The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 17, 1896, Image 1

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I For Family Track
1 A Bu5'lheis
Knows the home paper comes
f, with home buyers. The
lerald brings trade that can
. not be reached in another way.
S A'u paper can hike the place of
g the lit raid, it is tead daily
Pbv eveiy member o) fie Jamily
Advertisers appreciate this.
VOL. XI.-N0. 50.
9 .
Great Bargains
We have several organs as
exchange for
Which we offer very cheap.
$59.00. One $75.00 Organ for $45.00.
J. P. Williams &
Goods for Spring Wear
Are now arriving and the new designs in silk,
wool and cotton fabrics present a very attractive
Our large stock of WASH SILKS FOR WAISTS,
ETC., is worthy of your inspection the prices you "will find
far below their real value, 25, 30 anci 35c per yard.
We handle Butterick's paper patterns.
Ladies' Coats-"""
Reduced from $10.00 to $7.50
" " 9.50 to 7.00
" " 7.00 to B.00
" " 0 50 to 4.50
I " " 0.00 to 4.00
" " 5.00 to 3.00
Just a few sizes left.
Blankets, Comforts, Shawls and other winter goods at
similar reduction. At
I 1 DflDSrF"' North Main St.,
Jm U r n;iVC- O, Shenandoah, Pa.
12V North Jardln St.,
fT iflll "
RAMONAT'S New Restaurant.
DTT T ni3 CADE All the delicacies of the season, oysters nnd clams In every style,
DILL Uf rAln . nno cigars ami soft drinks.
Cullng's, SOc per hundred.
Primes, $1.25 per hundred.
.... Meals served at all hours and at short notice
S. A. RAMONAT, Prop. 119 E. Centre St.
Above L. V. It. R. Station.
To close out before removing, stock of
Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths
Will be sold at a reduction of
For Sale Today.
Two Gars Choice No. 1
Timothy Hay.
One Car Dry Yellow Corn.
Two Cars White Oats.
good as new taken in
One $90.00 Organ for
Son, S. Main St.
IX N. Main St.
Hisses' Jackets-'"""
Reduced from $0.00, $7.50, $0.50, $3.00,
$1.50, $3.00.
To $7.00, $0.00, $3.00, $1.00 $3.50, $2.00.
Children's Long Coats reduced from
$10.00. $9.00, $8.00, $7.00, $0.50,
$3.00, $1.50, $4.00.
To $7.50, $7.00, $0.00, $3.00 $4.50, $3.75,
$3.50, $3.00.
Burial Vaults
Mado of sawed stono or slate,
and aro perfectly water proof.
Theso vaults aro as cheap us a
walled cravo and oven chenncr.
J and aro far superior in neatness
anu immunity, vooucu cases aro
unnecessary when theso vaults aro
used. Thoy aro carried in stock for
linmedisito delivery. Special sizes
mauo to orner at a uays notice.
Manufactured by
20 Per Cent, from regular
Dr. Donaldson Smith's Discoveries
the Dark Continent.
His Discoveries Have Aroused Great Inter
est Among the Learned Societies of
Europe, and Be is Warmly Congratu
lated by the Royal Society.
New YonK, Fob. 17. Dr. Donaldson
Smith, tho young l'iillndolphla physician
who has recently oxporloucod somo stir
ring adventures on Ills expedition to Lnke
Rudolph, Africa, nrrlvod horo yesterday
from England on hoard tho St. Louta. Ho
went direct to h!s homo In Plilladelphln,
where ho will bo busy with his book on his
Inst journoy, which will bo published
simultaneously In England nnd eVmoricn.
Dr. Smith contomplntes another expedi
tion to northeast Africa, starting as before
from London.
During his reconjt trip tho explorer hnd
somo magnificent sport, nnd hnd somo
nnrrow oscnpes from big gumo. Ho shot
a number of elephants, ono with a pair of
tusks weighing over 208 pounds. Ho took
altogether mora than n thousand pounds
weight of Ivory. Over twouty rhlnocerl
foil to his gun, thirteen elephants and sev
eral lions and othor big gnmo. During his
travels four of his boys wcro wounded and
two of his transport camols killed by an
Infuriated rhluocoros, and Dr. Smith nl
most lost his Hfo on mora than ono oc
casion by wild charges of this beast.
During his expedition ho fought two
pitched battles, and It will bo remembered
tho whole party had n narrow cscapo from
being cut up by tho Abyssinian army un
der King Meuellk.
