S Beauty and Purity Botd throughout tht world. Hrlllih dtpoti F. Niw. iiKTARn SoKR.l.KlBffEdwcrd-st. londoo. I'ottek UKiioJkCnBil.CoRP., Bolt Prop., Boston, U. ft. A Of a licnd-Pplltthiff homhuliH f intnedintcly rt 1Ievcd l the uf of TAYLOR'S Anti-Headache Powders. Tlitfy are n positive nnd uneedy cure nnd are guaranteed absolutely hunnlesq Their great micccM la ample proof Hint they are im effective nrtlcle, which can le ahvavs used with t e best on results. iToeure uiem imni nt miner nw, HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch Hazol Oil as a curative and HEALING APPLICATION. Jt has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Pltxs or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceratlonand Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cure? Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. w It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nippks. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sites, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold byDruggist4,or sent post-paid on recelptol price. lyrimtvb' hed. co., 1 1 1 its wuiiam si., ! Tori. CMfhritt rt ttnallth Diamond Ilrantf. ENNYROYAL PILLS Orljcliiftland Only Ucnulne . A DnirgM for ChUheitcrt Englith Dia-fifK 5 bo 1 ti, leiled wlit. blutt rlbboa. TultO 7 $nootbr Ktftut dangerout wb$taw V ftion and imitation. At Irngijlti, or Bead 4c ' In lUmpi for purtlculari, teitimoaUU ad ChlchrtpCicnilcfllC'o..MadUon',murel toll tr all f-ot "truneuu l'hU,lMb flillions of Dollars Go up In sinoko every year. Take no risks but get your houses, slock, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class ro- liablo companies as represented by Tv AVIT. PATKT Insurance Agent, UA'1U 1AU01 130 South Main St. Also Life and Accidental Companies. JOHN F. CLEARY, ! runn skltzeu water "CjOTTT A euro for headache and DUl lUGi. j htomneh troubles. i dlNOHIt ALU, flC i WEISS HEUIt, Or ... . LAGER IlEEIt, ! l'OKTKR. (7 and I P Peach Alley, Shenandoah. Webster5 International HidtionarVf yuvaiuanwin umce, Softool, ud JP "Vnabriaee& Standard Of I LBS D. 8. Oov't l'rlnft 111 WHIM). WIO - Bupreme Ocurt, and ' of nearly all the Scuoolbooks. Varmlv com mended by State . Uuporintendents , of Schools, and , other Educators al most without sum-; ber. THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY BICMItC ' It ! easv tn find the wnrri wanieA. Words are Klren ttielr correct alpbabeUcal placet, S eocn cue beslnnlnz a naraffraDli. C cs,y o ascertain the pronunciation. v'vuuuciauon is bud wo uy mo onunsir iu- 11 1 eVy Q traco thc t?rowth of a word. liiet lire Biven in the order of llnlrriTi1f)imiit. . . It l9 easy tO learn vufmt n wnrrt mani. t 1 he deflnUlon ftro clear, einllclt. and full, and . wwuw w a ncparatc parftKrapu. C. X- C, MmtRIAM CO., ruhltshera, uuf7iu. mass., Lott or Hpeclmea pge, etc., sent on application. Cures Cr nglis, Colds, Sore Throat, Croup, l.phtberla, lUicmuatism, 1 and all inter cosiplalnts. It 1 Kills Pain, Internal or External. There are many kinds of iiain, j but tliere is only otic Pain-Klller. 3 k'Mnltliriou, Hi-ware of ImltaUom. liuy w onn liir a -in wv i f,nK, ,'.vi. . Bold ever. " " We- lr pottle. MJSH'SI Celebrated Female i'on tiers Loser fall. ' with Taoir and rennyroral I'ltla aod other like Mn..iL..l. Al.arabuv the beat and atolil dtaan. Ufa .nil bum raft, r.llinip rotntment. Guaranteed aoperlor to al othera. IWUwly (Su7tlBtlieaiarket,Af.i. L ."artkuUre, i ctV Ur.S.T. lJuLVlltta llri BMton, In -ffiTN. THE BMTS' Of the Oonfliot for Liberty on the Island of Cuba, DIVISIONS AMONG THE SPANIARDS Deplorable Condition of Affairs In Hnvnnn. Ineffectual Kflorts nf ricncrnl Murlu tn Prevent ft Union of therorecs of Generals Gomez nnd Mncco. New Yoiik, Fob. 4, Tho nows brought to this city yesterday by tho Hnvana etenmor wns choorlng for tho frlonds of Cuban liberty. Tho lottcra of tho secret agents of tho rovolutlonnry party In Ha vana spoko of a split among tho Spanish parties on the Island, of jealousies nmong tho military, of