The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 06, 1896, Image 2

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    . . . ,
ITAIlI,ISIIl;i) 1870.
Published every Evening, Except Sunday, nt
8 Hoirrn Jahmn Street. Nkar Crntiik.
Che Herald Is dellveit-d InHhonniidonn nnd tho
surrounding towns fornix cent n week, pay
able to tho cnrrlcr. Ily mall J3.U0 n yir, or 28
cents n month, jinynhle In advance. Advertise
ments ciinrgeu accenting to spitcenmi onuion.
Tho publishers reserve tho right to change the
position of advertisements whenever the imb
rication of news demands It. Tho riKht is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may dfcem
improper. Advertising rates luado known
ujion application.
Entered at tho postofllce at .Shenandoah, l'a., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
Kill DAY, MARCH 0, lSOfl.
To the ltepiibllcnn electors of Pennsylvania:
The llepublicann of Pennsylvania, by their duly
chosen representatives, will meet in Mate con
vention Thursday, April 21, I WW, at 10 o'clock
A. m., In tho operti house, city of Hurrlhiirg, for
tho purpose of nominating two candidates for
reprosetitiitivo-ut-lurge in Congress and tlilrty
6wo candidates for Presidential electors, the
selection of eight dclegatcs-nt-Iargo to the Ito
publlean National convention, and for the
Tansactlon of such otiier business as may bo
By order of tho Stato Committee.
M. 8. Quay,
Attest: jEitrj It. Kkx, Chairman.
"V. It. Andrews, .Secretaries.
SIt's u mighty poor prolueor who euuiiot
improve on tho X raj-s those days.
Fitz and Corbett are still talking over tho
long distance telephone, unil saying, "Yott'or
Ito.MB, that sut on her beveu hills and from
her thnino of beauty Tilled tho world, Is put
to it those days to rule herself.
Wr. have tho Whitney, Carlisle, liussel
and Olnoy booms, hut what tho country needs
is a business boom, and that will come with
the triumph of Republicanism.
If this "favoiite bon" business keeps up the
Republican score cards at St. Louis next
Juno will hardly ho big enough to contain
the names of all the candidates. Things are
riiHercnt with our Democratic friends, ap
parently. UuvcHN'uii Hastings yosterday appointed
i'harles 1!. McMicliael to buccccd the lato
Judge Henry Reed, upon the recoinuiendatiou
of Senator tjuay's 1'hiladelphia lieutenants.
This is another blow tho Governor has dealt
lho Combine.
Tin: fccw oik .Mercury says: It is rc-
jiorted that Quay is a sure enough candidate
for the Republican l'lesideutial Humiliation,
Imt Matthew himself is not siying a word,
lmt looking calm and serene, with tho ion
lldence of a Christian who sits in a game of
poker behind four aces."
An exchange puts it this way: "The
dealers who are now advertising report in
creased business and cheerful prospects.
Spring buying begins hefuro homo merchants
are awaio of it, and it is the far-sighted ones
ulio is new planting his advertisements."
It is cjuito evident, from his published
interview, that ex-Senator John J. Ingalls,
of Kansas, is partial to McKlnley for Presi
dent, lie speaks of big Tom Ueed as a "local
man." Tho locnlity In which ho dwells,
however, takes in tho entire area of the
I'nited .States, including Kansas.
And so County Solicitor Ulrich has advised
the Commissioners not to lecogulzo any
Justices in Mahanoy City or Shenandoah
except thoso commissioned as Justices for tho
lioiough. If tho other Justices hi these two
towns aro acting illegally, how about tho
(Justices of I'ottsville, .St. Clair, Schuylkill
Jlavcn, Ashland and hisowii town of Tama
iua ? Why not wipe them all out at ono fell
swoop ?
It is evident that tho old gas companies in
this statu have given up the attempt to light
lho new applicants for charters on tho
grounds that they have exclusive rights.
Thcto were some fifteen contests of this
character before Secretary of tho Common-
wealth Hecder, all ol which wcro to have
Leeu heard this month, but tho hearings liavo
lecn postponed indellnitely. The depart
incut will yrant tho charters except where
there is a similarity of names, and in which
ease tho applicants can change the names and
PnoF, J. W. Cooii:k, principal of tho High
bi-liool, has formally announced his candidacy
for tho Couuty Supcriiitendency, and his
friends will uso every legitimate and honnr
ablo means to securo his election to that
important position. Tho action of tho School
Hoard in unanimously adopting resolutions
endorsing his candidacy is heartily com
mended by all friends of tho public schools
who know Mr. Cooper. His executive and
intellectual abilities are unquestionable, und
he has had the necessary experience to fit
him for tho duties of the position to which
he aspires.
