The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 12, 1896, Image 3

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Franoo Oonsonts That tho Ex-Oon-buI
Shall be Freed,
iMost Distressing of Skin Diseases
Instantly Relieved by
Full Details Gladly Given.
A Railroad Official's Experience.
Our Consul at Juarez Thinks tho
Men Will Get Together.
mill tr-
A warm bath with Cutlcura
Soap, and a single application of
Cutlcura(ointment),the great Skin
Cure, followed by mild doses of
Cuticura Resolvent (blood puri
fier), will afford instant relief, per
mit rest and sleep, and point to a
speedy, permanent, and economi
cal cure when all other methods fail.
SoMthroiuhoolMniroTll. IMHih dtrptl F. Nstr.
rr soss, 1. K!nsEdn;-.t, Indnn. rotri
llaco and Cusm. Cosr., 6oL Tropin Uoiton, U. 8. A.
That's why they enjoy their OOFFBE.
Any grocer can tell you why customers
Uep coming back (or STJELIG'S.
Onlr sc. r1(lS- s
Notice N hereby given to tho qualified electors
of ttie IJorounh of Shenandoah, that mi
election will ho held on
Between the hours of 7 ft. hi, nnd 7 p. m., for tho
following named ofllccrs :
High Constable.
Shenandoah, Pn., Feb, 8th, 18.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest anil
Chris. Schmidt, w,
West Coal Street.
School Direc:
In the Fourth Ward.
AND WOMEN. 208 pases; clotb bound: se
curely sealed and malledrer. Treatment by mall
strictly lonfldentlal, and a positive, quick euro
guaranteed. Ho matter bow lone standing, 1
wnipos Ively cure you. Write or call.
flR nQR 329N.I5tliSt,Phlla,Pa.
'.UUU 30 year? continuous practice-
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Cor. Main 8c Centre Sts.
Basement of Hedilall's Building,
Teams to Hlro.
If you want to hire n safe and reliable
-- '"" visis. 'reams
constantly on band at reasonable rates.
f No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Heading railroad station,
fTlillions of Dollars
Go up In smoke every year,
rlfitrn lint tnt. vrmv ( i' i r
' f biwk, ior
t liable compauiea aa represented by
Also Life and Accidental Companies,
Ambassador Eustls Iloclares That Waller
Is Proven by the Evidence to UnTe Con
spired with the ISnemtes of Franco lie
May Sue fur Damages.
Washington, Fob. 13. Ambassador
Eustls hits been Instructed to accept tho
offer of tho French government to rolenso
ox-Consul Waller from further imprison
ment nnd pardon his offenso on condition
that tho affair be thoroby tormlnutod ns
between Franco and the United States, nnd
that tho lattor innko no claim In behalf of
tho prlsouor based upon his arrest, convic
tion or imprisonment. Waller may, how-
over, sue In tho French courts for damages
for alleged 111 treatment. These facts,
showing the nmtcablo tormtnntlon of tho
celebrated Wallor Incident, appear In tho
correspondence sont to both housos of con
gress yesterday by tho prosldontln answer
to resolutions of Inquiry upon tho subject.
Accompanying thu correspondence,
which is voluminous,' is a report by Secre
tary Olucy summarizing Its features and
explaining tho reasons which animated
tho cxocutlve lnftormlnatlng tho incident
as abovo described. In tho beginning tho
secretary gives tho history of the Crookott
caso, showing that Wnllor, while United
States consul at Tnmatavo, acting as ad
ministrator of tho ostato of Crockett, a do
censed United States citizen, wns guilty of
maladministration, thatwhon Mr. Wetter
took charge of tho cousulatq in January,
1891, Waller had disappeared and the con
sular records woro in great confusion.
Wcttor caused a civil stilt to bo brought
against Waller ou account of tho Crockett
ostato, nnd boforo a court composed of
Consul Wetter, Mr. Goldart (Waller's In
timate friend) nnd Messrs. Kyder and
Howe, Wnllor wns convicted of gross mis
management of tho estato, of abuso aud j
neglect of trust nnd removed from the I
position of administrator, besides being 1
ordered to mnko good tho sum of $1,001 !
aud intorost to tho Crockett hoirs.