starvation In tho city, and of acrisls'ln tho commercial situation, Mr. F. C. 1'lcrra translated ono of tho most Important lcttors. Parts of It were as follows: "There Is n very decided division be tween the Conservative and Reformist par t!o4 of the Spaniards, nml thoy are pour ing hot shot Into each other's ranks through tho columns of tho press. As a proof of this I sond you tho papers of tho Consorvntlvo party.ln which tho odltorlals are written In a particularly bitter strain against their former allies. Ths Reform ist party wero in favor of the mild policy of Campos, while tho Conservatives bo Hovo in flro and bloodshed. Tho situation Is n most critical ono, nnd no ono recog nizes this fact better than tho Spaniards. "Tho excitement in Havana is Increased by tho fact that the government docs not allow ntiy novvs to bo printed oxecpttbat given out from tho ofllclnl bureau. Span iards, ns well as Cubans, know that tho hotter part of tho news glvon out Is fabrl cated." The correspondent then goes on to de tail sevornl engagements,, ono of which a whole troop of SOj bpanlnrds wero an nihilated. Tho nows given out, however, was of n tromondous Spanish victory. Tho letter continues "Tho prlcos of provisions are rising very rapidly, and destitution in tho city of Ha vana is increasing rapidly, A great many families are nowdopendentfor subsistence on what tho government glvos them a small amount weekly. There havo been times within the past few days when there has not boon provisions of nny kind to bo bought at tho public market. liven thoso having monoy to spond havo been forced to go hungrj-. "Another circumstanco which aggravates matters is tho fact, woll known to every body on tho Island, that there Is very great discontent known to exist among the mil ltary frlonds of General Pando, whom. thoy tbluk, was slighted by tho govern- mont nt Madrid in oppolntlng Gonoral Woylor to the position formerly filled by General Campos. It is welt known that this part of tho Spanish element are far from being willing to oo-operato with thoso who aro favorable to Woylor, and that they will do anything they may safely do to make him fall. Un the whole evory thing looks very bad for the Spaniard. "Poy no attention to the oable dis patches in rogard to tho movomonts of Genorals Gomez and Macoo. I know for a certainty that thoy have been operating with outlre freedom and that thoy have re mained in Havana and Plnar del ltio be cause thoy are not in tho least afraid of being worsted by tho Spaniards." In another letter it Is stated that tho commercial situation in Havana is critical Business Is paralyzed, and largo commor olal houses are dismissing all of their em ployos. OENERAI. MAltlN'S FAILURE. Checkmated In IIU KUbrt to Corner" the Insurgent Forces, HAVANA, Fob. 4. General Marin has had an engagement with a body of the In lurgents, which he roports to bo tho ,nnin fnmn under finmez. anil which wna put to flight with n loss of twonty killed, The ontlre absonco of any details as to tho number of Insurgents in the body at tacked loaves some ground for doubt ns to whethor It was, in truth, Gomez's Imme diate following. Pretty much tho wholo of the combined columns under General Marin, including 1,703 cavalry, seems to havo boon ougagou. This forco wns equipped with a special vlow to running down and cornorlng tho insurgents when once It should como face to food with them, nnd groat oxpootatlom wero founded on its supposed ability to do this. But tho report of yostorday's en gngement, although It indlcatos that the Spanish attack was mado with groat dash and vigor, scorns to Indicate that tho in- yrgents wero ns successful lu evading tho 6 Vmlsh forces ns they havo boon at any tK-Ju horotoforo. is also roported that tho columns un command of Genoral Cornell, operafc in combination with thoso under Gen s Linares and Aldecoa, nro In pursuit L ,,,,mnHiiia 1 1 I . ' ,. .':i"HO LHII1U VIA IliSUIgUUia 11 U.l I l wnich is supposed to boMaceo' maftrfirca. This band is said to be atrlv. Ing to offect a junction with Gomez, nnd I it seoms in a xair way to Uo so, ns there is no opparont cheek lu Its advance along tho coast or iinnruei uio. Hofugeos arriving from Plnar del Itlo provlnco report that tho insurgents havo burned Paso Real and Palaclos, which wero along the line of Maceo's march from tho western portion of Pinar del Rio to wards tho Hnvana provlnco line. The band led by Pedro Diaz, numbering a thousand, is reported as making aotlvo movements about Gulrn Moleua, Gabriel and LaSud, which aro between the Bata bano military lino and Artomlsa. Further nows is awaited with lively in terest, as it is bollovod It will bo proved In a very short time whothor tho effort of Mivcoo and Gomez to form a junction will prove successful or not. l'eu nml Fencll Club Election. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 4. Tho Pen and Poucil club, the popular newspaper mon's organization, hold Its annual meeting nnd eloctlon at tho club house, No. 1036 Wal nut streot, lust ovening. These ofllcors were eleotod for tho ensuing yoan Presi dent, Claude G. Whetstone; vlco presi dent, Henry Young; secretary. T. Houry Martin; treasurer, James S. McCnrtuoy; board of governors, Louis N. Megargee, Upton S. Jofforys, Arthur It. H. Morrow, Edmund Htlrllug and Goorge Schaeffer. Dr. Tnlmago Now the I'nstor. Washington, Feb. 4. Tho pastoral re lations of tho Rev. Adolos Allen and tho First Prosbytorlnn church wero formally dissolved yesterday at tho meeting of the Washington presbytery, colled to take ac tion In settling tho troublo in the church growing out of tho desiro of the congrega tion that tho Rev. Dr. T. DaWUtTalmago ccupy tho pulpit ut the horning as well istiio evening services, Your Past and Your Present Contrasted. ow Terribly You Have Then. Changed Since An Exact Picture of Your Present Condition. How keenly the vision of llio past comes homo to thousands, and with how sharp a pang do wo regret our vanished health and trcngth I As in a dream wo remember our sturdy youth, overflowing with boisterous Itality. We recall our strong nnd lusty past, when our norvos seemed of steel, our muscles of iron and our power of enduranco knew no fatlguo. How different is tho picture when wo sud denly find ourselves with weak and shat tered nerves, tired brains nnd exhausted bodios, depressed nnd dispirited, broken down aliko In nervous nnd physical health ! Wo aro prodigal of ourpowors, vigor nnd energies in youth and early life. Wo tiso them up in business, work, pleasure or dis sipation, and suddenly find ourselves old beforo our time, prostrated in health, ex hausted in biain and nervo power, and left without physical energies, nervo strength or ambition. Then, like the prodigal, wo would return to our former condition of strength nnd health, Luckily for us, thero is that crcnt nnd wondorful restorative, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nervo remedy, which will give hack to tho weakened and exhausted sys tem tho strength It has lost; tho marvelous remedy which imparts strength and vigor to brain nnd nerves, vitalizes and invigorates all tho physical powers and restores us agnin to that grand uegroo or lusty strength, 01 bounding pulse and strong physical nnd nerve power, which, in ignurnnco or folly, wo have oxhaustcd, Hero is the proof. Mr. John C. Milroy. who is a foreman of tho Jlcriilcu, Conn., Urittannta Co., has for years been noted for his enormous strength. This great strength ho lost, and now ho has recovered It again by using Dr. Grecno's Nervura. Over a year ano. ' ho says. I sullereu terribly from nervousness, headache, lack of nppctlte, and that tired feeling all tho timo. I trif d sevoral remedies before I started in on Dr. Greene's Nervura blood nnd nerve remedy, and I found that Dr. Greeno s Ner vura blood and nervo remedy was just what I wantod. When I first startod to use this remedy I had fallen to 163 pounds. Now, I weigh n llttlo over 103 pounds. I havo always been cousidcrcd about thc strongest man in town, nnd in order to keep up my reputation in that respect I shall keep on using Dr. Grecno's Nervura blood and nerve remedy," This crcatest anil grandest of medicines. Dr. Grecno's Nervura blood ani nerve remedy, is tho discovery and prescription of the most successtui specialist m nervous ami chronic diseasos, Dr. Greene, of 33 West 14th St., Now York City, who can bo consulted without chargo, personally or by lottor. Coming Events Feb. 17. First annual ball, Patriotic Drum Corps, Eobbins' opera house Schoppe orchestra. Fob. 20. Supper nnd entertainment under the auspices of Council No. SI, Daughters of Liberty, in Bobbins hall. Tho llttlo daughter of Mr. Fred Webber, Holland, Mass., had a very had cold and cough which ho had not been nblo to cure with any thine, I gavo him a 23 cont bottlo of Cham berlain's Cough Itemedy, says W.P. Holden, mcrcltant and postmaster at West Brimfleld, and tho nexttimo I saw him ho said itworked like a charm. This remedy is intended especially for actito throat and lung diseases sueh as colds, croup and whooping cough, nnd it is famous for its cures. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains noth ing iujurlous. For salo by Grubler Bros, dmsgists. When you want good roofing, plumbing, gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthing dono call on E. F, Gallagher 18 West Centre street, Dealer lr stoves. 8-1-tf Threw Asvny 11U Cniies. Mr. D. Wiley, ox-postmaster, Black Creek, N. Y., was so badly atlllcted with rheuma tism that ho was only nblo to hobble around with canes, aud oven then it caused him great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain Balm ho was so much improved that ho threw away his canes. Ho says this lini ment did him mora good than all other modi eines and treatment nut together. For salo at 50 cents per bottle by Grithler Bros., drug gists. Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that tlie namo Lessiq . & Baeb, Ashland, Pa., is printed on every sack Satisfaction Guaranteed Plumbing AND Gasfltting. P. W . BELL, Cor. ISlaln St Centre Sts. IJasement of UeUduU'a I.uildlng. Teams to Hire. If you want to hire n aafo and reliable! team lor driving: or lor working purpqet pay Shields' livery stable ft visit. Teams, constantly on hand at reasonable rates. JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 East Centra street. Opposite Heading railroad station, I 1 , GAIL BORDEN Af "S22ES2--'1 i EAGLE BRAND A It Has No Equal A l'OPOIiinil'IST Against tho Recall of Oommandor and Mrs. Ballingtou Booth. THEIE MISSION HOT PULTILLED. Clmuiieey M. Dcptur nnd Other 1'roinlnent Cltlirm Not Directly Inlerr.toil In Salta tion Army Work Limit a Mns. Meeting to Urge tlie Jtuotlin Reinstatement. New Yoiik, Fob. 4. At n mass mooting hold In Carneo Hall last night it de veloped that tho people represented as well as tho milk and Mo of tho Salvation Army nro opposed to tho recall of Commander and Mrs, llalllngton Booth to England. Among thoso present were: Dr. Chatiucey M. Depow, Bishop K. 0. Androws, WIU inm E. Dodge, Rov. A. 11. Bradford, Kobert Fulton. Cutting, Hev. Joslnh Strong and thousands of others. They were all opposed to it, and said so in us mnny words. Dr. Chatiucey M. Depow noted as chair man of the meeting. Ho read n eablgram COMMANDKIt ANI) SIRS. llALLINliroN BOOTH, from llrainwell Booth to Mayor Strong explaining tho object of Commander Hal llngton Booth's recall. Tho speaker said that tho gathering was not for tho purpose of trtklnc? Issnn with nnvHilii'r rrmtulned in tho cablegram, "but to express our own I views, no matter what London will think about tho infant, which has grown large, I is very much allvo and liable to kick." "Wo aro horu tonight," said Dr. Depow, "to pay tribute to tho leaders General Booth mid Commander llalllngton Booth. To General Booth wo say wo fully reeog- nlzo your power, tho systom you havo, but nbotit tho recall of Commander Balling ton and Mrs. Booth, wu havo this sugges tion to make. Ulug :),030 mllos away, our customs aro different, and wo tako leavo to present a petition and Inquire, 1 1 can they lx replaced by a stranger? "And thero is another reason, contin ued Dr. Depow, "Commander nnd Mrs. Booth havo bcooino uaturnllzod. I met thorn on an excursion stoamor going to Europe n few years ago. Tho pleasure seekers wero in tho first cabin, tho minis ters and school teachers lu tho secoud cabin. Mrs. Booth was In the socoud cabin, and I suggested to tho 400 in tho Urst cabin tho fashlonablo crowd who at tho Grand Opera Houso nro known as the crowned hcads.bocauso thoy wear diamond tiaras that sho bo taken Into tho first cabin, They did so, nnd thoy found Mrs. Booth a pure and Intelligent woman, and sho succeeded In converting tho 400, not to tho bnlvatlou Am., but to its uses and sorvlcos In tho world. "Thoy are part and party of tho United States, and in their behalf we will assert tho Monroe doctrine. Wo cannot surren der to a forolguer any of our territory, and in order to avoid tho greatest international trouble wo suggest tho appointment of n now commission, or continue diplomatic- correspondence for a fow years at loast, as we bollove that Commaudor and Airs. Booth havo not fulfilled their mission in tho United States." Mayor Strong said that ho, llko tho others, had attonded tho meeting to pro test against tho recall of Commander Bui- ington and Mrs. Booth, and to, if possible, odd tho dignity of his offlco to tho move ment set on foot. Addresses in a similar strain wero deliv ered by Bishop Andrews, Rov. Dr. Strong and William E. Dodgo, aud letters were read from Clara Barton, Governor Rugg, of California, and others, and then reso lutions wero adopted strongly urging General Booth to reconsider tho recall of tho commaudor of the forces In America. JInrder Mystery at Atlantic City. Atlantic City, Fob. 4. William Col lins, of this city, died last night from In juries rocolved durlnp; light. Tho pollcs nrrostod Mrs. Llbby Ireland, of this city, nnd Harry Currlden, of Camden, Kach accuocs tho othor of having caused Collins' death. Collins was foumldylng in a hotol on South Carolina nvonuo. Tho proprie tor of tho hotel told the police that Collins had como thore the night bofore, but went out again and did not roturu until early yosterday morning, whon ho nppoarod In it bleeding condition, Hlslnjurlosnppcared to bo trilling, nnd after having his hoad bandaged ho wont to bed. Lato lu tho day ho Bank rapidly and dlod. It wns learned that Collins nnd Currlden had a prlvuto quarrel. Two Men Murdered hy Itobbers. Pout Smith, Ark., Feb, 1. News has reached here of n horrible murder mid roh bory on IjCo's crook, In tho Cherokeo Na tion, twenty-five miles north of horo. Un known partios broko Into tho residence of Judge Lnsloy, a promlnont Chorokoe, mur dered him and n young man named Nick Glass, nnd sorlously woundod Lasley's son. Sirs. Lasloy escaped hyjumplng from a window. Tho lminlcrurs robbed tho houso nnd lied. The Oldest Locomotive UiiKiiieer Dead. Columbia, l'u., Fob. 4. Hayes Smith, the- oldost looomotlvo englnoor In the Unltod States, died here yesterday of pneu monia, nuert 77 years. For fifty-six years ho worked for tho Pennsylvnnln Railroad company. Fifty-two years of that timo, mid until onu wcok ago, ho operated an on glue. Ho never oarnod a cent lu nny othor way than by rnllroudlng. All ISmheizler 1'lentU Guilty. Foist Scott, Knu., Fob. 4. James II. Colonn, who Is accused of having embez zled over $50,00) of the funds of tho Statu bunk, of this city, while noting ns enshtor, nnd whoso dofiiloutlon wrecked tho bunk, pleaded guilty yesterday to having om bozzled fOO.OOO of tho roservo. Tho mux Imum penalty is threo nnd ouo-half years lu tho penltontlury. Dentil Knell of Horse ltaclug lu Kentucky, Fhankfout, Fob. 4. Tho Grnzluntilu bill which prohibits pool selling in Ken tucky, nnd has been regarded ns the death kneli of nil horse- racing lu tho stato, passod tho houso yesterday by n voto of 71 to lu. ' King