L Is- EVENING HERALD KST.VW.ISIlT.l) 1870. Pnbllnhed every livening, Kiccpt Sunday, ai 8 Poutn jAnnis Street. Nkah Centre. Hie Herald Is .lellvelfil InShcnnndOan and tbo nqirotfhuinR towns fornix cents n week, pay bin to the carriers, lly mnll $3.00 n year, or 25 cent a month, payable III advance. Advertise merits chAritcilnocordhiRtopaconnd position. The publishers rescrvo the right to chnngo the position of advertisements whenover the pub lication' of news demands It. The rlcht l rmcrved to reject nny advertisement, whether paid for or nnt.that llie plibllshers may deem Improper. .AdvcrtislriB rates made known trpoti application. Rntored at tho poitofllco at Shenandoah, Pa., as pecond elas mall matter. TUf-EMIONK CONNECTION. Evening Herald FBIDAY, FKBRUAKY 7, 18IW. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. To the Kepubllcan electors of Pennsylvania: TheKcpublioan"! of Pennsylvania, by their duly chown representatives, will meet In Stato con rtlon Thursday, April 23, 1890, at 10 o'clock a m., in tho opera house, city of HarrlshtirK, for be purpo of nominating two candidates for rerreentitllve nt-laro In ConrcM and thiity two candidates for Presidential electors, tlio selection of eight ilcIcKtes-nt-Inrp;o to tho lie publican National convention, and for tho rannaction of smb other business as may bo presented. By order of the state Committee. M. H. Ql'AY, Attevt; JekhH. Hrac, Chairman. V. It. AXDRr.wS, Seirctarlon. ('ilin.MN H.vnitlTY lists hired the olosH'iim In which lo hold tho Democratic National Convention. Ho will need to secure the Catacombs fur uso after November 3rd. cynical philoplicr being asked to gi n answer lo tho question, "What is home," w plied: "Tho placo where you arc treated -.t and grunihlo most." lie was iv cloc bei cr of human nature. run licence, mill is (till dragging along its Iicary way. It is a littlo surprising to thu average eltlien that to many people aro to lie found who are ready to assert that Shen andoah needs any inoro beer silicons than are now hero. Wli.KKMi.utr.n's post ollico light is waxiug lwt. A largo delegation of tho supporters of Kditor ilogert bosieged Postmaster (ioucral WiImiii In his behalf. It is now in order for ie Mipportors of Ills opponent to march on to Washington at once. Ji-tis MU'AltTllV's resignation of the position as leader of the Irish Nationalist paily only tends to call attention to tho low Mate of Home ltule all'airs and tho woeful -nudltlon of the p.uty which, under tho leadership of I'.uncll, had almost acio.nplishcd i .n- object that remarkable statesman devolcd us life to. .li.iiiiY Simpson', ' who admired m.iho itoriety white in Congress as a rcpic-cnta-,c from Kansas becauso ho didn't wear i,k, announces to tlio public that he does rtr.ti them now. Jerry was evidently rur . upted .by his icsidenco In Washington, mid i is not surprising his granger constituents i ft him at boiue. I'm: Altoona girl who poj.-uncd her undo ml came pietty neatly sending to kingdom iuc thice other persons is a precocious 1 .anlcii. She gives as a reason for this j wholesale act of u.lainy that she wunto. . I Hike them all sick so she could steal from 1 uicni. .'she lll probably end her days in a place when' the chances to steal arc inluccil l'i a in i 1 1 i mil in . Tin: Senate appears to bo getting in lino with publio sentiment ou tho ipiestiun oi itcogniisiug the Cuban insurgents us belliger ents. KiT'iguitinn by the I'nited States is oiiitiled to bi ilie deatli knell of Siianish sipiem:u m ( uba. and in the namo of umamty t lauiiut nunc too soon. The 1 cangiilnar.v Wejlcr will bo thero cue long, id if. Ac maintains tho reputation lo ; ,.ist uprising thcsynipathy ex- revolutionists Will be greatly . uIki' prediction by somebody a ago that l'cbruary would bo the it mouth is likely to bo