The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 10, 1896, Image 2

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IiTAlll.lSlll:i) 1H70.
Published every Evening, Except Sunday, at
8 South Jakiiim Hthkbt. Nkar Ckxtiib.
tho Herald ti ileilveieil InSliemiiiilcwn and the
surrounding towns forMx cent a week, liy
ftblo Ut the carrier. Jly mall 83.00 a year, or 35
cent a mouth, payable In advance. Advertise
ments charged nccordttiK to space nnd poMtlou.
Tlie publishers reserve the rlht to change the
position of advertisement whenever tho pul
llcaHon of hews demands it. The right 1b
reserved to reject any advertisement, wliether
paid for or not, that the publisher limy deem
improper. Advertising rnteH mado known
upon application.
Xntered nt the postofllce at Shennndoah, Pa,, an
socond class mail matter.
Evening Herald
To the Itepubllcan elector of leiiiisylauln :
The itcpnbl loans if Pennsylvania, by tlielrduly
chosen representatives, will meet In Slate con
vention Thiireday, April 23, INM, nt 10 o'clock
n. ui., In the opera home, city of Ilnrrlsburg, for
Die purpose of iiomluathiK two candidates for
reprentutlveat-largn In I'nnirress nnd thirty
two candidate for Presidential electors, the
selection of eight delcgates-aWarge to the lio
publlcau National convention, and for the
raiisaction of Mich other bmlnees as may bo
Uy order of the State Committee.
M. H. Quay,
Attest : Jf.kb II. Knx, Cliairmnn.
"V. li. Asdrkwh, .Secretaries.
It is not a disgrace, to bo poor, but It is a
disgrace todo lioor advertising.
Spkakino of deep water movements, tlio
Democratic iwrty in Schuylkill county is
just now immersed In the. deepest one that
has been known for many years.
In Knrnpo n famous man dioB and a monu
ment at once Is erected to Ului ; in this coun
try we celebrate it by a uumlierof illustrated
magazine articles and an equal number of
Tin: country will begin to run itself again
next year on tlie old linos of protection
which answered tlio purposo so well in the
past. The poor old Democratic party is only
ward-meeting sizo and will not bo trusted
again with national ufl'airs.
Dkmxkiku Wednesday April 1st, and
running through to Thursday, April 30th,
inclusive, therojwill bo a special confcicnce
for ministers and all christian workers held
in Chicago at the Jlovdy lliblo Institute.
The management extends a cordial invita
tion to churches and Christian Endeavor
Societies to send a repiescntative.
It isdiilluult to deiido which of tlie two
fair lovers is Pennsylvania's choice for tho
Presidential nomination l'.ittison or Har
xity. In an interview tlio latter had the
other day, column and a half long, supposed
to boom the former for President, the most
of it was laudatory of Mr. llarrity.
Tin: many friends of ox-Congressman
James I!. lieilly will be pleased to learn of
his appointment as United States Marshall,
front to the Senate yesterday by l'resideut
Cleveland. Mr. lioilly's aspirations were a
little higher, his friends urging his appoint
ment as United States District Attorney, hut
in some respects the position to which he
has been appointed is prcfcrablo. The plum
secured is a desirable one, and one to which
Mr. llcilly is entitled as representing tho
Cleveland Democracy in this county.
To corroct a wrong Impression, which ap
pears to prevail, vie wuuld htato that the
commissions issued by (lovcrnor Hastings to
Justices Jones and Coylc, of Mahanoy City,
nnd Cardin and Lawlor, of Shenandoah, aro
only for the period ending with tho first
Monday in May next, and are not for the
period of five years commencing on that day.
Tho Governor appears to have discovered
that a vacancy exists in those two of the
hundreds of boroughs in tlie state, and mado
tho appointments to fill them. Why ho did
not till tho haiiie vacancies in all other
boroughs is not stated, and his action in act
ing so precipitately in thoso two cases is beiug
roundly criticized lu many quarters.