C'Jtisi'i, the Italian statesman who lias
carried on the work of welding together tho
Italian states into ono solid kingdom, btipplo
Mien ting the woik of Masulul, favour and
Clarlliuldl, has been compelled to ruslgu
oitice because of reverses to tho( army in
Uysslnia. Tho Italian dreaniof colonial
aggrandizement has received ii serious bet
back by the defeat of flen. Damitiori which,
it appears from later dlsintcloe, lias been a
most disastrous one. His sixinor will havo
a ditiluult task on hand to govern Italy as
tlie country is impoverished to tho verge of
It is often said of
compliment, that bis li
man, by way of
4 is in tho right
place, but n recent insti
showing that it Is a go
lis in evidence as
ding on occasions
rung place. The
if a man's heart is In tl
Medical Hccerd saysth
l man in Indiana
was shot tho other day aiii
would havo been
Instantly killed if his hcar had bcon in the
normal position, for tho ball from his
assailant's rovolvcr passed directly through
his body at the place where his heart ought
to Ho. Kortunatoly tho man had transposi
tion of the viscera, his heart being on tho
right Hide. Tho lll touched nono of tho
groat osm)s and tho man will probably
There's .lust What You Want.
l'.tn-Tlna (20c.) for coughs and colds.
(Iruhler llros., drug store.
Happenings Throughout lho Itegiou Chron
icled for Hasty Perusal.
l!ev. Archibald Ross, of Ilrooklyn, will
deliver an address on "Horrors of tho Arme
nian Massacres" in tho Turkey Hun school
Iimne Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
One of the largo panes of glass at Strouso's
pool rooms slill'crcd from yesterday's gales.
The streets are kept clear of tuhhlsh by
the winds that sweep through them.
Regular lioador. Mr. Kdwln It. Williams
will servo as School Director until his suc
cessor is elected at tho next spring election.
l.'istor Sunday this year will fall on April
Tho Shamokln schools havo been com
pelled to borrow $1,000 to meet current
The (iood Will Hoso Company, of I'otts
ville, havo received a palrof horses weighing
,MK) pounds.
A Luzerno county school teacher, agod 10
years, attempted to elopo with ono of her
pupils, aged 15 years. , '
An application has been mado to tho l'en-
rose Senatorial Committee to investigate
Reading's city oillcials.
Ilarnum & Bailey's circus will show at
I'ottsville on May 20th.
Ashland wants tho free mall delivery
Tho Olrardvillo School Hoard is asking for
bids for tho erection of anew school building.
Hie employed of the Schuylkill Traction
Co. were paid yosterday. Tho pay roll ran
a little bettor than $0,000.
l'clix Strouse, the 1'ottsvillo jewolor. will
locate in Philadelphia.
Ily tho explosion of a dunlin cap. which
was in tho coal, tho stovo and kitchen of
John Scick, at Mahanoy City, were wrecked
and tho kitchen set on lire. The loss is $00.
In accordance with a icqtiost of Capt. W.
Harry Iloyd his remains will bo cremated on
Saturday and tho ashes will probably be
mined in tho Chailcs Lvans' cemetery at
Mrs. Charles Nciiman, of Locust Dale, died
at her homo on Wednesday, aged 01 years.
The County Commissioners havo ellectcd a
loan of $10,000 to meet tho current expenses
of court now in session.
Mrs. Wm. Dornbauch, of Mahanoy Plane,
met with painful injuries while attempting
to board an electric car.
Tho following applications for licenso in
Shenandoah await the action of the court:
John Malier, John Keeley and Joseph
There wero 211 prisoners in tho county
jail, 22 of whom havo been discharged.
The Mcor heirs have brought suit against
tho Lehigh Navigation Company to recover
2T1S acres of valuable coal lands in Tnmauua
borough and Iialin township.
W. J. (ialviu will shortly open a pool room
in the btore room recently vacated by J. W,
l'urccll, tho grocer, corner of White and
Centro streets.