fulfilled, If any cpcmlcncc is lo lie placed upon tho Indian icllcf that we uevi havo real cold weather are full. The fic.pient 1 ntll the stieams rains ami snows of the past week or two havo ad the elicit of giving fresh and stronger lifi to the springs, which in their turn have iccn contributory to the uilumc of the .ugcr streams, gradually biinging them iiaicr to their normal condition at this -f ;isnn of the year. Tlioro is no longer room tor iippiehenlun in regard to a bouutifuf supply of water, nnd If Indian belief is wortli .nythlitg wo, mil begin to prepare for much older wonthor. It is a lasting misfortune, says the New York Sun, that In the winter of ISO.' firmer Cleveland diil not do what Ilonjamiu Har lisou has jiut done, namely, put himself out if tho race for ills party's renomination for the Piotddoney. At that tlmo Cloveland was 111 precisely the situation from which General Harrison has honorably removed himself, fie was being pushed for rcnouiiuation by the solid gang of politicians whom, as Presi dent, ho had mado olllceholders. There should have been impressed upon his mind, far moro vividly than upon Harrison's, tho statesman's drend of "oflirchohlors Inflamed with a zeal bora of benefit lecelvcd and fostered by the hopo of favors yet to come," ami of tlio "danger to a Government 1y tlio peoplo In tlio eligibility of a President for rc-olcCtlon." To-day Cleveland's obligation to tlcclnro his Presidential ineligibility Is ten thousand times greater than it was four years nco (Continued from First Pasc.) nrsc noon, I no pcopui uroj most or them", of tlio poorest ohm. Tlio wntor works, the town's only moans of supply, urn Hooded by six feet of wntcrttmt nro utterly Useless. Tlio olectrlo light station is lloodcil ami the town wns In durknuss Inst night. Luto last night tho waters began torcceilo. Tho Storm In Now Jersey, Jehsky City, lfeb. 7. Tho wind nml rnln caused considerable ilamngo ami Iron bio along tho Jorsoy co.Kt ami throughout tho stnlo. From every part of tlio stnto enmo reports of delayed trnfllodnmngo to houses ami barns ami washed out roads. In somo places trolloy cars stopped run lilng entirely. Trains on all tho railroads, with tho exception of tho Pennsylvania, vcro behind. Tho salt marshes of Hudsou nml Hergon counties wcro flooded and tho railroad tracks wero baroly abovo wator. From Marion, back of Jersey City, whoro tho waters of tho X'assalo and Hackcnsnok met, as far us could bo seen, thero was nob a sight of tho earth on tho lowlands ex cept tho embankments of tlio railroads. Along tho Atlantic, coast from Capo May to tho Highland tho sea boat with terrible fury against tho sands nml bluffs, nml caused considerable alteration in tlio coast lino. Along tho Delaware river tho dam ago was considerable, tho rush of water being greater than tho spring freshet. Manufacturers Compelled to Shut Down. Am-f.ntown, I'ii., Feb. 7. Tho heavy rain and snow have caused much dniinigo hero. Tho three rivers centering here, tho Lehigh, Littlo Lehigh and Jordnn, began rising at noon yesterday and nro now roar lug torrents. Tho water roso thrco and a half feet at tho wlro mill. All manufac tories on tho lowlands woro compelled to shut down, tho water flooding tho lower iloor3. Such n sudden and tremendous rlso was nover experienced hero before 1 no Hooded streets and numerous wash--outs compelled tho Traction company to abandon two of its lines. Tlio Cntusnuqun crook roso so suddenly as to flood Davies & Thomas' largo foundry and destroy all molds. Tho works may not bo ablo to re sume for a month. -slioro on Two Mllo lleaeh. CAPi: May, Feb. 7, An unknown thrco masted schooner is ashore on two mllo beach,' tho first beach north of Capo May City, and appears to bo well oil shore. From appearances tho hull It covered with water and