The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 07, 1896, Image 1

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A. Buhcss
I For Family Trade
PA' paper can take the plait of 3
the lleratd. It is read daily j
by every member of the family 3
Advertisers apprtttate this.
Knows the heme paper tomes
first, with heme bnvers. The
Herald blings trade that can j
not be reached in another ioav
VOL. XL-NO. 15.
J. R. Williams 8c Son,
First-class NAork at Low Prices.
All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed
and Ironed, 10c; shirts Ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, 7c;
underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c.
?C !
Oil s ra
-J U , 3 .g
2 I B s
co t s
fZTVlV eta cu c .
crt Sgi S -J E
Fancy Java, or
1 , Our
Ingard to Tea, we occupy a front rank, all our Teas being very
' carefully selected by competent judges, and a trial order will
convince you that we can please the most fastidious customers.
We offer nothing but good grades that are noted for quality,
color and flavor, and they are
S. Main St.
At a Great Reduction.
Wc still have a good assort
ment, and tit the prices they
ore now being offered they
will not last long.
T No. 2"7
rj N. Main St.
Chinese Laundry,
Man, supplied with reasoning and dis
cerning powers, may improve his con
dition by the exercise of these faculties.
This can be applied with very good
effect in the purchase of Coffees and
Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends
not only on the making but the brand
of Coffee, the grade, the roasting and
preparation are very important factors.
We feel confident that we can meet all
those requirements. A delicious cup
of Coffee is a certainty if you use
our Fancy Blended Coffee.
sold at popular prices
Spanish Troops Wholly Unable to
With Them.
It 1b Evident That1 the Flan of Campaign of
the Cuban Patriots Is Not an Im
mediate Attack on the Strongly
Guarded Capital.
Havana, Jan. 7. Little nows la received
In this city regarding tho movements ol
either tho Spanish or Cuban forces, the
lines of communication being cut In every
direction out of llnvnuu. Kuough In ro
poried from points in the provlnco of Pinal
del Hlo, however, to show that tho Insurg
ent columns hnvo covered a wldo territory
In that province and nro unceasingly do
Btroying tho sugar cano and damaging the
tobacco crop. At Cabanas, a seaport town
of considerable Importance on tho north
ern const tho Insurgents havo destroyed
the lighthouse.
The destruction of Gulrn Molcnu seems
to havo been complete. Gulra Mclcna 1
nn Important vlllago of 4,000 Inhabitants
Bltuatcd In a fertllo district. Tho report
from there said that tho insurgents plun
dered tboclmrcli. Hi" business houses, tht
stores and private ro.idencus, and then de
stroyed them entirely. They are also Sidd
to have killed the mayor and n prominent
merchant of tho place. Similar tales conic
from other towns In tho routo of tho In
surgents' inarch. Guam, a small village
east of Guira Mulunii and west of Guinea,
was also burned.
Tho mayor of tho vllliago of San Felipe,
It Is said, was Intent upon olTorlug a vlg
orous resistance to tho Invasion of his
town by tho insurgents. Tho mayor's
tomorlty eausjd much suprlso to Maximo
Gomez, and his forces set about to burn
tho village. Tho citizens went to tho mnyoi
with a request that ho offer no resistance
to Gomez, ami thereupon, says tho report,
he desisted.
The zone Included in tho country about
tho villages of Qulvican, Duran and San
Fellpo in tho southern partof tho province
of Havana, has boon swept clean by tlit
destructive touch of tho lnsurgonts, and
the plantations of Salvador, Julia, San
Augustln, Santa Toresa, Morccdlta, Mora
and Mirosa havo been burned.
Incoming trains from tho south are
bringing in vast throngs of refugees, men,
women and children, some of whom have
been burned out,;jf houso and home, but
"most of whoih lira sflnply fleeing from fear
of violence, having hastily gathered to
gether a few household goods. This largo
infusion of paulo stricken people into the
city's population spreads n, contagion of
alarm, and tho force and proximity of tho
insurrection becomes mora real to tho
mind of Havana overy hour.
Saturday night a torpedo was oxplodcd
ln.front of tho Corona cigar manufactory
In tho city. No ono was hurt, and tho flro
that resulted was extinguished without
much damage, but tho incident has a sin
ister look and is a tangible expression of n
thing that oven tho most hopeful citizous
fear, and that Is an outbreak in tho city of
disaffected eloinonts in casotho insurgents
should cotno within reach of nn effort at
co-operating in such an attempt.
