The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 07, 1896, Image 2

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1!staiii.isiii:i 8:o.
Published every K,cnitig, Kxccpt Hundny, Bt
HoDTn Jakiiin Htbekt. NFAit CEKTnB.
The Herald Is ilcllvcied UiKlicnAiidonn And tho
mirrnuiiditig towns fornix cent n week, pay
able to the carriers. Ily mail S3 00 n yenr. or 25
cents n month, iwyahle hi ndvnncc. Advcrtlne-
The piiblWbrrn reserve the right to chnr.gc tho
r'dtum of ndverticinciiti whenever tlio pul
icAtiou nf news dcinnndq it. Tile right is
rervrd to rej tt any Advcrtim-incut, whether
ftald for or not, Unit tlio publishers may deem
mproper. Advertising rates niado known
l!Kn application.
Sutcrcd nt tlie pordolncc nt Shenandoah, Pa., as
second clans mail matter.
Evening t-&r&idl
TITKHDAY, .1ANUA11Y 7,"lStm.
To the Itcpiibltcan electors nf Pennsylvania
The ncpuhiicmi of I'eiiiisylvaiila, liy their duly
rltOMni rcpreciitiitiYc, will meet in Stnte con
vention Tlum-tlny, April 111, 1KM, at 10 o'eloek
a. ., in the. opera bonc, elty nf Ilnrrisburg, for
tb purpose nf nominating two candidates for
reprcscntatUf .nt-lnrgc in (.oiiKrc and thirty
tro enndidntes for Presidential electors, tlio
selection of eight dclfgatc-s-nt'lnrKc to the llo
pahllcvin National convention, and for the
tinhMUltoii of such other busfncM as may tie
Ily order of the 8tale Committee.
M. a. Quay,
Jkttcft: Jkhf II. Itnx, Clialnnan.
W. II, Akiikkw.s, Secretaries.
Tun lloers gave tlio lion's tall a vigorous
Dutch twist which astonished that animal
What has heeomc of W. John Whlteliouse's
Hndly threaiencd almshouse lnvesligatlon.
Has it gone to join Lizzie O'liricii?
Tub (Julian insurgents are reported as be
ing at the gates of Havana. Let us hopo they
Trill soon bo Inside and shut the gates on the
Xow that the Almshouse appointments ale
it will be interesting to know just how
aaiy dependents each appointee has in his
family that the county will have to feed.
John1 Iltit.L's grabbing propensities have
stirred up nearly tho whole civilized world,
and we arc informed that lie is considerably
surprised thoicat. It is surptising that any-
c should balk him in his desiro to corral
tkc earth.
Tun present cold snap has enormously in
creased the consumption of coal. As far as
woaro concerned, it would bo a good thing
for tho coal trade if it should last a few weeks,
hut tho poor of the cities sillier greatly during
such periods.
, Tin: elevation of Archbishop Satolli to tho
Cardlnalato was a great event in tho Catholic
world and wasono of the most notablo gather
ings of Catholic prelates tlio country hascver
seen. The bitter cold weather, however, de
tnu ted considerably from tho gorgeoubness of
the teromonies.
Wk are in li ceipt of a copy of the speech of
Hon. Oaluslia A. Grow lu tho House of Iiep
resontativcsl)cccmlcr 12, 1693, in which that
Tctcran legislator strongly presents the
eneficial cilccts of a protective turiir as com
pared with tho present un-American policy
f free markets for the world's products nt
tho expense of American industry.
Juikii-, Dunn assumed tho duties of his
tiffico as Judge of the Orphans' Court yester
day. While there is not much of a chance to
obtain high distinction in the otlice there
will bo many important cjuestiuus allecting
estates to be passed upon, and we have no
doubt the new justice will adjudicate them
satisfactorily and we predict an hunorablo
carter for him if the court appointed to try
the contest inaugurated by ex-Judgu Lyon
docs not oust him from the office.
Anotiiku call forgold aud the sale of $100,
000,000 of bonds I Verily the Cloveland ad
ministration Is giving the country an object
lesson with a eugcaueo. The yearly incume
of tho government was not exceeded by tho
expenditures from Ifetil tolfcOl, hut in tho
latter year the excess was fliO.koa.'.'OO.nS,
while ill the year eudingyuue 30th, Ib'Jo, the
excowwas $l8lNB,a3.18, or a total of fll!;,
008, Hj3.7H. Had the -McKlnley larill- ic
niained in effect this deficit would not have
o curled, and now that the Itepublicans have
proposed a horizontal is strungly
intimated that the President will veto it lie
prefers to add to tlie public debt rather than
acknowledge his error.