Charles Smith has removed bis liarbcr shop
from Kast Coal bttect to 118 l!ast Centre
The cigar factory of Calvin Price, of
Minersvillc, was destroyed by lire last night,
tho loss aggregating $2,000.
The dwelling houso of Mrs. Aim Xigro, of
Landingville, Pa., was destroyed by fiio last
night. Tho inmates had a narrow escape
1 1 urn burning to death, having escaped in
their night clothes.
AIox. Strouso has housed a combination
pool and billiard table.
Did Von Ker
tryj.lcctne timers as a remedy lor your
troubles? If not, get a buttle now and get
lehel. I his medicine has been found to bo
peculiarly adapted to tho relief and cure of
all I'einalo Complaints, exerting a wonderful
direct inlluenco in giving strength and tono
to tho organs. If you havo Loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Kaintlng Spells, or
aro Nervous, Sleepless, Kxcitahle, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Hitters
is the medicine you need. Health and
strength aro guaranteed by its use. Large
bottles only fifty cents at A. Waslcy's drug
Slight fire.
Tho covering of an ironing-board standing
in a ccllarway at tho residence of Veniali
Shoeniakor, on South Main street, was ac
cident!)' set on fire with a match at noon to
day, hut tho flames wero extinguished beforo
they spread. Mrs. Shoemaker had ono of
her .hands severely binned whilo handling
tho board.
Jtlieiiiiiatisin Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
actiou upon tho system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at onto tho canto
and tho disease immediately disappears. Tho
first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by
C. H. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah,
Shenandoah Directory.
Dusinoss men and others, who havo not yet
secured one of thodirectoriesof Shenandoah,
just issued, can obtain one by making appli
cation at this olllco. Tho prico is only $2.00,
and there aro only a few left. No businobs
man can afford to be without one of theso
books. 2-21-tf
I "Ise in Town Honey." I
? A combination of tlte great staifs s
of life WHEAT, CORN and RlCE.f
: Be Suro You Get tho Red Package,
; IJuy n package of flenulno Aunt
".luinfma's Helf-Kislng Pancake Flour, i
2 unit If you do not Unit It makes tlio best
-rukes you over ate, roturu the, empty ti
box to your grocer, leave your name, s
iiiid tlio grocer will refund tho money j.
aud charge It to in. -
; HclcntinaillT Prepared and
- Uauufacluml wily l)jr j
kT. DAVIS HILL CO., St. Joseph, Ho.
H Send 4 cents in stamps for a set of Aunt!
. Jemima and her Pickaninny Dolls.
Slililliilliliiliiliiii'uiili liilliil'iliiliiluli.l llililinl
Pancake I
Flour. j
Not it Patent Medicine, Hut it Safe Curo
tor nil Tonus of Indigestion.
The results of recent investigation havo
established, beyond question, the great value
of tho now preparation for indlgostlofi and
stomach trouble; it is composed of tho
dlgostlvo acids, pepsin, bismuth, Golden
Son! and similar stomachics, prepared In tho
rorm or 20 grain lrzenges, plonsnnt to tho
taste, convenient to carry when traveling,
harmloss to tho most dellcato stomach, and
probably the safest, most effectual cure vet
llseovored for indigestion, sour stomach,
loss of appctito and llosh, nausea sick head
aches, palpitation of heart, mid tho many
symptoms arUing from imporfect digestion
of food. They curo becauso thoy causo tho
food to bo promptly and thoroughly dlgosted
beforo it lias timo to sour, ferment and
poison tho blood and nervous system.
Judge Krank Ivos, of District Court of
Crookston, Minn., says: Kor somo time 1
haoused Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets with
seeming great bonefit, with few exceptions,
I havo not been so freo from indigestion in
twenty-five years.
Geo. W. Roosovolt, U. S. Consul to Hrusscls,
IJolgiuni: Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, safe,
pleasant to take, convenient to carry, give
keen appetite, perfect digestion.
Mr. W. D. Tomlln, Mechanical Engineer,
Diiluth, Minn. : One box of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets has done its work, and I am
again gaining llcshand strength.
O. Vj. Hansom, Hustonville, Ky. : I was
distressed and annoyed for two years with
throwing up food, often two or throe, times
a day; had no lertainty of retaining a meal
if lato one. Four boxes of tho tablets from
my druggist, havo fully cured mo. I find
them pleasant to take, convenient to carry.
