EVENING HERALD JWTAltl.lSlII'.l) 1B70. Published nvciy Evening, Eiecpt Sunday, nt 8 Sarin Jabdin Stueet, Neau Ciwrnr, the Heriibi In itrllveit-d InShcnniKioaunnd tho eurroundlug towns fornix renin a week, pay able U the carrier. Ity mull tS.OO n year, or SS cemta a taonth, pnyaltlo In odvnnoc. Advertise- memn ennrgea: according to ppai-oanu position, Tho uuhllMicrs rmorvo the light to ehango tho Ircsluou oi iMlvcrtlecincnH wiienmer me pun kUon of news demand It. The rlnlit Is reeerved to reject any ndvertloment, whether Jiald for or not, thnt tho publishers tuny deem mproiM.r. Advertising rates made known upon application, Entered at the po'tofllco nt Shenandoah, Pa., m second class mull matter. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Evening Herald MONDAY. lTilUUAUV 17 1806 REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. To Uio Itcpuhllcnn electors of Pennsylvania: ThcBepubllcnns of Pennsylvania, liy their duly chopen representatives, will meet in Stnto con vention Thursday, April 23, 1W0, at 10 o'clock a, in.. In tho opera house, city of Hiirrlshurg, for the purpose of nominating two candidates for representative nt-lnrgo In Congress und thirty two candidates for Presidential electors, tho eelectlon of eight dclcgatcs-ot-largc to tho Itc publican National convention, and for the ransactlon of Mich other business iu may ho presented. By order of the State Committee. M. S. Quay, Attests Jerk B. ltux, Chalrnian. "V, It. AsnnEws, Secretaries. Xl'.VKli punish a bov for making o.vcusos. Ho may sumo day bo a Schuylkill county politician. To-Mor.now is election day. It is tho duty of each voter to exercise his right of franchNo. SHU that tho Citizens Councilmen ami School Directors in your ward stro elected Make this a Citi.eu year in Shenaudoali. Tin: Democrats have given up electing their borough ticket, and aro now makiug the light to retain control of the Fourth and l'ifth wards. Tin; preseut cold wave is accepted by many of tho local Democrats us an omon of no good to their party. It is likely to snow on Wed nesday. Victokv Is certain for tho Citizens party if every voter docs his duty. That duty is to i-.ist his vote for tho moit cnpablo candidates. Having made such a failure at nominating a Democratic ticket the "moonshiners" are retorting to letter writing. In the latter role their ignorance is apparent to a greater degree. Tho Kimo qualifications uro iiecesary tho selection of Councilmen. The latter bear tho same relation to tho taxpayers as do tho .School Directors to parents, and it is just as important to discriminate in tho former as in tho hitter. Tho nominees presented by tho Citizens party in the various waids Miner nothing by lompirhon with their opponents It is not necessary for them nor their sup porters to make personal attacks upon tho men on the Democratic ticket; thcygobefoio tho people ami ask tlieir sutTragc1 becaiw tlicy merit it. If intelligence and capability are tho proper uualificatlolis, the Citizens nominees should faie well at the hands of tho Miters in the different wards to-morrow. Monijv ia said tu bo easier than earlier in the winter, nnd business is consequently responding to its magic touch. From prc-cnt indications we arc going to have an ummially large spring business, especially in our many dry goods establishment, and more especially among those who disseminate a knowledge of their whereabouts and what they have to offer in the way of bargains through tho olumns of the Mxram). It always affords s sinceie pleasure to make note of theMc icss in business of any of onrujrtrous, and wo state as u matter of falnaT so many of them havo been wuCcefsful that we have been kc.ixt a very pleasant framo of mind. Tin: pcrfonning of labor makes a nation rich, while importing thn product of labor makes a nation poor. In those few words lie all our tariff troubles. The United States has always suffered by being the dumping ground for the surplus stock of KnglMi manufacturers. Tho first thought is, when theo cheap goods aro thrown upon our market, that the people aro benefitted by them. Hut this is not so, because the labor was paid for in another country, and tho money earned was spent in that country, and where labor is there is tho market for agri cultural produce. Therefore, so long as Kngland can buy our food products und sell us her fabrics sho will