IImxthio railway fnuiuhiM arosometlincw
an expensive grant to muulcipalitloi). The
city of Taunua, Washington, hag at least
i'uiind it m, and In a manner that Is not gen
erally taken Into consideration when fran-i-hiM
of thin character are granted. In re
puving one of the principle avenues in that
city, along which runs an electric car Hue, it
was found that moro than ono-half of tho
surfaco and councctlug pipes, running from
tho water main to tho buildings, had been
Mitcn nway by the electric current through
tlio rulljj as to to nseleea. Tho pipes ivcro
replaced by tho city at u cost of more tlian
$1000, All franchises hereafter granted in
Taionmwill contain a clause that the com
pany shall rciulr damages thus caused. level-headed English newsiaper man,
Mr. Henry Norman, of tho London Chronicle,
-who, by the way, lias liad the unique experi
t'lico for an Lnglisliman uf beluga graduate
of Harvard college, lias done moro to show
tlio fallacies of Lord Salisbury's contentions I
In the Venezuela dlsptito tlian all others
combined. Ills correspondence to tlio
Chroniclo has, to use ti slang expression, put
tlio noblo lord in a liolo ho will have, somo
difficulty In crawling out of, and It is re
ported that his lordship Is very angry with
tlio umlcr officials of tlio foreign oflko forthu
plight thoy hnvo permitted him to get into,
l'.uglish sentiment lias, as a result of Mr.
Norman's Investigations, undergone a radical
change nnd the most truculent Jingo aiming
the I'uglish newspapers is now as meek as a
A Suit Involving I'lgbt Million.
New Yoiik, .Inn. ". A jury wiw yesior
day sworn In before Judgj Liteon'ibo, in
the United Stnto circuit court, to try the
suit brought by the Pro-out mid Arizona
Central littllrt.i.d company against the
Atchison, Toyeku, mid Simla Ko
company and about llfty other dcfoiul.tiits,
including tlio railroad company's director)
ulld srookhnlilpr.4. mm,,,, H,,.,, hilnnu.
SI!! SlUtTl t.lll tlltlllll lltf..,.wtd nti.l I
Tlio amount Involved Is $s,SuO,00. ti is
alleged In tlie ooniiilnlnt that tho defend
ants entered into a conspiracy tu ruin the
l'rescott nnd Arizona Central railroad,
after having failed to gat poiMMslon of its
capltHl stock.
Tim Drlimiiil for the, llninN.
Ni:w Yoiik, Jan. ". Tlio World says:
In rosponse to an Inquiry sent nut by Tlio
Woi'ltl tilO ll.'ltlmi.'ll !!,. !r : rtf tlx. .!..,
cltlori and towns of the country, within '
ten nours, pii iigecl tliem -elves to take over
Jir,0d0,0jij of govorniiii'iit bonds upon a
a per cent, basis. In addition hundreds
of banks decir.ralthelrdesire to subscribe,
but wero unnlile to nanio any particular
ninouiit. It cannot lie doubted that these
uankx represent nt least another JI5.00J..
000. This nu ans practically the payment
of about 117 or 118 for tho bonds.
1'atul KplofInu of Naphtha., Jan. 7. Yesterday after
noon theio wore two explosions of naph
tha at tho United r-'lates and Canada lie-
creasing- company's works at MoniruM
mid Johnson avenues. There were elo en 1
Ill-it (it work in the room s here 'lie nen !
dent occurred. Uno mm w,i- in-tanily I
killed and threo oiher-i, Mip -rlnti n lout
I'.irker and two brothers naiin-d Milln-,
wero severely injured. After tin- lii-st i-x- j
plosion llame burst for.h, and at the sec- j
ond crash the roof was blown oil and tlio
ontiro building b.uliy wr.rkcd.
ltcal llxcltcment.
"Yos," wild tho ineok looking man,
"I've no doubt you'o had somo great
hunting oxporiences lu tho west."
"I bavo, Indeed I"
"Jiullulo hunting"
"And bear hunting"
"Of course I"
"Well, you just como iiround nnd let
my wifo tnko you house hunting nnd bar
gain hunting with her. Then you'll begin
to know what excitement Is." Washing
ton Star.
Too l!ny.
Snlplelgh I say, I'oorpelgh, how is It
you hnvo not paid that bill of mine?
Poorpelgli ily denr fellow, I have been
bo busy on that now book of initio that I
had forgotten nil about it.
Snlplelgh What nro you wrltlngf
I'oorpelgh A treutlso on memory. Al
bany Statu.
Pedantry, in tho common acceptation of
tho word, menus tin absurd ostentation at
learning nnd stiffness of phraseology, pro
ceeding from a misguided knowledge of
books and a total ignorance of men. Muc-
Merit wins, and Merit has not
only placed Hood's Sarsapa-
rllla at the head of all medi
cines but has practically given
it, as a blood purifier, pos
session of the whole field.
Wins because It Cures. It
Cures because it purifies, vi
talizes and enriches the blood.
Disease cannot resist Its potent
powers. Health comes at
Its persuasive bidding. If you
need a good medicine, get
Hood's and only Hood's.
rrrjiarcd by C. I. Hood S. Co., Lowell, Man. f 1.
ij rt dill euro all liver 1 lis. Bert
HOOd S HlllS nfter-ulmier .illt. 36c,
i Webster9
O i,
6 Jii
lnvalmihle in Office, School, nud iromv.
Successor of (hr
Slnndard nf tlio
V. H. (lov't 1'rliil-
ing onico, tho r.s.
Supreme Couit,ainl
ot nearly nil the
nriuly coin- (
mended by State ,
of Schools, and ,
other Kducators al
most without num
It If eaiv to find the word wanted.
Wortliare RlTen their correct nlpba'MUcal placet,
each una Is-KlnnluK a paraKmiifi,
It la easy to ascertain the pro mnclatlon.
'I lis nronilarlatton lui-liouii l.v Hi. iinlln irT ilia.
ciHlcally marked letter ud la Hi m liuvlbuoki. ,
It Is easy to trace the growtli l a ward.
'1 lieplvinolnriM are full, uli'l 111. ,1IIT tent menn.
Inns ai e liiven la Hie order v( tin r tii- t'luisueiit.
It Is canv to learn what n wnrd means.
Itfl il tinlrmns ore clear, rxpl nl fnll.fltnl .
e .. u jiL'iiiiaiueiiiu niier ti ii' l ' i,F'
c;. .C C. MlUlltlAil CO., l'ubUsIters,
- lai 'a pnaea, ei .er-r tmnei'llcatlca.
No rire Without a Little Smoke,
When wo are about
to do a wrong thing,
tnnmlly, our Con- -'
science warns us
against it.
If you sco a ninn
auoui to ian nun a i
hole, get run over, f
or walk deliberately
iilf a precipice, you
either bhoul at hfm
or try to pull him hack. j
When anything is going wrong in tho body
we are always warned.
If it Is our lungs, it is by pain and cough. ,
If it is our brain, it is by dullness and
If it is our heart, It is by faint spells or
If it is our nerves, it is by neuralgia. j
l'liln, cough, headache, palpitation and !
neuralgia are not di-onsos. They tiro simply j
symptoms or signs that something is wrong.
To stop these danger signals we must right
the wrong that is causing them. We cannot
do so by smothering them under plasters or
deadening tlieiu with opiates. ,
those syinptoins a're of the utmost importance
.Kidney ciisease(nas nut lew symptoms, but ,
and must not be neglected
A little headache, a little dizziness, dark
ness and pulliness under tho eyes, irregular
action of tlie bowels, had tasto in the mouth,
dryness of the skin, erruption and pimples
on tlie skin, pale or nilhnv complexion,
specks before the eyes, coldness of tho feet
mil legs, dimness ot visum, all point to
' li',,er disease or inactivity of the Kidneys
L ""I, u, -iKlli'1K tf. Yor. Thero i nlicHil.
Under the use of Dr. lIobb'sKparagus Kid
nny l'ills every symptom of diseased kidneys
disappears and tlie uillamed or overworked
organs once more it gain their health and
sparagns is nature's own remedy for the
kidneys and it is a wonder-worker.
Fifty cents per box, from all druggists, or
TIRTT ."Klv enclose 50 cts. in stamps
,iin0i3DS r silver diicot to the
rMei"m!. HOBIi'S
E . . Interesting and in
structive book on Kid-
cy Health and Illood
Filtering Free.
lllg Haul by rt Clever INirger.
SAN I''l!N(ilsuo, Jan. 7. A former, who
is thought to bo a Now- York export, has
just looted tho Nevada bank of SJJ.OOOand
Hod with the coin, without leaving a clow
by which the detoctlves can track him.
Ho had for somo timo been doing a brok
erage business in Tho Chroniclo building
under tho name of A. A. Holmes, and de
posited at tlio Nevada bank, whero ho be
came well known. On Dee. 11 ho pre
sented u check for ?iJ,(K) on tlio Crooker
Woolworth bank, of this city. Ho took
W0,(HK) in coin and left tho balnneo on de
posit. It now transpires that tho oheck
was originally for $ 12,havlng been "raised"
to fc:J,000.
IMayed with illaiit l'nwder.
PlTTsnuitu, Jan. 7. Chester V. McCor
klo, n young son of tho manager of n mine
at Dorseyville, is dead and licuben Fisher,
son of Row Mr. Klshor of tho same place,
Is dying, tho result of an explosion of
giant powder. Tho boys had scoured n
can of the powder and wero Intending to
mako "iiowder mines." Fisher, in sport,
threw some of tho powdor Into tho llamo
of a lamp carried by SIcCorklo, which
caused him to jump aside suddonly. Ho
dropped tho lump Into tho open can, caus
ing a terrillo explosion.
ltnlln'ri Defalcation Growing.
Omaha, Jan. 7. Tho roports of tlio ex
perts submitted to the city council last
night shows that tho entire defalcation of
ox-City Treasurer Henry Holln amounts
to nioro thau $115,000. An impression has
been circulated that tlio additional short
ago ot ?77,70J, which was only niado publlo
tho other day, represents simply an orror
in bookkeeping. Tho report shows that
this amount must bo added to tho $33,000
bhortago previously discovered.
A Free Coinage Hnbitltute.
Washikiiton, Jan. 7. Tho sonato
j ilnanco committee has decided to report as
n seiinto substltuto for tho house bond bill,
the measure agreed upon by tho silver ma
jority. Tho substltuto provides for tho free
eoluage of silver, for tho coinage of tho
seigniorage In tho treasury, and It makes
it optional with the secretary of tho treas
ury to redeem greenbacks and treasury
notes In either gold or silver.
Two Children Ilnrneil to Death.
Dallas, .Inn. 7. Two children of Abrnm
Ijconnrd wen burned to death six miles
south of Dallas Sunday night. Mr. and
Sirs. Leonard wero at church, a inilo from
their houso. which caught flro from some
unknown cause. Tlio children, It Is bo.
llovod, wero asleep on tholloor. Tho origin
of tho flro Is believed to havo been from
sparks from nu old fashioned ilreplaoe or
Held l'rUonura by Indians.
Flaostai'F, A. T., .Inn. 7. A courier
arrived from Squaw Tanks, forty-live
miles northeast of hero, with the nowstlmt
a band of Navajo Indians had three sheep
men corralled at that point. The sheriff
nmlporiso left for tho relief ot tho white
inoii and tci arrest the Indians. Tiro trou
ble nrlMts over the rights of the whites to
graze stock on the public lauds.
I'eter Mulicr Off for Texas.
1'lTrsiu uu, Jan. 7 IVtor Unbar anil
party left hero at i o'elouk this morning
for HI l'as , Tex., whero ho will arrive on
Friday morning and go into training nt
once for his flglit wltliFltzslmmoiis. Jerry
Marshall, the colored featherweight, who
is to meet George Dixon, Is one of thu
Hurklcn's Arnica Hnhe,
Tlio best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin oruptlons, and positively cults piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
S!5 cents per box. For salo by A . Wasley,
Huy Keystono flour. Bo euro that tho
namo Lkssio & Haku, Ashland, I'a., is
printed on overy sack, tf
There Never Was 11 Hetter Cure
, Than Van-Tina for t oughs, 35i .
1 rtfuhler JJrc ., drug store.
Sola throughout th world, nrltlah depot! F. Nlv.
VERY Ann BoitR, 1, Kloff Kdwird-lt. linden. l'OTTKE
J)kuo ft Ciiik. Coitr., Sole lropi Hueton, U. 8. A,
Judge flrnilli'y'fl Decision llelenstng Itlm
Iroin Custody Is Overruled.
Wasiiimiton, .Tnn. 7. Tlio sensational
Amies case, nrising out ot the arrest of
Captain Armos and bis confinement by
order ot General Schofleld, who was noting
secretary of war and jmt about retiring
from command of thonrmy, had another
sensational sequel yesterday, when tho
district court of appeals overruled th
order of Judge llradloy, who had released
Amies on writ of habeas corpus, and
ordered 1 1 is rearrest and that ho be re
manded to military custody. In Its opin
ion on tho ca-o tho court of appeals says'
that Judge Ilradley's action was erroneous
nnd should be everted with costs. Armos I
will probably tipxnl tho case to the United
States supreme court.
The decision of the oourt of appeals do-
dares that "this case Is not that of a civil-1
Inn ruthlessly imprLsonod by arbitrary j
military authority. Tim nppelleo is an
nllicer of tlie I'nlleil States army, entitled
to wear lis uniform, nnd to draw pay a
such, and, by express provision of the
statute law of the United States for the
government ot tho amy, niado subject to
tlio rules nnd articles of war and to trial
by court martial for any Infraction of
those articles. Xor Is ihu force of tho
statute broken by the fact that the duties
of a retired ollieer uro of an exceedingly
limited character, being restricted sub
stantially to 'drawing ills pay, reporting
his residence to tho war department
monthly and being assignable to duty at
tho soldiers' home nlidtoduty as professor
in any college.
Amies Is a retired army officer, with tho
rank of captain, and General Scholleld's
order for his arrest was based on nu al
leged Insulting and vituperative letter
sent by Amies denouncing tho general of
tho army.
Klectrlc Hitters.
KIcctric Hitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perhaps more generally needed in
tlie spring, wucn tlie laugulil exhausted
fct'lini! prevails, when tlie liver is tumid aud
sluggish and the need of a tonic and altera
tive is lelt. A prompt use ot this medicine
has often averted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act more
surely in counteracting and freeing the sys
tem from the malarial poison. Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Klectrlc Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle
nt A. Wasley's drug store.
rtuh'a Inaugural D.13.
salt Laki: City, Jan. ". Inaugural
day has been colcbr.itod as no oti c.- in ho
history of I'r.ili. Tho city was thiong'd
with visito. from oursldo points 1111 1 will,
thousands of homo people. Tho great pro
cession pres-ntod a magnificent spectacle
nsltwond-l its way to the Taliernaol",
which it rcuu'ii'd at noon, and which was
crowded to sul'foeiuion. Tho decorations
wro brilliant, witu bunting and eleetrlo
lights. Among tho decorations was the
largest American l.vt evur made, and by
moans of an ingeniously devised inean
d'scunt light tlio new star cast Its reful
gent rays upon tho patriotic thousands
who sat In tho gallery, and tho nudloneo
below. In bis innugurul address Governor
Wolls paid trllmto to tho sturdy pioneers,
nnd nil tho speeches breathed tho most
fervent pnrlotlsin.
ltelief In .Six Honrs.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This now
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving naln lu
the bladder, kidneys, hack and every part
01 1110 urinary passages in maio or lemalo.
It relieves retention of water and naln in
passing It almost immediately. If you want
ciuick rellet anil euro tins is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapiro, druggist, 107 South
Main street. ,
Doubt the HueeeMS of tho l.oau
k tin vrnv.fcT T.,.t t IT tl... I
closing tho department yesterday tho
t.,i.. 1 1 t , ..
Liumiii j "ultima iitiii it-ciiivi'il only It low
tetnfrrnms i,nnematln r fli, itnw l,vi n,..l
r ..u. ).,,,,
theso wero not of a character to imticato
now 1110 announcement Had neon received
throughout the country. It is understood
that neither the president nor Secretary
Cnrlislo place any reliunoo in the success
of tho loan except through tho aid nf tho
syndlcnto, notb-oauie of any lack of con
fidence, but for tho reason that tho gold of
tho country is very largely In the hands ot
tho bankers, who nro unwilling to part
with it except to their own inntorliil ad
vantage, especially at this time when It Is
nt 11 premium.
Many merchant are well aware that their
customers aro their best friends and take
pleasure in supplying them with the liest
goods obtainable. As an instance we men
tion l'crry & Cameron, prominent druggists
of Flushing, Michigan. They say: "Wo
have 110 hesitation in recommending Cliam
borlaln's Cough Jteinedy to our customers,
as it is tho best cough medicine wo havo
over sold, and nlways gives satisfaction."
For sale at -'5 and B0 cents per bottlo by
Grnhler Urns., druggists.
Coming Kveiils.
Jan. 18. Grand Wclcomo Meeting to llrlg
tidier liown nnd Ensign Gilbert, at Kvangollcal
Feb. 20. Suppor and entertainment under
the auspices of Council No, 81, Daughters of
Liberty, lu Hobblns' hall.
For a pjin in tho chest a piece of flauucl
dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Halm
and bound on over tho seat of tho pain, and
another on the back between tho shoulders,
will all'old prompt relief. This is especially
valuable in cases where the pain is caused
by a cold and thero is a tendency toward
pneumonia For salo by Giuhler Hros.,
Frigid Wcntlter in Now :iiRlnnd.
Boston, Jim. 7. Tjio mercury Is after
the record In this city. Yesterday It fell
to 10 degree below zero, tho lowest record
made nt tlio signal station slnco 1888.
Neighboring places sulTered more Kovorely.
At Hydo Park and Hevorly Farms It was
II below, and at Concord, Mas., 12 below.
Heports from all over Now Knglund show
a fall lu tonipernturo to between 10 nnd 18
degs. below zero. Mnny places In north
ern Now Kngland and tho lower provinces
report tho tenlpornturo from 20 to .10 below.
III thli city lunpltals woru alt biny yestcr
tlay attending to cases of frost bl to.
Two Killed While righting Fire.
ClttCAOo, Jan. 7. Flro caused tho loss
of two lives, the Injury of one iniiii and
tho destruction of two dwelling houses,
with their contents, at Whanton, Ills., a
suburb of this elty. In battling tho flro a
number ot men woro caught under a frill
ing chimney of ono ot the dwellings and
crushed. Tlio dead are: All.1 t trmnt, n
enrpenter, and Arthur Venon, employed
in a publishing houso In Chicago.
A Popular Writer for lliijs Dend.
Nl'.W YoiiK, Jan. 7. Colonel Thomas W.
Knox, a prominent member of tho I-itus
club and au author of stories of travel lor
boys, died suddenly, agod 00. Colon. l
Knox was known and beloved of nil boys
ns the author of tho "Hoy Traveler" series.
Ho gained his tltla through Appointment
on tho staff of tho governor of California,
though lie was a bravo soldier in i he civil
The Colorado Minn Disaster.
Victoh, Colo., Jan. 7. Up to a Into hour
last night none of tho ten miners stippn .ed
to hnvo been caught by tho cavo In a. ti.'
Anna Leu mlno on Saturday morning '.wi
been found by tho rescuing party whlen
had been at work since tho accident. It
Is not thought that any of tho men can
now beallvo.
Closing (Imitations ill tlio New York and
Philadelphia Kxclitliigc . j
Nkw Yoiik, .Ian. 0 Thero was a break 111 '
the stock market today as a result of the ac
tion of tlio administration in resorting to a
popular loan. Tlie arrangement Willi thu syn
dicate had been regarded as a foregone eon
elusion, and the result was a general decline
In prices. Closing bids:
llaltiuiore.t Ohio 3rtHi Now Jersey Con.. DO
Del. A; Hudson 121
N. Y. Central..
1)., L & W 1.111
Erie 1314
Lake Erlo & Y... 17tj
Lehlzli Nav Ml
Lehish Valley.. .. .
Pennsylvania ....
St. Paul
W.N. Y. ,c I'a....
Wost Shore
tlenernl Markets.
Putr.Aniu.piiiA, .fan. fl. Flour firms win
ter supcrllne. $J 'litti-'.'it); do. extras, $!.0ITs
!-'.83; Pennsylvania roller, clear, i'iSH.S'J; do.
do. straight, i'l.!i.Y&.:Vi; western winter.clcar, Wheat quiet, steady, with (17c. bid
und cifjfic'. aske I lor January. Corn steady,
dull, with S-SSg. bid and HJJtjC. asked for !
January. Oats ciuiet. steady, with liJlic. '
bid nud Lie. asked for January. Hay llrm;
choice timothy, tin. Heef firm. Pork higher:
mess. $'j.riUt&10; short clear. S10.SOai2.2fl: fane .
Ily, SlliJ4l0.2o. Lard firmer: western steam,
S" W). Hotter llrm; western creamery, lti2.ic,; I
do. factory, lUK'&l'f.; Elgin, 2."o.; Imitation
creamery, HBl'Jr.: New York dairy, 15. 'la;
do. creamery. IUhVJJHu.; Pennsylvania and
western creamery prints, extra, 23a; do,
choice. 24c: do. fair to good, '.i'SSJo.; prints
lobbing at 2iV8'.'Sta. Cheese quiet; large, "ii'd
10c.; Biuttll, 7.i31"c ; part skims, H'SDo.; full
Bklms, 2&ac l'.sii llrm; New York and
Pennsylvania, lu file.; ico house, 17Q21c.;
western fresli, --,(,; m.; southern, Sl&ilo.
LUn Stock Markets.
Nr.w Yoiik, Jan. 0 Beeves uctlvo; native
steers, poor to iirime, $11. 7"i; oxen and stags,
S2.U.5&4.G5; bulla. $2 Wlji.1.25; dry cows, 81.4113
a.2j. Calves steady; poor to prime veals,
fl; barnyard calves, $:1.2i5i3.75. Hheep firm;
lambs lower; poor to prime sheep, J2.M;j
3.G7K; common to choice lambs, 5ia5.50.
Hogs weak at $1,0111.01).
East Liiieutv, Pa., Jan. U. Cattle higher
on best grades: others unchanged; prime, 81
4.70; good butchers 83.5034: rough fat, 83B
3.50; bulls, cows and stags, S1.50&1. llozs ac
tive; Phlhulelphias, 84.254.5H: plgj, $4.15 a
4.25; heavy lions. $484.15; roughs, S4a4.1i.
Hheep active: extra, $3..Wa3.75; fair, 82.251!)
2.90; culls and common, SUM. 50; lambs slow,
$385.25; veal ctjves, $7Si7.7j.
Alurvclous ltcsults.
From a letter written by Itov. J. Gunder
man, of Dimondale, Mich., wc aro permitted
to make this extract : "I havo no hesitation
in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery,
as tho results were almost marvelous in tho
case of my wife. While I was pastor of the
Baptist church at Itivcs Junction sho was
brought down with Pneumonia succeeding
La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing
would last hours with little Interruption and
it seemed as if she could not survive them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
Discovery; it was quick in its work and
highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles
free at A. Wasley s drug store, llegular size
50c and $1.00.
Counterfeiter Caught In the Act.
St. Louis, Jau. 7. .Tallies W. Hlnko who
says ho has been 11 railroad man all his life,
was captured In a room on Pino streot yes
terday afternoon just as ho was preparing
to begin a job of counterfeiting. United
States Mur.-hal Lynch and Deputy Qiiuylo
can hi uiion him as ho was in the act of
melting tho metal, nnd captured a sot ol
piaster of pails molds for silver dollnrs
ami other implements. Ho win held for
trial on May 4. Tho oflleers jay ho is prob
ubly n member of a gang.
Investigating St. Louis' Fatal I'lre.
St. Louis, Jan. 7. A largo number of
wltnessos were examined yostorduy by
Coroner Wnit, who oommuueed tho In
quest over tho victims of the recont ox
plodon In whloh seven livei wore lost and
? 100,000 worth of property destroyed. The
concensus of opinion wns that the explo
sion was caused by llro, but nobody scents
to know how It started. Coronor Walt
adjourned tho inquost to enable tho city
chemist to oxnmlno tho cannon crackers
found in tho wreck.
Oklahoma's Hid Tor Statehood.
I'ElillY, O. T., Jim. 7. Tho statehood
convention meets tit Oklahoma City to
morrow, nnd will bo ono of tho inrgost
unit most interostlug over ueiti 111 iiKia
homa. The Democrats will fight for sin
gle statehood, while tho nopubllcnns will
probably Indorse Delegate Flynn's recent,
bill. It looks now in If tho Domiirnit'
havo captured the dolegates from Okla
homa for single statehood.
Not a few who read what Mr. Hobert
Howls, of Hollands, Va., has to say below,
will remembor their own experienco under
Hko circumstances. "Last winter I had la
grlppo which left mo In a low state of health.
I tried numerous remedies, nono of which
did mo any good, until I was induced to try
0 bottlo of Chamborlaln's Cough Itcmedy.
The first bottlo of it so far relieved 1110 that
1 was enabled to attend to my work, and tho
second bohtlo effected u euro " For salo at
25 and 50 Jcnts per bottlo by Guilder Hros.,
Thin people nro thin hecauso the food they
eat is not absorbed. liaisons, cither wrog
food, or right food undigested.
Kilts, oils ami grease will not mako any olio
fat. This Is because they aro Indigestible.
Thin people fiml It hard to digest their food.
Fatty foods make it still harder.
Have you ever noticed that almost with
out exception, thin, pale, dyspeptic, auw
mlc people have an aversion to fat? This is
of itself proof enough that such foods are
bad for them,
Let your palato tell you what to cat. Na
ture makes very few mistakes nnd wo shouli
listen to what sho soys.
Thin peoplo may become fatter, and dys
peptics moro comfortable by taking the
Shakor Digestho Cordial. It agrees witk
tho weakest stomach. It helps the weak
stomach digest other food. It is fattentut
and Invigorating in itself, lor it conuuti
urtlflcially digested food.
The Mount Lebanon Shakers have made ,i
great many interesting discoveries within
tho past hundred years, hut none more 1m
portant tlian this Ingenious cure for all dt
eases which are traceable to faulty digestion
A single 10 cent bottle will tell whether it i
adapted to your case, and can be had througk
any druggist.
SH tit lUU Colored Spota, Aclies, Old SorKS
SOIccrs la Month. Ilalr-Kalllngl Wrlto COOKE
lltKsrUDY CO., 111)7 Sln.onie TeinplcFfil
aL'lilcntro, HI., for proofs of cures CuiIH
Xtnl. WCOOjUOO. Worst circa cured In IBS
jilo ;.". I;iy. IOOimiko boot; free KJI
(Illicit h',Tliorouglily,
Forever Cured.
Four out of five wli
sitffor ncrvousnew.
mental worry, attacks
of "thoblues,"nrebtit
paying tho penalty of
early oxecssos. Vic.
tlins, reclaim your
manhood, regain your
vigor. Don't despair. Heivl for book with
explanation and proofs. Mailed (scaled) free.
ERIE MGAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y.
Don't be
end take some other
brand of cenden'-ed
mill. 4l.lnlr.nn- 1, U
"lust as good " as fl
It Has Mo Equal 6
ANli WOMEN, MS paircs; cloth noutidi se
curely sealed and mailed free. TreHtment by mall
strictly 'onlldentlal, and a positive, quick euro
EUarBnted. No matter bow long standing, I
wulpos Ively cure you. Write or call.
DR flRFS 329 N.I51hSt.Plilla.Pa.