Touchlug tho Wnllor concession tho soo-
rotary says, referring to alottor from Wot,-
tor dated April last:
"This same lettcv contains an allusion
to tho Wnllor rubber concession or land
grant near Fort Duuphln. After indicat
ing' various ways in which tho Crockett
money may hnvo been consumed by Wnl
lor, thoro is a suggestion that somo of It
may hnvo boon spout in bribes to securo
tho concessiou. But no ovldenco to that
offoct is reportod, aud nelthor is thero any
proof of the nature, oxtcnt, validity or
valuo of the concession. Tho valuo may
hnvo been supposed to bo dependent upon
tho issue of tho contest then going on be
tween the Fronch and tho native, whllo
it is cortaiu that tho French authorities
have always hold the concession to bo
without uuy validity."
Tho secretary then rotors to Waller's
trial and conviction by a Fronch court
martial, and quotes from tho report of
Ambassador Eustls, who wns permitted to
rovlow tho evidenco. Tho ambassador
"After examining tho original letters of
Waller I havo no doubt whntevor of ills
guilt. It was not a caso of inadvertent or
imprudent writing, but was a deliborato
nttompt to givo Information to tho enemy
to tho prejudlco of tho military situation
of France. Tho ovidoncd fully sustains tho
charge. Tho whole tenor of tho corres
pondence discloses his guilty Intention and
no court could havo hesitated to condomn
It should bo furthor stated that consid
erable corroboration of tho conclusions
thus arrived at by Mr. Eustls Is found in
tho collateral information which has coma
to tho possession of the department, in
cluding tho statomont of Mrs. Wnllor nnd
her son, Paul Bray.
Secretary Olnoy quotos somo of this cor
roboratlvo evidence, and proceeds as fol
lows: "Those extracts from letters and min
utes are not only in lino with tho results
reached by Mr, Eustls, but'ralso the seri
ous question whether Wallor was not in
triguing not merely against tho Fronch,
but against the safoty and lives ot Amer
ican citizens. Wallor was unquestionably
guilty of an offenso against tho Fronch
government of u serious character, and
fully jujtlfylng severe punishment."
Upon tho request of Waller, our ambas
sador at Paris will be iustruotod to nr
raugo for furnishing security for the costs
of ntiy suit boforo tho Fronch tribunals
which Waller may bo advised tho foots of
the caso will warrant. Mr, Eustls has al
ready boen instructed to supply him with
tho means of transportation to the United
States, should ho deslro to come here.
It may bo uddea, as part o the history
or the case, me iamuy oi w niter ucing
Jkft iu destitute clroumstanoes, the depart
ment instructed its representatives to pro
vldo for their present necessities and to
furnish thoin tho means of gottlng to tho
United States. That relief was accord
ingly extended to them, the chargos to
which this government ha3 thus far boon
put amounting to $1,1)17.11.
A Rebuke to rremler llourgeolse.
PAKI8, Feb. 12. Tho senate yesterday,
by a vote of 15S to 85, rojocted tho demand
of M. Bourgeoiso, tho promler, for a vote
of confidence on tho question of the south
ern railway scandals. Tho senate then
adopted a resolution deprecating the Ir
regularities, una aemauuing a searcntug
inquiry. The cabinet met (tud decided not
to resign, but to endeavor to obtain a vote
of oonlidonoe In tho chamber tomorrow.
Tho Bourgoolse cabinet was formod in No
vember last in succosilou to tho Hlbot cab
inet, which came to Its fall on this same
question of an investigation of tho South
ern railroad scandals.
Michael IJuvltt Declines.
LONDON, Feb. 12. Michael Davltt
clluos tosucccod Justin McCarthy as chair
man of tho Irish National league. Iu well
Informed national clrclos It is thought an
other trial of strength botween tho Dillon
ites and tho Henlyltos will occur. It ap
pears Thomas Soxton rofused tho chair
unless assured boforo hand of Timothy
Healy's absolute submission. Mr. Hoaly
offered to co-oporato on friendly terms.
Death of a Hotlred Naval Officer.
Washington, Feb. 12. Coramaudor
Goorgo M, Bacho, U. S. N., retired, died
restorday at tho age of 65. Ho was born
In Washington and appointed to tho naval
iteadsmy from Pennsylvania in 1837. He
received the thanks of Admiral Porter for
meritorious services lu tho engagemont
vvun we vioksburg battories in May, 1803,
nu (ougni gallantly In otlior engage-
nected with railroad construction in
Nebraska,wrltosi "My heart troubled
and pained mo for 19 years. Shortness of
breath was the constant and most common
symptom. Intenso, excruciating pain, gener
ally followed any severe exertion. Falntncss,
hunger without any appctltoi fluttering that
made tno clutch my breast, and palpitation
that often staggerod mo as If I would fall,
were frequent attacks. Again, everything
would turn black if Iarosofrom a stooping
posturo quickly. Sleepless nights with their
Dr. Miles'
prostrating unrest woro
numerous and I could
get no rest day or night
I consulted leading phy
slclans and tried adver
tised remedies. Thoy
cavo mo no relict. Ono ot
Heart Cure
Dr. Miles' circulars described my caso so
exactly that I took Dr. Miles' Now Heart
Ouro and I am now a well man. I hopo
ovcry ono troubled with heart discaso will
try Dr. Miles' remedies. If they willwrlto
mo crsonally, I will gladly givo them full
details of my oxporiouco." Emv. Edmonds.
P. O. Box G5, David City, Nebraska.
Dr. Miles' Heart Ouro is sold on guarauteo
that first bottlo benefits or money refunded.
OLD DR. THEEL to0 604
Horlh Sixth St.,
'GaanatMia Vi." &b. Green, Philadelphia.
-.naiiengM iu via, iron me miver'.lriag fipf c
lalUt n to the lectartaz Pro: ssors,ln cnrlrr
tho wortt caici of KMK)Jal Ulseafi leutl IIl.OOll
VOIbOX. No tnatti rl.cwlltnerlrjft, ieere nd
ilamrrrAiiatho trunl lit tniv hi: Nos.i-.-ttm
its- vunu. nmiHrr, t irituc's?ie A'iipw,
without ctittln?. HU.THEI L Is fo-Itire'r itm oldest,
tbs bont Bad in oh t 111 Till unil cxperlcnt'ciltn, no
,Jliat 'ttr tnnyclKtm, bund Uve j-cent utupa Tor
too'lrnlli,autlbe cDUghtcned regarding T"nr dUcaio
nd now to 'g-i cored. Tho cnW book TaVQSIMI
;:liA!,,'1 thlilr b'0, nnd i'l milium Ibuntre
iv!r.Vt',h-CllKe,,,,ur1'11 In 'tulO Juv. Ilonril
9toS;Eci,6to&. Me.l and rRt, vr., 6 1 19, pan.. 9 to
U; Ktm .CtoO. Trrtituifiitlty Mull. Whoa you write
or calt mention thl par. Bnord and lodging If desired.
For Weak and Run-Down People from
Childhood to Old Age.
WHAT IT IS ! The rlchestot nil rentoratlte
Foods, tieonuse tt replaces the same sabutances
to the blood and nrrrrs that are exhausted lu
these two Hte-BivlnKfluldsbr disease, indlccBtlon,
high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc
WHAT IT DOES! Br making the blood
pnre and rich, and the digestion perfect, it creates
solid Uesh, muscle and strength. The nerves be
ing made Btrong,the brain becomes active and
clear. or restating lost vitality and stopping all
wasting drains and weakness In either has
no equal ; and asafemaleregnlatorit is worth its
weight in cold. One box lastB a week. Priee&Jo., or
6 boxes 41U0. Druggists or by mall. Hook lreo.
1513 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.
Victims of Lost Manhood should send at
once tor a book
that explains how
full manly vigor
is easily, quickly
nnd permanently
restored. No man
Buffering from
weakness can af
ford to Ignore this
tlmelv ndvien.
Book tells bow
Jfnll strength, do-
RUlvr Yflll s '"roar, l-imples, 'JopperJ
nuicers in nonui, iiairiainngi inie uuuur
Ichlcnro. Ill- Cor proofs ot cures. Cunl-fl
iiiAijjx vuh uut juasonie'x'emnieji
Ital, BSOOOOO. Worst cases cured In IS J
to s& days. ioopnire hook rree.
laccn inter-
nallv cures
aud all
bow el
com- 2
plaints, S
colds, chills
I La Grinnc.
Used exUmally It is the best lini-
ment in the world. Bcvrare of
imitations, buy only the genuine I
made by Perry Davis. ,,fj0,. S
J Largf koUUi ii and M tenti eaeb.
PCblehuter'a Eoxllfth DUrnvntl lXtmd.
0 -urlflnalena unly uennlne.
