Perfect Digestion In secured by taking Hood's Tills after dinner, or if digestion is impeded by change of diet, ovoroatinjj or chills and con- gostlon in lohangoablo weather. Thoy break up a cold, prevont a fover, and roatoro healthy action of the liver and bowels. At homo or abroad Hood's Fills aro a safeguard and a friend. (WR WINTER STOCK Of clothing, consisting of iWr.n s and lioys Over coats, Suits, and a large stock of children's suits, will be closed out at re markably low prices. Our Spring Stock We are the first in the field with our spring stock of clothing for Tien, Boyssp rFand Children Have just returned from New York with the best selec tion the great clothing houses of that city afford. Striking Novelties in Children's Suits. The stock is very fine, but prices remain within the reach ef all. L. GOLDIN, Mammoth Clothing Mouse, 9 & 11 S. Haiti Street. EVENING HERALD SATUItDAY, FKMttUKY 1, 1S90. PERSONAL. Christ. Schmidt muilo a business trip to l'ottsvillc to-day. I). W. Williams, of Chicago, in visiting his niotucr.'Mrs. Thomas Dovo, on South Jarilin btreet. IMward O'Doniiell, one of the local school tiachora at Olrardville, visited town last evening. P. It. lloschorman, propiietor of the Slia mokin steam laundry, was a town visitor hist evening. Mr. and Mrs. William It. l'ratt and Mr. and Mrs. Milton JJillnuii, wcro the guests of (Jirardville friends last evening. Councilman James McKthenny and wife have returned from l'lJladclphia, where they spent several weeks (visiting friends. Mrs. J. W, lloskins will give a social at her residence, on South Pluiti alley, on Thurs day ovening, J''cbruaryU, for the benefit of the 1 M. church. Free-burg Musical Collcgo, $33 will pay for lyterni of six weeks, board and thorough instruction in music, at the Musical College, lrceburg, Snyder county, l'a. Spring tori begins May itli. For catalogues nddiesf, IIk.nry It. Moyi:k. 1-20-lt IMiurtl lfeplor Dead, Kdwurd HcIer, son of the late William, and Mrs. .Misephino llepler, died at the family homi in Ashland, after a lingering illness fnii a tumorous growth in the stomach. The deceased was 20 years old. l'or Sale Cheap. 1 AJCn ..l,.,.-,... fmt .trttl. V.w.l. ..l.,l - 1;lass windows, also a lino cherry hat ease, suitahlo for millinery or a hat store. For information call at I.. Itcfowich's, 10 and 12 Pouth Main street. 1-11-lawlt. It' Winning New Friends Dully. What? Pan-Tina for coughs and colds. At rulilcr Bros., drug store. BIG- REDUCTIONS In holiday goods, suitable as gifts for other festive occasions. Money saved is money earned by call ing on us and examining our stock of Silverware, Watches, Musical Instruments, .... Optical Goods. Watch : Repairing : a : Specialty. Done cheaper than any other place in Town. IKE ORKIN'S 129 S. Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. BUY YOUR. Groceries FLOUR, FEED, HAY AND STRAW, Also Tabic and Floor Oil Cloths From E. E3. r"OLEY, Cor. Centre and West U. PITHY POINTS. Happening Throughout lliu lleglon Cliron- leieii inr misty l'eriisiil. The 1'. & it. C. & 1. Co. omnlovns In this district were paid to-day. Mrs, .Itunoj It. Dcegnn, of Ashland, is very ill. her condition bclne reported as most, criticul. The 1'. & It. ticket olllco at Port Clinton was robbed of $15.00 in omh on Thursday evening. Tho employes at tho Delano shops wcro put on eight hours a day yesterday until ftit-tlinr iwtttf'fv Cards are out announcing tho wedding of JiOUls.1. liecker, ot UirardvJllo, and Miss Ihiglo Foiter, of Ashland, John McOecr, who was Injured by an ex plosion of gas at tho Kaskawilllam colliery