Menelek Iteleasca His Hostages. I Massowah, Fob. 4. King Mcuolok has llborated tho ten olllcow of Colonel Gal liano's forco whom ho held ns hostages When tht Italian forces evacuated Mak-eloh. Almost Distracted ID YOU EVnr. sulTer from real ner vousness? When ovcry nervo seemed to quiver with a peculiar, creepy fcollng, first In ono place, and then another and nil seemed finally to concontrato In a writhing jumblo in tho brain, and you be como lrrltablo, fretful aud peovlshi to bo followed by an impotent, weakened condi tion of tho nervo centers, ringing lu thc oars, and sleepless, miscrablo nights ? Dr. Miles' , ,"";.:0cSca5f,!' Nervine Restores ..V IJIU1UIIIUU uM lllk' hart, lud., says: "Ner vous troubles had made mo nearly lnsano and UanUI, phySICii physicians wero unablo labium...... tobelpme. Mymemory was almost gono and ovcry llttlo thing worried mo until I was almost distracted, I really foarod I was becoming a maniac. I Imagined all sorts of evil things and would cry over nothing. I commencod taking Dr. Miles' Rostoratlvo Ncrvluo and four bottlos of tbls.woudcrful remedy completely cured mo, and 1 am as well now ns I over was." Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno 13 sold on guarantco, first bottlo will benefit or money refunded. IK1 ilAltCVnll Bo'0 Torost, I'lmples, Copper 1AVC 1UU Colored Spots, Aches, Old b'onn Ulcers in Mouth. Ualr-laUlnirl Write COOK KailOll'.DV CO., SO? Masonic Temple erltClilcneo. 111., for proofs ot cures. Cul1 till, sr.OO.OOO. Worst cases cured In Id to liti uuys. lOO-puae liooU Tree, .CHASITS BloodjfHerveFood For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. WHAT IT IS ! The rlchestof all restoratlre . Food., because tt replaces the same substances tp the blood and nerves that are exhausted ia these twolite -Klelna-tlulds by disease. Indigestion, high living, overwork, vforrr, excesses, Abuse,etc. WHAT IT DOES ! Br meklnir the blood P"" 1?l,Jl0'1.,1d the dlirestlon terfoct, it creates solid llesh, muscle and strength. The nerves he ing mails strong, the brain becomes active and clear. 1 or rtatorinit lost vitality Bud stopping all wasting drains and weakness in either sei, it has noeqnal ! end as a female regulator it Is worth its weight In gold. Ono bor lasts a week. Price 6Uc., or 6 boxes eioil. Druggists or by mall. Hook Tree. . THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, 1513 Chettnot Bt Philadelphia, DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To nil sufferers of IUtltOItS OV YOUTH, LOST VHSOIt and DISLASLH UV MEN ANI) Vv O.HI2.V. 208 pages; cloth bound) se curely sealed and mailed free. Tre itment by mall strictly -onudentlal, and a positive, quick cure guaranteed. No matter bow lent; standing, 1 wLU pot Ively cure yon. Write or calL DR flRR 329 fJ.l5tliS1.Pliila.Pa. UIM rnVltlJ SO teari'conlinuoui practice- OLD DR. THEEL "yed 604 norm &ixtn st OBirmBiw. Vre." &b. Green, Philadelphia. HIM up to the lecturing ProtlMiiori, Id curl rut tb wont ctiesofHpcclftl DlnratHsaod Itl.OUI no intutrbrwiimjeriDf , ktch d1 dnpteronitb trouMn rm r be. rr nr De hU1r r.Ma,fV,.,.ll. .e,l t I . . CUftd. Mr-lf-tiieo. url In ,( 1II-m. CnrcU without cottlni, UK, THE EL lipoilllvc't th oldest. tae bctt md luuit kllirul ami etperli'mfd one, no man. . oat olbvr. m. claim, bind o.e -cuut ft.lni,. 1 booa 'TruUVaudt). callstitse4 rtrardlc. Tnur dWa aol b.v to cat cure-l. Tb. .nlr tuok i:FOSl.NU luA'KA.Dd tbelr tmoka nnil t'lrrulnr. lu.untn. llf. Fresh CnM-a cured In 4tulO llurs.. lloar.t 9 to a; ht ., 6 to S. Mc.t .Dd Hat, l-.vr.., 6 t 10, Son., 9 U 13! K.ge ,6to9. Treutment by Mull. When you arlto or call Di.ntton tht. p.prr. ltoar4 and lodging If derrLd MANLY VIGOR iNCn AIORB In harmony ' with tho wnrld.onnn completely cured men aro singing uappy praises lor tuo greatest, granu est nnd most suc cessful cure for sex ual weakness aud lost vigor known to medical science. An I account of this trou tlrriit eifacoi'frt, la hookform.with ref erences and proofs, Will Kn HBTlf t-i ...f. forlng men (sealed) free. Full manly vigor permanently restored. Failure impossible. ERIE MEDICAL G0.,BUFFAL0,N.Y. Do you DESIRE to Make 1 1 MONEY? j I OUR PLANS OP OPERATION AS SURE ABSOLUTE SAPETY. Make your money earn you a monthly salary. f 10.00 and more made dally hy our new sys tematic Plan of Operutlou on small Investments in grain and stock speculation, All we ask Is to Investigate our new nnd original methods. 