The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 21, 1896, Image 1

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, EUiiiiiiimiininiiiiiniiiiiimminmiiiiiiiiinimiiiCT
For Family Trade
.AV paper can take the place of j
the Herald. It is read daily
by every member of the family 3
Advertisers appreciate this.
Knows the home paper tomes
first, 101th home buyers. The
Herald brings trade that can
tlot tie reached in another Way,
li'iiiunuuuiuu'iuiaii'jjium juMiauiiuiuiuiiii u
VOL. XI.-N0. 27.
1 fll& 12s- i
iir iini n inn im-vijivu mi ii ix b nil n it i
l ' V
Great Bargains
We have several organs
exchange for
Which we Offer very cheap. One $90.00 Organ for
$59.00. One $75.00 Organ for $45 00.
J. R. Williams 8c
Ladies', Misses'
At a great reduction. .Every garment marked
down 25 per cent. We still have a good assort
ment, and at the prices they are now being offered
they will not last long.
Divide Old Prices
By 2 and You Have
New Prices.
The sale will be at COOPER & SCHILLERS' Old Stand,
Mo. 23 E. Centre Street,
Rirst-class NAork at Low Rri
All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed
and Ironed, 10c; shirts Ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, 7c;
underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c.
Ladies' Coats-"-
Iteduced from $10.00 to $7.50
" 0.50 to 7.00
" " 7.00 to 5.00
" " ODOto 4.50
" " 0.00 to 4.00
" 5.00 to 3.00
Just a few sizes left.
Blankets, Comforts, Shawls and other winter goods at
similar reduction. At
, J . I PRipp'Q. North Main St.,
a puvCL. CP, Shenandoah, Pa.
' .'ill
Our Fancy Java, or
.r.'X.Jt, ' lUtfSr
n'regard to Tea, we occupy a front rank, all our Teas being very
carefully selected "by competent judges, and a trial order will
convince you that we can please the most fastidious customers.
We offer nothing vbut good grades that are noted for quality,
color and flavor; and they are sold at popular prices
V fk v ' . ; ' ' 1
as good as new taken in
Son, S. Main
and Children's
- 27 N. Main St,
COO of tbo Latest Style Overcoats.
850 Suits for Men.
000 Pair of Men's Single Pants.
150 Suits for Children.
200 Suits for Youths.
1000 Pair of Men's, Jioy'a and Cliildron'sSlioes.
S00 Hoxca of Men's and Boys' Hats.
Big Lot of Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Trustees. Shenandoah.
Chinese Laundry,
Hisses' Jackets-"""
Itcduced from $9.00, $7,50, $0.50, $5.00,
$1.50, $3.00.
To $7.00, $0.00, $5.00, $1.00 $3.50, $2.00.
Children's Long Coats reduced from
$10.00. $0.00, $8.00, $7.00, $0.50,
$5.00, $1.50, $1.00.
To $7.50, $7.00, $0.00, $5.00 $1.50, $3.75,
$3,50, $3.00.
Man, supplied with reasoning and dis
cerning powers, may improve bis con
dition by, the exercise of these faculties.
This can tie, applied with very good
effect in the purchase . of Coffees and
Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends
not only on the making but the brand
of Coffee, the grade, the roasting and
preparation are very important factors.
We feel confident that we can meet all
those requirements. A delicious cup
of Coflee is a certainty if you use
our Fancy Blended Coffee.
DROPPED li ft M1HE !
Singular Accident to a'Lehigh Valley
Railroad Trains.
The Fireman Escaped With a Lacerated
Scalp Wound, But Will Probably
Dlo-Mtraculoua Escape of
Hazletom, Pa., Jim. 21. The Lehigh
Vnlley train whloh left AVilkesbarre nt
8:15 o'clock last night, anil is duo here nt
7:22, In chnrgo of Engineer Michael Lon
zer imd Condtiotor George Itoese, was pro
clpitated into n oonl mine near tills place.
Lonzor was wedgod between tho baggngo
enr and tho ground, and was crushed to
death. Tho fireman, Frederick Meyers,
escnpsd with a lacerated senlp, hut will
probably die. Sovoral passengers wero in
jured, but all were ablo to walk to this
city. Slnco tho wreck the earth has dropped
completely into tho mlnos, which nro op
erated by Llndorman & Skeor, nnd stenin
from tho underground cavity Is issuing
from tho holo. Trafllo will ba blocked for
covoral days, both main tracks being af
fected. l''or sovoral yoars past tho road botwoon
hero nnd Stookton has boon the scone of
many oavelns, and to guard ngalnst nccl
donts throo .wntchmcn wero placed at dif
ferent points to notify trains of any possi
ble danger. About throo hundred yards
below No. 8 Stockton tho road caved In to
n depth of six foot. Tho watchmen had
just passed, and found everything In good
condition. They accordingly signaled tho
train, which was going at tho rato of twen-ty-flve
miles an hour. Tho engine struck
tho sag and bounded from tho track. Tho
engineer nnd fireman wero thrown nnd
tho passongors woro hurled promiscuously
about tho car. Tho onglno nnd baggage
car fell on one side, and but for a .conl
bank which guarded them muoh loss of
life would havo resulted. Had tho cavclu
occurred a half hour earlier It would have
caught the miners' nnd silk, mill train,
which carries several hundred girls and n
hundred or nioro minors.
A W. C. T. U. retltlnn.
Boston, Jan. 81. The reported decision
of tho sultan of Turkey forbidding Miss
Clnra Darton nnd the Red Cross society
from entering his domains, to relievo tho
sufferings of tho Armenians, has led Miss
Francis K. AVUlord nnd her sister officers
of tho national W. O. T. U. to send a peti
tion to congress, also to request every state
W. C. T. U. to do tho same and duplicate
this petition to ovory stnto legislature.
Thoso officials oxpross tho hope that this
practical offort to cause somothtng to bo
done on n largo scalo for tho Armenians
will attract wide attention and will doubt
loss cause other great societies of women
to send Bimllnr pctltious.
Atnerlrail Prisoners In the Tranirnnl.
Washington. Jan. 21. Sonntors White
and Perkins, of California, had an inter
view with Secretary Olncy yesterday con
cerning the lmprlsomcnt of Mr. Hammond
nnd other Amorlcnus In tho Trnusvnnl,
and nfterwnrds united in a statement to
tho effect that "Wo nro satisfied tho secre
tary of state has dono nnd Is doing his ut
most to protect American Interests In tho
Transvaal. Mr. Olncy stated that Btato
meuts mado derogatory to Mr. Munlou,
our consular ngent at Johannesburg, nro
untrue. It Is not thought probable that
any real danger can nrlso without duo no-
tlco to our government.
There Stay lie a Lynching.
PAnKEnsiiuno.W.Va., Jan. 21. A negro
giving his mimo ns Marshal Johnson, of i
Whcollng, arrived hero yesterday under
arrost, suepoctod of perpetrating tho ro
cont outrage on llttlo Lulu Wethorell. Ho
was met nt the depot by 2,000 people. Eight
policemen escorted him to tho jail, where
tho crowd swelled to !i,000. Tlwro was no
attempt at vlolunco, and thero will bo
nono, unless ho Is identified. In caso of
his identification, ho will burely bo lynched,
and this with tho full approbation of the
negro population.
General Ilnrrlgnii'n Movements.
New YoltK, Jan. 21. Ex-President Har
rison was busily engaged yesterday In his
rooms In the Fifth Avenue hotel prepar
ing his argument in the Wright Irrigation
caso, which comes up forbearing In Wash
ington on Thursday or Friday. Tho suit
has nothing to do with the Stanford es
tate, but Is an appeal to sustntn the Wright
law on irrigation matters, which was de
clared unconstitutional by Judge Ross, of
tho state court of California. Ex-Prejl-dont
Harrison will leave for Washington
fiiieceisftll Arbitration.
Philadelphia, Jan. 21, The board of
directors of tho Union Traction company
hold n meeting yesterday for the pur
poso of considering the recommendations
mado In tho report of the joint commis
sion for tho Bettlomont of tho complaints
of tho dissatisfied employes. Vheu the
meotlng adjourned the announcement was
mado that tho board had agreed to abldo
by tho terms of tho report of tho peace
makers. Every suggestion was agrood to
without modification.
Itcilieinlier Yourself
To your friends by having your photographs
taken at Hillinger Bros., whero eutivo satis
faction is guaranteed.
Iteiiuiustranies l'ileil.
A remonstrance wis filed by A. W. Schalck
to tho application of John Wells, who wants
a liccnsofur a now Btiind in tho First ward of
A rcmonstranco was also filed by A. J.
l'ilgrain," Esq., against, the granting of a
license to r, J. Fcrgnsojlj or Lost Creek
'1'iir I.uiieh at MiiirurcleV.
Club House, NcufcBatcL Brick, Imported
Swiss andFancy 'LliiAurger' Cheese: Jorscy,
Wiener and Frankfort SaiTsutjes; WiinW
oourxroui a lit tomato," u.iKeu iicaus, uiei
fvc per. ox( . ' "T ',
Opposing I'tinsm nf the Monroe IlnctrliiB
In the Upper Unity.
Washington, Jan. 21. Two opposing
phnes of tho Monron doctrine wero pro
dented In tho sciinto yesterday ouo from
tbo committee, on foreign relations, favor
ing n Btrong roalllrniation of tho doctrine,
nnd another from Mr. Sewell, of New Jer
sey, urging that tho doctrlno hnd been
carried ho far beyond its Boopo ns to threaten
dangerous cmnenuinces.
Mr. Davis, n" nnosota, presantwl tho
commit toe ren, nt, as ho Is author of the
resolution e. boilyiugcssontlal features of
all previous resolutions. Mr. Pewoll's
spSech attracted attention from the fnot
that It Is the first utteranco of opposition
to the prevnlllni 'ondiMiey In conirrcss on
the doctrine, and moreovor. the Now 1
Jer.oy senator used direct lnnguaeo In
criticizing the hasto of tho president In
precipitating n ijuestlon which lnvolvod
the possibilities of war.
Thdsllvor bond bill was laid nsldo tem
porarily, ns no senator wnB ready to speak.
Mr.l'latt and Mr. Hnlc point oil out the
delay on this measure, and Mr. 1'lntt
nsked that a day bo sot forn vote. Mr.Jonos,
of Arkfin-tiLS. In r.linrirn nf ttm niniinnra. de
clined to fix a time, ns several senators
were still to be heard.
Mr, Peffer's bill concerning congres
sional funerals was further dlscuned and
then referred to the oommlttoo on rules,
with a view to formulating a general rule
on funorals.
Mr. I'ugh's resolution for stiver pay
ments of outstanding government obliga
tions did not reach a vote, although urged
by Its author.
Tho session of tho house wns devoid of
public Interest. Quito h numbor ot bills
of minor and purely local Importance
Were passod, nnd also tho military ncail
otny appropriation bill. Among tho meas
ures introduced was a resolution by Mr.
Gibson, of Tennossoo, for tho recognition
of tho Cuban insurgents ns bolllgcrouts.
SnlvntlonMl Will Not Kcvolt.
NEW YOHK. Jan. 21. llnlllnirton Booth.
conunander of tho Salvation Army in the
United States, makes a public statement
regarding his recall to England. "The
orders to relinquish our command," ho
says, "are In accordance with tho discip
line of tho organization, It bolng of a
strictly military character. In pursuanco
of military obedience, nnd regardless of
our own feelings, wo aro proceeding to
put nil things In preparation that our suc
cessors may find ns little difficulty as pos
sible upon assuming their command. Wo
hve np Information ns to who our suc
cessors will bo."
At llreeu's ltlalto Cafe.
Cream of tomato soup will he sorved as
frco lunch to-night,
l'rco hot lunch overy morning.
Meals served at all hours.
Silverware, tidiest designs, largest stock,
lowcotpriccs. At Hrumm's. tf
lHrthilny I'nrty
Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Morris,
of West Oak street, was a scene of enjoy
mentlast evening, tho ovent being the 2Qtli
anniversary of their son, William. Games
wero indulged in until a Into hour, when re
freshments wero hcrved. Mr. Morris also
presented his son with a watch. Among
thoso who paiticipated in tho festivities were
Mary J. Mollis, Annie Covany, Annio
Davics, Ma'rgarcttc, Mamie and Sadie Harris,
Jcntiio 1'illingor, Sarah Morris, William
Morris, Mathias Smith, Nelson Palmer. Jacob
Anderson, John Gibson, Thomas Woods,
Warren nnlcrline, Michael Covany and
Cecil Jaiuus.
The host Sling-Proof hoot. Made for
miners. At tho Factory Shoe Store. J. A.
Moycr, manager. 1-20-tf
A I'owerfnl inoeiitlonUt.
Hyron W. King, who will appear at Fergu
son's thcatro February Jth for the benefit of
charity, is a powerful elocutionist. Hear
him recite Tho Chariot liace from Hen
Jf in-. In this piece Mr. King has a very
wide field to display his ability, and in itself
is worth tho prico of admission. Do not fail
to hear him. Tho chart for the salo of re
served seats will he. opened to tho public noxt
Saturday, at 10:30 a. m., at tho oflico of the
Secretary, in the West Htrcct school building.
l'urr tii:s aim: tub i.atkst.
The place to buy them Is at MAX LEVIT'S,
15 Iiit C'entio street.
X llrakeinan IiUureil.
Sppdal to IZvehinq llF.nAU).
Tamaqua, Jan 21. Daniel Dorr, 28 years
old, employed as a brakeman on the P. & It.
railroad, had his left arm mashed between
bumpers at four o'clock this morning whllo
lie was making a coupling, lie was taken to
the Pottsvillc hospital by special train at
nine o'clock. It is thought amputation will
ho necessary. Dorr is a resident of this
lilatoand has a wifoand Bevcral children.
Two of his brothers have been injured on
thortilroad during tho past four weeks, and
ono of them h now in tho Pottsvillc hospital.
Wat mu House Free Lunch.
A nice hot lunch to-night,
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Hunk Klectlou,
The Directors of the First National Hank
yesterday afternoon elected tho following
olliccrs : President, 1'. J. Ferguson; Vice
President, John Gruhlcr: Cashier, S. w
Yost; Clerks, H. Hcsser Zulick and George
II. KncK. Tho new noarii oi oinccrs
is tho sumo ns tho old one, with tho ex
ception that Itov. John Gruhler succeeds
John It. I.oUeniing as Vice President.
Kendrlck House Free Lunch.
A nico dish of pea Boup to-ulght.
The I'liieiilx 1'nlr.
The present Is tho last week of tho Phoenix
Fair. To-night there will ho a groat gather
ing of business men. There will bo valu-'
able door gift. Remember, but a few nights
moro to bco the attractions nt the fair.
For younnohhy hats, MAX LLTjX'S.
vita llemovnl ltemoval. '
Stroiiso, tlio jowclor, wishes to inform his
friends and tbo public that he has moved his
stock of watchcs,''dlainonds nnd jewelry to
tho, Klein building1, fiiiNorth 'Main street,
opposite, HeddaU's hardware storeKepairing
specialty." f ' f r 7,; ' ',
Ills Election Ends a Squabble on the
Board of Health.
Children Suspended From the Schools on
Aooount of DUease In Their Families
Must Remain Suspended Ten Days
After Recovery li Pronounced.
A hpofla' in"!''!!! e' h,- Itomil of Health
hfM n t "iTnlnc fnr
imijiofo of eon
t sending s dele
Ridfrinjt the iuli"h"tt,'
gate to the State Sanitary convention, to he
held at Hnrrttliurg next Thursday. Tho
members In attendance were Messrs. Spald
ing, Monlson ami Malonc, Secretary Curtln
and Health Officer Oonry.
Itappears that at a recent meeting of tho
Hoard the subject wan dineussed at some
length and there was n tie vote on a motion
not to send n delegate. Tho discussion at
tint time was very bitter on tlio irt of ono
of the members, and he indulged in n
personal attack upon President Spalding
when it was suggested that tho oltlcorbeseut
ns delegate lo tho convention.
At tho moeting last night President Spald
ing, in opening the meeting, stated that it
was called to again consider tho question.
He briefly reviewed the proceedings of tho
previous meeting and mid ho did nut wish to
reply to, or consider, the attack made upon
him, that ho was satisfied to let tho party
wlio had mado it take such consolation from
it as ho might receive. The President
added that ho did not wish to ho tho
delegato to tho convention ; it would he
a biicrlfiee for him to go, but when a delegate
was first spoken of in tho early history of
tho Hoard tho Borough Solicitor suggested
that a medical man would bo tho proper
representative, as they know more about
health affairs than others ; and,
met, tno state Hoard, with ono ex
ception, is composed of physicians. Dr.
Spalding said ho had no friends to punish, or
enemies to reward, but ho did not intend to
bo driven from tho Hoard. Ho felt that the
majority of sentiment was in favor of send
ing a delegate and, considering the progress
Shenandoah has mado in sanitary affairs, it
would ho a disgrace for tho town to neglect
bending a delegato to tho convention. Tho
doctor closed by Btating that ho thought Mr.
Malono should bo tho delegate, but that
gentleman and Mr. Morrison thought the
President should bo designated and a motion
to that effect was unanimously carried, and
thus tho disputo was put at rest. Messrs.
Miles and McIIalc, who opposed tho meve
inent at tho last meeting, wero not In attend-
A communication from Dr. J. S. Callou was
rfcad. Tho doctor was in attendance on Mrs.
Fielders, of West O.ik street, when sho suf
fered from typhoid fever. Tho patient's two
children were sent to board witli friends, so
that their attendance at school would not lie
interfered with ; but immediately after Dr.
(.alien declared Mrs. l iehlers had recovered
and tho Health Officer removed tho placard
Irom the houso tho children returned to their
homo. Yesterday Health Officer Conry in
structed Superintendent WliitaUer to suspend
the children Irom tho schools until the re
quirements of tbo Hoard of Health were com
plied with, claiming that, as the children re
turned to their homo, they would he obliged
to remain from school until tho expiration
of ten days after tho removal of the card.
Dr. Calleu took issue on this point claim
ing that, ns the children did not remain in
tho house while their mother was ill, they
did not come within tho rule, and also that
typhoid fever is not treated in the samo light
of contagion as diphtheria and scarlet fever.
Health Officer Conry called attention to a
case in which similar circumstances were
involved and tho Hoard had enforced the
rules and, on motion, the action of tho
Health OHlecr in the Fielders caso was sus
tained and tho President was instructed to
give instructions that tho children must re
main away from school until the expiration
of tho ton-day limit.
Spectacles and eye glasses, tho largest as
sortment in tho county. At Hrumm's. tf
Tncnty-flvo People lleported Killed In a
New Ilium Untitling.
Speeilll to KVKKIKQ llEKALl).
Nkw Havkn, Conn., Jan. 21. A tremend
ous oxplosion occurred this morning in the
building occupied by English & Morsick and
other firms. Tho explosion was followed by
fire, which is still raging. There wero forty
peoplo in tho building and it is believed that
twenty-five of them wero killed.
Jury Coinmlsidmier Coniery
Special to Herald.
PottsVillk, Jan. 21. Ex-Shc'rlff Andrew
Comroy, of Mahanoy City, was to-day ap
pointed by the Court to tho office of Jury
Commissioner, to succoed the late Thomas J.
Church KntcrtAliiment.
A very pleasing entertainment, followed by
a social and a sale of fancy goods, took placo
in tho Primitive Methodist church last even
ing under the ntisplces of tho Young People's
Willing Workers' Society. A largo number
of peoplo were present and thoroughly on-
jo'yed tho first effort of the society. It was
a success socially and financially. 1 ho mem
bers desiro to tend thanks to all who aided
the undertaking.
Squeezed lletweeu Hampers.
Michael Smith, employed as a handler of
lumber'tiy tho Shenandoah Lumber & Feed
Company, was severely squeezed about thu
hips this morning by being caught between
tho bumpers of cars in tho company's yard,
on East Coal street, Dr. Robblns is attend
ing him.
i George Winlock, a repairman, sprained his
left leg while engaged in timbering In a slope
lottho West Shenandoah colliery last night.
.,fi .vnuir urKiiiv",( ft'i
A male party, to compete in the eisteddfod
at Pottsvillc, on, jlarch 2nd, kas been or
ganizgitLin town jtud will' meet, la tho
Heddftlbijilding' to-night for rehearsal and
11C and 118 North Main Street. i
The Top Notch Of-"
-January Bargains.
Our sale in Dress (ioods con
tinues ns lively as ever.
special bargains
12 c
are offered in our
line of goods at
A case of superior
line of
Crash and Toweling just
opened. Displayed on our
Centre lable ; we
offer them at the re
duction Did you ever use the "Absor
bent Towel ?" This has
come into the market to
stay and is well worth
more than the price.
We sell it for
Good value in Damask Table
Cloths. At our Centre
Table now at broken prices.
Never were offered so low.
50 inch high grade 24C
56 inch high grade 28c
Infants' all wool stock
ings. Just come in.
All new. Black or
red at
Special Sale This Week in Water
Don't hesitate to ask for them.
We mean what we say. You
can have them at the
broken price
A grand Tubular
Lantern. . Strong
and light.
Horse men or any one else
needing a lantern will
do well to call.
Do you make Plum Pudding
or any other pudding ? You
can't do without a Pudding
Boileil-to make it right.
We haTe them at 40 & 48c
Dinner plates, large
116 and 118 norm Mam Street.
We control the sale
of 'Pennsylvania'
Brand of Baking
Powder in this town,
10 cents per pound.
I Every box must stand
an official test, under
pure food laws, you
8 S. Rlaih St.
6 Cents a . .
Dozen at our store.
Now 22c a-Dozen.
We selonly fresh ones.
r 1 iii i;i
l i ii5 vf (Jt
122North Jardltt Street, Shenandoah.
MI - I I'V' , i " (
I -' I..., I ' l