lst week, died at tho state hospital Thurs day night from Ids injuries. Next Monday is the timo set for granting naturalization papers, and Prothonotary l)ecan will bo prepared to make citizens of these United States of all who call upon hi in with the necessary fco. Wo aro selling 1 ply linen collars at 10 cents straight. At MAX LKVIT'S. Millions In Assets. Justlco T. T. Williams to-day received his commission as agent in Shenandoah and tho immediate vicinity for tho Philadelphia Underwriters, which is composed tlf tho Insurunco Company of North America, founded in 1702, anil.tliu Firo Association, of Philadelphia, founded in 1817, with assets aggregating over $15,000,000 and being tho largest firo insuranco corporation in tho United States. Mr. Williams is also local agent for tho American Fire Insurance Com pany of Philadelphia, with assets aggregating f 2,409,51.53; Westchester Firo Insuranco Company of New York, with $2,032,441.03 in assets ; and tho United Firemen's Insuranco Company of Philadelphia with $1,308,020,00 m assets ; making the aggregate assets of nil tho companies represented by Mr. Williams over $21,000,000. There can bo no more con vincing facts than llgures themselves, and it is clear that tho companies represented by Mr. Williams arc in such financial condition as to insure all patrons against every loss. Applications for insuranco will reccivo prompt and careful attention. Olllco No. 1 South Jardin street. tf When you want good roofing, plumbing, gas fitting, or general tlnsmithing done call on E. P. Gallagher 18 West Centre street. Dealer ir stoves. 8-1-tf Tho County Homeopaths. Tho meeting of tho Schuylkill County Homeopathic Medical Society at Ashland was one of much interest to the profession. Tho subject of discussion was tho treatment of diphtheria by anti-toxlno, and was opened by Dr. Kistlcr, of Minersvillo The subject was discussed by all the members, who en dorsed tho treatment, several of tho physi cians having found it to be very successful in their practice. Schcllly House l'or Sale. Tho property and good will of the Scheilly House, on North Main street, is offered for sale. Tho proprietor contemplates locating hi the South. For further particulars apply at tho Scheilly House 12-10 tf The "V" Program. Tho following program will bo rendered at tho meeting of tho "Y" thin ovening, in lloddall's hall : Singing, "Y ;" scripture reading, John Hath ; comic reading, William O. liees; essay on "Armenian Massacre," Itayinond Klirhart; instrumental solo, Ida Kehler ; "News of tho Week," John Kcrslake; mandolin solo, licujamin Mansell. A HIg .Strike in bheuniidnult. Not ill tho mines, hut at tho F.ctok Shoi: Stoku. Wo aro striking out the middle man's prollts and giving yon the advantage of them. 2-1 -tf .1. A. Moyi:k, Mgr. Adertlsrd Letters. Tho following lotters remain uncalled for at tho local post-olllco: Edward FriU, 1). M. Jones, William O'Neill, S. Sweeney and Charles C. Sunday. Jennie O'Ncll, New llully, Parado march just received at lirumin's. 1-30-tf Guests of the t.rnnt Hand. The Ideal theatrical company's band was the guest of the Grant band at tholattcr's headquarters, after tho porformanco in tho theatro last evening and for several hours tho members of both organizations mingled most happily. It was latch key hours when they departed for their respective privato quarters. Hclieltly House. Oystorson toast to-night. Oysters. Clams. At tho bar : All tho delicacies of the season In ovory style. Potatoes IK Cents u llusliel. Uerks county farmers aro olfered but 18 cents a bushel for potatoes, and