- J ..IIK ..rf. .m.ri n-UiU. ladiii ilk
Drxrlrt fbr OtHiHi-l BnslUk Dia
mond SranJ la H .'il and Gold neulUQ
bxu, seod with bin. ribbon. TaLo
.km R.Ai.a Aitmna rain M.h.tLUa
'tuuu timA tltaUaaA. At Or Had 4.
la fltsmr. for psrltenUrl. teatlmoDUll .al
It.U.r far Indira." In klltr. bt return
f BlaU. 1 0.000 XaiM Jipr,
loU br aU Urn ' "ruulni. l'hll-4o It.
Of it head-splitting headache Immediately re
lieved by tho use ot
Anti-Headache Powders.
They area positive and speedy cure and are
guaranteed absolutely harmless. Their great
ijf cess Is ample proof tliat they are an edecme
article, which can be always used witli toe best
of results. I'rocure them from
Both the Governor of Clillitiahua nnd the
Mayor nf .Timrnz Woulil I.llte to Witness
the l'lsbt, but "Will I'ruvcnt It It Pos
sible." Kb Paso, Tox., Feb. 13.-Consul Buford,
tho United States representative at Juaroz,
thinks tho Fltzslmmons-Mnhcr fight will
take plnco. Ho so declared In an intorvlow
yostordny. What action ho will tako ho
declined to sny, but admitted that ho had
received instructions ns to what ho wns to
tlolu thooventthnt tho pugilists attempted
to meet In tho ring. "I bcllovo tho big fight
will tako placo," tho oonsul said with an
air of conlldonco, "but I shall not soo it. I
might wcro the conditions concerning me
hero different. I have recolvod Instruc
tions from Washington. Thoy are, of
oourso, secret, and 1 am not at llborty to
talk; lam couvlnccd, howover, that tho
fight will take placo."
The linprosslon provnlls that Consul Bu
ford has information tlint makos his dec
laration nuthorltntlvo, and his mnnnor,
when ho said tho big mill will bo brought
off. courevs thnt he sneaks bv tho card.
Nor aro declarations of tho governor of
Chihuahua and tho mayor of Juarez
greatly out of joint with thoso of tho
American consul. Tho gist of tho Mexi
can olliclitls remarks is: "If wo can pro-
vent It tho light will not tnko place."
Tho governor nnd mayor seem to doubt
their scparnto and joint power to prevent
tho fight. Miguol Almmada, governor of
Chihuahua, arrived yesterday from tho
seat of government of the htnto. Ho was
accompanied by tho gubernatorial guard
of Ufty stato troopors. Infantry from tho
garrison mot tho governor at tho Mexican
Control railway station and acted ns escort.
Through an interpreter ho snld:
"Tho movements of Moxlcau troops.llko
thoso of other military bodies, aro not an
nounced to tho public. Personally I do
not caro about flghtors, or what they do. I
do not know but I should llko to soo the
light. But ns an net of courtesy to tho
American government I shnll do what I
can to prevent nn event which it will not
permit Its citizens to hold iu its own
Governor Ahuma.ln will remain in .Tun
rcz until nftor tho next bull fight, which
will bo noxt Sunday. Tito Arriola, mayor
of tho city of Juaroz, said today:
. "Llko his oxcellouoy, I should llko to
see tho prlzo fight. I am in sympathy with
him, and shall co-opernto with him as far
as In my powor llos."
Colonel Taravez is in chnrgo of the Mex
ican soldiers in and around Junrez. Thero
aro 200 soldiers at his comand, including
ruralez, cavalry and infantry, at tho gar
rison. Tho ruralez number about 200.
They are mounted, nnd aro the flower of
tho Mexican soldiery. Tho regulars of
Mexico nro recruited from tho prisons.
From tho chnractcr of the country It Is be
lieved tho flghtors can cross tho border,
bring off tho fight aud get back to homn
torrltory boforo tho Moxlcau soldiers can
reach tho battleground.
Enoch Rector, tho klnetoscopo man.says
tho light shall tako placo. He says that
through tho klnetoscopo plan is tho only
chauco for him to get back his $17,000 aud
Dan Stuart his ifOO.OOO.
Tho final money has been posted In tho
hands of Tom O'Rourko, seloctod ns final
stakeholder, after a wrangle. Mnher's
mun wanted Sam Austin. Fltzslmmous'
reprosontntlvo, Julian, said Austin was
prejudiced and suggested O'Rourko.
