The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 03, 1896, Image 2

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K&TAW.1.S11ISI1 1X70.
Fubllshcd every livening, Kieept Sunday, at
ffhe Ilerntd In dellveicd InHhcnaudoniihnd the
surrounding towns for nix cents n weok, pay
able to the carrier, llv nutll IM.OO u year, or 35
cents a month, payable In adtanoe. Advertise
ments clmrKed accoidittKtoiHconiid ittsiitlon.
The publishers twrvr the right to change the
fusitlou nf advertisements whenever the puli
IcAtlnn of news demands it. Tho right is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
fmUl for or not, that the publishers may deem
iupro)er. Advertising rntes made known
upon application.
Entered iit the Kstouloc at Shenandoah, l'o., as
second class mall mntter.
Evening Herald
TUIHDAY, MAKClt 3, 18(10.
To the Heptihliuan electors of Pennsylvania :
The Republicans of I'eunsylvonla, by their duly
chosen representathos, will meet in Stato con
vention Thuraday, April 28, 1W6, at 10 o'clock
a. in., In the opera house, city of llarrlshurg, for
tho purpose of nominating two candidateti for
representative aMarae in Congress and thirty
two candidates for Presidential electors, tho
selection of eight delcgates-nt-largo to tho Re
publican Natlonnl convention, and for tho
ransaction of such other business as may bo
fly order of the Mate Committee,
M. S. Quay,
Attest: Jbhk 1. JtBX, Chairman.
It. ANnnmNs, Secretaries.
Si:ven nevar did best eight in tho organ!
2 ition of a legislative body.
Cuius. Maoke, tho l'lttthnrg louder,
iindidato for tho State Senate.
is a
Politick plays an important part In tlio
jranting of licenses ill this county, and
more espe cially in Shenandoah.
As old citizen of town remarked to-day,
hPiMking of tlio weather, that it was pretty
fresh, nearly as flesh as some of tho now
members of Council.
Ourt Democratic frionds in tho ilorough
!ouncil nro acting under very poor legal
advice. A frieud at our elbow says a lilng
town Justice could expound better law.
"MoTlinn, mother, tho cow has swallowed
tho grindstone" "Didn't I tell you slio
would." Wo cjuoto this old haying for the
benefit of tlio Miners' Journal, who a few
lays ago credited four couiicilmanie appoint
ments to ono Councilman, giving a badly
garbled statement of what purported to he
straight news.
The organization of tlio lluroiigh Council
of Mahanoy City by the election of Capt. W.
V.. Jones as President of tho body is another
illustration of tho old, well-worn saying that
Jionesty is tho best policy. 1 Lis competitors
endeavored to use the Ticasurership to
capture two Deniocratio votes but failed to
deliver tlio goods, and tho election of Capt.
Jones resulted. Senator Coylo will hardly
consider this as an endorsement of his course
by tho citizens of his own town.
Joswii McCon.nixl, of Ashland, lias an
nounced liimolf as a candidate for the posi
tion of delegate to the National Itepublicau
convention to be held in St. Louis in Juno
jiexl, mid bis candidacy is very favorably
received. Jlis Kepuhlicanisiuis unquestioned,
his services to the party have been such that
be is entitled to recognition. IIo will have
Jiis own town behind him solidly, while the
legion between Ashland and Mahanoy City
is very favorably impressed and will givo
him miltod support. Ho will creditably
represent the party, inoro especially the
younger element now forging to tlio front.
TllK action of the Mouse of Representatives
In endorsing tho action of tho Scnato yester
day by such an overwhelming majority shows
unmistakably tho sentiment of this country
upon tho Cuban question. As Spain was ono
of tho first countries to accord belligerent
rights to the Southern statos in rebellion in
lbUl, there is something very like grim retri
bution in tho ease of tlio (Jucen of the
Antilles. As the rebellion has continued for
over a year, defying the armyof over 100,000
men that Spain lias pitted against them, it is
time such action was taken uuliillueuccd by
tho action of Spanish mobs in attacking
American consulates. Now let tho 1'iosldcnt
jict promptly upon tho linos so plainly
marked out for him by Congress and the
ause of freedom will bo advanced greatly
The organization of tho llorough Council
last night was effected by tho eight llcpiihli
can members standing together, thus cual
Jiug that party to fill tho oIHcok and to con
trol tho body for the next twelvo mouths.