tho rigging gone. Tho heavy rains and fogs which have again como up hnvo prevented any efforts at rescue. Tim heavy sea badly washed s'uuh Capo May's breastwork and boardwalk. Illuming of Trains Abandoned. K aston, Pa., Feb. 7. Tho heavy rain, following closely upon a six inch snow fall, caused a freshet of unusual magnl tudo in tho streams in this vicinity. In tho Hushklll valley much damage win tlono to the tracks of tho Kustim and Northern railroad, tlio roadbed being sub-, merged in several feet of wator in many places. Hiinnlng or trains was aban doned. Hunt on the Street nl Heading. Hkaiiim,, Feb, 7. The Schuylkill river roo nlnu feet yostenlay. Tho low lands wero Inundated, and the damage will bo heavy. In NIcolls street, this city, tlio sower liccamo choked up, and tlio peoplo living in the house bad to bo takon out In boats. Hives aio not daugeroiis to life but they are a proline breeder of tui.-ory anil profanity, Duan's Ointment gives instant relief, even . , I ii lien you warn, goou roouug, piumoing, gas llttlug, or general tlnsmithing done call on K. F.' Gallagher 18 West Centre street. Dealer ir stoves. 8-1-tf A Now I.llo of Cinnl. For upwards of two years the publishers of tl,.erl limtcbrial amI Ictlres f()r i it.i...j.. ir...,.tn. 1....... t ..t...i.. life of General Grant. They bellcvo that thoy havo mado a larger collection of por- IrnlU nf Omiif. mnnv ,if t tif.m isire. 1 nml nllinr i !,.,,. .iti t 1,1., nr., i, w ,. been mado before. This biography will ! bring out tho real Grunt in the same vivid, thorough, and Intoiestliig maimer as Lincoln is presented In tho "Life" now running in McCluro's, They Jiavc been fortunate in securing the co-operation of Col. F. D. Grant, who has most of his father's papers. lleglu ltight Willi Comlis and Colds. Take tho suro cuic, Pan-Tina, 25c. AI Gruhler llros., drug stoic. Oood XeK, It True. F10111 Ashland Telegram. Wo havo it on undisputed authority Unit the idle mines of tho Philadelphia & Read ing Iron (Jouipany, will resume work on Monday morning next, oil threc-uuurter ' me: wHh ,t!,0f1"TIc Vl'rJ' fur c0"- tinning on that schedule. Worrt Out Women Should read this letter. It shows I wonderful by-lldlng-up powers of Hood's Barsftpnriua, mo great blood purifier. "I wlBh I could stand in some pub lic place and cry to allalllng humanity, ' Hear this, ya peo ple, what wonder ful things Hood's Snrsaparilla has , none for me and my si 1 , . f j, liiiiui. x euuuui express what I suf fered. Only one ol my sex '-nows; what a woman can suffer In my condition. I was prostrate with nervousness' and weakness. Tho least noise would drive me frantic. I decided to take Hood's Barsaparilla. I am overjoyed to say that I am now well, hearty, rosy and plump. Hood's Sarsapariifa Is the best medicine for those suffering as I have suffered." Mrs), O. C, KlnSPATRtqx, Pine Orovd, Peitn. ft j six for fo. Hood' pii:a;rinW,Uki' How to Be Strong and Full of Life andVigon If you starved for two days you would feel as weak as a cat. Proof enough that your food Is tho causo of your strengths If yourstbinach Is sick, you'ro starving away your strength. Slowly porhaps, hut nouo tho los surely. You feol It yourself. v. !, .i. l..., r .. ii, i i luiiim.uiiimBlM. xvtno Ul ni'lCUie, llCail" aclio, giddiness, piiili in tho stbmach, loss of sirongm, spirits ana amnilton. What do you think ? That it's your head ? Hut it's not. It's simply your stomach. Food is strength. Stomach makes it avail able. If stomach won't work, food Ues not become available strength. Shaker Digcstlvo Cordial will, In a few noses, make your stomach well and help your food mako you strong. Who wouldn't bo strong ? Whoovcr won't tako Shakor Digestive Cordial. Sick, tired, weary men and women, thoso who aro working their bodies and brains too hard, wllrflhd