Shenandoah's quota of political candi
dates this fall will not bo confined to tho
Itcpublicnu ranks by any munis. Thcio aro
qulto a number of Democratic patiiols who
aro both willing and anxious to servo the
'dear pcoplo on court house hill. "Tho first to
make public announcement Is Daniel lv
llrcuuan, who is seeking tho Democratic
nomination for County Commissioner. If
loyalty to party and competency for the
position is to lie awarded, pan, as ho is
familiarly known, should certainly receive
the nomination. 'There are others in tlio
ranks of tho "uuterriflcd" in town who have
u bee buzzing in their hat, but who have not
yet mado public announcement of their in
Tub announcement of tho candidacy 'or
Prof. J. W. Cooper, of town, for County
Superintendent of Schools, as mado through
thou columns gomotimo ago ami tho subse
quent endorsement by tho School Hoard, is
favorably received by tho press of tho county.
'The livening Chronicle of lust night con
tained tlie following favorable notlco ;
"Shenandoah conies forward with a candi
date for Comity Superintendent In tkoporson
of Prof. J. V. Cooper, principal of the High
bchool of that borough. 'That Prof. Cooper
possesses the requisite qualifications for tlio
position none will doubt, and tho Shenandoah
School Hoard, in unanimously endorsing his
candidacy, 1ms but voiced the fcontiment of
the whole community in which Prof. Cooper
Jius done most excellent educational work."
AVith oach Kuccooding duy interost iu tlie
Republican Presidential nomination increases
at a corresponding rato. Tho coming na
tional convention will ho mado up of 00!)
do!ogato8. To tecuro tho Presidential nom
ination at the hands of that body a candidate
must secure tho support of at least 155 of
Ibrsn delegates. About one-seventh or tho
outlre number havo been chosen 130 dolo1
Kates. In none or the loading CoinmoiJ
wealths bave'.tuo ItcpubUcau sttttj xftu'-tjt
Hons yet been held, but by the end of March
it is thought that probably one-third of the
delegate to St. 1otiis wilt have Won selected.
MoKinley probably leads with sixty sup
pwed to be for hiiu. The rest are divided
lMjtween tyeod, Quay, Morton, Allison and
Ctillom. Allowing all that Is claimed fur
Ohio's favorite, he still needs 395 to securo
the nomination. In the light of those facts
it is evident that the McKlnlcy "uhouters"
are yet in tlio heart of the woods. Koep
your eye on the Junior Senator from this
Carpets and Oil Cloths
Aro marked away down at 1'ricke's carpet
On Trial for Mammoth l'rautl.
I'AlllR. March 10. The trial of Armnnd
Itosonthal (Jacques St. Com), Count
Lionel YVorthor do Coatl, M. lialensl, n
hunker; Ulrio do Clvry, formerly editor of
The Kcho de L'Armeo; M. Poldebar do
Labruyoro mid M. Szydlowsky, chnrgod
with jrineknmlllng Mux Lclmudy, the
young mlllloiiiiiro who died recently In tho
Military hospital at Aiifollo-Los-Unlns,
out of several million f rnnos by tho most
cruel frauds, was commenced hero yester
day. A Slxtecn-Ycnr-Old Suicide.
Union Hill, N. J., Match 10. Goorge
Hoetz, 16 years of age, killed hlnlsolf in
IHoral Park with n pistol. The lad had
been necused by his stcpfnthor with steal
ing two rings and soiling them, and tho
threat of nrrogt so preyed upon him that
ho decided to kill himself. Doforo doing
so ho wrote n noto to his stepfather telling
him to glvo all his clothes to a hoy friend.
'The young suicldo's mother died throo
months ago.
Itewnrils for Powell Murderer.
New YoltK, March 10. Howards aggre
gating ?8,00u are offered for tho arrest of
tho murderer of Stephen 1'owollnt Hemp
stead, L. I. It Is not believed that tho
criino will bo fixed upon cither of tho
threo negroes whom tho police arrested
Sunday night, though suspicion still at
taches to AVayno by reason of the finding
of a pipe which bclougod to him near tho
spot whore Powell was struck down.
General llonth ltnck 111 London.
London, March 10. Gonoral Booth, of
tho Salvation Army, nrrlvod horo tin ox
pectodly yesterday. Ho camo overlnud
from Drlndlsl, in response to urgent np
peals from headquarters for his ndvlco re
garding tho American situation. Tho gen
eral did not go to headquarters, but has
been closeted with Uramwoll llooth over
eincu his return.