There had been much speculation as to who
would rcceivo tho plums, and the proceed
ings last evening clearly shows that little
dependence can bo placed in idlo rumors in
this respect.
Tho selections appoar to give universal
Mitisl'action and some of tho appointments
were received with much surprise. Tho
Democrats coucedo the wisdom of tho selec
tions, mid among thu Kepublleaiin tho majority
members of Council uro being hoartily .com
mended for tho course pursued.
Tho meeting was a stormy one, but good
feeling predominated during tlioprocecdlngs.
'i'ho Democrats attempted to eutch their op
Voucuts 'napping, but woro checkmated.
forewarned is forearmed, and in tlio present
case there intentions in protesting against
tho light of Mr. MuUlhoHiiy to tako part in
the proceedings was known by tho Ucpuhli
eans. The latter fool satlsllod, after consult
ing high legal authority, that their position
will lie sustained by the court should tho
minority members carry their opposition
that fur.
Wo herewith give the opinion of ono of the
leading lawyers of tho county bar, A. L,
Hi haluk, Isq., upon the question at issue. In
politics Mr. Sclialok is a Democrat, and this
fact, coupled with his knowledge of the law,
makes his opinion so much the stronger. Ho
says :
In unswer to your Inquiry us to tho eompc
tency of Mr. James MuKlhcnny at this time to
hit an a member of your Council, and to
imrticlpato in its deliberations, I beg to say
'J'but Mr. McKlhcnny, having been duly elected
a member of Council from the Second ward of
your borough, and hnWiig served as Ruth with
out ciuwtlon up to this lime, and not baring
resigned his sent In Council, and no proceedings
having beon Instituted by nny one against him
to oust him from Council, I know of no leal
reason for denying him the rlglitsMWlprW lieges
of n member of your body.
1 understand that ho does contemplate remov
ing from wild ward and from the borough, but
until ho actually does so move, anil until ho
actually change his domicile, ami until be
acquire it domicile elsewhere, he continues to
retain his domicile In said wnrd mid in your
borough, for in law ovary man has a domicile
somewhere, nml he retains his last domicile
until he actually iwqulres a new domicile some
where That lids Is also tho neeepttxl view of his
fellow cltlwns and constituents of the Second
ward Is shown by the fact that Mr. McHlhcnny,
even at the lcicnt election, oMclatcd un
challenged as Judge of Klectlon nt tho polls of
the Second ward, and he certainly Is to-day as
coniH'lent to represent this wnrd In Council ns
he was then to be its Judge of Election.
Moreoer, I hold that It is not in the power of
Councils to take the law into It own hands, anil
uiu'ercmonlously to oii"t n fellow member, anil
that the only legal way to oust a member of
Council is by nppioprlate proceedings in court.
This is a clear statement, anil sets nt rest
all doubt ns to the legality of Mr. Me
Klhenny's claim as a member of Council
from the Second wnrd. No fault can bo found
witli tho Democrats for gaining an advantage
over their opponents ; but their action In the
mutter is hardly consistent, when it is known
that they themselves have retained control
of Council by methods they now condemn.
"Consistency, thou art a jewel," when
applied to tho other fellow.
What the next inovo on tho part of tho
Democrats will bo is not known. Wo think
they will renlizo the weakness of their
positlun and quietly drop tho matter.
Don't ho Imposed Upon,
when you ask for Doctor l'iorce's Golden
Medical Discovery, (in to a reliable dealer.
llo will sell .von what you want. The ones
who have something else to urgo upon you
are thinking of tho extra profit they'll make.
These things pay them hotter, hut they don't
cure about you.
iNnnool the.-,o substitutes is just as good"
as tho "Discovery." That is tho only blood
cloaiifCr, flush-builder, and strength-restorer
so tar-rcaching and so un hilling in its ellects
that it can bo guaranteed. In the most
stubborn skin, bculp, or scrofulous nllections,
or in every disease that's caused by a torpid
liver or by impure blood it ellects norleet
ami permanent cures.
Shenandoah Directory.
HusincHS men and others, who have not yet
secured ono of thodircctoriesdf Shenandoah,
just issued, can obtain ono by making appli
cation at this oillco. Tho price is only $2.00,
and there aro only a few left. No business
man can ail'ord to bo without ono of theso
hooks. 3-31-tf
Subscriptions for tlio 4 per cent, borough
bonds, at par and accrued interest from
January 1st., will ho received by tho under
signed, on and after February 17th, lblill.
T. J.Davies,
Aro yon a siilfererfrom that terrible plague.
Itching l'ilos? Doan's Ointment will bring
you instant relief and permanent cure, (let
it trom your dealer.
Interesting to l'cunsylwiuia Constables.
YoitK, Pn., March IS. An interesting
euso affecting every eonstablo in tho bor
oughs and townships' In the stuto enmo up
in tlio courts hero yostorday. S. 1). Kollon,
of Shrewsbury, objected to tho qualifying
of Ills successor, on tho ground that under
tho law of 188!) ho was ontitlod to a three
year torin, and that tho law of 1SU5 had no
power to curtail it. If tho courts sustain
this view tho constables wero elected two
years too soon.
Plot to Assnsslnato President Faure.
Paiiis, March 3. Threi Spaniards and
nn Italian, who wero on a train bound for
Lyons, wero arrested nt VaHnco for trav
eling without tickets. When searched by
tlio police tho Italian was found to have a
dagger mid ono of tho Spaniards a razor.
All tho prisoners bald thoy wero going to
Lyons to seo President yauro. Isomo of
tho nowspapors doclaro that tho men woro
in u plot to assassinate tho president.
Itombs on Ills Doorstep.
Nkw HAVEN, Maich 3. Three dynnmlto
bombs woro found yesterdny afternoon on
tho doorstep of John Garder, superinten
dent of tho cartridgo department at Win
chester's armory, louses wero attached,
and tho bombs woro mndoupof consldora
blo mechanism. Thero Is no clow.
Sentenced to Electrical Death.
New York, March . Charles Pustalko,
a wlfo murderer, was yot.orday sentenced
to doath by olectrlclty during tho week of
April fit). Thu principal wltnoss against
Pustalkn was his 10-year-old daughter.
Thoro was a full of Minw In San Fran
clscii yusturday, tho first in ten years. It
was beveriil inulies deep.
CharKw Ciirltun Cnlllii, who became fa
mous as i newspaper correspondent In tho
war of secession, died ul lirooklino, Mass.,
aged 73.
A. big eluvntor of tho Minneapolis Ter
minal Klovator company, nt Minneapolis,
with 1,073,00.) bushels of wheat, was de
stroyed by 11 ro yesterday. Loss, 700,000.
A. II. Holmes, tlio famous bank swin
dler, has been arrested at St. Paul, with
Joe McCluskoy, charged with attempted
bank swindling. Holmes Is wanted in
San Francisco for swindling tho Novad.i
National bank out of $20,003.
Sarsaparjlla has oyer and ovor again
proved itself the best blood purlllcr medi
cal science has over produced. It possesses
such positive merit to purify, vitalize
Enrich tho blood, that it accomplishes
remarkable cures where other prepara
tions utterly fall. Its record ot cures, not
of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Itheu
matism, but of Nervous Prostration,
Weakness and Debility, is unequalled.
Barsaparilla is the OnoTruo Blood Purifier,
Preparee; by O. I. Hood 4 Co., Ixiwell, Man, gl.
ij i rt rj!11-. libltuat constip'
nuuu o i i no
tlon. Price. 23 ceou.
Promptly Effectual In Curing the Most
Obstinate Forms of Colds and Coughs
and a Sure Preventive of Pneumonia
and All Lung Diseases.
Colds lend to coughs, coughs to pneu
monia and consumption; therefore,, it is all
important to check a cold beforo it leachos
the lungs. Munyon's Cold Cure will posi
tively break a cold inside of twiity-fuur
hours if taken as soon as the cold manifests
ltelf. When tho cold leaches tho lungs or
bronchial tulios the Cough Cure should lie
Heed alternately ovory half hour with the
Cold Cure. The Cold Cure is guaranteed to
prevent pneumonia if used in tho beginning
of n cold. Pneumonia or inllammation of
the llings can bo controlled by the use of
these two cures.
