The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 27, 1896, Image 2

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i;sTAiir.isin:i) is:o.
Published pvary I'-vcnlng, Kcept Stindny,nt
Clie Herald Is rtellveicd ln.Slienamloali and the
surrounding town, for ix neiita n wceK, pay
able to the carriers. Hy mall 18.00 n your, or 315
cent, a month, nayablo lu tulvnnoe. Advert!
mtit ohnrgt'd according tospiuwaud Irttottiou.
The pulillMiern reserve the right to change the
poslttou of advertisement, whenever the puli
lloalioti of news demand, it. The tight is
rcervel to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publisher tnny ueem
Improper. Advertising rates mado known
upm application.
JCritorwl at the piwtonlco at Shenandoah, Fa., as
second class mail matter.
Evening Herald
To the Itepubllouu electors ot Pennsylvania:
TboltcpublieaiiHof Pennsylvania, by their duly
chosen leprosentallvc,, will meet in .State con
vention Thursday, April 23', Is'.), at 10 o'clock
a. m., In the opera house, city of llarrlsbnrg, for
the purpose-of nominating two candidates for
rcpreentative-at-largo In Congress and thirty
two candidates for 1'ieiidcntlal electors, tho
selection of eight delegnlcs-at-large Jo the lie
publican National comentlon, and for the
rnnsactlou of such other business as may bo
Hy order of tho Stato Committee.
Attest: Jerk 1). liux,
It. Aniiukws, Seerctarlos.
Tin: lvoimblican party needs a capable aad
trustworthy man at tho head of tho County
Committee this year.
Tin: friends of A. B. Iamb are legion, and
they are leaving no stone unturned to sccmo
hid nomination for Commissioner.
()KNi:itAi. Booth might profitably study
tho career of the lato George III. The two
appear to havo some traitB vory much in
TjiHiu: is beginning to lie room for the
suspicion that certain support of Hlgfried, in
the 2Uth Konatoiial contest, is doing him
moro harm than good.
Tin; silver, issuo has ceased to bo an im
tiortant bno in general politics: but it is
still worth considering as a factor of con
fusion uud disintegration in tho l'inocratic
Snr.NANDOAH will likely havo at least two
icpicscntativcs on the county ticket this fall.
The town is justly entitled to tho recogni
tion, and if it receives it, Shenandoah cat:
1)0 depended upon in giving a liepublican
A r.UX has been introduced in Congress to
inako tho 1'ouith of July a national holiday
Moat people will bo surprised to learn that
this important anniversary lias novcr yet
heen thus designated.
KutsO.V can throw a c.ithodo ray through
four inches of wood. Now wo shall get at
tho inner workings of tho two-headed
octopus that wants to dish out liepublican
appointments in this county.
Tin: revolution in Kicarauga come-, along
on time, as to bo expected.
America needs a stronger government than
any of tho states there becin to possess.
Mexico should annex them
(JlWXINO for 'Siinircs may allord amuse
ment in the spring, but gunning for national
delegates, through Washington, is a very
different matter. And the former does not
make tho latter task any easier.
Ml:. Oi-.vdstoni: may have sonic special
reason for proposing to return to Parliament,
but it can not bo to obtain a hearing. Tho
old statesman has only to tako the Uoor any
where and tho world comes to order.
Till! Ohio Legislature has passed a bill to
increase the Dnw law tax on tho liipior traflle
from Sisi) to $350 a year. There are now
about 11.000 saloons in the state, so that if
they all continue to do business, tills add!
tional tax will swell tho rovenuo from that
source $1,100,000.
Fr.ot the latest advices, a Moses has at
Jastbeoil found for tho bewildered Democ
racy. Ho halls from tliu codfish state, and
his name is iiichard Olncy. timber in
formation is furnished lu tho fact that lie is
the legatee of President Cleveland.