thousands of bushels aro stored In cellars in anticipation of an advance It is said that there is very llttlo hope of nn advance, as tho surplus still 111 tho hands of tho producers far exceed the demand. Itemuval. Jtomovitl. Strouse, tho jewelor, wishes to inform his friends and the public that he has moved his stock of watches, diamonds and jewelry to tho Klein building, on North Main street, opposlto lleddall's hardware store. Itepairing a specialty. Salaries 1'ixed. Tho County Commissioners, County Con troller and tho bonds of the diU'orcnt row olllcos, which comprises tho -salary board, sat yesterday afternoon and fixed the salaries or the various subordinates the name as last year. Do you eat ? Do you eat bread ? Do you eat the best bread,? Do you know that Washburn Crosby's "GOLD MEDAL" Elour makes the best bread ? Thos. E. Samuels & Go., Wholesale Grocers, 105 South Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa. TELEGRAPHERS' C0KTE8T. ltccords, 1y Knlgjitsof llio'lvpy'at Mnhn. miy I'liinn. The now hall at Mnhanoy Piano was crowded to an almost uncomfortable degree last evening by telegraphers and their friends assembled for the purpose of participating in n contost and ball held under tho auspices of the telegraph operators of that place and under tho ablo management of Louis l.utK, operator at tho Mahanay Piano depot. Tho Judges of tho contest wcro A. J. Farrcll, dispatcher ntJIabanoy Plane j D.J Slattcry, extra agent, Willlamsport; William Perry, train dispatcher, Delano j and P. W. Yncmn, lineman, Shamokin. It was 8:30 o'clock when tho contest started. Each contestant was allowed fivo minutes. Tho following was tho result: II. 0. Miles, Gordon 201 words and 15 errors, Morse, 50; average 230. K. McGrath, Mahanoy Plane 203 words and 0 errors, Morse, 85; average, 282. A. A. Sul livan, Gordon 220J words and 5 errors, Morse 'S5J average, JJOitJ. It, 12. Mover, Head ing 20lj words and 11 errors, Momej 55; averago, 2151. O. C. Williams, Heading, 234 words and 4 errors, Morse, 03 j average, 325. J, N. Smith, Itcadlng 103 words and 3 errors; Morse, 87; average, 27?. Ilarl Boner, Gordon 100 words and 1 errors; MorsiV, 00; average, 282. Tho first prize, a gold medal, was awarded to G. C. Williams, of Head? ing; tho second prizo, a boautlfiil silver medal, to A. A. Sullivan, of Gordon. Messrs. Holier and McGrath wcro tied for tho third prizo, a gold scarf pin, and upon another test tho former won by two points. 0crators from Philadelphia, itcadlng, l'otts villc, Willlamsport, Shamokin. and many other places wcro in attendance. Mr. I Williams holds first prize from four contests, having made a record of 2J3 words in llvo minutes at ono of them. Mr. Sullivan, holds one gold medal and two sliver mbdals,' Vliile tho other contestants wcro novices, but" com pared favorably. Tho Itcilly orchestra furnished tho music for tho ball. Would That tl'e Had More i:ndllchs. RJ In tho ease of Architect Win. 1). Hill vs. the School District of l'ottsvillc, a suit for settlement of claim for work on tho Garfield school building, tho jury yesterday rendsred a verdict in favor of Mr. 3 J 111 for the full amount of his claim, $1,805.01. As soon as the verdict was announced Judgo Dndllch directed Prothonotary Deegan to at once enter a rule for a new trial without any further proceedings, or without waiting for a motion to bo mado. The verdict is unreason able and Judgo Endlich no doubt so regarded It when ho mado tho order. Tho original dlUcreuco was something like $300, but after tho suit was started Architect 11111 claim a' per centago upon nearly every dollar spent ontlie building, which tho jury allowed him. Schuylkill county is in need of three Dmllichs, and needs them badly,. Homicide Trial Postponed. Ill tho homicide case of Drudrofsy and Itcckwln, who were charged for tho murder of Peter MacKalouis, at Trenton, near Park Place, last month, thoro was a habeas corpus hearing by Judge Jlccbtcl, in court room No. 1 yesterday afternoon, for tho purposo of dp tcrmiliing whether tho defendants be ad mitted to bail pending trial, as all of tho Commonwealth witnesses failed to appear. Judgo llechtel remanded tho defendants t6 continue tlio hearing on Monday morning, when it is probable that they will ho released on bail as the evidence against them is weak. Tho Commonwealth is represented by District Attorney Hcchtcl, and tho defendants by M. M. Hurkc, Esq. No Itedlletlou Here. A prominent official of tho Lehigh Valley Coal Company stated to-day that no orders had been issued by tho company reducing tho wages of its employes in this district. Don't Trlllo "VVIlh Coughs and Colds, Take Pan-Tina (23c.) and bo cured. At Grubler llros., drug store. MISCELLANEOUS. IOlt ItKNT. linoin, nuifubiV for oflUu jiur- poses. Apply at lit South JimHri htivct. ITIOIE HAM-;. Dcftlrnhlp )irlcl hnivl and du el i ' ltiitr kiiuu'ii rw Dm iikt'm Atlnntlo (iimlni. Kor tmiw apply to Mrs. M. Dormer St. Clair, i'a. 1-iJI-iW-lMMI InOIt ItKNT. Storo room ami dwelling, i-or-7 ncrot AVliltq nml Centre M recto, now occu pied by J. AV, Puiccll, tlio grocer. Stoio room can bo rented tcparntcly. Apply to Martin l'lirceM, 10 Kast Centre htreet. 1-UMw FOU KA.M2. Ono borne about 8 yearn old, 1 Kiirhiir wfiLrnii. 1 hIiiitIo mid 1 dniiltWt not (if liiirnebfl, 1 set of bobs and 1 bujjffy. All In 11 rat chms condition, .Must bo sold at once as owner jh jruviiiK town jippiy u vuarit'n jiuiikh. H. Janlin street, Shenandoah. l2tMf 171 OU HAM5. The water pump, counters and ) bar fixtures of tho Scheilly Houxe. For further Information apply to J, K. 1 Scheifly. OH SAU'X Three flrst-clai? show cases, all ' In irood condition, suitable for fancv noods. notions, A:e. Will bo sold ntu bargain. No. 21 North Main street. 1-H-tf TTlOlE KKNT. The building now occupied by 1 Michael Scheider, tho North Main street confectioner, after April 1st, lS'.W, Contains store room and 1(1 rooms for dwelling purposes. Apply at AVIlllam Ncinwinter's lit cry stables, corner Coal and Main streets. 1-20-tf WANTREEH A Hie house or pnity to i-eprenent iw, ami take onlers for Fine Cuktom Clothing. For partlcu lntM mlchem MARKS AIINIIK1M, llroailway anil Ninth Htleet, New York. 1-3KH Ff you trade in stocks With local or New York Hrokcrs, don't guess. I hold position where I can, often wire you "facts" (in cipher) regarding combination turns about to be made in certain stocks. If acted on quick is next to a certainty for profit. You handle money trade where yon please. For particulars address, Operator, 1 O. Hot, UGI, New York. 2-M( HE HELPED MAKE CHICAGO. L A Gilbert, the Great Land Man, Cured of Rheuma tism by Paine's Celery Compound. Tho most striking personality in Chicago, ami the oldest real citato dealer, is Mr. L. A. Gilbert, Mr; Gllbeit is now over 00 years of age; in tho 50's ho was in tho ltockics gold hunting. Sinco 1808 ho has liaiuileiVinorc property in Chicago, and is known to'mor home-owners than any other uVan in ttio business. .Mr. Gilbert at ono timo buffered from rheu matism and sleeplessness, lto made Hot Springs, and tried other" methods . 