1'ast workings of plan ntul highest references furnished. Our liooklct "lplnts & Uinta" how to make money aud ether Information pent I-'ItlCI-l. Qilmorc & Co.. Hanker nnd Itrokera, Open llonrd of Trade llldg., Chicago, 111, 9-23-Uin-ddiw "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF APOLI Sometiioestioe is a reliable, monthly, rcBulitlng medicine. Only )armlM Mid the J'Urcildrugs should be useJ, It you wont the best, get Or. PeaB's PennyroyaB Pills Ther ate crnm pt, sale ird certain In result. The n.cutne (Dr. Teal's) nerer dlsap. nolnt. Beat anywhere, tl,W. Address ftUL Moieiim c Cleveland, O. For salo by P. 1'. D. KIltLIV Sheuaudoah, Pa. READING R. R. SYSTEM IS KVVKCT OCTOHKIt (, IW. Truing lonvc Hhetmndonl. tw follows : I'or New York via l'lillnilelplilA, wk tlavs, 2 10, 5 2f5, 7 20 U. 111., 12 AH, 2 HiiJft95 p. jul Huiulayfi, 2 10 a. in. Fur Svw York vin MaiicIi Chunk, vrwk ilayfl. fi 25, 7 20n. in., 12(VHitiitl2lVii. in. For lU'nilltiK nml riilliidelplilfi, week davs. 2 10, ft 2fl, 7 20 n.m., 12 W, 2 35 nnd 5 M p. in. H&n .Inyo, 2 10 a. m. I'or FottflvUle, week (Urw, 2 10. 7 20 ft, m., ami 12. "is, 2 .VI nml in. Sumlnj n. 2 10 a, in. Fr Tnnmqun mill Mtilmiiov ( ity, week dayn. 2 10, n 7 20 n. in., 12 M, 2 3(5 nnd 555 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 n. m. For llllitniiHrt, Sunlmrv nnd fiewiftbur?, week diiyA, :i 25, 11 ft) n in., 1 IV) nnd 7 20 p. m. Sundf(3 25n. in. For MiUimioy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 20, 7 20, 11 30 n. in., 12 .H l M), 2 55,5 55, 7 20 and OUa p. in. Hnndiiyt, 2 10, :i '11 a in. For Ashland and Sliatnokln, week days, 325, 7 20, 11 : n. in., 1 50,720 and 935 p.m. Sun day, 3 25 a in. For lialtlmore, VatihiKton nml tlie Went vLi II. O. H. It., through 1 ruins lene ItondtiiK Tennlnnl, Phlfiulelphin, (F V It. It. It.) at 3 20, 7 55, 1I2A n in., 3-lfi nnd 7 27 p.m. Hiind(iy, 3 20, 7 0, 11 2fl n. m , 3 U and 7 27 p. in. Addi tional truliiH from Twenty-fourth nnd Chet nut HlreeU Htatioii, week il.iVfl, 150, ,5 41, B'ZXp. in. Hundny, 1 35, 8 23 p. in. TRAINS KOU HIIKNANDOAlt. Isenve New York vln l1uladelhla, week day. 8 00 a. in , 1 30, t 00, 7 30 p in. and 12 15 nlht. Hituduy4, G 00 p. in. Irftnve New York via Mnuoh Chunk, week day, t 30, 10 a. in.. 1 10 nnI 4 30 p. in. I,mp Vhllndelphin, Heading Terminal, week day, 4 20, 85, 10 00 n. m. nml 10), G02. ll'M p. in. Hundnyn, 11 30 p. in. I-onve Keadiii, week day, 1 3 710, 1000, 1 1 50 n. tn. , 5 55 anil 7 57 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 n. m, Iieao I'ottnvlllc, week days, 2 31, 7.0 a, tn., 12 30 and 0 12 p. Hi. SundayH, 2 .35 a. m, Leave Tnmaipia. week tlayn, 3 1, 8 50, 11 23 n m., 1 20, 7 15 nnd 0 52 p. in. Suud.is, 3 18 a. in. Ia-nve Maliuiiov City, week da, 2 45, 9SJ, II 47 n. in., 1 31. 7 30 and 0 51 p. tu. HiMidayn, 3 45 a. m. Leave Mahanoy IMane, week days, 2 10, 1 00, (1 30, 0 37, 1 1 50 n. m., 'i 5S, 2 (tt, 5 20, 6 20, 7 53 nnd 10 10 p. m. Sundays, 2 10. 4 00 n. m. Leave AVUIt.unport, week dny, 7 12, 1010 a. m.. 3 35 and 11 41 p. m. Sundnys, 11 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Fhilndelpliin Chestnut ntreet wnrf and South Htrectwhntf for Atlantic City. I Weekday F-Tprem, 9 00n. in., 2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00n. in., (30, 6 30 p.m. Rundny Kxprefii, flOO. 1000 n. in. Accommo dation K 00 n. in., I Dp. m. 1 Iteturnlmr leave Atlantic Citv (denot.) week days, express, 7 35, 9 00 a. in., 3 30, 5 30 p. in. Accommodation, G 50, 8 15 a. in., ami i'iZ p. in. HundayHKxprcs', 4 00, 7 30 p. in. Accommoda tion, 7 15 n. m., 1 15 p. m. Farlor C'nrn on all express truing. I. A HWKIOAKD, U. U. HANCOCK, Cien'I Superintendent. Oen't I'ass, Apt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHUYKILL DIVISION. Jasuaky G. Trains will leavo Shenandoah after tho nboy date for Wipsans, flillierton, Fnwkville, Dfctk Wnter, St. Clnlr, FottHVlIle- llnmhurc, ItendliTtr. I'ottstown, I'hoenixTille, NorrItown and Fhji ndelphla (Ilroad street Mint ion) nt 60S and llfU a. in. nnd 4 15 p. m. on week dnya. For PatU vlllc nnd intermediate stations 9 10 n. m. SUNDAY. For AVInns, (lllherton, Frnckvllle, Dnrk Wnter, St. Clnlr, FottHvllIe, at G 08, 0 40 a. m. nnd 3I0p. in. For Hamburg, lteadini Fottstowat. Fhoenixville, NorrMdwti, l'ldtadelpliin nt 6 00, 0 10 n. m.,3 10 p. m, Trnins leavo Frackville for Shennndonh nl 1040a. m.nnd 1211, 501, 7 12 nnd 1027 p. in. Sunday, 11 13 a. in. ami 5 40 p. m. Iscavc l'ntt.sviUu for Shenandoah nt 10 15, 11 43 a. in. nnd 4 10, 7 15 nml 1000 p. in. Sunday at 10 10 a. in.. 5 15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, (Ilroad street station), for Shenandoah nt 5 57 nml 8 31 a, in,, 4 10 anil 7 11 p, in. week days. Sundays leavo at 0 50 n. m, Ieavellrond street station, Philadelphia, foa Sea Girt, Ashury Park, Ocean Grove, lAhfr llrnnth, nml Intermetllato station, G.50, u.irj a. m., u.isu, 4.UU ti. m. wcoK-iayn. ununj-H (stop at I nterlakcn lor Asbury Park), 8.25u..n. Leave llnmil .Street Ktatloti, I'lilladclpliia, KOK NKW YOItK. Hxprcss, week days, 3 20, 1 05, 1 50, 5 15, 6 50, Taj,M,9 20,9 50.1030(I)lnlnKCnr),UOO,ll Ua. in., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 nnd 4 22 n. tn. (l)lnliiK Curs) 1 20 (Dlnintt Cur), 140, Sao (Dinlnir Car), 3 20, 4 00, 5 00,5 5C(I)lnlnBOnr), 0 00,650, 812, 10 00 p. m., 13 01 night. SdiidAy.-., 3 20. 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 812,9 20,9 50,10 30 (l)lllff.(r Cur), 11 at n, in.. 1235. 1 20, (Dining Car) 2SO (Dinliik'Car), 100 (Limited 4 22), (lllulnir Oir) 5 20. 5 50 (l)lnliiK Cur), 0 35, 6 60,8 12, 10 00 p.m., 12 01 night. KxprcA. for llostnu, without clmttgc, 11 00 a. m. week dnys, nnd 650 p. in. dally. WASHINGTON ANI) Till! SOUTH I For lialtimoro nnd Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31, 912, 1020, 1121 a. m., 12 09 (1231 Limited DIu Ing Car), 112, 3 IS, 4 11 in 19 Congressional i Limited, Dining Car), 5 57, (Dining Oar), 10 17, 0 55 (Dining Cur), 7 10 (Dining Ofr) p. in., and 12 05 night week days. Siiuilari, 3 50,7 20,912, 112:1 a. 111., 12 09 112, 4 41, (515 Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 5 57 (Dining Car), 6 55 (Dining Car), 710 p. m. I (DinliiR Car) nnd 12 OS night. I Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia, j FOIl ATLANTIC CITY. Kxpress, 8 50 a. m., 2 10, 4 00, and 5 00 p. m. i week days. Hundays, 8 45 nnd 0 15 a. 111. I For Cape May, Anglessou, 'ildwood nnd Holly ltcach. Kxprcss, 9 00 n. m., and 4 00 p. lu. week days. Hundnys, 9 00 a. lu. For Sen Islo City, Ocean City nnd Avalon. Kxpreas, 9 00n. 111., and 4 00 p. 111. week days. Sundays, 9 00 n. 111. For Homers l'olnt. Kxprcas, 8 50 a. in., and JITItt , -..lr .tnt-u H,utnv. R n n. 8. if PllEVOST. j. Si . Wood, i.en i jinnager. uen i t'ass'g r ar PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P. F HUltKB, M. D. 30 II. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. Olllce hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. ni. J II. 1'OMKItOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Shenandoah, Pa. If. 11UUKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllee Effnn buikllnff, corner of Main and Centre treets, Shenandoah, pnop JOHN JONICS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, C Lock rtox C5, Mahanoy Cf , Pa. Having studied under nomo of the Vet nmteri lAndon nnd Paris, will Rive lefwm on the violin, guitar nnd vocal culture. Tcxm tensonable. Add reft in caro of St rouse, tho Jeweler. Shennndonh. PILLS? AIL A far ia Pi n m mvm vmr m CRua uUShfc ano "sure".' etna inc. for-homan s gafc flOBiSlMlGUAP"' Uli.-i Spicific Co,PdlL-P.