The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 29, 1896, Image 2

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IWTAlll.lSlir.l) 1870.
Published ever y livening, Uicept Sunday, ot
the Herald ts deliveicd liiHhennnnonn mid the
unrounding towns fnrstx i-cnta u week, pn
able to the carriers, liy mail 8100 a year, or 3S
cents a mouth, payable In mlviinuo. Ad-ertlso-monU
charged uucordliiK tu spave and position.
The. nubllnhers mrrvis tho rlnht to change the
position of ndiertlsoincnts whenever tho puli
Hontloii ot news demands It. Tho rluht la
rcdorvcd to reject any nd ertlscment, whether
uu lor or not. mat uic puuucuera may ueeiu
mproiier. AiUertlidng rates modo known
upon application.
Aaterod nt the powtnnloo at Shenandoah, Pa., as
second claw mall matter.
Evening Herald
vi:n.Nr.snAY, januaky 20, ibogC
To t he Kepubllenn elector of Pennsylvania:
'MieltepiililicnilK of Pennsylvania, liy their duly
fhoaen representatives, will meet In State con
simtlou Thursday, April 'J8, IBflfi, at 10 o'clock
n. iu., In the opera house, city of llHrrisliurit, for
the pnrHMie of nominating two candidate, for
rcprenentatlve at-largc In (Jongrons and thirty
tiro candidate for Presidential elector, the
eeteetlon of ciKht doleR-atcs-at largo U the H
infhllcau National convention, anil for the
miiMtctinn ot such other business ns may lie
Uy order of the State Committee.
51. g. QCAY,
Attest: ,1mtK II. Kmc, Chairman.
W. It Aniirbwh, .Heerftavlcji.
m r.tvABi) Habtman retires from tlio alms
lmhr tu-morrow, That Whltelioitsc-llart-n
investigation, however, is still In a state
el innocuous desuetude.
l vKiiviNii an American heiress Is not
gold mill sunshine. It is
ftunounced that ,
luring the remainder of his honeymoon tho
Htiko of Marlborough will be under tho gaze
l his mother-in-law, whilo the Duehoss must
nfl'er the presence of her step-father.
Thk large patronage accorded the school
library is the host endorsement of their
'ourse in maintaining and improving it Hint
our SSoliool Directors could receive. It is also
gratifying thnt tho table for reading is on the
ncrcase, and its elevating influence will
Tork for tho good of tho wholo community.
Wi: aro pleased to welcomo to our town
'!ounty Auditor Thomas K. S.imuels, who has
shaken the dust of llahauoy City from his
feet and casts his fortune with tho people of
lip largest town in the county. Shenandoah
seeds a few more enterprising citizens like
Mr. SaniueN.
Tiik next two weeks piomiso to lie; lively
nespolitically, and from now until election
iay, which occurs on Kebruary un
smally inciting borough campaign may he
evpoctcd. So far the moves made by our
fiemocratic friends m the political ches
sourd have been fruitless, but they bae one
or two last eaids yet to play, and tin " the
altle will bp an open ono.
Somk of tlie virtuous doseeudents of the ,
Plollaml Duti'bmen who settled in New York
are (urning up tlu ir noses nt the mention of
'lie name of old lieu franklin. It is said
1 tu nosen ot soiiK- uf titc mule virtuous ones
ivc assumed a permanent retrousse tuUt.
Vecause uf the uiurttl iloliurpicncies of the
penial old philosophic and patriot. It i
latlu'rn late day. to be sure, but when the
I''1 "o back in their historical researches and
viw no. ;
Thoso iS'"' history of King David it is doubtful j
of tho in.-Uer tlu ir virtuous" eyes will not a- -ume I
?mvflt"tra','l',"'c t'U1'' "' 8r(M" warrior's fall-
M.ykiok KAWi'oitD writosentortaitigly, in
the Kehruaiy Century, of l'opo Leo XIII as
follows: " s a statesman his abilities arc
wdniitted to be of the hishost order ; as ft
scholar he in uiiilUputedly ono of tho first
Latinists of our time, and one of the most
accomplished writers in Latin nnd "Italian
prose and verse ; as a man he posct:.(i the
hiinplieily of clianieter which almost always
nceomiauius greatness, together with u
healthy sobilety of temper, habit, and in
dividual taste rarely found in those beings
whom we might well call 'motors' among
It is put the comprehension of a lauds
man how shins like the St. Paul and
Campania could get 111 miles out of their
reckoning, as it appears was tho case. Tho
officials of the Outlaid lino deny that tho
latter was on the suuds, but the lifo saving
officials assert positively that sho was stuck
for Iialf uu hour. However that may be, it
is admitted she was within sight of tho St.