0f treatment without avail. To' satisfy a' friend who had taken Paino's celery compound for similar troubles, and knew what it' could do, Mr. Gilbert tried it,.nnd but a' Tory shot time elapsed before ho was entirely freed from both'theso'trouhles. Mr. Gilbert himself says: "Gentlemen I'havo suffered with rheuma tism and sleeplessness for years, caused by exposure whijo prospecting in tho mountains years ago. For years I had to take electric bath niassngo and take trips to Hot Springsin order to get a llttlo sleep and relief from pain. To cap the climax I have been suffering from indigestion and pains in tho heart region, t'aino's celery compound was recommended to mo by friends who knew what thoy were IJir.KOUsOX'S TlIKATltH, IJ P. J. Ti: lmrso.v, JlANAnim. One AVeek and Saturday Mat hire commencing Monday, January 2T, '96, THE IDEALS John A. Hinmielcin, Manager aiid Pro prietor, headed by tho winsome comedienne, Beatrice Earle, Augmented by l'rof. Ned J. Jlowson's l!0tli century baiul ami concert orchestra. An extra feature, BABY JOHNSON, Tho Wonderful Child Artist, ngcrl six, will p liear nt every pc riormam e. TO-NIGHT "Shadows f of the Scaffold." f Change of play nightly. PRICES, lO, 20 & 30 Cents. MATINEE PRICES, lO & 20 Cents. Seats on sale nt Kirltn's drug store. 'inKItorfiON'S TIIUATHH. 1. J,' FKIlGVHO.yMANAUElt, Friday, February rth, 1896. QUAND BENEFIT PERFORMANCE for Mrs, Kate Jenkins, whoso son was iceently killed at Indian IJldgo colliery, j to bo given by the Scanlan-Durkin Comedy Co., Grant Band, ... Schoppe Orchestra. Tlio ubovo iinincil ortninlntloim nro well worth tlio prico of admihsltm, unit -will endeavor to render one of the ttmt amatuiir performances ever Riven In thin town. Hiwrvod (.ents on wile nt Klrlln's drui store. PRICES, 25, 35 & 50 Cents, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A PA I? M lOOacrt'H clear, and witli option "V1'- ot niiri'liasinj; 100 acres timber laud udjoIiiliiK. Dwelling and-ioan and ull noccsfcivry out buiUUnea in eood 'order and reimir. Will bo bold vitli or witliput atocknnif farniltiK Implements Coal is supposed to' uiuler. llo tills prlerty. WltliinUjullesf a Ilrst-elass imirkct. Will littdu for town property. -VALSO A A 1 Tl 173 acres, near Zions Drove. 7.1 aeresclcur. Dwelllfij; cost over farm Implements. Jlust sell to cllsolvo partnerelilp. T. R. BEDDALL, or D. II. LLEWELLYN, Slienandonli, Pa. Above parties will negotiate tlio sale of any good licensed property In blienaiiuoaii. talking about, and I took it. From tho start I noticed improvement, and I lim now in tho best of health, and ablctogctaroiindasltvely us any youngster I know. Yours truly. L. A. Gilbert. The most rational way of getting rid of rheumatism, neuralgia and insomnia and get ting back sound health is to husband eery mito of strength and to set about a radical, all-round restoring of the tired system with Painc's celery compound. It is your business t furnish the body with nervous energy, as fast and abundantly as you can, and to get a rich, pure blood supply. There is no way in which this restorativo process can bo so swiftly brought about as by using Paino's celery compound. There is nothing known to physicians of the most extensive practice equal to Paino's celery compouud for purifying tho blood and Snaking strong, healthy nerves. Unremitt ing w.ork ut last brings down tho vitality of tho strongest men and women. Everyone; has felt that ambitionless, listless feeling. There are many persons who manago to keep about their business becuuso they are not sick ulicd, who aro nevertheless sadly "out of health." Paino's celery compound exactly ITIIiltGUSO.VS TlIKATltH, I J; J'. .1. lfi:nai'Mx Manaoeii. Tuesday, February 4th, 1896. GRAND CHARITY' ENTERTAINMENT For tlio benefit of tho worthy poor, nml to relievo tho distress of deserv ing Bchbbl clilhlrcn, uiuler tho auspices of tho Hheimudoah Public Bohoo Tenoliers. Byron W. Kin?, A. Mi Ph. D. Elocutionist and Entertainer l'rof. Klntr will nimiic, sadden, thrill and Instruct yoit. Chart for salo of reserved scnts will' bo open to tlio public on riaturday, Jan. Mth. l(sw!, nt 10.30 n. in. at tlio ofllco i( tlio rJecretary, In tho M'eht btreet solioiil buildliifrl Sclmppq's Full Orehestnt will fnrnlsli tlio music. PRICES WITlilN REACH OF ALL, 25. 35 & 50 Cents. Wntdi f(ri-rosH nutlet h. ' " i Mrs. Van Wise 0f Pa'Pf ' ; not a sheet Was Oil - left. When kvnsssnsv up town to day she purchased a box of OUT frr VTIV lfl T 17 A HkT A stationery, it beincr the best she could get for the price. Only 25 cents per box. HOQKS & BROWN A North Main St. IF YOU WANT THE BEST nnd enn't cct it, then come to us for It, Ve carry tho best of ....... . Groceries, Butter" and Eggs, FLOUR and FEED; Our delivery wagon' awaits your order. Goods delivered promptly. nUSSP& BEDDALL, 29. East .Centre Street. NOTICE. Scaled proposals will bo rccelvetlfby the undersicned, tlio Controller of rtchiiylklll county, until 2 p. in. Monday, lotli day of February, 18'JO, to furnish ond deliver 100 assessmeut books totlits ulUcc. Hieci!it-ntious can bo Icen ut tho CouimUsIonei-s ofllce. 1 The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. lly order of the County ( oinnilssiouers. fl. It Kcteiiv 1-31-M dfunty Controller. ! j fits tho cases of these (uneasy, sleeplos. saiiow-faccd men and, women. They are on tho perilous edge' of somo orgauic disease. Paino's celery compound will drag thcin back and plant thojr feet squarely mi (inn ground. Iiy regulating tho nervous system and compelling the vitiated blood to gain i larger proportion of red corpulsclcs, all tho organs of tho body whoso business it is-to repair ond' rebuild. tho tissues aro aroused. Paino's celery compound does" not fail to in creaso this appetite, to augment tho powers of' assimilation, to incrcnso.tho weight of the body, to purify tho blood, and to stop tho progress of structural changes, when liver and kidney diseases' havo fastened them selves upon tho system'. There is not a singlo city without some perfectly attested euro of liver or kidney diseaso, chronic constipation, salt rheum, plaguing eczema or general poor health, by tho uso of Paino's celery compound. Im paired strength and unstrung nerves, mado known by numbness of tho limbs, nervous ness and a dissatisfied stdto of tho mind all these weaknesses becomo things of tho past after taking tho host of health givers Paino's celery compound. THE NEW SAVING FUND. A branch of the ELMIRA MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN t ASSOCIATION Has been orKanlzed nt Shennndoali with llio following olllcers : JOHN J. l'KICi:, President. SAJIUKI, DAVIS, Vlco President. M. OAVKNS, Secretary and Treasurer. KUWAKI) V. iHHOICMAKKlt, Attorney DIItKCTOrtS-P. J. Jlonoghnn,' M. I Kern, merer, Levi Ilefowlch, Jolin P, lloehm, 1). It. Janics, John Mleldnzii, Tlionius Jones, (ieorge If. Williams, J. P. Williams.- Evan J. Davies, ricjtaking ! 1 y P. i- M' ul ; .13 1. JttlUlll OUCtl. - - !' m 1 - haueir's h.ager, andv Pilsner Beers, Pinest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Agt., 207 West Coal Street. (CHARLES DERR'S Barber Shop ! 12 West Centre Street. Our Hot Towel Shave Is becoming popular You will like It. Wo , make a specialty of hair cutting.