Don't Trillo With Coughs and Colds,
Take Pan-Tina (25c.) and bo cured. At
Gruhler Pros., drug storo.
Headquarters for your hats,
LV.VIT'S, 15 East Ceutro street.
Mlcnauiln.ili Directory.
Jlusinoss men ami others, who havo not yet
secured one of tho directories of Shenandoah,
just issued, can obtain ono by making appli
cation at tins olhcc. The pneo is only $2.00,
and there aro only a few left. No business
man can afford to be without one of these
books. 8.2Mf
Even in tho most sovoro cases of sprain or
bruise, cut or burn, J nomas' Lclcctric uu
gives almost instant relief. It is the ideal
family liniment.
lrears of a Xi-gm I'prltlng.
Patjucah, Ky., March 10. Mayor Ycisor
Inst night shipped to tho city marshal at
Kultan, Ky., 200 Winchester rilles that
wcro used here during tho negro riots
three years ago. There aro great fears of
an uprising in I1 ulton, if one lias not al
ready taken pluco. Tho trouble was caused
by a policeman nttoinptlng to arrest a
negro, and baring to club him beforo ho
could do it. Tho feeling lu Fulton be
tween tho whites nnd blacks Is very blttor.
Passenger Stcnnier Sunk.
VlSKVAllH HAVEN.Mass., March 10. Tho
steamer Munhansctt, Captain Marshall,
whllo returning from New Ucdford, In
passing through tho narrow channol at
Wood's Holl, struck on tho rocks nnd sank
in about fifteen minutes. An attempt was
mado to beach her, but sho sank so rap
idly that tho water pourod Into tlio Uro
room and extinguished tho fires, Passon
gors and crow wero rescued.
Jtcfused n Now Trial.
Wilmington, Del., March 10. Tho gon
oral sessions court refused the motion for
a now trial in tho easos of Keepers Brown
and Swan, of tho iusauo asylum nt Fnrn
hurst, convlctod of manslaughter for caus
ing, by violence, the death of Loon Pisa,
auiumato. Sentenco was deferred.
Humeri, to Death in u Ilruili Fire.
Montgomery, Ala., March 10. A daugh
ter of John Halm, a prosperous farmor of
the Choetaw-Hatcheo vnlloy, was burned
todoath whllo burning brush. Hor brother
and sister attempted to savo her, but their
clothing bocamo Ignited, and both were
fatally burned.
Swiss Towns Inundated.
llKHNi:, March 10. Melting snow nnd
n heavy rainfall havo caused serious floods
In tho Hurneso Oborlnud. The Rhino has
overllowcd at Loclo and Mnrtoaux, inun
dating thoso places Railroad communi
cation with both towns haa boon stouDed.
Appears 1b a hundred different
forms, such as Running Sorea,
White Bwellings, Eruptions,
llolls, Pimples, Salt llheum,
Scald Head, otc. Tho only
cure is In making Pure, Kloli
Hood's Sarsaparllla makes
pure blood and has never been
equalled as a cure for Ijcrotuln.
Cases considered Incurable,
und given up by pbysifiaus,
yield to its wonderful purify
ing, vitalizing powerBiJn fact,
Is the One True Blood Purifier. (1;
rrcpared oplr br 0, 1. Hood & Co.,Lowri:
nuuu o riiiour. ah drugs
k Ceo-
The Disorders it Causes and
the Poisons It Instils
, in the Blood.
If wo only know how dangerous, insidious
and ruthless a dlseaso indigestion is, wo
would not wait as wo do before endeavoring
to euro it.
The longer wo wait, tho more dangerous it
Is likely to become
So tho sooner we tHko Shaker Digestive
Cordial tlio better it will be, and tho better
wo will ho.
Indigestion is dangerous hecnUM) it crontos
poisons in tho stomach which aro alnorbod by
tlio blood and by it carried to all parts of the
Could anything be worse than this?
These poisons would not be formed if tlio
stomach could digest Its fi o 1. When it can't
Shaker Digestive Cordial will help itto do so.
Nothing will help tho stomach so well as
Shaker Digestive Cordial, nothing elso cure
indigestion so quickly, or so positively.