Loud disclalinorsf are being uttered by
tho authorities hero that thoy havo nuy
fear for tiio wolfaro of the city. It is
pointed out that tho city is well fortllled,
being protected by tho strong fortress
Morro, and being garrisoned by tho Cn
bannes, Prlncipo, Alaros, Santa Clara and
Kclna troops, with heavy artillery, and
by !X),000 volunteers, with 10,000 most loyal
citizens in tho city willing to take arms.
With these forces at command tho au
thorities express tho opinion with great
confidence that It would bo impossible for
tho Insurgents to capture tho city unless
thoy wore provided with siego artillery.
It is claimed that only small bands of
insurgents aru engaged in tho operations,
under Gomez, ami that thoy aro successful
only In small towns. Tho opinion again
holds hero that tho movement of tho In
surgents Is dlroctod against tho country
districts, and although preparations havo
been imulo hero against u possibles surprise,
there is no present fear of an attack.
Watson House Free Lunch,
Kxccllcnt hut lunch to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Sprained an Ankle.
Itobcrt Parker, a hoy employed as a driver
on ono of tho banks of tho Wont Shenandoah
colliery, is suffering from u fcpraiucd ankle
sustained by tho unexpected tipping uf a
Ilurguius In (ium Hunts.
We are now oli'erlug great bargains iu gain
boots. Wo savo you tiio middleman's pro Ills.
These goods now go below factory pricos.
Call early at tho ( .-
Factory Siiok Store,
1-7-St llcddall's Illdg.
1'or Sttlo Cheap.
A lot of household goods to ho sold at
sacrifice prices. Apply at 23 Kast Centre
street. l-7-3t
Another Terrible Accident at tho Lukc
1'ldlcr 3llne.
SltAMOKts, I'a ,Tun. 7. While- four
workinon were being lowered Into tho new
shaft of the Luko Fidlcr initio tho "billy,"
Which balances tho elevator, nnd which
weighs about 1,000 pounds, fell upon them
Without warning. They were initnntly
killed, their bodies being crushed so hor
ribly as to make them unrocognlzablo.
Tho victims wore: James Merrltt, aged 25
years, leaves wldowand ono child; Stephen
Merrltt, aged 2a, leaves widow and ono
tlilld; Patrick Lynch, aged 33, single;
l'eter Dobert, aged 23, leaves widow and
fmo child. All resided at .Springfield, Pa.
Tho men wore engaged in sinking tho
new shaft, nud were hoisted to tho top to
eat breakfast. An hour later tho two
Merritts, Lynch and Itobcrt stopped into
tho shalf bucket nud were being lowered
Into tho workings, but when tho bucket
had descended about 800 feet Englneor
Brown noticod a jarring of tho ropo and
Immediately stopped tho machinery. Tho
Workmen on top found that tho bucket
Was no longer attached to tho wiro rope,
nud thoy rigged up another bucket nnd
wero slowly lowpred to tho bottom of tho
shaft, whoro they found tho other bucket
splintered and tho mangled nnd bleeding
remains of their four ill fated comrades
scattered over the rocky floor.
All of tho poor fellows wero dead. The
shaft bucket In which tho four men met
their sudden death was guided In Its up
Ward unddownward journeys by hlgcross
pieces nnd arms, known as the "billy,'
ahd weighing half a ton. Tho wiro ropj
passed through tills "billy," and it is sup
posed that. Ice formed on tho ropo while
tho workmen wero eating their meal. The
bucket Ii.'i4s.d tin, tpn 111 uiifntv ilt tin.
"billy" was caught by It, and tho bucket
hhd'iidod several hundred feet before
till' heavy weight caused tho ico to give
Way and allowed tiio "billy" to fall upon
the men who wero In tho bucket. It is
not thought that thoy wero nwaro of tlieit
Tho colliery has been idio sinco Oct. S,
18!' 1, when the mine was set on flro by a
careless workman and six lives wero lost,
four of tho bodies not being recovered for
nearly a ye-ir. Holicrt was a brother of
oUo of the victims of tho former disaster.
Ilnllfil to Death In Cllur.
I'Htl.ADHi.PiiiA, Jan. T.-Georgo Woilnn,
49 years old. employed nt tho gl-ie works
of IJehmey & Co., on Ucriuuda street, fell
into a vat of boiling gluo yestcrdav, and
dentil insulted. It was with tho greatest
dlfilculty that tho corps,) Was removed
from tho stickv material, where it would
soon have b.-e.i boiled into small frag
ments. The body then was almost byond
ree.iinltlon. a.i 1 it required great care on
of tv men to prevent tho corpse
from being dlsiiioinbered through haud-
At lll'i-en's lilalto CU'.
Puree of pea soup, an excellent free lunch
for all pitrons to-night. Call between tl o
Kreo hot lunch every morning.