continuo to hold tho key to the gold product. DO YOUR DUTY. Tn some respects tho present campaign has Wen an unusually quiet ono for a political content in Shenandoah. This may bo aeeuUnted for, in a measure, with the reason that there aro but two borough olliccs to bo Jilted, namely, High Constablo and Ilorough Auditor. Next year tho people will vote for Chief UurgcAH and Tax licceivcr, and many of the local politicians aro keeping hands off tho present fight preparatory to tho contest one year hence, when they will shy their eastor, or that of their friends, into tho field, Nevertheless, tho election to-morrow is an important one, and every voter should do his duty. Tho soloction of School Directors and inembori of Council is a matter of much interest to the taxpayers, at .cast it should be These two bodies constitute tho legisla tive government of tho borough, while all other officials arc merely executive and en forco Biich laws as nro enacted by the School Hoard and Council. Itistruo that without capable mid honest oxcctitivo olllci.ii.i, tho law becomes Inoperative nud icmalns a dead letter upon tho ordiuanco book ; yet at tho name lime it is also true that with tlicso bodies composed of Incompetent and non progressive members, We havo obnoxious and dobt-bearing laws. Thus it can bo plainly seen that it is tho duty of each voter, and especially parents and t.ix-pnyors, to take on active interest in tho present contest, flood men aro needed for both branches of tho local govcnniont. Our public schools demand tho closest and ablest supervision, to tho end that they may be continued in their present condition. The School Directors should, therefore, bo not only men of Integrity nnd good standing, but should be imbued with a full sense of tho importance of the position. Marvelous Itosults. From a letter written bv lfcv. J. Gunder- man, of Dimondale, Mich., we aro permitted to make this extract : "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results wero almost marvelous in the ease of my wife. While I was pastor of the Haptist churcli nt Jitvcs Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding Mi Hrlppc. terrible lmroxysmsot couching would last hours witli little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survho them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's drug store. Hecular size 50c and $1.00. PERSONAL. Assistant Postmaster Ticrncy nud Letter Carrier Malone spout yesterday nt Tamaqua. John Houscr, Jr.,otrortli Chestnut btreet, is confined to his home through sickness. William II. Zimmerman, of town, attended the funeral of Klias Smith, a relative, at Wadesville, yesterday nitemoon. Interment was made at I'ottsvllle. James Michael, of tho Kutztown Journal and Patriot, was lcgi-teied at the Sclioifly House to-day. Messrs. JI. and P. Kcllaghcr, of Locust Gap, circulated among town ucquintauecs last evening. Kdward Williams, of ilkcsbarre, spent Sunday among town acqamtaiices. Mrs. Joseph Wadlinger, of I'ottsvillo, was tho guest of hor sister, Mrs. John Urailer, of South West street, yesterday. Messrs. Georgo II. Goodman and P. J, Joyce, of Pottsvillo, wero town visitors yes terday. Miss Laura Acker spent Sunday witli rela tives in Pottsvillo. Oliver Swain, of St. Clair, was a Sunday visitor to town. M. A. Carey, of Shamnl. ;ii. was registered at the Ferguson Mouse yesterday. Councilman James MeUllicniiy transacted business at the county seat to-day. M. XI. Hurko and T. It. ISeddall, Dsqs., at tended motion court at Pottsvillo to-day. Councilman D. II. James spent Saturday evening with friends at Jamaqua. PITHY P0INT3. Happenings Throughout lltoltpglnn Chron leletl Tor Hasty Perusal. Fred. A. Merwig, a former resident of Ash land, died at his homo in Philadelphia on Friday. Me held a position in the Mint. The tunnel which was being driven from the No. 8 to the No. 0 veins at the Alaska colliery, has been finished, and give this colliery a large supply of coal. Primrose colliery employes weie paid to day. Mrs. O. II. Hridgman, wife of the former , pastor of All Saints' church 1 ore, took a prominent part in a coiuerl at Cuitralla I ri day night. On the 27th of tho present month Sheriff Scott will sell the Landingvillo shoe factory, operated by Francis Zuber. A number of executions havo been issued against the plant. Tho Lavello fair will bo held on tho 29th of