The hotels aro filling up und tho board
ing houses are overflowing. Tho incoming
trains are adding to tho crowds and others
aro on tho way.
The ministers of El Paso yesterday wont
in a body across the river to Junrez to see
Governor Ahuamada to get him to tnko
active stops against tho designs of Unit
Stuart to bring off the fight on Moxlcnn
soil. Stuart, however, romalns confident,
and declares tho fights will surely como
off. Thero is no doubt that ha will keep
his word so far as the big fight is con
corned, nnd tho chances aro very strong
that ho will keep it as regards most, if nut
nil tho loss important fights.
A telegram was rcoolved hero today from
William A. Brady announcing that ho
would not bo at tho ringside, but thut Al
Smith would challeugo tho wluuor ou bo
halt of Corbott.
ODlcers of the Wheel men's Lcacue,
Baltimore, Fob. 12. Sterling lilliott,
of Massachusetts, was elected president of
the League of American Wheelmen yes
torday, defeating Archibald O. Willison,
tho present Incumbent, by a voto of 101 to
75. Other ofllccrs olected aro: First vlco
president, Charlos F. Cossum of New
York j second vice president, A. Crcssy
Morrison of Wisconsin; treasurer, K. A
Hartwcll of Colorado; auditing commit
tee, J, Fred Adams ot Massachusetts, John
J. Van Norte of Pennsylvania aud G. A.
McCarthy ot Colorado. Louisville was
chosen for tho '08 meet.
Ilunt. r Still Leads lu Kentucky.
FltASKKOltD, Ky., Fob. 12. Throo Re
publican members yesterday led a break
from Hunter with n view to creating a
stampede to some other Republican.
Blackburn seems weaker among tho Dem
ocrats, nnd tho Republicans hoped conces
sions might bo mndo resulting in the elec
tion of a Republican. Tho vote stood:
Hunter, &7; Blackburn, M; scattering, 1).
Tho majority of the Republicans nro in
clined to stick to Hunter.
The Cutnloiila's Passengers Arrive.
Nuw VoitK.Feb. 12. Tho North German
Lloyd fctc.unvr Brnuuseweig arrived horo
today from Bremen via tho Azoro islnuds
bringing the passongers of the Cunard
steamor Catalonia, which were plckod up
on Jan. 22,nnd towed Into Ponto Del Cndn,
a port In tho Azoros. Tho Catalonia left
Liverpool on Jan. 17, and had proceded
about 1,07:1 mlloi from Fnstuec, when her
shaft broke, leaving her helpless.
No Hope for Murderer Kohl.
,TltEsros, Fob. 19 Governor Griggs
sont a leltsr to Thomus H. Henry, of coun
sel for lloury Kohl, tho Newnrk murderer,
In which lie nays that he has reviewed tho
ovldonoo In the cusu and finds nothing
that would justify him lu interfering with
the eoursj ot justice
The Starvlus; New Fouudlantleri.
St. John's, N, P., Fob. 12. Reports of
destitution throughout the island con
tinue to roach St. John's. Tho condltlou
of thensldentsof Fortuna Hay Is nwful.
AU the charities urn doing their utmost to
rollevu the distress.
X NOfcAW '
OQDvTobacco Sold For
1 .
Januakv B, 18.
Trains will leave Hhcnnniloah after the pbpve
date for WtrKiins, Oilberton, Frnckvillc, lurk
Water, bt. Clair, Pottsvillc. Hamburg, lti'mlms,
I'ottstown, lMioenixvillc, Nurristuwn and I'lifl
adeipbin (Hrond street station) nt COS nnd 11 4
n. m. nnd 4 15 p. ni. on week days. Kor Potta
ville nnd Intermediate stations 9 10 a. m.
For Wifnnins, Qllbcrton, Frnckvllle, Dark
Water. St. Clair, Pottsvllle, nt G M, 9 40 a. m. aud
a 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Itcnding, 1'otUtdwii,
Phocnlxrille, Norristown, Philadelphia nt Ova,
9 40 n. m., 3 10 p. ni.
Trains leave iTacKvlllo for Slicnandonli at
10 40 a. m. nnd 1214. B0I. 7 42 nnd 10 27 n. m.
Sunday, 11 13 a. in. nnd 5 40 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle for Hlicnnndonh at 10 15, 11 48
a. in. and 4 40, 7 15 nnd 10 00 p. m, Sunday nt
ju ?u u. in., o io ji. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), for
Shenandoah nt 5 57 and 8 35 a. in., 4 10 nml 711
p. m. week days. Sundays leave nt 6 3D a. in.