Itcv. (1. D. Drown, Mondovi, Wis. : Tho
effect of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is
simply marvelous ; a quite hour ty dinner of
broiled beef steak causes no distress since 1
began their uso.
Over six thousand pcoplo in tho state of
Mich, alono in 1S01 wore cured of Stomach
troubles by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Kull sized packages may bo found at all
druggists at BO e., or sent by mail on receipt
of price from Stuart Co. Marshall, Mich.
Florida's Hopuullcnn convention ended
in a bolt mid tho election of two sots of
delegates to St. Louis.
Gaston Stanley, onco qulto prominent in
business and social circles of Ualtimore,
Flint nml killed himself last niyht in that
A body Washed nshoro at Lloyd's Neck,
L. I . Monday night has been identified as
Mary Kox, of Brooklyn. Murder is sus
pected. Mrs. Pamell, mother o tho Irish pa
triot, is settling somo business affairs at
Hordcnlown, N. J,, prior to sailing for
Tho comptroller of tho currency' has au
thorized the becond National bank of
Unioiitown, Pa., to begin business; cap
ital, $50,000. '' '
Don't bo Imposed Upon
when you ask for Doctor Tierce's (loldcn
Medieil Discovery- Go to a reliable dealer.
Ho will sell you what you want. The ones
who havo something elso to urgo upon you
aro thinking of the extra profit they'll make.
These tilings pay them better, but they don't
care about you.
Nono of these substitutes is "just as good"
as tho "Discovery." That is the only blood
cleanser, ilesh-builder, and strength-restorer
so far-reaching and so unfailing in its effects
that it can be guaranteed. In the most
stubborn skin, scalp, or scrofulous ailcctious,
or in every disease that s caused by a toriml
liver or by impure blood it effects perfect
and permanent euros.
Holmes to be Hanged May 7.
HAltlllSliUKO, March 0. Tho day for tho
execution of H. H. Holmes, tho convicted
murderer of Benjamin V. Pltezol and al
logod murderer of twenty-ono others, was
fixed by Governor Hastings today. Ho
names Tliursday, May 7, as tho day. Tho
decision of the supremo court affirming
tho judgment of tho lower court was ro
colvcd at tho oxecutlvo departmont yoster
day afternoon, and was immediately laid
before tho governor. Tho death warrant
wns at onco prepared and forwarded to
Shoriff Cloment nt Philadelphia.
Simon S. Hartman, of Tunnelton, West
Va has been subject toattacks of colic about
once a year, and would havo to call a doctor
and then suffer for about twelve hours as
much as somo do when they die. Ho was
taken recently just tho samo as at other
times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy. Ho
says : "I took ono dose of it and it gavo mo
relief in flvo raluutos. That is nioro than
any thing elso has cvor dono for mo." For
salo by Gruhlcr Dros.' druggist.
An Old Lady Horned to Death.
HAltmsnu'ita, March 0. Mrs. Peter J.
Enders, aged "0 years, wasburnod to death
yesterday afternoon nt her homo in En
dors, this county. Hor clothing caught
flro whilo sho was washing nt an open fire
place. Mrs. Enders was alono whon tho
nccldont occurred. Sho ran Into tho house,
sotting flro to tho building, but it was
saved from destruction by tho efforts of
All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of
LeUmon, Conn., was badly aflllctod with
rheumatism. At times it was so severe that
ho could not stand up straight, but was
drawn over on one side. "I tried different
remedies without receiving relief," ho says,
"until about six mouths ago I bought abottlo
of Chamberlain's Pain D.ilm, After using It
for three days my rheumatism was gono and
has not returned since. Korsalohy Guilder
Dros.' druggists.
Killed by Her Jeulous llusbuud.
St. LouiSi March 0. In a Jealous rago
Andrew Worten. a gypsy norso ucaier,
nrrnd 3. nnd a native of Canada, mur-
doretl nis vrue iiuui jmwiui m v
room in a llroadwny lodging houso. Ho
cut hor throat with a razor. Worton was
not living with his wlfo at tho timo of tho
tragedy. Sho left him nearly threo months
ago, bo Bays, nnd slnco then has boon liv
ing with another man.
Aro y a a sufferer from that terrible plague,
Itching files Y Doan's Ointment will bring
you Instant relief and permanent curo. Get
it from your dealer.
... f . T 1 . . , 1 t ..