Dr. Smith has rocolved congratulations
nil urouud in England by promlnont
scientists nnd learned soclotlos on tho re
sults of his journoy. Not only did ho suc
ceed In penetrating a country hlthorto uu
vislted by whlto mon although sovornl
unsuccessful attempts had been mado
but ho has mado detailed and accurato
maps, to which tho Royal Guographlcul
socioty nttach tho highest importance.
Perhaps of tho greatest popular lntorcst
Is his dlscovory of many now tribes whoso
exlstonco wus previously unknown. Among
those is araco of plgmlo-t.tho fact of whoso
uiscovery has caused something llko a
commotion In sclontlflo circles. Thoso
curious peoplo aro of negro typo, aro coal
black and nbsolutoly naked. Although of
groat physical beauty, with well formed
limbs, thoy aro baroly removed from ani
mals and their eodo of morality Is very
lax. Later In Hfo, howovor, they sottlo
down nnd marry. Theso romnrkablo peo
plo nrp nil hotweou four and nvo feet high
nnd Hvo In primitive conical huts. Their
only Industry Is corn raising and tho rear
ing of sheep nnd goats Thoy nro born
hunters. In wnrfnro they uso poisoned
nrrows, tho wounds Inlllctod by whloh
prove fatal within an hour.
Nut a Victim of rather .Tnulmovricz.
MOUNT CAIIMKh. Pa., Fob. 17. Tho
friends of John Mnlinn, who U now In the
lnsano asylum, say that ho was not crazed
by tho loss of money to Itev. Father Jacl
mowiez. Tho priest was churned with
embezzling funds of parlshionors. Mahan
did not belong to tho Polish church, but
to tno unurch or uur Lady of Mount Cur
jnel, of which Ilov. Fnthor Mouwoso is
pastor. Mahan wns extremely poor, and
ucvor loancu rjntuor Jaclntowicz any
lleltler anil Itltor Named.
Philadelphia, Feb, 17. Tho appoint.
ments or .Director or Puhlio Snfotv A. M.
Boltler to bo judgo of common pleas court
iso j, to succeeu tno into Judgo Allison
ami or btnto Koprosontntlvo Frank M.
Rlter to bo dlreotor of publlo sofoty to suc
ceed Mr. Boltler, woro announced on Sat
urday. Mayor Warwick announcod Mr.
Illtor's appointment Immediately after
uciuors elevation to tho Judgeship had
oeeu rccoiveu irom Uovernor Hustings.
Terrific Toivder Hxnloslon at Jermyu,
OAItDONDALE, Ptt., Fob. 17. Tho Mooslc
Powder company's plant at Jermyn blow
up with tcrrlflo force at 0 o'clock Saturday
night. Eight mon wh,9iitiriw.pinployed nt
iuu piuco uuu iuiciiuouviou minutes be
fore tho oxploslou occurred. Kvory win
dow in Jormyn was slinttorcd and plato
glass fronts broken. Notwithstanding tho
fact that Jormyn la flvo miles bolow this
city, tho shock was plainly felt horo and n
number of windows broken.
SiniUllcs ul jmua mutinies.
WlLKESDAHHE, Pa., Fob. 17. Mlno In
Bpector Wlllinms, of tho Fourth district,
has forwarded his report for tho year 1895
to Har,risburg. Thoro were 21,003 persons
employed lu tho district, and 8,003,41a. 15
tons of coal wero mined. There woro 71
fatal accidents and 231 not fatal. Thomim
borof widows nroSSj orphans, 07, One
man in ovory 333 omployed wns killed, and
ono In 113 Injured.
Stabbed Over Their Wages.
SllAMOKIN, Pa., Fob. 17. Mlko Zaton
tabbed John Sorook In a local saloon, In
flicting wounds from which donth will
likely result. Tho mon nro miners and
quarreled ovor tho division of their
monthly pay. Zaton, without warning,
wielded tho knlfo twlco boforo spectators
could knock and hold him down.
Kemlrlck House Vceo I.uncln
Vegetable soup to-night.
Dancing School.
Tho Lithuanian Social club will conduct
tho last of their scries of dances before Lent
on Tuesday, commanclng at 7:30 p, in.. In
Franey's hall, corner of Main and Poplar
streets. This Is tho last opportunity to enjoy
a good tlmo. 2t
Heinnveil tho Prisoner.
Constablo Qiblon had two prisonors in the
lockup on charges of assault and battery last
night, but fearing that they might freozo to
death he removed them to Justico Toomoy's
ofllco aud thoy remained thero over night
under guard of Mooney. the umbrella sur
Thomas KUcnhmwr Shunts at .lohn
Swhlilt to Kill.
Shortly after threo o'clock tills afternoon
Thomas Eisenhower deliberately shot John
Swludt in the left hack and region uf the
hcutt. Tho shouting took placo on tho
Lehigh Valley railroad, near tho Main street
crossing. Klsenhowcr was at onco seized by
soveral citizens nnd taken heforo Justico
Williams, who committed him without ball.
Swlndt was taken to his homo on East
Apple alley.
. Eisenhower was perfectly cool during tho
whole affair. Ho said he laid in wait fur tho
victim and shut him hecauso ho had been
Intltnato with Mrs. Eisenhower and ruined
his homo. Tho weapon used wasan ugly look
ing ono of 38 calibro. Elsenhower was formerly
n night watchman at tho Turkey Itun colliery
and lias been separated from lils wife fur
surue tlmo. As tho Iliut.w.I) went to press
tho prisoner wns taken to tho lockup, heavily
hantlcutl'ed, and will bo held for a further
hearing. It has- just been learned that
Eisenhower mado a mistake and shot tho
twin brother of his intended victim, William
Swltidt. Tho victim resides with his wife
and children. Ho is 30 years of ago nnd
hears such a striking resemblance to his
brother that a mistake could ho very easily
made in recognition.
lie Annminrefl Thnt He I In the Presi
dential I'lfc'ht to Win.
PlTTSHUr.O, Fob. 17. Senator Quuy has
dispelled nil doubts ns to tho sincerity of
tho movement In favor of hU nomination
for tho presidency at tho St. Louis conven
tion1 through an interview with Frank
Do II. Hoblson, of Olovolnnd.
Mr. Koblson, who Is tho representative
of Mark A. Haunn, ex-Governor M.-Klu-loy's
right hand man, called on Senator
Qudy at his homo In Heaver yesterday and
pointedly asked tho latter what his real
position in tho presidential raco Is. Tho
query was brought about by tho numerous
statements that Senator Quay's caudldncy
was merely n bluff.
Mr. Hoblson said tho senator received
him cordially, and in answer to tho lend
ing question uuhesltntlngly, nnd without
qualification, said his candidacy was bona
lido in every respect, nnd that ha was in
tho fight to win. Should ho fall it would
not be because his friends would not work
faithfully to attain their end.
Mr. Itoblsou was pleasud with tho out
spoken way in which Sonntor Quay met
him, but says tho MoKinloy forces will bo
nothing daunted, nnd will not waver i
partlclo In their alleglanco to him.
Charged with Choking Ills Wife to Death.
LAX0ASTK1!, Pu., Fob. 17. John llerr,
aged 55 years, was lodged In jail horo last
night charged with tho murder of his wlfo
lu Columbia. Tho couplo lived In tho
center of tho town. Doth had boon drink
ing freoly, and Saturday night thoy quar
reled. Shortly afterwards Herr told
neighbor that his wlfo had died suddenly.
Tho woman's body showed marks of vio
lence, tho condition of tho neck and faco
indicating that sho had been choked to
death. Herr, when arrested, was too drunk
to talk.
At Iln en'H ltlaltu Cafe.
Uraml Army bean soup fur free lunch to
night. Plenty for all.
Frco hot luuch ovcry morning.
Meals served at all hours.
The Stevenson Lecture,
llev. T. P. Stevenson, D. P., arrived from
Philadelphia at 2:10 this afternoon and will
appear to-night in tho Welsh Baptist church
under tho auspices of tho National Reform
Association, and deliver his noted lecture en
titled, "Tho Yankee Bluebeard, or Tho Mar
riage and Divorce Laws of Our Country."
Evervhodv should avail themselves nf this
opportunity to hear Dr.' Stevenson on this
BUhject, on which ho is tho chief authority.
Admission free, but an offering will bo taken
for tho Association,
Bargains In men's working glovesover offered.
Kcgiilar selling pricocut in half. At MAX
LEVIT'S, 15 East Ccutro street.
liirthilay Celebration.
Mrs J. Conway, of East Coal' street, eeio
bratcd her 37th birthday ' last Saturday
verting by.' entertaining a number of
her friends. Refreshments wcro served
and tho evening was very pleasantly spent
by tho following : Mrs. Joues, Mrs. Howe,
Mrs, Major, Mrs. Schwint, Mrs Brecker,
Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Schelder, Mrs. Eiscnhart,
Misses Sullio and Annie Bcddall and Kath-
crino West.
For your spring hats, MAX LEVIT'S.
I.ot a Horse.
A valuablo horso owned by Thumas Batrd
died Saturday night from an attack of colic.
Mr. Baird purchased tho horo but a bhort
tlmo ago for uso hy his family.
Watson House Free Lunch.
