EVENING HERALD liSTAlll.lSlllIll 1870. Published every KvonhiK, Except Sunday, lit 8 Boutm JAnuiN Stmkbt, Nkak Ciintiib, tile lfcrnM In rleilveird InHlirnnntloAii nml the surrounding towns for nix cents n week, ly Able tu the carriers. By mail 1:1.00 n yoar, or 35 cents n month. mynhlv In advance. Advertise ments rharwutioooriliiiKtnftiMkovniHl position. The publisher reserve the riiriit to clutnfre the riosltlou of advertisements whenever the mT Icntlon of news demands it. Tlio rlitlit Is reserved to reject ony advertisement, whether paid for or not. that the. publishers may deuui Improper. Advertising rotes nimlo known upon application. Entered at the postofllcc lit Shenandoah, l'n., as second class mall matter. THLHPIIONII CONNECTION. Evening Herald SATDItlUY, MARCH 7, 1HDII. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. To the Republican electors of l'enimyhauln: Tholteplibllenns of Pennsylvania, by Ihelr duly chosen representatives, will meet in Mate con vention Tliurstlay, April 23, 116, nt 10 o'clock a, in., In tlio opera house, city of Hnrrlslnirir, for the. purpose of noiiiinutiiiK two candidates for represcntatlvo-at'larKe in emigres) ami thirty two eaudiilates for Presidential electors, the selection of eight delcKtcs-iil-larrc to the Ro publican National convention, and for tho ransactlon of such other business as limy be presented. J)y onler of the Mate Committee. M. ft. iUAY, Attest: June!. Rex, Cliairtuan. "V. Jt. Andhews, Secretaries. liosro.v is not sorry it lias liullt the llnost public library in the United Stutos. Shenan doah is just us proud of it public Mjhool library the flnost and most largely patron ized in tlio county. Kabteii Sunday this year falls on April 5. This is for tlio benefit of thoso who need liluuty of time in which to makeup plans and specifications for an Kastcr bonnet. A NliimASKA man whoso wilo lias just i covered lior siioecli,after twenty-four yours of silence, is kicking. It would be a good thine if some men We know weio alllicted tho sair.o May for just twice twenty-four years. lr you luivo any regard for your lioaltb see that tlie collars under your dwellings aio thoroughly aired. Uolds that many pcoplo wonder how they get are frequently called by tlio damp and bail air from cellars. O.si; of the leading Democrats of West Philadelphia, ox-Councilman W. Harry Ster. ling, lias decided to join tlio Republican party. To make his disgust with the Demo cratic party appear stronger, ho says all the jnalo members of his family will do thermic. Ciims. Maiiiji; does not like tho proposed Loxowing of the city of Pittsburg and broko out into a tirade against Senator Quay at tlio meeting of tho City Committee in Pittsbuig .yesterday. It is too bad the btato at lamo will not let tho Alleghany statesman Hie out the Junior Senator. Ir has just come to light by tlio raH of the electric light war that a Tanuuiua news paper olliee is furnished witli but one towel ctuth month, and that it is made to do service lor Ihoeditor, oIko cat-aiid ."devil." This accounts for the faiil newspaper's antiquated position on all local questions nll'ecling that i nough. Cuius. Maiim:, the Pittsburg Republican leader, will meet with considerable opposi tion in his announced candidacy for State s-euator. The Quay p oplo in that section of ihr slate, led by Walter Lyou, will place a candidate in the Held in opposition to tho l'oiilbiue leadur. The candidacy of Mageo is looked upon as a part of tho scheme to gain control of tho State Senate by tho Combine. Hem: Is something to ponder over. A man l'ound a $10 bill. He paid tho grocer and took a receipt, Tlio grocer paid tho money oyer to the real estate agent for rent. Tho agent paid the $10 bill to the man who owned the property, who happened to bo tho man who lost tho bill. Ho deposited tlio bill in tho bank ami it was returned to him as a counterfeit. Was there anything gained or lost in tliis series of transactions? Tin: annual report of tho Pennsylvania railroad, recently presented, shows that