Paul. That not being disputed sho, too, was
far out of her leoktuiing. How it could
occur ptiiwlos those not familiar with marine
matters, and thu fact that both vosels were
near eueh other roakos it appear to be due to
some oilier cause than negligence of the
Susan II. Anthony doclatos that the efforts
of tho woman sulTmgiiU aro to bo directed to
Pennsylvania this yoar. We had thought that
now the Combino wasdoiioforandthoDouio-
rraU almost annihilated, wc could all devote
our attention to making tho election of the
Republican taii'llflsle for I'rcsideut tinan
imous, but this declaration of the venerable
Susan Is a sorious matter. As it is ungallant
to fight with ladles, wo are evidently likely
to bo In hot water if this threat should be
carried out with anything like unanimity.
It Will Cost Highly Millions to l'nt Tliem
In 1'ropcr Condition
Washington, Jnn. 29. Major General
Kelson A Mllos, boforo tlio committee on
const defenses yostorday, mndo it state
ment ot tho condition of tho const defenses
on bo ll tho Atlantic nuil Pacific counts
and GulC of Mexico. Ho stated that tho
guns now mounted nt Savnnnnh, Charles
ton mtl other ports tiro smooth bore of
obsolete patterns nnd uselo-ts, nnd nro
mounted on rotten carriages. Tho only
places where provision has liocn ntado for
nn.v conslderitblo defense nro New York,
San FroncUco and Hostou, and defenses
at tlieso places are entirely Inadequate nud
Insufficient. Ho sold that our cities arc
open to nttnek by nuy country having n
largo nary, and Hint It would tako years
to rrcate tho necessary arnininent. Ho es
timated tliai tho ontlro cost of coast de
fenses for adequate protection of tho coun
try would lie about ?SO,OOJ,0.)0 for forilfleiv
tlons and guns,
St. Paul fitlll Held Pnst.
TjOKO IlitANCIt, .Tun. Sifl. Tho first ronl
effort to float the St. Paul will commence
about midnight tonight. At or nboutthnt
hour the strain on thu kodge anchors will
bo Increased overy pound tho onblis can
stand. Tho tugs will haul on tho other
endsofthe kodge lines, nnd will aid In
everyway. Tlio spring tldo will occur at
2:30 n. in., nnd It Is then tho wrcokers
hope to eo tho St. Vkl llontoff. There Is
now about seven foot of gaud nbout tho
dhlp. Tlio wreckers say the St. Paul is as
secure as If she was in n dry dock, mid has
not 0ustnined tho slightest damage. In
oMe the big ship does not lloat In the
morning there is cotisidornblo doubt as to
when she will shoot clour of thu stiud.
Thurston Versus Oresliani,
CHICAGO, Jnn. 89. "Lorln A. Thurston
begged Socrotry (Jreslmm not to forward
his letter of recall to Honolulu," said K
M. Lnndls, who was the private socretary
of tho dead seorotnry of stite. Sir. Landls
retnrnetl to Chtoniro vesterdnv. no had
received tho charges of Mr. Thurston
against Mr. Grcshnm and Mr. Cleveland.
"Long prior to tho recall of Thurston," ho
continued, "It was known that ho was
maintaining in tho Hawaiian legation at
AYiihhiugton a press bureau, tho objpet of
which was to secure tlio publication of
jnntternbuslvo totheadmlnlstriitlon.Some
of this rarao from Mr. Hatch, who Is now
the minister to this country. As I under
stand It, Hatch himself prepared tho innt
tor, and it wns forwarded to Thurston.
Denouncing Minister Terrell,
ALTOOSA, Ills , .Inn. Lt. Y. L. Fnchtlo
ben, tho American cyclist sent to Asia
Minor to search for Frank Ijonz, the mis
Ing Pittsburg wheelman, has written a
letter to his father In this city. The young
American Is still at Krzoroum. and takes
occqbIou in his lottcr to strongly condemn
Mr. Terrell, tho Uultod Statos minister nt
Constantinople, for his refusal to assist in
tho capture and prosecution of tho mur
derers of Ijoiiz. Among tho twelve men
locked up for tho inurd r of Lenz were
four Armenians, buronlj i bo Kurds were
released by tho rioter-, d uing tho Hr.o
roum massacre. Mr S.:e,itloln says his
nttcinpts to bring i In' iimrdcrers of Lenz
to lustlee lirmnUi- .'i.i,rhut fl!lll1.
Aro inseparably connected. Tho for
mer depend Bimply, Bolely, solidly
upon tho latter. If it is pure they aro
properly fed and there is no " nervous
ness." It it is impure they are fed on
refuse, therofore cannot be strong and
healthy, and tho horrors of nervous
prostration result. Tho only sensible
way to euro 1b: Feed tho nervos on
puro blood. Mako pure rich, red
blood and keep it puro,
by taking
The Ono Truo Blood Purifier. ?1 ; 0 for $&
FTenared only by C. I. Iloud A Co., Lowell, Mais.
T T -J J TT: 1 1 cum tllloiiiiie (nut
Harper's Weekly
IN 1896.
HAlll'KH'Pi WIS! KI.V l- jiinili.ll fill' the
whole country. Itdi ..h wn'i ihe ii-nts of the
"world tlmt an' imiiortuiit t.t Aim-rli-inis.
In carryiiiK out his polii'), iu 1 '., Julian
ltalpll vi.ilrtl Cliliia and J.-ijuu, and jounei'il
tliroueh tho West; liiclj.ii it Hauling li.wistook
u trip tlirouRh the fiiriliean Ht'n ; the evolutions
of the now navy wcm iIimciIIumI and illustnitrd
liy Ilufui F. XiiKballln j I irdrric ItemiliKton
prc-M'iiti'd studies of Army ;iml I'ronth'r life;
rniiltiu lligi-low ultrndi ii tin- opining of tile
Kiel ( annl
III i6fi liki 'attention will lie kIvcii to orry
notnlili- happiuiiig. Tlii- thief event in art,
lltimture. and music and the dninm w ill bo
artistically pioM-nti-d. W. 1. Mlmvclls, In the
now Uutniitinont, J.H8 ana L,eiieru, win uikibs
, ' ,L i'!.7i'wVhmrn,!t' 5 Mrtl!?s inrlEhtlv
nutloior the time. I.. S. Mrtbi s sprh, tu
Thu proarww ot tlioTnomwitatlon Oonunlnslon
cosHin ol luo Busy wuwu win n- inmuni,
nrouud tlie worm will no innow-cn, nun isjuir
. Wliltiwy will cnniiuil ine u'li.iriiiieiu in
Amntfiiir Snort.
In lfWfl will ooeiir a I'mildt-iitlsl (-taction. In
Its editorial ami through IU plitil uurtoonx
thoAVEISKl.Y will wulluiu- to lie an Independ
ent advocate ol troou trowriuut'iti anu Hoium
Illfktlon the WHKKI.Y will be especially
stroiiR. It will imlilUh tin' only novo) nt the
year hv AV. I. IIohHIi., and a Htirring serial of
ars-otob feud. In S II. froofcett. The slim!
storft seloeted an- of iiuunual eiceltoucc and
lntrrt. Juvvur k-i.ih-.iI II A Itl'lilfH WHKKI.Y
vJII maintain Itx h-uiiinir plaio iu Ihe ilbwl rated
jtainuilliini of llu world.
Vbe Volumes of the tfiaeivhY begin wltli
the first nuuilier lor Juuuiury of eiuili year
When mi time is iiit-iitloueii, aubwiHiitious
will begin with tlw niimtiereiirreiitnt the time
of receTnt of order.
llemitiftnce should In- inwle by iit oflke
money ordor or draft, to uvoid elwnee of lo
Newspapers are not tiM'iip.i this ttdverlisement
without the cxprcN order tf f lluriH-r &
- H 00
- 4 00
- 4 00
- 2 00
Tosloge free tn all miliscrilicrs In thr United
State t'liunda and Mexico.
P. 0 Bor ?5 H. T. City.
rk a
Closing Quotations of the New York nnd
Philadelphia, Hxrliaugc.
New Yoiik, Jan. .8. Irregularity was tho
main feature of tlio In stocks to
day, A firm undertone was In evidence, how
ever, throughout. Closing bids:
Ilaltimore m Ohio I3i -Now Jcrsoy Cen-.103)i
Del. Hudson 1USK
I)., Li. & V
Erie - 15
Lake Erie W Sli
Lehigh Nav t 4
Lehigh Valley 37i,
N. V. Central B7
Pennsylvania..'.... 6JJ4
at. Paul 7a
W. ff Y. Ia... 3M
West rjlioro
(lenernl Markets.
Pitn.Annt.ruiA. Jan. 2d. u'lour, firm; wln
ter super, &J.4ii($:..iu; do. extras, H.iMtisiM;
Pennsylvania roller, clear. S- 'i'"iSAQ; do. do.,
stralunt, $J.4(9.J.."m; westorn winter, clear,
$3.yoV).50. Wueat dull, steady, with 8ic. bid
and WHcaskcil for January. Corn dull, loner,
with 'U)ic. bid and 31c. assed lor January.
Oats quiet, steady, with 2oc. hid nnd a'jjc.
asked for January, ilay llrm; olioloe tim
othy. 818. Heef steady. I'ork firm: mess,; fnmlly. $11. short clear, Sll..Ui
K.5t). Lard dun, lower: western stoam, Jtl.US.
llutter steady: western creamury, lAlc;
factury. It 13c; Eiglns. 21c. Imitation creHiif
cry, $l(3tl"c.; New York dairy, lllisWc; do.
creamery, H19c.; I'euust Ivauia and west
ern prints, strictly fancy, 2u.; do. choice,
19o. i do. fair to good, 15J.8o.: prints looblng
nt Mfcllo. Cheese llrtn; .Nvw York large,
7MlUHc; Binall fancy, TaHc; part
skims, JMiic.i full skims, 2jil Ems weak;
New Vorkand I'enusylvanla, lflHI'He.; lue
house, Ui 4U)4(:.; western fresli, luMu.;
bouthern, 154'aitio.
Uve Htock Jlurliet.
Nnw YonK, Jan. ). Cables quote Ameri
can steers slow at 9JUHo., dressed n eight; re
friRerator beef at 7K8He. Yeals llrm at
JiVgilO; barnyard calves nomlml at $'itfcl.M.
Bboep and lambs actlvu nnd higher; medium
to choice sheep, S.K3.I.2U; common to prime
lambs, SISh.a7)j. Hogs nominally higher ut
EASTLtuRUTV.I'a., Jnn.SS. CattlestronBer:
prime, SI.4oM.); good butchers. 83.7iffl4:
rotiKb fat, $aifJ ixi; hulls, cows and stafrs, $1..V)
IM.aO. Hogs active; Yorkers And pigs, $l.fu'i&
4.UU; lieavy hogs. SI I'i!.". roughs, $6.i,H
4.a. Sheep n shade higher: prime, $a.4K&I.Mi;
fair, Sii&ii: coinmon, $."o'ia; lambs, HA
4.75. Veal calves, $S03G.3'i.
Not a few who read what Mr. Robert
Howls, of Hollands, Ya., has to Bay lielow,
will remember their own oxijrieiieo under
like circumstances. "Last winter I had la
grippe which left inc in a low state of health.
I tried numerous remedies, nono of which
did me any good, until I was induced to try
a hottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Itcmcdy.
Tho first bottlo of it so far relieved mo that
I wns enabled to attend to my work, and tho
second bottlo effected a cure." For salo nt
25 and 50 cents per bottlo byGruhlor Ilros.,
Coining Kvcnts.
Feb. 1". First annual ball, Patriotic Drum
Corps, Kobbins' opera house Schoppe
Feb. 20. Supper and entertainment under
tho auspices of Council No. 81, Daughters of
Liberty, in Kobbins' hall.
For a pain in tho chest a piece of flannel
dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Halm
and bound on over tho scat of tho pain, and
another on tho back between the shoulders,
will afford prompt relief. This is especially
valuablo in capes where tho pain is caused
by a cold nnd there is n tendency toward
pneumonia. For sale by Ornhler Ilros.,
Abject Mlsevy ill Now l'ouudlnnd.
St. John's, N. F Jan. 211. Tho abject
misery of tho people cannot bo expressed.
Hundreds aro starving and without fuel,
whilo sovero snow storms aro raging. Tho
authorities appear to bo powerless to af
ford relief. The unemployed aro quiet,
but it is feared hat they will not remain
passive much longer. A petition for work
is being utimorously signed. It is reported
that tho governor is preparing n scheme
which will provide employment within
tho next week.
TIlO rfl tlllK ItC'C'tUK-ltl'd.
JcitEY City, Jon. L"0. It is stated on
excellent authority that Mrs. William
Astor, Mrs. Coleman Drayton's mother,
has ellected a reconciliation between her
nnd her husband. The estrangement be
tween J. Coleman Drayton und his wifo
lias existed for throo years, and was duo
to a suspicion of improper behavior of
Mrs. Drayton with H. Allsop Uorrowo,
with whom Mr. Drayton sought to fight a
duel iu 1( ranee.
llucltlcn's. Arnica Salvo.
The best salve in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt Theum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, cuius, and
nil skin eruptions, and positively cuics piles,
or no payiemiired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or moiiy refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For ea'e hv A. asloy.
Illinois lEi'puniiiutns tor Ajvlvlnley.
Sl'ltlNUFlKtn. flls.. Jan. UH. -Tho Uu
publican "love feast" held In Ilepreheiitn
lives' Hull yesterday was very largely at
bonded, about S0J Hepiiblicans being pros
,nt. Though no residutlous of any chur
jcter were adopted, tho ineotlngwns pro
Binluently In favor ot MoKlnley.
To nursing mothers, Dr. Pierce's Favorito
Prescription is priceless boon, for it nut
only strengthens tho trnthor, but also pro
motes an abundant secretion of nourishment
for the child. For those about to become
mothers, it is oven mnro valuablo for it
lessens tho perils and pains of childbirth and
shortens labor. Of all dcalors.
Ovnri:in. fibroid and other tumors cured
without resort to surgical operation, l-or
l"mphlct. testimonials and references send
i ,,, tn world's DNncnsarv
. t
Medical Association, iiuuuio, i . .
Death I.iit Nuiiiliers 1'irty-slx.
CAltDIFF, Wales, Jan. 21.). Tho oxplora
tlon of the coal inine mir Tylorstown,
which wns wrooked rfn Monday, has been
completed, and it is found that tho total
number of,k!lled amounts tojlfty-slx.
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and Xow Jer
sey! Kulr; light vtoetorly to southerly
Tho Iowa legislature is flooded with pe
titions asking that tho ago of consent bo
Tho numerous olectrio railroads in
northern Qhio lire causing reduced fnros
on the steam roiuts.
UotienU Alfred Ittiker Smith, well known
as itsoldloru'"! lawyer, dropped tlpod whilo
loading ft pruyor meet ing in rougijuoepslo,
N. V lust night
Sir William Vernon Hnrcourt, liberal
leader In tho Ilritish parliament, has Issued
n summons to his followers to meet at tho
oponlugof parliament.
Colonol A T Harris, for years a leading
tharootcr In ItepuiJllcnn politics in tioorgln,
filed yosserday at Atlantn. When Goorgla
was andor mllluiry rule he roorganlied
the leglslatni-r. J
rry j . j Jjocx - ... y .i tjy
"I'SK IN IOtr.1, llONKTI" j
1 Pancake
I Flour.
, A combination of tlio great staff.s t
of life WHEAT, CORN nnd RICE.
A irronpr wlmnlTersvou an v oilier cot-
ft ored naekaire than liVcl vrhtn youakt
Sfortho Genuine Aunt Jemima Is try-2
S in to deceive you, and if he deceives
you in this matter he mnyinyourac-r
counts. Remember the Red package. S
c Beware of counterfeits. C
Itur n pnckiMre of Oenutn AHtit Jpmtmff'N
Pt-lf ilMnn l atH'iiko Klotir, Aiitl it y.a do I
not ihi.l tt ntUfr tlie lnt cakes ym Ter ate, C
in tin i) inc (miiTy uoxhi jour jrmwr, leave k
torn miiiH', ami th grocer
vr wiu rviuiiu nn f
W SolfHitlfr'iHyrroiArcKlattd 4
ft Uft'tiUaetured uuly by Q
. R.T DAVIShllLLGQ.,St. Joseph, Mo.
A l'rtireailnnnl Suliiirbnit liurglnr.
New Yoiik, Jan. SO. Andrew J. Andor
sqn, tho prisoner held at polloe headquiir
te'rs for robbing tho housoa of James L.
Kernoohau, In Hempstoad, L. I., und of J.
1?. Oakos, iu Slammltroneok, isbollevod by
Acting Captain O'Urlon, to be a profes
sional suburban burglar. The detoetivos
have not been nblo as j-Bt to fix upon him
tho guilt of tnese two crimes, but thoy are
oonlldelit they will succeed lioforo long.
Ho is n Chicago criminal, and the police
of that city havo been notified of his cap
ture horo. The detectives say ho has prob
ably boen of that raro class ot expert crimi
nals who do nothing In tho cities, whore
the pollco nro export and vigilant, but
systematically rob country houses.
All I'rec.
TI106C who have used Dr. King's Xow His
covory know its value, and those who liavo
not, have now tho opportunity to try it free.
Call 011 tho advertised druggist and gef a
trial bottlo. free. Send your name und
ndilrcss to H. K. Ilucklen & Co., Chicago, and
get a sample box of Dr. King's Now Life
Pills Free, as. well as a copy of Otiido to
Health and Household Instructor, free. All
of wlich is guaranteed to do you good and
cost you nothing. A. Wnsley's Drug Store.
A lniiglnr "Iti moves Temptation."
WKI.L KlT Xdb., SKI. Mrs. June
Houston, n bunk president's wite, lost dia
monds and uiii'jr jewelry Monday librbt
valuod.ut ?V).000. Mort Greon, whom tin
authorities wore slnulowiiig as udang-r-otn
suspect, droppod Into tho Krco Mrth
mlist revival meeting just In tlmo tf hear
Mrs. Houston explaining, In giving In-r
"e.xperiiMieo,'' that sins had jtrst dUcanled
her diamiiid nnd other jewelry, since sin
thought It ungodly hi wear them. She
said she left till of her finery on herdros.for.
fcireen, it Is said,, left tho ch'troh, broke
into tho Houston rosldenco and found
that sho had told tho truth. Ho took
everything in sight, and left a noto Haying
he was glad ho could remove toiuptittion
from tho good woman.
Free rills.
Send your address to H. E. Ilucklen & Co.,
Chicago, nnd get a frco sample box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince
you of their merits. These pills are easy in
action and are particularly effective in tlio
cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They aro guaranteed to
he purely ogetanlo. Thoy do not wenKen
by their action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate tho system,
liegular size Mr per box. Sold by A. Wasley,
For Issuing Fraudulent Iteeelpts.
IjOCISVILi.k, .Tun. 20. Tho grand jury
returned a true bill against Philip Wat
son, thu bookkociier of tho Holle 'if Jolson
Distilling company and the Bartley-John-son
company, for complicity in issuing
duplicate warobousu roc dpi sio tho amount
of tlitl.uOO. Watsjii had complete obargo
of the bo.ik of the wroekoil company.
When anvstJil lie protoste.l his innocence
of any omplicity In tho urimo. Tho latest
reports ouiviorniug -Mr. David Hartloy, the
partner who dl-iappj'iirod tho day before
tin- llrm s assignment, is that he is now in
M.'.ieu. Ho 1ms written from there, and
Is mild to havo assumed all responsibility
lor tii issuance ot tlio receipts.
Muny uieichauts are well aware that their
customers aio thoir best friends and tako
pleasure iu supplying them with the best
goods obtainable. Ab an instanco wo men
tion Perry & Cameron, prominent druggists
of Flushing, Michigan, They say: "Wo
have no hesitation in recommending Cham
berlain's Cough Hemedy to our customers,
as it is tho best cough medicine wo havo
ever sold, and always gives satisfaction,"
For salo at 25 and 50 cents per bottlo by
Orubler llros., druggists.
llunnock Indians ltestless.
POCATKIXO, Idaho. Jail. 29. Tho Ban.
nock Indians nro in n very rostloss and
nugry mood, mid on Monday, during tho
trial of their notorious leador, Jim Bal
lard, nnd four others, at Ulaokfoot, for
perpctratiug u riot against Indian Agent
retor, moy sunt, woru to tho Indian school
nt Ross Fork that thoy wero going to fight
as sooii as thoy wero 6et at liberty. This
news msianny causoit n stntnpedo of tho
Indian scholars, composed mostly of girls
nuil thoy lied llko wild caltlo In all direc
tions. Tho Indian police nro hunting for
them. Trouble Is constantly brewing.
llnund, fliih'geil and Itohbcd.
CAVrox, O., Jan. 20. Magglo Hcoso wns
found In her room yostorday bound nnd
gagged, lying on tho lloor In her night
robes. She had boen awakened during tho
night by some ono In her room, nnd whon
sho attempted to got up, was overcome.
after a strugglo. Her pock6tbook wus
rilled und 60 taken. Sho attracted tho at
tention of tho people of tho household by
rnppln" on tho floor with hor feet, which
wero tied togothor.
Itellel In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy Is a great surprise on account of its
a-rwArilnir nromntnesa In roliovlnc naln in
the, kldnoys, back and every part
of tlie urinary passages in male or female,
tt relieves retention of water and naln in
passing It almost Immediately, If you want
quick rcllof and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Jsaao Slurlra, druggist, 107 South
Jlaln street. i
Ono of Them tho TriMtcd Agent Who Wns
"Held tip."
DUNVER, Jan. 31). I'inkorton detoetivos
havo arrostod Kxpros Agent Krout, of
Colorado Snrlims. on tho cb.traj Of being
implicated iu tho theft of ?.)5,0J3 from tho
Vells-Knrgo company nbout six mouths
ago. His father, who reoently camo to
Colorado Springs, was alio arrested on a
trnln at Watsouburg as ho was leaving the
state, and about 1 1,000 was found sowed
Up In his clothing.
The robbery ocourrod on tho night of
Nov. 11 at tho Santa Fo dopot In Colorado
Springs, just after the night train pulled
out south. George Krout, the agont, said
that two men had overpowered hltn In his
ofllco and taken two packages consigned
from Donvor banks, which oontnlnotl M3
000, overlooking nnothor paokugo contain
ing $16,000.
As Mr. Krout had been In tho employ of
tho Wells-Fnrgo Kxpress company for a
number of years, suspicion did not at first
point to him. Ho told n very plausible
story, and It wns believed, In splto of tho
fact that the robbary was reported by him
to have token place wbon tho station plat
form wns full of people Ho said tho rob
bers hid In tho ofh while ho wns looking
nftor the express mutti r that camo off tho
train, and two masked men fnecd him
when he entered. They cloed tho door and
looked It, made him dellvor tho money,
and at the muzzle of a pistol ordered him
to get into bed and oovor up his head.
There was a oot In the ollloo and the agent
said he did as the robbers bid him, but ho
gave tho alarm as soon as thoy woro off.
Krottt's father, a farmor, oamo to Col
orado Springs from Ccrro Gordo, Ills., on
Jan. 81. His actions oxolted suspicion,
nnd he has boen constantly shadowed. On
Monday ho was arrostod at Watsouburg,
and yesterday ho was taken back to tho
springs. He protested tliat his natno wns
Sam Jonos, und that ho lsuw nothing
nbout the express robbery.
Arguing tho Stanford Cnc.
Washisqtos, Jau. UO.Argumont was
boguu In the supreme court ycsicrdayin
tho oaso of the United States vs. Mrs. Jano
Li. Stanford, widow and oxeoutrlx ot tho
last will of the late Lioland Stanford, in
the suit of the government to recover from
the Staufoiid ostato Mr. Stanford's pro
portion of alleged individual liability for
tho bonds of tho Central Pacific Hailroad
company. Over S15,0U.0J0 Is Involved.
Tho suit oomos to tlio supremo oourt on
uppoal from the decision of tho circuit
court of appeals, where tho decision was
favorablo to Mrs. Stanford. Tho argu
ment for tho government was begun by
Assistant Attornoy General Dickinson.
Mr. Choato followed In Mrs. Stanford's
Wilson lVi-Jares IIImclf.
Holmdaysbuiio, Pu Jan. 9. In tho
Frank Wilson homicide trial yesterday
tho prisoner, nftor undergoing nu exami
nation lasting eighteen hours, was
trapped In two falsehoods by tho cross ex
amining attornoy, T. H. Grevy, nnd ad
mitted tho perjury. It doveloped In tho
testimony that tho reason ho changed his
natno from Frank Koous to Frank Wil
son wns that ho had committed two burg
larios at Masslllnn O., and had been con
victed and Imprisoned under tho habjtual
criminal net, ono of tho provisions of
which is that when a discharged convict
commits another crlmo ho must spend the
balnnco of his lifo In prison.
Hunter .Still Leads In Kentucky.
FllANKFOItT, Ky., Jan. 29. Tho sena
torial voto in joint session of tho legisla
ture yesterday stood: Hunter (Hep.), 05;
Blackburn (Dem.), 68; Wnterson, (Dem.),
8; Brown (Dem.), 1; Wilson (Hep.), 1.
Populist Poor voted for ox-Governor John
Young Brown. There wero two pairs.
Tho voto for stato librarian proved a dead
lock, Miss Guy (Dem.), iud Mrs. Shelton
(Hep.), oach received GUvotos. Tho Inves
tigation of tho contosted seats of four
Domocrutio members resolved upon by tho
Hcpubllcan caucusof tho house will not
begin until uftor Fob. 0.
Itrutal Murder In Nova Scotia.
DlGHY, N. S., Jnn. 29. The body of
Annlo Ketnpton, tho 10-year-old daughter
of Isaao Ivomptou, was found horribly
mutllatod iu hor homo nt DIgby yostorday.
Sho hud boen assaulted and murdered
whilo alono in tho house. When found
tho body lay surrounded l)y dlsarraugod
f nrnlturo. Hor bond was Dcuten to n fright
ful condition, her throat was cut, and her
body terribly brttlsod. Almost everything
in the room wns bospatterod with blood,
bhowlng that a sovoro strugglo had en
btiod. No clow.
More Alleged Ii'llltmstcrs.
New Haven, Jan. 29. A report that
throo vcssols wero fitted out in tho interest
of tho Cuban Insurgents on tho Long
Island const, as given In an evening paper
lioro.'is correct ns fnros can bo ascertained.
Sovcral fishermen and others say that tho
work of fitting tho vessels has been In pro
gross for mouths, nnd It is stated that all
throo vessels havo reached Cuba In safety,
It Is understood thnt tho arms nndnnfiff i
ultlou with which tho vossuls wero ladou
ciuno from Connecticut fnctorlos.
Another Itoport Denied.
IjOSDON, Jan. 29. It is soml-olHclnlly
nnnounced that there Is no truth In tho
dispatch published by Tho Dally Nowa yes
terday from Vienna saying that nows from
Constantinople and Sobnstopol showed
thut Russia has a fleet lying off Sobastopol
nnd Odessa, nnd that her Caucasian armies
nro being concentrated on tho Arnionlnn
frontlor In readiness to move noxt spring
for tho purposo of partitioning Turkey bo
tween tho powers.
Maryland's Noxt Treasurer.
ANNAPOLIS, Jan. 29. Tho Hcpubllcan
members of tho legislature, In caucus last
night, nomlnutod Thomas J. bhryock, of
Haltlinoro, for stato treasurer. Mr. Shry
ook's nomination was practically unani
mous, ns bo rccolvod sixty-two votos on
the first ballot ns against fourteon for his
opponents, Mossrs. Hrlghom and Shaw
Tho successful onndldato ts a lumbor mer
chant, nnd Is grand master Mason tor
Charred ltody in the Iluliis.
LANCASTER, Pa., Jon. 29. Tho charred
bodyot William Miller, tho agod night
wutchmau ut tho Chumplou Blower nnd
Forgo works, destroyed by fire on Satur
day night, was found last ovonlng among
thu debris of tho building by workmen
who had boon searching tho ruins for two
days. It had boon burned to a crisp, and
lay a hundrod feet from the point whore
tho lira is supposed to havo started.
Died from the Burns.
Lancaster, Pu., Jan. 20. Bertha Mow
ry, the 15-yoar-old girl who was horribly
bornixl at Strosbufg on Monday by her
clothes catching on' lire from a stove, died
Full Details Gladly Given.
A Railroad Official's Experience.
R. EDWARD EnfMOND9, long con
nected with ralload construction lu
Nebraska,wrils: "My heart troubled
and pained me for 71) years. Shortness of
breath wa.s tho constant and most common
svnuitom. Iiii"nsu,cxcruciatlnBPaln,ccner- .
oily f ollowod any sovero oxortlon, Falntnoss,
hunger without any appetite; fluttering thrHVIf
mado mo clutch my breast, and palpltatl fc?vtf
that often staggered mo as If I wonld fail,
wero frequent attacks. Again, everything
would turn black It I aroso from a stooping
posturo quickly. Sleepless nights with their
Tr MilPl' prostrating ttnrostworo
JJl. WUW numerous and I could
Heart Cure Bot no rcs day or nlsht
x tuuamiuu luuuing puy
slclans and tried adver
tised remedies. They
gave mono relief. Ono of
Dr. Miles' circulars described my caso so
exactly that I took Dr. Miles' Now Heart
Curo and I ara now a well man. I hopo
every ono troubled with hoart dbeaso will
try Dr. Miles' romedlos. If they wlllwrlto
mo personally, I will gladly givo thorn full
dctaiU of my oxperionco." Edw. Ebmonds.
P. O. Box Co, David City, Nebraska. I
Dr. Mllos' Hoart Cu ro Is sold on guaranteo '
that first bottlo benefits or monoy refunded,
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
The Backus Water Motor
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best in the World for Drivlnfr
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
v ftf It needs no engineer.
There Is nrA'jf5li no llrlnc up; no ashes to
clean away;
siimiii'e to nnv: no re-
nuiriiu; neces
,o eoal hills to pay, nnd k li
always ready
It Is mvaii'si'io lor
for l'rinting
hlek.g Chin
fiine. Turnlinr Ijithes.
Icroll lyi -. Stones, Coffee Mills, Sausage
ihu:hli7--fuCiitlers1 Corn Mills, Hlevi'orn
!te. rYB-horse power nt 10 pounds pressure of
Ktc. I".?! -horse li
water. At Is uulfat-lt-Mg,
neat, cotuiuci, uteauy,
tuiuvttfove nil
Price, $15 to $300.
Send for circular to tho .Ilackus Water Moto
Co., Newark, N. J., stating paper you saw
advertisement In.
We also manufacture Patent Rotating
and Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Catalogue on
l Webster's
In valuable in Office, School, auilJTomei
Successor of the
Standard of the
IT. 8. Gov't, l'rlnt (
lng (Mice, the U. S. 5
Supremo Court, and 5
of nearly all tho V
Solioolbooks. 5
Warmly coin- ?
moiideit by btate J
of Schools, and
other Educators ul- f
most without num- J
It Is easy to Und the word wanted. )
n orai bib kitou tneir correct AlpftatKUC&l piac, 5
eacb out) be glantiiff a naraiiratiti. (
1 It Is eaiy to ascertain the pronunciation.
crIUcallr marked letters uxd in 1I10 nchoolUookn. t
1 It Is easy to trace the growth of a word. (
1 naciyiuuiuKir. are inn, una infl Ulaerrill IIKaii- 1
Iniri are given la tlio order of their development. ,
1 It Is easy to learn what a word means.
'iiiodeaniuona ara clear, erpltclt, and full, and ,
each lacoulaliiKl In a aeparafa iaragrapli. ,
O. JL-Jf tlF.RRIAMCO,, rubllsbers, 1
riataeia, Mass., U.H.A.
I'Ctmen rt". eta., tent on aoptleatlon. (
1 faiijj-,