rollef and strength in Shaker Digcstlvo Cordial. It makes strength. It makes health. It makes hanninoss. ! It's not an ordinary medicine, it's a 1 cordial. It's pleasant to tako and moro than pleasant In its results. For sale by all druggists at 10, 2.3, 50 cents una ifi.uua bottle. WAS IT ATTEMPTED ROBBERY 7 Celling llronkliig ut tlio Post Olllco Causes SJoino Incitement. Some excitement was caused this morn ing by a report that an attempt had been mado to burglarize tlio post ofiico. Tho re port was duo to a discovery mado by tho em ployes when they euteied the placo this morning. There was an opening iu tho ceiling about II feel long and 18 inches wide, which had been mado from tho apartment over tho post olllco. This apartment is the second from tho corner of Oak stieet, front ing on Main street, and was formerly occu pied by tlio Friendship Social Club, but lias been vacant for a long time. Tlio post olllco peoplo concluded that tho burglars were frightened away before making a bulllcient opening to allow tho lowering of ono of their number into tiie post olllce. Several young men say they practiced witli tlio Scanlan Durkiu Company in the theatre part of the building until 11:30 last night and saw no suspicious characters. Alex. Strouso says ho was at his pool room on the nearest opposite corner to the building until o'clock this inurning and saw nothing to arouse his suspicious. Tho police made ficipiuut trips in the neighborhood lust uightaud thismurn ing, but did not have theirsuspicions aroused, and tlio watchman in the First National Hank, which is immediately next to the post olUcc, beard nothing. Postmaster Mellet is of the impression that the attempt was mauo by some bungling local crooks and says they may have secreted themselves in tlio building some time during tho day. P.J. Ferguson, the owner of the building, scouts tho idea of an attempted robbery. Ho says ho was in the loom over tho post ollico with a gas litter yostenlay afternoon and saw that an opening made in the llooring some liino ago to make gas con nections had been left uneoveied. It is his belief that some fietiienter of tho building strayed into tho room hist night and acci dentally stepped into tlio opening, breaking tho celling of the post ollico mum. Post master Mellet says biirglais would gain nothing in the olllco. They could only cause inconvenience by cither scattering or destroying mail matter. Hundreds of precious littlo ones owo their lives to Dr. 'Thomas' F.lcctrie Oil, the sovereign euro fur croup and all other throat or lung diseases. Cor Sale Cheap. A line cherry front with French pinto glass windows, also a fine c herry hat case, suitable for millinery or a hat store. For Information call at L. llcfowich's, 10 and 12 South Main stree, 1-11-lawlt. A cough is a danger signal of worso troubles tu come. Cure tho cough and. prevent its results by using" Dr. Wood's Xorway Pino Syrup. Hoodie. Alderman Sent to Prison. SALKM, Mass)., Fob. 7. Kx-Alderman Goorgo O. Tilton, of Haverhill, 0110 of tho alleged boodle aldermen of that city, was yesterday sentenced to servo fifteen mouths In tho houso of correction. Tlio al leged bribery occurred In connection with tho issuance of liiiuor licenses nt Haverhill. Set Herself fill 1'lre. Chicago, Feb. ".Mrs. Mary Vinton, of No. :J2.1 Lincoln avenue, saturated her clothing with kerosene and set herself on Ore. Tho woman died iu thu Gorman hos iltul. Domestic, trouble is given as tho MUso for the act. You'ro an Kasy Prey, with your llcsh reduced below a healthy standard, for Consumption and other Scrofulous and dangerous diseases. And it's for just this condition that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovury is especially valuable. If you're thinnor than you ouxhtto be', whether from wasting diseases, dofcttlve