corporation to bo in a prosperous condition. Last year's statement, desplto gouoral dc. profusion in business, was consideied an excel lent exhibit, hut this year's report presents a Mill better bhowing; for notwithstanding tlio continued depression of business and the increased outlay for permanent Improve jnents and repairs, tlie oaruingsoii tlio capital Mock are given at 0.7 por cent. Tho entire lUatomuut shows conclusively that the man iigeinent of tlio aU'airs of tho company is in thoroughly competent hands. Maucu having given very conclusive evidence of its ability to bo rough, blus tery and cold, has quieted down, and is now behaving itself in a manner befitting a rc spocttiblo month . Tho six wcoks over which the ground hug is said to have control havo nearly ended, and it will piuzlu oven tho closest observer to determine positively whether tho weather has been in accordance with tho ground hug's movements on the 2d of Fvoruary or not. Wo havo hud daring i h Vat ft To weeks nil sorts of went io( good, Ij1 and indifferent rendering it next to im- Wblo to determine which of tlio three kinds predominated , Btsct: the inauguration of Arbor; Day mil liouml millions of fruit, shudo and forest trees have leuu planted, adding to tlie beauty and value of homos and lands nud thus Ineroasing tho prosperity of the whole 'ouiuiuuity, and thoro will bo no falling oil' iu either the number or enthusiasm ef those who engage in the patriotic work this year. l,et every ono who can whether he be at homo on the farm or a village or suburban resident with ground adapted to tho purposo assist lu oomintttuonitlug Arbor Day by planting ono or more trees nj the circum stances permit. Hut, after all, It is not jiecoshury to wujt for any special day'to plant trees. If tho vwison is favorable, bet them .out whenever nud wherover tho opportunity J present itself. One great point Is not to neglect tho trees aftor they liavo been planted. They should recelvo a certain amount of after culture, have the ground kept clear uf weeds and be properly mulched. There's ,111st Wlnit Vim Want, I'an-Tlna (48c.) Tor coughs and colds. At (Iruliler llros., drug store. ltcllglotls Notices. Services in the Trinity Iteformed church to-morrow at 10:00 a. m., and 0::!0 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. 1'raycr meeting evory Wednosdny evening nt 7:30, Services in All Saints' Protectant Episcopal church on llast Oak street to-morrow at 10:30 a. in. and 7 p. lu. Tho rector will olllclato. Sunday school at 2 p. m. liegular services will bo held In tho United Kvangollcal church, (Dougherty's Hall,) to morrow at 10 a. m. and 0.30 p. m. l'reaching by tlio pastor, l!ev. I. J. Iteitz. Sunday school at 1.30 p. m. Calvary liaptlst church South Jardln street. Services will bo held to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and (1:30 p. m. when Itov. David I. Kvans will ollkiato. Sunday .school at S p. m. Services in tho I'resbytorian church to morrow nt 10:30 a. in, and (1:30 p. in, Sunday school at 2 p. in. Rev. T. Maxwell Morrison, pastor. Services to-morrow in tho Primitive Metho dist church by tlio pastor, Iter. John Hath, nt 10:30 a. m. and 8:30 p. in. Sunday school at - p. lu. Itov. It. I!. Williams, of Plymouth, whoso ability nsn pulpit orator is well known hero, will preach in tlio Welsh CalvlnUtic Metho dest church to-morrow morning and ovcnlug. Tho pulpit of tlie United Evangelical church, corner of Centre and Jnrdiit streets, will bo occupied at 10 a. in. and (1:30 p. in. to morrow by tho nowpiHtor. I!ov. 1. J. Ileitis. First Methodist Episcopal church. Services nt 10:30 it. in. and 0:30 p. m. Morning suh ject, "The two sides of christian work." Evening, Following tlio Lord fully." This will bo the last sermon of tho pastor before conference, and may bo his final sermon In this church. Class meeting nt 0 a. m. Sunday .school at 2 p. in. Christian Endeavor de votional meeting nt 5: l.j p. m. ltucklcn's Aruleii Salve. Tlio best salvo in tho world for cuts, bruisos, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped lunula, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or mony refunded, l'rico 25 cents por box, For sale by A. Wnslcy. Micuuiidniili Directory. IMisinetw men and others, who havo not yet secured one of thodirecloriesof Shenandoah, just issued, can obtain one by making appli cation at this otlico. Tho price is only $2.00, and there are only a few left. No business lnan can afford to bo without olio of thoso books. S-Sl-tf Itliciitnntlsm Cured In n Day. "Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism nnd Xcu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system is reinnrkable and mysterious. It removes nt unco tho cause and the disoaso immediately disappears. Tho first dose greatly benefits; 73 cents. Sold by C. It. Hageubuch, Druggist, Shenandoah. When you want good roofing, plumbing. gas fitting, or general tinsmitliing dono call on E. F, Gallagher 18 West Centre street. Dealer ir stoves. 8-1-tf -IMliyor Hooper Still On Top. BAbTlMoun, March 7. Mayor Hooper and his Itppiiullcjin cqlloagucs in councils had another set to yesterday afternoon, and tho mayor scoret a knockdown In that no attempt was madoto pass ovor his veto tho ordinances depriving him of tho power of appointment. Republican mom-f hers sent u cominittoo to tho mnyor with a view to a compromise by tlio withdrawal of tho names of Dr. J. F. McSlmuo for health olliccr and Dr. Sidney O. Hcist- kell ns quarantine olliccr, but Mayor Hooper declined to nccedo to tho proposal. It seoins more evident than over that tho opposition to Mayor Hoopor cannot control enough votes to pass tho ordl nances over tho veto, nnd tho prospects for a deadlock aro Improving. Sirs. Lane Convicted of Manslaughter. Detroit, March 7. It tool; hut ouo bal lot by tho jury Imtho trial of Mrs. Alice B. Lano to convict hor of manslaughter yesterday aftornoon. Mrs. Lano wns charged jointly with Dr. I). J. Seaman with responsibility for tho death of Emily J. Hall, tho girl who was brought horo for trentmont from Birmingham, Englnnd, by hor pastor, Rov. Johathnu Boll, with whom sho Imil boon unduly lntlmato. Mrs. Lano was proprietor of tho lying in hospital In which sho died. Dr. Soaninu, who attended Jior, was recontly sontonccd to ten years in ntnto prison for man slaughter In this caso. Mrs. Lano has not yot been sentenced. Heimtor Cullom's Ciuulidncy. Wasihnotox, March 7. Wlion asked for an authoritative statcmont as to tho vari ous roports concerning ills candidacy for tlio prosldoncy bomuorCutllom, of Illinois, said: "After duo consideration and care ful Investigation of tho situation 1 have said to tho pcoplo of Illinois that I should deem it a high honor to havo tlio support of my stato dolegatiou nt tho St. Louis convention. I am n candidate to that ex tent, and I may add that I now see no reason why I should not eontinuo to be a candidate. I desiro It to bo understood explicitly that in entering tho rnco I do not bocomo n party to any scheme" mntlsm with its dreadful pains and aches, is a disease ot tho blood. Lactlo ncld accumulates in the vital fluid nnd settles in the joints, to tho Intense agony of tho sufferer. Hood's Sarsaparllla neutralizes this acid, restores the rich healthy quality ol the blood, and thus drives out and prevents rheumatism. Hundreds ot testi monials tell of crutches thrown away, lame backs, arms and legs cured, by Sarsaparilla The OneTrue Blood Purifier, f 1; 0 for J6, I'rejwred only bpr C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mail. Urt,11 reM7totVo,mtld,ffs liOOU S FlIlS tl... All oruggUU. c ft Presents Strong- Argument to Support (Iron! Itrilnln's Claims. Rondos, Mnroli 7. Tho Urltlsh bluo hook on tho Vimozuolnii boundary ills puto wns laid on the tnblo of tlio houso of commons yostorilny. Tlie following U a summitry of tho position of Grout Hrlt nln in published lu the work referred to: Long prior to nnd nt tlio tlmo of tlio treaty of Munstor, In 1010, tho Dutch founded settlements In various parts of British Gulnnn, particularly on tho const. Tho only Spanish sottlonumt prlortothom wns Santo Homo do Gitnymm. During tho wholo period from 1018 to 1700 the Dutch hml uninterrupted possession of tlio cntlro coast lino nnd tho rlvor Corontln to Hnrlinn. During tho snmo period thoy had oxplorcd tho upper portions of nearly till tlio rivers and made many settlements In mljaoent districts, l'rlor to 1?.3 thoro wns no settlement of Spaniards oxcept Santo Homo do Guaynnn. Uotwcon 1721 nnd 1703 Cnpuoliln missions woro established southward of tlio Orinoco anil gradually extended eastward towards tho Dutch territory, the furthest point oc cupied by tho Spaniards being Tumoremo, founded about 1788. Doforo 1700 tho Dutch bud Bottled far up tho Cuyunl.iv Dutch post wns established near tho Yurunry nnd tho Dutch had full control of tho wholo basin of tho Cuyunl. Kxcept for tho settlomont of Santo Homo do Gunyann nnd their missions tho Hpuuiards oxerciscd no authority In tho lerrltory now In dispute, and Greut Brit ain, on becoming possessor of tho colony, succeeded to all tho rights of tho Dutch. After 1700 Groat Britain oxtendodher settlements and exercised over tho terri tory orlglnnlly claimed by tho Dutch nil the rights whereby nations usually indi cate a claim to torrltory. Neither Spain nor Vouezuoln, nfter tho lnttor hod de clared her lmlopoijdonco, at any time lind possession of or dominion ovor tho terri tory in question. Tlio claim of Venezuela that hor terri tory oxtonds to tho Kssnuibo Is based on contentions In no wise supported by facts and cannot bo justified on any reasonable ground. Tlio foregoing thus establishes Groat Britain in her strict right to bo en titled to tho torrltory cxtondlng to.Barima, including tho watersheds of tlio Kssnuibo, Cuyunl, Yuruury, Pomuroon, Yviilnl and; Barlma, Big Importing Houso Assigns. New YoitK, March 7. John F. Talmage and Dan Ttilinngo, who carried on busi ness under tlio namoof Dan Talmago's Sons, dealers in rice, yostorday assigned to Joseph Glllot, with prcforencos for $14,450, distributed among seventy creditors. Tho firm has branch houses in this country nnd Europe, with agencies In South Amor Ica, Japan nnd China. In 1801 tho firm's capital was $100,000. The Weather. t Toroastorn l'onnsylvnnla and Now Jer sey: Cloudy nnd threatening wenthor. with light rain; slightly warmer; south erly winds. Don't lie Imposed Upon, when you ask for Doctor Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery- Go to a reliable dealer. Ho will sell yjm what you want. Tho ones who have 601110111111!! else to urL'O upon you aro thinking of the extra profit they'll make. These things pay thorn better, hut thoy don't care nnoilt you. Jvouoof those substitutes is just ns good" ns tho "Discovery." That is tlio only hluod clcanser, llosh-bulldcr, and strength-restorer so far-reacluug aud so unfailing in its effects that it cap bo guaranteed. Iu the most stubborn, skin, scalp, or scrofuiuus affections. or lu overyvdisease that s caused ny a torpid liver or by impure blood it effects perfect mil permanent cures. Minister Guzman May lteturn. Washington, March 7. Tlio reappoint ment of Dr. Guzman 11s minister from Nicaragua would not ho surprising to members of tho diplomatic corps here. It was practically decidod to reappoint tho former minister whon tho revolution hroko out. It is expected that the closo. of tlio revolution will bo followed by tho ro turn of Dr. Guzman to his old post. All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of Lebanon, Conn., was badly alllicted witli rheumatism. At times it was so sovero that ho could not stand up straight, but was drawn ovor on 0110 side. "I tried ditlcront remedies without receiving relief," ho says, "until about six months ago I bought a bottle of Chamhorlain's Pain Halm, After using it for three days my rheumatism was gone and has not returned sinco. For salo by Gruhlor Bros.' druggists. Nlcnrngunu Itubels Conquered. MANAGUA, March 7. Word received this morning indicates that tho Loon rebels liavo given up tliolr