September this year. It is probable the elec tric road will be built from Locust Dalo to tho grounds. Edgar Nausbaum has resigned his position as cashier of the Pottsvillo railway company, and on Saturday took possession of Motel Tumbling Itun. Adam It. Schmidt, a prominent icsident of Pottsvillo, died in a Heading hospital on f5attti'iv Tho funeral will take place to It is said Philadelphia cajialhts will erect a $150,000 hotel in Pottsvillo. Oliver Lewis, a miner, found a petrified hand in Henry Clay colliery, at Shamoklu, It was a pcrfct hand, wlikli had been sev ered at tho wrist. Shako oft' ltliPiiniallMii nixl Neuralgia Huh well with lied Flag Oil, 23c. At Gruhler Bros., drug store. Jtlurrlngc Licenses. William Itobeit Zeard und .Miss Annio Dora Gorlachcr, Tamaqua; Alfnd Luclcn Hadesty, Jr., and Miss Sarah L'llcn iicrncr, Tamaqua; Sylvester liolinsky and Mks Mary Cheo uiucksnes, Shenandoah; John Puzstinger and Miss Zona GelKiuce, Shenandoah; Joseph An tinowiczand Miss Kil l Luckas. Rheu matism with Its dreadful pains and aches, is a disease of the blood. Lactic acid accumulates in the vital fluid and settles in the Joints, to the Intense agony of the sufferer. Hood's Sarsaparilla neutralizes this acid, restores the rich healthy quality ol the blood, and thus drives out and prevents rheumatism. Hundreds of testi monials toll of crutches thrown away, lame backs, arms and legs cured, by Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Iurlfler. fl ; 0 f or 5, Prepared onlr by O. I, Hood 4 Co., LoteU, Mail, J-I .1 rjsil- sreeMjtoUk,mlld,tl, nOOU S HlllS two. AU droggliti. ISO. mtmtistti DR. NANOEN'S DISCOVERY. Ills l'rlruds In Norwny llolleve That I1k Has Henclicd the l'ole, CrtlllSTlANf , Norway, Feb. 17. Wide spread as is tno Interest over tho w here abouts of Nnnson, rm intorost oxtonditiR today oror tho wholo world whorovor tho telegraph nnd tho onblo can roach, It can no where bo moro kocnly felt than in tho heart of his devoted wife, who lives in this city, whenco the expedition in tho Krnra sailed on Juno 34, 1B93. Having In mind tho first nows of hlmsolf that tho oxploror could by nny possibility transmit would probably bo directed to his wlfo, a repro sentntlvj of tho Associated Press has called upon Mrs. Nanson to Inquire what intelligence sho has of hor husband's whereabouts, Sho has received no word from her hus band directly, but sho is profoundly hopo ful that tho nows, which first enmo from Jaktitsknud has slnco boon corroborated from other sourcos, Is nuthentlo and that Dr. Nanson has, in fact, solved tho secret of tho north polo and is now safoly emerg ing from the mystlo lsolntlonof tho frozen regions. It must bo added, howovor, that there Is a reservation of doubt in Mrs. Nnnsen's mind, dosplto tho hopofulness thnt buoys hor up. Tho absence of direct news to her self lcavps tho room for this doubt. Sho will not allow horsolf to take assurance of her husband's good tortuno until sho hears It from himself. Sho fonrs tho posslblo fnll from this high point of happiness should there bo subs?quont disappointment. ocicntists hero, whojo sympathy with Dr. Nanscn and tho objects of his expedi tion is very vivid and cordial, bcllovo from tho nows received that Dr. Nansen bus really reached tho coast of Siberia and is returning from tho polo. ltucklen's Arnica Salvo Tho best salvo in tho world for cut?. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, coins, unit ill skin ciuptions, anil positively onus piles. or no pay requiied. It is guaranteed to give perlcct satlstactton or mony remaned, rricc 25 cents per box. For sale bv A. Wasley. i'oi.iticai- roTrouititi. Thomas J. Lennou, of Jackson's, is an nounced as a candidate forthc Legislature on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Lenuon so iar is tho ouly miner announced. Councilman Thomas J. Jamas' long experi ence is needed in that body. His majority will surprise sorao people Edward Mason, an old soldier incapacitated for hard work, is just tho man for High Con stable, ncmcmbcr the noble deeds of tho old veterans by casting a vote for Mason to mono w. V Kvery member of the Citizens partv in tho First ward should vote to-morrow. Iloth the ward and borough tickets demand their sup port by right. V There is but one contest in tho. Second ward, and that is for Council. Tho knowing ones say Councilman lioelim will succeed himself. The little "by-play" going on in that ward will burn somebody's fingers if they aro not careful. There is but one thing that can defeat tho Citizens party in the present contest, and that is tho stuy-ut-homo vote. If tho full voto is polled to-morrow tho party will record victory, but if tho vojers themselves fail to take the proper interest in the success of tho party, it can hardly be expected that any thing other than defeat is in store for them Our Democratic friends pin their faith to tho Fourth and Fifth wards. The fact that they are making that tho battle ground should cause tho Citizens to put forth every cflort to checkmate them. V In tho person of William Keevestho Citi zens present a candidate for Ilorough Auditor who has the proper qualifications for tho position. V Bear in mind tho fact that to-morrow is election day, and that you havo a duty to perform. V The friends of Tom IJyan in tho Fifth ward still remember tho treatment accorded the latter at tho Councilnianic nomination. They will hardly kiss tho hand that smote them. V Be ore casting your vote to-morrow com pare tho relative merits of the enndidatesand vole for tho best men. Weuns. A Hook for Young Men. IkVu immeasurable amount of suffering and injur to tho human race, Is duo to thoignor- aiitvielation of physiological laws by the youin t our lauu. Jiuliious practices arc inuuigeu u, through ignoranco ol tho in evitable injry to constitution and health which surelyjllows. By every young man, mo uivino lnjuuuw, "Know Tliyseu,' should bo well hecddil.si&u assist such ii acquiring a knowledge of themserrtffa'nil' oT how to preserve health, nud to shun "those pernicious and most destructive practices, to which so many tan victims, us well as to re. claim and point out the means of relief and cure to any who may unwittingly have violated Nature's laws, and aro already suffering tho dire consequences, an association of medical gentlemen have carefully prepared a little hook which is replete with useful information to every young man. It will be sent to any address, securely sealed from observation in a nlair. envelona. bv the World's Dispensary Medical Association of 003 Main Street, Ilull'alo, N. Y., on receiDt of ten cents in stamps iinr postage;, it enclosed witli this notice. Buy Keystono Huur. Be sure that tho name Lkshui & Baku, Ashland, la., is printed on every sack. The soothing, healing effects of Dr. Wood's Norway Pino hyrun is felt almost lustantlv, There is no other cough medicine that" com bines so many virtues. Church l'ropm-ly Sold, Tho Eshorites on Saturday sold the old Evangelical churcli pioperty at Schuylkill Haven to W. Camp 47, P. O. S. of A. Tho vacant lot adjoining was purchased by the School Board. Tho church edifico will be converted into an opera house, aud the second Btory will be used by the Camp for lodgo purposes. A Hit Tor Coughs and Colds, What? Pan-Tina, 25c. At Gruhler Bros., drug storoj; THIS I.ATJIST Spring styles of stiff hats have arrived at MAX LEVIT'8, 15 East Centre utreet. Are you suffering, from ihemnatism t Thomas' Eclectric Oil has cured thousands of the worst cases of this .terrible disease. It only costs 25 rents to try it. JIHIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIII IIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIk I "Ise in Town Honey." 2 j Pancake I j Flour. j z A combination of the great staifo of life WHEAT, CORN anil RICB.I Bo Suro You Get tho Red Package. 1 HERE'S OUR GUARANTEE. - lluv n packngfl of Oenulno Aunts - Jamima's tcll-Itlslng rniiroko Flour, s Jhii'IU you do not find It makes Uio best z rakes you ever nle, rt-turn tho empty rliox to your grocer, leave your iimur, . uiul tlie grorer will refund tho money -;mul charge. It to us. ; Scientifically Prepared and m ilanuractuml only by j;R. T. DAVIS MILL GO., St. Joseph, Mo. f !! Send 4 cents In stamps for n set of Aunt -. Joralma nnd her Pickaninny Dolls. 5 Paul Summa's lhol. A dispatch from Wllkesbarro statoj that Charles Flake, of that town, had socn Paul Summa's ghost and had talked with him. The occurrence has caused consternation among the Poles of that place. Snmnia was n resident of this town at ono time. Kleetrlo Hitters. T'.lectrie Hitlers is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed In the spring, wnen tue languid exnausieu feellnir prevails, when tho liver is torpid and sluggish and the nted of a tonic nud altera tive is felt. A prompt use of this mcdiclno has oitcn averted long and perhaps mini bilious fevers. No mcdiclno will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the sys tem lrom the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Klectric Bitters. Only fifty cents per bottle at A. Wasley's drug store. Coining Invents. Feb. 17. First annual ball, Patriotic Drum Corps, Itobbius' opera house Schoppo orchestra. Feb. 19. Annual supper under tho auspices of the P. M. church, in Itobbius' opera house Fob. 20. Supper and entertainment under tho auspicos of Council No. 81, Daughters of Liberty, in Itobbius' hall. Feb. 21. Coffee Supper under the auspices of tho Salvation Army in Itobbius' hall. Grlp-Cohls-lIeadache. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La Grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinino will euro you in one day. Put up in tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For salo by ICirlin's Pharmacy. Our people arc growing moro aud more In the habit of looking to Gruhler Bros., drug gists, for the latest and best of everything in tho drug line. They sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of-bad colds, croup and whooping cough. When in need of such a medicine give this remedy a trial and you will bo pleased witli tho result. The Backus Water Motoi Is the Most Economical rower Known, and the Best in the World for Driving Llpht Machinery. It takes but little room. It never gets out of repair. It can not blow up. It requires no fuel. It needs no engineer There Is no ilclny; no firing up; no ashes ya eitxui , nu uuru insurimco 10 pay, no re. pairing necessary; no cual hills to nay, and H 1 nHvnys ready for use. H is invaluable for blowing Church Organs, for running Printing l'reswi, Sewing Machines, Turning Ijithes. Scroll Saws, Grind htones. Coffee M11U, Sausage Machines, Peed Cutters, Corn 31111s, Llcvators, Kte. Pour-horse power nt in pounds nressura ol water. It Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady, nnu itouvo an --JJSfcjY CHEAP. Price, $15 to $300. 8end for circular to the llackus Water Moto Co., Newark, if, J., stating paper you saw aavertiseinent In. We also manufacture Patent Rotating: and Exhaust Fans. Send for Special Catalogue on Ventilating. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1 H. P1ULI.IP.S, M. 1. Olllcc: 30 Wt Centre strwt. Can be consulted at all hours. p P. 11UIIKB, M. 1). 80 IS. I.Ioyd otm't, Shenandoah. Onice hours 7 to 0 a. m., 1 to S and 7 to 9 p. m. ' ' J II. 1'OMKltOy, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Hhenandonh, Pa. JJ M. IIUHKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Egan building, corner of Main Centre streets, Shenandoah. and pnOK JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 05, Mahanoy Otty.J'a, .Having studied Under some of tlio, beet masters iv London and Paris, will irlvo Iwau on tho violin, -guitar and vocal culture. 'Teni reasonable. .Address In euro ol Stroute, 'tlx Jowcler, Hlienandoah. PASSAIC'S TRAGEDY SENSATIOM Tho Foil re Satliflcd Thnt Mi's Kdson Wan Accidentally Asphyxiated. Passaic, N. J., Fob. 17. Passaic is still worked tip ovpr tho sad death of beautiful Mltiulo Kdson, tho Christian Endeavor girl, who was suffocated whllo slocping in tho homo of hor married lover, Andrew C. Haho, at No. 68 Irvipg Placo, on Thurs day night. Hnho's promlncnco, from his connection with tho match factory, nnd tho girl's previous good character nnd excellent repu tation, mnkos tho story nil tho moro snd, and tho girl's compnnlons nro grief stricken, whllo tho residents of tho neigh borhood In which tho death took plnco are horrified. Katie, after being released from tho po lice station on ball, packed up a fow goods aud loft town. It Is bollovcd that ho has gone to Now York. Ills wlfo, who is now in York, lu., has boon notified of his dis grace, but sho rofusos to bellove it. A telegram sho sent to hor friends in this city says it is all a caso of blackmail, nnd that her husband's onomles nro trying to Injure his business reputation. Sho char acterized tho dead girl as a party to the conspiracy. Hnho's story would loud somo truth to his wlfo's bollof wore It not for tho fact that ho has admlttod that ho willingly agreed to tho llason. Chief of Police Hendry Is satisfied that tho girl was asphyxiated accidentally, but nil effort will bo inado to hnvu Haho in dicted for criminal intimacy. Queen Victoria's Grntltmlc. Londok, Fob. 17. In u special supple ment to Tho Gazetto Is printed n lettor from the qnoon, In which sho says: "I havo, nln), onco more to thank my loyal subjects for their warm sympathy in tho fresh and grievous afllletlon which has bc fullen mo ivud my beloved daughter Bea trleo, princess of Hattouborg. This new sorrow U an overwhelming and n double one, for I loso a do.irly lovod nud holpf ul son, whoso prcsenco was like a bright sun beam In my homo, nnd my daughter loses a noblo and devoted husband, to whom sho was united by tho closest affection. I wish from my heart to thank my pcoplo for their sympathy, as woll for the appre ciation manifested of tho dear nnd gallant prlnco who laid down his llfo In tho ser vlco of his adopted couutry. My beloved child Is an oxample to all In hor courage, resignation und submission to the will of God." New Ynrlc Pantiiiuhers on Strike. NEW YonK, Feb 17. Two thousand trousers makers wenton strlko in this city yesterday, closing 210 shops. Tho strikers have tho support of tho trousers makers of Williamsburg nnd llrownsvlllc, - 500 of whom also went out. Tho strlko is ou ac count of a propood reduction iu wagos of 85 to 50 per cent. Tho leader of tho strik ers is Louis Lebowitz. Ho declared that tho pnutmnkors, all men, woro compelled to work for $7 and ?10 a weok, nud thnt In somo cases they wero compelled to sign an I agreement not to go on strike. Tho men I were required to work fourteen hours a day iu many lnstancos. Koine's ltoy Trnln Wreckers. Home, N. Y Fob. 17. Slnco last Mon day tho grand jury has boon nt work on tho casos of tho four boy train wreckers J. Watson Hildroth of Now York, Her bert Plato, Thoodoro Hibbard and Fred Bristol of Homo, who last November throw tho fast mall on tho Now York Contral off tho track here, killing Engineer Nathan Hngar nndwiothor person, nnd doing an Immense amount of damage. Thoy will undoubtedly bo Indicted for first degree murder, aud their trial will bogln hero March 3. Threw Away Ills Canes. Mr. I). Wiley, ox-postmastor, Mack Crock, N. Y.,was so badly atllictcd with rheuma tism that he was only able to hobble around with canes, and oven then it caused him great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain Halm ho was so much improved that he threw away his canes. Uo says this lini ment did him more good than all othor medi cines and treatment put together. For salo at 50 cents per bottle by Gruhler Bros., drug gists. llnrglars Make a Good Haul. New YonK, Keb. 17. Tho restaurant of A. W. Dennett, on Park Row. was entered by-burglars nnd five safes brokon Into yes terday. About f 1,300 In cash was taken. The restaurant, was closed Saturday mid night, and tho robbery took placo between that time and 5 o'clock Inst night. Tho nnlico are of tho opinion that professional burglars did tho work, aided possibly by somo ono fumlliar with tho Interior of thu building. Sir Kdwnrd Clarke Will Defend Jameson. Loudon, Fob. 17. Sir Edwurd Clarke, Q. C, the distinguished criminal advo cate, lias boon retained for tho defense of Dr. Juiueson upon his trial In England, ltellef in Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases-! relieved In six hours Dy tne "ow ureal South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its oiceedine nromntness in relioving pain in tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages In male or tcmaio. It relieves reteution of water and nain in passing it almost immediately. If you want milck relief and cure this Js your remedy, Sold by Isaac Shaplra, druggist, 107 South jualn street. Killed lier Sweetheart aud Herself. St. Louis, Feb. 7. Barbara Kqsscl, a pretty Gorman p;lrl, about 10 years old, last night shot and killed John Rohlflnge, her lovor. nnd then, with the same weapon, a cheap revolver of iScnllbcr, (lred a hullo Into her own Drain, uyine insianwy. Th Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania nnd New Jr- ey: (Jloar ana corner; noriuorjy iuu. Tho littlo daughter of Mr. Fred Webber, Holland, Mass., had a very bad cold and cough which ho had not been ablo to euro witli any thing. I gave him a 25 cent bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Eemedy, says w. r. lioiucn, merchant and postmaster at West nrimflold, and tho noxt time I saw him ho said it worked like a charm. This remedy is intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases such as colds, croup andwhooping cough, and it Is famous for its cures. There is no daugor iu giving it to children for it contains uoth ing Injurious. For salo by Qruhler Uros, druggists. When you want good roofing, plumbing, eas fitting, or general tinsmlthing done call S , . . . a ,ir. r 1 ., 1 1 On 12. uauaguer 10 it cok mjuub puccv. Dealer la stoves. 