Leave Broad etreet station, Pblindclplilntfor
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Oconn Grove, jawr
Branch, and intermediate stations, 6.50, jtigi,
11.39 a. in., 3.30, 4.00 Ji. in. week-days. SumStys
(stop at Interlakcn for Asbury Park), 8.Sf ft. in.
nop n. inienaKcn lor ASDury l-nric;,
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 515, AM,
7 33, 8 20,9 20, 9 50, 10 80 ( Dlnl ng Car), 11 00, It lin!
m., 12 noon, 12 33 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. m.
(Dining Cars) 1 20 (Dining Car), 140, ?30
(Dining Car), 3 20, 4 00, 5 00, 5 55 (Dining CiSr),
6 00,650,812, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 night. Suiutrys,
3 20. 4 05, 4 50, 5 15. 8 12, 9 20, 9 50, 1080 (Dln&Ig
Car), 1103 a. m.. 12 31. 126, (Dining Car) SttO
(Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 22), (Dining Cjtr)
5 20, 5 56 (Dining Car), 0 85, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. ll:,
12 01 night.
Kxpress for Boston, without change, 1100 a.
m. week days, nnd 6 50 p. in. dally.
For Ilaltlmore and Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31,
012, 10 20, 1123 a. in., 12 09 (1231 Limited Join
ing Car), 1 12, 3 18. 4 41 (5 19 Conercsstclllal
Limited, Dining Car), 5 57, (Dining LWr),
6 17. 655 (DIlllllC Car). 740 ininlnt- fArl
p. m., and 1203 night week days. SumBis,
3 50, 7 20, 912, 1123 a. ru., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, (jm
(Dln ng Car), 655 (Dining CorY 740 p. iu.
(Dining Car) and 12 Ois night.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express, 850 n. in., 210,4 00, and 5 00 p, m.
week days. Sundays, 8 43 and 9 45 a. ni.
For Cape May, Anglessen, Wlldwood and
Holly Beach. Express, 9 00 a. m., and 4 00 p. in.
week dnys. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City and Avalnn.
Express, 9 00n. in., and 4 00 p. m. week days.
Sundays, 9 00 n. in.
For Somers Point. Express, 8 50 a. m., and
4 00 p. m. week days. Hundnys, 8 45 a. m.
8. M. I'bevost, J. It. Wood,
Geu'l Manager. Ucn'l PasB'g'r ARt
SPECIFICS aro scientifically
prepared Remedies; havo
been used for half a century
with entire success.
o. snrme fob
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.
2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic,..
a-Ticllilne, Collc,Crylng, Wakefulness
1 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults
7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis
8 Xeuralgln, Toothache, Faceache..,..
O-IIeadacbes, Kick Headache, Vertigo.
10, Biliousness, Constipation
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods....
13-H'hlles, Too Profuse PerlodJ. . . ......
Ill Croup, Laryncltls. Hoarseness..,,.
11-Snlt ltheum, Kryslpslas, Eruptions.
15 Itlieuinatlsin. orlthoumallol'&bis..
10 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague
10 Catarrh, Influonra, Cold lathellcadt
J-O Whooping Cough,
UT-Ktdiiey Disease
'JS-Nenous Detllltr
30- L'rlnary Weakness,
31- Bore Tbroal, Quinsy, Diphtheria,,.,
"77" for GRIP.
S.14 br Pr.tztfli, or rrcrald on lecilpt of iW,
Co., or ft fur II.. iu. b. Iliomdi. S. II. lr.on1r,
l'libvsrMRtvr M4S.l.(lJlLtfdalt.Vll.d)l!lLBVaKS
Ul xriUltS' MIU. CO., 1 11 a 1 IS rilUIin Sk, an Ya.
Tratiis leave Shenandoah an follows :
For New York viu Philadelphia, week davi,
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. 111., 12 M, 2 "rt und 5 55 p. in'
hunilnys, 2 10 n. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
5 25, 7 20 a. in., 12 5S anil 2 55 p. in.
For Heading nml l'lillnilt-lpbia, week da-s,
2 10, 5 23, 7 20 a.m., 12 58, 2 53 und 5 55 p. m. Sun
days, 2 10 n. in.
