The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 30, 1896, Image 2

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i:staiii,isiii:i 1870.
'.fptitlshed every Evening, r.iccpt Sunday, nt
8 South Jakdik SmEirr. Near OusTnrc.
The Herald Is dellvcied inHhcnnndofth nnd tUo
surrounding towns for six cents n week, pny
nolo to tlio cnrrlcrs. Ily mnll M.00 n yenr, or 21
cents n mount, payable in navnnce. nuvertiso
meats elinrKeil itccorilltiK to spneo anil position.
laic puollsiiers reserve tno hkiii to mo
position of advertisements whenever the pub
lication of news demands ft. The right Is
roscrtcd to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper. Adtcrtlshig rates made known
upon applleatlon.
Sutured at the postofllco at Shenandoah, l'a., ai
second class ntall matter.
Evening Herald
TH!'r.Sl..V, JANUA18Y 30, 1B00.
To the Itrnublloin electors of Pennsylvania: I
Tbcltcpubllcans of Pennsylvania, hy their duly I
vn reprcsontfltltcs, will meet In Btatc con
vention Thursday, April SB, 18, nt 10 o'clock
n in., In the opera house, city of Ilnrrlsbnrg, for
the purpose of nominating two candidates for
representative at-large In Congress and thirty-1
two candidates for Presidential clcctots, tho j
eleillonof eight dilcfraUs-Bt.largo to the Ho- 1
puhlienn National convention, and for tho
mnwttlon of such other business as may bo
Ily order of the Slate Committee.
M. K Qday,
Attest: JsHfc 11. TtBX, Chairman.
W. It. Andbews, Secretaries.
oMK men earry more frowns than smiles
i nlo their homes, and then complain because
.my does not preside at their hearthstones.
iHv'in I). Him. is not the only lltwiocint
w ho stands the slightest chance of filling Wio
executive chair of this nation during1 'the
next four years. There are others.
Is the death of John J. Itatigan tlio
IH-moeratic party lows one of its ablest
young leaders and Schuylkill county iv
prominent and influential citizen.
Opt in Cliirago lawyers arc accusing th1'
Cjttnty Commissioner of accepting bribei to
influence tho Grand Jtirios in criminal in
dicttnenU and claim to hold paid checks to
hack up thoir assertions. Chicago '3 a live
tow 11,
I.vzniiKi: county disposed of one of her
jwauy lnurdcrevs yesterday, although tho
wretch ated in disposing of the case by
pleading guilty in tlio second degree. Xow
let them litiiry tho other 18 or 20 through In
Wlt.KKs n.uirtr. is carrying on a ritwulc
against cigar stoics that violate the law
against belling on Sunday. A crusado
against bber h-iloons that violate the law in
Schuylkill would do moto good than rcnioii--t
ran cos to the court at licence time.
A.NOiitr.u piescntation was made to the
llaitman last night, previous to their dc
raitttre from tlio nlmshotiso as oilicials
1 hereof. This time, huwevcr, the stentorian
oicc of Y. John Whitehoiiii:, pleading !'oi
i eform, was coupiciioiis by its absence.
It is tmfortmiatc that the vessel dopatebi d
l iy the Cubans iu this coiinliy to aid theii
-ti'iiggiing brethren in Cuba should hau
l.iuuilerod, as tlieloU a serious one and ,i
l.ftd Wow to tho cause. The vessel was an
old one, nnd ncodod a thorough overhauling'
before being bent to ton, which it did .,'llnt f
rccoivo. , ,;.
Tin; venerable V lederi. Vrnh-y, uo in
histmrdyottr, lias bemi.,,,,,,.,, j,n..ijout
of the National jlJi,,,, f 'j-ril,St-. now in
session at Yf1Jllgt()1( hy ., lMl,K vuU.. jj,..
l'ralcy ,,,,0 f piiilHiluijiIiia's inut dh
citizens and lias been active iu
''"dlVairs for a period longer than most nu n
Tin: Wilmington, Del., School Donnl had a
peculiar case to decide recently. A Hindoo
boy win admitted to one of the bt hools but
the parents of soma of tliaehildieii pretexted
to the llttvild, claiming lie hhould utlend the
schools for colnied ihililicn, lint the llitiid
decided ho was not a negio and had as much
right to attend a wliito school as an Italian
or any other foreigner.