VII nvUU 80 years' continuous practice
Celebralct! ypinn'
io.vums nnver nui.
fcatouiuluun I utter iillii.jr
with Taney und 1'ciinyioyBl 3'illa anl other llkt
remMwa). Alu&Ti buvlhe bat ftntl jivo.4 ilieatv-
rolrtmer.t. Ouarantewl nu-jerior to all ethers. rosUir-Jy
the Ifit In tlm market, A Ku. 1. Partlcuhl, 4 eta. I)r. S. rl
AilX. Hack Uay, JJosUu, Mas
Are YOU busy?
Hen of all Kinds Wear Clothes.
And our hinduc-H Is to innko Clotbei for all
KliuU of men.
Custom Tailor Made Suits
from 810.00 to 30.00. Trousers from 2.73
to S10.00.
We want a bright and energetic
man of large acquaintance! to solicit oiders fwr
them and it will pay him well to do it.
Address, S. J. 11.
15-21 Ijifnj ette Uace-JAi'w York. ,
Kovi.smnii 17, lBO'i.
Trnina will leave Hbeurtiidonli after the olov
date for Wiggling, tlllbeiton, l'mekiillo, Dark
Water, Ht. Clair, l'oitHville.lUlnburg, Heading,
l'otlstown, Pbofiiixrille, Norilfttowri nnd riul
ndelililii illroadi.trrctstatlnii)nt 0 0 nnd 11 4
n. m. and 1 15 p. in. on woek days. For rottK
vllleund llilenuedinte etntlona P 10 a. m.
For WlgKnns, ailberton. Frnefcvllle, Dnrlc
Water, fit. Clnlr, Pottsvllle, at 0 OS, 0 to a. m uuu
3 10 p.m. For Hamburg, Heading, I'otutown,
l'lioenlxvllie, Horrltown, l'liiladelpbiu utOO-
9 -10 a. in., :i 10 p. in.
Trains leave FracUvllle for Hlienandc-ali a.
1040a.m. nnd 1211, 5 01, 7 I'.' nnd 1027 p. in.
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 10 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle for Slienaiulonb at 10 15. 11
a. m. and f 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. m. Sunday at
10 40 n. in., 5 15 p. ill.
Leave Philadelphia, (llrnad street utatlon), for
Bhenandoah at 5 57 nnd 8 35 a. in., 4 10 and 711
p. m. week days. 8iinduyH leave ate 50 n. m,
Leave lli-ond street station, l'ldladeliiliia, fpr
Foa Olrt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, Ixing
llraneli, and interniedlato stations, G V), 8.SC1
11.39 a. 111., 3.80,4.00 n. m. week-days. SiiihIii.vh
(atop nt liiterlnken for Asbury Park). s.25n, m.
Leave llroad Street Stiition, Iliiladc)plilu,
Kinrem. week days. & 20. i 03. 4 50. 5 15. n.M
f 1, O 1, V M, V w, tUOUClflllllli; inri, ti w. ll I lu
m., 12 noon, 12 113 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. nj
I'llllllK ltrK, 1 u, il li'llllllK Collin ii M. Ill
6 00, 5 50 (Hilling Car), 6 00, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m
12 01 night. Huudays, U 20, 4 03, 4 50, 5 15, 8 (J
v u uu, iu uu 1 inning vnri, nuia 111., l itt. i
(l)illlUKClir). iO0(L(mltecl4 22).5 20. 55B 11)1
ing Car), 0 3.3, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 night.
uxpreas tor iioxton, witnotii cimngo, 11 00
111. wcrK iiujs, iinu u uu j). 111. uany.
Forllaltlmoro and Wasblnirton. a 50. 7 M. 8
9 12,1020,1121 a. 111., 12 CM (1231 Limited U
ing lliri. t yi, mn, 4 41 i I'J uongressio
Limited, Dining Car), 0 17, 6 55 (Dining OU
u (.iiiniug cur) p. in., ami 1203 nlglit w
days. Hundass, 3 50,720.0 12, 1123 o. in., 5
112,4 41.15 15 CongreiMloniil Limited. Dii
Cur), OSS (Dining Car), 7 40 p. m. (Dill
f,,rV,i,,.l l'l IV". ,,ll.l ' I
luvo SInrkct I5treet Ferry, Plilladelphln,
Hxprcsa, 8 50 it, 111., 210,100, nnd 5 po
week days. Kundu) a, 8 13 aud 0 45 a. in
For Cuiie Slav. Amrlehsea. Wlldwoi i
Holly Ileoeli, ltxpress.'JOOa. tu.. and I 1 1
week dnys, Hundnys, V 00 u. m
ForSeu Isle City, Oeeiin fit and A. H
Kipreas, 9 00 a, 111., and 4 00 p,iu. wei-l.
Bundays, 9 110 n, 111 I
For Homers Point Kiiiresfi 8 50 a. 111. J
4 00 p. in. week days, Sunday 8 45 it 111.
8. M FBKvotjfr J St. Wood,
tlen I Jlufmger tlttn'l Pass'g't
1 a i3