Meals served at all hours.
Mr. Gorman does- to (lirarilvllte.
Thomas F. Gorman, who for tho past two
years has kept a saloon and restatinmt at the
comer of Main and Coal streets, is about to
retire from business hero and return to the
scenes of his earlier successes iu Girardville.
This announcement will be a sotirco of sur
prise as well as icgret to many of our towns
men and all will join in wishing prosperity
when ho returns to ins old Held of pursuit
Mr. Gorman lias been one of our most
prominent and worthy townsmen ami has
won a reputation as a caterer of exceptional
ability. It is tho knowledge of this that
makes tho announcement rather unwelcome.
but Mr. Gorman has personal reasons for u
change of location and his most intimate
friends feel that lie is justified in taking the
step. I ho peoplo of Girardvillo will bo for
tunate iu having Mr. Gorman return to their
town, as it will bo an assuranco of givin
tho town a first-class hostelry, and all tow us
aro open for such additions. Mr. Gorman
has proven himself a very popular host dur
ins his short stay here, and his dcpartuie
will bo regretted deeply by his many friends
who wish htiu unbounded success in his new
Kemlrlck House Free Lunch.
Vegetable soup tn-uiglN.
A (loud Show,
Lowell Mason, advance representative of
the 1-dicing Muster," called at tho Hkiiai.d
othco this morning, and requested us to say
that Ids company had arricd iu ton u and
would give an excellent performance to
night. Ho also stated tint it didn't take
him long to find out the medium through
which to reaeli the theatre-goers. His com
pany is a good ono.
lteiuelilber Yourself
To your friends by having your photogmphs
taken at lillliniier Ilrus., wheie entire satis
faction is guaranteed.
Chimney llloekeil.
An alarm of fire from tho south cud of
Main street was responded to by tho Hie do
partment last night. A chimney in a house
on tho old skating riuk property was tho
cam ot trouble. It was blocked with soot,
which became Ignited. Owing to difficulty
m reaching tiio point the llreuieu were
obliged to run a line of booo to tho roof and
down tho chimney
Felt boots at factory prices at tho Factory
Shoo Store, Ileddall building. l-7-3t
htrulm-d lllniseir.
lieubeii Kose, tho well known foot lxill
player, is sullurlng fropi strains of the body
sustained while engaged lu throw ing a chain
from a wagon at the top of a slopo at tho
West Shenandoah colliery, but tho Injuries
are uot very serious.
Scliellly Huuite.
liuf lmich to-night.
Oysters, Clams.
At, tho bar: All tho delicacies of the season
In every stylo.
To-night the Assembly.
Society will bo out lu forco to-night to at
tend tho Mid-Winter Assembly at ltobhins'
oiwra house. Many people from different
parts of this and neighboring counties nrrl veil
in town to-day to attend tho oveut.
Tho Anglo Lamp gives most light for tho
least uioucy. For sale at Hruuim's. 1-7-tf
Sentences Given Where Pleas of "Guilty"
Were Made.
The Grand Jury Falls to Indict Chief Bur
gess Burns and Chief of Police Tosh.
Coyne, Jenkins and Harklna
Special to Kyenino lllUIALll.
Potthvillb, Jan. 7. The first day's work
of the Grand Jury closed with 31 bills
acted upon. Among tho most interesting of
tiio cases disposed of was that against Jamos
b. toyno, who was formerly on aEent at Gir
ardvillo for tho Prudential Insurance Com
pany. Tho case aroused interest on account
of tho wido acquaintance tho accused has in
tho county and tho fact that it was tho first
of tho kind iu tho county In which extreme
measures havo been taken.
Iast April Mr. Gcorgo T. Llewellyn, tho
superintendent for tho company, with head
quarters at Shenandoah, discovered that
Coyno had made collections to the amount of
J31.00 and failed to turn over the lnuncy.
Coyne was given six months in which to
make tho amount good and, having failed to
do so, was arrested on complaint of tho
American Surety Company of New York,
which was on Coyne's bond. Yesterday the
case was before tho Grand . Jury
and a true bill was found. Im
mediately after Coyne went before the
court and pleaded guilty. Judge llechtel
imposed a sentence of (111 days imprisonment
$10 line, costs of tho ease and lestoration of
the amount claimed, benjamin II. Monroe,
repiesenting the Surety Company, was in
attendance at court to press the ease to trial
il tiie plea had uot been made.
Another case disposed of was that against
Itiiliard Jenkins, liieiiard hoarded lu a
bouse kept by a relative of Mary 11. Walker,
who was also an occupant, and a discussion
about ii meal arose, terminating in Iiichard
attempting to assault the woman. Cries of
"1'olico !" ended the allair and Iiichard was
arrested. He pleaded guilty and lecelved a
sentence of 30 days, $1 line and costs.