Tin; icsoliitioii introduced by Senator
(Juay lit have the canals fioni New York to
l!,iltlmoro examined' by a board of
j .
otiginccis, with a mow tip their ptnchaso by
tlio govorninent, is yhc that hliould lo
promptly passed, and the machinery set in
motion to have' them transferred to the
government. The enlarging of thewi canals
-would nfl'ord all inland rasssgo lor war
vessels from New York lo Philadelphia and
Baltitnoio and add greatly to tho dofensoh
of all tlioo pkues, supplementing the plan of
fortifications already decided upon. Tlio
advantages of these water ways to commerce
would also be gieatiy incrensod and nflbid
inland transpoitattoti more than siililcient to
ly the cxpenws of operating and niaiiitaiii
ing thorn in good condition. The Senator
lias a broad and comprehensive scheme for
the ostalilishmcdt of an oxtensive system of
lanals to be paid for by an i mi case in cue
t una duties on certain kinds of inorchuudise,
which would also bo benefitted by tho pro
tection this increase would all'ord, Until
some means of materially Increasing the
icvcnuo Is adopted, however, thorc is not
much hopo for the consummation of the
Senator's plans
Tetter rotted Twenty Years Ago round
In Her OITlro.
CINCINNATI, .Inn. 'ao. United States
Postofllco Inspector W. T. Fletcher has
just completed a singular Inspection of tho
postofllco nt Georgetown, Ind., nntl pill It
In now hnnfls. This is n vlllngo "t WJ in
linliltnnta. Tim tinstnlHoo for moro thnll n
quarter of n century 1ms bcenndinlnlstorcd
1.-41 iri.n-c ii c,ii,,....i.i,.,,,1,.
3 I III I Jlllllll i IIIIU .",.)il
tor. Tho father died fifteen years ngn.nnd
tho daughter, Miss Louise Motwoiler.nnw !
fio years old, has been In charge over since.
Inspector Fletcher found tlio floor of tlio
office covered live foet deep with mnll, nntl
thoold postmistress hndlonosthrough tills
mnss of matter. Forty carloads tf news
papers, some doling buck to 1M8, wcro
dumped out where tho villages could pick
out their own iiinlV. Over 1.OO0 undcllv
ored letters with unbroken Mils, some of
them postmarked twenty en r ago,, wore
delivered. Miss Motweilor lived In the
same home of two rooms,' and htul for her
companions ten cnts.
To nursing mothers, Dr. Tierce's Favorite.
I'tvscription is priceless boon, for it not
only strengthens the mother, hot nlso pro
motes an ahimtlant secretion of nomishmeut
for the child. Tor those about to become
mothers, it is even more valuable for it
lessons the perils and pains of childbirth and
shortens labor. Of all dealer.
Ovarian, fibroid nuil other tumors cured
without resort to surgical operation. For
tamphlet, testimonials and rofeiences oud
10 cents (for ostago) to World's Dispensary
Morllcal Association, lltitlalo, N. Y.
Tho l'resldenlV Dnokllic; Trip.
Washington-, Jan. at) --I'roslilont Cleve
land, accompanied by Dr. O'HoUly.renchoil
V'llSllillgtou from hi brief shooting trip
to Qunntloo, on tho I'otomnc rlvor, nbotit,
f) o'clock last night. Tlio rpturn Journey
wna mndeon tho llghlhonso'ionder Mnplu
Caplnln Lninberton, of tho tender, joined
tlio president iu th" s,t irt ivliloli I00J5
place just off Qnnutlco, while Dr. O'lleilly
remained oji lioard. Tliivtoon dtteks ivcro
tho'reault'uf tiro day's sport.
' llnrneSl tin Hi-r Way tn Skate.
NVACK.X.Y., Jan. i)0. MUsKntlo Ptitg
g6rs, a well known young lndy tit Hlivtt
velt, N. Y., was burned to dentil wlillo on
her way to n skating pond. She was cross
ing n fiold on the way to tho pond, rind
wout through n fire among loaves which
lindbeen started by some boys. Her cloth
ing caught tlro.nud she was burned fatally
before tlio Unities wero '"ctlngulslicd. Hie
died nftcr much sulforiim.
Ituptlzed In the Catholic I'nlth.
ST. Joseph, Mo., Jnn. 3 ). -Hx-Uovcruor
Sllns AVoodson was yeutortlay baptized
into tho Human Catholic church. Tlio
ceremony wns performed by liiskop Hnrko
nnd Father Newman. Tho bishop has hnd
frequent talks with tlio ox-governor, who
is nenrltig the end of life, regarding this
step. Xouo of Mr. Woodson's family are
Catholics, nud his baptism has canned
much surprise.
Spotted fever iu u Com let Camp.
Four WoiiTll, Tox., J;im. 30. An epi
demic of spotted fuver is raging in tho con
vict camp near ltusk. 1'ivo convict guards
died ill one day, and others hnvo thrown
up their jobs and iled. A number of con
victs uro down w.t'i th fever and it i
feared ,tlii! contngi'ui will spread to the
city of Husk and surrounding country.
Puootn alv al ir,ml
Appears in n huiulr.d different
forme, such ns Hu i i ; Hi ires,
White BwellingB, 1 it 'lions,
Iioils, Pimples, Sals I.H-uni,
Scald Henil. 'tc. The o-ily
cure is in nitiKing Pure, Itich
,l3!d's barsaparilla makes
pure blood nnd has never L cti
equalled ns n cure for Hero'
Cases considered inctin ''I",
and given up by phys'enr.-.,
yield to its wonderful piii iiv
hig, vitalizing powers. ii t.
Ih tlio One True Blood. Buriller. f 1 j C for ?5.
Prepared only by C. 1. HoiVd ,V. Co.. Lowell, Slass,
I l if n;ll"ro (:nile, mild, cftec.
HOOd S PlllS live All dniBsUts. !5c.
Harper's Weekly
IN 1896.
HAltl'i:i:'H WUl Kl.Y i- a onroal for the
whole Country. H deals w lib the e cuts id the
world that are important to Americans.
In carrying out his poliey, in IS'.fi, Julian
ltaljih 1 1-ited riilua nod Japan, and journeed
thrruivti Hit. West lflelolrd 1 titvdhtir D.lvU took
! a trip through the Cariheaii Sea; tlio evolutions
01 ine new navy weie (tescrioeu aun uiusiraieii
by Itufu" I-', ogliuiim; p'rederie Itominiiton
pieseuted studies tif Army and frontier life;
Poullney Itif-clow attended the opening ot the
Kiel Canal.
In lh'Jfi like attention will be uivon every
notable lioiipeiunK. rne euici oem in on,
literature, and niosle and the drama will be
artistically presented. W. I. llowclls, In the
new tepartnieni, 1,110 ami i,3i,i,3iB, m mseuss
in his interesting way hooks and the social
questions 01 llie lime. I,. r. ,'uinuiK siiikoii
(rofslp of the BUBy World will be continued.
TIia r,smrr,.H4 of tilt TmilKOOrtatiOll (Commission
uroiimi tlio World will be followed, and Onsmr
W. Wllitnev svlll ooliiliiet the ilepirlineni 01
Amateur spon. , ,,.,,,
In ism will occur a Presidential election.
Its editorials and throliKh Its polltieal cortoons
thn WHHKI.Y will continue o he 1111 Independ
ent advfx'iite of good (o eminent and sound
In liutioii ilie Wl'.HKLY will be n.pociiilly
uti-ttixr. It elll linldtAh ttie oolv novel of the
year by W. U. Houelts, and a stirring serial of
a semi 11 let l. 10' s. u. 1 roeiieii. 1 no soon
stories selected nie ot luiosual excelleni and
inieresi llievery icspcci n 111,1.10.1
will maintain its leadlnir pl.ieo In the Illustrated
journalism of llie wot id.
The Volumes of the WKMKI.V bfln with
the rint number for Jauimrv of each year.
When no time Is mentioned, subscriptions
willlcHlnwmrtiiomimiitreiiirciu.nt me tune
of receipt of order.
Itemittancos should lie made by post olllcc
lminey.ordcr or tlraft, to avoid chance 01 loss
Newspapers arc not to copy this advertisement
without tho express order of Harper
- $4 00
- 00
- 4 00
- 2 00
Postage" free, to all subscriber In tl
'4'f4tatcs, Clanndaond Mexico,
In the United
S3 1 0cS
p. 0 Br n. y. city.
Closing Utiotatlnns of tlio New York nntl
1'lllladolplilu. Kxclmn-rcs.
New Yoiik, Jan. -V.--The speculative, move
ment In stocks today was not attended by any
news of a general bourlng. ami tho widest
fluctuations that wore, recorded were tin ex
plained, oxecpt In so far as nian
lnn'ntlon was concerned. Oloslnir bids:
P,a!lImo,ro $ nhlo.,'!
Del. & Hudson . ..123
Now Jersey Ccn.KU
N. V. Central US
J . ...
1'cmsylvanla 6:3
Krio lux;
Heading pu
St. I'nul u 4
V. N. V. A l'a . .. S,.
West Shore
Lake Krio & Y... SIH
Lohlgh Nav 41)4
Lehigh Vnlley 37
Clcuvral Mnikcls.
Pilli.AtiEl.ruiA, .(an. 89. Klour In light do
maud; winter super, S2.iK3,; do. extras,
$2.M)2.flO; Pennsylvania roller, clear, S3 2."a
8.40; do. do., straight, $3.10II.M! western
winter, clear, SfUOfl&tf.M. Wheat dull, ulth
with T2c. old and ,2Ho. asked for January.
Corn Inactive, wlthaic. bid and iBXo. nsked
for January. Oats quiet, weaker, with iiSo.
bid and 25)jc. asked for January. Hoy quiet
mid Arms choice timothy, fit). Heef steady.