Buckwheat cakes and sausago to-ulght.
Hot lunch to-morrow morniug.
A I'nrty.
A surprise and birthday jrty was held
at tho residence of Mrs. Jacob Hess, near tho
Odd Fellows' cemetery, Saturday evening.
Many residents of town woro in attendance.
Games and other pastimes woro supplemented
by a supper,
-Claims Cold Treatment.
Councilman James McElhcnny, of tho
Second ward, who was burned out in the firo
of Juno last and who has beenvaitlng to
rosunio business at tho old stand on promises
made that ho would be considered llrst when
tho buildlug was ready for occupancy, claims
ho was coldly ignored, Joseph A. Illckert
will occupy the building aud conduct tho
Lurking lu I.iuilio Again.
Jooaud Pcto Larklu, two notorious char
acters of Lost Creek', who have been in jail
so often that lifo in tho Institution has be
come second nature to them, wcro arrested
again Saturday night by Constablo Juu
Peters, of Win. Pcnu, charged with beating
their futbor and stealing and pawning tho
apparel of tho family. They wero taken to
the county jail yesterday
And He is
But Eighteen
Years of
Raymond Ehrhart Accomplishes Results
That Surprise His Relatives and
Friends-Leo Straub Is a Valu
ablo Co-Laborer.
In speaking of tho great Interest and in
spiration excited in tho scientific world hy
tho discovery of Prof. Roentgen and tho
experiments of tcientists and inventors in
this country with tho now X rays, a leading
newspaper stated a few days ago that it
looked as If tho rays would finally bo pro
duced by such slmplo methods and appar
atus as to hilng experiments within tho
reach of amateurs. Tho Heiialu wishes to
add to this statement that two amateur
scientists in this town havo already produced
tho rays with highly satisfactory result, and
neither of tho parties is IS years old. Ono is
Raymond Ehrhart, the 17-year-old son of
Prof. W. N. Ehrhart, principal of thoMaha
nuy City public schools, but resides un East
Oak street in this town, and the other is Lee,
tho 15-year-old son of Dr. 1). W. Htraub, of
South White street. Thc-.o young men havo
been experimenting with tho X rays for a
little, over two weeks and accomplished their
aim on batunlay evening. It is difficult to
imagine tho joy with which the buys
auuuunced tho result to their friends, and tho
satisfaction experienced hy their parents is
of no less degree.
The accomplishment of tho boys is moro
remarkable irom tho fact that they wero
aided hy no special apparatus. Everything
used in their work was mado and arranged
witli their own hands and upon theories
arising in their own minds, principally based
upon what they had learned of eleitricity and
photography in tho High School, from books
and newspaper reports of discoveries and ex
periment In both scientific spheres. Young
Ehrhart is tho rccoguized electrician of tho
twain and Stnmh the photographer. As soon
as Prof. Roentgen's discovery was given
publicity their attention was attracted by it
and they determined to seo what they could
attain in that line. After conslderaulo ex
perimenting they undertook a llnal test
Saturday afternoon. They placed a sensitive
plate, about 21 inches square, within a com
mon pasteboard box about tho samosize, with
the sensitivo sldo upwards. Upon tlio cover
uftho box they placed an ordinary leather
purso containing tlireo dimes (tho purse being
closed) a nail, anil a leuse from a small magic
lantern. Directly over and about threo inches
above theso aiticles was suspended by a
silken thread a bulb which had douo scrvico
as an incandescent electric, lamp, had burned
out and been cast aside, hut yojing Ehrhart
reserved it for uso in his laboratory. They
also placed un each sido uf tho assembled
material a largo magnet. They rested on
empty tin buses which at ono tlmo contained
eocu.1. The pouits of tho magnets wero drawn
close to each other under tho incandescent
lamp. Tho latter was connected with a
battery which joung Ehrhait made for him
self. The exposure commenced at 3 o'clock
Saturday afternoon. The laboratory was
kepi in total darkness. At 7 o'clock in tho
evening tho boys removed tho svuntivo plato
aud found upon it not only excellent shadow
graphs of tho nail, lenso and purse, hut aUo
clearly defined shadowgraphs of the dimes as
they wcro placed in tho pure.), ocattcud. The
uegativo has hecu placed in tho hands of a
professional photographer and ho is taking
prints from it. Tho young wientists will
distribute tho prints among a few of their
friends as mementoes of tho first plato
prepared in lino with l'rof. Roentgen's dis
covery in Pennsylvania, outside of Philadel
phia, ami moio interesting from tho fait that
they aro tho handiwork of scientists who aio
from four to six years below tho recognized
age of manhood.