For Pottsvillc, week days, 2 10; 7 20 a. in., and
12 5S, 2 55 nml 5 55 p. m. Humbiys, 2 10 a. in.
For Tamaqtia nud Mahanov City, week day.,
210,5 23, 7 20 11. in., 1254, 2 33 nud 5 55 p. iu.
Sundays, 210 a. m.
For Ullnmsport, Sunbury nnd Lcwlsburg,
week days, 3 25, 1 1 30 a. in., 1 50 nud 7 20 p. di.
Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
For Mtilmnny Plane, w eekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 23,
7 20, 11 30 a. ill., 12 H, 1 50, 2 35,5 53, 7 20 and 9 83
p. m, Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 n. m.
For AMilaml und Shamokiii, week days, 3 25,
720,1130 11. 111., 150,720 nud 9 35 p.m. Siau
tlays, 3 23 n. in.
For Baltimore. Wnsbinctini and the West via
II. fi O. It. It., through trains leave Headline
Teriuinnl, Philadelphia, (P. & It. li. It.) at 3 90,
7 6,3, 1126 a. in., 3 40 and 7.27 p. in. Sundays,
u -jj, i uu, n -m a. m., a 4t aim i p. ni. Acmt-
iiuuai trains irom iweniy-iourtn aim unest
luit streets station, week days, 150, 5 41, 8 23 p.
in. Sundnys, 1 33, 8 23 p. in.
Leave New York via Plillodclnbln. week
days, 8 00 a. in., 1 30, 4 00, 7 SO p. m. and 12 13
iigut. otinouys, ouui. iu.
Leavo New York via Mauch- Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. in.. 1 10 nnd 4 30 p. m.
l.enve Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 35, 1000 a. ra, and 4 00, 6 01, 1 1 '30
p. in. Sundays, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Heading, week days, 135, 710, 10 06,
11 50 a, m., 5 55 aud 7 57 p. in. Sundays, 1 33 n. in.
Leave Pottsvllle, weekdays, 2 35, 7 10 a: ni.,
12 30 and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 33 a. m. Vs. .
Leavo Tamaqua, week days, 3 18, 8 (0, 1123 a
m., 1 20, 7 15 and 9 52 p. in. Sundays, 3 18 a. i.
Ieavo Mabanoy City, week davs, 2 45, 9 21,
11 47 n. in., 151, 7 39 and 9 51 p. m. Sundays, 3 43
a. in.
Leave Mabanoy Plane, week days, 2 W, 4 00,
630,937,1159a. in., 12 58, 2 06, 5 20, 6 20, 753 and
10 10 p. in. Sundays, 3 40, 4 00 a. m.
Leave Williamsport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a.
m., 3 33 and 11 41 p. in. Sundays, 11 15 p. ni.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South street wliaif for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 n. m.( 2 00, 4 00, 8 00
p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., 4 30, 6 30 p. m.
Sunday Express ,9 00. 1000 a. m. Aoooimno
datlon 8 CO a. in., 4 45 p. in.
Iteturnliig leave Atlantic City (depot.) week
days, express, 733, 900 a. 111., 3 30, 5 30 p. in.
Accommodation, 6 50, H 13 a. in., and 4 32 p. ni.
Sundays Express, 1 00, 7.30 p. m. Accommoda
tion, 7 15 a, m., 4 13 p. in.
Parlor Cars on all express trnlus.
Gcn'l Suiierlntendcnt. Geu'l Pass. Agt
F. BL HKE, M. 1).
30 E. Lloyd street, Hhen.uidoalu
Ofilco hours : 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 and 7 to
p. in.
Shenandoah, Pa.
M. 11U1IKK,
OAlce Kgan building, corner of Main and
Centre, streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 63, Mubsnoy Oliy, Pa.
Having studied under some nf the best
masters l.v Ioudon aud Paris, will give Icssoas
on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Teuw
reasonable. Address In care of Strouse, tba
Jeweler. Sbbnandoab.
Celebrated Vemaia
l'owdera never fnlL
is- resut urftwr r&uuiix
FTanrr Add IHsuiyroyil Viut od other Ilk
hktt), Alwui buy th bftt tad vuid dtD
tkCrt in (hdtiikf ket. A
cut. uiiirftiumu
rmiteeJ iujrtor to ui oikera. rtf
I ha tar
VIZ., liasVWr, IKnton, Uus.
.f -A3