Tin: prosentDcinocratictariir lias increased
the public debt $2(12,000,000. Is it any wonder
tho pcoplo aro putting the seal of their con
demnation upon that party every tinio an
oppoitunity is givuu them. A tarill' that
does not produco revenue enough to support
the government needs revision. Tho Itcpub
lioau party has preentod a iceasuro which
would givo the desired relief, but tho Dcmo
uwtlo party, aided by the Populists, havo
rejected it, and the pcoplo will reject them
next fall.
SiiNATOit SiiRUMASdoos not minco mattore
when talking of tho result of tho vote on an
iuuroasod turllfto provide revenue. Ho pro
nounced it a disgmco to civilisation and said
that it was within tho knowledge of every
man who heard him that there is nn enonious
doficlouey in the revenues of tho government
As Presldont Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle
both claim the present tariff produces enough
revenue, at the same timo tliat they are sell
in IkuiiIb to luaku up tho deficiency. Senator
Sherman's language is equivalent to an ac-
cuwtion of falsehood against these gentle
men. But tho faeU are with tho Senator.
Tin: trouble in the Salvation Army, ooca-
sionijd by tho orhitrary removal of Com
mandor Balllugton Booth hy tho General,
has aroused a groat deal of interest and
caused considerable ndverso comment. There
appoars to be somo jealousy of the success of
General Booth's bocond son upon tho part
of his relatives nnd that they havo had con
sidorablo influcuco iwltn tho father- The
young Commandcrls success in building up
Oio Army in this country lias been remark
able and the hold lie has obtained upon his
followers and leading people of Now ork is
very great. This, it nppoars, has aroused
the envy of his relatives, who cannot permit
tho Army to become too much Amorionnlted,
lionce his removal. It looks at present as if
tho American brunch might break away from
its lhiglMi parent cro long.
Tuk Houso of Itoprofcntativcs cannot give,
tho nation too much economy in appropria
tions, lint let it bo tho light kind of
economy. Lot us have no more llolnianisni,
"saving at tho spigot to wasto at the Imug."
It is the hollowost sort of economy to loavo
the great sea coast towns undefended against
foreign shot and shell.
Tho lllsctnery Sinrd Ills Idle.
Mr. (!. Callloucttc, Druggist, lieaversville,
111., says: "To Dr. King New Discovery I
owe my life. Was taken with li Grippe and
tried all the physicians for miles about, but
pf no avail and was given tip and told I could
not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery
in my store I sent for a bottle .and began Its
S! and from the first doce began to get better,
and afterusing three bottles was upandabout
again. It is worth its weight in gold. We
won't keep store or house without it." (ict
a free tilal at A. Wasley's Drug Store.
Iioth rather and Sou Admirals.
Washington, Fell. ST. Two naval of
ficers of high rank worn placed on tho re
tired list today, Hear Admiral O. C. Car
penter ami Medical Director P. S. WiiIob.
As a result or Admiral carpenter r retire
ment Commodore '1'. O. Solfrldgo becomes
mi admiral; thus preseiUliiK tho unusual
srieetuclo of a fntlior and son both holding
that rank simultaneously, though tho
father holds tho rank on tho retired list.
Captain Allan V. Hood becomes commo
dore, Commander fl A. Cook hecomea
cnptnlii, lieutenant Commander C. T.
llntchlns becomes cninmiimlor anil lieu
tenant 1J. H. Huckinhum becomes lieu
tenant commandor.
Ktu'iumttiHiu Cured in a liny.
'Mystic Cure" for Itliouinatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It lemuves at once tiio calif-o
and tho disease iniinodi itely disappears. Tho
first doso greatly benefits; 7n cents, boldjiy
C. II. Hagenbucli, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Jix-Coiigrcssinuii llarter's Funeral.
Mansfield, O., Feb. 27. Funeral ser
vices over tho remains of tho Into ox-Congressman
M. D. llarter wero hold yester
day at tho family residenco and at St.
Luke's Lutliornn church. Tho body lay in
stato at tho church from 12 to 1:45 p. m.,
nnd an Immense concourse piniod through
to view tho remains for tho last tinio.
Many persons from out of town wore in
nttendnneo and followed tho remains to
their final routine; place, among thorn bo
ingGnvurnoMMoKiiileyaud Knitter. Busi
ness was suspended generally and tho
schools dismissed for the day. All public
and many of tho private buildings wero
draped in mourning.
It's Oilier llow (InleU
Pan-Tina cures coughs and colds,
Grlililcr Bros., drug .-.tore.
Sic. At
Tho Injustice of Law.
Washington, Fob. 37. A caso which
presents a somowhut complicated stato of
affairs has boon roforred to .tho treasury
dupiirtmont for determination. Sovcral
years ago a Chinainnn named Chung Ling
Fat camo to this country and opened a
laundry in tho city of Boston. Ho was
successful andfrugal and lu timo accumu
lated about .$15,000. .Too Tyo, nnothor Is nlleged, stole 11,500 of his
countryman's money and sailed to China.
Fat followed him, but before ho could bo
apprehended Tyo returned to tho United
States mid was arrested and jailed. Tho
question brought to tho attention of tho
treasury dopnrtmout is whether, bolng n
laborer, Fat, under tho oxclusion laws,
can return to this country and give testi
mony against Tyo. Judge Iteovo states
that under tho law Fat is debarred from
landing, oven for so laudable a purpose as
giving ovldenco ngninst a criminal. Tyo
will probably bo released.
Thciol This Is Just tlin Thing.
Red Flag Oil for sprains and bruises.
Gruhlcrllros., drugstore.
Two Killed by a Llvo Wire
I'r.OVIliKNCK, Feb. 27. Jesso Tacoy, 55
yonrs old, ami his son, Jcsso Jr., 24 yoars
old, wero klllod by gruiping a llvo wlro
that they found in a garden near their
homo in Thornton. Tho wire was an old
telcphono wlro that had broken down,
and, becoming crossed with nn clectrlo
light wire, was chargod witli a powerful
An Amoricnu .Ship Lost.
San Fp.akcisco, Fob. 27. Tho Ameri
can ship William G Davis, from Phila
delphia for San Fra lclsco to iuaugurato
tho new line of clippers around tiio Horn
from this port to tho Atlantic seaboard,
has been lost at ho.i. Tho local agonts of
the llrjn Jiavorecoived news of tho disaster.
J'rliK-esf Amcllo Itlvcs 111.
Chaulottksville, Va., Feb. 27. Prin
cess Amcllo ltlvos Troubotszkoy is quitoill
nt Castle Hill, tho homo of Colonel Hives.
Sho Is attended by Dr. Shackelford, tho
family physician. Her condition Is not
considered dangorous.
Worn Out Women
Should read this letter. It shows th
wonderful building-up powers of Hood's
SarsaparilhT, tie
great blood purit .
"I wish I could
stand in some pub
Uo placo and cry to
all ailing humanity,
1 Hear this, yo peo-lirtvrtig-t)
ou the builder Hoojiig
r big store tin, v .
heln us h canno1
dry goods -at I suj-
fervd. Only one of i
prlccs. s what a
woman can suffer in
ILKJNSONra.. I waa
prostrate with nerv
The least noise wow
l'r- .
I decided to take H
'".V, 'Vrilla. 1
am overjoyed to Bay5nter now well,
hearty, rosy and iduSivcd breV
Hood's Sal
tow 6taiiA:i!-
Tieytf Mil"
lro JV suffering as
fl; sir for ?5.
Is the best medicine f I
I have Buffered." MruJ
Pine Grove, Penn.
Hood's Pills J
Murder of Cashier Dorsoy
Speedily Avenged.
A Youthful llcspcrndo Who T.itllghrd nnd
Clinttcil with Ills Self Appointed Uxo
cutlouers, nnd Who Met Death with
Profanity on Ills Ilps.
AVlCHlTA FALLS, Tox., Fob. 27. At 8:30
o'clock last night n mob of several thou
sand por.sons attacked tho jail hero where
1'oster Crawford and "Tho Kid were
confined. After a show of resistance on
tho part of the nutborltlos tho mob bat
tered in tho jail doors and forcibly took
possession of tho prisoners, who killed
Cashier Horsey lu Tuesday's bank rob
bery. Tho two men wore takon to tho bank
which thoy attonipted to rob and an Im
provised scaffold was erected. Tiio first
lmptilso of tho half crazed mob was to
burn tho prisoners, but calmer counsel
Yells of "Hang tho 'Kid' first" went up.
Thou others, "No, hang the oldest first."
The "Kid" refused to say a word, and
thoso having him In chnrgo yanked him
onto n hnf. In a moment tho ropo wns
about his neck, nnd a man who somo say
looked like one of tho men whoso horse had
been taken on Tuesday, fixed ouo end
ncross the cross bar. All this time tho
"Kid" wns joerine at tho audience, laugh
ing and cursing. Ho nover quivered. Ho
was asked to say what ho wanted, and was
told ho would lie given a hearing.
Ho said: "By G .that's nil right. If you
ore Impatient swing mo up now. I ain't
afraid to die, not a d bit of It. Pull tho
ropo, by G ."
A voice in tiio nudienco: "You'ro going
to die now. Tell us your name."
The "Kid:" "I don't givo a d- if I do.
It is Younger Lewis, and my fntlior aud
mother reside in Neosha, Mo."
"Any mossagoi"' from a voice in the
"Well, toll my father I was not scared a
bit; that I died like a nervy man."
"Anything for your mother?"
"No, not a word. She will sco tho mos
sago to the old man. Say, you' follows go
and look In that :lugout aud you will find
510,000 there."
"Tho Kid," or Younger Lewis, as ho at
the last moment said ho was, continued
chatting and laughing with the crowd,
poking fun at them and cursing for a mo
ment, and then somo ono yelled: "Time
is up."
"Tho Kid" said: "I am 20 years old, and
robbed that d bank. I nm dead gamo
imd ready to dlo. Go ahead."
In an instant ho was pulled up nbovo
tho throng. Ho novcr quivered or kicked.
Ho just went up In tho air. Men on tho
frontier for years and years said no gamer
man over died. Ho was tho coolest man in
all tho great throng.
All tho while Crawford was a spectator
of tho scene. He began to weakon and con
fessed, giving some valuable Information.
Ho placed tho responsibility for tho crimo
on the "Kid."
Tho mob pulled him off tho Improvised
platform next to tho bank ho attempted
to rob, and Ills bead was about on a level
with the dangling feet of ills companion.
Ho asked for Captain Burnott. Tho Iottor
wns a spectator in tho crowd. He went to
Crawford and had a long talk.
Crawford had worked on Burnett's ranch
for years, and long was a trusted man. Ho
began stoallng Ills employer s stock, how
over, and associating with territory out
laws, and tho two parted company. Craw
ford confessed to the robbery of Tuosdny,
but denied tho murder. Ho was a small
man, poorly clad, with a red faco and
short clipped black mustache
When thoy began to look for a second
ropo ho bogged for whisky. It was given
him. Ho talked and then bogged for more.
Ho ngain addressed tho crowd In Com
anche, English and Spanish. Thoso who
understood say bis uttcraucos were Inco
herent, Tho ropo Boon arrived, and as it
was put about his nock ho foil olthor in a
faint or from tho elfocts of the liquor ho
had drank. Ho was soon strung up along
with his companion.
Thcso Itnbbers Still nt I.nrge.
Little Hock, Feb. 27. The robbers who
attacked the Merchants and Planters'
bank at Warren, Ark., on Tuosday havo
not yet been captured. They havo boon
traced by a posso to near Fordyce, and the
chancos of their capture aro fairly good.
There is no clow to their identity. Two of
them wero apparently Mexicans and tho
third an American. Howards aggregating
SI, 200 havo boon olfcred for their capture.
Both tho wounded men aro yet allvo, but
there aro small hopes of Mr. Goodwill's
ltelief In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours bv the "Now Groat
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on iiatmiit n-o
exceeding promptness in relloviug pain in
tho bladdor, kidneys, back and every rart
of tho urinary passages in malo or female.
It. relinves retention oi water aim nam iu
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this is your remedy.
Soldbv Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Alain street.
Heath of Inventor IMUnn's father.
Nouwalk, O., Feb. 27. Samuol Edison,
fntlior of Thomas A. Edison, tho Invontor,
died hero last night after an illness ol
sovoral weeks, aged 91 years. Mr, Edison
left his homoat Milan, O., just boforo the
holidays, intending to visit Ids sou luNow
Jcrsoy and nt Ills winter homo in Florida,
Ho stopped horo to visit his grnnddaughtor,
Airs, W. A. l'oyor, niul was there taiten
sick. Mr. Edison was born in Novu Scotia,
and has lived iu Milan forty years.
Opposing the Income Tnx In Trance.
PAltls, Fob. 27. Tho nowspnpors of this
city express tho bollof that tho coming do
bato on the proposed lncoino tax will de
termine tho fate of tho government, and.
in vlow of the appolntmont of a budget
committee containing twonty-nluo mout
hers, out of u total of thirty-tlirco, hostile
to tho proposed tax, tho outlook Is not
vory bright fur M. Bourgeois and his fol
low ministers.
Our pcoplo are growing more and moro in
tho habit of looklug toQruhlor Bros., drug
gists, for tho latest aud host of ovorything in
tho drug line. Thoy sell Chamberlain's Cougli
lleracdy, famous for Us cures of bad colds.
croup and whooping cough. When in need
of such a medicine give this remedy a trial
and you will bo more than pleased with tho
Does Your Back Ache?
P.RTI -V.l MAKE the Kid-
f-j ODD S ncys strong and
IJal aUO TlinY cause the
kidneys to filter '
nil uric ecld and -other
poisons or
Impurities from
the blood.
r Cure Rheumatism, flout, Eczema, Ante :
mla, I'lmples, una tsioou, ungiii s
. ease, Malaria, Backache, Kidney Pains, :
llropsy , 1'aln In the Abdomen, Frequent
r Urination, Inflamatiori ot Kianeys, eic.
Are not a secret remedy, but contain
highly conccntratcdcxtractsof Aspar- :
agus, Juniper Berries, Butliu, Corn
Silk, Parclra Bravn nnd llvo Ursa (all :
kiducy healers) and are scientifically
compounded. :
Dr. Hobbs Snaragus Kidney Pills are .
cndor'.i.a pypnysicians anaurugEisis,
wi cents a box. Valuable Book l-ree.
Clloliba Medicine Co., Chicago or Saa Francisco J
Kew Jersey's liepublican Coin-nation.
New auk, Fob. 27 Chnlrmau Franklin
Murphy, of tho Ilcpublionu stato commit
tee, yesterday called tho New Jorsoy stato
convention to elect delegates to the St.
Louis convention for April 10, In Trenton.
Belgium's New Trutnlcr.
BllUSSELR, Fob. 27. M. P. Ilosmct do
Nayor, tho mlnlsterof flnnnco, has been up
'pointed premier, in succession to M. J. do
liurlet. Tho latter Is going to Lisbon as
Belgian nilulstor to Portugal.
Senor N. Lopez, Spanish counsel ntNow
Orleans, died in that city yosterday.
Tiio American Lino steamer St. Paul
loft New York at 2 o'clock this morning
for Southampton.
Arthur J. Long, n waiter, plunged 150
feet from a bridge nt Toronto, Ont., aud
was dashed to pioces on tho rooks below.
Tho president yrstorday nominated E.
Prentiss Bulley to be postmaster nt Utica,
N. Y., and also Mary Kato Clovoland at
Waterville, N. Y.
Sir Cluirlos Tuppor lias brought suit
against a number of Canadian nowspapcrs
that published a report charging him with
misappropriation of public funds.
A AVoman's Burdens
are lightened when sho turns to tho right
medicine. If her existence is inade gloomy
by the chronic weaknoss, dclicato derange
ments, and painful disorders that alllictlier
sex, sho will find relief aud emancipation
from her troubles in Dr. l'icrco's Favorito
Prescription. If silo's overworked, nervous,
or "run down," slieliasnewllfe and strength
after tiling this remarkable l'cniedy. It's a
powerful, invigorating tonic and nervine
which was discovered and used by an
eminent physician for many years, in all
cases of "female complaints" and weaknesses.
For young girls just entering womanhood ;
for women at tho critical "chaimo of life:"
In bearing-down sensations, periodical pains,
ulceration, inflammation, and overy kindred
ailment, it ell'ccts perfect and permanent
llrowned Hoy's llody Itccnvcrod.
Allentown. Pa., Feb. 27 The thoory
mat iviino rrcuoricK nun Aslier Barnes,
tho two Jlttle Catasauqua boys who dis
appeared Monday overling, wero drowned
in tho Lohlgh canal proved truo. Tho
searchers found tho body of young Barnes
below tho bridge nenr tho Crano Iron
works, Catasauqua. The place whore the
body was lound Is about a half mllo from
where both boys are supposed to havo
fallen in.
Brutal Assault nnd Murder.
Al'l'LL'TON, N. J., Fob. 27. Nolllo John
son, tho beautiful daughter of S. E. John
son, a wealthy farmer of this placo, wns
louml ny nor sister In tho woods near hor
homo, strnnglod to death. Sho had boon
assaulted as woll. A posso of mon aro
scouring tho woods for tho fiend, and ho
will be lyncbcd it caught. A tramp is
supposed to uo tiio murderer.
Husband Convicted, Wife. Acquitted.
Pekin, Ills., Fob. 27. Tho jury in tho
caso of George W. Smith nnd Mrs. Susan
Smith, his wife, accused of tho murder of
Lewis l'orill, their son-in-law, on July 1.
IS'Jj, returned a verdict declaring Goorgo
w. tamltli guilty, and fixed tho noualtv ut
ucatn, ana declaring ids who Innocent.
Tho verdict causes surprlso.
The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber,
Holland, Mass., had a very bad cold and cough
which ho had not been able to euro with any
tiling. I gave him a 25 cent bottlo of Cham-
icrlaln's Cough Iiemcdy, says W. P. Holden,
merchant and postmaster at Wost Brimfield,
and tho next timo I saw him ho said it worked
like a charm. This remedy is intended
especially for acute throat and lung diseases
such as colds, croup and whooping cough, and
it is famous for its cliros. There is no danger
in giving it to children for it contains notli
i"S injurious, For salo by Grimier Bros,
Short Fourteen Thousand Hollars.
CENTltALIA. Ills.. Fob. 27. Tho oxam.
inatlon of tho books of It. J. Mooro, for.
mor secretary of tho Contrnlla Building
and Loan association, has boon finished,
and ho is found to bo short $14,282. Ho has
loft tho country, and no clow to his whoro-
auouts lias boon found. His bond will
cover mo loss.
A Wipnan Fntnlly llurned.
Mount Holly, N. J.. Feb. 27. An nrnr-
turned kerosonooll lainn set firo to tlin
residence ot Dr. H. II. Parsons Tnnadav
night. In trylug to oxtlnculsh thn ftainRa
Mrs. Parsons was so badly burned that
suo uiou yestoruay.
Threw Away Ills Cuues,
Mr. D. Wiley, ox-postmaster, Black Creek,
N.Y.,was so badly atltlcted with rheuma
tism that ho was only ablo to hobblo around
with canes, and oven then it causod him
great pain, After using Chamberlain's Pai:
Balm he was so much improved that 1
threw away hl canes. Ho bays this lini
ment did hlin more good than all other medl
cine ami treatment put togotlior. For salo
at 50 cents por bottle by Uruhlor Bros., drug
Coming l;vcnt.
March 2. Coffee Supper under the auspices
of the Salvation Army in Bobbins' hall.
Why sutler with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxativo Brouio Quinine will
euro you in one day. Put up in tablets con
veiiient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Price, S3 couts. For sale
by Kirlln'a Pharmacy.
The- Few Itecrcatlons and Amusements of
the Children What Is Meant to "Oct
the Mitten" Tho lleverenco In Which
tiio Mew England Sabbath Wns Held.
Though Puritan children had but fow
recreations and amusements, thoy must
havo enjoyed a vory ohcorful, happy homo
Ufo. Making sugar in its season wns
looked forward to with vory ogrooablo an
ticipations by tho fnrmors' sons and daugh
ters. Toll lu that wns moro than figura
tively swootened. '
Thurlow Weed says: "Whon your
troughs wero dug out of basswood for
there woro no buokots in thoso days your
trees tnppod, your wood cut, and your
Dros fed, there was lolsuro either for read
ing or 'sparking.' Who will ovor forgot
tho transparent and dollolous streaks of
candy, cooled In snow, while 'sugnrlng
off.' Many a fanner's son has found his
bost opportunity for mental improvement
in his loisuro moments whilo tondlng sap
bush. At night you hnd only to food tho
kettles nnd keep up your firos, tho sap
having boon gnthorcd nnd tho wood cut
boforo dark. I romembor in this way to
hnvo read a history of tho French revolu
tion. I romoniber also how linppy 1 wns
to borrow tho book after n twoiullo tramp
through tho snow shoeless.','
An old timo Now England expression,
"getting tho mitten," moaning getting
your offer of marriago rejected by your
"host girl," has nn origin in tho custom
of the carlior doys. Ono hundred yoars
ago glovos woro unknqwn in tho country
towns; mittens woro knitted and worn in
all families. If n young man going homo
from singing school with tho girl of his
choice was holding hor nilttoned band, to
keep it from getting eold, nnd took tho op
portunity to urgo his suit, If tho offer
proved acceptable, the hand would remain j
If othorwlso, nn effort to withdraw tho
hand would loavo tho mittoii. So tho suitor -would
got tho mitten, but not tho hand.
Thoro were largo familios In thoso days.
Sir William Phlpps wasonoof 2(1 children,
Bonjamln Franklin was ono of nfniully of
They rejoiced in somo vory singular
names. Thoso aro tho names of ono fam
ily: Expcrionco, Waltstlll, Preserved,
Hopcstlll, Walt, Thanks, Unltos, Doslro
and Supply.
It is interesting to noto that tho dinner
hour has gradually moved from tho fore
noon until oveniug. Tho word dinner is
believed to bo n corruption of b!x hours,
or 2 o'clock, tho hour nt which tho Nor
man conquerors nto their principal meal.
A young man from the Mnlno woods vis
ited Now York on n schooner nnd wrote
homo thus: "Hardly anybody hero eats
dinner at noon. Most of tho folkR. ont
theirs at 6 o'clock. Tho rich don't eat
theirs until 7 or half past, nnd tho real
upper crust don't dlno until somo time
noxt day," Ho had evidently boon
brought up to think 12 o'clock tho propor
Saturday night was tho beginning of
tho Sabbath. Tho qulot hush that por-
yaded tho vory ntmosphoro of tho liouso
suppressed tho boisterous spirits of youth,
and early planted a reverent luyo for the
Now England Sabbath. Evorybody was
oxpeeted to go to mooting nnd stay through
both sorvlcos. Somo of tho stanch men
rodo in tho saddlo, tho good wife on a pil
lion, with tho baby In hor lap, nnd the
noxt oldor child in front or behind. Every
first Sabbath of tho month tho deacon
could bo seen cantering up tho long road
with tho consecrated jug for tho snora-
montnl wlno dangling from his saddlo. It
must havo been n ploasant sight on Sun
day morning to stnnd by tho church and
watch tho worshipers as singly, two by
two, or In familios, they seomod to rise
out of tho hills, from tho oast and from tho
wost, from tho north nnd from tho south,
for Snbbnth morning all paths led to
church, as nil roads lod to Homo. In sum
nior time tho boys nnd girls carried their
shoos and stockings in their hands, to
save them from tho wear and tear of tho
hushes and tho long, sandy paths. Among
tho dutlos of tho soxtbu was to turn tho
hourglass. Tho sermon was oxpeeted to
oloso with tho last sands of tho glass.
How the children, nnd porhaps tho grown
pooplo, watohod tho glass I But thoy wero
somotlmos disappointed, for tho old minis
tors had great gifts of continuance. Their
wigs woro full Of loarniug, and as frooly
as thoy had rocelvod froely thoy gnvo.
In 1035 cadi mooting house linil tiio np
pondage of stocks and whipping post, and
in some placo thoy votod, "That all por
sons who should stand out of tho mooting
houso during tho timo of dlvino service'
should bo sot in tho stocks."
It was nlso ordered that profane swoar-
ing should bo punished by sitting In tho
stocks throo times; tolling lios, u fip-ti
lu sliliungs or sitting in tnu stocKs two
times. In 1DS5 nn unfortunate bonodlct
was fined for Keeping liouso mono, a
mon was fined for. driving a yoko of oxen
fivo miles on tho Sabbath day.
As long ago as 1715 it Is said there wero
bad boys, and tithing mon wero appointed
to soo that thoy did "not play in meeting
nnd to keep tho dogs out of tho mooting
Mrs. Stowo glvos n, picturo of the old
meeting houso, whloh is tho bost I havo
found. "To my ohildlsh oyosour mooting
house wns fashioned on tho model of
Noah's nrk nnd Solomon's temple. Its
double rows'of windows, of whloh I know
tho numbor by hoart; its doors, with great
woodon quirts over them; Its ueitry, pro
joetlug out at tho cast end; Its stooplo nnd
bell, all inspired as muohsensoof tho sub
Unto as Strasuurg cathedral itself. How
magnificent to my oyos soomod tho turnip-
Uko canopy that hung over tho minisior s
head, booked by a long iron rod to tho
wall nuovol llow 1 wondered nt tho pau
ols on olther side of the pulpit, carved and
palntcu as a naming rod tulip. The area
of tho houso was divided into largo, squoro
pows, finished with nbalustrndo ton inches
high. Through thoso loopholes tho chil
dren could watoh each othor and report
Tho mooting housos woro not wanned,
but tho old nnd tho dolionta cnrrlod foot
stovos, and botweou tho services thoy all
repaired to a small building outsldo to
cat their lunch and warm their nearly
frozen limbs. The ministers wero sottled
for life, ond thoy wore looked up to with
great respect, nnd woll thoy might be, for
thoy wero really tho only educated pooplo.
In tho vory oarly days neighbors usually
paiu irionuiy visits uuring tno wmtor sea
son. In summer thoy wore too busy.
The mon talked over tholr family affairs
nnd tho prices of what thoy bad for salo.
Tho wives and daughters ohatted frooly
about their yards of homespun linen and
llnsoy woolsey whilo thoy wero busy knit
ting. It would hnvo boon regarded as
qulto disgraceful for any woman to sit
idle. All were rogalod with good dough'
nuts, choese, lino oldor or homemade beer.
Araerloan Monthly- Magazine.
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