cuuso. Hafaol A. Gultclrrez, president of tlio ropubllo of Salvador, has telegraphod to President Zoluya, of Nicaragua, Informing him that tho Leon rebels want to make tonus of ponco. President Zclaya is determined that tho only terms of penco bo will glvo nro that tho Leonlsts shall pay all tho ox penses of tho war preparations which havo been necessitated by tholrrovolt, shall glvo up all their arms and that their leadors uUuii iu.. tried by court martial. Catarrh Relieved In 10 Minutes, and Cure Absolutely In Three Weets-Total Cost of Cure $1.50. Mr. 11. L. Daan. Attornoy. Eastern, Pa writos ''When I read that Dr, Agncw's Cntnrrahal Powder would rollovo catarrh In 10 minutes, I must say I was far from being convinced ot tlio lact, nut i iiccutou to try it, and purchased a bottlo from my druggist. A 8inglo pull' of the Powder through tho blower afforded instantaneous relief, stopped tho pom over mv eves, ami cleauseu the nasal passages. 1 have during tlio last three weeks used three bottles of tho remedy, and am to day free from both catarrh and cold. Friends of initio have used it forfcevoro colds and It has never failed to cure thorn, and oftentimes Hi a lew Hours, an cents, bolt! by b. 1' Kirlin. Our Venezuelan Specialist. ITHACA, N. Y March 7. Professor Goorge L. Burr, of Cornell university, hns been appointed historical specialist to tho Venezuelan commission. Ho loft for Washington last night, Tlio research chiclly needed on his part concerns tho settlements made by men of different nationalities along tho Cuyunl river, Keller lu fill Hours, Distresslne kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by tlio "Nuw Great South American K dney Curo." This now remedy is a groat surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in reiioving lain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the uriuarv nassaces in malo or female. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing It almost immediately. If you .want quick relief and curu this is your remedy. Sold by Bhapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main street. CONVINCING STATEMENTS IN FA VOR OF HIS IMPROVED HO MOEOPATHIC REMEDIES Druggists Say : "Wc Hear Nothing But dood Reports of Mun yon's Cures." Mr. A. Cahill, Korristown, l'a says! "I havo been greatly nfllirtcd by catarrh for years past, nnd during last winter tlio dis ease extended to my throat and caused very distressing symptoms. The catarrhal trouble in tho head produced stoppage and prussuro in tlio nose, with profusodisciiHrgosof mucus, and when my throat became nll'ectcd I was subject to continual ulcerations, with such great sorcuoss that I was in constant misery. After trying numerous treatments I consulted Munyon'fl Cntnrrh Specialist, nnd tinder his direction took a course of Munyon's Catarrh Itcmedles and local applications. In a short time 1 was entirely cured of all my catarrhal trouble My nose is free fronv stoppage, tho discharge of mucus lias ceased and my throat has healed completely and never gives mo tho slightest trouble." Munyon's Rheumatism Curo seldom falls to relieve in one to three hours, and cures in a few days. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo positively cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles. Pricu 2oc. Munyon's Cold Cure prevonts pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price 25c. Munyon's Cough Curo stops coughs, night sweat, allays soreness and speedily heals the lungs. Price 25e. Munyon's Kidney Cure spewlily cores pains in thu Iwck, loins or groins and All forms of kidney diseases. Price 25c. Munyon's Hdcb Cure sto) hesilaches in three miuntco. Price. S3 rents. MunyoiTs, I .e Ointment positively cures i all forms of files. Price. 