The Cough Cure positively cures bron
chitis, tickling in tho throat, hoarseness, loss
of voice, soreness of tho chest, difficulty in
breathing, hacking cough and all pulmonary
diseases where tho lungs nro not too far
consumed or covered with tuliercles.
A scpamto specific for each disease. Sold
by all druggists, mostly 23 cents a bottle.
Personal letters to Prof. Munyou, 150."
Arch street, Philadelphia, l'a., answered
with free medical advice for any dlseaso.
Closing Quotations of tho Sow York and
Philadelphia Kchunges.
New YoitK, March S. The share specula
tion today was active and tho uiovcraont of
prices Irregular. Sugar readied the largest
total of any individual stock, and a largo vol
uino of business was dono in Tobacco, but as
a class the dealings In tho railroad stocks ex
ceeded thoso in the industrials by a consider
able amount. Closing bids:
Haliimure&Oliio 8)4 New Jersey Con.W"i)i
Del. As Hudson. ...1SIJ4 N. Y. Central 117)4
D.. 1. & W 100 Pennsylvania )6
Erie 10 Heading ; 12
l.ako Erie & W... 21 St. Paul 70
tallica Nav 415 W. N. Y. & Pa 2J4
Lehigh Yalloy 3UV4 West Shore
(tenornl Markets.
1'im.Ahr.M'iiiA, March 2. Flour quiet, but
Btcady; winter superfine, $2..'K 2.75; do.
oxlras, S-.73S3; Pennsylvania roller, clear,
S3.40a3.55; do. do. straight, $3.003y.75; west
ern winter, clear, $:.603.l.). Wheat firm,
with 74HC. hid and 74560. asked for March.
Corn firmer, with MUc. hid and 3jc. asked
for March. Oats quiet, withS'c. bldand27Hc.
asked for March. Hay quiet and firm; choice
timothy, SlcalO fiO. llcef steady. Pork steady;
family, S10..V) 11. Lard firmer! western
steam, 'xay.W. Ilutter Arm; western
creamery, HU-lc; do. factory, 'JS13c.; Elslns,
21c: imitation creamery, HHiSilOc; Now
York dairy, llSStta.; Pennsylvania and west
ern creamery prints, extr 23c.; do. choice,
22c; do. fair to good, ls21c; prints jobbing
at21(&27c. Cheese steady; Now York large,
0S104c; small fancy. OSPUJc: part skims,
3!4aCci full skims, 23c. Eggs steady; New
York and Pennsylvania, llf&HKc; western
fresh, lOHSllc; southern, loaiOJc
T.lvu Slock Markets.
New Yoiik, March 2. Steers and cows firm;
oxen Bteady; hulls lower: steers, $1.10$l,r0;
oxen, $2.70at; bulls, S2.GUJ13.23; cows, $l.G.i&
3.15. Veals luwor at $1217.73; fed calves,
U.50. Light shuop firm; heavy, slow; lambs
higher; common to choice sheep, S3Q1; ex
port wethers, SI.23; lambs, St.5035.12H. Hogs
bteady at SI.20-aSt.IW; choice light, 54.75.
East Liiikutv, Ph., March 2. Cattle steady;
prime, S1254.10; fat butchers, S3 30(53.75;
bulls, stags and cows, S1.7.13.50. Hogs steady;
prime medium weights,; best York
ers and pigs, S4GM.23; heavy hogs, 81.10at.15;
rough, $.133.75. Sheep firm; prime sheep, S3.C5
3H-I; fair. $3.10o3.4U; common. 82.30(&3;
luiubs, S3.5U& i.iiS. Veal calvee, SO'&O.&O.
Simon S. llartman, of Tunnelton, West
Ya., has been subject to attacks of colic about
once a year, and would havo to call n doctor
and then sillier for about twelvo hours as
much as some do when thoy dio. llo was
taken recently just tho samo as at other
times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itcmedy. Ho
says : "I took ono doso of it and it gavo mo
relief in flvo minutes. That is more than
any thing elso has ever douo for me." For
salo by G rubier Jlros.' druggist.
Three Neglected Children Cremated.