Tho grand jury lias found a true bill
against Michael Igo, also of Shenandoah, for
There arc almost 200 cn-os on the criminal
court calendar and it is said that over halfaaf
them are against residents of Shenandoah
and vicinity.
Iu the Orphans' Court, Mary and IMward
Walsli, minor children of Michael Walsh,
late of Shenandoah, deceased, have pe
titioned the court to appoint their mother
their guardian. The real estate Involved is
estimated at $3,0011.
Judge llechtel has overruled the exceptions
filed to the report of the auditor ill tho cuso
of 1!. F. Potter against George Folmor.
Constable Thomas Siott, of K.lst Union
township, caused a stir in imirt by stating
that a certain man is living iu open adultery
in the township, while bis wife is an humto
of the almshouse. The names of tho parties
were not disclosed, lint the case will bo tho
subject of an investigation.
The report of viewers favoring the division
of tiie West wanl of Gilbeiton into two
wards was confirmed by the court.
William Harkins, of Shenandoah, was in
dicted this morning for stealing leather from
Joseph Hall, lie also went before the court
and pleaded guilty to the charge and was
sentenced to 30 days imprisonment and pay
$1 flue and costs.
In tho six cases against Chief of Police
Tosh and Chief llurgess Hums tho Grand
Jury this morning ignored tho billsund put
the costs, amounting to $130.30, on the
prosecutors. These cases were based on
charges of extortion, false imprisonment and
misdemeanor iu ollieo made against the
officers by six men who were arrested for
creating u disturbance at a wedding on West
LLyd stieet and were returned to court by
Justice llierstein.
Judge Savage is presiding iu Court Xu. 2
Tho court this morning appointed Ldward
J. McCaffrey tax collector iu Itcilly townsliip.
to fill tho vacancy caused by the deatii of his
brother, Thomas. Several peoplo residing iu
Shenandoah are on the deceased's bond and
tho appointment will inteiost them.
riNi: f.Mir.itwi: ui.
Will lio sold very cheap at MAX LLYIT'S,
the Up-to-date hatter, IS Last Centre street.
diuiii-.. ir f7i.iiti.iiiu
Captain Gcorgo II. Davis, who had rhargo
of tho local corps of thoSalvatioiiAiiny from
August llth, last, until tho 5th lust., to-day
lelt lor i.Mcago, III. lleroro leaUngho made
a report showing that during his stay hero ho
held 1 15 open-air meetings with a total
attendance of 2,4!I7, and 201 in-door meetings
with a total attendance of ll.WJii; mado3U3
family visits, devoted 5504 hours to tho visits,
and 10 people professed conversion at tho in
door meetings. Tho War Crys sold numbend
IbiW, tho total receipts from collections at
meetings, etc., wore $s!5S..ri2, and the disbur-e-llieuts
Yalo two-step, The Girl I Love and all the
latest music, at Ilruium's. 1-7-tf
A rrcou Out,
Tho thermometer in the school room under
the P. M. church dropped to ll)0 yesteiday
and refused to go aboo that figure. Miss
llcilis' class was transferred to tho West
street building, sharing u room witli Miss
Williams' class.
llig Cuiitraets,
W. M. llrewer, president uf tho Columbia
Itrowiiig Company, this morning made u con
tract for -10,000 bushels of malt to bo inado of
tho choicest Minnesota barley, to bo used iu
thoiuiautifacture of Columbia's "Hest in TUB
Would," Ho has purchased a year's supply
of choice Xow York, Pacific Coast, llolicmian
and bavarian hops.
Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Iianjo ami
Autoharp strings at Ilruium's. 1-7-tf
Married This Morning.
Tho marriage of Mr. John Fcclcy, of Xew
Philadelphia, to Miss Colla McGctttgan,
sister of Fathor McGcttlgan, was celebrated
at St. Joseph's church, Ashland, at 0 o'clock
tits morning.
116 and 118 North Main Street.
We most heartily express
our thanks for thj kind patron
age you have given us the
past year and shall endeavor
to continue in the new year,
not only to please you as
heretofore, but try our best to
pass our old established record,
anu serve you fully to your
With Respects,
of Holderman's Jewelry
Store and windows are
unsurpassed in Eastern
Prices Low.
We caught on to several
barrels of the finest Mackerl
hist week , that we ever saw.
Some Norways,
fat juciy ami white as any mack
erl grow, weight ito lbs.
Another lot of small ones, elegant
color, texture and flavor, weight
about y lbs. each.
122 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah