The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 16, 1896, Image 3

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euros nervous prostration! Not ml
raculously, but selontlflcally, by first
removing tho germs of disease, and then
supplying healthy nervo food, Increasing
the appetite, helping digestion and strength
ening tho entire system. Desperato cases
require prolonged treatment as shown by
that of Mrs. M. B. Reed, of Delta, Iowa, who
writes: "As the result of a lightning stroke,
tho physicians said I had a light stroke of
tiaralvsis. my limbs would all draw up. I
J)r. Miles'
wouia nave lurouoiugs
In my chest that seemed
unendurable. Forthreo
months I codld not sleep
and for threo weeks did
TTaolftl Close my eyes, x
iieaiin...... prayed for sleep, and
felt that If relief did not come I would bo
dead, or lnsano. I took Dr. Miles' Restora
tive Norvlno and tho second night slept two
hours and from that tlmo on my health Im
proved; slowly at first, but steadily and
surely. I took In all 40 bottles, and I cannot
express how grateful I am, for I am now
perfectly well, and havo taken no medicine
for over four months." Dr. Miles' Nervine
Is sold by druggists on guarantee that first
bottle benefits or money refunded.
Rook on heart and nervc3 free, Dr. Miles
Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
P ' Do you DESIRE to ifke
Mako your money eurn jou a monthly
f 10.00 mid more made ilnily. by our new sys
tematic PJnn of OjHTntlon on Miinll Investments
In grain nml stock speculation.
All we nsk U to InvcstlKtite onr new nml
'jiritHim. iiii'thntlH. l'jist wnrkltitiH nf nlnn mill
gUiahfift references furnished. Our Booklet
l-Points & Ilinth" how to make money and
other information sent FHKU.
OlLrvoRE 4. Co.. Unnkera untl Brokers.
Open Board of Trndo BWk., ChlcaRO, 111.
CMch enter's EncIUh Dlamaml Brand.
Orlstnaland Only Genuine. A
oafc, alwkji reliable, ladies ail fk
I DrnggtBt for ChtchMter Lngllth Dta-rJKK
mond Brand In Itcd and Gold weUMaUgy
2wxoa, scales vita blue ntitwn. i sue y
no other RtfuMtlangrout eubituu V
ftiOna and imitation. At Druggist!, or send 4c
' In Btampi for jmrtlcoliri, leaiimonlali aul
Hellef Tor I.aillo, in letter, by return
told tr.Ml Ioei ' 'jujuIsu. rhliw-i 12.
Pain-Killer E
Cures Coughs, Cold3,TSore Threat,
Croup, Diphtheria, Rheumatism, h
and nil Winter coviplaiuts. It ;
Internal or External.
There are many kinds of pnin,
but there is only one Paiu-Kiilir,
Keep It by you. Initiations. Jiuy
only th.4. irenuhiePKKRY Bavw,
Bold everywhere. 25c. and 53c per bottle,
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphreys'
"Witch H&ZGl Oil as a curative and
healing application. Jt has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Interna, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
Uelief immediate euro certain.,
It Cures Burns, Scalds andtfteeratlonand
Contraction from Burns. feffvet instant.
It Cures Torn, Cut ;fnd Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot TumirspViSers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions? Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hand?, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed" Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. ,and $1.00.
Sold by Druggists, or sent post-paid on receiptof price
IirrUBElS' ntU. l.,lllt JIS WUlUmBt., New Turk.
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. SchiAidt, Agt.i
207, r'M?;
v 3
West Coal Street.
Venezuela's Attitudelin Her Con
troversy with England,
The Republic Cannot Yield Any Tart ol
H4rl Territory' Without TJolatlnff the
Principles Upon Which th Republic
Wr Fouuilil.
Washington, Jan. 10. Now and Impor
tant information 011 tho Venezuelan ques
tion, having direct bearing upon tho pos
sibilities of a settlement of tho boundary
dispute by the two interested governments
without tho assistance of othor powers,
Hud seemingly discounting tho probability
of such an ending to the controversy, Is
pointed out by Mr. Heatwolo, of Minne
sota, n- member of tho house committee 011
foreign affairs,
The British government, according to
tho most recent, and apparently inspired,
utterances of ts seml-omclal organs has
turned to tho polloy of bringing about n
resumption of diplomatic relations -with
the South American republic, and then
proceeding to direct negotiations with tho
repnblto to dotermlno tho boundary, as the
most feasible path by which it can emerge
from Its present position without a prac
tical rotractton of Lord Salisbury's refusal
to arbitrate.
In tho light of precedents established by
her most distinguished authorities it 1?
difficult to see how the government ot,
Venezuela can cousont to enter upon any
agreement to compromise her territorial
claims with Great Britain, or, us It has
been suggested by recent London dis
patches, to part with any portion of her
claims for a flunnclal consideration, for
no less an authority than Guzman Blanco
is 011 record ns declaring such a course to
bo distinctly unconstitutional.
Mr. Heatwole, who has given some at
tention to tho Venezuelan rjuostlon, has
procured a copy ot an important document
published in 1HS7 for the government of
Venezuela, embracing all tho correspond
ence between its representatives and those
of ureat Britain upon diplomatic matters
between the two governments from tho
years to 1887, when tho most active
efforts to reach a determination of tho
boundary lino were under way.
In this correspondence Venezuela re
peatedly afllrms, by her minister of for
eign affairs, Kafael Soljas.and afterward by
Guzman Blanco, acting In the capacity of 1
special envoy, that it is impossible for her
to compromise tho boundary claims by j
any trenty or convention becouso of tho
laws of hor national constitution. It was
hor adherence to this position thut largely
frustrated tho attempts to arrango a gen
eral treaty between tho two governments
and soema to havo led to tho severance or
diplomatic relations In 1837.
This proposition was most clearly enun
ciated by Guzman Blanco in 188a, wheuln
a memorandum to Lord Salisbury, then
foreign secretary, he says:
"Venezuela has repeatedly held forth to
Great Britain hor Impossibility to alienate
any part whatever of the territory of tliu
republic, such a thing being explicitly pro
hibited by tho constitution, so that thero
I remains but arbitration for bringing tho
dispute about tho boundary to an end."
This was partly in answer to tho British
I offer of 1881 of a compromise boundary,
I and it appears further from tho corre-
spondenco that the Venezuelan govern
ment 01 nut nay regarueu any settlement
by treaty Involving tho relinquishment of
part of her claims as under the constitu
tional prohibition of alienating her lauds.
In 1881 General Guzman Blanco went
to England as a special envoy to settle tho
differences, and in a memorandum to Sir
Julian Pauncefotc, then secretary of tho
foreign office, ho said of the boundary
"The states of the confederation of Ven
ezuela bind themselves to alienate to no
foreign power any part of their territory.
Therefore It Is Impossible for them to mako
or accept any treaty lu which are not
recognized tho samo limits which in tho
year 1810 belonged to tho former cuptalucy
general of Venezuela.
"Venozuela now proposes, instead of
tho arbitration of a frlondly power tho
sentenco of a commission of jurists com
posed of persons choson respectively by the
parties, to decide according to tho merits
of tho proofs adduced, and each side to loso
the territory to which it hadnorlght."
Earl Granville In reply informed him
that ths plan of a commission presented
constitutional difficulties, and tho plan
was dropped from the discussion. In its
placo camo a gonerul treaty, whicli seemed
about to be completed when tho govern
ment changed, Lord Salisbury succeeded
Granville, and ho expressly disavowed any
construction of tho treaty or understand
ing by which it could apply to tho bound
ary dispute, so tho wholo nogotiotlon fell
To be Tried lu England.
Puktoma, Jau. 10. Tho final agree
ment between President Kruger and Sir
.Hercules Kobluson, governor of Cape Col
ony, regarding tho disposal of the prison
ers onptured as a result oX Dr. Jameson's
raid into tho Transvaal, was completed
nero yesieruay. fjy its provisions Dr.
Jameson and his ottlcera will bo trleil In
England. Tho rank and file of tin free
booters are now on their way to Natal,
whero thoy will bojiandedovor to tho Brit
ish authorities, who will deoldo upon tho
treatment they uro to receive lr Hercules
Hobluson lias left Pretoria to return to his
llurclnrioua Students Sentenced.
Schenectady, N. Y Jau. 10, Cloreuco
C. Miller, of Sydney, and Charles C, Hum
phrey, tho Union college studeuts who
committed a series of daring burglaries lu
this city last October, pleaded guilty in the
county court yesterday, ami Judgo Cutlet
sentenced them to tho Elmlra reformatory.
Tho prisoners received their sentenco with
tho samo Indifference which has charac
terized them since their arrest.
Youthful Husband Nearly Murdered.
CUAMDHUSBURO, Pa., Jan. 10. Harry
Shafer, aged 17 years, and Susie Blali
were married in Hagerstown. Mil., on
Tuesday, They camo to the bride's home
in this county. After the -wedding feast
John Blulr, n lttycar-old brother of the
bride, fought with Shafer over a borrowed
team, and cub him In tho neck and chest,
nearly killing him. Blair is In jail.
Murdered In Drunken Itow.
WiLKKSBAHitK. Pa.. Jan. 10. In a
drunken row among a number of IIuu-
igarlans at Georgetown, u suburb of this
iclty, Joseph Krupnsauo -was suot anu
killed. Peter Wuisell nml Frank hlokof
fhi wore arrested, charged with commit
ting thu crime.
The Want of Sleep a Most
Trying Condition,
Surprise That the Body Can Stand Such
Nature's Sweet Restorer nn
timable Boon.
To restore tin nervous energy spent dur
ing tho day and invigorate the wholo system
a certain amount of sound, unbroken repose
! necessary.
Sleep is Absolutely cssontial for the piescr
vation of montal and physical health, and
tho lois of it for a long time must sooner or
later lead to serious results. Who has not at"
some period suffered tho misery of a sleep
less night; tho tossing about, the long hours,
tho weary thinking and thlukinu, tho vain
endeavors to court tho fickle goddess of
sleep, and tho tired feeling, the utter weari
ness of mind and body on tho following day?
Sleeplessucas is essentially a modern suf
fering, tho oiltcomo of this nineteenth
century lifo of hurry, irregularity and com
petitivo strlte. ltogulailty of liamts 13 an
inducer of found and healthy sleep, pro
vided tho nervous system is in good condi
tion. If thero is sleeplessness tlio Mood and
nervous system need to be strengthened and
invigorated. Mrs. Emma Turner, of 23(1
loth St., New York City, was a victim of this
disease, who had tried in overy way to in
duce sleep without avail. At lust alio found
tho cure natural sleep came to her and with
it health and strength again.
SlltS. E. 'lUHNER.
"1 havo licen sick for two years," writes
Mrs. Turner, "with nervous prostration,
gastritis and spinal trouble. 1 was confined
to the house a greater part of tho time. I
was troubled with insomnia also.
"After taking Dr. Greene's Nervura blood
and nervo remedy for threo months, I have
entirely recovered my usual health and
ttreiiRth. I sleep well and eat well."
What a great change in Mrs. Turner's life
came from the uso of Dr. Greeno's Ncrvura,
tho great blood aud nerve remedy. Her
nights of restless tossing aud wakefulness
gavo placo to calm, restful, delicious sleep
under tho strengthening and invigorating In
ilueuee of this admirable medicine. It will
do the samo for you. Ube it, and again
sound sleep will bo yours, aud with it health
and strength. This grand remedy is the
discovery, after years of research, of Dr.
Ciieeno, of 35 West 14th St., New York City,
who may always be consulted, personally or
by letter, freo of charge.
When you want good roofing, plurubiug,
gas fitting, or general tiusmlthing done call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street.
Dealer ip stoves. 8-1-tf
Many merchants are well aware that their
customers aro their best friends and take
pleasure in supplying them with tho best
goods obtainable. As an instance we men
tion Perry & Cameron, prominent druggists
of Flushing, Michigan. They my: "We
havo no hesitation in recommending Cham
berlain's Cough llemedy to our customers,
as it is the best cough medicine we have
ever sold, and always gives satisfaction."
For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by
Gruhler Bros., druggists.
Coming Kvents.
Jan. 18. Grand Welcome Meeting to Brig
adier Down and Ensign Gilbert, at Evangelical
Feb. 17. First annual ball, Patriotic Drum
CorpB, liobblns' opera house Schoppe
Feb. 20. Supper and entertainment uuder
the auspices of Council No. SI, Daughters of
Liberty, in Kobbins' hall.
Not a few who read what Mr, Itobert
Itowls, of Hollands, Vu lias to say below,
will remember their own experience under
like circumstances. "Last winter I had la
grippe which left mo in a low state of health.
I tried numerous remedies, none of which
did mo any good, uutll I wus induced to try
a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Iiemedy,
Tho first bottlo of it so far relieved mo that
I was enabled to attend to my work, and the
second bottlo effected a cuio." For salo at
25 and 50 cents per bottlo by flruhier Bros.,
Buy Keystone flour. Bo euro that the
name LehoIo & Baku, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack, tf
The Discovery Saved Ills Life.
Mr. G. Cuillouette, Druggist, Ileaversville,
111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery 1
owe my lifo. Was taken witli La Grippe and
tried all the physicians- for miles about, but
oi no avail ami was given up ami toui x couiu
not live, Having Dr. King's New Discovery
in my store I sent for a bottlo and began its
uso and from tho llnt doso began to get better,
and after using tin eo bottles was up and about
again, It is worth its weight in gold. We
won't keep store or houso without it." Get
ft free trial at A. Wasley's Drug Store.
XA yam
Have the leaks in your gas and water mains
repaired by P. W. Bell, tho plumber.
For a pain lu tho chest a piece of flannel
dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and bound "on over tho seat of the pain, and
unother on tho back between tho shoulders,
will afford prompt relief. This Is especially
valuable incases where tho pain is caused
by a cold and there Is n tendency toward
pneumonia, For bale by Gruhler Bros.,
Manitoba Vot.r. Indorw Their Premier!
'Attitude un the dolianl Question.
Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 10,--At, tho polli
yesterday the electors of Manttobadeclared
almost unanimously against .lntorferencd
by tho Dominion with her school laws, and
ex-Promlcr Urconway's administration
Wat Indorsed by an Increased majority. In
Winnipeg there, was a hot conto-,t for ont
feat. North Winnipeg, the candidate!
rr.EMiF.n oulenwat. i
were Taylor (opposition) nml Mclutym ,
(Groenway),McIntyre being elected by t!K8
majority. Both candidates declared in I
favor of national schools.
In tho last house of forty mombers Pro- 1
rnier Groenwuy had twenty-seven follow- 1
ers, against 11 combination imposition of
thirteen. Ho will havo thirty-two follow- 1
ers In thu new home. Tho excitement ns ,
roturns woro dNp'.ityod at city newspaper
offices aud liotel i was intense. 1
Tried l Wreck a Tenement House.
New Yohk, Jan. Hi. An attempt was
made yosterdav tu wreck a tenement con
taining more than lo) persons. Somebody
placed a bomb or n quantity of gunpowder
in tho chimney u' the hoiis". causing an
oxploslou which blow a hole four fejt In
diameter on tho side of the chimney to
ward tin' room, and another hole three feet
wide on the outside. Bricks, lath and
plaster were hurled ncro3s tho room. Flat
Irons on the btovo were dashed against the
opposite wall. The damage was In tho
apartment of Mrs. Elizabeth Huhl, a
widow, and janitross of tho building.
Richard Toblu, a rcjocted a suitor of Mrs.
Huhl, has been nrrosted on suspicion.
The Komi Syndicate lllssolveil.
New Youk, .Inn. 10. Members of tho
government bond syndicato received In
their iliall yesterday a circular letter from
J. P. Morgan & Co.. releasing thorn from
their commitments to furnish their pro
rota of $100,003,000 In gold, nml a second i
5100,000,000, it desirable, taking their pay- '
mont therefor in 4 per cciit. government 1
bonds, In a letter to President Cleveland
Mr. Morgan declares that tho formation of
tho syndicato wus not tho result of any j
conference with government offlciuls, but '
that lie hud, as a business man, anticipated j
tho action of tho president, and prepared i
for it. Ho thinks there is no question as '
trStlie success of tho popular loan.
Opposing a PaciOo Funding Hill.
SAN Fuancisco, Jan. 10. Thero will bo
a statu convention held hero on Saturday
to protest against tho passngo by congress
of n funding bill for tho Pacific roads.
Mayor Adolph Sutro, of this city, who lias
been bitterly fighting the Southern and
Central Pacific for years, is the primo
mover in tho agitation. The convention
will bo attended by representative mer
chants and farmers from all over the stato
and in nil probability resolutions ex
tremely antagonistic to Mr. Huntington's
railroad properties will bo adopted.
Unable to Hubpicna Sugar Magnates.
Washixoton, Jan. 10. The dt-r-nso
closed its testimony In tho Chnpman
calcitrant sugar witness caso yesterday.
Evldenco wns put in with tho view to show
that tho prices of sugar stock wero not In
fluenced by tho tnrlff legislation of 1801,
testimony being offered that sugar stock
had sold much higher prior to 1891 than
during that year. President Havemeyer
nnd other desired witnesses wero not pres
ent, and tho district attorney is still un
able to reach them with subpoenas.
One Wife Too Jinny.
Pnn.AnKLi'iHA, Jan. 10. Hichard C.
Wadswortli was yesterday held in ?l,O0O
ball for bigamy by Magistrate Jermon at
tho Central station. Wadswortli married
Catharlno Marks, a widow, on Dec. 4 last,
at which time he gavo ids nnmo as Elwood
C. ltlco. It Is now leurned that he hits a
wife living in Bordentowu, N. J., whom
lie married in 18S8, and whom ho deserted
u fow months ngo. Sho will uppear against
tho accused, who was committed to jail in
dcfuult of bull.
A Mind Header Fatally Hiirucd.
New Hampton, la., Jan. 10. AVhlle
Professor I). C. Hall, n hypnotist anil -mind
reader, was giving an exhibition in 1
tho Opera Houso at Lawler, near hure, ho !
accidentally struck a largo bunging lump j
above ills head, breaking it. Tho oil ig-1
nifced, nnd in uu instant Hall was a mnss
of liames. It was several minutes before
tho flames wero suppressed, and it Is feared I
that Hall Is fatally burned. J
An Alleged Political Poisoner.
Kansas City, Mo., Jau. 10. Churlos A.
Mlilniati, ox-stnto representative and a
well-known local politician, was placed on
trial hero yostorday on tho clmrgo of ad
ministering poison in whisky to Eloctiuu
Judgo Firman D. Fonton at tho fall elec
tion of lb04. Tho state claims that Fontiin
was poisoned to make him unconscious
while crooked work was being done.
The Teller Played thu Haces.
San Fuancisco, Juu. 10. President Lu
Hue, of tho Grangers' bunk, which closed
its doors Doc. 1, says thut William Witt
land, toller of tho bank, is it defaulter tu
tho extent of 11,80U. He is said to havo
played tho races. Ho is understood to
have loft town. Tho bank is protected to
tho extent of !10,000 by a guaranteo com
pany. Dying from Exposure anil Sturtatluu.
Boston, Jan. 10. The following cable
gram was received yesterday at tho rooms
of the Amerloau board of commissioners
of foreign missions In Boston, from thu
chairman of tho relief committee in Con
stantinople; "Weuthor sovere. Many
dying from exposure and starvatlou. Dis
tribution doubled everywhere."
Two Hllutleil by au Kxplonlou,
Alto on A, Pa., Juu. 10. By tho prenia-
ture explosluu of u blast in a btouo quurry t
At Tyrone Korges Anton Lowter bud his j
skull fractured, hU left arm crushed and
his eyesight destroyed, and Frank Kreel I
liad his oyo blown out and his left hand 1
TJ'sy prevent Uric'its Disease,
1 iicy euro 'i:a
rt lii-y dissolve criiv. !, ssnd, cut. brick-dust deposits.
They ttlter nrla w id and malar, al poisons out of tho blood.
They cj v Cystlti flloct, Prostatitis and the like,
Tiicy )..( 0 pure, pica moou.
All di tif.i.. -ts, 5o'nt!.a box, or
'? c'irect to tiic IIoBn',' IIudicinij Co.,
si- r. j tk 0:1 K'J-!e tienuti nna
:S Whenlndoufct what touse
Itesult in 4 weeks.
CT'-ry fL w order , civ.
rut MCDIC1M. CO.,
For Kile by P. P. D. KIKLIK. Shenandoah, Pa.
in i:i'Fi:oT t, isoi.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week days
210, 5 23, 7 20 n. m., 12 58, 2 55 and 5 55 p. la
SundavH, 2 10 a. m.
For Xcw York via Mnuch Chunk, week d.iya,
5 25, 7 20 a. in., V2 58 ami 2 55 p. lu.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week d.tjs,
2 10, 5 25,'7 20 a.m., 12 58, 2 55 and 5 55 p. m. Sun
days, 2 10 n. m.
For l'otUvillo, week da. 2 10; 7 20 n. m., and
12 58, 2 55 and 5 C5 p. in. Stm.layti, 2 10 a. m.
For Tanitnnia and Mahanov City, week days,
2 10,0 2.",, 7 20 n. in., 12 58, 2 55 and 5 53 V. 1".
Sundn.VN, 2 10 a. m
For Williamspott, Snnhury and Lew Uh.irg,
week dayn, .1 25, II SO a in., 150 and 7 20 p.m.
Sunday, a 25 a. in.
For Mahuuoy Plane, w eekdays, 2 10. a 25, 5 25,
7 20,1130a. in., 1258, 1 50, 255,555, 7 20 aud U85
p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. m.
For Ashland and Shumokin, week days, 3 25,
7 20, 1130 a. in., 150,720 nnd 93.5 p.m. Sun
day .s, 3 21 a. in.
For Ilaltimore, "Washington and the West via
It. & (. It. H., IhroiiKh trains h-nve Heading
Triminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. It. It.) nt 3 20,
7 55, II 2C, a. in, 3 10 and 7 27 Jt. in. Sunday,
3 20, 7 (X), II 20 . in., 3 10 ami 7 27 p. ni. Addi
tional train, from Tw enty-finirtli nnd t'hent
niit t-treets station, week days, 150, 5 11, 8 23 p.
in. Sunday s, 1 35, 8 23 p. lu.
Leave Xew York via Philadelphia, weejc
days, 8 00 a. ni., 130, 4 00, 7 30 p. in. and 12 13
night. Sundays, 0 00 p. in.
leve New York ia Jliiui-h Chunk, weelt
days, 1 30, 9 10 a. in., 1 10 and 4 30 p. in.
Imwo Philadelphia, ItentlliiK Terminal, week
days, 1 20, 8 3.1, 10 00 u. 111. and 1 00, 0 02, 1130
p. ill. Sundays, II do p. in.
i T it ,. , tx Tin in rvt
1.1.4, II JV.-Il.llllK, W,fl .,J-, , K,t , w, JJ w,
11 50 n. in., 5 55 null 7 57 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 a. m.
Leave Pottsyllle, weekdays, 2 35, 7-10 a.m.,
12 30au'l 0 12 p. in. Sunday , 2 35 a. in.
LeaeTaiuaiia. week day-, 3 1, 850. 1123 n
m., I 20, 7 15 and 9 52 n. in. Sunday., 3 IS a. ni.
Leave Mulianoy City, week das, 2 15, 9 21,
11 17 u. in., 1 51, 7 30 and 9 51 p. in. Sunday, 3 45
a. m.
Leave Sfahanoy Plane, week days, 2 10, 4 00,
030.937. 115911. 111.. 12 58. 2 00. 5 20. U 20, 7 53 and
I 10 10 p. in. Sundays, 2 40. 400a. in.
! Leave 'Wiltlamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 10 a.
i m., 3 35 and 11 -11 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. in.
i Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street narf nnd
I South streetwhaif for Vtlnntlc City.
1 Weekdays IJxpress, 9 00 ii. m., 2 00, 100, 500
i p.m. Accommodation, SitOu. in., 430, 0 30 p.m.
I Sunday F.spress, 9 00. 1000 u. in. Acvoinino.
' ilatitiu 8 00 u. in., 4 45 p. in.
' Iteturniug leau Atlantic City idfpot,) week
days, exprr ss, 7 35, 9 00 a. in., 3 30, 5 30 p. in.
I Accommodation, 0M, 8 15 a. lu.. and 4 32 p. lu.
Sundays Kxpioss, 4 00, 7 30 p in. Aeconnnoda
1 tlon, 7 15 u. lu., 1 15 p in
Parlor Card on Ml express tr.tlu",
Clen'J Superintendent. Uen'l Pass. Agt.
For Weak and Run-Down People from
Childhood to Old Age.
,. WHAT IT 18! The richest of all rentoratlte
l-ood., beoause it replace, tbe .ama Bubatarjcc.
to tti bluod and nerve, that aro exhausted n
these two Ufe-eivinc fluid, by disease, UtdlReatlon,
high llTlng, overwork, worry, exccEaea, abuse, etc.
WHAT IT DOES! Mr making- tho blood
pare aud rich, and tho uiKe.tlon perfect, it create.
koIM lie.), muscle and strength. The nerves be
loir made strontr,tho brain becomes actiro and
clear. 1 or restoring lo.t vitatit y and .topping- all
wanting drains and weakness In either Bex, it baa
uoetmal , and asa femaloregnUtor it Is worth its
weight in gold. Ono box lasts a week. Prico6tc.,ur
& boxes sjieu. Drnggi.tsorbyinail, Hnuklrec.
UU Che.tnut St.. Philadelphia,
OLD DR. THEEL tov'" 604
North Sixth St.,
'GatrniKeei. re." Green, Philadelphia.
isuau get ti vw, irotaiiiORureriuirjgipfc
Iallt Iijj to ttio Ui. u'liij Fruit. laora. In curtig
the now cue, of htit-'eUl DIwa-a and II I OUU
l'OIMIV, Xo lutUirt.'-wlluitorinf, wvtieiM
I Uane.rousttia troupe mf i?. S.vr or It
1 bUliv,L.rrunitiroutIiBU4l vmvtM'onvr
rjfjt curttl. Mrleluns uiIueJo &u4 I'll?,
curm wltbou I cutting. Uit. 'i t.RkL i uo-.dvtt'y ueo 'dtit,
tbe bct RUd titoat nklllful untl t:tpt rlt-ut (U tbi'. ca
book TrutU culiMonel regarding rear tiixftM
nnd hnw tu ct ourpt-'. 1 to onlr Vnk 1:XVOHlNU
ui .il k' iDd inrtr noon urn. irvuuir-K.
1 their book! untl I'liH'uliifti- luktiullt.
tt. Frfh Ciikti CBt-t.'tl In 4tilU ltuv.. Hoot it
Uto5; .(., 6 wtf. M I. ui fit, t-.VF .fin 10, uu..Vto
11; Ktgs ,tto. Trfutiut-iit by lutL WIu-QjpuvriM
V rtvl tut u tlon tbl p(if r, hoard r4 lotijlug rjri'ml,
! EAGLE Brand!
1 Has No Equal
IF your Kidneys are diseased, .
sluggish or vrcnVi
IP your blood la full of Uric Ac
Id and Khctimntism lln ealons:
IF tho (Terms of Malaria are In
your system;
IF yout blood Is clocccd with 1
poisons and Impurities;
IFyotir Ulndder Is weak, iuilam-
or nueasnii.
You need D.lfobbS
For llioy heal, sootlio and
strengthen (ho Kidneys.
send So cents in s'amps, c siiverS(
,hicnpo or San Francisco. V
tiiocKi rnterin l-re-e.
for Nervous Ilel illty. Lo", ef Sexual Poweffin titter
ccx), lmpoteiuy, Atropby, Varicocele ami cuit-r wcakncsKs, (torn any cauie, too
Soiine PilU. Drain, itu 1 J anil full viiyc r sukUy r.5t!.0 II m-KlccteJ, titut
trouble result fatally. Mailed anywhere, sealed, forfr.oot 6 1 ,.xei fur 55 00. with
a legal guarantee, tu cure ur rciunu 11 1. munc ainim
Cleveland, Ohlj.
jANCtltY 0, 1800.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
ilnto for WigRnns, (lilberton, rraclcTlllc,'jtarfe:
Water, St. Clair, Pottsville, Hamburg, Ileniitnir,
Pottstown, PhoenixTille, Norristown nnd VliiJ
adclphin (liroad street station) nt 6 0S and 1145
a. in. and 4 15 p. in. on week day.. For Porta
ville and intermediate stations t 10 n. m.
For Wlggans, Gllberton, Frackville, Dart
Water, St. Clair, Pottsville, at 008, 9 10 n. hi. nod
3 10 p. ni. For Hamburg, Heading, Pottstown,
Plioenixvllle, Norristown, Philadelphia at 0 00,
9 10 a. in., 8 10 p. in.
Trains leave Frackville for Shenandoah aft
10 10 a. m. and 12 11, SOI, 742 and 10 27 p. ui.
Suiulny, 11 13 a tn. nnd 5 10 p. ni.
I.eae PottsilIo for Shenandoah nt 10 15. 11 IS
a. in. nnd 1 10, 715 and 10 00 p. m. Sunday nt
10 10 a. in., 5 15 )i. in.
Leave Philadelphia, Ulrood street station), for
Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a. m., 4 10 auit 711
p. in. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. in.
Leave Broai I street station, Philadelphia, for
gea Girt, Ashury Park, Ocean drove, Brong
ltinueli, nnd intermediate stations, 0.50, ,25,
11.39 n. ni., 3.30, 1.00 It. in. week-days. Sltritkiv.
(stop at luterlakcn for Ashury Park), 8.25 mm.
Leave Blond Street Station. Philadelphia,
Kxpress, week days, 3 20, 4 05, 150, 515, 0 50,
7 33, 8 20,0 20, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining I ur), 11 00, 11 14a.
m., 12 noon, 12 33 (Limited 100 and 122 p. nt.
(Dining Cnrsl 120 (Dining Car), 110. i 30
(Dining Car), 3 20, 4 00, 5 00, 5 50 (Dining CUT ,
0 00, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 night. Sundays,
3 20, 103, 4 50, 5 15, 8 12,9 20,9 50,10 30 (Dinfnx
Car), II W n. in.. 12 85. 1 20, (.Dining Cur) 200
(Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited I 22), (Inning Car)
5 20. 5 56 (Dining Car), 0 05, 0 50, 8 12, lOOUp! m.,
1201 night.
Express for Boston, without change, 1100 u.
lu. week days, and 6 50 p. in. daily.
For Baltimore and Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31,
9 12,10 20,1123 a. m., 1209 (1231 Limited Din
ing Car), 112. 318, 111 (5 19 Conirresstvrint
Limited, Dining Car), 8 57, (Dining Clin.
017, 055 (Dining Car), 7 40 (Dining Can
p. m., nnd 12 05 night week days. Sunday-,
3 50,7 20,912, 1123 a. in., 12 09 1 12, 111, (5 15
Congressional Limited. Dining Car),
(Dining Car), 0 55 (Dining Car), 740 p.
(Dining Car) and 12 05 night.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia.
Express, 8 50 n. m., 210, 4 00, and 5 00 p.
weeK unys. sunuayg, s id anu v -13 n. in.
For Capo May, Anglesscn, Wildwootl ami
Holly Heach. l-.xpiess, 9 00 a. in,, and 4 00 p. in.
week dny-H. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
ForSealslo City, Ocean City nnd Avnlon.--Kxpress,
9 00 n. m., and 4 00 p. m. week days,
Sundays, 9 00 u. m.
For Soniers Point. Kxpress, 8 50 a. tu., auJ
4 00 p. m. week days. Sundays, 8 45 n. in.
S. M. PnEvovr, J. It. Wood,
Uen'l Manager. Geu'l Pass'g'r Agt.
The Backus Water Motor
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best in the World for Driving
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
There Is no delay; no firing up; no uslie. to
clean away; no extra insurance to jiny; no r
pnlrlng necessary; no coal bills to itay, untl H 1.
nlwaya ready for use. It is tnvuliuble. for
blowing Church Organs, for running I'rintins
lriscs. Bowing Machines, Turning IvtUes,
Scroll yaws, Urlnd Mimes, Coffee. Mills, Hausuge
Machines, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, I.lcvntors.
Ktc. Fourhorse power nt 40 pounds pressure of
wutcr. It is noiseless, neat, compact, steady,
and above ail
Price, 315 to $300
Bend for circular to tho Ilnckus Water Motor
Co., Newark, N. J., stating paper you saw
advertisement in.
We also manufacture Patent Rotating
and Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Catalogue on
Ventilating. ,