25c. MuntHt' Blood Cure eradicates all impuri ties on tlbrWnMl. Price 85c. MvtorT IVmalr Remedies are a boon to all wmatte Mf Sir. M?vef Atakana Cure, with Herbs, $1.00. MuurttoT OMaurfa Remedies never fail. ! The CtCMTit Oar price 25c. eradicates tho ili--.c Hoot la system, ana the cutarrh Tablets price S5c. cleanse and hoal tho parts Munyon's Vitaliser restores losttpowcrs to weak men. Price, $1.00. It Munyon's ltcmedios at all druggistmjnost ly -T cents a vial. i Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia, P., answered with flee medical advico for ariv disease. Tho l'oor Will be ,tlio Rogers. WlbunsnAltHE, l'n.,. .March 7. O. B. MacKuight, a inorchant at .Plains, Pa., lias failed for $100,000, nnd his store wns rlosod by tho sheriff yesterday aftornoon. llcsides doing a genoral mercantile busi ness, MacKnlght acted as banker for a number of poor pcoplo who had no confi dence In banks. It is thought that those will bo tho principal losers. scii:nci: MAKKS anot: STitiiin. IlHt GIGANTIC And Gives to the World an Absolute Cure For Heart Dlseasa and Dropsy The Dis ease Can Now be Controlled In 30 Minutes. "For ten years I havo stiU'ercd greatly from heart disease, i luttenng ot the heart, palpi tations aud smothering spells liavo mado my llfo miserable. Kvcrythlng was tried and dono as I thought, A short time ago the crisis came, and I was confined to my bed. As dropsy nan set in, my physician said must prcpaiu my family for tho worst. All this time l naci seen in. Agncw s euro lor tho Heart advertised, but did not think it could liclp mo. As a last resort I tried it, and think of my joy when I received great relief from ono dose. Une bottlo cured my dropsy. and brought mo out of bed, nud five bottles havo completely cured my heart. 11 you are troubled witli any heart atl'ectiou, and are in despair, as I was. usothis remedy, for I know it win curo you. ;urs. jamcs Adams, Syra cuse, ji. i. bold bys. 1', Kirlin. Gcnernt Woodward's Illness Proves l'alal Brooklyn, Mnroh 7. Gouoral John A. Woodward died at his homo in this city at midnight. Ho was taken with a chill on Tuesday In his ofllco In Now York cltv. aud on his arrival homo tho dlscaso rap- uiiy uovoiopeu into pneumonia. Charged with Mnmle Sullivan's Murder, Hackensack, N. J March 7. James Gililllau, an old tramp, was arrostod hero yesterday on suspicion of having beon tho murderer of Mamlo Sullivan, tho muslo tcacner wno was Killed lu l'utorson, N. J.. 1.. ,, i ' v cuuesuay mgut. Not to bo Trilled Willi. ( from Cincinnati Gazette.) Will peoplo never learn thut a "cold" is an accident to bo dreaded, and that when, it occurs treatment should bo promptly applied ? Thoro is no knowing where tho trouble will end: aud whilo comnloto recovery Is tli rulo, the oxcoptions aro terribly frequent, and thousands upon thousands of fatal ill- nosses occur every year ushered in by a little iijudictous oxposuro and seemingly trifling symptoms. Beyond this, there aro to-day couutloss invalids who can traco their com plaints to "colds," which at tho time of occurrence gavo no concern, nud were there lore noglected. When troubled with a cold use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is prompt and effectual. 23 and 50 cent bottlos for salo by Gruhlor Bros.' druggists. Walt l'or tho Opening, Carpenters havo almost completed tho new glass front iu the liefowich building, and new and handsome fixtures will be plated in tho stoio. When completed Mr. Itefowlch will have tho finest aud larsost store-room in tno county. A new and vnrlod Btock, includ Ing children's clothing nnd specialties, will no a nig attraction. Wait for the oiieuiug 2-2Ctf Slinou S, Hartman, of Tnnnolton, Wost Va has lieen subject toattacks of colic about once a year, and would havo to call a doctor and then Butler for abeut twelvo hours as much as some do when thoy die. Ho was takeu recently Just the muio as nt other times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says : "I took ouo doso of It and it gave me relief in five minutes. That, is more than any thing else liaa ever done for me." For salo by Gruhlor llros.' druggist. Scliellly House For Sale. Tho property and good will of tjio-Schcifly Houso, on NotJlMnln street, Is offered for salo. Tho proprietor contemplates loeatlm. iu tho South. For further particulars apply at tlio tscnciuy Jiouso. 