8-1-tf Eczema in any part of the body is instantly lolieved and permanently cured by Doan's Ointment, the sovereign remedy for all itchi ness of the skin. On Lalco Erio's Shoros.-Tho Captain's Wlfo T0II3 tho Story. It Will Interest Many I'ooplo. (From the Buffalo Keening Actcs.) If you were to call nt 27 front Avonuo you would find a pleasant elderly lady, Mrs. Captalu llcnesy by name. Her kindly Btnlle and joyous manner are to no small extent due to tho escape sho has had Her own words enn better describe her rescue and ono can easily understand her present happy condition when they realize what she lias gone through. Sho says: "About five months ago 1 had an attack of sickness which lasted for n week and since that tlino I havo been subject at in tervals to similar attacks, somo of which wero longer in duration. It is hard for mo to describo how I suffered. Tho pain would commenco in my head, after which It would seem to pass down my body nnd settlo in my back, my sides ached, my back ached, and I had a feeling of great distress in the bowels. The increased pain which seemed to como from lying down, would bo almost unbearable, my face and stomach would bloat up and I could hardly stand on my feet, dizziness made itnlmost impossible; this feeling was always with mo even after tho violence ajfc tnc attacK passed over. The last nttackPl had was the worst, aud was so bad I would uot havo been ablo to tell this story but for Doan's Kidney Pills. As soon as I commenced tlieir use I found immediate relief. Tho pain in my back and sides left ina nnd tho dizziness went with it; tho bloating in my face and body disappeared and nil distress in my bowels was gone. I have great faith in Doan's Kidney Pills; in a short time they did 11 great deal mora for mo than nil the plasters nud medicines which I hail resorted to in seeking relief and cure. I hope always to bo able to pro cure them." For sale by all dealers price, CO cents. Mailed by Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole ageut3 for tho U. S. For salo at Kirlin's Pharmacy. POLITICAL CARDS. VOTE FOR THOMAS J. BR0UGHALL FOR School Director In the Fourth Ward. If we can only sell you one package of Seellg'a wc better stop busi ness. But we're in business because those who try it keep on buying. cup of coffee enriched by SEELIG'S.Good 1 isn't it. 1 Ins ad "mixture civesor- dinarycollcea de kdclicious flavor. c. a packige. 19 NEW SALES and EXCHANGE STABLES. WORKING or DRIVING HORSES constantly on hand. Sold or exchanged, II. L. MILLER & CO., Props., 10 N. Pear Alley. lluslncss ofllco; W. P. Miller's meat market. 128 N. Main street. Cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Croup, Diphtheria, Rheumatism, and nil Winter coaiplaiuts. It 1 Internal or External. There are many kinds of pain, but there is only one FAin-ruuer. Keep It by ron. Be are of Imitations Buy only tne genuine i-kkt . Bold every where, J6c. and toe. per bottle. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Notice is hereby given to tho qualified electors of tho Borough of Shenandoah, that an election will be held on 'mmi, -FEBRUARY 18, 1896, Between the hours of 7 a. in. and 7 p. in., for tho following named officers i ONE PERSON FOB HIGH CONSTABLE. ONE rEItSON FOIl B0J10UGH AUDITOR. J Arvl ES EMANUEL, High Constable. Shenandoah, fa., FcU8th, 18W. Teams to H Ire. If you want to hire a safe and reliable team ior unviiiKor lor wormug purposes pay Shields' livery stable u visit. Tcami constantly on hand at reasonable rates. JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 East Centre street. Opposite Beading railroad station. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. D MIX'S Celebrated Vemaio l'owdera never fall. ufandure(ifLr ftUlnar with Tnry and FeanyTojtl HU tod other UW va huv th beat and Told dluD- a market, A f Wbn. Bft Borton, Mua, fee.