Food is Poison if Allowed to
Ferment in Your Stomach.
1'iltrid food contains poisons so dangorous
that they cause eilects similar to all&loids
which druggists aro not allowed to sell to the
public. '
No wonder so many of ns bccoino danger
, usly sick from indigostlon !
For what is Indigestion?
It is putrid (undigested) food In tho
The poisons of undigested food aro ab
sorbed into the blood, and a licet tho liver,
the norves, tho kidneys, the heart and all
tho organs of tho body,
They cause weakness, lethargy, headache
dizziness, mental depression, bad taste,
stomach-ache, fover, flatulence, palpitation,
nausea, constipation, loss of appetite,
jaundice, prostration, anaemia, rheumatism,
They can bo got rid of only by helping tho
stomach to digest its food, and this is dune
by the Shaker Digestive Cordial.
You will novor be strong or healthy so
long as you sufi'er from indigestion, so long
as you allow your stomach to taint your
system with tho poisons of putrid food.
And, as for a cure, nothing will curo you
so quickly as Shaker Digestive Cordial,
nothing so certainly relievo your pain and
discomfort, or givo you new strength, cnorgy,
and endurance.
At druggists. Ten cents for a trial bottle.
Address for free book, The Shakers, 30-
Keade Street, Now ork.
She Writes Kncournglngly of Her Recep
tion In the Multmi'fl Doinnin.
NEW YoliK, March 0. A letter just re
ceived by a momber o( tho National Hod
Cross from Miss Clara Barton, dated Con
stantinople, Feb. 10, tells of tho journey
of tho Ited Cross party which sailed from
here on Jan. S3, nnd also contains tho fol
lowing: "Tho cablegram sent by Minister Tor
roll yosterday afternoon to Sccrotary Ol
noy, and which I trust was mado public,
was the outcomo of a call In tho morning
upon the sublime porto In the porson of
its minister of foreign affairs, which was
in every way us ngreenblo, cordial and sat
isfactory as it could havo been mado in
nny country. Not only wns tho fullest
permission given for our entranco Into
Armenia, but an nctivo and generous ef
fort was displayed toward making our on
deavors, our journeys, etc., safo, ploasant
and as easy as posslblo, and also as produc
tive of beneficial results ns could bo wished
for. Mr. Torroll was vory much gratified
nnd seems very happy over our succoss, to
which tho stato department and ho con
tributed so largoly.
"As soon as an outfit can bo mado and
passago secured our mon will start for tho
desolated regions. It will bo oold and ter
ribly bard for them, but that Is what thoy
camo for. I havo mot sovoral of tho load
ing missionaries and other American gen
tlemen hero, it Is hoped that the massa
cres nro over, but it Is, of course, uncer
tain. Tho general feeling is that ltussln
lias said 'enough'. "
Tho distress and sufforing through want
and sickness aro described as being both
enormous nnd terrible.
Where the ltcpubllcnus Will Meot.
ST. Louis, March 0. Tho Auditorium
in which tho national Republican conven
tion is to bo hold will bo tho finest of tbo
kind cvor erected. Tho cost will bo some
thing over $50,000, according to ostlniatcs,
nnd It will seat 14,000 pcoplo. It Is
proposed to allow no ono to stand.
It will be appropriately paluted outside,
whilo tho interior decorations will fnr
surpass those of nny convention hall yet
used by a national political party. Thoro
w 111 bo several spacious committee rooms.
In means of oxlt, ventilation, etc, tho
plans leave nothing td bo desired. Alarso
restaurant will bo a feature
ltelief hi Mx Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Gieat
South American Kidney Curo." This now
remedy is a great surpnso on account of its
exceeding promptness in rolioving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back aud every part
of the urinary passages in malo or female.
