2 I Almost O Distracted ID YOU EVER sudor from real ner vousness? When every nervo seemed to quiver with a peculiar, creepy fooling, first in ono place, and then another and n'l seemed finally to conccntrato in a writhing Jumblo in the foralu, and you bo como irritable, fretful and peevish; to bo followed by an impotent, weakened condi tion of tho nervo centers, ringing in the ears, and sloeploss, miserable nights ? Dr. Wiles' ii!vfca2S Nervine 4iv cjwuuivu tv, aj, ik hart, Ind., says: "Ner vous troublos had mado mo nearly lnsano and Restores Wflltll physicians wcro unable ncalUl,.,,., tohclomo. My memory was almost gono and every llttlo thing worried mo until I was almost distractod. I really feared I was becoming a maniac. I Imagined all sorts of evil things and would cry over nothing. I commenced taking Dr. 3111c j" Ilestorntlvo Nervlno and fourbottls of this wonderful remedy completely cured mo, and I am as well now as I over was." Dr Miles' Nervlno Is sold on guarantee, Erst bottlo will benefit or money refunded. BloodfHerveFood For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. V KHAT IT IS ! Tho richest of all rcrtoratlfs I",'01""'6 replaces the same unbalances Jh ? V? ""'".that are eihanated in lselwoIife-KlviuBlluldsbydisease.lndlKestion, aign living, overwork, worry, ei ceases, abuse.etc! WHAT IT DOES! Br making the blood nre and rich, and the digestion perfect, It creates ;o!Sd lleh, inusclo and strength; The nerves be te made stronir.thn Iirnln l.ccomcs active and lear. lorreetonnB lost vitality ami sronnln ail . THE OR. CHASE COMPAMV. 613 Chestnut SU. I'hlladelDhla. SI Fin umi nPCIRF in UaL-n PI H rv n s iv r . r - B IV! J I Nl C T r H OUR PLANS OP OPERATION AS SURE ABSOLUTE SAFETY. Make your money earn you a monthly inlnry. $10 00 nnd more inwlfl ilnlly by our new nyt tenmtiu rian of Operation on niiinll luvcbtiuuuttt in grain ami j-tock ppeculntlon. All wo nlc is to Investigate our new and original methods, l'ast workings of plan ami highest references furnUlicil. Our Booklet "Point &z Hints" how to niako money and vther information Rent FIEKR. Gilmore &, Co., Hanker. nnd llrokcrs. Open Uoard of Trmle IHdg., Chicago, III. Of n hcnd-splIttliiB headncho immediately re lieved by the use of TAYLOR'S Anti-Headache Powders, J They aro a ponttlvn and, dy euro and nro guarameeu wisoiutely Iu success is amnio uroaf th i us. Their great y nre nn effective article, which can benlivrt f rcaulU. Procure them fromuS will! trte iet Layer's Lager and .-OSItm ICS Finest, Purest and Healthiest. n n fmui J 207 West Coai Street. JOHN F. CLEARY, l'UItlJ SKI.TZEIt WATHU A cure for headache ami ,, atoraach troubles. OINUKlt ALU, WlilSS Hldjlt, UUlKlt IllSRIl, BOTTLER OF . . . 1'PKTJJIt. A 7 and IPPeacIj Alley, Shenandoah. i s - flilllons of Dollars , Qo up in rsmoko every year. Tako no risks but get your douses, stuck, fur niture, etc., Insure&lu first-class To llable companies as represented hy DAVID FAUST, Kfthli.?' Alan TAtf and AGcIdfntd Camnaiiteii. As Prime Minister of Oapo Colony Promptly Accepted, SUOOEEDED BY HI3 PREDECESSOR. Much Warlike TnlU In KiiRtiuiil Over tlio "Unwarranted Attitude iirilnipi-ror Will lam' Tho German llmpcriir liecelte n Itepreentntlve f tliu Trim', mil, , Cape Town, Jan. 7. Tho report that Cecil Rhodes has resigned Iho premiership of Capo Colouy is confirmed. Tho lion. Sir J. Gordon Sprlgjr, K. (J. M. G., treas urer of Cape Colony, litis been chosen to succeed lilm. Cecil Hhodos lins for gomo time been known ns the "Dlnmoml KIiir" and the "Bismarck" of South Africa. Kdltor Stead fnnks him as the third man iu tho British empire, putting Gladstone and Salisbury ahead. Hhodos Is worth nbout 180,000,001, and is a great schemer. Some tlmo ago ho planned n ooimolidatod British empire, em bracing the choioost portions of tho globe. In this empire South Africa was to tako a leading part. A dozen yentu ngo, nt Kimberloy, Hhodos stood before n map of Africa. Ho placed his hand across tho Interior up to the Bin cnciL r.noDca. mouth of til,' Congo ami ...o great lakos, a '1 said: "All that shall bo English. That ia my dream." . v. Sir J ihn G. Sprlsrg, who was the predecessor of Rhodes In tho premiership, and mado way to allow Hhodos to work out hlsseheme, now becomoshls successor. Sprlgg was colonial secretary and premier of Capo Colouy from 1S78 to 1831, treasurer froml8Sl to 18SD, premier and treasurer from 18S3 to 1890 and treasurer from 1800. Ho was born lit 1830. President Kruger has stopped tho food supplies Into Johannesburg. Tho whole of tho national reform commltteo lia-e boon arrosted. Nobody is allowed to enter tho Transvaal territory without a pas.-port vised by Kruger. It Is stated that Dr. Ijnyd, tho secretary of stato for tho Transvaal, with a secret fund nt his disposal, has floated a German colonization company to introduce 5,000 German military settlers into tho Trans vaal. London, Jan. 7. Tho Pcoplo, which Is tho weekly edition of The Globe, which is lu touch with tho government, says there Is reason to bellovo that Prima Minister Salisbury and his colleagues, owing to the liostilo nttltudo of Germany, will consider tho expediency of Immediately strengthen ing the British forces in those parts of the empire that aro oxposed to attack. James llackciulo Jfnclean, M. P. fortho Cardiff district, nnd proprietor of tho Car diff Wostern Mall, has writton an article for that paper, in which ho says: "Em peror William's message to Paul Krugor, president of tho South African Hopublle. is ns deadly and unprovoked nn Insult as was ever offered to tho head of a great Eu ropean power and to iv nation of euuul rank. In face of these ropeated insults from foreign powers tho tlmo has como to use more effective means of retaliation than protosts that nro conspicuous for pru- donco nnd moderation. It Is tho clear duty of Lord Salisbury to demand tho withdrawal of tho offensive telegram. If It Is not cancelled he should Immediately recall tho British ambassador from Ber lin." Tho Central News says that the govern ment is determined not to permit Ger many to glvo military assistance to the Transvaal. The governor of Natal, Sir "Waltor Fran cis Hely-Hutchlnson, K. C. M. G., tjlo- graphs, upon Boer authority, that 1SJ of Dr. Jameson s followers wero killed and that thirty-seven wcro wounded. On the Boer side, it Is added, only throe were killed nnd flvo wounded. Disorders occurred In tho cost end ol Loudon last night growl-ig out of tl fact that tho Gorman and Dutch sallora about tho docks voro hissed aud molested. Tile windows-in tho shops kept by Germnn Jows woro broken, nnd several Gorman cluhs woro closed. Encouragement frm lSiuperor William. Beiilin, Jan. 7. Tho omperor gavo an audience yesterday to Br. Lord, secretary of stato for the South African republic. His majesty assured tho doctor that tho Trans vaal republic could reckon upon tho pro tection of Germany. It Is said that the omperor promised Dr. Leyd that Germany would rucognlzo tho indepeudonoo of the Transvaal republic by appointing a Ger man resident at Pretoria instead of a con sul im heretofore, and also assured the Transvaal secretary of state that tho triple nlllanco would also recognize tho lnde peudeuco of tho South African republic. Schools Closed hy Cold Weather. Kingston, N. Y., Jan. 7. Tho mercury fell to 15 below zero here, with n strong northwest wind blowing. Tho bchools woro closed on uccouut of thocold, There Is no snow, and farm crops aro in danger This la tho ooldost weather without snow known hero Iu many years. Tho river is tightly frozou over from shore to shore, tho lco being sevornl liumos thick. Coldefit In Several Ycani. Catskim, N. V., Deo. 7. Tho coldest weather In bovoral years was experienced hero yesterday, tho mercury falling from 1(1 to 23 ileg. below zero. Tho Hudson river, which had reopened on Deo. 23, Is again frozen over. Not nn lueh of snow, all told, has fullon hero. Ill Sister Haw lilm Drown. Baltimoiie, Jan. 7. Louis B. Daven port, SI years old, son of James C. Daven port, n prominent merchant of this t-Uy, was drowned whllo skating on Lake Ho land yesterday Ho sank lu full siglr of his sister, wlioivoR ono of tho party. The body was roerorcd. MUNYON What Mrs, Kenning Owes to His proved Homoeopathic Remedies. Im- CHRONIC CATARRH. Of tho Most Obstinate Nature Thoroughly and Permanently Cured, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kldnoy and All Blood and Hcrvo Diseases Cured by Munyon's Im proved Homoeopathic Remedles-At all Druggists, 2E Cents a Bottle. Mrs. 11. 1). A. Helming, 2000 Hollhis street, IlHltiinoie, JId.. says: . "My daughter Lotiisn, HiiflViod from catarrh of tho noe and throat fur IU ' yean or more. Kvery morn ing her mise was completely stopped up ith mucus and she sum-red from pain nnd pres sure across her fc r 'head, sneezing and raising nmriiB from the throat, ditllculty in breath ing nnd heaviness acro- the clic-t. t tried several physicians and different kinds of treatment, but she found nolicnellt. Finally I began treating her with Munyon's tMtnrrii lloniedies and In a short time xlie was com pletely cured and has never had a symptom since." Are you willing to i-pend 50 cents for n euro that positively cures catarrh hy remov ing the rauiFc of the disease? If so ntik votir druggist for a 'S cent boltlo of Munyon's Caturrli Cure and a 25 cent Ijotlle of Catarrh tablets. Tho Catarrh Cure will eradicate tho disease from tho syctcm and tho tablets will cleanse and heal the iiflllcted parts and restore them to a natural and healthful con dition Munyon's llemedics contain positive cures for all diseases. At all druggists, mostly 25 cents. Personal letters to 1'rof. Munyon, 1503 Arch street. Philadelphia,, Pa., answered with free medical advice for any disease. READING R. R. SYSTEM in i:i'TKCT ocToniut i, isot. Trains lonve Slicnandonh ns follows : For New York via IMiltmlolpliIa, aimU days 2 10, 5 33, 7-'0 a. in., 12 58, 2 'io nmlSM p. in SmulnvH, 2 10 a. m. For New York via Maticli Chunk, week days, 5 2-1, 7 20 a. in , ttrittnml 2,V p. m. Kor Itemling and lMillatlelphla, week days, 2 10, ft 7 20 a.m., 12 58, 2 55 and 5 W p. m. Sun day, 2 10 n. in For l'otts illr. week days, 2 10; 7 20 a. in., and 12 58, 2 55 luwl 5 05 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. in. For Tiun:tua ami M ilmnov City, week davs, 2 10, 5 35, 7 20 a m , 12 V, 2 55 and 5 55 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 n. in. For HM:unpurt. Sunlmiv nnd JaMvUhure, week days, 25, 11 HQ a in , 1 50 and 7 20 p. in. Sundays, 3 25 a. in. For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 2", 7 20, 11 30 a. in., 12 5, 1 W), 2 55,5 55, 7 20 ami 9 iVi p. m. Sundays, 2 10 3 25 a. in. For Ashland and Imimiktu, week days, 3 25, 7 20,1130 n. in., 150,720 and J35 p.m. Sun days, 3 23 a. in. For llatthuore, Washington and the West via 11. & O. U. It., through trains leave Heading Terminal, Philadelphia, (1. & It. IE. U.) at 3 20, 7 55, 11 2d n, mM 3 10 and 7.27 p. in. Sundays, 3 20, 7 00, 11 25 n. in., 3 14 and 7 27 p. m. Ad'cii tional t ruins from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets station, week days, 150, 5 41, 823 p. in. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. in. TItAlNS FOU SIIKNANDOAII. Leavo New York via Philadelphia, week days, 8 00 a. in., 1 30, 100, 7 30 p. in. aud 1215 niht. Sundays, ti 00 p. in. 1onve New York via Mauth Chunk, week da, 1 :10, 10 a. in.. 1 10 and 1 30 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week days, 120,8 35, 10 00 a. in. and 4 00, 0 02, 1130 p.m. Sundays, 1130p.m. heave Heading, week days, 135, 710, 10 Oft, 11 50 a. in., 5 55 and 7 57 p. m. Sundays, 1 35 a, mi. Leave Pottsville, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a, m., 12 30 and 5 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. m. Leave Tamaqua, week day, 3 lfi, 8 50, 11 23 a m., 1 20, 7 15 aud 0 52 p. in. Sundays, 3 18 a. in Leave Mnhanoy City, week davs, 2 45, 9 21, 11 47 a. in., 1 51, 7 39 and 9 51 p. in. Sundays, 3 45 a. m. Leavo Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00, G30, 9 37, II 59 a. m., 12 58, 2 (W, 5 20, G 20, 7 53 nnd 10 10 ji. in. Sundays, 2 40. 1 00 a. m. Leavo Willfamsport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a m., 3 35 nnd 1141 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut Btreet war! and South street wharf for Atlantic City. Weekdays Kxprce, 900a. m., 2 00, 4 00, 6 00 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., 4 30, GSOp. m. Sunday Ks press, 900. 1000 a. in. Accommo dation 8 00 a. ni., 4 45 p. m. Heturning leave Atlantic City (depot.) week days, express, 7 33, 9 00 a. in., 3 30, 5 30 p. in. Accommodation, 050, 8 15 a. in., and 4 32 p. m. Sundays Kxpress, 100, 7 30 p. in. Accommoda tion, 7 15 a, in., 4 15 p. m. Parlor Cars on all express trains. I. A. SWKlOAItl), (1, G, HANCOCK, Gen'l Superintendent. Cltn'l Pass. Agt. The Backus Water Motoi Is the Most Economical Power Known, and the Best In the World for Drlvlnjr Light Machinery. It takes but little room. It never gets out of repair. It can not blow up. It requires no fuel. It needs no engineer. There la no ileluy; no flrlnir up; no ashen to clwm awnyj no extra intmriuico to payj no re pairing ncctuMiryt no coal hills to pay, anil I 1 always ready for use. It is liivnlenl'Io foi blowing Church Orcani, for running Printing Presses, Hewing Machines, Turning Lathes, Scroll Sawn, Grind Stones, Coltee Mills. Hauonge Machines, 1m1 Cutlers, Com Mills, Iterators. Kte, Pour-horse power at 40 pounds pressuro of water. It is noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and above all IT IS VERY CHEAP. Price, $15 to $300 Send for circular to the Ilaekus Water Moto Co., Newark, N. J,, stating paper you saw advertisement in. We also manufacture Patent Rotating and Exhaust Fans. Send for Special Catalogue on Ventilating. Alt DRUG HSafe AUD SURE StNO 0, Hm"W0tfU ' 2 wi.'ix upccifio vsirniw m lluHilHfcLIlIAH A CONSPIRACY TO MURDER. Ono Sinn Wiw to Tnlu, P,ut fur Twi nty Dollnis. Ciiioauu, .Tun. 7.-Villltim J. Weber, formerly nnymniter of tlio Chlenito nnd Northwestern railway in St. i'aul. nnd ro eently neting seerctary nnd treasurer ! tlio Kilmer l.ale Tie eompany of this city, is, with his brother, Oih Weber, under nr ret tin a chn-iru id eoneplriui; to commit murder. Tho Intended victim of the Wenera whs H. V. llamllu, tho eecretmy nml treasurer of the Halo Tie company. Hamlin. It is stated, secured Weber the place in St. lnul,atid when hUown health gave way from over work, had Webr brought here to Ml jils own position while he was away on si vacation. Weber tilled Hamlin's position with the Halo Tie company for nine months, and did so well that ho was promised tho place permanently If Mr. Hamlin did Hot re turn. The latter did return, however, and Weber was provided with anuthor posi tion. Hut this augured him, nnd In ordei tongaln secure Hiimlin'd place ho. 16 1 charged. proposed to his brother that Ham lin be put out of tho way. Gin Webei agreed and was provided with weapons With whah lodo tho wo"k. Last 'Ihur.d.iy night Una Weber and a man nami'.i .dcli.ird Maloney, who had agreed to assist in tho murder for 0, fol lowed, 1 1.1111,111 ns ho left his oillee, Intend ing to murder lilm at the ilrst opportu nity. Their Intended victim was with i crowd ol his friends, however, nnd tin murder win postponed until Satuid i night. At that time Maloney weaketud nnd told a friend, who carried the t,de ic tho police, and the Webers wcro arrested. Gils promptly confessed. Premier Howell Will Not ltctlrr. Ottawa, Jan. 7.A cabinet meetinu was held yesterday by tlio premier, ; Muokenzio 1J nvell, and thu six ivmnlniii.: nioini era of thu ministry, nt which It wa decided to 111 1 Immediately the p'.nues m tho cabinet ma lj vacant bv t'io resigna tions of .Messrs. Foster, Wood, 'flipper, Dickey, Ives, Alimiague aud llaggart. It li und.ii'stoo I that. Hon. W. J. I'ngsln. provincial hojretnry in the New Ilruns Wick legislature, will be appointed to sue ceed Hon. O. K. Foster ns minister o. limine..", and Cm mel Tlsd.ile, of Sou h Norfolk, Out., will tako the portfolio lu l l by Dr. Montague. Hon. Fetor White, at present speaker of tin; imu oof common'., m.iy succeed Hon. John Haj'garC us min ister of railways and canals. Colonel Baker, of Mlssisslquol, has, It Is stated, been offered tho cabinet podtion vacated by Hon. W. 11. Ives, who was the repre sentative In tho ministry of tho Knullshi speaking minority In the provl.ic" nr Que bec. A Mui-durons Maniac Klllcil. INDIAN AI'OLIS, Jan. 7. The families ol Patrick Cialvin and W. II. Murphy, on Doloss street, linvo been on bad ternis fm soniotlme, nnd yesterday Galvin aiipeareii In his back yard and Ured two shots at Samuel Paul, a boarder of Murphy's, om shot taking effect. Then ho shot Mr Murphy, who had rushed Into her yard, and jumping tho fence ho ran Into the, Murphy home aud tried to slio it V. 11 Murphy. After a struggle Murphy secure 1 1 tho pl-tol and shot Gntviii d" id. Paul and Mrs. Murphy will prolubty die. Galvin was probably lnsano. Murphy was exon-1 orated by tho coroner's jury. i A New Iteeurd for SjTrtcase. 1 STUACUsn, X. V., Jan. 7. Central New York suffered the lowest temperature iu its experience yosterd.iy. In tlio central portions of this city tho thermometers agreed nt about 3! btdow zero. On Col lego hill, where Syracuse university is lo cated, tho mercury touched 3(1 below, nm) ono or two reports havo Indicated 33 below, i All through this section about tho same , leuiperniuro provaiieu, anil mucn sutler lug has been experienced. A Prisoner's Ternhlq Crime. Caiko, Ills., Jan. 7. Henry Dickson, a sneak thief aud burglar now confined In jail hero, cut n fellow prisoner, Charles Wilson, colored, across tlio abdomen, the knlfo penetrating through to the spina Afterwards ho cut off a portion of the in testines, rolled It in a paper and handed it to Assistant Jailer Irvin when the latter camo to tho cell. His victim cannot live Wilson had betrayed a plan of Dickson aud other prisoners to eseapo. i Ezcta's i:ieilItlon oil' Salvador. New York, Jan. 7. Tho Herald's cor- respondent In San Salvador telegraphs J nun. uiu jiracKiu women, Willi UeiU'rai Uzetn's expedition on board, is cruising between Iri I.lhert.id nnd Acnjutla, wait ing for an opportunity to land and precip itate a revolution. In view of this fact, President Gulterrez is rnislngun tinny nn ( placing It on a war footing. Hecrultlngls tho order of tho day throughout, tho re public. Kellluclcy's Kepulillciiii P.ulurs. FliAVKroitT, Ky., Jan. 7. Tho adminis tration of stato affairs passed Into Koptib licans hands yosterdny. The house nud senate Democrats held their caucuses last night, nominating full IKts of officers for both brunches. A. J. Carroll for speaker heads tlio houso slnto, whllo Sena tor W. W. Goebel was chosen for presi dent pro torn, of tho upper branch. The Utah Henntorslilp. Salt Lakh, Jan. 7. Pursuant to tho proclamation of Governor Wolls tlio legis lature convened in extra session at :t o'clock yesterday afternoon. Alter or.tn Izlug by tho olectiou of the caucus noun noos of tho ltopuliciin party ndjournine.i, was taken until today. The balloting Un United States senator will begin jilui i Jan. 21. . y llritlsh Illiiir uiul llliistor. LoxDOS', Jan. 7. Tlio Times In nn edi torial this morning again reminds the United States that "whether wo have troubles lu Kuropo nnd Africa or not, we I will not yield on the Venezuelan question. I Wo havo In-lilted nobody, but If wo are compelled to fight we shall bo ready to ! guard what is worth lighting for." t NUGGETS OF NEWS. Illchnrd Crokor, tho ox-Tammany lender ! of New York, dccluros that he Is out of politics. United States Senator nnd Mrs. Wob-oti, j of Colorado, arrived at Now York from j France yosterdny. Saloon men of Kansas City, Mo., art perfecting nn orgnnlz"tlon to fight tli browers' combine. Mrs. Michael Schafe niltted suicldo by hang & l your old, coin 4 1 1 her homo w .1 iy Insane. formiilly lu rnisnurg, whllo tempo Ruins W Pcckhain stalled as n Justice of i supremo court yesterday Governor Clarke, oi 1 'ilted Hint. 3 insai,, IIOUUCCS hi& Catldldiw-V fir Ihn c..,,f l thn Vnlted States sounte now heldjby Jnines K. Jones. 1 EVERYBODY LARGEST PIECE OF EVER SOLD FOR THE MONEY ltesult in 1 weeks. For s.ile hy l'.,l. D. 1UIU.IN. Sluiiiiiidoah, Pa. 'HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH OLD DR. TIIF.EL Rerc1 604 EanKreassKmasarj North Sixth St., 'Gmpho(cc. nu. Green, Philadelphia, lalbt U t lUo Icoiunuj rtotuturon, tu curl- g iLnti ri wliDBllirF,it.i. Htil d! .' rr Itht (ft, .1 II 1 f.K.ru.. Iln. & CUi (1. Mrii'turr. Invf iuel-. t, .1 1MIj. cuTPOiTUhouiciiiti' , hit ii.E L Ijj.u iUv.-'t tbeotJctt, the Iit'nt and nio,f pLIIK'iiI und pi rlftitcl mi, no EiKte what of . r r - Aat. H uJ Hu 1 i-eul ti imp lot book "Truth' ft tu. ealUhtciit'il regard, m wur ll aw and how to ft cnri"'. The cnlv l.tofc I'VOhlMJ JluArK act thur !oka unit ( Irculnr.. Uitautre llr. k rt-ttU Chock citiitl lu luj,. Hoomi ( to 3; Ere ,C 10 li. v, uua .vat, r- . C 1 I j Sun.. W 18; f.ift ,SUU. Tri'jmrntl.y llnll, V trn tmi wrlM 1 or call mrntloQ tb)4 1 j i r. 1 oM an 4 .Iogjr dtiUed. mi in 'Hi i, i.xMBxi&W'JuaainAssjziMucsBB" Evan J. Davies, l.tvniiV AND s 13 W. Jardin Street. 3 Ch toll rat vr1 lmzlUh Il amend It run J. 'ennyroyal pslls Or!zniulnnl 4nly Gculnc. AAC, (tlnittri rt liable. uo.c ck t iir-iu t in in i ut 1 1 1 iti met mi 10 bi alfri Mli blJi- 11 i Tuto nimlhfir. ? futr tfjfl.fi -. u t 'XihtttlU- ttJH ahdimUdtmn A t 1 u e xii, or iftij ! lu biimi s .ut arlti -' t stluoDltili t,u 1 ft.-ll. f fnf l.n11f.H in I-fftr. b return Slu'I. HMtOi I 1 1 mini..' imr luiptr. llil('h4'rrL'uetuLuKu.,MatHuni'Ntuitt 'VETERINARY SPECiHCS Per Horses, Cattlo, Sheep, Dogs, Hoss, AND POOLTltY. SOOPace llouli an Trentiitpnt of Animnln nud L'bart beut Free. cmtEa'PeTcrKtCaiiKCBtlong.liillammalloL A.A.J Milnul .lleiilinrlilB, Milk 1'ever. ll.H.SiriilUH, I.miieneHH, Kheumullaci. l).l).l)Uieinper, Nninl Illxchuruca. I). I). Kills or (irubi, Wurina. K.K.-C'fluirlia, llenves l'neiiiiiniila. I .I'.CdIIo or (irlin-H, llcllyaclic. .(!. Ill Iscurrliine, llriiiorrlinitca. Il.II.Urluury nnd Kidney DUcates. (.runtavo DlHeiiHed, ntniiffe. J.K.DUcuiieH of lllirt'ktlua, I'aralysln BJngla Dottle (over 60 dotct - . ,(JQ htuble Casp, with Specifics, MantuL Vctcrluary Cure Oil and Medlcator, 8.00 Jnr Vclerluary Curo Oil, . . 1.00 6.14 ferDrartLlit cr ..it prrpa ft,fhnKB4 la any HB.olU, oa r,rlil .1 rlr. iniiriiiii.Ts,iiiu.(a,uijismm.ia6i.,t.To,i. HOMEOPATHIC iMJ SPECIFIC fki in jeira. Tno ODtr iaccesful remedy xor Nervous Debility, vital Weakness, and, Prostration, froia over-work or ether causes. 51 per or 6 Till and. lws vial powder, tot 5. Sold bj Urnielm, or ioi jt(p14ou iA-nt.( t prlci. MCrIII.Ifia'IliU.Ca,lllJblUHUliftfcu,Swlwk. ML Mm m , IS ON TO IT RESTORE LOST IGOR When In dpubt wliat to use for NVr-c DclIHty. Los rf Fexnal Tower (In ei(b ten, lirpotewy, Alrorliy, Vart(u,.lc and other iWressc:. fruin any cam. Me Scxint Till,. Drains ill, ked and fall ,ii;r quKly r.slorc 1. If nclecled, &ich trout U- rt suit fatally. Mailed anywhere, tilled, lr fi.ro; c lro.e lor Jj oo. tttk every J5 oa order e plv n lecal ffnarantee to cure cr refund the mcme'. Addrk l'LAU MCD1CINX CO., Cleveland, Ohio. JOHN DALTON, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity -For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. j) F. HI KICI., M. 1). :w K. I.loyd street, Hhcnntuloah, OlHce hours : 7 to 9 n. nu, 1 to 3nml7Ut 1. in. J" II. l'OMlSUOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bliennndoiili, I'a. SI. 11UUKI5, ATT0RNEY-AT' Oniie Kl'Hii IiiiIIcIIiil'. Ceutro atreetd, Bhenanduah, pitOP JOHNJONKS, MUSICAL INSTRUGTOf Lock Hox G5t Mulmnoy Qity, I'n. Huvlnc ptudlwl umler borio of the bft in ant era io Ioiulon ami I'nris, will irfve loflatna on tho violin, jiuitHr nml vncnl culture. Teraia refto!ifth1o. AMrw Ui enre of Htrouao tho i'Wi'Ii r hliciiandnali. DR. A. A. SEIBERT, Specialist In diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 207 West Market Kt I'OTTsV IM.E. Hoiira- 30a m tal-, m lta4p ra., to U in RihiiIiivk B m t-tl" if 1:...? . aK4jkua V .. i