nutrition, or whatever cause, tho "Dis covery" will surely bring you up to the healthy standard. By restoring tho normal action of the derailged organs and functions, it arouses every natural source and means of nourishment, as a streugui-rusioier ami flesh-builder, nothing like this medicine is knowntomcillc.il science, j inny ton liver oil and all its disgusted compounds can't compare with it. Dr. Plerce-'H Pellets euro constipation, in digestion, or dyspepsia, biliousiiowi and houd acbes. AYn Tliniiglit ,Su. 1'ioiu Mnliauoy Clly ltceonl. . Thanks to a kind Providence, the Ke publlcanisiu of prospective candidates iu tills county Is not measured by "insur ance policies" nor "Senatorial courtusy," In Mahanoy City it may bo iocetavy to approach with simplicity tlio 'Bom and secure vouchers attesting tlio holder's itepubllcunlsm but things aro dlflerent in other parts of the county. Let thu Imnd play. SiiKN.iNiiooi Hkuai.ii. If our worthy contemporary iuiuiiiucsthatthoso "vouchers havo liny political valuo in Mahanoy City it knows nothing of tho sentiment of this village. (2rli-Col(lg-1!cmtticiie. Why suffer witli Coughs, Colds and a, Grippe, when Laxative Bromb Quitiiiio will cure you In one day. Put up In tabteta con venient for takings Guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. Price, Wi cents. For salo by Kirlin's Pharmacy. WORKS In curing torturing, disfiguring, hu miliating humours of the Skin, Scalp, and Blood when all clso falls. Sola throughout tho world. Brlllih Dpoti r. Kiin lit ft Soxi. 1, Klnc fdwtrd-IW London, fonil Oiuo ud Catv. Cor., Bolt rropt., Bo, too, V, E. A. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Hnrry Hownnl, former chief Of tho old Now York volunteer iiro department, died In Now York yesterday, agoil 71. A heavy snowstorm has raged for two days in tho Black Hills, South Dakota. It Is a Godsend to cnttla rangers nnd fanners. Tho Duko nnd Duchess of Marlborough (nco Consuelo Validerbllt) will return to this country about Aug. 1, to remain two months. Cablo dispatches: nunounco tlicso deatha in London : General Charles Patton Koycs, K. C. B.j Henry Lcsllo, musical composer; Murlus, tho actor. William Sago, freight truffle agent of tho Hock Island railroad, died at his homo in Chicago last night. Mr. Sago was stricken with paralysis Wednesday night. Nows received at St. John's, N. F., from Fortuno Bay's western ports says awful destitution among tho peoplo exists. Tlio failure of tho herring fisheries has reduced Uiom to absolute poverty. Threw Away Ills Canes. Mr. 1). Wiley, ex-postmastcr, Illaek Creek, X. Y.,w.u so badly alllicted with rheuma tism that ho was only ablo to hobblo around with canes, and even thou it caused him great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain Balm ho was so much improved that he threw away his dines. Ho says this lini ment did him inoro good than all other medi cines and treatment put together; For salo at o) cents per Lottlo by Gruhler linn., drug gists. Furgeil Cuttlo Pedigrees. HAtn:olsr,UJM, Ky., Feb. 7 Handnll Lltzcy, who forged pedigrees of certificates of transfer of Jersey cattle, has been tried hero and declared by a jury to bo insane. Ho was prosecuted by thb .American Jer sey Cuttlo club, of Now York. Lltzoy'o forgeries cover several years and affect pedigrees all over tho country, as ho was an cxtcnslvo dealer. Ho wns ordered to tho Lexington Insano asylum. Old People. Old people who require medicine lo regulate the bowels and kidneys will find tho true remedy iu Ulectric Bitters. This medicine docs not stimulato and contains 110 whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tono to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in tlio performance of tho functions. Klectrie Bitters Is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old peoplo find it just exactly what they need. Piico fifty cents per bottle at A. Vtaslcy s drug slore. il.lltoii Not Vet Arrested. PlliLAIiDU'lllA, Fob 7. So far tho po llco havo failed to apprehend Geonra.Bar- ton, tho young man who Is suspected of naviug caused tno iloatli by poison of An- nlo Tate, tho housekeeper of Joslah II. ItlcheldCrfer, ns well as administering some drug to tho latter. A young' man answering his description was arrested at Harrisburg early yesterday morning, but it proven to be a oasoor mlstnkon idoutity. Mr. Hlcheldcrfer Is improving. Iliicklea's Arnica Salve. The best salvo in tlio world for cuts, bruises, soies, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, and all skin eruptions, and positively euics piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony rofunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo bv A. Wasley. Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Sclimidt,Agt., 207 West Coal Street. HARLES DERR'S w Barber Shop ! US West Centre Street. Our Hot Towel Shave Is iccomlntr popular. You will llko it. Hyot hair cutting. mukou special Wo JOHN F. CLEARY, hnTTT ! rtE SKLTZEIt, WATER BOTTLER I A euro tpr headache and Uj 1 , Btomach trouble.. : Q1NOKH.ALKV fip ' WpifWBWCK, vr ( L-VOElt HKRH, ! POUTER. 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. CUBAN RECOGNITION. The Houso Foreign AfTalrs Committee Op poses Precipitate Action. WAsntNOTtf,Fob.".'-Cilbft was broached. In tho mooting of tho houso foreign tiff nlw committee- yostenlay by Mr. ltearson, who BUggqsted that since the sennto contnilttco hnd inndo Its declaration tho houso com mlttco should consider tho question of recognizing tho bolllgoronts without do lay. Mr. Qulgg, of Now York, nnd Mr. McCroary, of Kentucky, asked Mr. Adams for his opinion of what attltudo this gov ernment should thko toward tho Insur gents. Tho opinion of Mr. Adams was that tills, government should bo slow to tako nny radical action, Undor tho usngo of Inter national law ho bcllorod lb to bo tho duty, ,of this govornmoilt to sustain tho power with which It had treaty relations, as tho treaties with Spain bound It to do, Tho point was rnlsod by Mr. McCroary . that thb nuthorlty for recognizing tho bol llgcrcncy of tho Cubans wns held by tho prosldent, nnd did not bolong to congress. Mr. Smith mado n vigorous reply to this nrgumont, declaring that no stntuto nnd no provision of tho constitution Invested tho prcshlont with suchpowor. Wliilo this nuthorlty hiul been exercised by tho presi dent, It Was a matter for congress. A joint or concurrent resolution, which, if ndoptcd, must bo signed by tho prosldont, was tho proper method. Mr. Money, of Mississippi, questioned him concerning tho existence of war, urawliig a distinction between wnr and In surrection. To this Jlr. Smith replied that thero was unciuestionablo ovldouco in possession of tho war departniont that Spain hadsont 119,000 troops to tho Island nnd that with tho mobilization of tho Spaniards in Cilb.i'sho would havo 100,000 men iu tho Held. Tho most cntliusiastlo Bupporb 13 given the revolutionists by tho younger Hopul) llcan members of tho committee, tho namo contingent which secured tho adoption of tho resolution of consuro upon Ambassa dor Bayard, and they nro confident Hint thoy will again prevail. ltclief in Six Hours. Distressing kidncv and bladder diseases relieved in six hours bv the "New Groat South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great 6Urpriso on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in tlio blunder, Klitneys, nacK ana every pari of tlio urinary nassages in malo or female It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and euro this is your remedy. Sold by Isaac Shaplra, druggist, 107 South Jlaiu street. No Furtlier JIopo for Jtat