Pork dull. Lard steady; western steam, $6.
Iluller Irregular; creamery, Winnie; factory,
vaHWc; Ultdns.lilc: Imitation creamer, 14
lTc; Now- York dairy, lll&iUo.; do. cream
ery, Keltic; l'onnsylvaniii and wostern
crenmcry prints, extra, ).'.; exceptional lots
higher; do. choice, lite.; do. fair to good, l"cii
18c.: prints lobbing at 2124c. Choose stcadj ;
large,7Mi)1c.; small, f?4l(i4c.; part skims.
8M''-i full skims, 3e. llggs wtmk; New
York and I'enusylvauia, UWdtllki.; ico house,
1 iiMic; western fresh, 15c.; southern, II
Live Stock Market.
Nt.w YmiK, Jan. a Keevua stnady, but
dull for cons nntl t'mmli: jinlivu steers, tl.lo.r
t.'t-t; Uhcrokoes, tpl.M, om'ii. V.luijl..V,; hiillt,. I , own. SI.Mlic,: ;.. XimU firm; poor1 1
to prune, 4-1 j-n.s-i, cxira prim'1, d p: ulir tar
western harnvarJ c.ihns sold nt Jl. jihm
nod lambs notice: ordinary to prime sheep, $ f"
r'4 1S)6; common to prime lamlw. i4.ft(l!i .." 1.
extra, $ liiii.itj'v. Ilo-js bandy steady; com
nmli to heavy choice, lljfht pigs Incln le i.
ifl Hk.tR.
liASTlariEnTV, I'a., Jan. 28. Cat'tlfe siend. .
prime, 1 1.404 UU; good liuK hcrs, $.1.;. 1,4.
rougbfat, $li(iau; bulls, cows andnta.g-4, $,..yi
JfJ.Stl. Hogs lower; prime ni'dlum weights,
Sl.WS.t.lil; light bogs and pigs, il.4li((.4..V:
heavy grades. $4.1l)Si.5n; roughs, tBOH. Sheep
toady; prime, f3.4t)aH.M; fair, $2.l8; com
mon, 81.75aS.aO; lambs, $336. Veal calves,
Vreo IHlls.
Send your address to II. K. llttcklen & Co..
Chicago, and gi t a free simple box of Dr.
Kinc's New Life Pill. A trial will convince I
you of their merits. These pills are easy in
action and arc paiticulaily ellcct vc in the
Malaria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to
he purely vegetable. They do not weaken
hy their action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate tho system.
Kcgular sire 25c per box. Sold by A. YYasloy,
'llie tstutari Accepts CukIh's Advice.
London, Jan. HO. Tho Constantinople
correspondent of Tlio Times says that al
though no delltilto agreement exists fot
the immediato or proximate Itusslan occu
pation of Armenia, it is certain that there
Is n privato understanding between litis
Ma and tho sultan whieli glvoi the suliau
conllilenco In Kussin's friendship and dis
poses him to conform to Husslau tidvlcoin.
mutters of foreign policy.
murdered nud Cremated,!
mciisiONii, ivy., .inn. : JQlu-istoplict
Jones was killed at his homja,nj. u0rre
uicii, 111 jacuson countyjjtwo ,iny.s ng0.
Jones' hotiso was lmryreil nud a cliarrcd
hotly, supposed tn Jihnt of Jones, wa
founiUn tlio aslioy- shotgun wads weic
fouud in the doyryal.,i. It i, believed Join
wns shot llrsJIhiltlu-iiflrewassctto 1
House, .inm ami juc Corncliui tiro su
pectcd offi10 cri,ne.
Town !Uarsbars Uriitnl Crime.
UltAMlo, Colo , Jan. 30. "Kid' Moort
"jfid Georw Ilritlges, wiio had been ordoml
iy Marshal Thompson to leave town 11 ml
did not go, were shot and killed in their
shanty on tho outskirts of tlio city by
Thompson nnd Officer Fmsblnder, The
ofllcers sny they shot tlio men in self de
fense, but us tholr victims never curried
firearms, other proceedings aw likely to
bo taken.
Defending Captain Ifealy.
SAN Fkancisoo, Jan. HO. At tlio court
martial of Captain Henly, of tlio revenue
cuttor Hear, II. O. Nice, gcuornl agent of
tlio Nortli American Commercial com
pany, nt Unalaska, Third Oltlesr Dllson,
of the whaling bteamer Mnry I). Hume,
nnd Dr. Hodkin, of tho Hair, were nil
called as witnesses, nnd testified strongly
in Healy's favor. Tlio specific charges of
drunkenness wore positively denied, nnd
it was explained that tho captain's fall
Into the water at Untilaska was simply an
unavoidable accident, and tlio witnesses
united in giving Captain Jlealy a general
good character. Captain Henly himself
denied tho charges against him, though
admitting tluyt ho drank a little on 001 tain
occasions mimed.
.". Trapper Sent t Jail.
Cape Ma, Jun. ."t. Charles Lloyd, of
Jlcllo Plain, tills county, pleaded guilty
lo unlawfully trapping two rnbbiti and a
pheasant, and was lined by Justice Shoo
maker, of Tuckahoe, too and costs, In de
fault of tho payment of which he was com
mitted to tho county jail for thirty dnys.
It is estimated that ho has caught and
bent to tlio Philadelphia market during
tho past four mouths 500 rabbits and it
thousand gumo birds of various kinds.
The Deadly l'oldlng Iled.
Fostoma, O., Jan. 30. A folding lied
closed up on Mrs H. K. Bohreor, wife of
tho traveling passenger agent of tho Ma
hllo unit Ohio, and her mother, Mrs. 1'.
Essclniun. Mr. Hohreor managed to kick
tho cud out of tho lied and cruwl out. She
Is fatally lnjurod. Mrs, Esselman will re
cover. I.uxowiuc; Norriitown's Police.
Noill'.lsTOWX, Pa., Jan. 30. Tho police
lommittoa of town couucll, Investigating
iJliargos against patrolmen, has suspended
Officer Charles V. Hoyer for giving a dis
orderly house police protection for a money
consideration, Tlireo other ollioers are
under tlio liro of tlio Loxowors.
Masonic Appeal for Pence.
Nashvillk, Tumi., Jnn, 1)0. At tho
inoetlng yostarday of tho grand lodge of
Teunosseo Masons an appeal to till Mnsous
throughout tho world lo lend thoir aid In
preserving peaoo and tivortiug war was
The Weather.
For onstcrn I'enusylvauia and Now Jer
sey ; Fair and slightly wanner light south
rly wluds.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds uud Iji
Grippe wheu Laxative Ilromo Quinine will
euro vou iii one dav. Put tin iu tablets con
venient for taking'. Guaranteed1 to cure, or
money rcfuiul-d. Price, 25 cents, i or sale
Muiiynn's Stomach mid Dyspepsia Cure,
cures nil forms of indigestion mid stomach
trottlilo such ns rising of food, distress after
enlitig, shortness of drouth, palpitation
and nil nffeetinns of the heart caused by indi
gestion, wind on the stomach, bad taste,
offensive breath, loss of nptiotito, faiutness
or weakness of the stomach, headache from
Indigestion, sorcuess of ih stomach, coated
tongue, heartburn, shouting pains of the
stomach, constipation, dizziness, faititness
and lack of energy. Price 85 cents.
Munyon's libeumfltism Cure seldom fails to
relieve In iiik'To three hours, and cures in a
few days. Price 8fi cents.
Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains
in the back, loins or groins and nil forms of
kidney diseases. Price 26c.
Munyon's Yitalier restores lost powers to
weak men. Trice, tl. 00.
Ask your druggist for frco copy of Mun
yon's (Initio to Health, and trout yourself at
home witli harmless remedies that contain
positive cures forall diseases.
Personal letters to Prof, Munyon, 1505
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answoied
with free medical advice for any disease.
The Vessel
Probably Sunk
by nu Agent
of Spain. '
Nr.w Yoiik, Jnn 80.--Unitod Stnlos Dis
trict Attorney MaoFnrlnnondinittod today
that, iu accordance with instructions from
AVttslilngton, tho ntithorltloshero had been
forsome timo Investigating tho doings of
tho Cuban revolutionists In this district.
"So far." ho snltl, "no warrants liavo been
igsued In tho case of tlio hteamer Haw
kins." The section of tho neutrality laws nppll
cnblo in tlio enso of tlio wrecked oxpedltiou
Is No. fi.SSO, which states: "Kvory person
within tho territory or jurisdiction of tho
United Stntos who begins, or sots on foot,
nr nrnvldns fnr n hwnnrne itionoci for nov
military expedition or enterprise from 1
thenco against any foreign prlnco or stnto !
Is deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor,
anil subject to a lino not exceeding S3,000
nun uireo years' imprisonment."
uisiricii vtrornov lunctf annuo saut itiar.w;!
It was for violating tho nbovo section that
Captain Hughes nnd tlio others on, alio
btoamor; Laurado wcro tried reoovftly nt
Charleston. Tho prisoners liithat enso,
however, wero not found givfify.
