1 "DR. MILES, Through His Nervine Is a Ben 1 efactor to Thousands." WIDELY known Wisconsin publisher, who resides at Green Bay, writes March Ctb, 1803, as follows: Fivo years ago I became so nervous that mental work was a burden. I could not rest at night on account ot sleeplessness. My tKntlon was called to Dr. Miles' Restora tive nervine, ami x commcnccu to use id ivlth tlio very best effect. Since then I lavo kept a bottlo In my house and uso It whenever mv nerves become unstrumr. with a I always thosatno good results. My son also Dr. Miles' takes it (or nurvousncss with llko nover falling success. I havo recom mended It to many and it euros them. All who Nervine Restores HonlfVi suuor iron norvo XlCtllin troubles should try It. It is frco from narcotics, perfectly harm less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr. Miles, through his Ncrvlno Is a benefactor to thousands." A.O. LEHMAN Editor and proprietor of I)r.n Landsman. Dr. Miles Ncrvlno Is sold on guaranteo first bottlo will benefit or money rofunded. Do ycu DESIRE to fMe 11 MONEY? OUR PLANS OF OPERATION AS SURE ABSOLUTE SAFETY. Mukc your money earn you ti monthly salnry. 810.00 niul morr inn clu ilnlly ly nur ww sys tematic PJan of Oprrntimi on Mnnll invrstmcnU in crntn nnd stock Fpeculatlon. All wonak is to Invest !irnte our newiuul ritfiiml niotliiMlrt. Vinnt workings at plan and iiRiic reiPTPiictg itirniDiieu, our i too met i'oints fc Hints" hmv to inaku inonev and other Information sent KltKK. Gilmorc A. Co., Itankers and lirokrrs. Open Hoard of Trade Itldg., Chicago, HI. ftJfilrt Talirii inter- nallv cures cramps coWs, chilli '3 and I.t C rinn. Used extsriially it is the b'-st lini ment iu tbc world. Hsv'o.:: of imitations, buy only the miiue made by Ferry Davis. .'.'J.. Large bottles 23 and SO eetu Chlchealer'a KncUah Diamond llratttf. flplvlnal and nlr flfmilnA. Bare, alwaya reliable, ladics sk i I brueKiat for Chtrtietei Xnoltth Via. mvniiBranJ la Ued and tluld melaUlo boxes, aealed wltb blno ribbon. Tako n nlh... Refute lianntraue aub.lifu ftione and imitation. At IlrUKxtata, or BeQd 4c. a alampe for particular., teeuroooiaie anj "lteUiX for I.aiHe," in letter, by rrturn f Alall. 10,000 TeMtinonlall. Jiame ivpf. flH,(.j..ifJb.oiiilcuICu..Ua'lUM4nuu.. tli bt ad l-nc ' riuuti.u. X'biltv-v JUa. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Htimphreya' "Witch Hasol Oil as a curative and healing application. Jt has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. k It Cures Piles or I InMOERiioiDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itchjfljand Burning; Cracks or Fissures and fi Juas. llelicf immediate cure cerainv It Cures Burns, Scalds andclr jnand Contraction from Burns. Rill nt It Cures Torn, Cut aJl Irated Wounds ana Bruises. &--, It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Bold by Drugglsti, or sent post-paid on rocelptof prlca. IH BrilUtVa- UED. IO., Ill A 11 UlllLm SU, New Turk. Lauer's I. acre r find Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest; Chris. Schmidt, a., aw ff MEM rEfWROYAl FILLS 9 -c Mm 207 West Coal Street. mu Tho Ouban Insurgents Again Ee- j sumo OfFensivo xTaotics. DESTROYING THE T0BA000 0E0P8. Tile Uavaun Authorities Greatly Agitated Over a Conspiracy to Ilnnd tlio City Over t tlio lntrlota Thirty Suipcets Already Under Arrest. HAVANA, Jnn. 11. Tho coinpnrntlvo lull which seemed to havo tnkeu plnco In the activities of tho Insurgents In tho past few inys has plven plnco once mora to nn tin expected dnsh on tho part of Mnxlmo Go Inez Into tho heart of tho rich tobacco Browing district of Pinar del Hlo. Conlldent claims havo boon lnndo for several days past on tho part of tho au thorities that tho tlmo was fast npproach lng when tho Insurgents woro to pay tho penalty for their temerity, and when tho pmilsh were to close In Upon them ns In a trap and annihilate them. Tho sympa thizers with tho insurmmts havo them selves not boon free from keen unxloty at tho pcrslstont stand tho loaders wero making on the northern coast of Pinar del Hlo and almost up to tho outskirts of Ha vana ltsolf, while tho continued activity of the Spanish generals was disposing about them a force of troops that seemed llkoly to horn thorn In nnd cut them oil The news that Gomez had passed Alqul znr nnd Gulra Mclonn.ln lluvnna province, was received with relief by tho friends of tho Insurgents, though tho direction ho hud taken beyond that was not known, but it was generally supposed that ho was bent upon retreat Into tho eastern prov inces, glad to oscnpo the trap set for him. It is now evident that ho was merely making a protensB at retreat to mislead bis enemy, and meantime ho has onco uioro countermnrclu d, and toduy ho has nearly his whole effectivo force in the to bacco district In tho southern part of Pinar del Hlo, ready to visit destruction upon tho tobacco crop, oh it has already been widely visited upon tho sugar crop. His march westward from Gulra Moleiiu was a very swift one. Tlio northern portion ot tho provlne of Pinar del lllo has also by no moans been stripped of iusurgentH, and It is reported today that 500, commanded by Perieo Delgardo, has passed westward along tho coast in tho northern part of thai provlnco, going west through tho sugar district to Bahin Honda and to Lu3 Po.as beyond. When tho news of this move ment was received troops wcro hurriedly dispatched from horo to U-.hia Honda by sea to relnforco tho garrison at that im portant seaport town. Thcrauro Indistinct rumors hero that nu Important oxpcdltlon for tho relief of tho Insurgents has been landed upon tho northern coastof Plnardel.lilo. Tho bold ness of tho insurgents In remaining upon this coast In faco of danger of bulug cut off has been attributed to their expecta tion of tho lauding of tho expedition. Tho authorities havedUcoveivdovldonce of what thoy consldor a conspiracy to cause nu uprising In Havana and to hand tho city over to tho Insurgents. The con spiracy Is believed to bo widely ramified nnd its discovery has caused gravo uneasi ness In Havana and suspicions that disaf fection Is much moro widely disseminate than has been admitted. Thirty persons have been arrested for complicity in tlio plot, andelght havo been linprlsoncd.whllo Aqullino Solnno, pollco Inspector for the port of Havana, has boon rollevcd from duty. Qulnttn Bandera stopped a train nt La Guyara,lntcudlng to blow It up, but learn ing that only Indies and children wero aboard ho let them pass. At Alqulzar, In Pinar Bel Rio, Gomez and Macoooccuplcd , tho city several hours. They wero given a publlo reception In tho square and ten dered n banquet by tho ladles. All prls ! onors wero relensod from jail by Gomez's orders. Punta Bravu, twelve miles from Havana, has beon captured. A Notorious .Swindler Captured. NEW YoltK, Jan, 11. Paul Brigham, alias George Watson, alias Cliarlos .T, Bartlett, alias David Colomau, alias "Tho Goncral," one of tlio oldest and most no torious swindler In tho United States, was arrested last night. It Is claimed that ho attempted to swindle the carpet nud rug ilrm of Wlilto & Spate, tlio jowolry firm of Theodore Kohn & Sim. tho legal Arid of Hundley, Lautorbach Sc Johnson and tho New York Hollow Ware company out of largo sums of money. Brlgham's usual method of operating was to roprosont to different business men that hu wished to purchase liu interest in their plants for $50,000. Ho succeeded in gottlng consid erable sums of money, hut tho suspicions of Mr. Spato being aroused an Investiga tion nnd tlio arrest followed. ' Laueaster's Jltayoralty Contest. I Lancastek, I'u., Jan. 11. A iloroo can- I' vnss for tlio Kcnublloiu Momiimtion for mayor ended lust nllit in tlio ronomina tlon of tho prosont Inonmbont, Edwin S. Smoltz, ovor ox-Mayor Kdvnird Kdgorloy. Factional lines wero sharply drawn. Smoltz carried overy ward In tlio city with tlio exception of tho Socorid, which Is Edgerley's homo. Sinoltz'g majority is I estimated at fiOO, in a very heavy poll. I Thoro wcro a numbor of blttor fights for councils and ward ollleora, ono surprising result being the defout of William Kiddle, president of boloct council, nnd a staunch supporter of tho olty administration, by W. T. Kllllnger. Murder Qnlrkly Avonced. LOCKl'OltT, N. V., Jan. 11. HobortClnp sntldlo, a farmer ot Ilausomvllle, a small town about ten mllos from hero, was niur tlorod yesterday by Ills sou-In-law, Oeorgo H. Smith, who was pursued by a poso of villagers, coruorml, and when be mado re- aUtiinon. flllnd with bullets. Causing Ills death. Ono of tho pursuers was also shot. I Smith's wlfo, who was Ulnpsiuldle's oldest daughter, had secured a divorce on ao court of Ills dissipation, and is now mar ried to a man named De Cluto. Tho mur dorer was on his way to Do Cluto's home, probably with tho intention of cojnmlttlus; another crime, whon overtaken. I'rviiiler Howell Ktlll Alieail. Ottawa, Jnn. 11. Promlor Bowell Is, for tho tlmo being, master of tho political situation. It is asserted by his friends today that ho will pull through the crisis and havo tlio soveti ministerial posi tions flllod. T.hon parliament meets on Tuesday. IU doing so, howovor, ho will cause tho disruption of tho Conservative party as at present organized, as tho bolt era from tho ministry are opposing his every effort. At Ixjst tho premier con only gel together a makeshift ministry, ami his tenure of power cannot last very loug, I I I I ( I i Have Tried Sticura the great SKIN CURE? Its cures of torturing, disfiguring, mimllN atlng humors are tho most wonderful otcr recorded. Sold throughout die world. Ttritish dfpotl Nrw. hsry, x, Kins Kdwanl-st.f London. Potthr Dkuq & Cheh. Gjrp., Sole l'rops., lloston, U. S. A. Of ft headwplittin headache immediately it llecd by the use of TAYLOR'S Anti-Headache Powders. The arc a positive and speedy curt and arc fjuarantpcd absolutely Itariult'. Their me.it suewHS Is ample proof that thoy art an olTc-tivo article, whK'h can he ahvyn tied with t ( hvi of ro5ulN. Procure them frotn (Jruliler 1'ros. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To nil suHerers of UltltOltS 01' YOUTH. TMV VltJOIt nnd UIsHASUS Ol' MEN AMI WO.H1JN. &)8 past's; cloth bound; ee curely spaled and malledrce. Tro tmem by mall strictly 'oufldfiitlal, and a positive, quick euro guarantF'd. 'o matter bow Icng Btnndln;. 1 will pop Ively cure you. Write or calL I1R HRR 329N.l5thSt.PhHa.Pa. VII tsVI U IJ SO yeart conttnuou$ practice- (lnIclily.TIiormiclilj-, Forever Cured Four out of five who suffor nervousness, mental worry, attacks of " tlio blues," are hut paying tlio penalty of early excesses. Vic tims, reclaim your manhood, regain your victor. Don't despair. Fend for book with explanation nnd proofs. Mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, H.Y. !AMSY PILtUSI .CHASES BloodfKerveFood For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. WHAT IT IS ! Tho richest of Ml reatorstlTS I'OoUa, hecsuse it replaces the same substances tp the hlood and nerveH that are exhausted la these two ine-glvinufluldsby disease, indlsestion, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc. WHAT IT DOES ! Ilr making the blood Pnre 1 and rich, and the digestion perfect, It creates solid ttesh, muscle and strength. The nerves be ing made strong, the brain becomes active and clear. 1 pr restoring lost vitality and stopping all wasting drains and weakness In either sex, It has noeanal i and an a female regulator it Is worth Its weight in gold. One box lasts a week. Price 6t)o., or boxes Siu). Druggists or by mall. Hook free. . THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, 1S12 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. fOo you DESIRE to inakop R13 BS 1 153 Our Plans of Operation ASSURE Absolute Safely of Investtusnt. Dividends Payablo Monthly. Principles of LITE IMSUfiAKCEanrJ BUILD ING AND LQ MS ASSGCIATtOKS Saiieroetlid. $!0 to Cud lie li.vesteil null saJtlv. VJiU $5 .000 convlocennr tnton.tbte p?rson tlia luis isniruraiui siuiomoiii. Toe loeu loobeit for tvsfMW m'luli llatlianr Urirr InJiuilloii Iu thl ilnr.nul eilt ilanifien cn Havuniv, Business Boom. In vuiueu. I'lior to Msv 1 nrfcatnt' Mri U.i.Tti item .1 or LIo lhatmiat or production. Will you Join Uiv rc)aitliin ana reup tbe benoQts ot IhU Doom 2 Will eslublisb IIuk IvXlt br reri rlaz to some ot tLo iLaillnit Ujnfc. ana Trust Compinia ot our city ficsponslbls. Site. Conscrvztive. INVES- TiGATE.J If you want touts MOr-v. ii' w asklsfuryuu to litne.(lca(c iur tiaw andwipiTini uietlioaa. Vill ..mm in to ci.i . nce the iuot sko; tital. l ull paitlrula-s ",ti f"reo m rtrpllca- tivo. i':irc sat ii.ves ' HllUHl aj Cn-nnpiMt'ift VtH.tinrf Hsh'ti A. r r 0 ir -j J4?15 Oeirb.-M St . Chkaco. lil.Astf Ooaraaiffa. "rs," ob. Green, Philadelphia. Cballeocei tl. VU, lroia tbo adrertlalaKanca lall.t up to ths treiutluc rrosjSMra, la cuHn litTJItlf "S "'"l0'"' Ula . and 11 1.OOlf . l'Ulou.N. Ko laaturliowliaicrlaK, sarmaai ?W.W'!.,U" ""IS? a'J ullsl 1 lllltrlI.rroraofouthauJI.oasorJoi.f-r Currd. StrLttun.. Vu.t.iw.1. .n.t nil.. Ithoalcnttlnar. lilt. Tliel.t. I. n...uiw.t. tba best and moat aalllful unit ejperlonred one, B9 toli;'Truth,andt toliihttncd nsatdlai Tcor dUraaa ff.Ta'.ir.o"' fLW- J l:JiVSI.U Ilf. I 'rtah (ok. rurrd In Hole llios.. Utirl WS; B w U. aadral. ki. ,StJ10, Sun..ta Ui Mis, c tut. Tnului.-iitbj-MnlL IfL.u ,ou tlt or nil bipntlon tbla papr. Hoard aud ItMlglsg If desired. Celebrated Female. lowdcrs never full. Ijadles tlvclur s'tbeto enfa ahil UM faftpr faULoI srlth Taiuj and Pennyroyal Tills suit other has Iwsys buythsbeatand svuld dlaap auijerlor to all oUlttt rosUiyly polntmect. . Uusranieed till. LVal In the. iiiarkM. A UX, Hack, liar, Uortou, Mua. QHUti i 1 mm m ra am v nr . .i il Our past iueu lusllilss us In 25 DGrCOflt I statlnit that e teul wiM ol ourubllltr to par a raooililt illvl 1'' '""' 1 olUuvesvininls. Bus7 Nil FIIOZRN TO DEATU ) . Terriblo Suffarings of tho Grew, of' a Wreoked Steamer, " FOUR DAYS IN AN OPEN BOAT. Tho Survivors In a Iletplss Condition, nnd Srveral Will Loso Anna nnd Lct-Tmi rlrcmi'ii Wero tho First to Succumb. The Ninth Victim Ulrd In Hlulit of Lund. Halifax, N. S., Jan. 11. Tho sulTor lnga of tho ulno survivors of tho crow of tho ill fitted steamer Kallng, during the four dnys they wero iu an open boat ex-po-edto the gales and blttorly cold ntnioa pherc, nro almost lndescribabld. Whon their boat landed at Canso yesUsnlny nftor tioon they wcro nearly all iu a helpless condition, The names of tho survivors nro: Thomns Thomas ot Gnrdognn, Wales, second of. fleer, badly froz'ii; Fred Lindgren of Sweden, boatswain, foet frozen j Noah Ap good of Newfoundland, feet frozen ; Ed' ward Wilklngsou ot Great Yarmouth, Englnud, b.ul(y frozen and nut likely to recover; John l'oterson of Denmark, James linker of Now Foundlnnd, Henry Noblo of lolfa?t, If. K. Stovonson of Porl land, Kngland, and William Hagar ot London, nu apprentice boy, 14 years old, nro badly frown. Ono man could walk when tho boat landed, tho rojt being car ried to neighboring liousos and cared for. Several of tho survivors will I030 arms or legs. Tlio men state that the Ealing struck u rock about 0 p. m. on Monday, in n denso vapor, wlillo going nt quarter upecd. Halt an hour aft -rwutdn It Wim necessary to take to the ! at.s, tho ship was settling fast and tlio sun very heavy. They were I tlrivon illty miles to !."n. Soon after dtiy light on Tuesday two of tho firemen sue I Climbed to the exposure. Ilurlng Tuesday ' night Cuplatn Aleol; and a llroman named 1 Wilion died. TIniMlny inoniliig tho Hist ; cngiiieordkHl, and later n the day three 1 others expireii. j Yesterday noon, Just as they caught sight of laud, tlio ninth ot tliclr crow, an apprentice named (JUroy, died. Theso wero I all consigned to. the sea us they died, to 1 keep tho heavily iced boat from sinking, j When laud wns sighted tillroy died. With 1 a prayer thoy consigned his body to n I watoiy gravo nt tho ontianeo ot Cnusu , harbor. President or New Jersej's Senate. TrtENTON, Jan. 11. The New Jersey no publican senators met in caucus at tho Hotel Windsor last night. Senator Lewis A. Thompson was elected president on tlio second ballot ovor Senator Foster M. ,Voorhec3. H. B. Itolllnson of Ilnhway and Edward Piolder of Asbury Park wore ro-elcctod secretary and assistant socretary respectively. Senator Voorhees was unan imously tendered tho party leadership in tlio seuato, and consented to accept. As a result of tho election of Senator Thompson Charles H. llatcman, ot Somcrvillo, will bo tho prcsidours prlvnto socrotury. The senators wero still In caucus nt midnight, discussing tho Ailing of tho minor olllues. The Gould's Inheritance Tax. New YoltK, Jan. 11. Surrogato Fitz gerald yesterday slgucd nn order fixing tho amount of Inheritance tax to ho paid by tho heirs of tlio lato Jay Gould as fol lows: Georgo J. Gould. fiW,771.Sll; Jay Gould, $3,000; Hclou M. Gould, $33, 137.08; ' Edwin Gould, $lW,lt7.S.'3; Howard Gould, $90,ll.23; Frank J. Gould, $07,175.85, and 1 Anna, now tho Countess de Castelalno, j $97,123.18. Theso are tho children of the deceased. Abraham Gould, $477.71; Anna G. Hough, $110.83; Sarah O. Northrup, 1 $397.40, and Elizabeth Palcn, $132.4S. I Theso nro tho brothers and slstors of tho 1 deceased. Fighting Fire with Iluckets. WlLKnsUAlWE, Pa., Jan. 11. Lato Inst night flro hroko out in the grocery store of George Mlddlcmnns, at Mill Creok. Tlio town Is without flro apparatus, and tho citizens formed thomsolves into buckot ' brigades to fight tho flames. At midnight ' tho store, Thomas Miller's hotel audthrco t dwelling houses had boen destroyed. The 1 flro was then under control. Geuernl Kzeta CaptlirFil. Sax Salvador, Jan. 11. The DiUro del Salvador publlshos a speciul despatch from San Jose, Costa Itlca, stating that General Ezota and tho members of his ex pedition havo boen captured. Thoy wcro off Punta Aronuns, Costa Ktca, when taken into custody, nnd nro held thero sub ject to the ordors of tho San Salvador gov ernment. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing (imitations of the Now York and l'lilladeliilila Ilivlintiiretf. New Yohk, Jan. 10. Tho sliaro speculation today was Irregular at tlio openlnjr and the volume of business wns only moderate. An easier tendency soon benaiue evident and gen eral fractional losses wen scored. Later in the'day the anthracite coal stocks and grang ers ere strong features. Closhtg bids: Baltimore & Ohio 88 New Jersey Cen.. 9816 Del. & Hudson Kiyi N. V. Central D., Ij. As W 15H Tennsylvaula 61 Erie im Heading 3 Lake Erie & V. .. 181 St. I'aul 07H Lehigh Nav mi W. N. V. & l'a 2j Lehigh Valley IK) West Shore General Markets. PiMLAnEi.i'iiiA, Jan. in, I'lour flrini win ter superfine, Si.a'xtjA'.fO; tin. extras, S'i.lWJi -'.86; Pennsylvania roller, (lear.S3.iia.S.a"; do. do. straight, $3.SjVMU; western winter, clear, SXlJiVUO. Wlitmt dull, with i)Ho. bid and CMWo asked for January. Oorn quiet, easier, with SJHo. bid and 3Wo. asked for January. Oafs quiet, Meatly, with 24Ko. bid and Siiic. asked for January. Hay firm; choice tim othy, JIU. Href quiet, l'ork firm; mess SlOta I 10.SU; iamlly, SloaiO.&O; short clear. $10.75 iz.ii. ijim uuu; western steam, ss.;;)g, Hut ter quiet; western creamery, lueaio.; do. fac tory. tH417o.; Eights, 23o.; imitation cream ery, Hj19o.; New York dairy. lsa23o.j do. dreamery. IsaKlHo.j Pennsylvania and west ern creamery prints, extra, ajo.: do. choice. i litc-i do. fair to good, SilBKtc.; prints Jobbing atiwe."W. uneese nrin; large, ,4iJ10o.; small, "MUWJsc; 1'art skims. 34auo.; full skims, Zil'lc- Eggs demoralized; New York and Pennsylvania, I8S--0.1 ico house. lOJ-ilOa; western frosh, lsSXHc.i southern, 1 WJOo. Lire rituok markets. Nkw Yoiik', Jan. 10. Ileeves steady; natlvo steers, poor to prime, SLllitLUO; stags and oxen,J3.2o.40; bulls, ;2.MI3.50; dry cows, H.6(K13."0. Calves steady ; poor tn prime veals, fail; barnyard cubes, f J.JWfflt. shenp , and lambs steady; poor to prime sheep, $1 4.40; Inferior to choice lambs, tt.79So.eO, Hogs 1 higher at $1.2034.0). . Kast Liukiitv, l'a., Jan, 10. Cattle steady; I good, SI3I.3U; good butchers, SJ.B031; rough fat, J38X00; bulls, cows and stags, Sl.SuS o.ou; jtcuern, co.iittw.nu; i.resu cowb auu springers, $loO30. Hogs very slow, and quoted all grades at $131.10; roughs, f3S3.a. Sheep slow; export wethers, $3.2A4; prime, SJ.OD 8.75; fair, S.'.IOiW; common. !-'SJ2.30; culls, f iai.50; lambs, tiUi.M. Veal calves, $0,503)7. SUICIDE. SOME PECULIAR METHODS OF COM MITTING IT. Causes That Lead to It. Some ruses of Suicide nro brutal and dis gusting. Their details fill us witli horror. Others appeal to our pity and sympathy Hot It for their reason and result. What more pathetic than Tom Hood's line : "Take her up tenderly Lift her with caro ! Fashioned ho slenderly Young nnd so fair. "Look at her garments Clinging like eeremenls Whilst wo wave comtnutiy Drips. from iier clothing ; Tako her up instantly, Loving, not loathing. "Cris her hands humbly. As if praying dumbly, Over her breast ! "Owning her wcnki'es, Ilur evil behavior. And leaving with meekness Iler sins to her Savior." There is sulfide by knife, by pistol, by hanging, by drowning, by jumping, b'v escaping gas, by burning charcoal, and by the various poisons, as morphine, strychnine, arsenic, nrusslc acid, and various other drugs. But there is still more common nnd much more important form of BUicide. It is suicido by ignorauie ur neglect. A man or woman can as easily und as certainly commit suicide by laliiug to filter out of tho body tho poisons and impurities that collect iu it. They am forming every minute and every second of your life by day and by night. Every time your brain thinks, your hand movos, your heart beats, your lungs inhale, some of their substance breaks down into waste material. This waste material is poisonous, nnd natuio intends its removal as fast as it is made. This is the work your kidneys have to do. If they nro weak, sluggish, inactive, or diseased thoy do not do it. Poisons that should bo promptly thrown nut then collect in tho system and ' clog and poison every organ. Perfect kidneys mean perfect filtering of ALL poisons out of the blood. Pure blood and perfect health are synony mous. Dr. Hobb's Spiragiis Kidney Piils heal, soothe, and strengthen the kidneys and set them to doing their work actively and properly. They contain the healing, tonic, and diuretic principle of the root, stalk, and berry of the asparagus. Are you committing suicide faridessly. iguottintly, or unwillingly, by neglecting your kidneys ' Uso Dr. Hobb's Kpnragns Kidney Pills and he nn Hie sale sale. Fifty cents per box, from nil dntcgistf, or Hobb's eiicloM' Till etn. in tanlp8 or silver direct to tut 1U)HH'S MEDIt'INE Co., CIiIciko. San l'niiit'isco IntercstiiiK and in structive book on Kid ney Heallb and Wood Filtering Free yPHis : you t.c.10 Tiirout. I'lmDla. Contic: Ulcers la Jlnuth. llair-l'sJIIngl Write) W)OK 1:31 X CO.. I1U7 A111SOI1ID Tiimnle, Ki;jilciitro, Jll., ror prools ot oures. aju,l 1 Aim, riuuAJUu. worst cases cured in x 31o UA uays. lOO-pugb book free. 3T?fC Many merchants are well aware that their . customers are their best friends aud t.ike pleasum In Mipplying them witli the best I goods obtainable. As an instance wc lueu 1 tiiin lVrry & C'anieron, proiniiieut druggists lot' Flushing, Michigan. They say: "We have 110 hesitation in recommending Cham berlain's Cough lliniedy to our customers, as it is tlio best cough midlciue we have ever sold, and always gives satisfaction." For wilo at '5 and 50 cents per bottlo by Oruhler llros., druggists. Coating V. ents. Jan. IS. (Iroiid Welcome lltetiug to Brig adier llown and Knsign Gilbert, at Uvnugclical churcli. Feb, 17. First annual ball, Patriotic Drum Corps, Hobliius' opera liense tehoppe oithostr.i. j Foil. !J0. Supper and entortniuiiieut undor the au.iplcosi of Council No. fcl, Daughters of Liberty, in Holililns' hall. Not a fiw who road what Mr. lU'bort Howls, of Hollands, Va., lias to say below, will ruineiiiber their own eiperience under like circumstances. "Idit-t winter I hud la grippe which left ine iu it low smloof health. I tried numerous remedies, none of which ditl me any good, until 1 was induced to try a bottle of ( luuuberhiiu'H lough Hcinedy. The first bottle of it ho far 1 lit veil me that I was enabled to attend to my wink, and the second bottle eil'ccleil a cure." For salo at 28 and SO cent- per buttle by tirubler llros. druggists. Wlu-n in .Wlt whatUa Kid ill rVti ! Itcsult In I weeks. i TIM. rWliDlClNIl CO., ClCTClaod, Oblo. For Mile by Y.V D K1RT.1N, Shenandoah, l'a. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SClIt'VKtM, DIVISION". Jaktauv (1, lwM, Trains will leave Sliennmlonh ntlrr the hI.ots date for Wlggnns, (llllierton, Frneltvlllo, Dual: Wnter, St. Clair, l'ottsvillc. Ilnnil.urK, Itendlntt, lnt.t.. 111. ...... I. -lit.. ft t... . H" ...n.i. ..I . , a Titit , ..in i if-uiwii nun rut mU'lphln (llrnnil street station) nt 0OS nnd It n. m. nnd 1 IA p. tn. on week iIiivh. For I'ofv- vnic mill mtermeciinta stations V 10 a. ui. Ht'KDAY. For Wlggnns, Ollherton, Frock villr, Dark it out, ft. inir, i oiisviue, nt o ic, u 40 a. U1. nM 810p. in. For llnmluirg, Kontllng, lotttow, I'lioenlivllle, Norrlstowu, Philadelphia nllM, 9 to n. in., 3 10 p. m. irnins lenve rrncKviuc lor Mtirnnnopali at 10 40 n. 111. nnd 12 11. SOI. 7 42 mid lfl'J7 i. i. Sunday, It Vi n. in. nnd ft 40 p. tu. I-eavo l'nttsvll!" for Sheimndonli nt 10 13, 11 it n. m. nnd I 40, 7 15 mid 1000 p. m. Sumlay at 10 40 n. in., ft IS p. in. I-cnvc l'hllndelpliln, (Ilrond street station), lor Hliciinmlnnli nt 867 nnd 8115 n. in., 4 10 mid ?11 p. in. wcck nays, .ninnnys leave nt ft to n. m. Iieavc Ilroad streit station. IMillmlettililf.. ttr Sea Ulrt, Aslniry l'nrk, Ocenn drove, Ixmg linincli, mm Intermeillate stations, fi.SO, S.JO, ll.a'Ja. m., 3..T0, I.OOii. in. wock-dnv. SululiTS (stop nt lliterlnken for Asbury l'nrk), 8.28ii.l. Inve Uro.id Street Station. Philadelphia, FOIt NKW YOltK. Kxpress. week dnvi. II 20. I oft. I Vl. ft lft. ft ? 7 88, S M, 9 20, 9 SO. 10lHWulng( ai ), II Is), 11 Ii. in. i is noon, i,i ii.iimusl i w nntl p. m. (I)llilng Cnis) t L (DiniiiK Carl, 110. 23 (l)lillng Car), ,120, 4 00, ft 00, B .Kl (I)iiilnir fir), B 00, 0 B0. 8 12. 10 00 n. in.. 12 01 nk-lit Siin.l.it'i 3 20, I Oft, (50, S15. 812, 9 20. (ITk. 10S0 (IHnftisr Car). HOB a. m . 12av 13ft. (Dmiiiu: Cut) 2 (Dining Curl, 100 (I.lmlteii 1221, (IMning Cntl 5 20, SSfl (I)!lilngC'r),fl,S,6jO,S 12, lOCJli. nf , 12 01 night. Hpu for tlestnn, wlllioot eliangi', 1100 a. ni. vvtvk dfljs, mitt n 50 p. m. dully. WAHIIINOTMN AND TIIE801ITU For lUltiinniv nml Wii'liliigton, 3 50, 7 20, SIB, 912, 10 20, ltffil n. in., 1209 (12HI I.imlU'd Olfc llig Obi ), 1 12. 3 18, 4 II (5 19 Comrresslonal I.lmlttsl. Dining Car), S.17, iDln'na rnrj, 017, 6 55 (Ilinlug Car), 740 (Dining (,lt) p. in., and 12 05 night nevk lav. Himdns, 3 50,7 20.9 12. 11 23 n. 111., !2 0" l'l2, 4 41, (SB Congri-Hsloiml I.lnilleil, Dining Car, .187, (Dining Curl, fiSft (Dining Cm), 7 40 p. an. (Dlnlnu Car) and 120ftnlttht. Leave JInrket Street Ferry. Plillwlelpbla, FOIt ATLANTIC CITY. Hxprciw, 8 50 n. in., 2 10,4 00, nml 5 00 p. i. week days. Hiinday, 8 Ift and 0 45 n. in. For Unpe 1 i.v, AnjtleMen, WildwiHwl anil Holly llentli. Eprero, 90i) a. m., nnd 1 M) p. w. week days. Sninlnys, OOOii. m. ForSenlnle City, Owinn City nnd Avalon. Kx press, 9 00 n. m., nnd 100 p. in. week days. Sunday, Q 00 n. in. For Soniers Point Kspress, 8 50 a. in., nntl loop in weekdays, hnndavs. 8-15 n. m. S. M. Pr.FM)-r, i. H. Woon, (ien'1 Maunjrcr. (len'l PonvVr Airt. READING R. R SYSTEM in nrrixn1 ocrom:u i, 1895. Trnli.H lcno SlicimiiUotih an fnllowe: For Nnv York vi l'lilliulclpMii, wock tht. 210, 52n, 720 u. m., 'J V mulSM p. ni SuntliiVH, 2 10 ii. tn. For New York via Mauch Chunk, week LTf, 5 2T(, 7 Kn. m., 12 58 nml 2 55 . in. For HriKlIn and J'htlntlclpliln, vet ilny, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m., 12 5S, 255 ami 5 55 p. m. Hiim ilays, 2 10 n. m. l-'or l'ottsvillo, week tlnys, 2 10; 7 20 a. in., iiuii 12 5H, 2 55 nml 5 55 p. m. Smulays, 2 10 n, in. Kor Tnninqim and iMnlianoy City, week dttyt, 210,5 25, 7 20 a. in., 12 5S, 2 55 niul 5 55 p. m, KuiuInH, 2 10a. in. Vur VHItniu-port, Sunlmry nml Iewleburp, week ilnyn, II 21, 11 'CO a in., "50 nmt 7 20 p. in. Hniulavs, 0 25 a. in, lor ilaluniuy Plane, weekday., 2 10. 3 25, 5 25, 7 20, 11 0 ii. in., 125, 1 ro.255,5 55, 7 20 nnd 0 35 p. in. lHiuuIar, 2 10, !1 25 n. m. l-'or Ashland and hliamokln, week days, D 25, 720.I1U0 a. in,, 150,720 and "U5 p.m. Htin dnys, ;J 25 a. ni. 'or Itnltlmore, WnshfiiKton and the Went vln II. A: (). H. Jt., tlirmiKh traina leave Keadine: Termlnnl, I'hilndelphia, iV. & IE. It. Ii.) at a 20, 7 55. 11 20 a. in., a Id nnd 7 27 n. in. HundnvV u u, i w. u a. in., a i' ami . in. tionn. traiim from Tw entyfourtli and mit streets station, week da r, 1 50, ,5 41, in. Hunda s, 1 U5, 8 23 p. in. Tit A INS FOIt HHKNANDOAH. AdtQ- CheA 8 23 p. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week: 1 W V- nnd 12 U ulelit. Hllliiluvs. 0 00 11. Leave New York la Miiueb Chunk, week days, t ::o, S 10 a. 111., 1 10 ami 1 UOn. 111. Leave Philadelphia, Itruillng Terminal, week days, 1H, 8I, 10 00 a 111. and 100, 0 0L', 11 3 p. m. Sumlavs, 11 SO p. 111. Leave ltrnillng, week days, 133, 710, 10 06, U oO a. in., 5 OX mill 7 37 p. 111. Sundays, 1 33 n. m. Leave Pottsvlllo, wt ek days, 'J IW, 710 n, 111., 12 110 nnd 0 12 p. ill. Sundays, 2 33n. in. Leave Tainnqita. week ila. 3 IS, 8 50, 1123 a 111., 1 20. 7 l.litlul 0 52 i 111. Stlllihl)s, 3 IS 11. m. Leave Mahiinov C'itv, week diivs. 2 45, 9 21, 11 17 a. 111 . 1 ni, 7 39 nml 1151 p. 111. Mimhiys, 3 ft a. in. Lenve ilalianoy l'lniie, week tiny. 2 40. -lot), 6 B0. 0 37, 11 5!) 11. ill , 12 5S, 2 00, 5 20, 0 2fi, 7 53 tiud 10 10 p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 4 00 a. 111. Leave Will ianiMport, week days, 7 12, 1010 a. in., 3 35 nnd 11 41 p. 111. Siiiulnys, 11 15 p. 111. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wnrf uud South street wharf for Atlantic City. Weekdays Express, 0 00 a. ni., 2 00, 4 00, BOi p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. 111., 4 30, fi 30 p. ay. Buliday Express, flOO. 1000 a. 111. Accommo dation 800a. 111., 4 IS p. 111. ltetiirnlng leavo Atlantic City (depot,) week days, express, 7 35, 9 00 a. m., 3 30. 5 30 p. na. Aeeonimotlatlon, 0 50, 8 15 n. 111., and 4 32 p. ua. Sundays Express, 1 00, 7 30 p. m. Aecommoihp Hon, 7 15 a. m., I 15 p. 111. l'nrlor Cars on nil express trains. I. A. SWEIQAHI), O. 0. HANCOCK. Oen'l Superintendent. Gen'l l'nss. Agt. The first of American newspler -CHAIti,i:s A. DANA, F.ditor. Tito American Constitution, tho Aincriiau Ides, the American Spirit. Tiie$o lint, lt, nnd all the time, furever. Dally, by mall, - - - $6 a year Dally and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year Address THE SUN. Now Yorlt. RESTORE LOST YIGOR ute tat KcrvouB Tlebllltv. Loss of Sesual Tower (In cilXer sea), luiixteocy. Atrophy, Varicocele and other wcakneaaea, from say cauie, dm Sealnel'lUa. iSraini checked and full Vlfc-or qulckky restored. If naelectad, sistb troubles lesolt fllally. Milled anywhere, scaled, for f i.eo 6 boses for tiM. Whk