Moniiok, Mich., March 3. News was re
ceived today of tho cremation of a boy aged
4 and two girls nged 2 years and 10 mouths,
respectively, In Bedford township last
Saturday, Thoy wero chlldten of Mr. and
Mrs'. Thcoduro Koso. whoso homo, contain
ing the llttlo ones, was burned whllo tho
parents had gono nwuy, leaving tlio doors
Suit for Breach of Promise.
WiLKlisiunuu, Pa., March 2. Mnry
Liumbroskl, of Hazletou, has brought suit
by her attorney against Joseph Kmujdln
for $10,000 dainngoa for alleged breach of
promUo of ninrringo. Tho plaintiff says
that tho dofondnnt on Jan. 23, 1883, prom
ised to marry hor, but ho married another
girl nnd jilted lior, for which sho wnnts
Hoy Train Wreckers Arraigned.
IiOMii, N. Y.. March 3. J. Watson Hll
dreth, Herbert Plato and Theodoro Hlb
bard, tho Homo boys indicted for tho
wrecking of tho fast mall on tho Contral
and Hudson railroad on .Nov, 10, woro nr
ralguod Wednosdny to pload to two lndlct
mouts, each charging them with murder
in tho first degroo. Tho day of ploadlngwas
sot for noxt Monday.
Six Hundred Arabs Drowned.
COSSTAKTINOl'I.E. Mureli 3. Torroutinl
rains havo occurred ii Mesopotamia and
ns n consequonco tho river Tigris has over
flowed, vast tracts of land being flooded.
Iu tho Anna district n nomad tnno oi six
hundred Arabs were drowned jiml over
30,000 cattlo porished in tho Hood. Tho
damage to property has boon onormous.
Yule. Men Will fio to Ileuloy.
New Haves. March 3. A joint moot
ing of the neadeiuio and scientific faculties
of Yale was hold last evonlng to oonslder
tlie proposition of permitting n nio crow
to enter tlio rogatta at Henley. Aftersomo
llttlo discussion tlie permission was given.
Tho nuws of tho decision win received joy
fully by most of tho stuueius.
Italian Troop Again lJefeatod.
MA860WAH, March 8. Tho Italian forces
havo suffered another at tho hands
of tho'Shoaiu. Genoral Uarutlorl assumed
tho offensive on Sunday, disposing his
forces luto threo columns. Tho wholo of
tho Italian foroos wore soon engaged in
dosporoto fighting with tho ouomy, and
wero compelled to retreat.
Kid Yourself of lllieiinnitlsm.
Iluy Itcd Flag Oil, 23c. At Gruhlor llros.,
drug store.
If You Don't, You Will Never
Be Stron? or Healthy.
Appetite Is ono thing that you can't
nrforil to be without, for Without. It vnnr
health, strength and comeliness lllos out of
tho window.
Poor nppetito moans weak stomach, starved
body, sick individual. Good niinetito tlio
Poor appetilo is a sign that your stomach is
too woak for digestion. You can aid it with
the Shaker Digestive Cordial.
When your stomach is able to digest all
the food thatyour body needs, you will have
a good appetite. Not beforo.
flood food, well digested, means strength
and a long, healthy life. Undigested food
creates poison which nfiects tho whole body,
and may give you headache, diziuess,
nausea, constipation, llatiilence, languor,
weakness, mental ' -invasion, stomachache,
fever, inSrvousiicss, offensive breath, anaemia,
rheumatism, etc.
All these disorders will ho relieved if you
will tako Shaker Digestivo Cordial.
It is a puro vegetable dlgeBtivo and
natural liiviiorator. which aids tho stomach,
purities tho system of tho poisons of indi
gestion and makes you strong, fat and
Shaker Digestive Cordial doos not act on
the liver, but on the undigested food in tho
stomach, it cures indigestion or biliousness
without irritating the liver or uuy of tho
internal organs.
At druggists. Ten cents for a trial bottle.
Write for free book to Tho Shakors, 30
lieado Street, Now York.
(iovcrnor Griggs Sends a Hatch of Nomi
nations to the Senate.
Tp.knton, March 8. Governor Griggs
last night sent to tho wsnato tho following
nominations: For justice of tho supromo
court, Jonathan Nixon, reappointed; for
judges of tho court of errors. Jiunos A.