Sbea. Albany, Fub. 7 Judgo Mnyliam lias denied tho motion for n now trial for Bat Shea. His reasons, ho said, forso deciding Is that tlio confession of McGotigh was not supported by his cvldenco given be fore tho commission appointed by tlio gov ernor, and as placed in contradistinction to evidence of tho witnesses for tho peoplo at tho trial was lacking In continuation in any instance. Thero is no appeal from tho decision of Judgo Mayliam, and Shea will bo executed on Tuesday next, a re prieve having been granted until that tlmo by Governor Morton, MlraciilouvKsrapc In n Hallway Wreck South MoAlestkk, I, T Feb. 7, Near this place, whllo running at a rato of thirty milos an hour, tlio toittli bound Missouri, Kansas and Texas nuiil nnd ex press was wrecked, flvo coaches and ono sleeper being badly smashed. Tlio postal cur was turneit upsiuo down, and tho ox press nnd baggage cars teloscoped Into each other. The two day coaches and ono siocper ivcro thrown on their sides and badly broken up. Wonderful to rolato, no ono was uurr. -uio wicc;: win canted bv defective trucks under tlio ongllio teudors'. Ail trains wero delayed ten hours. Tv,o T.Ives Saved. Mrs. I'bocbo Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors sho had Con sumption and that thero was no Jiono for her. but two bottles Dr. King's Xcw Discovery completely cured her and stio.says ifwivcd Hemic, .nr. 1110s. r;ggcrs, isu norma ht.. Nan Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought ohq liottlo of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. Ho Is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which theso aro samples, that prove tlio wonderful ellleacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Freo trial bottles at A. Wasley's drug store. Itegular size 50e and $1,00. Crushed to Death Under Vailing Wulls. UnooKLYN, Feb. 7. Two men wero killed nnd two Injured yqstorday by tho fall of a throe story brick building In. Third avonuo, this city. Tlio building was condemned nearly n year ago. Tho upper floors wero vacant, but tlio Ilrst floor was rented by James Qulgloy, who used It as a coopcrago shop. Qulgloy usually had ten men at work in ids shop, but yesterday 1 thero woro only himself and three othors. , Tho doad nro: Jamos Qulgloy, proprietor of the coopcrago shop; Simon Sonninn, a workman. Injured: Mlchnol ilulcahy, I probably fatally; Daniel Meohitjl, slightly. 1 ine ouiiuiug scorned to glvo way In the contor, and tho wholo south sldo was to tally wrcokod. Tho, building had been shaking In tho wind for somo tlmo, tiutUt Is supposed the centcriof tho root gavo.way. Our peoplo aroigrowiiig moro and' more' Iu tlio habit of, looking toOruhlcr llros., drug gists, for tlio latost and best of ovprytbing hi tho drug lino. Thoy sell Chamberlain's Cough Itemcdy, famous for its cures of bad colds, croup and whooping cough. Wbou.Ii nged of such a modlcino glvo. thin remedy a trial and you will bo moro than' pleased with tho result. Coming' ijvenU.' Fob, 17. First annual ball, Patriotic Drum Corns, Bobbins' oponi house scuoppo orcnesini. Feb. 10. Annual supper uudor tlio auspices of tho 1". M. church, in Bobbins' opera house. on finnne.r and entertainment unuer tho auspices of Council Ko. 81, Daughters of Liberty, in Bobbins' liall. The littlo daughter of Mr. Fred Webber, Holland, Mass., had 11 very bail cold and cough which )io had not been ablo to euro with any thing. I g'" 1,uu, u 23 C9Ut bott,( of chau berlalu's Coiigli Remedy, says W. 1. Holdon, merchant and postmaster at West Brlmflold, and tho uoxttlnio Isawhlm ho said itworked llko a charm. This remedy is intended especially for acuta throat and lung diseases such ai cold, croup and whooping cough, and it Is femous for Us cures, Thero kno danger in giving it to children for it contains noth ing lujuriom. For salo by (Inihlcr Bros, druggists. Tinv KejMoue. flour. Bo su.10 that tho n.m Mfl Baeb, Ashland, Fa., is printed on every sack. HIS: BIGGEST CONTRACT ' ? Contractor Dakln of Syracuse Tolls of tho Final Succt'ss of a 1 Uinlcrtukliiir. (From the Siracm W. 1'. TW.) Sir. Gcyrgo. Dakln ho well-known con tractor rim resident of Syracuse, and ; representative btislttcs3 mwt.pf.Hiat city. Our rcpresentntlvo found l,m oversee tig tho sower workattho Arsenal, anil in tho following. Interview ho describes how 10 has Anally completed tho biggest con tract ho has over undertaken "Mr. Dakln, doesn't your husiness ox poso you to many unhealthy conditions?" "os, I nm continually catching cold " ....v., ,,i,tw, ,ui,1 Kuiiurui ncaiin?" It I1113 brought on kidney disorders " "Havo you been troubled from AA.. source any length of lime?" "1 thlnla it stavtctl during tho war, !n" which I took an nMivo part, and every cold I catch has aggravated it," vuiat were tho symptoms?' "Lamo back and troiibln with thn kl,l. UOV orcanistn, I havo ilnrtnreil for and used nil kinds of remedies I heard of, ...Ul.n.tt .nllr IT.. - wiiuuiib lunui, my case 13 os loiiows : "Somo littlo time ugo) I was In a Very bad condition, liardfv nliln tn bnbbtiv around j I hnd been in Madison Coutit'l loolting'aflcr a contract there for tho Stale V I got very wet. and. as usual, wns bil.l m. wa simply twisted way around am. doubled up on one side ; when I attempted - iu swim mi iu socmen as tuougli 1 would tear out one of my kidneys; while In this condition I saw Doan's Kidney Pills ad vertised. Being almost desperate, I way A Willing to try anything for relief. I be- 1 gan. using them, and tho result -was truly wonderful. I feel n3 young as n boy, and k, it is the lirst tlmo In many years that I have been perfectly freo from nalu in the small of my back. All urinary troubles Sonc. I am perfectly well, and no traces of my former trouble remain. I gladly ivcomracml Doau's Kidney Pills." Price, 50 cents per box ; for sale by all dealers) or mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., vjuuaio, Jt x,, solo agents lor tlio U. b. For salo at Kirlin's Pharmacy. NOTICE. Sealed proposal will be received Tbv tlm undersigned, tlio Controller of Selmylkill county, until 2 p. m. Monday, loth ilny cf February, 189tl, to furnish ami deliver 100 i assessment liooks to this ofllce. 1 Kneeillcatlons can bo seen at the Commissioners UlllCV. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. iiy orucr 01 ine county commission nncrs. II. It. Hevkiis. l-3t-9t County Controller, 9seeooooseo06ectasaeee "Al..,n.,n DIDCT O niyvaja 1 IS m m 9 m Eagle' Brand' CONDENSED fllLK For 35 years th leadinz brand. Beat and tha most conomfcaL It Is thi a S A PERFECT FOOD FOR INFANTS 2 P. J. Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity -For-- BARBEY'j Beer and Porter. Barbey's Bohemian Beer. The Backus Water Motor Is the Most Economical Power Known, and. the Best In the World for Driving : Light Machinery. It takes but little room. It never gets out of repair. It can not blow up. It requires no fuel. It needs no engineer. Tbere Is no delay; no Urine un; no &t ie In clean away; no extra Insurance, to pays no re pairing necessary; no coal Mils to luiy, and It U always ready for use. It Is Invaluable for blowing Cburcb DrRiino, for running l'rlntlntf Presses, Bqwlng Maclilnei, Turning Ijitbei? Scroll Saws, arind btones, Coffee Mills, Sausage. Machines, 1-ceil Cutters, Corn Mills, Elevators. Etc, Jour-borso power at 10 pounds pressure ol water. It Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and abovo all ' IT IS VERY CHEAP. Price, $15 to $300. gj Senrtfor circular to tho Backus Water Moto adv'ertUnllu!- "8I'er yU We also manufacture Patent Rotating and Exhaust Fans. Send for Special Catalogue on Ventilating:. 1