
any thing clso has over dono for rao." For
salo by Gruhler Ilros.' druggist.
Italy Will Continue the War.
LONDON', Mnrcli 11, Tlio Homo corre
spondent ot Tho Times notes a change iu
publlo fooling tlioro, and a predominance
in tho demonstrations iu favor of retriev
ing Italy's military dignity boforo con
eluding a poaco with Abyssinia. "It 13
certain," this correspondent continues,
"that ono result of tho disaster will bo an
lmmonso and much needed improvement
in tho military organization. Tlio now
cnblnot will contluuo tho war vigorously.1
All last winter Mr. Ucq. A. Mills, o
Lebanon, Conu.was badly afflicted with
rheumatism, At times it was so sovoro that
ho could not stand up straight, but was
drawn over on ono sido. "I tried different
remedies without receiving relief," he says
'until about six mouths ago I bought a bottlo
of Chamborlaln's Pain Halm. After using it
for threo days my rheumatism was gono and
has not roturued sluco. For salo by Gruhlor
Bros.' druggists.
Cnptuiu .liiiueHuu uii Trial.
London, Jluroh 11 Dr. Leander S.
Jameson aud tho British officers who ac
companied him on tlie Transvaal raid woro
formally arraigned in the Bow street po-
Jleo court yesterday, onaraeu with violat
ing tho iorelga enlistment net. Tliero woo
a largo crowd in the court room and in tho
Ktreet near the building, and Dr. Jameson
nut his man wero loudly and freipiently
Kx-Senntor Coin luted of Ilrlbery.
CoLUMIiUB, O., March 11. Hx-Sonator
J. Q. Abbot, on trial for uooeptlug 0. brlba
while senator two yours ago, m connectloi
with a pharmacy bill before the senato,
was found guilty by tho jury yosterduy.
A inotlou wos inuuo lor a new trial.
tliciiiiiatlm Cured in 11 Day.
"Mvstlo Curo" for Ilheiimatlsm and Ncu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action unon tlio system is remarkablo aud
mvstoriou8.' It removes at onco' the causo
nnd tho discaso immediately disappears. Th
first dose greatly benefits ; 75 cents. Sold by
C. II. Hagonbuch, Druggist, Shcnaudoah,
Its cures of torturlntr. dlsflnirlt,
atlng humors aro tho most wonderful oer
Sold thrmiErhout the wa,M. Ttriil.l.
MRY, 1, King Kdward-rt., Indon. Pottrh Drug
a cium. cork, seie l'ropt., Uostoa, U. S. A.
genuine welcome awaits youat
Cor. flaln anil Coal Sts.
Pool room nttaehed. Finest ifl,llr,.,- 1,,
porter and ale constantly on tnp. Cholco tern'
pernnee uruiit anil citrftrfl.
Purest and
West Coal Street.
Otllce : 30 West Centre street.
Can bo consulted at nil hours.
F. BUltKE, M. D.
.1. ,
30 H
Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Otnco hours
to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
Shenandoah, Pa.
M. BUltKE,
Ofilce Etrun bullrilntr. corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box C3, JIahanoy OUy, Pa.
Ha vine fit lulled under somo of tlio best
masters U London nnd Paris, will clvo lessons
on the violin, srultar nnd vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address In care of Strouse, the
jeweler Shenandoah,
it you nave Any
Gentlemen 1-IV0 had one ot your No, 38 Sates
In tho Hoscltlno Building, which wns Iu the
worst part of the fire.' Although tho Bate was
badly burned on tho outside, all of its contents
weru saved,
Wo tako lileosuro In odvlsiiiR tho public to uso
D..rAU tr tlmv want nrotcction.
J UU, Wl. --.y
(Signed,) . MEltSHON- BItOS.
Gentlemen: I hereby give you my
Safe, found in the ruins ot the late fiio at the
Kaseltlne Art Galleries.
Its contents wero destroyed and I liavo no uso
for the shell.
723 Chestnut St.,
enyou want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsmlthlng done cull
on K. F. Gallagher IB West Centre street.
Dealer ir. stoves. 8-1-tf