Under tho casualty nct'fif Juno 20, 1874,
which requires a to bo tilled within
Ilvo days by tho omar, agent or master of
i vory wrecked yosscl with the collector of
rustoins in tlf0 district to which such
vessel bcjisifpghose respon slblo for tho lo - s
of tlmiinvrkiiis can bo punished.
.0tip of tho Cuban leaders hero declares
yMliat tho sinking of the Hawkins was 1111-
iiouDteilly iluo to treachery. It is evident,
ho says, that there was a Spanish spy 011
tlio vessel, who caused tho leakage, as tho
Ilawklus was iu perfect condition when
leaving Haltimoro.
All l'rce.
Those who liavo used Dr. King's New Dis
covery know its value, and those who liavo
not, have now tlio opportunity to try it free.
Call on tho advertised druggist and get a
trial bottle, free. Send your uamo and
address to H, E. ISticklen & Co., Chicago, and
get a samplo box of Dr. King's New Lifo
Pills Free, ns well as a copy of Guide to
Health and Household Instructor, free. All
of which is guaranteed to do you good and
cost you nothing. A. Wnslcy's Drug btorc.
r,erliiuti'H Warning to Crespo.
HKItMX, Jnn. 30. A Keiiii-otflcul staNv
mcnt lias bo'ti published wa-ning Provi
dent Crespo, of Youe.tiela, that ho cannot
count upon the help of tlio UliitodtSiatos
lo enable him to shirk his obligation, sup
posing Germany tnkos measures til enforce
tho payment of the vail way ulnim. Tho
Mnnroo doctrine nunc, perhaps, be applied
lo territorial disputes, the statement says,
but it cannot L.' Invoked lo protect default
lug deljfor.s aj.uiist, tha chums of tho
ICimioii stales.
. Ituele Sam as it "Usurper."
L'iMi ), Jan. 30 Lord Salisbury and,
the Iitght- Hon. Mr. Chamberlain hiivo
biwi cousBlerlng the result of tho in
quiries Into the records bore, Hindi! oirbe
half of ilritlsh Coliunbin, which show that
tho United States lias no right, under tlio
Anglo-Russian treaty of 1825, to 3,000,003
noros of l(iit(l opposite Prinoo of Wales
Island, on tho Pacific const, which tho
United Stntos bus usurped sinoo buying
I'.ellef in Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New urojt
.South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account Of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidnoys, back and every pirt
of the urinary passages In malo or fciaalo.
It relievos retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you v,nnt
quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapiro, druggist, 107 South
Mu'p street.
A lllg Uepulillean Celebration.
Cleveland. Jan. 30. Tho celobration
by tho Tlppecauoo club In this city on Feb.
20 of tho fortieth u'nnlversnry of the found
ing ot tlio Republican party will bo, In
somo rospocts, n national affair. Tho
speakers will bo Hon. William MoKlnloy,
Governor Bushnell, Lieutenant Govornor
Jonos, Spoakor Sleepor ot tho state legis
lature, J. Sloat Fnssett of New York,
Govornor Bradley of Kentucky, Mayor
1'ingreo of Detroit, Senator Sherman, Son-ator-olcct
Foraker, Congressmen Burton
and Beach nnd Henry C. Hedges of Mans
field, O., who nttendod tho first Republi
can national convention In 185(1.
A Natal Cadet's Narrow Kscane.
Nkw Yok, Jnn. 'JO. A United States I
cadet, Georgo Cracy, assigned to tho Amor
lean line sloamtihlp fst. Louis, wns caught
by tho right leg yesterday In tho cogs of n
big wheel in tho St. Louis' engine room.
Tho leg was brokou in two places, nnd he
was suvod from Instant death by two com
rades. Under tho mall subsidy net under
which tlio St. Louis nnd St. Paul becatno
auxiliary cruisers of the Unltod States
navy it Is uocossary that each vessel carry
a naval cadotfor cnoh 1,01) tons. Craoy
was one of tlio twolvo cadets on the St.
Louis. '
Itucklen's Arnica Salve,
Tlio best salvo in tho world for cuU,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilhl, jius, corns, and
ull skin eruptions, and posiJMoly cures piles.
or no pay required. It k , .ranteed to give
perfect satlslactlon or r.'jjtsj,iunucu, rrice
85 cents per box. For A- Wasley.
But Fowlo Was Systematically
Bobbing His Employers,
Tlio i:mbc7.7.1er Kept n Cnrelol Monthly
Statement of the Amount of Ills Steal
ings, Which Wns l'ontid no Ills l'crson
When Arrested Confesses Ills flullt.
IloSTON, .Tnn. 00. Harry M. Fowlo,
hitherto n valued mid trusted clerk for tho
Shcpard & Morse Lumber company, wns
nrrosted ynsterdny, nud It Is expected tho
charges of forgery nntl ombezzloment pre
ferred ngnlnst him will nggrognto $50,000.