It relieves retention of wnter and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and curo this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 107 South Main
pom aoon OAflq pin puu unonsr 'ioof
saojimag-xo suvou fosiid on. jojju jiiun
papj oq qou uM juoq jlt qsnjuSo sjuoui
-0pn jao onj, -spia Aioqpq poSoj
I oqj jo 58jn oqj t eiiiT -,m , .S0,
uoo aonoodg-giaijoiuiuni.j orn ut 'unworn
UintJ BOUono JOlUltna-JTO mn.ii nnrin n
Suiioos qjiM pDajiiqa 'ijpsnpmjs joddn
jo 'juog nniiniAV aoiunag.xo jo osuo oq uj
anun.o jsuj iCiua ou jo o;pjoA n ponjn
"-"i "-id, v nojurc "n 'snnisaior)
AViatUHI jo paiiiiibav J-o Joimug
ooynuimoo on no oaiwiuosojiIoj
ono sq ojus upiig uoqoiiK puu aioiSh
-'T luuipiurf Fjoitiung puu aoojopr pun
oojsjoao 'uimuaqg 'tionuuo 'nnn soai
uosoidor 1 sSstioo oommoo OAnooxa
oqx uojiisuoj uuaiqoipr 0 uosdiuoqj, fi
"'"HIIAV 'K puu uiiuupnip ooja sosnqo
ussujy; joiopsdy Miy; 'mmupito poooio-oj
"103Sav jo (Oooqiia "JJC -ssojSuoo
siq ni iioiizuu3jo oq jo iojjboo 0Aq
oqAl saoamo oq poooios puu q8ra
jsui Supoow qsj0 jot pmq oanpuuioa
uapjdmra p)tiop,sojSuoa uuanqndaiT otn jo
"oqutom oillL-o qajUK ko.ionhisvV
oailltiituoo iuuoitaj3uo3 uujiqndat
Why suller with Coughs, Colds and La
unppo when Ijxativo llromo Quluino will
curo you in ono day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Trico, 25 ccuts. For sale
uy iviriin's Pharmacy.
A lioinh I,, the Confederate Camp.
HlCHMONt). Vll.. Afiirfb A T1,
tlvo committee In chargo of tho arrance
ineuts for the reunion of tho United Con-
adopt a letter to the camps written by
General lyton Wise, chairman of tho
oonimlttoe. bec-uue. it denounced General
Walker, oommauder-lu-ehlof of the Grand
Army of the ltepubllo. In his letter Gen
eral Wise said Wnlkni- .. - "
brought on .neltilt0la,.tit?v
Kceno roaultnil nn...i !-, . "r1"1'
that unless his letter was' KM
would throw up his position and" let sou o
ono olso look after tho rounlon. Tho letter
was finally laid on tho tnblo for a wmV.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthing dono call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street.
Dealer Ir stoves. g-l-tf
The Alert at Corlnlo.
MANAQUA, Nicaragua, March 0. The
United States man-of-war Alert arrived at
Corlnto yestcrdny, and will protect Amer
ican Interests hero. Tho troops which
Honduras lias supplied to Prosldont Zo
layn will join tho government forces in a
fow days, when nnothor onslaught on the
Iioon rebels Is oxpeeted. Preparations aro
now in progross for n big battle near La j
Paz, and President Zleiaya is comment ot
final succoss in crushing tho rebellion.
lllg Snow Storm In tlio Northwest
ST. PAUL, March 0. Specials from North
Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota tell
of a furthor snow storm of tlio past forty
eight hours. From an inch hero tho snow
rangos to olghtcon inches or moro nt Aber
deen, S. D., whore it is still snowing.
Jnmestown, N. Unreports tho worst storm
of tho season, tho snow having been fall
ing Btcadlly for forty-eight hours, aud
much suffering among stock Is feared.
Tho rmsslnn mine Horror.
BnnuN,March 0. Up to this tlmonlncty
bodies of victims of tho Cloopbns coalmine
disaster at Kattowltz, Prussian Silesia,
havo been brought to tho surface Thoy
Included tho bodies of fourvoluntccrswho
had boon ougaged In tho work of rosouo
nnd who wero overcomo by the heat caused
by tho flro In tho mine. It Is bellovedtbnt
twenty bodies remain In tho mluo.
Wrecked In the Hudson Itlvor.
Pouoiikkepsie, N. Y., March 0. The i
steamer John ti. Hasbrouck, which pllos j
between New York and Poughkecpslo, ran 1
on the Now Hamburg reef yesterday. Sho .
lios in a very perilous position, nnd is ox
peeted to break in two nt nnymlnuto. Her
passengers wero takon off nnd tho steamer
J. H. Hrlnckorhoff sent to tnko off tho
llnsbrouck's freight.
Canada Wants Increased Defenses.