12-10-tf NUGGETS OF NEWS. Lewis C. Towksbury, a well known Now York broker, has purchased Allx, tho queen of trotters. Tlio Iown seuato, by n closo voto, effect ually ondod tho movemout for fomnlo suf frngo In tlint stato. Dr. F. K. Halo, who Is charged In Prov idence, 11, I., with tho death of Kato Foonoy, was admitted to boll In tl5,000 last night. James W, Sheridan, a wealthy browor of Chicago, was held up by threo highway men on Ashland boulovnrd nt 7 o'clock last ovenlug, nnd relieved of a gold watch, n f200 pin and $500 cash. Dr. McCoy, Mrs. Mnssoy, Dr. Noyes, Sim Dugglns nud Frank Carter woro ar rested at 1'rovo, Utah, on account of tho death of Miss Kvolyn Bennett by mal practice. No uvldcnco against Noyes and Carter. Grip-Colds-lIondnclic. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds nnd La Grippe when Laxativo llromo Qulnlno will curo you in ouo day. Put up lu tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For salo by Kirlln's Pharmacy. A genuine welcome awaits yotiat JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. flaln and Coal Sts. Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers. porter nnd nle constantly on tap. Chhled tern (ernnce drinks nnd cignrs. Hillions of Dollars Go up iu smoko every year. Tako no risks but get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, ggttftSSS? Mfo Life nnd Accidental Companies.1 OR SALE OREXCHANGE A FARM 100 acres clear, nnd with option of imrchasintr 100 acres timber land ndjolulng. Dwelling nml barn nud all necessary out buildings in good order anil repair. Will bo sold with or without stock nnd farming Implements. Coal Is supposed to under lie this property. Within 3 miles of a first-class marKct. v iu irnuc lor town property. ALSO A FAI?n 173ncres, near Zlons drove, 73 MV.1 neres clenr. Dwellinir cost over S23O0. Good bam nnd out buildings. Stock nnd farm Implements. Must sell to dlsolve partnership. T. R. BEDDAIX, or R. H. LLEWELLYN, Shenandoah, Pa. Above parties will negotiate the Bale of nny good licensed property in Shenandoah. YOU'VE-S BEEN WRONG In thinking that becausowo carry such a high grado of fashlonablo stationery you could not find what you desired at tho price you wanted to pay. Wo havo a good paper with envelopes to match at 20 cents a box. We havo a i ream package for 23c. Good en velopes 5c a pack, befc ones 10c. Tablets at 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 23c. a North rvialn St. HAVE YOUR HORSES SHOD With II. F. MELI.ET. tbo.nrnctical horseshoer. nnd nvold nny of tho 21 diseases originating from improper bearings. All uucascs ol the feet given personal attention. H. F. MELLET, South Market street, between Centre and Oak streets, shennnuoah. READING R. R. SYSTEM IN KFFEOT OCTOBER 4. 1893. Trains leave Shenandoah ns follows : For New York via Philadelphia, week days, j iu, o -Mt i -jo a. m., i os, zx nnu doo p, Sundays. 2 10 a. m. For New ork via Slauch Chunk, week days. a i a. in., iz as nnn a oo p. m. cor uenuing anu I'miaaeipiua, wecic uays, 10. 5 25. 7 20 a.m.. 12 M. 2 55 and 5 53 u. m. 8un days, 2 10 a. in. l'or I'ottsvlllc, week days, 2 10; 7 20 n. m., and 12 in, z o.) anu o M p. m. aunuays, z iu.a. m. FoV Tnumqua aud Mahnnoy City, week days, iu, a , i -m a. m., iz o, z oo una o oa p, Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For lliiamsport, Sunbury and Lcwlsburg, wcck uays, u a, n u a. m., l ou anu V -urr. m aunuays, a zo n. m. For Mahanov IMane. weeltdavs. 2 10. 8 2.V 5 7120, 11 30 a. ni., 12 58, 1 50, 2 55,5 63, 7 20 nnd 9 85 p, m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 23 a, m. . Tor Ashland nnd Shamokln, week days, 3 25, ,-o.ii jo a. in., iov,7-u anu visa p.m. sun- dnvs. 3 21 n. m. II. & O. H. R., through trains leavo Heading icrmiuai, I'uunueipmn, u . & it. it. lu) at iJ -u, iWiiian. m., a -iu aim ,.7 p. in. Hunnayt 3 20. 7 00, 11 26 a. m.. 3 41 nnd 7 27 n. m. Add! tionnl trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets station, week days, 1 50, 5 41, 8 23 p, in. nunuays, l i, a -a p. in. TRAINS FOlt SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via 1'hlladelnbla. week days, 8 00 a. m., 180, 4 00, 7 SO p. in. and 1215 nigui. mmiiays, o ou p. m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week uays, -i iiu, v iu n. in., i iu nnn t ou p. m. lnvo Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 33, 10 00 a. m. and 4 00, 6 02, 11 SO p. m. Sundays, 11 30 p.m. Imivo Reading, week days, 133, 7 10, 10 00, 11 50 a. in., 5 53 and 7 57 p. in. Sundays, 1 33 n, in. Leave l'ottsvllle, weekdays, 2 33, 7 40 a, m., 12 30 nnd 012 p.m. Sundays, 2 33 n. m. Leavo Tamaqna, week days, 3 18, 8 60. 11 23 a m., 1 20, 7 13 anil 0 52 n. m. SuudayB, 3 18 a. m, Ixuive Mahanoy City, week days, 2 43, 9 21, 11 17 n. m., 1 31, 7 33 and 9 51 p. m. Sundays, 3 43 n. m. T rn1.-..nm. tln.. 1- .1 ,rt JM 6 SO, t)ilT,ll 59 n. in., 12 BR, 2 08, 5 20, 0 26 7 63 and iu 10 p. in. diuuiays, v,iw a. m. Leave Wlliiainsport, week days, 742, 1010 a. in., 8 33 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 13 p. iu. ATIANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street -worl and South street whnjf for Atlantic City. Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, 4 00, 000 p.m. Accoinmodutton, 8 00a. in., 4 80, 6 80 p. in. Sunday Express, 900. 1000a. in. Accommo dation 8 00 k. ni 4 43 p. m. ltetundhg leave Atlantio City (depot 1 week, days, express, 7 33, 900 a. m., 3 30. 5U0 p. m. Actiouimotlatlon, 6 60, 8 15 a. 111., and 4 32 p, rh, Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 SO p. 111. Accommoda tion, 7 15 a. 111., 4 13 p, m. I'nrior cirs on ni express irnpn, I. A. 14X1 Vrl VI Mil JA'bP lILa k HWEIQAItD. O, O. HANCOCK. Oeu'lSuiierlntenueut. Ueu'l Pom. A Agt. OR BABY'S SKIN i Scalp and flair USE pcura fSOAP The most effective skin purifyingand beau tify ing soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery For distressing facial eruptions, pimples blackheads, Irritations of the scalp, dry thin, and falling hair, red, rough hands' chafincs, and simple rashes and blemishes of cliildhood.it is absolutely incomparable. Bold thrftURhotit th vnrM. Prtttih depot, Y. Nstp niEnr Suss, 1. Klnu tMrsrd-Rt., Iindon. Tottbr Uruo ft Cniu. Cosr Sole Tropin llotton, U. 8. A. get Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, a.. 207 West Coal Street. Toams to Hire. It you want to hlro n snfo nnd reliable tenm for drlvinfc or for working purposes pay Shields1 livery stable ft visit. Teams constantly on hand at reasonable rates. JAMES SHI ELDS, No. 410 East Centre street. Opposite Heading railroad station. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 0. 8. PHILLIPS, 31. D. Olllco: 30 West Centre Btrcet. Can bo consulted at all hours. p P. BURKE, M. D. 80 E. Lloyd etrect, Shenandoah. t Ofllco hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p.m. J. " POSIEItOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. SlienandoMi, Pa. M. BUItKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllco Ecaii buildlmr. corner of Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah. pilOF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy Oty, Pa. IlavinB studied under some of the best masters Tu London nnd Paris, will (rive lessons on the violin, frultar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address in care of Strouse, the jeweler. Shenandoah. P. J. CMFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinjty ..For BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. JOHN F. CLEARY, ! PUIIE SELTZEIt WATKit TJftTTT T3D ! A euro f or lieadaclio ana UU 1 1 J-EIV : stomach troubles. OF WEISS BEER, LACIER HEKR, l'ORTEll. 7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. NEW SALES and EXCHANGE STABLES. WORKING or DRIVING HORSES constantly on hand. Sold or exchanged. H. L. MILLER & CO., Props., 10 N. Pear Alley. Business ofllco: W. F. Miller's meut niorket )M N. Main street. C HARLES DERR'S Barber Shop 1 13 Worst Centre Street. Our Hot Towel Shave la becomlnfr popular. You will Uko it make a specialty ot hair cutting, We t 4 4 4