Fowlo is pronounced by tho export officers
nt pollen liondqunrters ns ouo of tlio most
clovor manipulators of figures brought to
tholr attention for n long time. For years
lie has lived In luxury, but It ivppoarsthnt
his first downward steps wore tnkon In
October, 1893.
On Fowlo's person wns fouud (SO in
cash, n, loaded royolvor nnd two envelopes,
on one of which ho had written: "IMvnto
memorandum, Ilnrry M. Fowlo, To bo
burned unopened In caso of death." This
lod Chief 'Vntts to bcliovo that Fowlo
would hnvo shot himself when tvrrestod
had ho hnd tho opportunity or inclination.
In the envelopes wore found ft dctnilod
list of clieoks mid cash which ho had taken
from his unsuspicious omployors. Tho
total amount wns $17,013.
Hero Is his monthly statement: June,
'91, i,;KK; August, '91. $1,888; Novomber,
'1)1, $2,3:13; December, '91, and Jnnunry, '1)5,
SS,177; February, '03, ?1,018; March, '05.
$2,811; May, '05, 3,703; June, '05, S'.137;
July, '90, a,3Jl; August, '05, $3,001, Sep
tember, '05, 2,5S0; October, '05, S2.621;
Novomber.'Oo, 82,003; DecomberOo; $3,000.
Tho cash sums which ho cmbezziod
varied from 60 tofoOOper inontli, or about
$5,000 In nil. This will 1)0 n total loss to
tho company, wliilooutlio other hand tho
bunks will loso tho greater part of the
forged amounts. Tlioso banks tiro located
nil over tho country, nud tlicro tiro 60
many of thorn that no ouo will sustain a
heavy loss.
As ledger clork for tho firm ho handled
checks in lariro iiinnlmrs. nnd in thonb-
senco of tho- cashier tho cash receipts,
which ns a rulo wero paid In checks on
bnnks,.r-ilo was shrewd enough to credit
customers on tho ledger,
although checks
did not appear on tho cash books. Fowlo
is also charged with stamping checks with
tho company's stump and forging II. B.
Slicpard's signature.
Fowlo opened an account nt tho Old
Colony Trust company, depositing his
checks there, somo checks needing indorse
ments being cashed through other banks.
An indorsed check presented nt a bank
wlicro tho firm had no account led to in
quiries. Ho had no bad habits, but lived
better than his $1,000 salary would allow.
Fowlo was very cool at first, but finally
Dubuquo City Oillclills Indicted.
DUHUQUE, In., Jan. BO. This city has
boon excited for tlio hut two weeks over
tho grand jury Investigation ordered by
Judgo Hustcd into alleged salary grabs by
members of tlio city council. Ycstordoy
tho grand jury reported. Mayor Ollnger
was Indicted for taking ?o00 f or sorvices on
tho board of health when his salary was
nlready nt tho logal limit, $1,500. Alder
111011 llnlpin, Cullen, Sliea, Crawford,
"Vogler, Scliulto, Kaufmann and Bauer
wero Indicted for voting on tho quostion
of their own snlarles, contrary to the city
charter. Aldermen Bonson and Ryder,
who voted against tin increase, were tlio
onlv members of tho council not Indicted.
Many merchants are well awaro that their
customers aro their best mends and take
pleasure in supplying them with tlio best
goods obtainable. As an instance we men
tion Perry & Camcroil, prominent druggists
of Flushing, Michigan, They say: "We
havo 110 hesitation in recommending Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy to our customers,
as it is tho best cough medicino wo havo
over sold, and always gives satisfaction."
For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottlo by
Gruhlcr Bros., druggists.
llouud and (lagged by llurglars,
ALTOOKA, Ph., Jan. 30. A sensational
robbery occurred hero Tuosday night. Two
men entered tho home of John Bookhnm
mor, bound and gagged Mrs. Bookham
mcr, and then ransacked tlio house, but
only secured $5 for their trouble. Mrs.
Bookhammbr was discovered by hor bon
on his roturn homo. Sho was unconscious,
but was soon revived. Tho police aro look
lug for her asstiilnuts,
Tragedy In 11 1'iison Cell.
Spokane, Vnsh., Jan. 30. Adolph
Kiose, who was held, with his wife, In tho
Jail at Colvlllo for murder, having beaton
tl,M(. liftln lmi trwlnM, it'lrt. n ol.,K
Ills wifo's throat with an old razeTrMuii
men lusown. no is ucau nntl sho will die.
"Absolutely Unfounded."
St. Petkiisiiui.It, Jan. 30. A semi
official announcement has been given out
hero that tho reports that a partition of
Turkey Is contemplated, or that an nlll
unco has been funned between Russia and
Turkey, are absolutely unfounded.
Not a few who road what Mr, Robert
Rowls, of Hollands, Va., has to say below,
will remember their own exporienco under
liko circumstances, "Last winter I had la
grippe which left 1110 in a low state of health.
I tried numerous remcdioji, nono of which
did me any good, until I was induced to try
a bottlo of Chamhorlain's Cough Remedy,
Tlio first bottlo of it so far relioved me that
I was enabled to attend to my work, and the
second bottle cfl'ected a cure." For salo ut
25 and 50 conts per bottlo by Gruhlcr Bros,,
Coming Uvents.
Feb. 17. First aunual ball, Patriotic Drum
Corps, Bobbins' opera house Schoppc
Feb. 20. Supper, anil entertainment under
the auspices of Council No, 81, Daughters of
Liberty, in Robblus' hall.
For a juiin in the chost a piece of flannel
dampened with Chamborhilu's Pain Balm
and bound on over tlio seat of tho pain, and
unotlicr on tho back between tho shoulders,
will afford prompt relief. This is especially
valuable in cases where tho pain is caused
by a cold nnd there Is a tendency toward
pneumonia. For salo hy Gruhlcr Bros.,
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that tho
name Lessio & Bake, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack,
Will Not PerformMiracles
But It Will Cure.
euros nervous prostration. Not mi
raculously, but scientifically, by first
removing tho gonns of disease, and thon
supplying healthy ncrvo food, increasing
the appetite, helping dlgostlon and strength
ening tho entire system. Dosperato cases
roqulro prolonged treatment as shown hjr
that or Mrs, M. 11. Ilecil, of Delta, Iowa, V'fck
writes: "As tho resultof allghtnlngbt','ol:L'
the physicians said I had a light strViko of
paralysis, my limbs would all drajup. I
Dr. Miles'
would have tUrolibings
in my chest thSSf'eemed
unendurable, lypr thrco
months I couldaot sleep
and for thro weeks did
not close .ri; eyes. I
Draved loiwsleen. and
felt that it relief did not conyl I would bo
dead or insane. I took Dr. ifiles' Hcstora
tlvo Nervine and tho second night slept two
hours and from that time on my health im
proved; slowly at first, but sti adily and
surely. I took in all 40 bottles, and I cannot
oxpress how grateful I am, for I am now
perfectly well, and havo taken no medicine
for over four months." Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno
is sold by druggists on guarantee that first
bottlo benefits or money refunded.
Book on heart and nerves free. Dr. Miles
Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
The Backus Water Motoi
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best in the World for Driving;
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
,lt never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
1. ..i ;fi
It requires no fuel.
needs no engineer.
There Is no II lav; 110 III flip- tip; no ashes to
clean atvuy; KM''ru insurance to pays 110 re
pairing iiecefjJY no tout bills tojiay, and I U
nlwnts reai TJ; use It is invaloi'l'lo for
tdoyvlr.g CliJ St'l",. fl,r running Printing
Presses, 'S jlmuiehlnos. Turning Lathe,
ricroll .s,iJf..inil Ktooes, t'oftee Mills, Sausiure
MachlncrvCed Cutters, Corn Mills, Hlevutors,
Ktc. Pour-horse power nt to pounds pressure ot
wuterf it Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady,
aiu" abot o nil
Price, $15. to $300.
Send for circular to the IlncUus Wntef J
Co.. Newnrk. N. J.. stating paper ylou
advertisement i iy"
We also manufacture Patent Roj'-'
and Exhaust Fans. f
Send for Special Catalogue,
iluvaluable in Office, School, and Home
Successor of the
Standard of the J
I', b. (iov't I'rinr
vjmw, iiiu . ' :
Sunrcme Court, and '
of nearly all the;
AVnrmlv com
mended by State ,
Bituorlntendents ,
of Schools, and,
other Educators ai
riest without uum-
' It Is easv tn find IIia unrd wanted.
, ui ue are wren inwr correct Ripuaueucai place., j
It is easy to ascertain the pronunciation. '
Ttia ; pronunciation la shown by the ordtnarydlft-1
i viutcaur inarsea tellers used la uie bcdooiuooss.
i It Is easy to trace the growth of a word.
insi are uiren in the onlnr nf their deTeloDinent. .
, 11 is easy to learn what a word means.
'IhedeflnltioDs are clear, explicit, and fnll.M
each li conutaed In a separate paragraph.
C. MRUKIAM CO., Fubllshera,
lugueia, Mass.,
a pace, etc, sent on applleatlon.
1 4
hy Kirllu's Pharmacy
yg 6tore,
' wins;
tap. Ulibi.
V is.
m tit.
1" MIT
It ML.
make a spot tfvufji