Nixon of Cumberland, John S. Bnrknlow
of Passnlo and William L. Dayton of fier
cer; for circuit court judge, ox-Sonntor
Henry M. Novlns of Monmouth; for pros
ecutor of Warren county,Goorgo A. Anglo;
for manager of tho htato hospitals, ox-Senator
John Taylor of Mercer; for lawjudgo
of Middlosex, full term, Woodbrldgo
Strong. Tho nominations wero promptly
conflrmod. The now judges of tho court
of errors and appeals, who nro all lawyers
and all Republicans, assumed tlioir duties
at tho opening of tlio March term today.
Tho senate passod Senator Kcchnm's
bill providing for tho issuo of $300,000
worth of bonds for n now public library in
Nowark. Other bills passed wero Sonntor
Johnson's bill for u non-partisan school
board in Hayonno nml Senator Daly's bill
empowering Hobokon to issuo bonds to
tho extent o1 '"00,000 for street paving.
The houso passed Sonntor Vroolnnd's
bill providing for tho formation of a board
of trustees to havo chargo of a pension
fund for school teachers, a fund to bo
created by contributions from tho teachers
themselves. Tho houso also .passed As
semblyman VVlldo'a bill appropriating
fcl.OOO to tho Now Jorsoy A- I'urnl col
lego to iuvestigato tho S.ij oua scalo, a
now insect that Is destroying fruit trees,
Tho bill to givo tho adjutant of each com
pany in tho Natlonnl Guard $25 a year sal
ury was defeated.
All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, ot
Lebanon, Conn., win badly alllicted with
rheumatism. At times it was so severe that
he could nut stand up straight, but was
drawn over on ono sido. "I tried different
remodlas without receiving relief," ho says,
until about six months ago I bought a bottio
of Chamberlain's Tain Halm. Aftor using it
for threo days my rheumatism was gone and
has not returned sinco. For sale by Gruhler
Dros.' druggists.
Steamer Horsa ltcclirlstoued.
Nkw Yoiik, March 3. Tlio steamer
Horsa, which was soized by tho federal au
thorities In l'hiladolphla for nttomptiug'
to carry arms and supplies to tho Cuban
revolutionists, nrrlv6d in this port yester
day under tho British flag, ami wnsro
chrlstencd tho Itlvcr Clyde. Cnptaiu Cook,
lato of Tyrlan, was iu command.
A Itnsslan Threat to Japan.
St. PetkusIiuko, March 3. Tho No-
tosti, in an editorial, says that Ilussla
will maintain tho indepondonco of Korea,
nnd that if Japan continues intriguing
Hussia may bo forced to occupy tho pou
insula. Japan must consider that if sho
wishes to acquire Korea this means war
with Hussia.
Three Killed by a Train.
InwiK, Pa., March 3. Miss Paulino
Clnrkonnd Miss Mary Grooves, both of
Westmoreland City, and Illchard Gar
land, of Shaftou, wero run down by a
freight train near hero and wero Instantly
killed. Tho party woro returning from
an entertainment.
KheiimallNiii Cured In a Day.
"JlystloCuru" for Rheumatism and Ncn
r.dsiiv radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tlio system is remarkablo and
mysterious. It removes at onco tho causo
and tho dlseaso immediately disappears. Tho
llrt doso greatly benefits; 7a cents. Sold by
0. II. llagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
A Oullaut Fire 1'lghter fiomoled.
Baltimouh, March 3. At a meeting of
tuo uro commissioners lnt night William
C. McAfee was elected chief of tho flro de
partment nnd Leoua Lemon suporinton
dont of pollco nnd flro alarm tolograph.
MoAfoo, who was formorly district on
glnoor ot tho department, is tho lioro of
several thrilling life saving adventures,
nmong the most notuMe being the reseuo
of Mrs. Armlger u weuk ago, and ot Sirs.
Iloatli about a year ngo, both being por-
lunuou tinner conditions involving great
personal risk to tho rosouor.
Killed Hot her and Self.
Long Island ClTV, March 2. Tho out
come of one of the mauv Slliulnv mixed
ivlo parties in the Oil Works district of tills
city was the clentli or Mrs. Mary Kraomer
nnd her son Mlchaal. Thoy both died from
a bullot in the brnlu. nnd altbouch thurn
is sumo mystery as yet ns to who did tho Is believed thnt young Krnonior
killed his mother nml then killed himself
through remorse
Defeat of Nluoromm Rebels.