Ottawa, March 0. In tho sennto last
night Sir Mackonzio Howell snid that the
Importance of Improving tho dofenses of
the country, owing to events which had
taken plnco during tho past fow months,
had induced the government tp ask parlia
ment to grant a loan of $3,000,000 to bo ex
pended in improving militia nnd defense.
Contractor Unit In of Syracuse Tolls
of tho Final Success of ft Hip
(FVoih the Sijmcwte A'. Y. Post.)
3tr. George Dakin is a well-known con
tractor nnd resident of Syracuse, and a
representative business man of that city.
Our representative found him oversee
ing the sower work at tho Arsenal, ami in
the following interview lie describes how
lie has finally completed tlio biggest con
met ho has ever undertaken.
"3Ir. Dakin, doesn't your business ex
poso you to many unhealthy conditions?"
"es, I nm continually catching cold."
" Docs it affect your general health?"
"It lias brought ou kidney disorders."
" Nave 3-ou been troubled from that
source any length of time?"
"I think it started during the war, in
which I took an active part, and every
cold I catclt lias aggravated it."
" What were tlio symptoms?"
"Lame back and trouble with tho kid
ney organism. I havo doctored for years
and used all kinds of remedies I heard of,
without relief. My case is as follows ":
"Sonic littlo timo ago I was in a very
bad condition, hardly alilo to hobble
around; I had been in Madison County
looking after a contract tliero for the Stato;
I got very wet, and, as usual, was laid up.
I was simply twisted way around aim
doubled up on ono side; when I ntteinpted
to stand up it seemed as though f would
tear out one of my kidneys; whilo in this
condition I saw Doan's Kidney Pills ad
vertised. .Being almost desperate, I was.
willing to try nnvthine for relief. I be
gan using them, aud tho result was truly
wonueriui. i icel as young as a uoy, anu
it is the first timo in many years that I
have been perfectly freo from pain in the
small of my back. All urinary troubles
gone. I am perfectly well, nnd no traces
ot my lortner trotimo remain, l giaiuy
recommend uoan s iuunev mis.
Price, 00 cents per box ; for Bale by all
dealers or mailed uy roster-Jliiuum uo.,
Buffalo, N. Y solo agents for tho U. S.
For sale at Kirlin's rharmacy.
If You Have Any
aentleiuen : Wo had one of your N. 88 Safes
In the Huseltiiio lluildlnir, which was In tlio
worst part of the flro. Although tho safe , wns
badly burned on the outbldu, nil of its contents
were b.ivt'd. , '
Vi'e take ldensurq in ndvlBliiKjho liubllc to uso
your safes if they want protection.
Clentleinen : I hereby give you my
gate, found In tho ruins of tlio lute lire nt tho
Huseltlno Art diillcrles.
Its contents wero destroyed and I have no use
for the shell. . ,
(Signed,) THOS. J. AltMSTHONCl.
723 Chestnut St.,
BUY A t 'lf AND N0T A
Works wonders in cur
ing torturing, disfigur
ing diseases of the skin,
scalp, and blood, and es
pecially baby humours.
Cttt i cob a Rftitxmxi ire aoM throughout tht world,
niituhdfpoti F.Nswiur h Son s, London , Fottlt
Dstia ft Cum. Corp. Holt ProDt.. Bfton, U. 8. A.
Grocers can tell
you wily those
whobuy SCOlig S
keep coming back
for it. Strange
tliough how long
it takes people to
try a new tiling.
Purest and
Ghris. Schmidt, Agu
West Coal Street.
Teams to H Ire.
If you wnnt to hire n eafo nnd reliable
team for driving: or for working purposes
pay Shields' Hvcry stable n visit. Tea ma
constantly on Land at reasonable rotes.
No. 410 Eat Centro street.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
Ofnco : 30 West Centre street.
Can he consulted at nil hours.
p F. BUISKE, 31. D.
80 K. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Office hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. m.
Shenandoah, Pa.
M. 11UHKE,
Ofllco Kirnu bulldtnir. corner ot Mala and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Xluvlnir -utiidled under aorno of the bet
maiitera io London and ParU. will clvo lessona
on the violin, guitar and voeal culture. Termt
reasonable. Address In care ot Strouse, the
jeweler, Shenandoah.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's BohemianBeer.
U 'VH.VrN. CT t7V r - i .It
v used as an
A firlmixtiirr tn
ordinary cof-j
delicious drink.
A cure for headache and tv
stomach troubles.
OF . . .
7 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah