The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 03, 1896, Image 2

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K3TAJH,lSlli:i 1870,
Published every Kvcnlng, Except Sunday, at
8 South Jaudin SrnEET, Nkah Cent he.
the I Oral I Is ttellvcietl luHlicnatxtoiui nnil tbo
iurroundliiK towns fornix cent n week, pay
Mlo to tlio carrlora. Ity mall JJtf.OO iv year or 'Si
ctmU n month, payalilo In mlvnncu. Aclvcrtlso
tnents clmi-Retl novo nil hk to Ppaco ami position.
The nublMicrn reserve tlio riuht to change tho
fiosltlon of ndvcrtlnement whenever tho pub
lcAttou of news Uenmmla it. Tho right Is
rwcrvetl to reject any advertisement, whether
Iald for or not. that tho publishers may docm
Improper. Advertising rates nmdo known
npon application.
Entered nt the pcxtofllce at Slienandoah, Pa., an
second claw mall matter.
Evening Herald
To the Itepwblicnn electors of Inny lvnnln:
Theltepnblicatm of Pennsylvania, by their duly
en ooti represeniHiivesi, win meci in oiaio con
rentioh Thursday, April iW, 1890, nt 10 o'clock
a. m.. In the opvm house, city of Hnrrlshurg, for
tbe purpose of nominating two candidates for
rcfireftcntatlve nt-laruro In CongTes nnd thirty-
two onndidntort for Presidential electors, tho
peletttcm of eight delofdes nt-largo to the Ito
pulhlicau Nntlonal convention, and for tho
rnrmnction of such other budnow ns may bo
Ily order of the State Committee.
51. s. Quay,
Attest: Jrmu II. ItRX, Chairman.
W. K. ANimmrs, Secretaries.
'll K polltlcinn who knons It .ill is at his
'i end trying to explain the recent moves
1 lie political chess board in Shenandoah.
v full and complete explanation will come in
iio tin
It is gratifying to note that the reduction
f wages ordered by the Lehigh Ynlley Coal
Company does not apply to tho employes in
this locality. ThU information is furnished
)y a prominent olllcial of tho company heio,
and may be taken as authentic. Our inform,
ant states that no such orders have been If-
iied or received here. It would have been a
serious lo to tho men to bo put on short
time schedule and to be compelled to accept
a reduction in wages also.
Ah important meeting of tho Citizen?
Standing Committee, tho party nominees and
numbers of the Republican League has been
allcd for this evening, in tho rooms of the
latter organization. The action taken will
iaTO an important hearing upon the local
political contest, and a full attendauco ot tho
party workers is requested. Ovcr-conlidcnco
bus often led to political disaster, and it is tlio
only thing that can defeat tho Citizens on
the ISth Inst. There was a time when a
nomination by tho Democratic party in this
lown was ciuWalcnt to an clcctLn ; but tho
record of Itho past soveral years furnishes
sufficient! evidence that tho town lias out-
zrewn this bad habit. The victory Is ours if
tho proper effort is put forth, but It will re
niro the united support of eory party voter.
It thcrofoie behooves tho Citizens to bo
vigilant. Shenandoah has swung back and
.forth like a pendulum, and it has vibrated
in its vote from ono party to the other with
remarkable icgtikuity. Tho nomine es pre
senter! by the Citizens in the diflcient wards
urn worthy tho support of tho voters; they
were selected in an open and square content
at tho primaries and there Is no good leason
why they should not ictcive the full paity
To-Moiutow evening the entertainment
under the auspices of tho local public tchool
foaehcrs, for the benefit of tho worthy poor
f Shenandoah, will bo held in Ferguson's
theatre. The announcement that Prof.
Dyrou V. King, of Pittsburg, is to appear
ticforo u Slienandoah audience should bo
sufficient to pack the theatre. Prof. King is
an elocutionist of wido reputation, and every
wt" ;uc who hears him will be well pleawjd. Tho
'j!sf Schoppc orchestra, ono of the best musical
i organizations in this part of tho state, will
eiltortain tho audience with several of their
holce selections. OuUido of the mrrilsof
tho entertainment, the teacher., should bo
encouraged In their efforts to relievo those
who uio less forlunuto than their fellow
beings and whoso siiaro of this world's good
things is limited. Tho committee in wlio.-c
hands tlio details of tho entertainment has
been placed have labored faithfully ami woll
lu nuko tho affair a success in every respect,
aud their efforts and the high character of
the entertainment is worthyn largo audience.
It is to be hoped that they will follow up
to-morrow night's effort with iy series of
ruterliilntiicnU of a similar character. Thcie
is a fruitful field In Hht'iiandoah fur the
dlstilbutiou of funds in the manner proposed
by tho teachers.
County polities is now assuming a shape to
miako it interesting for tho politicians.
Kipeoinlly is tills true of the Republican
statesmen, and candidates are "bobbing up
serenely" with suHi rapidity that it is
Hfllnilt to enumerate them. There's a timo
for disappearing, howovor, and wimo of them
svlll noverbc n
One or two hoomleU
huvr been laum
liope of something
-It matters lltt
boomers what
jnlght drop their v
'hoy aro candidates
on tho principlo
dothing gained.
othing asked fur,
is true in a great
degree of two or thrcosouth-of-tho-mouutaln
dt appears o be a foregone conclusion that
"hcuaudoab will be represented on the He-
publican ticket, and It wont bo by n milk-
and-water candidate, cither, Tho town has
had Us sharo of candidates of this character,
and If wo bo allowed to judge from tho
men already spoken of as probablo candi
dates there i not much danger in this
respect. Tho local ltcpubllcans do not appear
to bo any way backward this year. Tho
number mentioned Is exceedingly large, aud
there aro more to follow. This fact may bo
taken as a warning to tho balance of tho
county that Shenandoah proposes to havo a
pretty big Bay when tho tlrno arrives to hand
around the nominations.
Among tho first to announco hli candidacy
was D. J. Yost, who served under tho present
Clerk of the Courts. He Is a full-fledged
caudldalo for that office, and believes he can
perform the duties pertaining thereto with as
much ability as tho present Incumbent or his
predecessors. Thero are hundreds of Repub
licans, and Democrats, too, who aro of tho
samo belief. Tho party could go farther and
faro much worse, and it would rcouiro an
exceptionally strong and popular candidate
to defeat B. Jefferson.
Tho friends of ox-Asiistant Postmaster 11.
K. Denglcr aro urging him to announco his
candidacy as tho successor to Congressman
Bnunm, and it is said ho lias about consented
to enter tho race. In fact, it may bo definitely
stated that Shenandoah lias a real Hv'o candi
date for Congressional honors. There is ono
thing sure, tho Republican voters ottlio
county and tho Democrats aswoll aro only
too anxious to lend their support to a candi
date for this ollico who has not appeared be
fore tho pcoploso often seeking thclrsuflragc.
Whilo both Brumiu and Reilly aro men of
much ability, thero are other members of
both parties who are capable of representing
the county in tho halls of Congress and
drawing tho salary. Thero is a popular de
mand for a change, aud the sooner it comes
thn better.
Tho namo of A. 1!. Lamb has been men
tioned in connection with a couuty ollice,
and his friends not only in this town, but
in other parts of the county aro anxious for
him to become a candidate for County Com
missioner. Mr. Lamb has tho ability for an
ollice of this kind, and is popular among all
classes of people, and prominent in tho
councils of tho party. In this connection the
name of E. C. Brobst, one of Shenandoah's
most prominent business men, has also been
spoken of.
Shenandoah may also ask for tho Coauty
Treasurcrship. Wo are not at all backward,
and while wo aro at it we might as well ask
for enough. There is a rumor afloat that tlio
Treasurcrship beo is buzzing very near the
car of Councilman A. D. (table, whose friends
are of tho belief that ho can guard the
county's finances as well as the other fellow.
The returns aro not all in yet, aud there
aro more to follow. If necessary, Shenandoah
can produce a sufficient numherof candidates
to compose the entire t. kct, and wo may
snatch tho laurels from St. Clair this time.
You'ro nn Easy l'rey.
with your flesh reduced below a healthy
standard, for Consumption and other
Scrofulous and dangerous dis.-ascs. And it's
for just this condition that Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery is especially
If you re thinner than you might to be.
whether from wasting disease-., defective
nutrition, or whatever cause, tho "Dis
covery" will surely bring you un to the
healthy standard. Uy restoring tlio normal
action ot tho deranged organs and I unctions.
it arouses every natural source and means of
nourishment. As a strength-restorer and
llesh-buildcr, nothing like this medicine Is
known to medical science. Filthy Cod liver
oil and all its disgusted compounds can't
compare with it.
Dr. Pierce's Pollers euro constipation, in
digostiou, or dyspepsia, biliousness and head
Thinks Dtmraveti Wilt Apologize.
London, Jan. 3. A newspaper rcpro
sontatlvo who called nt Lord Duuraven's
Loudon residence wits informed that his
lordship doniod himself to everyone Mr.
Hamilton, his secretary, said Lord Dun
ravon would eortuinly give no Intcrvlows,
5Ir. Askwlth. Dunr.iveu'H counsel at tho
Inquiry, likewise de. lined to say anything
on tlio report. , rwioiciitr.v brunt, ot tho
Hoynl Yacht squadron, said: "I consider
tho report satisfactory, and think Lord
Dunraven will apologize. It Is reported
that ho admits his error.
l'rolmbly Victims r n I.mintlc.
ItociiusTiSH, N. Y., Fob, 3. Tho condi
tion of .Martin Lynn nnd his wife, who
wcro found unconscious lu tholr residence
on Saturday suffering from tho effects ot
poison mysteriously administered, still re
mains unchanged. They liavo not yot re
covered consciousness. Tho children aro
out of dangorf It Is thought by somo that
tuo poison may nuvo uoEii immiuisiurou oy
Mlss liynn, uio sister, wno was lounu lu
tho house dead, whilo sho wus suffering
from .mental unsoundness brought about
by nor diseased condition.
Albany Wants n NHincftaUp.
AU1ANV, Feb. .'!. Mayor Thatcher has
sent tho following letter to Senator Hill
at Washington: "Will you suggest to tho
proper autliorltiew that Albany is tho sec
ond oldest Incorporated municipality lu
our country, and sluco tho nomenclature
of oltles Is drawn upon for bestowing
mime upon our now crulserx, the namo of
our auoiont city inlnht with propriety bo
given tho noxt completed vessel."
llyams lli-otliers Lento Canada,
Touosto, Fob. it. Tho brothers Dallas
and Harry Hymns, who wero relensod on
Saturday on tl,500 cash ball, to uppoar be
foro tho police iniiglstrato horo tomorrow,
loft at noon yesterday for Now York on a
spoclnl train, accompanied by AVollman.of
YVollmnn & Goooh, their Now York coun
sel. Toronto detectives bolloro tho brothors
will forfeit their bond, and that they will
not bo again seen lu Canada.
Hundreds of precious little ones owe thoir
1'VC ,to Ur- Thomas' Electric Oil the
sovereign cure for croup and all other throat
I or lung diseases.
Yields readily to Hood's BarsaparllU
because it tones and strengthens tlio
stomach and aids
'digestion by sup
plying pure blood.
"I had indigos.
Hon so badly that
I was all run
down and could
hardly walk. Had
no appetite and
cohld not sleep
I began taklm;
talj Hood's Sarsapi
M rllla, and beforo i
had taken a fourth of a bottle I was very
much better. I also used Hood's Pills nnd
found them splendid, very mild, yet effec
tive. I cannot say enough In pralso for
what they have done for mo. Since uslnc?
two bottles of Hood's Harsaparilla nnd
Hood's Pills occasionally I feel almost lixr
A now person. I havo a splendid appetite,
sleep welt nnd work with ease." AUNii:
C. LANTZ, Belleville, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the only True Blood Purifier promi
nently in tho public eye. $1 j six for 5.
Hood's Pills fflXcretakei
Senate's Freo Colnago Suhstltuto Will rrob
nbly bo Mielved In tlio House.
WASII1NQTON, Feb. 8. Sluco tho pass
ago by tho senato on Snturday of tlio
flnanco committee freo coinage substitute
for tho house bond bill, which went
through by n voto of 13 to 35, that body
lias no well defined plan for this week's
proceedings. Thero is no session today.
It Is possible, though by no meansccrtnln,
that tho flnanco eomnilttco will bo ablo to
report tho rovenuo tariff bill tomorrow,
tho mntter still depending upon Senator
Jones of Nevada. If the bill should bo re
ported thero will probably bo somo de
sultory speechinnklng based upon it, but
tuo consideration of tho measure would
scarcely bo seriously begun this week, oven
though a report should bo secured ns
promptly as is hoped by tho friends of tho
Tlio committee on appropriations will
claim a good sharo of tho timo that tho
senate will bo In session. Tho urgent de
ficiency appropriation bill has already
boon reported, and tho military academy
and pension bills will bo put 'n early In
tho week. It Is altogothor probablo that
all will bo disposed of beforo tho week
closes. Tho Cuban and Monrou doctrlno
resolutions nro also on tho calendar, and
may be taken mi at any timo.
Tho lniportunt feature ot tho weeK s
proceedings lu tho houso will bo In con
ncctlon with tho resolution to consuro
Ambassador Uayard and tho senato freo
colnngo substitute for tho house burnt mil.
Tho resolution censuring Mr. Bayard will
probably prcclpltato an oxcltlng contest
on tho floor, but will doubtless bo adopted
when it roaches a voto.
When tho freo colnago substltuto for tho
houso bond bill Is returned to tho houso
nn effort may bo nindo by tho silver men
to concur In tho substltuto. bucu nn at
tempt would, of course, bo defeated, as
tho majority against silver In tho lower
branch of congress Is overwhelming, but
It might bo niado In order to put tho
members on record. Tho bill according to
tho present program will bo Immediately
referred to tho ways and lncnnscomniittee
and reported back with a recommendation
that the senate substltuto bo non-con.
currcd In, which In parliamentary langu
ago would mean that tho houso insists
upon Us own bill. It will then remain for
tho senate, which nlso will Insist on Its
bill, to request a conference. It Is thero
that somo of tho members nt each ond of
tho Capitol honclto effect a compromise,
but tho prevailing opinion is that tho bill
will dloln conference.
Why suffer witli Coughs, Colds aud La
Grippo when Laxativo Bromo Quinino will
euro you In ono day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to euro, or
money refunded. Price, 2." cents. For salo
by Kirlin's Pharmacy.
Condemned Murderpr Dies In rrlsnn,
Bind Sino. N. Y., Fob. il-Willfnm
Caisar, tho condoiiinod murderer, died Kud-
donly on Saturday lu his ell at tho
state prison. Ca?ir was: sentenced by Ito-
oorder Goft on Juno S3, 181)3, and tho day
of his execution sot for July 29 of tho samo
yonr, Ho was convicted ot having mur
dered a young colored woman, Mary .Mar
tin, with whom ho hud lived, aud who-o
terribly mutilated body wat found in an
iuclosuro adjoining tlio Greenwich rsiv
lugs b.inl;, nt rixth avenue nnd 'Wnverly
place, New York city. Tlio murder and
mutilation caused greufj tixcltoinont, and
It was somo timo btoro tho umnlorur was
captured. His conviction followed aud
tho ca was taken to tho court ot appeals,
where it has sineo li.-en ponding.
To Ceiisiiro Ambassador U.tyard.
Wasiiinoton, Fob, 3. A resolution con
stirlug Ambassador Uayard for tho schtl
monts expressed by him In his roeont
speeches lu Kngland and Scotland was
adopted by tho houso foreign nflulrs com
mittee Two resolutions will bo rcportod.
Tho first censures Ambassador Uayard
by numo for tho languago used by him In
his Boston nnd Edinburgh speeches, nnd
Incorporated with this will bo a second
resolution oxpresslng tho disapproval of
tho committee of our roprosentatlvos
abroad discussing American political at
fairs abroad and displaying partisanship.
Hives are not dangerous to life, but they
aro a nrollflu breeder of misery and nrofaulty.
Doan's Ulutmcnt gives instant renei, even
lu tho worst cases of this and other exaspera
ting diseases ot tuo skin.
Tlio Collaeum Selected.
Chicago, Feb. 3. Tho sub-connnltteoof
the nntlonal Douioeratlo comiultteo lias
decided that the Coliseum will bo the best
plnco In Chicago for tho holding of tho ua
tlonul Demouratlo convention, and ar
rangements for Ite completion will, there
fore, bo hurrlod up, tho contractors being
under bonds of W.000 to completo It by
May 1 noxt.
Declined by llusala.
L0NDON,Fob.3. Tho Obsorver(Uulonlst)
says: "Wo havo good authority leading
us to express tin' ueilct mat laermany re
cently Invited ltussla and othor powers to
co-opcrnto lu a plan liostllo to England's
continued occupation of Egypt. Accord
ing' to our Information aud belief (his
proposition was declined by Russia,"
Iluy Keystone flour, I5o sure that the
name Lrastu & Baku, Ashland, Pa,, is
printed on every sack.
'.eltnun Still Holding Out:
Constantinople. Feb. 3 Heports from
Turkish sources believed to bo fairly ac
curate stnto that It Is boliovcd that tho
Zoltoimlls nro still holding out, Tho
Turks havo mado sovou different attacks
upon the town, but nil havo failed, and
tholr losses nro reported to amount to 10,
000. It Is alleged that 60.000 troops will bo
neoded to enpturo Zoltoun. It Is bolloved
that tho Jioltouulls number from 15.000 to
20,000, well armed aud provisioned for a
year. There is a doubtful report that
4,000 Husstan Armenians crossed tlio Per
sian frontier nnd defeated tho Turks at
Siz, eighteen hours from Zeltouu, aud
havo now joined tho Zoltouulls.
Cincinnati's Murder Mystery.
Cincinnati, Fob. 3. A hundred clows
to tho murder nnd beheading of ti woman
near Fort Thomas on Friday night are
floating today. Many of thorn havo been
traced to a worthless origin. Not a single
arrest on suspicion has been mado and not
asluglo suspicion has settled upon any
man as tho porpetrator, nor has any thread
been discovered likely to lead to tho Iden
tification of tho woman. All tho ponds,
ns well ns tho Coviugton reservoir, huvo
been dragged. Tho witter Is going out of
tho reservoir. It will bo wcrl towards
noon today boforo It will bo ompty. Then
search In tho mud for tlio head can bo
Old l'eople.
Old nconlo who require mcdlcino torcgulato
the bowels nnd kidneys will find tho truo
remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine
doos not stlmnlato and contains no whiskey
nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and
alterative. It nets mildly on tho stomach
and bowels, adding strength and giving tone
to tho organs, thereby aiding nature m tuo
performance of tho functions. Electric
Bitters is nn excellent appetizer nnd aids
digestion. Old peoplo find it just oxactly
what they need. Prico fifty cents per bottle
at A. Wasley's drug store.
Von Hocttlclicr Will l'teslRii.
HnilLlN, Jan. 3. An Intlmnto friend of
Dr. Von Doettlchcr, secretary of statofor
tho interior, declares that ho is determined
to resign immediately. Tho emperor's
speech of Jan. 18 has boon used by tho
agrarians, blmctii)llsta and Bismarcklans
of tho starting pulnt for nn intrigue to
compass Chancellor Von Ilohenloho's fall.
There Is not tho slightest Indication that
Chancellor Vou Hoheulohe s position Is
shaken, but tho hopes of his opponents nro
based on the emperor's deslrd for a larger
navy, which tho chancellor disfavors.
A Mysterious 1'rlsoner.
Cleveland, Feb. 3. Francis E. Lom
bard, a man about 50 yoars of ago, has
been a prisoner lu tho county jail hero for
more than a weok tinder inystorlous clr
cumstnncos. It Is said that tho arrest was
procured by Georgo Shlras, of Pittsburg,
son of Justice Shlras, of tho United States
supremo court, and It is intimated that
tho chargo Is subornation of perjury. The
prisoner Is to bo held hero until Wednes
day, whon ho will probably bo takon to
Pittsburg, having been bound over to tho
federal grand jury In that city.
Our peoplo aro growing more and more in
tho habit of looking to Qruhlor Bros., drug
gists, for tho latest and best of everything iu
tho drug Hue, They sell Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, famous for Its cures of bad colds,
croup and whooping cough. When In need
of such a medicine give tills remedy a trial
and you will bo more than pleased with tho
Explorer llorcligrevluus Scheme.
NewYoisk, Feb. 8. C, Egbert Horch-
grovlnk, tho Norwegian explorer, arrived
horo on tho umbrla yesterday. Borchgro-
viuk has taught tho world pretty much all
It knows about tho groat continont which
lies in southern polar seas, and If his plans
as now arranged nro carried out ho will bo
ablo to toll much more after ho gets back
trom an expedition which ho Is to under
take noxt winter. Tho schomo that the
explorer has in hand now Is to travol in
snow shoos and sledges, with threo Nor
wegian companions, that ho may roach
tho south magnetic pole. Ho oxpocts It
will taKo moro than two yenrs to do so.
llucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles.
or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley,
Dlckerson Kscuprs C.ouvlctlon.
Council Bluffs, la., Fob. 3. The iurv
that for four wcoks has beon trying Isaac
i-iicuersou, mo Atiuutio banker, for fraud
uicut uanKing in connection with the
looting of tho Bank of Cass County, vns.
terday reported cloven for acquittal, ona
for conviction. It had been out forty
hours. There Is llttlo nrobabllltv
Dlckerson will bo trlod again, slnco it has
developed that ho was only remotely. If at
an, connected with the failure.
No Legal Marrluges In ltliode Island.
PnovmiSNCE, Feb. 3. Tho authorities
havo discovered that tho now law requir
ing all persons performing tho marrlugo
ceremony to register yearly is Identical
wiin ono onacted seventy years ago, which
mis long ooon n uoau lotter. Tho authori
ties stato there has not been a Inirnl inn
ringo in Bhoue Island for fifty years, and
will apply to tho legislature to havo tho
acts of all unlicensed clcrgymon made
, "Ise in Town Honey."
- A combination of tho great staifs s
4 of life WHEAT, CORN and RlCn."
I Be Suro You Get tho Red Package,
iluy u pachiigo of dentil no Aunt.
" Jamlcia's hell-lllln rnucalm Fluur.a
iml If you do not Hud It hihIium tit liet
ruMs yim cvfr itto, rHtui-n th einpty
I, ox to your croeer, leave your mime, r.
iiiul tlmurnrer will refund tUouioneyi
.iimt eUuico It tu us.
m SoluitlAcruly rrepAird Riut T
h Mauafftctuntf uuly by "
R.T, DAVIS MILL GO., St. Joseph, Ho. g
2 Send 4 cents in stamps for a t of Aunt ?
i Jemima and her Plckanlno y Dolls. 5
I I I I I I ll-IK -H'MII ! IHII 1'iMt I II I I l' (!
6no a Ijuly of Wrnlth Who Tried Threo
llHl'eri'lit Methods,
BnooKLYN, Feb. 11. Ono woman and two
men committed sulcldo In this city yester
day, Mrs. Augusta Schwnrz, a wealthy
Widow, who opened n handsonio rc9ldcnco
In Berkley place, tho aristocratic section
of Brooklyn, has for somo timo past been
n constant sufferer from neuralsla, nnd
that, together with tho fact that her hus
band, Anton Schwnrz, n promlnontimcm-
ber ot tlio Brewers' Kxchnngo, had been
found dead about a year ago under pecu
liar clrcuinstaucos In Now York city, had
given her great mental worry. Sho shot
herself through the mouth, placed sovoral
rubbor tubes over tho gas jets and run
thorn across tho bod where sho lay, and
drank a quantity of laudanum. Henry
Burns, nUonnnu, 00 years old, killed him
self by drinking a mixture of strichuino
and lngor beer. Because ho was reduced
from tho position of foreman to that of
conductor ot tho Ileade avonuo trolley line,
naynor a. nogers. 3d yenrs old, shot him-
solf In tho hoad and dlod soon afterward.
Tho Intercollegluto Rnccs.