MANAciua, Muroh 3. Aftor six hours
fighting at Muteilris and Nngaroto, the
govorumont forces under Generals I'nlz
and Estrada havo completely1 routed tho
robols under General Ortes, and havo cap
tured a portion of tho robel artillery. Tho
ilro of tho govorumont troops wns so di
rected that 500 robols woro killed or
There's Just AVliat You AViinl.
l'an-Tlna (25c.) for coughs and colds. At
Gruhlor Bros., drug storo.
llent Ills '.Vlfo's Hiatus Out.
Mifflintown, Pit., March a. Charles
Kalnsoy, n farmer near Kast Wntorford,
Juniata couniy, bent his wlfo's brains out
Sunday night with n club and nn iron bnr.
They had been rending n socialistic book
called "Mlllenial Dawn,'' nml becomo do
inontod ovor it, but wero not considered
daugorons. Thoy v eo nlono nt tho tlmo.
Mrs. llainsoy was found In tho kltohon,
lying on her faco with hor head beaten to
ti Jelly. Hnmsey was found In tho co
stable, where ho had hidden, with only nn
undershirt on nnd a horso blanket nronud
him. Ho was bound and brought hero to
jail, where he Is very violont. Tho houso
showed signs of n terrlblo struggle. Itnm
sey's faco und neck woro scratched, one
oyo discolored and tho hands torn nml bit
ten, llnms'ty says n sacrifice had to be of
fored up, nnd "tho devil sacrificed KUlo."
Ho will bo sent to nn asylum.
Debs Welcome to lllrmlngliam.
BinsilNGHAM, Ala., March 3. Eugene
V. I)eb3 lectured hero Sunday night to an
imnionso audlonco, most of tho people
paying ton conts each, but somo tossed In
dollnrs, half dollars and quarters. Some
onofenld it was a violation of the Sunday
law, and tho pollco woro summoned to
suppross tho meeting, but tho commission'
crs of police were called In special moot
ing and agreed to cull oft tho officers for
fear of causing a riot. Debs wns borne on
tho shoulders of his friends to and from
tho public hall.
ltellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "Now Groat
South Amori'sn. Kidney Cure." This now
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
oxcecdlng promptness in relieving pain in
tho bladdor, kidneys, back and even- part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
It relievos retention of wator and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
guick relief and cure this is your remedy,
old by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Main
Itrfused to be I'liotflgraphed.
PAItrtEliSUUltO, W.Yn,, March 3. James
Sherman was secretly arraigned in court
yesterday, nnd wns positively identified by
little Lulu Wothorlll us tho man who kid
naped and nssaulted hor. An iittompt was
made to photograph tho prisoner, but ho
fought desperately, and although ho wns
hauled from tho floor by a ropo about his
body the effort was unsuccessful, tho pris
oner having secured a bottio of red ink
and smeared Ills faco In tho struggle.
(J rip-Colds-Headache.
Why sufl'er with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippo when Laxativo Ilromo Quinine will
euro you In ono day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Price, S3 cents. For sale
by Kirlin's Pharmacy.
The Alert Ordered to C'o'rlnto.
Washington, March 3. A dispatch to
tho navy department reported tho arrival
yesterday at Acnpulco, Mex.,of tho United
States ship Alert. At Acnpulco tho com
mander of tho Alert found orders direct
ing him to return at once to Corluto, Nic
aragua, on account of tho insurrection in
that country. Tho Alert will sail for Cor
rlnto when sho has coaled.
Negroes Want to Lynch a White IWan.
Kdenton, N. C, March 3. As a result
of an attack on n merchant by negroes,
tho former shot ono of his assailants. Tho
white man at onco surrendered to tho
officers and wns put in jail. A largo num
ber of negroes made angry threats of lynch
ing tlmjwrjsouers. Troops wero sent for
from HJ-STO'. nntl arrived last
other poisons or
, impurities trom
the blood.
- Cure Rheumatism, Qout. Ec2ema, Ana
"nlta. Plmnles. Dad lllood. Ilrlirbt's Dis
pense, Malaria, Backache, Kidney Pains',
Dropsy, Pain In the Abdomen, Frequent Tf
r Urination, Inflamatlon oi Kidneys, etc. -ra
highly concentrated extractsof Aspar
ukus, Juniper Berries, tluchu, Corn
Silk, Parelra Bravo and Uvn Ursa (all
kidney healers) and are scientifically
Dr. tlobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills are
enaorsea nypnysicians ana aruggists.
w cents a box. Valuable Book Free.
CHobbs Medicine Co., Chicago orSaa Francisco
TAKKAl'II.E. Tako tho best. Take
Hobhs. Dr. Hobbs Llttlo Liver Fills don't
grip. Price 10c.
Victims of Lost Manhood should send at
once tor a book
that explains how
full manly visor
is easily, quickly
and permanently
restored. No man
Buttering from
weakness can af
ford to ignore this
umciy an vice.
Book tolls how
full Rtrpnirfh. An.
velopmont and tone nro imparted to every
portion of tho body. Sent with positive
proofs (sealed) free to any man on application,
To nil sufferers of KllltOItS Gl? YOUTH,
I,WT VH.OIt and DlrMiASrt OK
AND WOJIliN, -m iiaiifa; clotb Ouundt se
curely eealtd and matledre. Treatment by mall
strictly ouUdentlal, nod n posliive. quick euro
gnurantopd. jNo matter bow itnz Bt&ndlDg, 1
wui pot ivriy care'ou. wrue or ca;i.
1 30 years' continuous practice
nillions of Dollars
Go up in emoko every year. Tuko no
risks but get your houses, stuck, fur
niture, etc., insured in urst-class re
liable companies as represented by
Also L'.'e and Accidental Companies.
DflTTI T3P ' A euro for headache nnd
UU 1 1 LCIV ; stomach troubles.'
i WK1S3 11KISB,
i '.AQER 11EER,
17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
sy how Are s
sw- uoes tour aacic Hcnu r yr
W nRTTU MAKE the Kid-
.y. n o neys strong ana T
Bf'ivM,,. healthy. 1
US!ttfe. MQiaiiUOTHnV cause the jjMfc
w tb Kianeys to niter tt
JsVtoS'SSiiSi all uric acid and J4
The Secret of Beauty
of the complexion,.
hands, arm s, and hair
is found in the perfect
action of the Pores,
produced by
most effective
nurifvinc and-
beautifying soap inllie
world, as well as purest
and sweetest for toilet,
bath, and nursery
PaM tUrwlshntit His world, nrittih df noti F. Utwt
cttT ft Bolts, 1, King &1ward-st., Lnnaen. Tottib
IMtea asd Chkk. OObp., l'ropi., lloiton, U. S, A.
Purest and
Qiris. Schmidt,
West Coal Street.
Tesms to Hire.
If you want to hire a safo and reliable
team for driving or for working purposcfl
pay Shields' livery 6table a visit. Tcaras
constantly'on hand at reasonable rates.
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
Oillco : SO West Ccntro street.
Can be consulted at all hours.
SO K. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Ofllce hours : 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
Shenandoah, Pa.
Olllce Eiran bulldlnir. 'corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah,
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy Olfy, I'o.
navlne studied under1 some of the best
masters In London and Paris, will irlve lessons
on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms
rensonaoie. Auuress lit (aire ui airuuac, tue
Jeweler, Shenandoah.
The Backus Water Motor
Is the. Most Economical Power Known,
and. the Best In the World for Driving:
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
There Is no delay; no firing up; no ashes to
clean away; no extra insurance to pay; na re
pairing necessary; no coal bills to pay, and It U
always ready for use. It Is Invaluable for
I lo tdng Church Organs, for running Printing
l'rosses. Sewluir Machines. Tnvni.. T.nin.
Scroll Haws, p rind Stones, Coffee Mills, Sausage
1 . ir ' 1 " JU"lsi Klevators.
,.u,Vi-r at -iu pouuus pressure ot
water. It Is noiseless, nejit. ini,ui .inmiv.
and above all
Price, $15 to $3 00.
Send for circular to the Backus Water Motor
Co., Iewark, N. J stating paper you saw
advertisement in.
Wc also manufacture Patent Rotating
and Exhaust Fans.
Sena for Special Catalogue on