The reason is that It purines the stomach
and the blood, and makes your food
strengthen instead of poison you.
It is not a medicino, but an aid to digestion,
a pleasant cordial for weak stomachs.
Sold by druggist. Ten cents for a trial
Address for Interesting book, The Shakers,
i Iieade Street. New York.
Ocll lihodea to be Arrested.
London, March 10. A wau-aut has been
issued for thu arrost of Cecil Rhodes, tho
former premier of Capo Colony and oo-ad-mlnlstrntor
with Earl Grey of the territory
of the Hrltlsh South Africa company. He
Is charged with complicity In the importa
tion of arms iuto tho Transvaal territory
for uso against tho authorities of that re
public. Cattle I'erlsli In tlio Flumes.
Mount Holly, N. J., Marah 10. Tho
dwelling houso, barns', outbuildings, etc.,
on tho farm of Aqtillla Jouos, uoarMooros
town, vvoro dostroyed by flrout ti lato hour
Sunday night. Thirty horses and cows
porlshed in the llamos. Tho origin of tho
lire is unknown. Loss, S10,000.
The Wcnther.
For eastern Pennsylvania: Increasing
cloudinoss; warmer; southeasterly winds.
For New Jersey: Fair; wnrmerj variablo
winds, becoming southerly.
Closing Quotations of tlio New York and
1'hllndelplilu Exchanges.
New Youk, March 0. The stock market to
day was moderately active, and irregularity
characterized tho deullngs. There washardly
n trace of commission business, and tho dis
tribution of the trading was Indifferent. Clos
ing bids:
Baltimore .S: Ohio 17$
Del. & Hudson...-lai
I).. L. & W 101 J$
Erie 10
Lake Erlo & W... VJUi
Lehigh Nav 41
Lehigh Valley 3r
New Jersey Cen.. ldfiH
N. Y. Central 07
Pennsylvania 63J
Heading 11$
St. Paul 77!j
W. N. Y. & Pa..- 2J5
West Shore
Coneral Markets.
l'int.AiELi'HiA, March 0, Flour steady:
winter super, Su'.50a2.73: do. oxtras, J2.75S3;
Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3,1033.53; do. do.,
straight, SM)&.1.75; western winter, clear,
S3.5033.B5. Wheat dull, with 72Ho. bid and
720. asked for March. Corn quiet, with 3oo.
bid and Kile, asked for March. Oats quiet,
with 20sc. bid and 2GJ$c. asked for March.
Hay steady; choice timothy, $10. lieef quiet.
Pork dull; family, $10.5011; short clear,
$11.50ai2.50. Lard firm; western steam, $3.53.
llutter linn; western creamery, ll$22c.; do.
factory, I'QlSe. : Kleins, 22c; Imitation cream
ery.HHiffiloo.; Now York dairy, ll20c. Cheese
steady; New York large, BaiOMo.; fancy
small, uiiiuuc; part skims, JtLOa.: full skims.
2-'$o. Eggs steady; Now York and Penn
sylvania, -'81-"4(i. ; ice house, $2.7532.83;
southern, llJHSMlMo.
I.lva Stock Markets.
New Youk, March 9. Heovcs firm: steers,
$1S1.C.i; oxen, $3.153.05; bulls, S3&3.50; cows.
$1.80,3. Calves active and firm; poor to prime
veals, $1(37.5(1; fed calves, $3.233.75. Sheep
Heady to Arm; lambs weak; common tocholco
sheep, $J4.2j; medium to choice Iambs $3
.11); spring lambs, $3&0 each. Hogs easier at
East LinEitTy,Pa.,March9. Cattlesteady;
prime, $4.404.50j good butchers, $3.754.10;
rough fat, $3.203.80. Hogs active; prime Phil,
adelplua. $4,4011.00; best Yorkers, 54.1534.60;
hogs, heavy, $1.5001,40: best pigs, $4.3n4.40;
roughs, $3S4, Hueop active and Higher; prlmo,
J3.B01; good, 83.75&3 V0; common, $3.75S3.85;
:holco lambs. $4.u&4,9U; common to good
real calves, ;0Q7; lambs, 4.WQ1.0O.
Jlid Yourhelf of iclieiiiuatlHin.
Buy lied Flag Oil, 25c. At Gruhlcr Bros.,
drug storo.
Cardinal Satolll lu Kansas City.
Kansas City, Mo., March 0. Cardinal
Satolll was honored und ohoored by thou
sands horo yostorday, local Catholics turn
ing out cn masso to greet nnd hoar their
distinguished visitor. Tho lnimonso cathe
dral was crowded to tho doors to witness
tho cardinal celebrate pontifical mass and
bestow tho pontifical blessing. At S o'clock
a dlnnor, attended by tho local clorgy,
promlnont mombors of tho laity nnd busi
ness men, in honor of tho cardinal, was
glvon at tho Coatos Houso. following It
from 4 to 0 o'clock occurred a reception in
tho hotol parlors, when Bovoral thousand
pooplo passed boforo and shook hands with
tho cardinal. At 7:o o oiock in tno ovon
ing tho cardinal dollvorod tho benediction
St. Putrick's.
Nlcaraguau ltobcls Conquered.
Manaoua, March 7. Word received thir
morning Indicates that tho Leon rebels
havo given up their cause. Rafael A.
Gultclrrez, president of tho rcpubllo of
Salvador, has telegraphed to Prosldout
iSelnyn, of Nicaragua, Informing hlin that
tho Leon rebels want to mako terms of
peaco. President Zulnyn is determined
that tho only terms of peaco he will glvo
aro that tho Loonlsts shall pay all tho ox
ponses of tho war preparations which havo
bcon necessitated by tholrrovolt, shall glvo
up nil their arms und that their lcadors
6hall lw trlodby court martial.
Cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat,
Croup, Diphtheria, Rheumatism,
and all Winter couiplaiut9. It
Internal or External.
There are tnauy kinds of pain,
but there is only one Pnln-Klller,
Keep It by you. I'.cwire of Imitations. Bu r
only vue cennnie--i-KUHY uavia-.
Bold everywhere. ZSc. ud 60c. per bottle,
Munyon's Kidney Curo euros pain in tho
hark, loins or groins from kidney disease,
pullY and ilabhv face, dronsv of tho feet nnd
Inibs, frequent doslro' to pass water, scanty
urine, dark-colored and turbid urine, sed
metit in tlio urine, gravel In tho Mulder, and
too grout a How ot urlno. 1'rico 23 cents.
Mimyou's Dvsncnsia Cure nosltlvely cures
all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles.
l'nco a.jc.
Munyou's lihoumatism Cure seldom falls to
relieve lu one to three hours, and cures In a
few days. Price 25 cents.
.Munyon's HeadachoCtirostopslioadachosln
three minutes. Price, 25 cents.
Munyou s Itlood Cuio eradicates all impuri
ties of the Mood. Price 25e.
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia
and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Prlco
Munyon's Cough Curo stops coughs, night
sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals
the lungs. Price 25c.
Munyon's I'ilo Ointment positively cures
nil forms of idles. Price, 25c.
L T X Price 00 1"
"Sn LEJfTC .!!,. RM.l
by all druggists, mostly 25 cents a bottle.
Personal letters to J'rol. Munyou, 1003
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answored
with frco medical advico for any dlseaso.
The Dominion Convents to n Conference
with Manitoba Lenders.
Ottawa, Out., March 10. Tlio Manitoba
school question assumed n new and lntor
osting phnso yostorday, when Sir Charles
Tapper aroMj in tho houso of commons
nnd road a telegram from Premier Green
way, of Manitoba, to Sir Donald Smith,
who recently visited Winnipeg upon a
mission of poace. Groonway's tclogram
Mis In reply to one from Sir Donanld and
"Whllo fully appreciating all you say,
It is qulto clear to us that wo can only pro
ceed to Ottawa for tlio purpose of holding
a conference on tho ofllclnl Invitation of
tho Dominion government."
.Sir Charles Tupper added:
'In view of tho assurances that tho gov
ernment of Manitoba aro willing to havo
a conference, tho Dominion government
proposes, so soon as tho second reading of
tho remedial bill is carried, to havo a con
ference with Mr. Grcenway's government,
with a view to arriving nt a settlomont
of this question in terms that will bo sat
isfactory to his government nnd tho mi
nority of Manitoba."
A triumphant shout went up from tho
Liberal side of tho houso, for tho stato
nient was reganlod as tho government's
ilrst retrogressive step slnco cntorlng upon
Its coerclvo policy.
Ki-llel in Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Groat
South American Kidnoy Curo." This now
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness iu relloviuz pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and overy part
I'l U11U.I1J- JKl!NlgCS 111 luaiu or icmuiu.
It relieves retention of water and rain in
passing it nlmost immediately. H you want
quicic rcnei ami curb tins is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main
Governor Oreenhalgo's Funoral.
Lowell, Mass., March 10. Govornor
Frederick II. Greonhalgo's funeral was an
Imposing spoctaole and a strikiug trlbuto
of popular respoct to tho lato oxecutivo of
Massachusetts. Tho publio obsoqulos wero
preceded by services at tho homo of Mrs.
Greonhnlgo. Hov. J. L. Soward, of Alston,
for many years pastor of tho Unitarian
church of this city, of which Govornor
Greonhnlgo was a member, oillclated. Tho
remains wero thon tnkon to the First Con
gregational church under escort of a com
pany of tho National Guard, whoro tho
publio services wero hold. Hov. Goorge
Batchclor delivered tho address. Business
in tho city was suspended during tho
funoral, and all publio and many prlvato
buildings wore draped.
An Auglo-German Chinese Loan.
London, March 10. The Tlmos' finan
cial nrtlclo says: "Arrangements point to
tho completion of an Anglo-German syn
dicate to obtain a Chlneso loan of 10,000,
000, which will possibly bo Issued In two
installments. We sincoroly hopothat thero
will bono hitch In tho arrangomonts, bo
cause tho infiuenco which Hussla has al
ready acquired in China much concerns
other nations." The Berlin correspondent
of Tho Standard says: "Tlie Chlucsoloan
has been concluded at 5 per cent., repay
able In thirty-six years, and secured on
customs receipts. This is a brilliant vic
tory of tho Auglo-German overtho French
syndicate "
A Pretty Vuco
is the result of u healthy physical condition
"lSeauty is hut skin deep" yet it greatly
depends on a clear complexion, freo from
wrinkle and hollow cheeks.
Health always brings wealth and beauty.
A healthy stato of tho system comes witli
Doctor Pierce's Favorite Proscription. It's a
medicine prepared for woman's allineuts it
cures thoso derangements and weaknesses
wiiica inaKO woman's life miserable
scripuon. in all derangements and dis
placenionU of tlie special organswlilch result
in sicus of inllanimatlnii." i, ..,
discharges from tho lining membranes, and
R irregularities tills mcdiciuo
uiiccib puneci. unu permanent cures.
I'rollileiieo Wants u NuuinMlto,
Provipexci:, March 10.-MUyor Mc
Guluoss, of Providence, has left for Wash
ington, whore ho will try to have ono of
tho now war voaiels nnmcd Providence
Tho reasons ho will present to tho WnsbJ
Ington authorities aro that ono of tho first
thirteen ships in tho navy was called tho
Providenco, nnd that Commodore Whlp
plo.of tlio first navy, was a Provldoneo man
I'eigculiauin Ite.eiuenced to Death.
New YoitK.March 10. Carl Felgonbaum
was rosontouceil yesterday hv .T,,.H
PmytHo to bo electrocuted during tho week
of April 37. Felgonbaum wns convicted of
uiu iuuruer ui mts, uoumnn on Aug 81
1801. Thocase was taken to tho court of
nppeals, whoro ho was denlod a now trial.
Why suffor with Coughs, Colds and La
arippo when Laxative Bromo Quintno will
curo you in ono day. Put up la tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed o cure, or
money refunded. Price, 23 cents. For salo
by Kirlin's Pharmacy.
a woman who neglects to tako proper
oxerclso Is particularly prono to excessive
congestion, debility and a sluggish circula
tion. Ill s is tho time wn mlviu. l.n "n-.,.
Itrport or tho Committee to ltecommeiul
Constitutional Amendments.
ThuntoN, Mnroli 10. Tho cominlttco of
Inwyors nppolntod by tho senate to recom
mend constitutional nmendinouts inado
its report to that body last night. The
committee recommends tho establishment
of a court of errors and nppeals, consist
ing of a president Judgonnd four othor
judges; also a supremo court, consisting
of n chief justiconud six assoclato Justices.
It is nlso recommouded that the govornor,
chief justlco, chancellor and attorney gen
eral shall constitute tho board of pardons.
Tho committco furthor rocommonds that)
the governor shall not appoint ad interim
any person whoso nomination has been
rejected by tho sonnto. Tho fifth recom
mendation prov.ldos that tlio legislature
shall, nftor every fodoral census, divido
tho legislnturo Into assembly districts.
It Is nlso recommonded that writs of
orror to tho circuit courts and courts of
common pleas shall go direct to tho court
of orrors and appeals, and not to tho su
premo court. Tho recommendations
further provide that tho Judgos of tho
court of errors and appeals, justices of tho
supremo court, chancellor, vice chancel
lors shall bo appointed by tho governor
and confirmed by tho sonnto for terms of
seven years, at salarlos to bo fixed by tl
No recommendation Is mado as to tho
court of chnnoery. It is provided that tho
reduction In tho number of Justices of tho
supremo court shall not nllcot tho present
Incumbents, and it is also provided that
tho present circuit court judges shall servo
out their torms unless othcrwlso ordered
by tho luglslaturo. Tho paragraph In tho
constitution providing for tlio appoint
ment by tho govornor of tho judges of the
courts of common pleas is stricken out, as
Is also tho provision mnklng compulsory
tho olectiou of justices of tho peaco on a
basis of population of wards and town
ships, tho Idea being to place thoso officials
under legislatlvo control.
Tho session of tho houso wns given up
almost ontlroly to a discussion of railroad
taxation. Tho houso'passcd tho bill mak
ing it n misdemeanor to solicit candidates
for ollloo to purchase picnic or ball tick
ets, and tho bill providing for tho impris
onment of thoso who refuse to pay lines
for violating health codes, nnd then ad
journed until Wodnosday morning.
Not to bo Trilled With.
( Prom Cincinnati Gazette.)
Will people never learn that a "cold" is an
accident to bo droaded, nnd that when it
occurs treatment should be promptly applied ?
Thero is no knowing whoro tho' troublo will
end; and whllo complete recovery is tho
rule, tho exceptions aro terribly frequent,
and thousands upon thousands of fatal ill
nesses occur overy year ushered in by a little
injudicious oxposifro and seemingly trilling
symptoms. Beyond this, thero are to-day
countless invalids who can trace their com
plaints to "colds," which at tho time of
occurrenco gavo no concern, and wore there
fore neglected. When troubled witli a cold
uso Chamberlain's Cough llcmedy. It is
prompt and effectual. 25 and 50 cent bottles
for salo by Gruhler Bros.' druggists.
Tho American Unlvo.sity.
Washington, March 10. Interesting ex
ercises attended" tho breaking of tlio
ground for tho first building for tho now
American university In tlio Hall of His
tory yesterday. Bishop Hurst mado tho
Introductory address, in which ho reviewed
briefly tho history of tho movement nnd
said thatabr-iit $1,000,00) had been sccurod
toward tho university fund. Postmaster
Gonoral WlUon spoko of what a great
university could accomplish in tho work
of advancing civilization, Christianity
nnd freedom. Thocornorstonoof tho build
ing will bo laid in about fivo weeks and
the structure will bo rapidly pushed to
completion. Two-thirds of tho trustees of
tho university aro Methodists.
Simon S. Hartman, of Tunnelton, West
Va., has been subject to attacks of colic about
once a year, and would havo to call a doctor
and then suffer for about twelve hours as
much as some do when they die. Ho was
taken recently just tho same as at other
times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemcdy. He
says: I took ono doso of it aud it gave mo
relief in fivo minutes. That is more than
any thing else has ovor dono for mo." For
salo by Gruhler Bros.', druggist.
Not a Double Murder.
Chicago, March 10. Last evening Mrs.
Cummiugs, of No. 313 Fortieth street, iden
tified tho dead body of tho man found in n
barrel on Sunday with thocorpso of an in
fant as that of her husband. Ho had boon
an lnmato of tho poorhouse for two years.
Tho police havo abandoned tho theory of
murder, it being known that tho mutilat
ing was dono by medical students. After
Cummlngs died in tho poorhouso tho death
was advortlsod In tho usual manner, but
hehadgono to tho institution under an
assumed namo, and tho body was not
claimed The students finished their work
with tho bodies, and an expressman was
paid to take thorn away. Ho was too lazy
to bury thorn, nnd dumped tho barrel
where it was found.
All last wintor Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of
Lebanon, Conn., was badly afljictcd witli
rheumatism. At times it was so sovore that
ho could not stand up straight, but was
drawn over on ono side "I tried different
remedies without receiving roller," ho says,
"until about six months ago I bought a bottle
or Chamborlaln's Pain Balin, Aftor using it
for threo days my rheumatism was gono and
has not returned siuco. " For salo by Qruhlor
liros.' druggists.
Dutch Uefeut the Atelilnese.
The Haquk, March 10. It is announced
hero that n Dutch military patrol has been
attacked by tho Atchlnoso, near Amiga
lory, Island of Sumatra. Eight Dutch
Boldiors wore killed nnd llvo officers nnd
twenty-ono men wore wounded. Tho
Atchlnoso lost six of their leaders and
thlrty-sovon men killed and wounded.
A Missing Tax Collector.
BAKQOIt, Mo., March 10. D. Honry Er.
vino, tax. collector at Prosue Islo, Arostooo
county, is reported missing, una nn exami
nation oi nia accounts uas disclosed a
shortage of sovoral thousand dollars. It
la claimed that Krvlnu'u bondsmen will
settle tho shortage.
ltliiuiinatlsiii Cured In a Duy.
"Mystic Curo" Tor Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tlio system ia remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at ouco the cause
and tho disease immediately disappears. The
first doso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by
C, II. Hagonbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
our Kidneys?
Does Your Back Acho?
MAKO the KM.
neys strong and
mtrt. "eauny.
.ftUO TIIHY cause the .
r l-lrlm..n .... - J
: Cure Rheumatism, flout, Eczema, Ana
c ease, Malaria, Backache, Kidney Pains. .
'ropsy,i-ain intne rtDilomen.l requent '
v. ,i,ui,u,i, iiiiauiuwuii u iviuncys, etc.
Are not a secret remedy, but contain '
highly concentrated extracts or Aspar-
onus. Junlner Berries. Iturl.i, '
Silk, I'nrelrn Brava ond Uva Ursa (all ;
Aiuiiiy ,iait.i3j uuu mc BClCilllUCaiiy
, Dr. llobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills ore
cnuorscu uy pnysicians ana aruggtsts,
to cents a box. Valuable Ilnnfc
!HobbsMedlclot Co., Chicago or Sao Francisco
r.KL,Al'XI Take the best. Tako,
Hobbs. Dr. Jtobbs Little Liver Pills donft
grip. Price 10c. T
A genuine welcomo awaits youat
Cor. nain and Coal Sts.
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers,
porter ami alo constantly on tap. Choice tern
peranofl drinks and cljrars.
Lager aiid
Pilsner Beers,
' Finest,
Purest and
Ghris. Schmidt, asu
West Coal Street.
Onice s 80 W'cbt Centre street.
Can bo consulted at all hours.
p f. liunici:, m. d.
SO E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Ofllco hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 to S
p. m.
0 .
Shenandoah, Pa.
Ofllco Egan building, corner of Main and
Centro streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy Cty, Pa.
Having studied under somo of the beet
masters h London and Paris, will give lesson
on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address in care ot Strouse, the
Jeweler, Shenandoah.
If You Have Any
Gentlemen : We had ono ot your No. 30 Safes
in the Hascltluo Uclldlng, which was In tho
worst part of the (Ire. Although the safe was
badly burned on the outside, all of its contents
were saved.
We take pleasure In advising tho publio to use
your sates If they want protection.
(Signed,) MEltSHON 1)1103.
Gentlemen : I hereby give you my
Safe, found in the ruins of the lato (lie at the
I Insult I no Art Galleries.
Its contents were destroyed and I have no use
for tho shell.
(Signed,) THOS. J. AHMBTltONCl.
723 Chestnut St.,
BUY A jjpP