Youug Ehrhart seems destined to follow til
tho footsteps of tho great Thomas Edison.
Electricity seems-to monopolize nearly all
his thought anil'uttcutiuu. His laboratory is
in Ins bedroom. A ruugh work bench in ono
corner witli a homu-mado switchboard aud
covered hy scores of batteries of all sizes aud
descriptions, mado of old tomato cans
covered with tin foil, discarded tumblers aud
fruit jars, and other accessories strongly
suggesting tho most unimportant accumula
tion uf a junk shup, is the altar at which ho
spends hours of days and nights, aud seems
to worship. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ehrhart .-aid last
"Wo tried to iliscuurago Raymond
In liis electrical work hecauso wo wanted to
fit him fur tho medical profession, but all our
ellorta havo been in vain, as you urn seo by
tho accumulation of material with which ho
has surrounded himself. "This spool you see
with yards upon yards of wire wound upon
it," said Mrs. Ehrhart, "ho made when wo
thought ho was sound asleep. I happcucd to
wake up at about threo o'clock ono morniug
and saw a light in his room. Upon iuquliing
into the causo I found him completing this
spool." Sinco ho is so persistent and has I
Micceeded in confirming Prof. Roentgen's I
discovery without any aid other than that'
given him hy youug btrauu, I suppose thero
is nothing for us to do hut to glvo him a
full course in electricity aud alluw
him to purtuo tho bent of ids talent."
Whilo ids mother was talking young Ehv
haU sat hi a tilted chair with his head lent
slightly forward, tho muscles of his faco
motionless, and his cjos hont upon plates
lying on tho rough workbench with which he
evidently intendj to Improve, upou thu plate
ho has already mado. What ho and bis
colicaguo havo accomplished is somewhat
Insigulficant when compared witli what has
been done in that lino ; but It is certainly
remarkable when wo tako iuto consideration
the ago of tbo'boys, tho recent data of tho
discovery and tho home-made character uftho
apparatus used, and this in faco of tho pre
diction mado by ono of tho foremost news
papers of tho country only a week ago that
"it looks as If tho ruys will finally bo pro
duced by such simple methods and apparatus
as to bring experiments within tho roach of
amateurs," Indicating that no idea was enter
tained that any amateur had tho hardihood
to undertakoan experiment under tho present
condition of tho discovery. It would seem
that young Ehrhart is not only tho first
disdplo of Roentgen in Pcnnsyliiauia, outside
of Philadelphia, but tho llrst umatcur to
successfully fullow his footsteps in this
110 and US North Main Street.
MAX SCHMIDT, - - - Proprietor
Prevarication Is Folly
In the retailing of merchandise or
would be for us. It appears to
prosper in some directions. The
good old square-dealing fashion
suits us better. Our work is for
decades and not for single years.
We tiy to drive like "Jehu," but
we also watch that no unworthy
merchandise gets into our stock,
that the advertising rings true.
Doesn't this suit you.
Heminway's Silk
The Only True Article.
65 c. THIS WEEK.
Our Trimming Sale puts all former
prices to the wall.
Children's Wool Caps, worth 35
cents, now I2c
Our Trimming stock overcrowds
us; we have made the most pheno
menal reductions you ever heard of.
Some at $1,65 per yard, now ,25
!' 1.25 " " .25
.50 " " .10
.45 " " .10
.40 " " .05
.35 " 1 .05
.25 " " .05
.12 " " .02
.10 " " ,02
.08 " " .01
.05 " " .01
Ladies' and Children's
out sale, at
Our larcre
ball of Ice Wool.
Bale price
Our Hcminway
Sale price
Our Bureau Scarfinsr
Blue, Yellow
or Green Edging. Sale price 12c
All kinds of niching, worth 25 or
35c a yard. Sale price 5c
Ladies' Side Combs 4c
Varigatcd Crochet Cotton 4c
See our 4 cent table for a grand
116 and 118 North Main Street.
trickle Plated Tea Kettles
(Mnt-tl with whlto Enamel.
I' rite very icusonnblt. 31
lENickle Plated Tea Kettles
" " " Potss
Coffee -R,ovts
i Platecl uu Itrnss And Copper )
Prices the Lowe-t.
'Old Time' Tinware war-
I 2 ranted to outlast Agate ware s
j: at half the price of Agate ware. 5
: s-sSviSvsQssSn.s)
j A LINE OF 3jj
2fc Butcher Knives at 5
Sr 10, 15 and 20 Cts.
IS 8 S. Main St.
Cents more
Chopped off the
price of eggs.
18 dents Now.
Only Fresh Ones.
122 North Jardln Street, Shenandoah.