Ithaca, N. Y Feb. 3.-Dean White,
Cornell's representative In tho conference
between Cornell, Harvard, Columbia and
Pennsylvania, returned to Ithaca yester
day, liu states that tho quadrangular race
has boeu arranged botwoen tho freshman
eights of thoso four universities, to bo
rowed on tho morning of Juno 20, which
is also tho ditto of tlio four oared 'varsity
contest. Both freshman aud 'varsity races
are to bo rowed on tho samo course, which
has not been decldod, Tho Saratoga peo
plo nro offerlnc moro money than tho
Poughkecpslo cltlzons.
Mlnnfo Kwanger's Confession.
Altoona, Pa., Feb. 3. Mlnulo Swan-
gcr, tho 13-year-old girl imprisoued In tho
HoUlduysburg Jail on tho chargo of being
responsible for tho death of William Mc
Gregor aud tho attempted killing of his
aged mothor. Mrs. Mary McGregor, llttlo
wirrio sin anil iurs. ilarthn Johnston,
has confessed that sho Is responsible for
tho death of her undo. Sho sayj sho in
tended only to make hor vlotlms sick, so
that sho might rlilo tholr pockets and have
money to spend "as other girls spent It."
Throw Away Ills Cnnes.
Mr. D. Wiley, ox-postmnstor, Black Creek,
N. Y., was so badly afilicted with rheuma
tism that ho was only ablo to hobble around
with canes, and even then It caused him
great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain
Balm he was so much improved that he
throw away his canes. Ho says this lini
ment did him moro good than all other medi
cines and treatment put together. For sale
at 50 cents per bottle by Gruhlor Bros., drug
NUbta I 3 OF NEvVS
Tlio fedonxl census of tho Mexican re
public shows a population of 12,512,077.
William K. Schmidt, a photographer, of
New Haven, Conn., was strink blind In
his studio, but his sight may bo restored.
William Payne, au aged negro, and his
wlfo, of Houston, Tox., wero robbed and
murdorod in their homo by unknuwn per
sons. A Now York cx.iress on tho Wnbnsh road
collided with a freight train at Oakley,
Ills. Englnoor lloso, of tho expross, was
Tho steamer Umbrla, which arrived at
New York last night, brought from Eng
land $1,000,775 for private firms, presuma
bly for bond purchases.
It Is generally bolloved that tho Turkish
palace officials set afloat tho rumors of tho
Kusso-Turktsh alliance lu order to In
ercoso tho distrust among tho powers.
Itcllcf In Six Hours.
Distressing kidnoy and bladdor diseases
reliovcd in six hours by tho "New Groat
South American Kidney Curo." This now
remedy is a great surpriso on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back and overy part
of the urinary passages In male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost Immediately. If you want
quick relief and curo this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
Coming ISvents.
Feb, 17. First annual ball, Patriotic Drum
Corps, Bobbins' opera house Schoppo
Feb, 20. Supper and entertainment under
tho auspices of Council No. 84, Daughters of
Liberty, in Kobblns' hall.
Two I.Ives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebo Thomas, of Junction City,
III., was told by her doctors slio had Uon
sumntion and that there was no hopo for her.
but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery
completely cured her and she says it saved
iter me. air. nios. r.ggers, 13U i ionua at.,
San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold,
annroachinc Consumption, tried without
result everything clso then bought ono bottlo
of Dr, King's New Discovery and lu two
weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful
It Is such results, of which these uro samjiVjjj
that prove tho wonderful efficacy or ftlis I
medicine in Coughs and Colds. 1-ri-e trial
bottles at A. Wasley's drug store. Iiegular
sizo 50c and $1.00.
Sudden Heath of a Itetlred IN'uvy Officer.
Washington, Fob. 3, Lleutouant Com
mander Hobort K. Cnrntody, of tlio navy,
died suddenly at his home in Georgetown
yostorday. He was nppolnted to tho navy
from Now York on Bept, 29, 1800, nnd re
ceived tho rank of lieutenant commander
Feb. 28, 1890. Ho was retired Juno 0, 1895.
llrillth Ambassador Was Not Snubbed.
LONDON, Fob. 3. Sir Philip Currlo,
British ambassador at Constantinople,
writes to Tho Dally Nows denying n pub
lished statement that ho was kept waiting
for an hour lu n cold anteroom when ho
went to dollvor tho queon's lottor to tho
Tell Into a Vut of Hailing Water.
Washington, Fob. a John II. Hunt,
a laborer, S3 yoars old, fell Into nyntof
boiling water nt tho Hydraulic Brick com
pany's plant, betweon Washington and
Alexandria, anil was so imiiy injured una
no canuot recover.
Tho llttlo daughter of Mr. Fred Webber,
Holland, Mass,, had a very bad cold nnd cough
which ho had not beon ablo to euro with auy
thing. I gavo him a 25 cent bottlo of Cham
berlain's Cough Iteincdy, says W. 1'. Holden,
merchant and postmaster at West Ilriinueld,
and tlio next timo I saw him ho said it worked
like a charm. This remedy is Intended
especially for acute throat and lung diseases
such as colds, croup and whooping cough, and
It Is famous for Its cures. There Is no danger
iu giving It to children for it contains noth
ing Injurious. For. salo by Gruhlor Bros
On Lako Erlo's Shores. Tlio Captain's
Wlfo Tolls tho Story.-It Will
Interest Many People.
(From the Buffalo Evening Sent.)
If you wero to cnll nt 27 Front Avcnuo
you would find u pleasant elderly lady,
Mrs. Captain Hcncsy by name. Her
kindly smile and joyous manner nrc to no
small extent duo to tho escape sho has had,
Her own words can better tlescrlbo her
resctio nnd one can easily understand her
present happy condition when they rcalizo
what sho has gono through. She says:
"About live months ago I had nn attack
of sIcktioS3 which lasted for n week nnd
since that timo I Imvo been snbjecl at In
tervals to similar attacks, some of which
wero longer In duration. It is hard for
Ino to describe- how I suffered. The pain
would commence in my head, after which
it would seem to pass down my body nnd
settle in my back, my sides nclicil, my
back ached, and I had a feeling of great
distress in tho bowels. Tho Increased
pain which seemed to como from lying
down, would bo almost unbearable, my
face und stomach would bloat up and I
could hardly stand on my feet, dizziness
made it almost impossible s this feeling was
always with mo oven after the violence of
tho attack passed over. Tho last attack I
had was tho worst, and was so bad I would
not havo been nblo to tell this story but
for Doan's KIduey Pills. As soon as I
commenced their use I found immediate
relief. Tho pain in my back nnd sides loft
me nnd the dizziness went with it; tlio
bloating in my face nnd body disappeared
and all distress in ray bowels was cone.
I have great faith in Doan's Kidney I'ills;
in a short time they did n great deal moro
for mo than all tho plasters aud medicines
which I had resorted to in seeking relief
and cure. I hope uhvays to bo able to pro
cure them."
For sale by all dealers price, 50 cents.
Mailed by Foster-Milburu Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., solo agents for tho U. S.
For salo at Kirlin's Pharmacy.
p F. HUItKH, M. D.
30 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Office hours : 7 to 9 o, m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. ni.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Egon building, comer of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 65, Mabanoy 6fy, Pa,
Unvlru? studied nnder somo of the best
masters London and Paris, will cive lessoas
on tho violin, guitar and vocnl culture. Terras
reasonable.- Address in care of Strouse, the
Jeweler, Shenandoah, "
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Bohemian Beer.
Water Motor
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best In the World for Driving;
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out or repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
There Is no delay; no tlrlmr nn: no ashcb to
clean awny; no extra Insurance to pay; no re
pairing necessary; no coal hills to pay, and li U
always ready for use. It is InvaluvMe for
mowing unurcii unmans, lor rtinmr. l'rlutlng
Presses, Hewing Machines, Turning Lathee,
Bcroll Haws, tlrlnd Stones, Coffee Mills, Suusngo
Machines, l'eed Cutters, t'orn MI1U, Klevotore,
Etc. Four-horse power at 10 pounds pressure ot
water. It Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady,
and above ull f
11 IS VeRY tnbAr.
Price, $15 to $300.
Co., Newark, N. J., stating paper you saw
advertisement In.
We also manufacture Patent Rotating
ahd Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Catalogue on
JTOBBMBUW-l1 Wiitok Cip(cincCo,PHiuiPA